// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// File: S M G E N P S P . C P P
// Contents: The rendering of the UI for the network status monitor.
// Notes:
// Author: CWill 6 Oct 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "foldinc.h"
#include "ncatlui.h"
#include "ncnetcon.h"
#include "ncperms.h"
#include "ncui.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "nsres.h"
#include "sminc.h"
#include "smpsh.h"
#include "windutil.h"
#include "conprops.h"
#include "oncommand.h"
#include "pidlutil.h"
#include "openfold.h"
#include "..\folder\confold.h"
#include "cfpidl.h"
DWORD MapRSSIToWirelessSignalStrength(int iRSSI); PCWSTR PszGetRSSIString(int iRSSI);
// Function Prototypes
VOID CompressionToSz(UINT uiCompression, WCHAR* pchbuffer);
// Common Strings
extern const WCHAR c_szNetShellDll[];
// Constants
const UINT c_unLocalRefreshTimerID = 817; const INT c_iSignalStrengthIconXOffset = 24; const INT c_iSignalStrengthIconYOffset = -32;
// ShowLanErrors
static const WCHAR c_szRegKeyStatmonRoot[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network\\Connections\\StatMon"; static const WCHAR c_szShowLanErrors[] = L"ShowLanErrors";
// forward declaration
DWORD PropertyThread(CNetStatisticsEngine * pnse);
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::CPspStatusMonitorGen
// Purpose: Creator
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nil
CPspStatusMonitorGen::CPspStatusMonitorGen() : m_psmEngineData(NULL), m_pnseStat(NULL), m_dwConPointCookie(0), m_fStats(FALSE), m_ncmType(NCM_LAN), m_ncsmType(NCSM_LAN), m_dwCharacter(0), m_dwLastUpdateStatusDisplayTick(0), m_fProcessingTimerEvent(FALSE), m_fIsFirstPage(FALSE), m_iLastSignalStrength(-100) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon); }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::FinalRelease
// Purpose: Called after last Release.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nil
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::FinalRelease(VOID) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon); (VOID) HrCleanupGenPage(); }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::HrInitGenPage
// Purpose: Before the property page is populated, we have to make sure
// that we have some of the required data. This method
// initializes the page so that it is ready to be shown.
// Arguments: pnseNew - The statistics engine associated with this page
// pncNew - The connection the page is being created for
// Returns: Error code
HRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::HrInitGenPage ( CNetStatisticsEngine* pnseNew, INetConnection* pncNew, const DWORD * adwHelpIDs) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; INetStatisticsEngine* pnseInter = pnseNew; AssertSz(pnseNew, "We don't have a pnseNew");
// Set context help ID
m_adwHelpIDs = adwHelpIDs;
// Initialize the engine data
AssertSz(!m_psmEngineData, "We should't have a m_psmEngineData");
DWORD dwBytes = sizeof(STATMON_ENGINEDATA); PVOID pbBuf; hr = HrCoTaskMemAlloc(dwBytes, &pbBuf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_psmEngineData = reinterpret_cast<STATMON_ENGINEDATA *>(pbBuf); ZeroMemory(m_psmEngineData, sizeof(STATMON_ENGINEDATA)); }
// Advise the interface
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IConnectionPoint* pcpStat = NULL;
hr = ::HrGetPcpFromPnse(pnseInter, &pcpStat); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INetConnectionStatisticsNotifySink* pncsThis = this;
hr = pcpStat->Advise(pncsThis, &m_dwConPointCookie);
::ReleaseObj(pcpStat); } }
// Keep track of our owner
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { AssertSz(!m_pnseStat, "We should't have a m_pnseStat"); m_pnseStat = pnseNew; ::AddRefObj(pnseInter); }
TraceError("CPspStatusMonitorGen::HrInitGenPage", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnInitDialog
// Purpose: When the page comes up, initialize the fields
// Arguments: Standard command parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnInitDialog ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon); // initialize data member
m_iStatTrans = Stat_Unknown;
// Initialize the icon in the dialog by forcing it to change
// Tell the CNetStatisticsEngine about our parent property sheet
// so if someone attempts to bring up a statistics monitor we
// can utilize the existing one
Assert(m_pnseStat); m_pnseStat->SetPropsheetWindow(GetParent());
// Start our local refresh timer with a 1 second period.
SetTimer (c_unLocalRefreshTimerID, 1000, NULL);
// leaving creating mode
BOOL fEnableDisconnect = TRUE; // Should we disable the Disconnect button
BOOL fEnableProperties = TRUE; // Should we disable the Properties button
BOOL fShowErrorCount = TRUE; switch(m_ncmType) { case NCM_LAN: case NCM_BRIDGE: fEnableDisconnect = FHasPermission(NCPERM_LanConnect); fEnableProperties = FHasPermission(NCPERM_LanProperties); if(!FIsShowLanErrorRegKeySet()) { fShowErrorCount = FALSE; } ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_ERROR), fShowErrorCount); ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_SM_ERROR_TRANS), fShowErrorCount); ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_SM_ERROR_RECV), fShowErrorCount); ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_FRM_LONG), fShowErrorCount); ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_FRM_SHORT), !fShowErrorCount); // reversed...
break; case NCM_SHAREDACCESSHOST_RAS: ::SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(IDC_PSB_DISCONNECT), ::SzLoadIds(IDS_SM_PSH_DISCONNECT)); // If RAS connection, change the "Disable" button to "Disconnect"
case NCM_SHAREDACCESSHOST_LAN: { // TODO fEnableDisconnect
// TODO fEnableProperties
fShowErrorCount = FALSE; // no error stuff in spec
} break; case NCM_TUNNEL: ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_SM_SPEED_LABEL), FALSE); ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_SM_SPEED), FALSE); //fallthru
case NCM_DIRECT: // REVIEW correct?
case NCM_ISDN: case NCM_PHONE: case NCM_PPPOE: fEnableDisconnect = FHasPermission(NCPERM_RasConnect); if ( (m_dwCharacter & NCCF_INCOMING_ONLY) || ((m_dwCharacter & NCCF_ALL_USERS) && !FHasPermission(NCPERM_RasAllUserProperties)) || (!(m_dwCharacter & NCCF_ALL_USERS) && !FHasPermission(NCPERM_RasMyProperties)) ) { fEnableProperties = FALSE; } ::SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(IDC_PSB_DISCONNECT), ::SzLoadIds(IDS_SM_PSH_DISCONNECT)); // If RAS connection, change the "Disable" button to "Disconnect"
::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_ERROR), fShowErrorCount); ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_SM_ERROR_TRANS), fShowErrorCount); ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_SM_ERROR_RECV), fShowErrorCount); ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_FRM_LONG), fShowErrorCount); ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_FRM_SHORT), !fShowErrorCount); // reversed...
break; default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Unknown media type"); break; } ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_PSB_DISCONNECT), fEnableDisconnect); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_PSB_PROPERTIES), fEnableProperties);
if (m_fIsFirstPage) { // get window handle to propertysheet
HWND hwndParent=GetParent(); Assert(hwndParent);
// center the property sheet on desktop
FCenterWindow (hwndParent, NULL); // hide the "ok" button
::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDOK), FALSE); }
return TRUE; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnSetActive
// Purpose: Enable statistics when the page has focus
// Arguments: Standard notification parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnSetActive ( INT idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
// Only turn them on if they are not running
if (!m_fStats) { hr = m_pnseStat->StartStatistics(); m_fStats = TRUE; }
// User's intent is to view statistics, so give them an immediate
// refreshed view of them.
TraceError("CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnSetActive", hr); return LresFromHr(hr); }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnKillActive
// Purpose: Disable statistics when the page is changed
// Arguments: Standard notification parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnKillActive ( INT idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
// Only turn them off if they are running
if (m_fStats) { hr = m_pnseStat->StopStatistics(); m_fStats = FALSE; }
TraceError("CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnKillActive", hr); return LresFromHr(hr); }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnClose
// Purpose: Cleans up the items in the page when the dialog is being
// closed
// Arguments: Standard command parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnClose ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { return DestroyWindow(); }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnDestroy
// Purpose: Cleans up the items in the page when the dialog is being
// destroyed
// Arguments: Standard command parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnDestroy ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
HWND hwndIcon = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDI_SM_STATUS_ICON); HICON hOldIcon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(::SendMessage( hwndIcon, STM_GETICON, 0, 0));
if (hOldIcon) { DestroyIcon(hOldIcon); }
AssertSz(m_pnseStat, "We should have a m_pnseStat");
// Make sure we don't get released during our destroy
// Stop our local refresh timer
KillTimer (c_unLocalRefreshTimerID);
// Make sure stats are in a happy state
if (m_fStats) { (VOID) m_pnseStat->StopStatistics(); m_fStats = FALSE; }
// *** Do this last ***
// It is very likely this will result in the this page being destroyed
// if it is the window closing
// Clean up all the interfaces
hr = HrCleanupGenPage();
m_iLastSignalStrength = -100;
TraceError("CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnDestroy", hr); return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::HrCleanupGenPage
// Purpose: Cleans out all the interfaces that are used by the open page
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Error code
HRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::HrCleanupGenPage ( VOID) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; INetStatisticsEngine* pnseStat = m_pnseStat;
// Only disconnect if we haven't already.
if (pnseStat) { // Unadvise the interface
IConnectionPoint* pcpStat = NULL;
if (m_dwConPointCookie && (SUCCEEDED(::HrGetPcpFromPnse(pnseStat, &pcpStat)))) { (VOID) pcpStat->Unadvise(m_dwConPointCookie);
// Very important to zero the cookie. This tells
// OnStatisticsChanged that we're no longer interested in updates.
m_dwConPointCookie = 0; }
if (m_psmEngineData) { CoTaskMemFree(m_psmEngineData); m_psmEngineData = NULL; }
// *** Do this last ***
// It is very likely this will result in the this page being destroyed
// if it is the window closing
m_pnseStat = NULL; ::ReleaseObj(pnseStat); }
TraceError("CPspStatusMonitorGen::HrCleanupGenPage", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnContextMenu
// Purpose: When right click a control, bring up help
// Arguments: Standard command parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnContextMenu(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& fHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
if (m_adwHelpIDs != NULL) { ::WinHelp(m_hWnd, c_szNetCfgHelpFile, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)m_adwHelpIDs); } return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnHelp
// Purpose: When drag context help icon over a control, bring up help
// Arguments: Standard command parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnHelp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& fHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
LPHELPINFO lphi = reinterpret_cast<LPHELPINFO>(lParam); Assert(lphi);
if ((m_adwHelpIDs != NULL) && (HELPINFO_WINDOW == lphi->iContextType)) { ::WinHelp(static_cast<HWND>(lphi->hItemHandle), c_szNetCfgHelpFile, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)m_adwHelpIDs); }
return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnDisconnect
// Purpose: When the disconnect button is hit, disconnect the connection
// and closes the dialog
// Arguments: Standard notification parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnDisconnect(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& fHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
switch (wNotifyCode) { case BN_CLICKED: case BN_DOUBLECLICKED: { hr = HrDisconnectConnection(); } }
TraceError("CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnDisconnect", hr); return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnRaiseproperties
// Purpose: Bring up the property of this connection
// Arguments: Standard notification parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnRaiseProperties(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& fHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
switch (wNotifyCode) { case BN_CLICKED: case BN_DOUBLECLICKED: {
// Addref m_pnseStat object
AddRefObj(static_cast<INetStatisticsEngine *>(m_pnseStat));
// Make sure the netshell.dll is not unloaded
HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary(c_szNetShellDll); HANDLE hthrd = NULL;
// Create the property sheet on a different thread
if (hInst) { DWORD dwThreadId; hthrd = CreateThread(NULL, STACK_SIZE_TINY, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)PropertyThread, (LPVOID)m_pnseStat, 0, &dwThreadId); }
if (NULL != hthrd) { CloseHandle(hthrd); } else { /// Release m_pnseStat object on failure
ReleaseObj(static_cast<INetStatisticsEngine *>(m_pnseStat));
// release the dll
if (hInst) FreeLibrary(hInst);
hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); } } }
TraceError("CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnRaiseproperties", hr); return 0; }
DWORD PropertyThread(CNetStatisticsEngine * pnse) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Create a new scope since FreeLibraryAndExitThread will not call destructors on global scope
{ TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
BOOL fUninitCom = TRUE;
// Initialize COM on this thread
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INetConnection* pncMonitor = NULL;
// Get the INetConnection
Assert (pnse); hr = pnse->HrGetConnectionFromBlob(&pncMonitor);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrRaiseConnectionProperties(NULL, pncMonitor); } ReleaseObj(pncMonitor); }
if (fUninitCom) { CoUninitialize(); }
// release input interface
ReleaseObj(static_cast<INetStatisticsEngine *>(pnse));
TraceError("PropertyThread", hr); }
// release the library we loaded
FreeLibraryAndExitThread(GetModuleHandle(c_szNetShellDll), hr);
return 1; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::HrDisconnectConnection
// Purpose: disconnect the connection and closes the dialog if succeeded
// Arguments: fConfirmed TRUE if the user has confirmed to disconnect the connection
// Returns: Standard return
HRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::HrDisconnectConnection(BOOL fConfirmed) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
Assert (m_pnseStat);
// Get the INetConnection
INetConnection* pncMonitor;
hr = m_pnseStat->HrGetConnectionFromBlob(&pncMonitor); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { PCONFOLDPIDL pidlConnection;
hr = HrCreateConFoldPidl(WIZARD_NOT_WIZARD, pncMonitor, pidlConnection); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CONFOLDENTRY ccfe;
hr = pidlConnection.ConvertToConFoldEntry(ccfe); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the pidl for the Connections Folder
PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER pidlFolder; hr = HrGetConnectionsFolderPidl(pidlFolder); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the Connections Folder object
LPSHELLFOLDER psfConnections;
hr = HrGetConnectionsIShellFolder(pidlFolder, &psfConnections); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrOnCommandDisconnectInternal(ccfe, m_hWnd, psfConnections); ReleaseObj(psfConnections); } } } }
// release INetConnection interface
ReleaseObj(pncMonitor); }
// If anything above failed.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (S_OK == hr) { // close the property sheet
HWND hwndPS = ::GetParent(m_hWnd);
// Push the Close ("Cancel") button to close dialog
::PostMessage(hwndPS, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(IDCANCEL, 0), (LPARAM)::GetDlgItem(hwndPS, IDCANCEL)); } else { // Disconnect confirmation canceled. Do nothing (don't close
// statmon, anyway).
AssertSz(S_FALSE == hr, "Disconnect != S_OK or S_FALSE, but succeeded? What is it then?"); } } else { TraceError("pncMonitor->Disconnect", hr);
// Warn the user and don't close if we couldn't disconnect
TraceError("CPspStatusMonitorGen::HrDisconnectConnection", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnSetCursor
// Purpose: Ensure the mouse cursor over the Property Sheet is an Arrow.
// Arguments: Standard command parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnSetCursor ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
if (LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT) { SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); }
return FALSE; }
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnTimer ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
// Prevent same-thread re-entrancy. Any Win32 call made while
// processing this event that return control to the message
// loop may cause this timer to fire again.
if (!m_fProcessingTimerEvent) { m_fProcessingTimerEvent = TRUE;
// If we're within 200 milliseconds of the last time we updated the
// status display, don't bother doing it again. This covers the case
// where our timer coincides with the timer in smcent which would
// would cause us to update the status display twice in rapid
// succession each time the timers fire.
DWORD dwTick = GetTickCount (); if (dwTick > m_dwLastUpdateStatusDisplayTick + 200) { OnUpdateStatusDisplay (uMsg, 0, m_dwChangeFlags, bHandled); }
m_fProcessingTimerEvent = FALSE; } return 0; }
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnUpdateStatusDisplay( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwChangeFlags = (DWORD)lParam;
// We may be in the process of disconnecting the statistics page in
// which case m_dwConPointCookie will be zero.
if (m_dwConPointCookie) { Assert (m_psmEngineData);
STATMON_ENGINEDATA* psmNewData = NULL; hr = m_pnseStat->GetStatistics(&psmNewData);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && psmNewData) { if (m_psmEngineData) { //
// Display the new stats
UpdatePage(m_psmEngineData, psmNewData);
// Update the icon image
// Note the clock tick of when we last updated
// the status display.
m_dwLastUpdateStatusDisplayTick = GetTickCount();
// Replace the old data with the new
CoTaskMemFree(m_psmEngineData); }
m_psmEngineData = psmNewData; } } else { TraceTag (ttidStatMon, "CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnStatisticsChanged called but we've " "been closed. Ignoring."); } TraceError("CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnUpdateStatusDisplay", hr); return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnStatisticsChanged
// Purpose: This is the callback that tell the property page that the
// data on the page has changed
// Arguments: dwCookie - The cookie of the connection that has changed
// dwChangeFlags - What has changed
// Returns: Error code
STDMETHODIMP CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnStatisticsChanged( DWORD dwChangeFlags) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
::PostMessage (m_hWnd, PWM_UPDATE_STATUS_DISPLAY, 0, dwChangeFlags); return S_OK; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePage
// Purpose: Fill the fields on the page with new data
// Arguments: pseOldData - The old stats being displayed on the page
// pseNewData - The new stats being displayed on the page
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePage ( STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseOldData, const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz(pseOldData, "We don't have a puiOld"); AssertSz(pseNewData, "We don't have a puiNew");
// Update the dialog fields
UpdatePageConnectionStatus(pseOldData, pseNewData);
UpdatePageDuration(pseOldData, pseNewData);
UpdatePageSpeed(pseOldData, pseNewData);
// If the StatMon is not getting any bytes (a common problem with net
// cards), display packets instead
if (ShouldShowPackets(pseNewData)) { // Only change the label if we have to
if (Stat_Packets != m_iStatTrans) { SetDlgItemText(IDC_TXT_SM_BYTES_LABEL, ::SzLoadIds(IDS_SM_PACKETS)); m_iStatTrans = Stat_Packets;
// Force a refresh
UpdatePageBytesTransmitting(pseOldData, pseNewData, Stat_Packets); UpdatePageBytesReceiving(pseOldData, pseNewData, Stat_Packets); } else { // Only change the label if we have to
if (Stat_Bytes != m_iStatTrans) { SetDlgItemText(IDC_TXT_SM_BYTES_LABEL, ::SzLoadIds(IDS_SM_BYTES)); m_iStatTrans = Stat_Bytes;
// Force a refresh
UpdatePageBytesTransmitting(pseOldData, pseNewData, Stat_Bytes); UpdatePageBytesReceiving(pseOldData, pseNewData, Stat_Bytes); }
UpdatePageCompTransmitting(pseOldData, pseNewData); UpdatePageCompReceiving(pseOldData, pseNewData);
UpdatePageErrorsTransmitting(pseOldData, pseNewData); UpdatePageErrorsReceiving(pseOldData, pseNewData); }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::ShouldShowPackets
// Purpose: Decided whether to show bytes or packets
// Arguments: pseNewData - The new stats being displayed on the page
// Returns: Nothing
BOOL CPspStatusMonitorGen::ShouldShowPackets(const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
return (0 == pseNewData->SMED_BYTESTRANSMITTING) && (0 == pseNewData->SMED_BYTESRECEIVING); }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageSpeed
// Purpose: Updates the speed display on the general page
// Arguments: pseOldData - The old stats being displayed on the page
// pseNewData - The new stats being displayed on the page
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageSpeed( const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseOldData, const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz(pseOldData, "We don't have a pseOldData"); AssertSz(pseNewData, "We don't have a pseNewData");
// Get the data and see if either is different
FormatTransmittingReceivingSpeed ( pseNewData->SMED_SPEEDTRANSMITTING, pseNewData->SMED_SPEEDRECEIVING, achBuffer);
// Set the control text.
SetDlgItemText(IDC_TXT_SM_SPEED, achBuffer); } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageConnectionStatus
// Purpose: Update the connections field on the property page
// Arguments: puiOldData - The old stats being displayed on the page
// puiNewData - The new stats being displayed on the page
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageConnectionStatus( const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseOldData, const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz(pseOldData, "We don't have a pseOldData"); AssertSz(pseNewData, "We don't have a pseNewdata");
// Update the Connection Status
// Make sure our strings are still intact
if (idsConnection == IDS_SM_CS_DISCONNECTED) { // close the property sheet
HWND hwndPS = ::GetParent(m_hWnd);
TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "Closing Status Monitor page because status was: DISCONNECTED"); // Push the Close ("Cancel") button to close dialog
::PostMessage(hwndPS, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(IDCANCEL, 0), (LPARAM)::GetDlgItem(hwndPS, IDCANCEL)); } else { SetDlgItemText(IDC_TXT_SM_STATUS, ::SzLoadIds(idsConnection)); } } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageIcon
// Purpose: Update the icon on the property page
// Arguments: dwChangeFlags - The new changed state
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageIcon ( DWORD dwChangeFlags) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
// If either of these have changed, change the icon
// so we'll know to update the icon
if (((SMDCF_TRANSMITTING | SMDCF_RECEIVING) & m_dwChangeFlags) != ((SMDCF_TRANSMITTING | SMDCF_RECEIVING) & dwChangeFlags)) { HICON hStatusIcon = 0; HWND hwndIcon = NULL;
// Get the new icon
hStatusIcon = GetCurrentConnectionStatusIconId(m_ncmType, m_ncsmType, m_dwCharacter, dwChangeFlags); if (hStatusIcon) { hwndIcon = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDI_SM_STATUS_ICON);
// Set the icon to the new one
HICON hOldIcon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(::SendMessage( hwndIcon, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM)hStatusIcon, 0));
DestroyIcon(hOldIcon); } }
// Keep the flags for the next update
m_dwChangeFlags = dwChangeFlags; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdateSignalStrengthIcon
// Purpose: Update the icon on the property page
// Arguments: iRSSI - The new signal strenghth
// Returns: Nothing
inline VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdateSignalStrengthIcon ( INT iRSSI) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
if (0 == iRSSI) { if (0 != m_iLastSignalStrength) { ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_TXT_SM_SIGNAL_STRENGTH), SW_HIDE); ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDI_SM_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_ICON), SW_HIDE); }
m_iLastSignalStrength = iRSSI;
return; } else { if (0 == m_iLastSignalStrength) { ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_TXT_SM_SIGNAL_STRENGTH), SW_SHOW); ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDI_SM_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_ICON), SW_SHOW); } } INT idStatusIcon = 0; m_iLastSignalStrength = iRSSI;
// Get the new icon
idStatusIcon = IDI_802_11_LEVEL0 + MapRSSIToWirelessSignalStrength(iRSSI);
HWND hwndSignalStrength = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDI_SM_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_ICON); Assert(hwndSignalStrength); if (hwndSignalStrength) { HDC hdcSignalStrength = ::GetDC(hwndSignalStrength); Assert(hdcSignalStrength); if (hdcSignalStrength) {
HICON hIconSignalStrength = LoadIconTile(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(idStatusIcon)); Assert(hIconSignalStrength); if (hIconSignalStrength) { ::DrawIconEx(hdcSignalStrength, c_iSignalStrengthIconXOffset, c_iSignalStrengthIconYOffset, hIconSignalStrength, 48, 48, 0, NULL, DI_IMAGE | DI_MASK); DestroyIcon(hIconSignalStrength); }
::ReleaseDC(hwndSignalStrength, hdcSignalStrength); } } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdateSignalStrengthIcon
// Purpose: Update the icon on the property page
// Arguments: iRSSI - The new signal strenghth
// Returns: Nothing
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorGen::OnPaint ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
PAINTSTRUCT ps; BeginPaint(&ps); UpdateSignalStrengthIcon(m_iLastSignalStrength); EndPaint(&ps);
bHandled = TRUE; return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageDuration
// Purpose: Updates the duration display on the general page
// Arguments: pseOldData - The old stats being displayed on the page
// pseNewData - The new stats being displayed on the page
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageDuration( const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseOldData, const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz(pseOldData, "We don't have a pseOldData"); AssertSz(pseNewData, "We don't have a pseNewData");
// Get the see if either is different
if (pseOldData->SMED_DURATION != pseNewData->SMED_DURATION) { tstring strDuration;
// Format the time duration as a string
FormatTimeDuration(pseNewData->SMED_DURATION, &strDuration);
// Set the control
SetDlgItemText(IDC_TXT_SM_DURATION, strDuration.c_str()); } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageBytesTransmitting
// Purpose: Updates the bytes Transmitting display on the general page
// Arguments: pseOldData - The old stats being displayed on the page
// pseNewData - The new stats being displayed on the page
// iStat - The which stats to display
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageBytesTransmitting( const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseOldData, const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData, StatTrans iStat) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz(pseOldData, "We don't have a pseOldData"); AssertSz(pseNewData, "We don't have a pseNewData");
AssertSz(((Stat_Packets == iStat) || (Stat_Bytes == iStat)), "We have an invalid iStat");
UINT64 ui64Old; UINT64 ui64New;
if (Stat_Bytes == iStat) { ui64Old = pseOldData->SMED_BYTESTRANSMITTING; ui64New = pseNewData->SMED_BYTESTRANSMITTING; } else { ui64Old = pseOldData->SMED_PACKETSTRANSMITTING; ui64New = pseNewData->SMED_PACKETSTRANSMITTING; }
// See if either is different
if (ui64Old != ui64New) { SetDlgItemFormatted64bitInteger( m_hWnd, IDC_TXT_SM_BYTES_TRANS, ui64New, FALSE); } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageBytesReceiving
// Purpose: Updates the bytes receiving display on the general page
// Arguments: puiOld - The old stats being displayed on the page
// puiNew - The new stats being displayed on the page
// iStat - The which stats to display
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageBytesReceiving( const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseOldData, const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData, StatTrans iStat) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz(pseOldData, "We don't have a puiOld"); AssertSz(pseNewData, "We don't have a puiNew"); AssertSz(((Stat_Packets == iStat) || (Stat_Bytes == iStat)), "We have an invalid iStat");
UINT64 ui64Old; UINT64 ui64New;
if (Stat_Bytes == iStat) { ui64Old = pseOldData->SMED_BYTESRECEIVING; ui64New = pseNewData->SMED_BYTESRECEIVING; } else { ui64Old = pseOldData->SMED_PACKETSRECEIVING; ui64New = pseNewData->SMED_PACKETSRECEIVING; }
// See if either is different
if (ui64Old != ui64New) { SetDlgItemFormatted64bitInteger( m_hWnd, IDC_TXT_SM_BYTES_RCVD, ui64New, FALSE); } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageCompTransmitting
// Purpose: Updates the compression transmitting display on the general
// page
// Arguments: pseOldData - The old stats being displayed on the page
// pseNewData - The new stats being displayed on the page
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageCompTransmitting( const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseOldData, const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz(pseOldData, "We don't have a pseOldData"); AssertSz(pseNewData, "We don't have a pseNewData");
// See if either is different
CompressionToSz(pseNewData->SMED_COMPRESSIONTRANSMITTING, achBuf);
SetDlgItemText(IDC_TXT_SM_COMP_TRANS, achBuf); } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageCompReceiving
// Purpose: Updates the compression receiving display on the general page
// Arguments: pseOldData - The old stats being displayed on the page
// pseNewData - The new stats being displayed on the page
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageCompReceiving( const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseOldData, const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz(pseOldData, "We don't have a puiOld"); AssertSz(pseNewData, "We don't have a puiNew");
// see if either is different
CompressionToSz(pseNewData->SMED_COMPRESSIONRECEIVING, achBuf);
SetDlgItemText(IDC_TXT_SM_COMP_RCVD, achBuf); } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageErrorsTransmitting
// Purpose: Updates the compression transmitting display on the general
// page
// Arguments: pseOldData - The old stats being displayed on the page
// pseNewData - The new stats being displayed on the page
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageErrorsTransmitting( const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseOldData, const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz(pseOldData, "We don't have a pseOldData"); AssertSz(pseNewData, "We don't have a pseNewData");
// See if either is different
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageErrorsReceiving
// Purpose: Updates the compression receiving display on the general page
// Arguments: pseOldData - The old stats being displayed on the page
// pseNewData - The new stats being displayed on the page
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CPspStatusMonitorGen::UpdatePageErrorsReceiving( const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseOldData, const STATMON_ENGINEDATA* pseNewData) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz(pseOldData, "We don't have a pseOldData"); AssertSz(pseNewData, "We don't have a pseNewData");
// see if either is different
if (pseOldData->SMED_ERRORSRECEIVING != pseNewData->SMED_ERRORSRECEIVING) { SetDlgItemFormatted32bitInteger ( m_hWnd, IDC_TXT_SM_ERROR_RECV, pseNewData->SMED_ERRORSRECEIVING, FALSE); } }
// Function: CompressionToSz
// Purpose: To format nicely BPS into a readable string
// Arguments: uiCompression - The amount of compression
// pchBuffer - The Buffer to receive the string
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CompressionToSz ( UINT uiCompression, WCHAR* pchBuffer) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
AssertSz((((INT)uiCompression >= 0) && ((INT)uiCompression <= 100)), "Invalid compression");
wsprintfW(pchBuffer, L"%lu %%", uiCompression); }
// Function: FIsShowLanErrorRegKeySet
// Purpose: Check if the registry key is set:
// System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\Connections\StatMon\ShowLanErrors
// Arguments:
// Returns: Nothing
BOOL CPspStatusMonitorGen::FIsShowLanErrorRegKeySet() { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
HKEY hkeyStatmonRoot = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network\\Connections\\StatMon\\ShowLanErrors"
hr = ::HrRegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegKeyStatmonRoot, KEY_READ, &hkeyStatmonRoot);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Assert(hkeyStatmonRoot);
DWORD dwValue =0; hr = HrRegQueryDword(hkeyStatmonRoot, c_szShowLanErrors, &dwValue);
if SUCCEEDED(hr) { fRet = !!dwValue; } RegCloseKey(hkeyStatmonRoot); }
return fRet; }