// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Defines the class MigrateEapConfig.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MigrateEapConfig.h"
#include "raseapif.h"
#include "iasapi.h"
const wchar_t MigrateEapConfig::profilesPath[] = L"Root\0" L"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\0" L"RadiusProfiles\0";
MigrateEapConfig::MigrateEapConfig( const CGlobalData& newGlobalData ) : globalData(newGlobalData), msNPAllowedEapType(L"msNPAllowedEapType"), msEapConfig(L"msEAPConfiguration") { memset(cachedTypes, 0, sizeof(cachedTypes));
long status = eapKey.Open( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RAS_EAP_REGISTRY_LOCATION, KEY_READ ); if (status != NO_ERROR) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(status)); } }
void MigrateEapConfig::Execute() { long profilesId; globalData.m_pObjects->WalkPath(profilesPath, profilesId);
long profileId; _bstr_t profileName; HRESULT hr = globalData.m_pObjects->GetObject( profileName, profileId, profilesId );
for (long index = 1; SUCCEEDED(hr); ++index) { ReadProfile(profileId); WriteProfile(profileId);
hr = globalData.m_pObjects->GetNextObject( profileName, profileId, profilesId, index ); } }
void MigrateEapConfig::ReadProfile(long profileId) { // Clear the data from the previous profile.
_bstr_t propName, propValue; long varType; HRESULT hr = globalData.m_pProperties->GetProperty( profileId, propName, varType, propValue );
for (long index = 1; SUCCEEDED(hr); ++index) { if (propName == msNPAllowedEapType) { if (varType != VT_I4) { _com_issue_error(E_UNEXPECTED); }
AddConfigForType(propValue); }
hr = globalData.m_pProperties->GetNextProperty( profileId, propName, varType, propValue, index ); } }
void MigrateEapConfig::WriteProfile(long profileId) { if (profileConfig.IsEmpty()) { return; }
_variant_t configVariant; _com_util::CheckError( profileConfig.Store(configVariant) );
const SAFEARRAY* sa = V_ARRAY(&configVariant); VARIANT* begin = static_cast<VARIANT*>(sa->pvData); VARIANT* end = begin + sa->rgsabound[0].cElements;
for (VARIANT* i = begin; i != end; ++i) { _com_util::CheckError( IASVariantChangeType(i, i, 0, VT_BSTR) );
globalData.m_pProperties->InsertProperty( profileId, msEapConfig, (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY), _bstr_t(V_BSTR(i)) ); } }
void MigrateEapConfig::AddConfigForType(const wchar_t* typeName) { BYTE typeId = static_cast<BYTE>(_wtol(typeName));
GetGlobalConfig(typeId, typeName);
EapProfile::ConstConfigData data; globalConfig.Get(typeId, data);
_com_util::CheckError( profileConfig.Set(typeId, data) ); }
void MigrateEapConfig::GetGlobalConfig(BYTE typeId, const wchar_t* typeName) { // Have we already retrieved the config for this type?
if (cachedTypes[typeId]) { return; }
long status;
CRegKey providerKey; status = providerKey.Open(eapKey, typeName, KEY_READ); if (status != NO_ERROR) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(status)); }
DWORD dataType; wchar_t clsidString[40]; DWORD dataLength = sizeof(clsidString); status = RegQueryValueExW( providerKey, RAS_EAP_VALUENAME_CONFIG_CLSID, 0, &dataType, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(clsidString), &dataLength ); if (status == NO_ERROR) { if ((dataType != REG_SZ) || (dataLength < sizeof(wchar_t))) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA)); }
IEAPProviderConfig2Ptr configObj(clsidString); if (configObj != 0) { EapProfile::ConfigData data; _com_util::CheckError( configObj->GetGlobalConfig( typeId, &(data.value), &(data.length) ) ); _com_util::CheckError( globalConfig.Set(static_cast<BYTE>(typeId), data) ); } } else if (status != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(status)); }
cachedTypes[typeId] = true; }