// Copyright(C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: ProxyServerHelper.cpp
// Project: Windows 2000 IAS
// Description: Implementation of CProxyServerHelper
// Author: tperraut
// Revision 02/24/2000 created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "GlobalTransaction.h"
#include "GlobalData.h"
#include "ProxyServerHelper.h"
#include "Objects.h"
#include "Properties.h"
CStringUuid::CStringUuid() { UUID uuid; RPC_STATUS Result = UuidCreate(&uuid); if ( (Result == RPC_S_OK) || (Result == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY) ) { Result = UuidToStringW( &uuid, &stringUuid ); if ( Result != RPC_S_OK ) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(Result)); // long
} } else { _com_issue_error(E_FAIL); } }
CStringUuid::~CStringUuid() { RpcStringFreeW(&stringUuid); }
const wchar_t* CStringUuid::GetUuid() { return stringUuid; }
const CProxyServerHelper::Properties CProxyServerHelper::c_DefaultProxyServerProperties[] = { { L"Server Accounting Port", VT_I4, }, { L"Accounting Secret", VT_BSTR, }, { L"Server Authentication Port", VT_I4, }, { L"Authentication Secret", VT_BSTR, }, { L"Address", VT_BSTR, }, { L"Forward Accounting On/Off", VT_BOOL, }, { L"Priority", VT_I4, }, { L"Weight", VT_I4, }, { L"Timeout", VT_I4, }, { L"Maximum Lost Packets", VT_I4, }, { L"Blackout Interval", VT_I4, }, // add next properties below and in the enum
const unsigned int CProxyServerHelper::c_NbDefaultProxyServerProperties = sizeof(c_DefaultProxyServerProperties) / sizeof(c_DefaultProxyServerProperties[0]);
// Construction/Destruction
CProxyServerHelper::CProxyServerHelper( CGlobalData& GlobalData ):m_GlobalData(GlobalData)
{ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c_NbDefaultProxyServerProperties; ++i) { _PropertiesArray TempProperty; TempProperty.Name = c_DefaultProxyServerProperties[i].Name; TempProperty.Type = c_DefaultProxyServerProperties[i].Type; m_PropArray.push_back(TempProperty); } }
// SetName
void CProxyServerHelper::SetName(const _bstr_t& Name) { m_Name = Name; }
// CreateUniqueName
void CProxyServerHelper::CreateUniqueName() { CStringUuid uuidString; m_Name = uuidString.GetUuid(); }
// SetAccountingPort
void CProxyServerHelper::SetAccountingPort(LONG Port) { // base 10 Will never change
WCHAR TempString[MAX_LONG_SIZE]; m_PropArray.at(ACCT_PORT_POS).StrVal = _ltow(Port, TempString, 10); }
// SetAccountingSecret
void CProxyServerHelper::SetAccountingSecret(const _bstr_t &Secret) { m_PropArray.at(ACCT_SECRET_POS).StrVal = Secret; }
// SetAuthenticationPort
void CProxyServerHelper::SetAuthenticationPort(LONG Port) { // base 10 Will never change
WCHAR TempString[MAX_LONG_SIZE]; m_PropArray.at(AUTH_PORT_POS).StrVal = _ltow(Port, TempString, 10); }
// SetAuthenticationSecret
void CProxyServerHelper::SetAuthenticationSecret(const _bstr_t &Secret) { m_PropArray.at(AUTH_SECRET_POS).StrVal = Secret; }
// SetAddress
void CProxyServerHelper::SetAddress(const _bstr_t& Address) { m_PropArray.at(ADDRESS_POS).StrVal = Address; }
// SetForwardAccounting
void CProxyServerHelper::SetForwardAccounting(BOOL bOn) { m_PropArray.at(FORWARD_ACCT_POS).StrVal = bOn? L"-1": L"0"; }
// SetPriority
void CProxyServerHelper::SetPriority(LONG Priority) { WCHAR TempString[MAX_LONG_SIZE]; m_PropArray.at(PRIORITY_POS).StrVal = _ltow(Priority, TempString, 10); }
// SetWeight
void CProxyServerHelper::SetWeight(LONG Weight) { WCHAR TempString[MAX_LONG_SIZE]; m_PropArray.at(WEIGHT_POS).StrVal = _ltow(Weight, TempString, 10); }
// SetTimeout
void CProxyServerHelper::SetTimeout(LONG Timeout) { WCHAR TempString[MAX_LONG_SIZE]; m_PropArray.at(TIMEOUT_POS).StrVal = _ltow(Timeout, TempString, 10); }
// SetMaximumLostPackets
void CProxyServerHelper::SetMaximumLostPackets(LONG MaxLost) { WCHAR TempString[MAX_LONG_SIZE]; m_PropArray.at(MAX_LOST_PACKETS_POS).StrVal = _ltow(MaxLost,TempString,10); }
// SetBlackoutInterval
void CProxyServerHelper::SetBlackoutInterval(LONG Interval) { WCHAR TempString[MAX_LONG_SIZE]; m_PropArray.at(BLACKOUT_POS).StrVal = _ltow(Interval, TempString, 10); }
// Persist
void CProxyServerHelper::Persist(LONG Parent) { if ( !Parent ) { _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); }
// Create a server in the servergroup (m_Objects)
LONG BagNumber; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->InsertObject( m_Name, Parent, BagNumber );
// then set all the properties (m_Properties)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c_NbDefaultProxyServerProperties; ++i) { if ( !m_PropArray.at(i).StrVal ) { // property not set
continue; }
m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->InsertProperty( BagNumber, m_PropArray.at(i).Name, m_PropArray.at(i).Type, m_PropArray.at(i).StrVal ); } }
// operator = (cleanup and copy)
CProxyServerHelper& CProxyServerHelper::operator=(const CProxyServerHelper& P) { if ( this != &P ) { m_GlobalData = P.m_GlobalData; m_Name = P.m_Name; PropertiesArray TempArray;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c_NbDefaultProxyServerProperties; ++i) { _PropertiesArray TempProperty; TempProperty.Type = P.m_PropArray.at(i).Type; TempProperty.Name = P.m_PropArray.at(i).Name; TempProperty.StrVal = P.m_PropArray.at(i).StrVal;
TempArray.push_back(TempProperty); } m_PropArray.swap(TempArray); } return *this; }
// copy constructor
CProxyServerHelper::CProxyServerHelper(const CProxyServerHelper& P) :m_GlobalData(P.m_GlobalData) { m_Name = P.m_Name;
PropertiesArray TempArray;
m_PropArray.reserve(c_NbDefaultProxyServerProperties); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c_NbDefaultProxyServerProperties; ++i) { _PropertiesArray TempProperty; TempProperty.Type = P.m_PropArray.at(i).Type; TempProperty.Name = P.m_PropArray.at(i).Name; TempProperty.StrVal = P.m_PropArray.at(i).StrVal;
TempArray.push_back(TempProperty); } m_PropArray.swap(TempArray); }