// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
// File: ntgcond.cpp
// NTGCond.cpp: implementation of the CNTGroupsCondition class.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "NTGCond.h"
#include "textsid.h"
// Construction/Destruction
CNTGroupsCondition::CNTGroupsCondition(IIASAttributeInfo* pCondAttr, ATL::CString& strConditionText, HWND hWndParent, LPTSTR pszServerAddress ) :CCondition(pCondAttr, strConditionText) { m_fParsed = FALSE; // parsing needed
m_hWndParent = hWndParent; m_pszServerAddress = pszServerAddress; }
CNTGroupsCondition::CNTGroupsCondition(IIASAttributeInfo* pCondAttr, HWND hWndParent, LPTSTR pszServerAddress ) :CCondition(pCondAttr)
{ m_fParsed = TRUE; // no parsing needed
m_hWndParent = hWndParent; m_pszServerAddress = pszServerAddress; }
CNTGroupsCondition::~CNTGroupsCondition() {
// Function: CNTGroupsCondition::Edit
// Synopsis: call user/group picker to pick NT groups
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT -
// History: Created Header byao 2/23/98 3:45:35 AM
HRESULT CNTGroupsCondition::Edit() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNTGroupsCondition::Edit"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CComPtr<IIASAttributeEditor> spIASGroupsAttributeEditor;
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_IASGroupsAttributeEditor, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IIASAttributeEditor, (LPVOID *) &spIASGroupsAttributeEditor ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } if( ! spIASGroupsAttributeEditor ) { return E_FAIL; }
CComVariant varGroupsCondition;
V_VT(&varGroupsCondition) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&varGroupsCondition) = SysAllocString( (LPCTSTR) m_strConditionText );
// We need to pass the machine name in somehow, so we use the
// otherwise unused BSTR * pReserved parameter of this method.
CComBSTR bstrServerAddress = m_pszServerAddress;
hr = spIASGroupsAttributeEditor->Edit( NULL, &varGroupsCondition, &bstrServerAddress ); if( S_OK == hr ) {
// Some casting here to make sure that we do a deep copy.
m_strConditionText = (LPCTSTR) V_BSTR(&varGroupsCondition);
// Next time we are asked for display text, we want to make sure that we
// get call the IASGroupsAttributeEditor again.
m_fParsed = FALSE; } if( FAILED( hr ) ) { ShowErrorDialog(NULL, IDS_ERROR_OBJECT_PICKER, NULL, hr ); }
return hr; }
// Function: CNTGroupsCondition::GetDisplayText
// Synopsis: get display text for NT groups
// Arguments: None
// Returns: ATL::CString - display string
// History: Created Header byao 2/23/98 3:47:52 AM
ATL::CString CNTGroupsCondition::GetDisplayText() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNTGroupsCondition::GetDisplayText");
ATL::CString strDispText; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( !m_fParsed) {
CComPtr<IIASAttributeEditor> spIASGroupsAttributeEditor;
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_IASGroupsAttributeEditor, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IIASAttributeEditor, (LPVOID *) &spIASGroupsAttributeEditor ); if ( FAILED(hr) || ! spIASGroupsAttributeEditor ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_NTGCONDITION, "CoCreateInstance of Groups editor failed."); ShowErrorDialog(NULL, IDS_ERROR_PARSE_CONDITION, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_strConditionText, hr ); strDispText = _T(""); return strDispText; }
CComVariant varGroupsCondition;
V_VT(&varGroupsCondition) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&varGroupsCondition) = SysAllocString( (LPCTSTR) m_strConditionText );
CComBSTR bstrDisplay; CComBSTR bstrDummy;
// We need to pass the machine name in somehow, so we use the
// otherwise unused BSTR * pReserved parameter of this method.
CComBSTR bstrServerName = m_pszServerAddress; hr = spIASGroupsAttributeEditor->GetDisplayInfo( NULL, &varGroupsCondition, &bstrDummy, &bstrDisplay, &bstrServerName ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { m_strDisplayCondText = bstrDisplay; } if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_NTGCONDITION, "Invalid condition syntax"); ShowErrorDialog(NULL, IDS_ERROR_PARSE_CONDITION, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_strConditionText, hr ); strDispText = _T(""); return strDispText; }
CComBSTR bstrName; hr = m_spAttributeInfo->get_AttributeName( &bstrName ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ); strDispText = bstrName;
{ ATL::CString matches; matches.LoadString(IDS_TEXT_MATCHES); strDispText += matches; }
strDispText += _T("\""); strDispText += m_strDisplayCondText; strDispText += _T("\"");
DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_NTGCONDITION, "GetDisplayText() returning %ws", strDispText); return strDispText; }
// Function: CNtGroupsCondition::GetConditionText
// Synopsis: Get the condition text for this condition.
// We just need to add the NTGroups prefix to it
// Arguments: None
// Returns: WCHAR* - condition text
// History: Created Header byao 2/22/98 11:38:41 PM
WCHAR* CNTGroupsCondition::GetConditionText() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNTGroupsCondition::GetConditionText");
WCHAR *pwzCondText; pwzCondText = new WCHAR[m_strConditionText.GetLength()+128];
if (pwzCondText == NULL) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_NTGCONDITION, "Error creating condition text, err = %x", GetLastError()); ShowErrorDialog(NULL, IDS_ERROR_SDO_ERROR_GET_CONDTEXT ); return NULL; }
// now form the condition text
wcscpy(pwzCondText, NTG_PREFIX); wcscat(pwzCondText, _T("(\"") ); wcscat(pwzCondText, (LPCTSTR)m_strConditionText); wcscat(pwzCondText, _T("\")"));
DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_NTGCONDITION, "GetConditionText() returning %ws", pwzCondText);
return pwzCondText; }