// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Defines the class Database.
#include "ias.h"
#include "database.h"
#include "dbconfig.h"
#include "xmlwriter.h"
const ULONGLONG Database::blackoutInterval = 2 * 10000000ui64;
Database::Database() throw () : state(AVAILABLE), blackoutExpiry(0) { }
Database::~Database() throw () { }
HRESULT Database::FinalConstruct() throw () { return pool.FinalConstruct(); }
STDMETHODIMP Database::Initialize() { DWORD len = sizeof(computerName) / sizeof(wchar_t); if (!GetComputerNameW(computerName, &len)) { computerName[0] = L'\0'; }
return Accountant::Initialize(); }
STDMETHODIMP Database::Shutdown() { ResetConnection(); return Accountant::Shutdown(); }
STDMETHODIMP Database::PutProperty(LONG Id, VARIANT *pValue) { // We only process one property. Everything else is proxied to our base
// class.
if (Id != PROPERTY_ACCOUNTING_SQL_MAX_SESSIONS) { return Accountant::PutProperty(Id, pValue); }
// Check the arguments.
if (pValue == 0) { return E_POINTER; } if (V_VT(pValue) != VT_I4) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// This is a good time to reread the LSA config as well.
CComBSTR newInitString; CComBSTR dataSourceName; HRESULT hr = IASLoadDatabaseConfig( 0, &newInitString, &dataSourceName ); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Did the config change?
if (!initString || !newInitString || (wcscmp(initString, newInitString) != 0)) { OnConfigChange(); initString.Attach(newInitString.Detach()); }
return S_OK; }
void Database::Process(IASTL::IASRequest& request) { // Quick precheck so we don't waste time if the database isn't configured.
if (initString) { RecordEvent(0, request); } }
void Database::InsertRecord( void* context, IASTL::IASRequest& request, const SYSTEMTIME& localTime, PATTRIBUTEPOSITION first, PATTRIBUTEPOSITION last ) { XmlWriter doc; doc.StartDocument();
doc.InsertElement(L"Computer-Name", computerName, XmlWriter::DataType::string);
static const wchar_t eventSourceName[] = L"Event-Source"; switch (request.get_Protocol()) { case IAS_PROTOCOL_RADIUS: { doc.InsertElement(eventSourceName, L"IAS", XmlWriter::DataType::string); break; }
case IAS_PROTOCOL_RAS: { doc.InsertElement(eventSourceName, L"RAS", XmlWriter::DataType::string); break; }
default: { break; } }
for (PATTRIBUTEPOSITION i = first; i != last; ++i) { const LogField* field = schema.find(i->pAttribute->dwId); if ((field != 0) && !field->excludeFromDatabase) { doc.InsertAttribute(field->name, *(i->pAttribute)); } }
ReportEventCommand* command = pool.Alloc(); if (command != 0) { hr = ExecuteCommand(*command, doc.GetDocument(), true);
pool.Free(command); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { IASTL::issue_error(hr); } }
void Database::Flush( void* context, IASTL::IASRequest& request, const SYSTEMTIME& localTime ) { }
HRESULT Database::ExecuteCommand( ReportEventCommand& command, const wchar_t* doc, bool retry ) throw () { HRESULT hr = PrepareCommand(command); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = command.Execute(doc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { OnExecuteSuccess(command); } else { OnExecuteError(command);
if (retry) { ExecuteCommand(command, doc, false); } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT Database::PrepareCommand(ReportEventCommand& command) throw () { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!initString) { // If we don't have an initialization string, it's not an error. It just
// means the admin never configured it.
hr = S_FALSE; } else if (IsBlackedOut()) { // Don't even try to prepare if we're blacked out.
hr = E_FAIL; } else { // Create the connection if necessary.
if (!dataSource) { hr = ReportEventCommand::CreateDataSource( initString, &dataSource ); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnConnectError(); } }
// If we have a good connection, prepare the command if necessary.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !command.IsPrepared()) { hr = command.Prepare(dataSource); if (FAILED(hr)) { OnConnectError(); } } }
return hr; }
void Database::ResetConnection() throw () { dataSource.Release(); pool.UnprepareAll(); }
inline void Database::OnConfigChange() throw () { ResetConnection(); state = AVAILABLE; }
void Database::OnConnectError() throw () { ResetConnection(); SetBlackOut(); }
inline void Database::OnExecuteSuccess(ReportEventCommand& command) throw () { // Suppress events from old connections.
if (command.Version() == pool.Version()) { state = AVAILABLE; } }
inline void Database::OnExecuteError(ReportEventCommand& command) throw () { Lock();
// Suppress events from old connections.
if (command.Version() == pool.Version()) { ResetConnection();
if (state == AVAILABLE) { state = QUESTIONABLE; } else if (state == QUESTIONABLE) { SetBlackOut(); } }
Unlock(); }
inline bool Database::IsBlackedOut() throw () { if (state == BLACKED_OUT) { ULONGLONG now; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(reinterpret_cast<FILETIME*>(&now)); if (now >= blackoutExpiry) { state = AVAILABLE; } }
return state == BLACKED_OUT; }
void Database::SetBlackOut() throw () { state = BLACKED_OUT; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(reinterpret_cast<FILETIME*>(&blackoutExpiry)); blackoutExpiry += blackoutInterval; }