// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Defines the class XmlWriter.
#include "ias.h"
#include "xmlwriter.h"
#include <cwchar>
#include <new>
#include "classattr.h"
#include "iasattr.h"
#include "iasutf8.h"
#include "iasutil.h"
#include "sdoias.h"
const wchar_t XmlWriter::rootElementName[] = L"Event";
XmlWriter::XmlWriter() : begin(new wchar_t[initialCapacity]), next(begin), end(begin + initialCapacity), scratch(0), scratchCapacity(0) { }
XmlWriter::~XmlWriter() throw () { delete[] begin; delete[] scratch; }
void XmlWriter::StartDocument() { AppendStartTag(rootElementName); }
void XmlWriter::EndDocument() { AppendEndTag(rootElementName); Append(L'\0'); }
void XmlWriter::InsertElement( const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* value, DataType dataType ) { // XML markup characters. Technically, '>' only needs to be escaped if it's
// part of a CDEnd sequence, but it's easier to do it every time.
static const wchar_t markup[] = L"<>&";
AppendStartTag(name, dataType);
const wchar_t* end = value + wcslen(value);
while (value < end) { // Look for markup.
const wchar_t* p = wcspbrk(value, markup);
// Copy until the markup or the end of the string.
size_t nchar = (p == 0) ? (end - value) : (p - value); wmemcpy(Reserve(nchar), value, nchar);
// Advance the cursor;
value += nchar;
// Escape the markup character if any.
if (p != 0) { ++value;
switch (*p) { case L'<': { Append(L"<"); break; }
case L'>': { Append(L">"); break; }
case L'&': { Append(L"&"); break; }
default: { __assume(0); break; } } } }
AppendEndTag(name); }
void XmlWriter::InsertAttribute( const wchar_t* name, const IASATTRIBUTE& value ) { switch (value.Value.itType) { case IASTYPE_BOOLEAN: case IASTYPE_INTEGER: case IASTYPE_ENUM: { InsertInteger(name, value.Value.Integer); break; }
case IASTYPE_INET_ADDR: { InsertInetAddr(name, value.Value.InetAddr); break; }
case IASTYPE_STRING: { if (IASAttributeUnicodeAlloc( const_cast<IASATTRIBUTE*>(&value) ) != NO_ERROR) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } InsertString(name, value.Value.String); break; }
case IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING: case IASTYPE_PROV_SPECIFIC: { if (value.dwId == RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_CLASS) { IASClass* cl = reinterpret_cast<IASClass*>( value.Value.OctetString.lpValue );
if (cl->isMicrosoft(value.Value.OctetString.dwLength)) { InsertMicrosoftClass(name, *cl); break; } }
InsertOctetString(name, value.Value.OctetString); break; }
case IASTYPE_UTC_TIME: { InsertUTCTime(name, value.Value.UTCTime); break; }
case IASTYPE_INVALID: default: { InsertElement(name, L"", string); break; } } }
inline void XmlWriter::InsertInteger( const wchar_t* name, DWORD value ) { wchar_t buffer[33]; _ultow(value, buffer, 10); InsertElement(name, buffer, nonNegativeInteger); }
inline void XmlWriter::InsertInetAddr( const wchar_t* name, DWORD value ) { wchar_t buffer[16]; ias_inet_htow(value, buffer); InsertElement(name, buffer, ipv4Address); }
inline void XmlWriter::InsertString( const wchar_t* name, const IAS_STRING& value ) { InsertElement(name, ((value.pszWide != 0) ? value.pszWide : L""), string); }
inline void XmlWriter::InsertOctetString( const wchar_t* name, const IAS_OCTET_STRING& value ) { // First try to insert it as UTF-8.
if (!InsertUtf8( name, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value.lpValue), value.dwLength )) { // That failed, so insert as formatted octets.
InsertBinHex(name, value); } }
inline void XmlWriter::InsertUTCTime( const wchar_t* name, const FILETIME& value ) { SYSTEMTIME st; FileTimeToSystemTime(&value, &st);
// Use SQL Server format in case we need to convert to datetime.
// 2002-01-11 11:00:12.239 plus null-terminator.
const size_t maxLen = 24; wchar_t buffer[maxLen + 1]; int nChar = _snwprintf( buffer, maxLen, L"%hu-%02hu-%02hu %02hu:%02hu:%02hu.%03hu", st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds ); if ((nChar < 0) || (nChar == maxLen)) { buffer[maxLen] = L'\0'; }
InsertElement(name, buffer, sqlDateTime); }
inline void XmlWriter::InsertMicrosoftClass( const wchar_t* name, const IASClass& value ) { wchar_t addr[16]; ias_inet_htow(value.getServerAddress(), addr);
FILETIME ft = value.getLastReboot(); SYSTEMTIME st; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st);
// 311 65535 01/01/2001 12:00:00 18446744073709551615 + null
const size_t maxLen = 66; wchar_t buffer[maxLen + 1]; int nChar = _snwprintf( buffer, maxLen, L"311 %hu %s %02hu/%02hu/%04hu %02hu:%02hu:%02hu %I64u", value.getVersion(), addr, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, value.getSerialNumber() ); if ((nChar < 0) || (nChar == maxLen)) { buffer[maxLen] = L'\0'; }
InsertElement(name, buffer, string); }
inline bool XmlWriter::InsertUtf8( const wchar_t* name, const char* value, DWORD valueLen ) { // Remove any trailing null terminator.
if ((valueLen > 0) && (value[valueLen - 1] == '\0')) { --valueLen; }
// Scan for control characters and embedded nulls.
const char* end = value + valueLen; for (const char* i = value; i != end; ++i) { if (((*i) & 0x60) == 0) { return false; } }
// Compute the space needed for the Unicode value.
long nchar = IASUtf8ToUnicodeLength(value, valueLen); if (nchar < 0) { return false; }
// Reserve space for the conversion.
ReserveScratch(nchar + 1);
// Convert to null-terminated Unicode.
IASUtf8ToUnicode(value, valueLen, scratch); scratch[nchar] = L'\0';
InsertElement(name, scratch, string);
return true; }
inline void XmlWriter::InsertBinHex( const wchar_t* name, const IAS_OCTET_STRING& value ) { // 2 characters per octet plus a null terminator.
ReserveScratch((2 * value.dwLength) + 1);
wchar_t* dst = scratch;
const unsigned char* src = value.lpValue; for (DWORD i = 0; i < value.dwLength; ++i) { *dst = ConvertIntegerToHexWChar((*src) >> 4); ++dst;
*dst = ConvertIntegerToHexWChar((*src) & 0x0F); ++dst;
++src; }
*dst = L'\0';
InsertElement(name, scratch, hexBinary); }
inline void XmlWriter::Append(wchar_t c) { *Reserve(1) = c; }
void XmlWriter::Append(const wchar_t* sz) { size_t nchar = wcslen(sz); wmemcpy(Reserve(nchar), sz, nchar); }
inline void XmlWriter::AppendStartTag(const wchar_t* name) { Append(L'<'); Append(name); Append(L'>'); }
inline void XmlWriter::AppendStartTag(const wchar_t* name, DataType dataType) { Append(L'<'); Append(name); Append(L" data_type=\""); wchar_t type = L'0' + dataType; Append(type); Append(L'\"'); Append(L'>'); }
inline void XmlWriter::AppendEndTag(const wchar_t* name) { Append(L"</"); Append(name); Append(L'>'); }
inline wchar_t XmlWriter::ConvertIntegerToHexWChar(unsigned char src) throw () { return (src < 10) ? (src + L'0') : (src + (L'A' - 10)); }
wchar_t* XmlWriter::Reserve(size_t nchar) { wchar_t* retval = next; next += nchar;
// Do we need more storage?
if (next > end) { // Compute size needed and current size.
size_t needed = next - begin; size_t size = needed - nchar;
// At least double the capacity, but make sure it's big enough to satisfy
// the request.
size_t capacity = (end - begin) * 2; if (capacity < needed) { capacity = needed; }
// Allocate the new buffer and copy in the data.
wchar_t* newBuffer = new wchar_t[capacity]; wmemcpy(newBuffer, begin, size);
// Free up the old memory.
delete[] begin;
// Reset our state.
begin = newBuffer; next = begin + size; end = begin + capacity;
// Recompute now we that we have enough storage.
retval = next; next += nchar; }
return retval; }
void XmlWriter::ReserveScratch(size_t nchar) { if (nchar > scratchCapacity) { if (nchar < minScratchCapcity) { nchar = minScratchCapcity; }
wchar_t* newScratch = new wchar_t[nchar];
delete[] scratch;
scratch = newScratch; scratchCapacity = nchar; } }