// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// This file defines the class EAPSession.
#include "ias.h"
#include "iaslsa.h"
#include "lockout.h"
#include "samutil.h"
#include "sdoias.h"
#include "eapdnary.h"
#include "eapsession.h"
#include "eapstate.h"
#include "eaptype.h"
#include "eap.h"
#include "align.h"
// Default value for the Framed-MTU attribute.
// Minimum allowed value for the Framed-MTU attribute.
// The maximum length of the frame header. i.e. max(2,4).
// 2 for the PPP header and 4 for the 802.1X header.
// The length of the frame header plus the length
// of the EAP packet must be less than the Framed-MTU.
// Absolute maximum length of an EAP packet. We bound this to limit worst-case
// memory consumption.
// Inject a PPP_EAP_PACKET into a request.
VOID WINAPI InjectPacket( IASRequest& request, const PPP_EAP_PACKET& packet ) { // Get the raw buffer to be packed.
const BYTE* buf = (const BYTE*)&packet; DWORD nbyte = IASExtractWORD(packet.Length);
IASTracePrintf("Inserting outbound EAP-Message of length %lu.", nbyte);
// Determine the maximum chunk size.
DWORD chunkSize; switch (request.get_Protocol()) { case IAS_PROTOCOL_RADIUS: chunkSize = 253; break;
default: chunkSize = nbyte; }
// Split the buffer into chunks.
while (nbyte) { // Compute how many bytes of the EAP-Message to store in this attribute.
DWORD length = min(nbyte, chunkSize);
// Initialize the attribute fields.
IASAttribute attr(true); attr.setOctetString(length, buf); attr->dwId = RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_EAP_MESSAGE; attr->dwFlags = IAS_INCLUDE_IN_RESPONSE;
// Inject the attribute into the request.
// Update our state.
nbyte -= length; buf += length; } }
// Extracts the Vendor-Type field from a Microsoft VSA. Returns zero if the
// attribute is not a valid Microsoft VSA.
BYTE WINAPI ExtractMicrosoftVendorType( const IASATTRIBUTE& attr ) throw () { if (attr.dwId == RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_VENDOR_SPECIFIC && attr.Value.itType == IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING && attr.Value.OctetString.dwLength > 6 && !memcmp(attr.Value.OctetString.lpValue, "\x00\x00\x01\x37", 4)) { return *(attr.Value.OctetString.lpValue + 4); }
return (BYTE)0; }
// Inject an array of RAS attributes into a request.
VOID WINAPI InjectRASAttributes( IASRequest& request, const RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE* rasAttrs, DWORD flags ) { if (rasAttrs == NULL) { return; }
// Translate them to IAS format.
IASTraceString("Translating attributes returned by EAP DLL.");
IASAttributeVectorWithBuffer<8> iasAttrs; EAPTranslator::translate(iasAttrs, rasAttrs);
// Iterate through the converted attributes to set the flags and remove any
// matching attributes from the request.
IASAttributeVector::iterator i; for (i = iasAttrs.begin(); i != iasAttrs.end(); ++i) { IASTracePrintf("Inserting attribute %lu", i->pAttribute->dwId);
i->pAttribute->dwFlags = flags; }
// Add them to the request.
iasAttrs.store(request); }
// Performs NT-SAM PAP and MD5-CHAP authentication based on RAS attributes.
DWORD WINAPI AuthenticateUser( IASATTRIBUTE& account, RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE* pInAttributes ) { //////////
// Check the input parameters.
if (!pInAttributes) { return NO_ERROR; }
// Get the NT-SAM userName and domain.
// Get the NT-SAM userName and domain.
SamExtractor extractor(account); PCWSTR domain = extractor.getDomain(); PCWSTR userName = extractor.getUsername();
// Find the credentials populated by the EAP DLL.
PRAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE rasUserPassword = NULL, rasMD5CHAPPassword = NULL, rasMD5CHAPChallenge = NULL;
for ( ; pInAttributes->raaType != raatMinimum; ++pInAttributes) { switch (pInAttributes->raaType) { case raatUserPassword: rasUserPassword = pInAttributes; break;
case raatMD5CHAPPassword: rasMD5CHAPPassword = pInAttributes; break;
case raatMD5CHAPChallenge: rasMD5CHAPChallenge = pInAttributes; break; } }
DWORD status = NO_ERROR;
// Is this MD5-CHAP?
if (rasMD5CHAPPassword && rasMD5CHAPChallenge) { _ASSERT(rasMD5CHAPPassword->dwLength == 17);
// The ID is the first byte of the password ...
BYTE challengeID = *(PBYTE)(rasMD5CHAPPassword->Value);
// ... and the password is the rest.
PBYTE chapPassword = (PBYTE)(rasMD5CHAPPassword->Value) + 1;
IASTracePrintf("Performing CHAP authentication for user %S\\%S.", domain, userName);
IAS_CHAP_PROFILE profile; HANDLE token; status = IASLogonCHAP( userName, domain, challengeID, (PBYTE)(rasMD5CHAPChallenge->Value), rasMD5CHAPChallenge->dwLength, chapPassword, &token, &profile ); CloseHandle(token); }
// Is this PAP?
else if (rasUserPassword) { // Convert to a null-terminated string.
IAS_OCTET_STRING octstr = { rasUserPassword->dwLength, (PBYTE)rasUserPassword->Value }; PCSTR userPwd = IAS_OCT2ANSI(octstr);
IASTracePrintf("Performing PAP authentication for user %S\\%S.", domain, userName);
IAS_PAP_PROFILE profile; HANDLE token; status = IASLogonPAP( userName, domain, userPwd, &token, &profile ); CloseHandle(token); }
return status; }
// Updates the AccountLockout database.
VOID WINAPI UpdateAccountLockoutDB( IASATTRIBUTE& account, DWORD authResult ) { // Get the NT-SAM userName and domain.
SamExtractor extractor(account); PCWSTR domain = extractor.getDomain(); PCWSTR userName = extractor.getUsername();
// Lookup the user in the lockout DB.
HANDLE hAccount; AccountLockoutOpenAndQuery(userName, domain, &hAccount);
// Report the result.
if (authResult == NO_ERROR) { AccountLockoutUpdatePass(hAccount); } else { AccountLockoutUpdateFail(hAccount); }
// Close the handle.
AccountLockoutClose(hAccount); }
// Define the static members.
LONG EAPSession::theNextID = 0; LONG EAPSession::theRefCount = 0; IASAttribute EAPSession::theNormalTimeout; IASAttribute EAPSession::theInteractiveTimeout; HANDLE EAPSession::theIASEventLog; HANDLE EAPSession::theRASEventLog;
EAPSession::EAPSession( const IASAttribute& accountName, std::vector<EAPType*>& eapTypes ) : id((DWORD)InterlockedIncrement(&theNextID)), currentType(0), account(accountName), state(EAPState::createAttribute(id), false), fsm(eapTypes), maxPacketLength(FRAMED_MTU_DEFAULT - FRAME_HEADER_LENGTH), workBuffer(NULL), sendPacket(NULL) { eapInput.pUserAttributes = NULL; }
EAPSession::~EAPSession() throw () { clearType(); delete[] sendPacket; delete[] eapInput.pUserAttributes; }
IASREQUESTSTATUS EAPSession::begin( IASRequest& request, PPPP_EAP_PACKET recvPacket ) { //////////
// Get all the attributes from the request.
// Scan for the Framed-MTU attribute and compute the profile size.
DWORD profileSize = 0; DWORD configSize = 0; IASAttributeVector::iterator i; for (i = all.begin(); i != all.end(); ++i) { if (i->pAttribute->dwId == RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_FRAMED_MTU) { DWORD framedMTU = i->pAttribute->Value.Integer;
// Only process valid values.
if (framedMTU >= FRAMED_MTU_MIN) { // Leave room for the frame header.
maxPacketLength = framedMTU - FRAME_HEADER_LENGTH;
// Make sure we're within bounds.
if (maxPacketLength > MAX_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH) { maxPacketLength = MAX_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH; } }
IASTracePrintf("Setting max. packet length to %lu.", maxPacketLength); }
if (i->pAttribute->dwId == IAS_ATTRIBUTE_EAP_CONFIG) { ++configSize; } else if (!(i->pAttribute->dwFlags & IAS_RECVD_FROM_PROTOCOL)) { ++profileSize; } }
// Save and remove the profile and config attributes.
profile.reserve(profileSize); config.reserve(configSize);
for (i = all.begin(); i != all.end(); ++i) { if (i->pAttribute->dwId == IAS_ATTRIBUTE_EAP_CONFIG) { config.push_back(*i); } else if (!(i->pAttribute->dwFlags & IAS_RECVD_FROM_PROTOCOL)) { profile.push_back(*i); } }
// Convert the attributes received from the client to RAS format.
eapInput.pUserAttributes = new RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE[all.size() + 1];
EAPTranslator::translate( eapInput.pUserAttributes, all, IAS_RECVD_FROM_CLIENT );
// Initialize the EAPInput struct.
eapInput.fAuthenticator = TRUE; eapInput.bInitialId = recvPacket->Id + (BYTE)1; eapInput.pwszIdentity = account->Value.String.pszWide;
switch (request.get_Protocol()) { case IAS_PROTOCOL_RADIUS: eapInput.hReserved = theIASEventLog; break;
case IAS_PROTOCOL_RAS: eapInput.hReserved = theRASEventLog; break; }
// Begin the session with the EAP DLL.
// We have successfully established the session, so process the message.
return process(request, recvPacket); }
IASREQUESTSTATUS EAPSession::process( IASRequest& request, PPPP_EAP_PACKET recvPacket ) { // Trigger an event on the FSM.
EAPType* newType; switch (fsm.onReceiveEvent(*recvPacket, newType)) { case EAPFSM::MAKE_MESSAGE: { if (newType != 0) { setType(newType); } break; }
case EAPFSM::REPLAY_LAST: { IASTraceString("EAP-Message appears to be a retransmission. " "Replaying last action."); return doAction(request); }
case EAPFSM::FAIL_NEGOTIATE: { IASTraceString("EAP negotiation failed. Rejecting user."); profile.store(request); request.SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_ACCESS_REJECT, IAS_EAP_NEGOTIATION_FAILED); return IAS_REQUEST_STATUS_HANDLED; }
case EAPFSM::DISCARD: { IASTraceString("EAP-Message is unexpected. Discarding packet."); profile.store(request); request.SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_DISCARD_PACKET, IAS_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST); return IAS_REQUEST_STATUS_ABORT; } }
// Allocate a temporary packet to hold the response.
PPPP_EAP_PACKET tmpPacket = (PPPP_EAP_PACKET)_alloca(maxPacketLength);
// Clear the previous output from the DLL.
DWORD error = currentType->RasEapMakeMessage( workBuffer, recvPacket, tmpPacket, maxPacketLength, &eapOutput, NULL ); if (error != NO_ERROR) { IASTraceFailure("RasEapMakeMessage", error); _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(error)); }
while (eapOutput.Action == EAPACTION_Authenticate) { IASTraceString("EAP DLL invoked default authenticator.");
// Authenticate the user.
DWORD authResult = AuthenticateUser( *account, eapOutput.pUserAttributes );
// Convert the profile to RAS format.
DWORD filter;
if (authResult == NO_ERROR) { IASTraceString("Default authentication succeeded."); filter = IAS_INCLUDE_IN_ACCEPT; } else { IASTraceFailure("Default authentication", authResult); filter = IAS_INCLUDE_IN_REJECT; }
EAPTranslator::translate(ras, profile, filter);
// Give the result to the EAP DLL.
EAPInput authInput; authInput.dwAuthResultCode = authResult; authInput.fAuthenticationComplete = TRUE; authInput.pUserAttributes = ras;
error = currentType->RasEapMakeMessage( workBuffer, NULL, tmpPacket, maxPacketLength, &eapOutput, &authInput ); if (error != NO_ERROR) { IASTraceFailure("RasEapMakeMessage", error); _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(error)); } }
// Trigger an event on the FSM.
fsm.onDllEvent(eapOutput.Action, *tmpPacket);
// Clear the old send packet ...
delete[] sendPacket; sendPacket = NULL;
// ... and save the new one if available.
switch (eapOutput.Action) { case EAPACTION_SendAndDone: case EAPACTION_Send: case EAPACTION_SendWithTimeout: case EAPACTION_SendWithTimeoutInteractive: { size_t length = IASExtractWORD(tmpPacket->Length); sendPacket = (PPPP_EAP_PACKET)new BYTE[length]; memcpy(sendPacket, tmpPacket, length); } }
// Perform the requested action.
return doAction(request); }
IASREQUESTSTATUS EAPSession::doAction(IASRequest& request) { IASTraceString("Processing output from EAP DLL.");
switch (eapOutput.Action) { case EAPACTION_SendAndDone: { InjectPacket(request, *sendPacket); }
case EAPACTION_Done: { // Add the profile first, so that the EAP DLL can override it.
// Special-case the unauthenticated access
if (eapOutput.dwAuthResultCode == SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS) { // set the auth type to unauthenticated
DWORD authID = IAS_ATTRIBUTE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE; request.RemoveAttributesByType(1, &authID);
IASAttribute authType(true); authType->dwId = IAS_ATTRIBUTE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE; authType->Value.itType = IASTYPE_ENUM; authType->Value.Enumerator = IAS_AUTH_NONE; authType.store(request);
// Load the EAP Types attributes into the vector.
IASAttributeVectorWithBuffer<8> authTypes; authTypes.load(request, IAS_ATTRIBUTE_NP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE); for (IASAttributeVector::iterator i = authTypes.begin(); i != authTypes.end(); ++i) { if (i->pAttribute->Value.Integer == IAS_AUTH_NONE) { // Unauthenticated EAP access allowed
IASTraceString("Unauthenticated EAP access allowed"); eapOutput.dwAuthResultCode = NO_ERROR; break; } } }
// Update the account lockout database.
UpdateAccountLockoutDB( *account, eapOutput.dwAuthResultCode );
InjectRASAttributes(request, eapOutput.pUserAttributes, flags);
// store the EAP friendly name negotiated for both success and failure
// if PEAP is used, store the PEAP inside type and update the
// authentication type from EAP to PEAP
if (eapOutput.dwAuthResultCode == NO_ERROR) { IASTraceString("EAP authentication succeeded."); request.SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_ACCESS_ACCEPT, S_OK); } else { IASTraceFailure("EAP authentication", eapOutput.dwAuthResultCode);
HRESULT hr = IASMapWin32Error(eapOutput.dwAuthResultCode, IAS_AUTH_FAILURE); request.SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_ACCESS_REJECT, hr); }
case EAPACTION_SendWithTimeoutInteractive: case EAPACTION_SendWithTimeout: { if (eapOutput.Action == EAPACTION_SendWithTimeoutInteractive) { theInteractiveTimeout.store(request); } else { theNormalTimeout.store(request); } }
case EAPACTION_Send: { InjectRASAttributes(request, eapOutput.pUserAttributes, IAS_INCLUDE_IN_CHALLENGE); InjectPacket(request, *sendPacket); state.store(request);
IASTraceString("Issuing Access-Challenge.");
request.SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_ACCESS_CHALLENGE, S_OK); break; }
case EAPACTION_NoAction: default: { IASTraceString("EAP DLL returned No Action. Discarding packet.");
extern "C" NTSYSAPI ULONG NTAPI RtlRandomEx( PULONG Seed );
HRESULT EAPSession::initialize() throw () { IASGlobalLockSentry sentry;
if (theRefCount == 0) { FILETIME ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); ULONG seed = (ft.dwLowDateTime ^ ft.dwHighDateTime); theNextID = RtlRandomEx(&seed);
PIASATTRIBUTE attrs[2]; DWORD dw = IASAttributeAlloc(2, attrs); if (dw != NO_ERROR) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw); }
theNormalTimeout.attach(attrs[0], false); theNormalTimeout->dwId = RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_SESSION_TIMEOUT; theNormalTimeout->Value.itType = IASTYPE_INTEGER; theNormalTimeout->Value.Integer = 6; theNormalTimeout.setFlag(IAS_INCLUDE_IN_CHALLENGE);
theInteractiveTimeout.attach(attrs[1], false); theInteractiveTimeout->dwId = RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_SESSION_TIMEOUT; theInteractiveTimeout->Value.itType = IASTYPE_INTEGER; theInteractiveTimeout->Value.Integer = 30; theInteractiveTimeout.setFlag(IAS_INCLUDE_IN_CHALLENGE);
theIASEventLog = RegisterEventSourceW(NULL, L"IAS"); theRASEventLog = RegisterEventSourceW(NULL, L"RemoteAccess"); }
return S_OK; }
void EAPSession::finalize() throw () { IASGlobalLockSentry sentry;
if (--theRefCount == 0) { DeregisterEventSource(theRASEventLog); DeregisterEventSource(theIASEventLog); theInteractiveTimeout.release(); theNormalTimeout.release(); } }
void EAPSession::clearType() throw () { if (currentType != 0) { currentType->RasEapEnd(workBuffer); currentType = 0; } }
void EAPSession::setType(EAPType* newType) { // If we're switching types, we have to bump the EAP identifier.
if (currentType != 0) { ++(eapInput.bInitialId); }
// Try to initialize the new type.
void* newWorkBuffer = 0; if (newType != 0) { eapInput.pConnectionData = 0; eapInput.dwSizeOfConnectionData = 0;
// Do we have config data for this EAP type?
for (IASAttributeVector::const_iterator i = config.begin(); i != config.end(); ++i) { const IAS_OCTET_STRING& data = i->pAttribute->Value.OctetString;
if (data.lpValue[0] == newType->typeCode()) { // Don't pass first byte to EAP DLL.
eapInput.pConnectionData = data.lpValue + ALIGN_WORST; eapInput.dwSizeOfConnectionData = data.dwLength - ALIGN_WORST; break; } }
DWORD error = newType->RasEapBegin(&newWorkBuffer, &eapInput); if (error != NO_ERROR) { IASTraceFailure("RasEapBegin", error); _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(error)); } }
// Success, so clear the old ...
// ... and save the new.
currentType = newType; workBuffer = newWorkBuffer; }