// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// dyninfo.c
// Defines and initializes global variables containing dynamic configuration
// information.
// 08/15/1998 Original version.
// 03/23/1999 Changes to ezsam API.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntlsa.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include "statinfo.h"
#include "ezsam.h"
#include "dyninfo.h"
#include "iastrace.h"
// The primary domain.
WCHAR thePrimaryDomain[DNLEN + 1];
// The default domain.
PCWSTR theDefaultDomain;
// The dns domain name.
const LSA_UNICODE_STRING* theDnsDomainName;
// Role of the local machine.
IAS_ROLE ourRole;
// Name of the guest account for the default domain.
WCHAR theGuestAccount[DNLEN + UNLEN + 2];
// Change event and notification thread.
HANDLE theChangeEvent, theNotificationThread;
// Flag to bring down the notification thread.
BOOL theShutdownFlag;
// IASQueryPrimaryDomain
// Reads the primary domain info and determines role of the local computer.
// This method is intentionally not synchronized. This method is
// called *very* rarely and worst case a few packets will get
// discarded because the new domain name hasn't been updated yet.
DWORD WINAPI IASQueryPrimaryDomain( VOID ) { NTSTATUS status; DWORD result; LSA_HANDLE hLsa; WCHAR accountName[DNLEN + UNLEN + 2], *userName; ULONG guestRid; SAM_HANDLE hGuest; PUSER_ACCOUNT_NAME_INFORMATION uani; PPOLICY_DNS_DOMAIN_INFO newDomainInfo;
// Open a handle to the LSA.
status = LsaOpenPolicy( NULL, &theObjectAttributes, POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &hLsa ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto exit; }
// Get the primary domain information.
newDomainInfo = 0; status = LsaQueryInformationPolicy( hLsa, PolicyDnsDomainInformation, (PVOID*)&newDomainInfo ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto close_lsa; }
// We're done with the info buffer.
if (ppdi != 0) { LsaFreeMemory(ppdi); }
ppdi = newDomainInfo; //////////
// Save the primary domain name and determine our role.
if (ppdi->Sid == NULL) { thePrimaryDomain[0] = L'\0';
// No primary domain, so we must be standalone.
IASTraceString("Role: Standalone"); } else { wcsncpy(thePrimaryDomain, ppdi->Name.Buffer, DNLEN);
if (RtlEqualSid(ppdi->Sid, theAccountDomainSid)) { // Account domain and primary domain are the same, so we must be DC.
ourRole = IAS_ROLE_DC;
IASTraceString("Role: Domain Controller"); } else { ourRole = IAS_ROLE_MEMBER;
IASTraceString("Role: Domain member"); } }
_wcsupr(thePrimaryDomain); IASTracePrintf("Primary domain: %S", thePrimaryDomain);
theDnsDomainName = &(ppdi->DnsDomainName);
if (theDnsDomainName->Buffer != NULL) { IASTracePrintf("Dns Domain name: %S", theDnsDomainName->Buffer); }
// Determine the default domain.
if (ourProductType == IAS_PRODUCT_WORKSTATION) { // For Workstation, the default domain is always the local domain.
theDefaultDomain = theAccountDomain; } else if (ourRole == IAS_ROLE_STANDALONE) { // For Standalone there's nowhere to go besides local.
theDefaultDomain = theAccountDomain; } else if (theRegistryDomain[0] != L'\0') { // For Server, a registry entry always takes precedence.
theDefaultDomain = theRegistryDomain; } else { // Everyone else defaults to the primary domain.
theDefaultDomain = thePrimaryDomain; }
IASTracePrintf("Default domain: %S", theDefaultDomain);
// Now that we know the default domain we can determine the guest account.
wcscpy(accountName, theDefaultDomain); wcscat(accountName, L"\\");
// If we can't read the guest account name, we'll assume it's "Guest".
userName = accountName + wcslen(accountName); wcscpy(userName, L"Guest");
guestRid = DOMAIN_USER_RID_GUEST; result = IASSamOpenUser( theDefaultDomain, NULL, USER_READ_GENERAL, 0, &guestRid, NULL, &hGuest ); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // keep status with a succesfull value
// we do not want to prevent IAS from starting because of this error
goto set_guest_account; }
status = SamQueryInformationUser( hGuest, UserAccountNameInformation, (PVOID*)&uani ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto close_guest; }
// Overwrite the default Guest name with the real one.
wcsncpy(userName, uani->UserName.Buffer, UNLEN); SamFreeMemory(uani);
close_guest: SamCloseHandle(hGuest);
set_guest_account: // Copy the local buffer into the global buffer.
wcscpy(theGuestAccount, accountName);
IASTracePrintf("Guest account: %S", theGuestAccount);
// Ignore any errors that occurred reading the guest account.
status = NO_ERROR;
close_lsa: LeaveCriticalSection(&critSec); LsaClose(hLsa);
exit: return RtlNtStatusToDosError(status); }
// NotificationProc
// Entry point for notification thread.
DWORD WINAPI NotificationProc(PVOID lpArg) { DWORD status;
while (1) { status = WaitForSingleObject( theChangeEvent, INFINITE );
// If we had an error or the shutdown flag is set, then we'll exit.
if ((status != WAIT_OBJECT_0) || theShutdownFlag) { break; }
IASTraceString("Received domain name change notification.");
// Otherwise, read the new domain info.
IASQueryPrimaryDomain(); }
return 0; }
// IASDynamicInfoInitialize
// Initializes the dynamic data defined above and creates a thread to
// wait for change notifications.
DWORD WINAPI IASDynamicInfoInitialize( VOID ) { DWORD status, threadID;
if (!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&critSec, 0x00001000)) { return GetLastError(); }
do { //////////
// Read the initial state of the info.
status = IASQueryPrimaryDomain(); if (status != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Set up the thread that handles dynamic changes.
// Get a notification event.
status = NetRegisterDomainNameChangeNotification(&theChangeEvent); if (status != NERR_Success) { break; }
// Reset the shutdown flag.
theShutdownFlag = FALSE;
// Create a thread to wait on the event.
theNotificationThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, NotificationProc, NULL, 0, &threadID ); if (!theNotificationThread) { NetUnregisterDomainNameChangeNotification(theChangeEvent); theChangeEvent = NULL; status = GetLastError(); break; } status = NO_ERROR; } while(FALSE);
if (status != NO_ERROR) { DeleteCriticalSection(&critSec); if (ppdi != 0) { LsaFreeMemory(ppdi); ppdi = 0; } }
return status; }
// IASDynamicInfoShutdown
// Shuts down the notifation thread.
VOID WINAPI IASDynamicInfoShutdown( VOID ) { // Set the shutdown flag.
theShutdownFlag = TRUE;
// Bring down the thread.
SetEvent(theChangeEvent); WaitForSingleObject( theNotificationThread, INFINITE );
// Unregister the notification.
NetUnregisterDomainNameChangeNotification(theChangeEvent); theChangeEvent = NULL;
// Close the thread handle.
CloseHandle(theNotificationThread); theNotificationThread = NULL;
// Critical section not useful anymore
// We're done with the info buffer.
if (ppdi != 0) { LsaFreeMemory(ppdi); ppdi = 0; } theDnsDomainName = 0; }