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// File: sdoserverinfo.h
// Synopsis: This file holds the declarations of the
// CSdoServerInfo class
// History: 06/04/98 MKarki Created
// Copyright (C) 1997-98 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
#include "resource.h"
#include <ias.h>
#include <sdoias.h>
#include <infohelper.h>
typedef enum _object_type { OBJECT_TYPE_COMPUTER, OBJECT_TYPE_USER
// declaration of the CSdoServerInfo class
class CSdoServerInfo {
// this method gets the system type - NT Version,NT Type
HRESULT GetOSInfo ( /*[in]*/ BSTR lpServerName, /*[out]*/ PIASOSTYPE pOSType );
// this method returns the NT Domain type
HRESULT GetDomainInfo ( /*[in]*/ OBJECTTYPE ObjectType, /*[in]*/ BSTR lpObjectId, /*[out]*/ PIASDOMAINTYPE pDomainType );
CSdoServerInfo (VOID);
//resolves the ADS path to a domain name
HRESULT GetDomainFromADsPath ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR pObjectId, /*[out*/ LPWSTR pszDomainName );
bool m_bIsNT5;
#endif // !define _SDOSERVERINFO_H_