// Copyright (c) 1998, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// attrcvt.cpp
// This file defines methods for converting attributes to
// different formats.
// 02/26/1998 Original version.
// 03/27/1998 InetAddr's are persisted as integers.
// 08/24/1998 Make use of IASTL utility classes.
#include <ias.h>
#include <iastlutl.h>
#include <iasutil.h>
#include <varvec.h>
#include <attrcvt.h>
using IASTL::IASAttribute;
PIASATTRIBUTE WINAPI IASAttributeFromVariant( VARIANT* src, IASTYPE type ) throw (_com_error) { using _com_util::CheckError; using _w32_util::CheckSuccess;
// Allocate an attribute to hold the result.
IASAttribute dst(true);
// Switch off the destination type.
switch (type) { case IASTYPE_BOOLEAN: { CheckError(VariantChangeType(src, src, NULL, VT_BOOL)); dst->Value.Boolean = (V_BOOL(src) != VARIANT_FALSE) ? TRUE : FALSE; break; }
case IASTYPE_INTEGER: case IASTYPE_INET_ADDR: case IASTYPE_ENUM: { CheckError(VariantChangeType(src, src, NULL, VT_I4)); dst->Value.Integer = V_I4(src); break; }
case IASTYPE_STRING: { CheckError(VariantChangeType(src, src, NULL, VT_BSTR)); dst.setString(V_BSTR(src)); break; }
if (V_VT(src) == (VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) || V_VT(src) == (VT_ARRAY | VT_I1)) { // If we have a safearray of bytes, we'll use it as is ...
CVariantVector<BYTE> octets(src); dst.setOctetString(octets.size(), octets.data()); } else { // ... otherwise we'll coerce to a BSTR.
CheckError(VariantChangeType(src, src, NULL, VT_BSTR)); dst.setOctetString(V_BSTR(src)); }
break; }
case IASTYPE_UTC_TIME: { CheckError(VariantChangeType(src, src, NULL, VT_DATE));
SYSTEMTIME st; if (!VariantTimeToSystemTime(V_DATE(src), &st)) { _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); }
CheckSuccess(SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &dst->Value.UTCTime)); break; }
default: _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); }
// We don't set the type until the attribute has been properly initialized.
// Otherwise IASAttributeRelease will have problems if we throw an
// exception.
dst->Value.itType = type;
return dst.detach(); }
// Convert an LDAP berval to a newly allocated IASATTRIBUTE.
PIASATTRIBUTE WINAPI IASAttributeFromBerVal( const berval& src, IASTYPE type ) throw (_com_error) { // Allocate an attribute.
IASAttribute dst(true);
// Convert the berval based on the IASTYPE.
switch (type) { case IASTYPE_BOOLEAN: { dst->Value.Boolean = _strnicmp(src.bv_val, "TRUE", src.bv_len) ? FALSE : TRUE; break; }
case IASTYPE_INTEGER: case IASTYPE_INET_ADDR: case IASTYPE_ENUM: { dst->Value.Integer = strtoul(src.bv_val, NULL, 10); break; }
case IASTYPE_STRING: { dst.setString((PCSTR)src.bv_val); break; }
case IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING: case IASTYPE_PROV_SPECIFIC: { dst.setOctetString(src.bv_len, (const BYTE*)src.bv_val); break; }
case IASTYPE_UTC_TIME: default: _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); }
// We don't set the type until the attribute has been properly initialized.
// Otherwise IASAttributeRelease will have problems if we throw an
// exception.
dst->Value.itType = type;
return dst.detach(); }