// Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Module:
// RMTest.c
// Abstract:
// This sample shows how to send and receive data using the
// RMcast driver
// This sample is post-Windows 2000 only.
// Usage:
// RMTest.exe -i:int -a:IP
// -i:int Capture on this interface
// This is a zero based index of the
// local interfaces
// -a:IP Use this MCast address
// Build:
// cl RMTest.c ws2_32.lib
// OR
// nmake.exe
// Author:
// Mohammad Shabbir Alam
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <wsahelp.h>
#include <wsasetup.h>
#include <mstcpip.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <ws2spi.h>
#include <wsahelp.h>
#include <sys\timeb.h>
#include "wsRm.h"
// Globals
struct _timeb StartTime, CurrentTime, PreviousTime;
// User-definable variables
BOOL gSetWinsockInfo = FALSE; BOOL gClearWinsockInfo = FALSE; BOOL gReceiver = FALSE;
DWORD gInterface = 0; LONG gRateKbitsPerSec = 56; LONG gMinPktSize = 500; LONG gMaxPktSize = 100000; LONG gNumSends = 10000; LONG gStatusInterval = 100; LONG gMCastTtl = MAX_MCAST_TTL; ULONG gLateJoinerPercentage = 0; BOOLEAN gfSetMCastTtl = FALSE; BOOLEAN gListenOnAllInterfaces = FALSE; BOOLEAN gUseSpecifiedInterface = FALSE; BOOLEAN gSetLateJoiner = FALSE; BOOLEAN gSetLingerTime = FALSE;
USHORT gLingerTime = 0;
ULONG gMCastGroupAddr = 0; USHORT gMCastGroupPort = 0;
ULONG gAfdBufferSize = 0; ULONG gHighSpeedOptimization = 0; BOOLEAN gfSetAfdBufferSize = FALSE; BOOLEAN gfEnumerateProts = FALSE; BOOLEAN gfVerifyData = FALSE;
// FEC vars:
USHORT gFECBlockSize = 255; // Default
UCHAR gFECGroupSize = 0; USHORT gFECProActive = 0; BOOLEAN gfFECOnDemand = FALSE;
int GetInterface( int num, ULONG *pIpAddress, BOOL fPrintInterfaces );
// Function: usage
// Description:
// Prints usage information.
void usage(char *progname) { WSADATA wsd;
// Load Winsock
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsd) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "WSAStartup() failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); ExitProcess(-1); }
fprintf (stdout, "usage: %s [-l] [-i:Interface] [-a:MCastIP] [-p:Port] [-r:Rate] ...\n", progname); fprintf (stdout, " -a:MCastIP Use this MCast address (default is\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -b:BufferSize Override Afd's buffer size\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -e Enumerate all protocols known to Winsock\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -j:LateJoiner Percentage of Window available for LateJoiner\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -min:MinPacketSize must be >= 4, default = 500\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -max:MaxPacketSize must be <= 10 Mb, default = 100000\n\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -p:MCastPort Port # (default is 0)\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -s:StatusInterval Number of messages between status\n\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -h Use High Speed Intranet Optimization\n");
fprintf (stdout, " -L[:a] Listen for RMcast packets (otherwise we are sender)\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -- option a means listen on all interfaces\n\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -v:VerifyData Verify data integrity on the receiver (receiver only)\n");
fprintf (stdout, " -F:FECGroupSize Use FEC, <= 128, & power of 2 (sender only)\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -Fo OnDemand FEC (FEC must be set) (sender only)\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -Fp:ProactivePkts Pro-active FEC (FEC must be set) (sender only)\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -n:NumSends Number of sends, default = 10000 (sender only)\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -r:Rate Send Rate in Kbits/Sec, default=56 (sender only)\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -g:LingerTime LingerTime in seconds (sender only)\n"); fprintf (stdout, " -t:TTL Send MCast Ttl, default = max = %d (sender only)\n", MAX_MCAST_TTL);
fprintf (stdout, " -i:Interface Interface for Send/Capture, default=0\n"); fprintf (stdout, " Available interfaces:\n"); GetInterface (0, NULL, TRUE);
WSACleanup(); ExitProcess(-1); }
// Function: ValidateArgs
// Description:
// This function parses the command line arguments and
// sets global variables to indicate how the app should act.
void ValidateArgs(int argc, char **argv) { int i; char *ptr;
for(i=1; i < argc; i++) { if (strlen(argv[i]) < 2) // Must have '-' or '/' preceding option!
if ((argv[i][0] == '-') || (argv[i][0] == '/')) { switch (tolower(argv[i][1])) { case 'a': // Use this MCast address
if (gMCastGroupAddr = inet_addr (&argv[i][3])) { break; }
case 'b': // Afd's internal buffer size
gAfdBufferSize = atoi(&argv[i][3]); gfSetAfdBufferSize = TRUE; break;
case 'e': gfEnumerateProts = TRUE; break;
case 'i': // interface number
gInterface = atoi(&argv[i][3]); gUseSpecifiedInterface = TRUE; break;
case 'j': // Late Joiner %
gSetLateJoiner = TRUE; gLateJoinerPercentage = atoi(&argv[i][3]); break;
case 'f': if ((tolower (argv[i][2]) == ':') && ((gFECGroupSize = (UCHAR) atoi (&argv[i][3])) <= 128)) { break; }
if ((tolower (argv[i][2]) == 'p') && ((gFECProActive = (UCHAR) atoi (&argv[i][4])) <= 128)) { break; }
if (tolower (argv[i][2]) == 'o') { gfFECOnDemand = TRUE; break; }
case 'g': gLingerTime = (USHORT) atoi (&argv[i][3]); gSetLingerTime = TRUE; break;
case 'h': gHighSpeedOptimization = 1; break;
case 'l': gReceiver = TRUE; // we are receiver, otherwise we would have been sender by default
if (((argv[i][2]) == ':') && (tolower (argv[i][3]) == 'a')) { gListenOnAllInterfaces = TRUE; } break;
case 'm': if ((tolower (argv[i][2]) == 'i') && ((gMinPktSize = atoi (&argv[i][5])) >= 4)) { break; }
if ((tolower (argv[i][2]) == 'a') && ((gMaxPktSize = atoi (&argv[i][5])) <= 10*1000*1000)) { break; }
case 'n': gNumSends = atoi (&argv[i][3]); break;
case 'p': // interface number
gMCastGroupPort = (USHORT) atoi (&argv[i][3]); break;
case 'r': if (gRateKbitsPerSec = atoi (&argv[i][3])) { break; }
case 's': if (gStatusInterval = atoi(&argv[i][3])) { break; }
case 't': if ((gMCastTtl = atoi(&argv[i][3])) <= MAX_MCAST_TTL) { gfSetMCastTtl = TRUE; break; }
case 'v': gfVerifyData = TRUE; break;
case 'x': gSetWinsockInfo = TRUE; break;
case 'y': gClearWinsockInfo = TRUE; break;
default: usage(argv[0]); } } }
// Check FEC parameters
if ((gFECGroupSize || gFECProActive || gfFECOnDemand) && ((!gFECGroupSize) || !(gFECProActive || gfFECOnDemand))) { usage(argv[0]); }
return; }
// Function: GetInterface
// Description:
// This function retrieves a zero based index and returns
// the IP interface corresponding to that.
int GetInterface( int InterfaceNum, ULONG *pIpAddress, BOOL fPrintInterfaces ) { SOCKET s; SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST *slist=NULL; char buf[2048]; DWORD dwBytesRet; int i, ret;
s = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IP, NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { fprintf(stderr, "WSASocket() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } ret = WSAIoctl (s, SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY, NULL, 0, buf, 2048, &dwBytesRet, NULL, NULL); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "WSAIoctl(SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY) failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(s); return -1; } slist = (SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST *)buf; closesocket(s);
if (fPrintInterfaces) { // Just print all local IP interfaces.
for(i=0; i < slist->iAddressCount ;i++) { fprintf(stdout, " %-2d ........ [%s]\n", i, inet_ntoa(((SOCKADDR_IN *)slist->Address[i].lpSockaddr)->sin_addr)); } } else { if (InterfaceNum >= slist->iAddressCount) { return -1; }
*pIpAddress = (ULONG) ((SOCKADDR_IN *)slist->Address[InterfaceNum].lpSockaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr; }
return 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// ****************************************************************
DWORD SetHelperDllRegInfo( ) { DWORD status; DWORD NameLength, mappingSize, Type; HKEY hKey = NULL; LPBYTE mapping = NULL; WCHAR *wshDllPath = L"%SystemRoot%\\system32\\wshrm.dll"; ULONG sockAddrLength = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); WCHAR *pTransports; HANDLE hWshRm; PWSH_GET_WINSOCK_MAPPING pMapFunc = NULL;
system ("sc create RMCast binPath= %SystemRoot%\\system32\\drivers\\RMCast.sys type= kernel");
// First, create the keys in HKLM / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / RMCast
status = RegCreateKeyExW (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // hkey
0, // reserved
NULL, // lpclass
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // samDesired
NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes
&hKey, // phkResult
NULL); // lpdwDisposition
if (status != NO_ERROR) { return (status); } RegCloseKey(hKey);
status = RegCreateKeyExW (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // hkey
0, // reserved
NULL, // lpclass
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // samDesired
NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes
&hKey, // phkResult
NULL); // lpdwDisposition
if (status != NO_ERROR) { return (status); } RegCloseKey(hKey);
if (!(hWshRm = LoadLibrary ("wshrm.dll")) || !(pMapFunc = (PWSH_GET_WINSOCK_MAPPING) GetProcAddress (hWshRm, "WSHGetWinsockMapping"))) { if (hWshRm) { printf ("FAILed to find proc -- WSHGetWinsockMapping -- in wshrm.dll\n"); FreeLibrary (hWshRm); } else { printf ("FAILed to load wshrm.dll\n"); }
// Get the winsock mapping data.
mappingSize = (*pMapFunc) ((PWINSOCK_MAPPING) mapping, 0); mapping = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, mappingSize); if (mapping == NULL) { FreeLibrary (hWshRm); return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } mappingSize = (*pMapFunc) ((PWINSOCK_MAPPING) mapping, mappingSize);
FreeLibrary (hWshRm);
// Open the RMCast winsock parameters registry key
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LocalFree (mapping); return (status); }
// Write the required values
status = RegSetValueExW (hKey, L"Mapping", 0, REG_BINARY, (CONST BYTE *) mapping, mappingSize);
LocalFree (mapping);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return (status); }
status = RegSetValueExW (hKey, L"HelperDllName", 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) wshDllPath, (lstrlenW(wshDllPath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return (status); }
status = RegSetValueExW (hKey, L"MinSockaddrLength", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &sockAddrLength, sizeof(DWORD));
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return (status); }
status = RegSetValueExW (hKey, L"MaxSockaddrLength", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &sockAddrLength, sizeof(DWORD));
RegCloseKey (hKey);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (status); }
// Now, set the Winsock parameter key
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (status); }
mapping = NULL; mappingSize = 0; status = RegQueryValueExW (hKey, L"Transports", NULL, &Type, mapping, &mappingSize);
NameLength = (wcslen (RMCAST_TRANSPORT) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if ((status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) || ((status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (mappingSize))) { mapping = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (mappingSize+NameLength)); if (mapping == NULL) { RegCloseKey (hKey); return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// Append the RMCast entry to the Transports key
status = RegQueryValueExW (hKey, L"Transports", NULL, &Type, mapping, &mappingSize);
pTransports = (WCHAR *) &mapping[mappingSize-sizeof(WCHAR)]; wcscpy (pTransports, RMCAST_TRANSPORT); pTransports [wcslen(RMCAST_TRANSPORT)] = 0; pTransports [wcslen(RMCAST_TRANSPORT)+1] = 0; } else { status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; }
if ((status != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Type != REG_MULTI_SZ)) { if (mapping) { LocalFree (mapping); } RegCloseKey (hKey); return (status); }
status = RegSetValueExW (hKey, L"Transports", 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, mapping, (mappingSize+NameLength));
LocalFree (mapping); RegCloseKey (hKey);
return (status); }
DWORD ClearHelperDllRegInfo( ) { DWORD status; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD remainingSize, mappingSize, Type, RMNameLength = wcslen (RMCAST_TRANSPORT) + 1; LPBYTE mapping = NULL; DWORD CurStrLenPlusOne; WCHAR *pTransports;
// Remove the RMCast transport from the Winsock parameter key
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (status); }
mapping = NULL; mappingSize = 0; status = RegQueryValueExW (hKey, L"Transports", NULL, &Type, mapping, &mappingSize);
if ((status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) || ((status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (mappingSize))) { mapping = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, mappingSize); if (mapping == NULL) { RegCloseKey (hKey); return (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
status = RegQueryValueExW (hKey, L"Transports", NULL, &Type, mapping, &mappingSize); } else { status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; }
if ((status != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Type != REG_MULTI_SZ)) { if (mapping) { LocalFree (mapping); } RegCloseKey (hKey); return (status); }
pTransports = (WCHAR *) mapping; remainingSize = mappingSize; while (*pTransports != L'\0') { CurStrLenPlusOne = wcslen(pTransports) + 1; if (CurStrLenPlusOne > remainingSize) { status = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; break; }
remainingSize -= (CurStrLenPlusOne * sizeof (WCHAR)); // Decrement the amount of buffer unparsed
// If this string is RMCast
if ((CurStrLenPlusOne == RMNameLength) && (_wcsicmp( pTransports, RMCAST_TRANSPORT) == 0)) { // Remove this string from the list
mappingSize -= (RMNameLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); MoveMemory (pTransports , pTransports + RMNameLength , remainingSize); } else { pTransports += CurStrLenPlusOne; // Move to the next string
} // while: the transport list has not been completely parsed.
status = RegSetValueExW (hKey, L"Transports", 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, mapping, mappingSize);
LocalFree (mapping); RegCloseKey (hKey);
return (status); }
// ****************************************************************
ULONGLONG TotalBytes = 0; ULONGLONG DataBytes = 0;
ULONG GetSenderStats( SOCKET s, LONG count ) { ULONG BufferLength; RM_SENDER_STATS RmSenderStats; time_t DiffTotalSecs, DiffTotalMSecs; time_t DiffPreviousSecs, DiffPreviousMSecs; ULONG ret;
// Add 1 below to MSsecs to avoid div by 0
DiffTotalSecs = CurrentTime.time - StartTime.time; DiffTotalMSecs = (1 + CurrentTime.millitm - StartTime.millitm) + (1000 * DiffTotalSecs);
DiffPreviousSecs = CurrentTime.time - PreviousTime.time; DiffPreviousMSecs = (1 + CurrentTime.millitm - PreviousTime.millitm) + (1000 * DiffPreviousSecs);
BufferLength = sizeof(RM_SENDER_STATS); memset (&RmSenderStats, 0, BufferLength); ret = getsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_SENDER_STATISTICS, (char *)&RmSenderStats, &BufferLength); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "GetSenderStats: Failed to retrieve sender stats!\n"); return (ret); }
fprintf (stdout, "MessagesSent=<%d>, Interval=[%d.%d / %d.%d]\n", count, DiffPreviousSecs, DiffPreviousMSecs, DiffTotalSecs, DiffTotalMSecs); fprintf (stdout, "\tDataBytesSent=<%I64d>, Rate= %d Kbits / Sec\n", RmSenderStats.DataBytesSent, (ULONG) ((RmSenderStats.DataBytesSent*BITS_PER_BYTE) / DiffTotalMSecs)); fprintf (stdout, "\tTotalBytesSent=<%I64d>, Rate= %d Kbits / Sec\n", RmSenderStats.TotalBytesSent, ((RmSenderStats.TotalBytesSent*BITS_PER_BYTE)/DiffTotalMSecs)); fprintf (stdout, "\tNaksReceived=<%I64d>\n", RmSenderStats.NaksReceived); fprintf (stdout, "\tNaksReceivedTooLate=<%I64d>\n", RmSenderStats.NaksReceivedTooLate); fprintf (stdout, "\tNumOutstandingNaks=<%I64d>\n", RmSenderStats.NumOutstandingNaks); fprintf (stdout, "\tNumNaksAfterRData=<%I64d>\n", RmSenderStats.NumNaksAfterRData); fprintf (stdout, "\tRepairPacketsSent=<%I64d>\n", RmSenderStats.RepairPacketsSent); fprintf (stdout, "\tBufferSpaceAvailable=<%I64d> bytes\n\n", RmSenderStats.BufferSpaceAvailable); fprintf (stdout, "\tLeadingEdgeSeqId=<%I64d>\n", RmSenderStats.LeadingEdgeSeqId); fprintf (stdout, "\tTrailingEdgeSeqId=<%I64d>\n", RmSenderStats.TrailingEdgeSeqId); fprintf (stdout, "\tSequences in Window=<%I64d>\n", (RmSenderStats.LeadingEdgeSeqId-RmSenderStats.TrailingEdgeSeqId+1)); fprintf (stdout, "\tRateKBitsPerSecLast=<%I64d>\n", RmSenderStats.RateKBitsPerSecLast); fprintf (stdout, "\tRateKBitsPerSecOverall=<%I64d>\n", RmSenderStats.RateKBitsPerSecOverall);
fprintf (stdout, "\n\tDataBytesSent in last interval=<%I64d>, Rate= %d Kbits / Sec\n", (RmSenderStats.DataBytesSent-DataBytes), (ULONG) (BITS_PER_BYTE * (RmSenderStats.DataBytesSent-DataBytes) / DiffPreviousMSecs)); fprintf (stdout, "\tTotalBytesSent in last interval=<%I64d>, Rate= %d Kbits / Sec\n\n", (RmSenderStats.TotalBytesSent-TotalBytes), (ULONG) (BITS_PER_BYTE * (RmSenderStats.TotalBytesSent-TotalBytes)/DiffPreviousMSecs));
TotalBytes = RmSenderStats.TotalBytesSent; DataBytes = RmSenderStats.DataBytesSent;
fflush (stdout); return (ERROR_SUCCESS); }
ULONG GetReceiverStats( SOCKET s, LONG count ) { ULONG BufferLength; RM_RECEIVER_STATS RmReceiverStats; time_t DiffTotalSecs, DiffTotalMSecs; time_t DiffPreviousSecs, DiffPreviousMSecs; ULONG ret;
// Add 1 below to MSsecs to avoid div by 0
DiffTotalSecs = CurrentTime.time - StartTime.time; DiffTotalMSecs = (1 + CurrentTime.millitm - StartTime.millitm) + (1000 * DiffTotalSecs);
DiffPreviousSecs = CurrentTime.time - PreviousTime.time; DiffPreviousMSecs = (1 + CurrentTime.millitm - PreviousTime.millitm) + (1000 * DiffPreviousSecs);
BufferLength = sizeof(RM_RECEIVER_STATS); memset (&RmReceiverStats, 0, BufferLength); ret = getsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_RECEIVER_STATISTICS, (char *)&RmReceiverStats, &BufferLength); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "GetReceiverStats: Failed to retrieve Receiver stats, ret=<%d>, LastError=<%x>!\n", ret, GetLastError()); return (ret); }
fprintf (stdout, "MessagesRcvd=<%d>, Interval=[%d.%d / %d.%d]\n", count, DiffPreviousSecs, DiffPreviousMSecs, DiffTotalSecs, DiffTotalMSecs); fprintf (stdout, "\n\tDataBytesReceived in last interval=<%I64d>, Rate= %d Kbits / Sec\n", (RmReceiverStats.DataBytesReceived-DataBytes), (ULONG) (BITS_PER_BYTE * (RmReceiverStats.DataBytesReceived-DataBytes) / DiffPreviousMSecs)); fprintf (stdout, "\tTotalBytesReceived in last interval=<%I64d>, Rate= %d Kbits / Sec\n\n", (RmReceiverStats.TotalBytesReceived-TotalBytes), (ULONG) (BITS_PER_BYTE * (RmReceiverStats.TotalBytesReceived-TotalBytes)/DiffPreviousMSecs));
fprintf (stdout, "\tTotalDataBytesRcvd=<%I64d>, Rate= %d Kbits / Sec\n", RmReceiverStats.DataBytesReceived, (ULONG) ((RmReceiverStats.DataBytesReceived*BITS_PER_BYTE) / DiffTotalMSecs)); fprintf (stdout, "\tTotalBytesReceived=<%I64d>, Rate= %d Kbits / Sec\n", RmReceiverStats.TotalBytesReceived, ((RmReceiverStats.TotalBytesReceived*BITS_PER_BYTE)/DiffTotalMSecs)); fprintf (stdout, "\tRateKBitsPerSecLast=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.RateKBitsPerSecLast); fprintf (stdout, "\tRateKBitsPerSecOverall=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.RateKBitsPerSecOverall);
fprintf (stdout, "\tNumODataPacketsReceived=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.NumODataPacketsReceived); fprintf (stdout, "\tNumRDataPacketsReceived=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.NumRDataPacketsReceived); fprintf (stdout, "\tNumDuplicateDataPackets=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.NumDuplicateDataPackets); fprintf (stdout, "\tLeadingEdgeSeqId=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.LeadingEdgeSeqId); fprintf (stdout, "\tTrailingEdgeSeqId=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.TrailingEdgeSeqId); fprintf (stdout, "\tSequences in Window=<%I64d>\n\n", (RmReceiverStats.LeadingEdgeSeqId-RmReceiverStats.TrailingEdgeSeqId+1));
fprintf (stdout, "\tFirstNakSequenceNumber=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.FirstNakSequenceNumber); fprintf (stdout, "\tNumPendingNaks=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.NumPendingNaks); fprintf (stdout, "\tNumOutstandingNaks=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.NumOutstandingNaks); fprintf (stdout, "\tNumDataPacketsBuffered=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.NumDataPacketsBuffered); fprintf (stdout, "\tTotalSelectiveNaksSent=<%I64d>\n", RmReceiverStats.TotalSelectiveNaksSent); fprintf (stdout, "\tTotalParityNaksSent=<%I64d>\n\n", RmReceiverStats.TotalParityNaksSent);
TotalBytes = RmReceiverStats.TotalBytesReceived; DataBytes = RmReceiverStats.DataBytesReceived;
fflush (stdout); return (ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------
VOID EnumerateProtocols( ) { #define BUFFER_SIZE 10*1024
INT NumProts, err = NO_ERROR; CHAR pBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW* pwpiProtoInfo = (WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW *) pBuffer; WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW* pwpiInfo = pwpiProtoInfo; DWORD dwBuffSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
if (NumProts = WSCEnumProtocols (NULL, pwpiProtoInfo, &dwBuffSize, &err)) { // Print all protocols
printf ("WSHEnumProtocols returned <%d>:\n", NumProts); for (err = 0; err < NumProts; err++) { printf ("\t[%d]:\tType=<%x>, ProtocolId=<%x>, Flags=<%x>\n", err, pwpiInfo->iSocketType, pwpiInfo->iProtocol, pwpiInfo->dwServiceFlags1); pwpiInfo++; } } else { printf ("WSCEnumProtocols failed: <%d>, dwBuffSize=<%d>\n", err, dwBuffSize); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: main
// Description:
// This function loads Winsock, parses the command line, and
// begins receiving packets. Once a packet is received they
// are decoded. Because we are receiving IP datagrams, the
// receive call will return whole datagrams.
int __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { SOCKET s, sockR; WSADATA wsd; SOCKADDR_IN SrcSockAddr; SOCKADDR_IN SAMulticast; SOCKADDR_IN SASender; WSA_SETUP_DISPOSITION disposition; ULONG IpAddress;
LONG ret; LONG count, Length, BufferInfo; char *TestBuffer=NULL; char value;
struct linger LingerData; RM_SEND_WINDOW RmWindow; RM_FEC_INFO RmFEC;
time_t DiffSecs, DiffMSecs; LONG Flags, BytesRead; WSABUF WsaBuf;
// Parse the command line
gMCastGroupAddr = inet_addr (""); ValidateArgs(argc, argv);
if (gClearWinsockInfo) { //
// First, stop the service and delete the RMCast registry keys
system ("sc stop RMCast"); system ("sc delete RMCast");
ret = ClearHelperDllRegInfo ();
if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stdout, "ClearHelperDllRegInfo returned <%x>\n", ret); //
// Poke winsock to update the Winsock2 config
ret = MigrateWinsockConfiguration (&disposition, NULL, 0); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "MigrateWinsockConfiguration FAILed <%x>\n", ret); } } else { fprintf (stderr, "ClearHelperDllRegInfo FAILed <%x>\n", ret); }
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return -1; }
return 0; }
if (gSetWinsockInfo) { //
// First, clear any Registry keys that may still be lying around
// from any previous installation
ret = ClearHelperDllRegInfo ();
// Now, rewrite the keys afresh
ret = SetHelperDllRegInfo ();
if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stdout, "SetHelperDllRegInfo returned <%x>\n", ret); //
// Poke winsock to update the Winsock2 config
ret = MigrateWinsockConfiguration (&disposition, NULL, 0); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "MigrateWinsockConfiguration FAILed <%x>\n", ret); } } else { fprintf (stderr, "SetHelperDllRegInfo FAILed <%x>\n", ret); }
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return -1; }
return 0; }
ret = 0; //
// Now, check for validity of the parameters
if (gMinPktSize > gMaxPktSize) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR in parameter specification: MinPktSize=%d > MaxPktSize=%d\n", gMinPktSize, gMaxPktSize); ret = -1; }
if (ret) { return (ret); }
// Load Winsock
if (WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsd) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "WSAStartup() failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); return -1; }
if (gfEnumerateProts) { EnumerateProtocols(); }
TestBuffer = (char *)HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(BYTE) * gMaxPktSize); if (!TestBuffer) { fprintf(stderr, "HeapAlloc() for %d bytes failed: ERROR=%d\n", gMaxPktSize, GetLastError()); WSACleanup(); return -1; }
if (gReceiver) { memset (TestBuffer, '#', gMaxPktSize); } else { value = 0; for (count = 0; count < gMaxPktSize; count++) { TestBuffer[count] = value++; } }
// Create an RMCast socket
if (INVALID_SOCKET == (s = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_RMCAST, IPPROTO_RM, NULL, 0, (WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_C_LEAF | WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_D_LEAF)))) { fprintf(stderr, "socket() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, TestBuffer); WSACleanup(); return -1; } fprintf(stdout, "socket SUCCEEDED, s=<%d>\n", s);
SAMulticast.sin_family = AF_INET; SAMulticast.sin_port = htons (gMCastGroupPort); SAMulticast.sin_addr.s_addr = gMCastGroupAddr;
if (gReceiver) { fprintf(stdout, "We are Receiver!\n");
if (bind (s, (SOCKADDR *) &SAMulticast, sizeof(SAMulticast))) { fprintf(stderr, "bind to (%s:%d) FAILed, status=<%d>\n", inet_ntoa(SAMulticast.sin_addr), ntohs(SAMulticast.sin_port), WSAGetLastError()); } else { fprintf (stdout, "Bind to <%s> succeeded! ...\n", inet_ntoa(SAMulticast.sin_addr));
if (gListenOnAllInterfaces) { count = 0; while (0 == GetInterface (count, &IpAddress, FALSE)) { SrcSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = IpAddress; fprintf (stdout, "\t[%d] Listening on <%s>\n", count, inet_ntoa(SrcSockAddr.sin_addr));
setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_ADD_RECEIVE_IF, (char *)&IpAddress, sizeof(IpAddress));
count++; } } else if (gUseSpecifiedInterface) { //
// Set an interface to receive IP packets on
if (0 == GetInterface (gInterface, &IpAddress, FALSE)) { SrcSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = IpAddress; fprintf (stdout, "\t[%d] Interface is <%s>\n", gInterface, inet_ntoa(SrcSockAddr.sin_addr));
setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_ADD_RECEIVE_IF, (char *)&IpAddress, sizeof(IpAddress)); } else { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to obtain an interface from GetInterface\n"); } }
// Check if we need to use high-speed intranet optimization
if (gHighSpeedOptimization) { setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_HIGH_SPEED_INTRANET_OPT, (char *)&gHighSpeedOptimization, sizeof(gHighSpeedOptimization)); }
// listen on the socket
if (listen (s, 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "listen() FAILed, status=<%x>\n", WSAGetLastError()); } else { fprintf (stdout, "Listen succeeded! ...\n");
// join an RMCast session
Length = sizeof (SOCKADDR); sockR = accept (s, (SOCKADDR *) &SASender, &Length); if (sockR == INVALID_SOCKET) { fprintf(stderr, "accept() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Accept succeeded! s=<%d>, sockR=<%d>, Sender=<%s>\n", s, sockR, inet_ntoa(SASender.sin_addr));
// start receiving data
// memset (TestBuffer, '@', gMaxPktSize);
WsaBuf.buf = TestBuffer; WsaBuf.len = gMaxPktSize;
count = 0; Length = gMinPktSize;
_ftime (&StartTime); while (TRUE) { * ((PULONG) TestBuffer) = 0; Flags = BytesRead = 0;
ret = recv (sockR, TestBuffer, gMaxPktSize, 0); if ((ret==0) || (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)) */ ret = WSARecv (sockR, // socket
&WsaBuf, // lpBuffers
1, // dwBufferCount
&BytesRead, // lpNumberOfBytesRecvd
&Flags, // lpFlags
NULL, // lpOverlapped
NULL); // lpCompletionRoutine
if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "WSARecv() FAILed==><%d>, ret=<%d>, count=<%d> BytesRead=<%d>\n", WSAGetLastError(), ret, count, BytesRead); break; }
if (Flags) { fprintf(stdout, "[%d : %d] WARNING: BytesRead=<%d>, LastError=<%d>, Flags=<%x>\n", count, Length, BytesRead, WSAGetLastError(), Flags); }
TotalBytes += BytesRead;
_ftime (&CurrentTime); if (!count++) { PreviousTime = StartTime = CurrentTime; }
if (!(count % gStatusInterval)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == GetReceiverStats (sockR, count)) { PreviousTime = CurrentTime; } }
if (BytesRead != Length) { fprintf(stderr, "OUT-OF-ORDER: Expecting <%d>, received <%d>\n", Length, BytesRead); fflush (stdout); } else if (BytesRead != * ((PLONG) TestBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "BAD-DATA ? First ULONG=<%d>, BytesRead=<%d>\n", * ((PULONG) TestBuffer), BytesRead); fflush (stdout); } else if (gfVerifyData) { value = TestBuffer[4]; for (BufferInfo = 5; BufferInfo < BytesRead; BufferInfo++) { if (++value != TestBuffer[BufferInfo]) { fprintf (stderr, "\tCORRUPT buffer! Count=<%d>, Offset=<%d/%d> -- ActualValue=<%x>!=<%x>\n", count, BufferInfo, BytesRead, TestBuffer[BufferInfo], value); fflush (stdout); break; } } }
Length = BytesRead+1; if (Length > gMaxPktSize) { Length = gMinPktSize; } }
fprintf (stdout, "************************ Final Stats ***************************\n"); GetReceiverStats (sockR, count);
closesocket(sockR); } } } } else { fprintf(stdout, "We are Sender!\n");
// Bind the socket socket
SrcSockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; SrcSockAddr.sin_port = htons(0); // let system pick the port #
SrcSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; // set default interface = 0 for now
if (bind (s, (SOCKADDR *)&SrcSockAddr, sizeof(SrcSockAddr))) { fprintf(stderr, "bind(%s:%d) FAILed: %d\n", inet_ntoa(SrcSockAddr.sin_addr), ntohs(SrcSockAddr.sin_port), WSAGetLastError()); } else { fprintf (stdout, "Bind succeeded! ...\n");
if (gfSetAfdBufferSize) { if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char *) &gAfdBufferSize, sizeof (gAfdBufferSize)) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "SO_SNDBUF FAILed -- <%x>\n", WSAGetLastError()); } else { fprintf (stdout, "SO_SNDBUF SUCCEEDed\n"); } }
// Set an interface to send IP packets on
if (gUseSpecifiedInterface) { if (0 == GetInterface (gInterface, &IpAddress, FALSE)) { SrcSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = IpAddress; fprintf (stdout, "Interface <%d> is <%s>\n", gInterface,inet_ntoa(SrcSockAddr.sin_addr));
setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_SET_SEND_IF, (char *)&IpAddress, sizeof(IpAddress)); } else { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to obtain an interface from GetInterface\n"); } }
// Check if we need to set the Linger time
if (gSetLingerTime) { LingerData.l_onoff = 1; LingerData.l_linger = gLingerTime;
if (setsockopt (s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *) &LingerData, sizeof (struct linger)) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "SO_LINGER FAILed -- <%x>\n", WSAGetLastError()); } else { fprintf (stdout, "SO_LINGER SUCCEEDed, Lingertime=<%d>\n", (ULONG) gLingerTime); } }
// Check if we need to use high-speed intranet optimization
if (gHighSpeedOptimization) { setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_HIGH_SPEED_INTRANET_OPT, (char *)&gHighSpeedOptimization, sizeof(gHighSpeedOptimization)); }
// Set the transmission rate and window size
RmWindow.RateKbitsPerSec = gRateKbitsPerSec; RmWindow.WindowSizeInMSecs = 0; RmWindow.WindowSizeInBytes = 0; // RmWindow.WindowSizeInBytes = 50*1000*1000;
ret = setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_RATE_WINDOW_SIZE, (char *)&RmWindow, sizeof(RM_SEND_WINDOW));
// Now, query the transmission rate and window size (to verify that it got set)
RmWindow.RateKbitsPerSec = 0; Length = sizeof(RM_SEND_WINDOW); ret = getsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_RATE_WINDOW_SIZE, (char *)&RmWindow, &Length); fprintf (stdout, "Rate= %d Kb/sec, WindowSize = %d msecs = %d bytes\n", RmWindow.RateKbitsPerSec, RmWindow.WindowSizeInMSecs, RmWindow.WindowSizeInBytes);
// Set the FEC info if desired
if (gFECGroupSize) { RmFEC.FECBlockSize = gFECBlockSize; RmFEC.FECGroupSize = gFECGroupSize; RmFEC.FECProActivePackets = gFECProActive; RmFEC.fFECOnDemandParityEnabled = gfFECOnDemand;
ret = setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_USE_FEC, (char *)&RmFEC, sizeof(RM_FEC_INFO)); fprintf (stdout, "RM_USE_FEC: ret = <%x>, gFECGroupSize=<%x>, Pro:OnD=<%x:%x>\n", ret, gFECGroupSize, gFECProActive, gfFECOnDemand);
RmFEC.FECBlockSize = 0; RmFEC.FECGroupSize = 0; RmFEC.FECProActivePackets = 0; RmFEC.fFECOnDemandParityEnabled = 0; Length = sizeof(RM_FEC_INFO); ret = getsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_USE_FEC, (char *)&RmFEC, &Length); fprintf (stdout, "ret=<%x>, BlockSize= %d, GroupSize = %d, ProActive = %d, OnDemand = %s\n", ret, RmFEC.FECBlockSize, RmFEC.FECGroupSize, RmFEC.FECProActivePackets, (RmFEC.fFECOnDemandParityEnabled ? "ENabled" : "DISabled")); }
// Set the Late joiner option
if (gSetLateJoiner) { ret = setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_LATEJOIN, (char *)&gLateJoinerPercentage, sizeof(ULONG)); }
if (gfSetMCastTtl) { //
// Set the MCast packet Ttl
ret = setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_SET_MCAST_TTL, (char *)&gMCastTtl, sizeof(ULONG)); }
// Set the Send-Window Advance-rate
Length = 20; ret = setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_SEND_WINDOW_ADV_RATE, (char *)&Length, sizeof(ULONG));
// Query the Send-Window Advance-rate
Length= sizeof(ULONG); BufferInfo = 0; ret = getsockopt (s, IPPROTO_RM, RM_SEND_WINDOW_ADV_RATE, (char *)&BufferInfo, &Length); fprintf (stdout, "ret=<%d>, Length=<%d>, WindowAdvRate=<%d>\n", ret, Length, BufferInfo);
if (connect (s, (SOCKADDR *)&SAMulticast, sizeof(SAMulticast))) { fprintf(stderr, "connect to (%s:%d) FAILed, status=<%x>\n", inet_ntoa(SAMulticast.sin_addr), ntohs(SAMulticast.sin_port), WSAGetLastError()); } else { fprintf (stdout, "Connect to <%s> succeeded! ...\n", inet_ntoa(SAMulticast.sin_addr));
_ftime (&StartTime); PreviousTime = StartTime;
// Now, send the rest of the data
Length = gMinPktSize; count = 0; while (count < gNumSends) { * ((PULONG) TestBuffer) = Length; // fprintf (stdout, "\tSending %d/%d Length=<%d>\n", count, gNumSends, Length);
ret = send (s, TestBuffer, Length, 0); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "[%d]th sendto() failed: %d, Length=<%d>\n", (count+1), WSAGetLastError(), Length); fflush (stdout);
break; }
Length++; if (Length > gMaxPktSize) { Length = gMinPktSize; }
_ftime (&CurrentTime); count++; if (!(count % gStatusInterval)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == GetSenderStats (s, count)) { PreviousTime = CurrentTime; } } }
// fprintf (stdout, "Calling shutdown!\n");
// shutdown (s, SD_SEND);
fprintf (stdout, "\nWaiting 10 seconds for receivers to finish receiving ...\n"); Sleep (10*1000); // 10 seconds for any receivers to finish receiving data!
fprintf (stdout, "************************ Final Stats ***************************\n"); GetSenderStats (s, count); } } }
HeapFree (GetProcessHeap(), 0, TestBuffer);
closesocket(s); WSACleanup();
return 0; }