// File: cmmgr.cpp
// Module: CMMGR32.EXE
// Synopsis: Main file for the CM downlevel executable.
// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: quintinb Created header 08/17/99
#include "cmmaster.h"
// Common CM includes
#include "cmtiming.h"
BOOL InitArgs( LPTSTR pszCmdln, LPTSTR pszCmp, PDWORD pdwFlags );
void CheckCmdArg( LPTSTR pszToken, LPTSTR pszCmp, PDWORD pdwFlags );
// Function: InitArgs
// Synopsis: Parses the command line arguments, return the connectoid name if
// "dialing with connectoid"
// Arguments: pArgs - Pointer to global args struct
// nArgC - number of command line arguments
// ppszArgv - command arguments
// pszConnectoid - Connectoid name as found on command line
// Returns: TRUE if succeed
// FALSE otherwise
// History: byao Modified 5/8/97
// Added handler for 'dialing with connectoid'
BOOL InitArgs( LPTSTR pszCmdln, LPTSTR pszCmp, PDWORD pdwFlags ) { LPTSTR pszCurr; LPTSTR pszToken;
CMDLN_STATE state; // Parse the command line.
state = CS_CHAR; pszCurr = pszToken = pszCmdln;
do { switch (*pszCurr) { case TEXT(' '): if (state == CS_CHAR) { //
// we found a token
*pszCurr = TEXT('\0'); CheckCmdArg(pszToken, pszCmp, pdwFlags); *pszCurr = TEXT(' '); pszCurr = pszToken = CharNextU(pszCurr); state = CS_END_SPACE; continue; } else if (state == CS_END_SPACE || state == CS_END_QUOTE) { pszToken = CharNextU(pszToken); } break;
case TEXT('\"'): if (state == CS_BEGIN_QUOTE) { //
// we found a token
*pszCurr = TEXT('\0');
// skip the opening quote
pszToken = CharNextU(pszToken); CheckCmdArg(pszToken, pszCmp, pdwFlags); *pszCurr = TEXT('\"'); pszCurr = pszToken = CharNextU(pszCurr); state = CS_END_QUOTE; continue; } else { state = CS_BEGIN_QUOTE; } break;
case TEXT('\0'): if (state != CS_END_QUOTE) { CheckCmdArg(pszToken, pszCmp, pdwFlags); } state = CS_DONE; break;
default: if (state == CS_END_SPACE || state == CS_END_QUOTE) { state = CS_CHAR; } break; }
pszCurr = CharNextU(pszCurr); } while (state != CS_DONE);
return TRUE; }
// determines the cmdline parameter.
void CheckCmdArg( LPTSTR pszToken, LPTSTR pszCmp, PDWORD pdwFlags ) { struct { LPCTSTR pszArg; DWORD dwFlag; } ArgTbl[] = { {TEXT("/settings"),FL_PROPERTIES}, {TEXT("/autodial"),FL_AUTODIAL}, {TEXT("/unattended"), FL_UNATTENDED}, // unattended dial
{NULL,0}}; CMTRACE1(TEXT("Command line argument %s"), pszToken);
// Look through our table for a match and set flags accordingly.
for (size_t nIdx=0;ArgTbl[nIdx].pszArg;nIdx++) { if (lstrcmpiU(pszToken, ArgTbl[nIdx].pszArg) == 0) { MYDBGASSERT(!(*pdwFlags & ArgTbl[nIdx].dwFlag)); // only one of each please
CMTRACE2(TEXT("InitArgs() parsed option %s, flag=0x%x."), pszToken, ArgTbl[nIdx].dwFlag);
*pdwFlags |= ArgTbl[nIdx].dwFlag;
break; } }
// If table is exhausted, then its a data argument.
if (!ArgTbl[nIdx].pszArg) { //
// If this is the first data argument then it must be a profile
// source, either a .CMP file, a "connectoid" (.CON file).
lstrcpyU(pszCmp, pszToken); }
return; }
// Function: WinMain
// Synopsis: Main entry point of the exe
// History: byao Modified 05/06/97
// handle 'dialing with connectoid' and 'unattended dialing'
// quintinb Modified 05/12/99
// bAllUsers for MSN to use cmmgr32.exe on both NT5 and win98SR1
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPSTR /*pszCmdLine*/, int /*iCmdShow*/) {
// First Things First, lets initialize the U Api's
if (!InitUnicodeAPI()) { //
// Without our U api's we are going no where. Bail.
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Cmmgr32.exe Initialization Error: Unable to initialize Unicode to ANSI conversion layer, exiting."), TEXT("Connection Manager"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; }
LPTSTR pszCmdLine;
CMTRACE(TEXT("=====================================================")); CMTRACE1(TEXT(" CMMGR32.EXE - LOADING - Process ID is 0x%x "), GetCurrentProcessId()); CMTRACE(TEXT("====================================================="));
// Declare local vars
TCHAR szServiceName[RAS_MaxEntryName] = {0}; // service name
TCHAR szCmp[MAX_PATH]; // cmp filename
LPTSTR pszCL; DWORD dwExitCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bAllUsers; LPCMDIALINFO lpCmInfo = NULL;
#ifndef UNICODE
LPWSTR pszwServiceName; #endif
// we can't use hInst if we're linked with libc. libc uses GetModuleHandle(NULL).
g_hInst = GetModuleHandleA(NULL);
// Expand any environment strings in the command line
dwSize = lstrlenU(GetCommandLine()) + 1;
do { pszCmdLine = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*dwSize);
if (pszCmdLine) { DWORD dwRequiredSize = ExpandEnvironmentStringsU(GetCommandLine(), pszCmdLine, dwSize); if (0 == dwRequiredSize) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ExpandEnvironmentStrings Failed, exiting.")); goto done; } else if (dwRequiredSize > dwSize) { //
// Buffer not large enough. Try again.
dwSize = dwRequiredSize; CmFree(pszCmdLine); } else { //
// It worked and was the correct size
break; } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("Unable to CmMalloc Memory for the command line string, exiting.")); goto done; }
} while(1); //
// Now process the command line
pszCL = pszCmdLine;
// Scan, and skip over, subsequent characters until
// another double-quote or a null is encountered.
if (*pszCL == TEXT('\"')) { while (*(++pszCL) != TEXT('\"') && *pszCL) ;
// If we stopped on a double-quote (usual case), skip
// over it.
if ( *pszCL == TEXT('\"') ) pszCL++; }
// skip the spaces
while (*pszCL && *pszCL == TEXT(' ')) pszCL++;
// Return here if command line is empty - ALL PLATFORMS !!!!!!!
if (pszCL[0] == TEXT('\0')) { LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_NOCMDLINE_MSG); LPTSTR pszTitle = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_APP_TITLE); MessageBoxEx(NULL,pszMsg, pszTitle, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_USER_DEFAULT);//13309
CmFree(pszTitle); CmFree(pszMsg); dwExitCode = ERROR_WRONG_INFO_SPECIFIED; goto done; }
// Parse the command line options: Basically, this is to set
// commandline option flags, as well as the profile filename
// without libc, pszCmdLine in WinMain is empty.
if (!InitArgs(pszCL, szCmp, &dwFlags)) { dwExitCode = GetLastError(); goto done; }
// Get the service name from the CMP
if (!GetProfileInfo(szCmp, szServiceName)) { CMTRACE(TEXT("WinMain() can't run without a profile on the command line.")); LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_NOCMS_MSG); LPTSTR pszTitle = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_APP_TITLE); MessageBoxEx(NULL, pszMsg, pszTitle, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_USER_DEFAULT);//13309
CmFree(pszMsg); CmFree(pszTitle); dwExitCode = ERROR_WRONG_INFO_SPECIFIED; goto done; }
// Always set the FL_DESKTOP flag when CMMGR is calling, it is more
// efficient than checking the module filename inside CmCustomDialDlg
if (!(dwFlags & FL_DESKTOP)) { dwFlags |= FL_DESKTOP; }
// Call CMDIAL as appropriate
lpCmInfo = (LPCMDIALINFO) CmMalloc(sizeof(CMDIALINFO)); if (NULL == lpCmInfo) { dwExitCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; }
lpCmInfo->dwCmFlags = dwFlags;
// Determine if this is an all user call based upon the path.
// Thus we can support single-user profiles on NT5.
bAllUsers = IsCmpPathAllUser(szCmp);
CmCustomDialDlg(NULL, bAllUsers ? RCD_AllUsers : RCD_SingleUser, NULL, szServiceName, NULL, NULL, NULL, lpCmInfo);
UnInitUnicodeAPI(); CmFree(pszCmdLine); CmFree(lpCmInfo);
CMTRACE(TEXT("=====================================================")); CMTRACE1(TEXT(" CMMGR32.EXE - UNLOADING - Process ID is 0x%x "), GetCurrentProcessId()); CMTRACE(TEXT("====================================================="));
// the C runtine uses ExitProcess() to exit.
ExitProcess((UINT)dwExitCode); return ((int)dwExitCode); }