Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of CUdpBroadcastMapper -- support for mapping a public UDP port to the private network's broadcast address.
Jonathan Burstein (jonburs) 12 April 2001
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define INADDR_LOOPBACK_NO 0x0100007f // in network order
// ATL Methods
HRESULT CUdpBroadcastMapper::FinalConstruct() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwError;
// Create our UDP listening socket and obtain
// its port.
dwError = NhCreateDatagramSocket( INADDR_LOOPBACK_NO, 0, &m_hsUdpListen );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { m_usUdpListenPort = NhQueryPortSocket(m_hsUdpListen); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Create our raw UDP send socket
dwError = NhCreateRawDatagramSocket(&m_hsUdpRaw); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Obtain a handle to the NAT
dwError = NatOpenDriver(&m_hNat); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } } return hr; }
HRESULT CUdpBroadcastMapper::FinalRelease() { if (INVALID_SOCKET != m_hsUdpListen) { closesocket(m_hsUdpListen); }
if (INVALID_SOCKET != m_hsUdpRaw) { closesocket(m_hsUdpRaw); }
if (NULL != m_hNat) { CloseHandle(m_hNat); }
return S_OK; }
// Initialization
HRESULT CUdpBroadcastMapper::Initialize( PCOMPONENT_REFERENCE pComponentReference ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (NULL != pComponentReference) { m_pCompRef = pComponentReference; } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hr; }
// IUdpBroadcastMapper methods
STDMETHODIMP CUdpBroadcastMapper::CreateUdpBroadcastMapping( USHORT usPublicPort, DWORD dwPublicInterfaceIndex, ULONG ulDestinationAddress, VOID **ppvCookie ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CUdpBroadcast *pMapping; CUdpBroadcast *pDuplicate; PLIST_ENTRY pInsertionPoint; ULONG ulError;
if (NULL != ppvCookie) { *ppvCookie = NULL;
if (0 == usPublicPort || 0 == dwPublicInterfaceIndex || 0 == ulDestinationAddress) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else if (!m_fActive) { //
// We've already been shutdown
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } } else { hr = E_POINTER; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pMapping = new CUdpBroadcast( usPublicPort, dwPublicInterfaceIndex, ulDestinationAddress ); if (NULL == pMapping) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Check for duplicate and insert on list. It's OK for
// the entry to be on the list before we've created the
// dynamic redirect for it.
pDuplicate = LookupMapping( usPublicPort, dwPublicInterfaceIndex, &pInsertionPoint );
if (NULL == pDuplicate) { InsertTailList(pInsertionPoint, &pMapping->Link); } else { delete pMapping; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS); }
Unlock(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Create the dynamic redirect for this entry
ulError = NatCreateDynamicAdapterRestrictedPortRedirect( NatRedirectFlagReceiveOnly, NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP, usPublicPort, INADDR_LOOPBACK_NO, m_usUdpListenPort, dwPublicInterfaceIndex, 0, &pMapping->hDynamicRedirect );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ulError) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ulError);
Lock(); RemoveEntryList(&pMapping->Link); Unlock(); delete pMapping; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Make sure that we've posted a read on our UDP socket
hr = StartUdpRead();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppvCookie = reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(pMapping); } else { NatCancelDynamicRedirect(pMapping->hDynamicRedirect);
Lock(); RemoveEntryList(&pMapping->Link); Unlock();
delete pMapping; } } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CUdpBroadcastMapper::CancelUdpBroadcastMapping( VOID *pvCookie ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CUdpBroadcast *pMapping; ULONG ulError;
if (NULL != pvCookie) { pMapping = reinterpret_cast<CUdpBroadcast*>(pvCookie);
Lock(); RemoveEntryList(&pMapping->Link); Unlock();
ASSERT(NULL != pMapping->hDynamicRedirect);
ulError = NatCancelDynamicRedirect(pMapping->hDynamicRedirect); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ulError) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ulError); }
delete pMapping; } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CUdpBroadcastMapper::Shutdown() { InterlockedExchange( reinterpret_cast<LPLONG>(&m_fActive), FALSE );
// We need to close our read socket handle so that any
// pending reads complete. We don't need to close our
// raw send socket since for that completion will never
// be blocked waiting for an incoming packet.
if (INVALID_SOCKET != m_hsUdpListen) { closesocket(m_hsUdpListen); m_hsUdpListen = INVALID_SOCKET; }
Unlock(); return S_OK; }
// Protected methods
CUdpBroadcast* CUdpBroadcastMapper::LookupMapping( USHORT usPublicPort, DWORD dwInterfaceIndex, PLIST_ENTRY * ppInsertionPoint ) { PLIST_ENTRY pLink; CUdpBroadcast *pMapping; CUdpBroadcast *pMappingToReturn = NULL;
// The caller should have already locked the object before calling
// this method to guarantee that what we return will still be
// valid. However, we'll still grab the lock again to ensure that
// it's safe to traverse the list.
for (pLink = m_MappingList.Flink; pLink != &m_MappingList; pLink = pLink->Flink) { pMapping = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLink, CUdpBroadcast, Link);
if (pMapping->usPublicPort < usPublicPort) { continue; } else if (pMapping->usPublicPort > usPublicPort) { break; }
// Primary key matches, check secondary key
if (pMapping->dwInterfaceIndex < dwInterfaceIndex) { continue; } else if (pMapping->dwInterfaceIndex > dwInterfaceIndex) { break; }
// Found it.
pMappingToReturn = pMapping; break; }
if (NULL == pMappingToReturn && NULL != ppInsertionPoint) { *ppInsertionPoint = pLink; }
return pMappingToReturn; }
HRESULT CUdpBroadcastMapper::StartUdpRead() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG ulError; LONG fReadStarted;
Lock(); if (!m_fReadStarted) { AddRef(); ulError = NhReadDatagramSocket( m_pCompRef, m_hsUdpListen, NULL, UdpReadCompletionRoutine, this, m_pCompRef );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ulError) { m_fReadStarted = TRUE; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ulError); Release(); } }
return hr; }
VOID CUdpBroadcastMapper::UdpReadCompletionRoutine( ULONG ulError, ULONG ulBytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER pBuffer ) { CUdpBroadcastMapper *pMapper; PCOMPONENT_REFERENCE pCompRef;
pMapper = reinterpret_cast<CUdpBroadcastMapper*>(pBuffer->Context); pCompRef = reinterpret_cast<PCOMPONENT_REFERENCE>(pBuffer->Context2);
ASSERT(NULL != pMapper); ASSERT(NULL != pCompRef);
// Do the actual work
pMapper->ProcessUdpRead(ulError, ulBytesTransferred, pBuffer);
// Release the references obtained on both the object and
// the component
pMapper->Release(); ReleaseComponentReference(pCompRef); }
VOID CUdpBroadcastMapper::ProcessUdpRead( ULONG ulError, ULONG ulBytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER pBuffer ) { NAT_KEY_SESSION_MAPPING_EX_INFORMATION MappingInfo; ULONG ulBufferSize; DWORD dwError; CUdpBroadcast *pMapping; ULONG ulDestinationAddress = 0; //
// If an error occured check to see if we should repost
// the read. If we're not active release the buffer
// and exit.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ulError || !Active()) { Lock(); if (Active() && !NhIsFatalSocketError(ulError) && INVALID_SOCKET != m_hsUdpListen) { AddRef(); dwError = NhReadDatagramSocket( m_pCompRef, m_hsUdpListen, pBuffer, UdpReadCompletionRoutine, this, m_pCompRef ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { Release(); NhReleaseBuffer(pBuffer); } } else { NhReleaseBuffer(pBuffer); }
return; }
// Lookup the original destination address for this packet.
ulBufferSize = sizeof(MappingInfo); dwError = NatLookupAndQueryInformationSessionMapping( m_hNat, NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP, INADDR_LOOPBACK_NO, m_usUdpListenPort, pBuffer->ReadAddress.sin_addr.s_addr, pBuffer->ReadAddress.sin_port, &MappingInfo, &ulBufferSize, NatKeySessionMappingExInformation );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { //
// See if we have a port mapping for the original destination,
// and, if so, get the destination address
pMapping = LookupMapping( MappingInfo.DestinationPort, MappingInfo.AdapterIndex, NULL );
if (NULL != pMapping) { ulDestinationAddress = pMapping->ulDestinationAddress; }
Unlock(); }
if (0 != ulDestinationAddress) { //
// Construct the new packet and send it on its way
BuildAndSendRawUdpPacket( ulDestinationAddress, MappingInfo.DestinationPort, pBuffer ); }
// If we're still active repost the read, otherwise free the
// buffer.
if (Active() && INVALID_SOCKET != m_hsUdpListen) { AddRef(); dwError = NhReadDatagramSocket( m_pCompRef, m_hsUdpListen, pBuffer, UdpReadCompletionRoutine, this, m_pCompRef ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { Release(); NhReleaseBuffer(pBuffer); } } else { NhReleaseBuffer(pBuffer); }
Unlock(); }
HRESULT CUdpBroadcastMapper::BuildAndSendRawUdpPacket( ULONG ulDestinationAddress, USHORT usDestinationPort, PNH_BUFFER pPacketData ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PNH_BUFFER pBuffer; ULONG ulPacketSize; PIP_HEADER pIpHeader; UDP_HEADER UNALIGNED *pUdpHeader; PUCHAR pucData; DWORD dwError;
// Allocate a buffer large enough for the headers and packet data
ulPacketSize = sizeof(IP_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + pPacketData->BytesTransferred;
pBuffer = NhAcquireVariableLengthBuffer(ulPacketSize);
if (NULL != pBuffer) { //
// Locate offsets w/in the buffer
pIpHeader = reinterpret_cast<PIP_HEADER>(pBuffer->Buffer); pUdpHeader = reinterpret_cast<UDP_HEADER UNALIGNED *>(pBuffer->Buffer + sizeof(IP_HEADER)); pucData = pBuffer->Buffer + sizeof(IP_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER);
// Copy over the packet data
CopyMemory(pucData, pPacketData->Buffer, pPacketData->BytesTransferred);
// Fill out the IP header
pIpHeader->VersionAndHeaderLength = (4 << 4) | (sizeof(IP_HEADER) / sizeof(ULONG)); pIpHeader->TypeOfService = 0; pIpHeader->TotalLength = htons(static_cast<USHORT>(ulPacketSize)); pIpHeader->Identification = htons(++m_usIpId); pIpHeader->OffsetAndFlags = 0; pIpHeader->TimeToLive = 128; pIpHeader->Protocol = NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP; pIpHeader->Checksum = 0; pIpHeader->SourceAddress = pPacketData->ReadAddress.sin_addr.s_addr; pIpHeader->DestinationAddress = ulDestinationAddress;
// Fill out the UDP header
pUdpHeader->SourcePort = pPacketData->ReadAddress.sin_port; pUdpHeader->DestinationPort = usDestinationPort; pUdpHeader->Length = htons( static_cast<USHORT>( sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + pPacketData->BytesTransferred ) ); pUdpHeader->Checksum = 0;
// Send the buffer on its way
AddRef(); dwError = NhWriteDatagramSocket( m_pCompRef, m_hsUdpRaw, ulDestinationAddress, usDestinationPort, pBuffer, ulPacketSize, RawWriteCompletionRoutine, this, m_pCompRef ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { Release(); NhReleaseBuffer(pBuffer); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
VOID CUdpBroadcastMapper::RawWriteCompletionRoutine( ULONG ulError, ULONG ulBytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER pBuffer ) { CUdpBroadcastMapper *pMapper; PCOMPONENT_REFERENCE pCompRef;
pMapper = reinterpret_cast<CUdpBroadcastMapper*>(pBuffer->Context); pCompRef = reinterpret_cast<PCOMPONENT_REFERENCE>(pBuffer->Context2);
ASSERT(NULL != pMapper); ASSERT(NULL != pCompRef);
// Free the passed-in buffer
NhReleaseBuffer(pBuffer); //
// Release the references obtained on both the object and
// the component
pMapper->Release(); ReleaseComponentReference(pCompRef); }