Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: net\routing\netsh\if\showmib.c
Fns to parse and show MIB information
v raman
Revision History:
Anand Mahalingam Dave Thaler --*/
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <time.h>
#define MALLOC(x) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (x))
#define FREE(x) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (x))
HANDLE g_hConsole, g_hStdOut;
ULONG g_ulNumMibObjects = sizeof(MIBObjectMap)/sizeof(MIB_OBJECT_PARSER);
MAGIC_TABLE MIBVar[] = { {IF_ROW, PrintIfRow}, {IF_TABLE, PrintIfTable}, {IP_STATS, PrintIpStats}, {IP_STATS, PrintIpStats}, {IP_ADDRROW, PrintIpAddrRow}, {IP_ADDRTABLE, PrintIpAddrTable}, {IP_NETROW, PrintIpNetRow}, {IP_NETTABLE, PrintIpNetTable}, {ICMP_STATS, PrintIcmp}, {ICMP_STATS, PrintIcmp}, {TCP_STATS, PrintTcpStats}, {TCP_STATS, PrintTcpStats}, {TCP_ROW, PrintTcpRow}, {TCP_TABLE, PrintTcpTable}, {UDP_STATS, PrintUdpStats}, {UDP_STATS, PrintUdpStats}, {UDP_ROW, PrintUdpRow}, {UDP_TABLE, PrintUdpTable}, };
DWORD GetMIBIfIndex( IN PTCHAR *pptcArguments, IN DWORD dwCurrentIndex, OUT PDWORD pdwIndices, OUT PDWORD pdwNumParsed ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the interface index.
pptcArguments - Argument array dwCurrentIndex - Index of the first argument in array pdwIndices - Indices specified in command pdwNumParsed - Number of indices in command Return Value:
*pdwNumParsed = 1;
// If index was specified just use it
if (iswdigit(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex][0])) { pdwIndices[0] = _tcstoul(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex],NULL,10);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Try converting a friendly name to an ifindex
return IfutlGetIfIndexFromFriendlyName( pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex], &pdwIndices[0] ); } DWORD GetMIBIpAddress( IN PTCHAR *pptcArguments, IN DWORD dwCurrentIndex, OUT PDWORD pdwIndices, OUT PDWORD pdwNumParsed ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the IP address.
pptcArguments - Argument array dwCurrentIndex - Index of the first argument in array pdwIndices - Indices specified in command pdwNumParsed - Number of indices in command Return Value:
NO_ERROR --*/ { DWORD dwErr = GetIpAddress(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex], &pdwIndices[0]);
*pdwNumParsed = 1;
return dwErr; }
DWORD GetMIBIpNetIndex( IN PTCHAR *pptcArguments, IN DWORD dwCurrentIndex, OUT PDWORD pdwIndices, OUT PDWORD pdwNumParsed ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the IP net index
pptcArguments - Argument array dwCurrentIndex - Index of the first argument in array pdwIndices - Indices specified in command pdwNumParsed - Number of indices in command Return Value:
NO_ERROR --*/ { DWORD dwErr;
pdwIndices[0] = _tcstoul(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex],NULL,10);
dwErr = GetIpAddress(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex + 1], &pdwIndices[1]);
*pdwNumParsed = 2;
return dwErr; }
DWORD GetMIBTcpConnIndex( IN PTCHAR *pptcArguments, IN DWORD dwCurrentIndex, OUT PDWORD pdwIndices, OUT PDWORD pdwNumParsed ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the tco conn index
pptcArguments - Argument array dwCurrentIndex - Index of the first argument in array pdwIndices - Indices specified in command pdwNumParsed - Number of indices in command Return Value:
NO_ERROR --*/ { DWORD dwErr = GetIpAddress(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex], &pdwIndices[0]);
if (dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; } pdwIndices[1] = htons((WORD)(_tcstoul(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex + 1],NULL,10)));
dwErr = GetIpAddress(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex + 2], &pdwIndices[2]);
pdwIndices[3] = htons((WORD)(_tcstoul(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex + 3], NULL,10)));
*pdwNumParsed = 4;
return dwErr; }
DWORD GetMIBUdpConnIndex( IN PTCHAR *pptcArguments, IN DWORD dwCurrentIndex, OUT PDWORD pdwIndices, OUT PDWORD pdwNumParsed ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the udp conn index
pptcArguments - Argument array dwCurrentIndex - Index of the first argument in array pdwIndices - Indices specified in command pdwNumParsed - Number of indices in command Return Value:
NO_ERROR --*/ { DWORD dwErr = GetIpAddress(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex], &pdwIndices[0]);
pdwIndices[1] = htons((WORD)(_tcstoul(pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex + 1], NULL,10)));
*pdwNumParsed = 2;
return dwErr; }
DWORD GetPrintJoinRow( IPV4_ADDRESS ipAddr ) { DWORD dwOutBufLen = 0; IPV4_ADDRESS *pIgmpList = NULL; DWORD dwStatus; DWORD i;
dwStatus = GetIgmpList( ipAddr, pIgmpList, &dwOutBufLen );
if (dwStatus == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { pIgmpList = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwOutBufLen); if (!pIgmpList) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
dwStatus = GetIgmpList( ipAddr, pIgmpList, &dwOutBufLen ); } if (dwStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { WCHAR pwszIfAddr[20], pwszGrAddr[20]; DWORD dwTotal = dwOutBufLen/sizeof(ipAddr);
MakeAddressStringW(pwszIfAddr, ipAddr); if (!pwszIfAddr) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
for (i=0; i<dwTotal; i++) { MakeAddressStringW(pwszGrAddr, pIgmpList[i]); if (!pwszGrAddr) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; DisplayMessage( g_hModule, MSG_MIB_JOIN_ROW, pwszIfAddr, pwszGrAddr ); } }
if (pIgmpList) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pIgmpList);
return dwStatus; }
*ppList = NULL;
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) return WSAGetLastError();
for (;;) { dwErr = WSAIoctl(s, SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY, NULL, 0, pList, ulSize, &dwBytesReturned, NULL, NULL);
if (!dwErr) { break; }
if (pList) { FREE(pList); pList = NULL; } dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (dwErr != WSAEFAULT) break; pList = MALLOC(dwBytesReturned); if (!pList) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
ulSize = dwBytesReturned; }
*ppList = pList; return dwErr; }
DWORD HandleIpShowJoins( IN LPCWSTR pwszMachine, IN OUT LPWSTR *ppwcArguments, IN DWORD dwCurrentIndex, IN DWORD dwArgCount, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN LPCVOID pvData, OUT BOOL *pbDone ) { MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY Query; PMIB_IPADDRTABLE lprpcTable; DWORD dwOutBufLen = 0 , dwNumParsed; IPV4_ADDRESS *pIgmpList = NULL, ipAddr; DWORD dwResult = NO_ERROR, dwOutEntrySize; DWORD i; PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pRpcInfo; PWCHAR pszIfAddr; IFMON_CMD_ARG pArgs[] = { { IFMON_CMD_TYPE_STRING, {TOKEN_ADDR, FALSE, FALSE}, NULL, 0, NULL } };
do { dwResult = IfutlParse( ppwcArguments, dwCurrentIndex, dwArgCount, NULL, pArgs, sizeof(pArgs) / sizeof(*pArgs)); if (dwResult) { break; }
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_MIB_JOIN_HDR);
if (pArgs[0].rgTag.bPresent) { // address specified
pszIfAddr = IFMON_CMD_ARG_GetPsz(&pArgs[0]);
dwResult = GetIpAddress( pszIfAddr, &ipAddr ); if (dwResult) { break; } GetPrintJoinRow(ipAddr); } else { SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST *pList; INT j;
// Get all IPv4 addresses
dwResult = GetIPv4Addresses(&pList); if (dwResult != NO_ERROR) break;
// For each IPv4 address
for (j=0; j<pList->iAddressCount; j++) { GetPrintJoinRow( ((LPSOCKADDR_IN)pList->Address[j].lpSockaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr ); }
FREE(pList); }
} while (FALSE);
return dwResult; }
DWORD HandleIpMibShowObject( IN LPCWSTR pwszMachine, IN OUT LPWSTR *ppwcArguments, IN DWORD dwCurrentIndex, IN DWORD dwArgCount, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN LPCVOID pvData, OUT BOOL *pbDone ) /*++
Routine Description:
Parses command to get MIB object and optional parameters
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD dwIndices[MAX_NUM_INDICES]; DWORD dwNumParsed = 0; PMIB_OPAQUE_QUERY pQuery = NULL; PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pRpcInfo; DWORD dwQuerySize; BOOL bFound = FALSE,bOptPresent = FALSE; DWORD dwRefreshRate; DWORD dwOutEntrySize; DWORD i,dwResult,dwErr; DWORD dwMIBIndex, dwIndex; BOOL bIndex = FALSE, dwType; DWORD dwRR = 0, dwInd = 0; HANDLE hMib; #if 0
TOKEN_VALUE tvMfeTypes[] = { { TOKEN_VALUE_POSITIVE, PositiveMfe }, { TOKEN_VALUE_NEGATIVE, NegativeMfe }, { TOKEN_VALUE_BOTH, Both } }; #endif
if ( ! IfutlIsRouterRunning() ) { if (g_pwszRouter) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IP_REMOTE_ROUTER_NOT_RUNNING, g_pwszRouter); } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IP_LOCAL_ROUTER_NOT_RUNNING); }
return NO_ERROR; } //
// Match MIB object
ppwcArguments += (dwCurrentIndex-1); dwArgCount -= (dwCurrentIndex-1); dwCurrentIndex = 1;
//DEBUG2("In IP MIB Show : %s\n",pptcArguments[0]);
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(MIBObjectMap)/sizeof(MIB_OBJECT_PARSER); i++) { if (MatchToken(ppwcArguments[0],MIBObjectMap[i].pwszMIBObj)) { dwIndex = i; bFound = TRUE; break; } } if (!bFound) { return ERROR_CMD_NOT_FOUND; }
#if 0
// Special case for MFEs where MFE type is specified
// before index option
if ( ( MIBVar[ 2 * dwIndex ].dwId is MCAST_MFE ) || ( MIBVar[ 2 * dwIndex ].dwId is MCAST_MFE_STATS ) ) { if ( dwArgCount > 1 ) { if ( !_wcsnicmp( ppwcArguments[ 1 ], L"TYPE=", 5 ) ) { wcscpy( ppwcArguments[ 1 ], &ppwcArguments[ 1 ][ 5 ] ); } dwErr = MatchEnumTag( g_hModule, ppwcArguments[ 1 ], NUM_TOKENS_IN_TABLE( tvMfeTypes ), tvMfeTypes, &dwType ); } else { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { return ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX; } dwErr = GetMibTagToken(&ppwcArguments[2], dwArgCount - 2, MIBObjectMap[dwIndex].dwMinOptArg, &dwRR, &bIndex, &dwInd); }
else #endif
{ dwErr = GetMibTagToken(&ppwcArguments[1], dwArgCount - 1, MIBObjectMap[dwIndex].dwMinOptArg, &dwRR, &bIndex, &dwInd); }
if (dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { return ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX; }
if (bIndex) { dwMIBIndex = dwIndex * 2; bOptPresent = TRUE; } else { dwMIBIndex = dwIndex * 2 + 1; }
// Convert refresh rate to msec
dwRR *= 1000;
if (!InitializeConsole(&dwRR, &hMib, &g_hConsole)) { return ERROR_INIT_DISPLAY; }
// Query the MIB
pQuery = NULL;
for ( ; ; ) { if(dwRR) { DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole, MSG_CTRL_C_TO_QUIT); }
// always...
{ if (!(dwMIBIndex % 2)) { (*MIBObjectMap[dwIndex].pfnMIBObjParser)(ppwcArguments, 1, dwIndices, &dwNumParsed); }
dwQuerySize = ( sizeof( MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY ) - sizeof( DWORD ) ) + (dwNumParsed) * sizeof(DWORD); pQuery = (PMIB_OPAQUE_QUERY)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwQuerySize); if (pQuery is NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IP_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return dwErr; }
pQuery->dwVarId = MIBVar[dwMIBIndex].dwId; for( i = 0; i < dwNumParsed; i++ ) { pQuery->rgdwVarIndex[i] = dwIndices[i]; } dwResult = MibGet( PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID) pQuery, dwQuerySize, (PVOID *) &pRpcInfo, &dwOutEntrySize ); if ( dwResult isnot NO_ERROR ) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IP_DIM_ERROR, dwResult ); return dwResult; } if ( pRpcInfo is NULL ) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IP_NO_ENTRIES ); return dwResult; }
(*MIBVar[dwMIBIndex].pfnPrintFunction)(g_hMIBServer, pRpcInfo);
MprAdminMIBBufferFree( (PVOID) pRpcInfo ); } if(pQuery != NULL ) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,pQuery); }
if (!RefreshConsole(hMib, g_hConsole, dwRR)) { break; } } return dwResult; } VOID PrintIfTable( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints interface table information
Return Value:
--*/ { PMIB_IFTABLE lprpcTable = (PMIB_IFTABLE)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); PTCHAR ptszIfType, ptszOper, ptszAdmin; TCHAR tszDescr[MAXLEN_IFDESCR + 1], tszIfName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1]; TCHAR tszPhysAddr[DISPLAYLEN_PHYSADDR + 1]; WCHAR wszBuffer[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN+1]; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwCount = lprpcTable->dwNumEntries; DWORD i; DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole, MSG_MIB_IF_HDR); if ( dwCount is 0 ) { DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole, MSG_IP_NO_ENTRIES); return; } for(i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { switch(lprpcTable->table[i].dwType) { case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_ETHERNET); break; } case IF_TYPE_ISO88025_TOKENRING: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_TOKENRING); break; } case IF_TYPE_FDDI: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_FDDI); break; } case IF_TYPE_PPP: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_PPP); break; } case IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_LOOPBACK); break; } case IF_TYPE_SLIP: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_SLIP); break; } case IF_TYPE_OTHER: default: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_OTHER); break; } } switch(lprpcTable->table[i].dwAdminStatus) { case IF_ADMIN_STATUS_UP: { ptszAdmin = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_UP); break; } case IF_ADMIN_STATUS_TESTING: { ptszAdmin = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_TESTING); break; } case IF_ADMIN_STATUS_DOWN: default: { ptszAdmin = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_DOWN); break; } } switch(lprpcTable->table[i].dwOperStatus) { case IF_OPER_STATUS_UNREACHABLE: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_UNREACHABLE); break; } case IF_OPER_STATUS_DISCONNECTED: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_DISCONNECTED); break; } case IF_OPER_STATUS_CONNECTING: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CONNECTING); break; } case IF_OPER_STATUS_CONNECTED: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CONNECTED); break; } case IF_OPER_STATUS_OPERATIONAL: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_OPERATIONAL); break; } case IF_OPER_STATUS_NON_OPERATIONAL: default: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_NON_OPERATIONAL); break; } } #ifdef UNICODE
wcscpy(tszIfName, lprpcTable->table[i].wszName); MultiByteToWideChar(GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, lprpcTable->table[i].bDescr, -1, tszDescr, MAXLEN_IFDESCR); #else
WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, lprpcTable->table[i].wszName, -1, tszIfName, MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN, NULL, NULL); strcpy(tszDescr,lprpcTable->table[i].bDescr); #endif
if (lprpcTable->table[i].dwPhysAddrLen == 0) { tszPhysAddr[0] = TEXT('\0'); } else { MakeUnicodePhysAddr(tszPhysAddr, lprpcTable->table[i].bPhysAddr, lprpcTable->table[i].dwPhysAddrLen); }
dwSize = sizeof(wszBuffer); IfutlGetInterfaceDescription( tszIfName, wszBuffer, &dwSize );
DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_INTERFACE, lprpcTable->table[i].dwIndex, wszBuffer, tszIfName, ptszIfType, lprpcTable->table[i].dwMtu, lprpcTable->table[i].dwSpeed, tszPhysAddr, ptszAdmin, ptszOper, lprpcTable->table[i].dwLastChange, lprpcTable->table[i].dwInOctets, lprpcTable->table[i].dwInUcastPkts, lprpcTable->table[i].dwInNUcastPkts, lprpcTable->table[i].dwInDiscards, lprpcTable->table[i].dwInErrors, lprpcTable->table[i].dwInUnknownProtos, lprpcTable->table[i].dwOutOctets, lprpcTable->table[i].dwOutUcastPkts, lprpcTable->table[i].dwOutNUcastPkts, lprpcTable->table[i].dwOutDiscards, lprpcTable->table[i].dwOutErrors, lprpcTable->table[i].dwOutQLen, tszDescr); FreeString(ptszIfType); FreeString(ptszAdmin); FreeString(ptszOper); } }
VOID PrintIfRow( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints interface row information
Return Value:
--*/ { PMIB_IFROW ieRow = (PMIB_IFROW)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); PTCHAR ptszIfType, ptszOper, ptszAdmin; TCHAR tszDescr[MAXLEN_IFDESCR + 1], tszIfName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1]; TCHAR tszPhysAddr[DISPLAYLEN_PHYSADDR + 1]; WCHAR wszBuffer[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN+1]; DWORD dwSize; DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole, MSG_MIB_IF_HDR); switch(ieRow->dwType) { case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_ETHERNET); break; } case IF_TYPE_ISO88025_TOKENRING: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_TOKENRING); break; } case IF_TYPE_FDDI: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_FDDI); break; } case IF_TYPE_PPP: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_PPP); break; } case IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_LOOPBACK); break; } case IF_TYPE_SLIP: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_SLIP); break; } case IF_TYPE_OTHER: default: { ptszIfType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_OTHER); break; } }
switch(ieRow->dwAdminStatus) { case IF_ADMIN_STATUS_UP: { ptszAdmin = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_UP); break; } case IF_ADMIN_STATUS_TESTING: { ptszAdmin = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_TESTING); break; } case IF_ADMIN_STATUS_DOWN: default: { ptszAdmin = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_DOWN); break; } }
switch(ieRow->dwOperStatus) { case IF_OPER_STATUS_UNREACHABLE: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_UNREACHABLE); break; } case IF_OPER_STATUS_DISCONNECTED: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_DISCONNECTED); break; } case IF_OPER_STATUS_CONNECTING: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CONNECTING); break; } case IF_OPER_STATUS_CONNECTED: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CONNECTED); break; } case IF_OPER_STATUS_OPERATIONAL: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_OPERATIONAL); break; } case IF_OPER_STATUS_NON_OPERATIONAL: default: { ptszOper = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_NON_OPERATIONAL); break; } } #ifdef UNICODE
wcscpy(tszIfName, ieRow->wszName); MultiByteToWideChar(GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, ieRow->bDescr, -1, tszDescr, MAXLEN_IFDESCR); #else
WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, ieRow->wszName, -1, tszIfName, MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN, NULL, NULL);
strcpy(tszDescr,ieRow->bDescr); #endif
if (ieRow->dwPhysAddrLen == 0) { tszPhysAddr[0] = TEXT('\0'); } else { MakeUnicodePhysAddr(tszPhysAddr,ieRow->bPhysAddr,ieRow->dwPhysAddrLen); }
dwSize = sizeof(wszBuffer); IfutlGetInterfaceDescription( tszIfName, wszBuffer, &dwSize ); DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_INTERFACE, ieRow->dwIndex, wszBuffer, tszIfName, ptszIfType, ieRow->dwMtu, ieRow->dwSpeed, tszPhysAddr, ptszAdmin, ptszOper, ieRow->dwLastChange, ieRow->dwInOctets, ieRow->dwInUcastPkts, ieRow->dwInNUcastPkts, ieRow->dwInDiscards, ieRow->dwInErrors, ieRow->dwInUnknownProtos, ieRow->dwOutOctets, ieRow->dwOutUcastPkts, ieRow->dwOutNUcastPkts, ieRow->dwOutDiscards, ieRow->dwOutErrors, ieRow->dwOutQLen, tszDescr); FreeString(ptszIfType); FreeString(ptszAdmin); FreeString(ptszOper); }
VOID PrintIcmp( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints ICMP information.
Return Value:
--*/ { PMIB_ICMP lprpcIcmp = (PMIB_ICMP)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_ICMP, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwMsgs, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwErrors, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwDestUnreachs, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwTimeExcds, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwParmProbs, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwSrcQuenchs, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwRedirects, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwEchos, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwEchoReps, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwTimestamps, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwTimestampReps, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwAddrMasks, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpInStats.dwAddrMaskReps, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwMsgs, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwErrors, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwDestUnreachs, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwTimeExcds, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwParmProbs, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwSrcQuenchs, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwRedirects, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwEchos, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwEchoReps, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwTimestamps, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwTimestampReps, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwAddrMasks, lprpcIcmp->stats.icmpOutStats.dwAddrMaskReps); }
VOID PrintUdpStats( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints UDP statistics.
Return Value:
--*/ { PMIB_UDPSTATS lprpcUdp = (PMIB_UDPSTATS)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_UDP_STATS, lprpcUdp->dwInDatagrams, lprpcUdp->dwNoPorts, lprpcUdp->dwInErrors, lprpcUdp->dwOutDatagrams); }
VOID PrintUdpTable( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints UDP table information.
Return Value:
--*/ { PMIB_UDPTABLE lprpcTable = (PMIB_UDPTABLE)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); TCHAR tszAddr[ADDR_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD i; DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_UDP_ENTRY_HDR); if(lprpcTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_IP_NO_ENTRIES); return; } for(i = 0; i < lprpcTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszAddr, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)(&lprpcTable->table[i].dwLocalAddr))));
DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_UDP_ENTRY, tszAddr, ntohs((WORD)lprpcTable->table[i].dwLocalPort)); } }
VOID PrintUdpRow( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints UDP row information.
Return Value:
--*/ { PMIB_UDPROW ueRow = (PMIB_UDPROW)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); TCHAR tszAddr[ADDR_LENGTH + 1]; DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_UDP_ENTRY_HDR); MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszAddr,inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) (&ueRow->dwLocalAddr)))); DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_UDP_ENTRY, tszAddr, ntohs((WORD)ueRow->dwLocalPort)); }
VOID PrintTcpStats( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints TCP Statistics
Return Value:
{ PMIB_TCPSTATS lprpcTcp = (PMIB_TCPSTATS)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); PTCHAR ptszMaxConn, ptszAlgo; switch(lprpcTcp->dwRtoAlgorithm) { case MIB_TCP_RTO_CONSTANT: { ptszAlgo = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CONSTANT); break; } case MIB_TCP_RTO_RSRE: { ptszAlgo = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_RSRE); break; } case MIB_TCP_RTO_VANJ: { ptszAlgo = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_VANJ); break; } case MIB_TCP_RTO_OTHER: default: { ptszAlgo = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_OTHER); break; } } if(lprpcTcp->dwMaxConn is MIB_TCP_MAXCONN_DYNAMIC) { ptszMaxConn = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_DYNAMIC); } else { ptszMaxConn = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,20); if(ptszMaxConn is NULL) { return; } _stprintf(ptszMaxConn,TEXT("%d"),lprpcTcp->dwMaxConn); } DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_TCP_STATS, ptszAlgo, lprpcTcp->dwRtoMin, lprpcTcp->dwRtoMax, ptszMaxConn, lprpcTcp->dwActiveOpens, lprpcTcp->dwPassiveOpens, lprpcTcp->dwAttemptFails, lprpcTcp->dwEstabResets, lprpcTcp->dwCurrEstab, lprpcTcp->dwInSegs, lprpcTcp->dwOutSegs, lprpcTcp->dwRetransSegs, lprpcTcp->dwInErrs, lprpcTcp->dwOutRsts); FreeString(ptszAlgo);
if(lprpcTcp->dwMaxConn is MIB_TCP_MAXCONN_DYNAMIC) { FreeString(ptszMaxConn); } else { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap,0,ptszMaxConn); } }
VOID PrintTcpTable( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints TCP table information.
Return Value:
--*/ { PMIB_TCPTABLE lprpcTable = (PMIB_TCPTABLE)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); TCHAR tszLAddr[ADDR_LENGTH + 1], tszRAddr[ADDR_LENGTH + 1]; PTCHAR ptszState; DWORD i;
DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_TCP_ENTRY_HDR); if(lprpcTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_IP_NO_ENTRIES); return; } for(i = 0; i < lprpcTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { switch(lprpcTable->table[i].dwState) { case MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSED: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CLOSED); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_LISTEN: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_LISTEN); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_SYN_SENT: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_SYN_SENT); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_SYN_RCVD: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_SYN_RCVD); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_ESTAB); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT1: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_FIN_WAIT1); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT2: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_FIN_WAIT2); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CLOSE_WAIT); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSING: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CLOSING); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_LAST_ACK: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_LAST_ACK); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_TIME_WAIT); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_DELETE_TCB : { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_DELETE_TCB); break; } } MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszLAddr, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) (&lprpcTable->table[i].dwLocalAddr)))); MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszRAddr, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) (&lprpcTable->table[i].dwRemoteAddr)))); DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_TCP_ENTRY, tszLAddr, ntohs((WORD)lprpcTable->table[i].dwLocalPort), tszRAddr, ntohs((WORD)lprpcTable->table[i].dwRemotePort), ptszState); FreeString(ptszState); } }
VOID PrintTcpRow( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints TCP row information.
Return Value:
--*/ { PMIB_TCPROW tcteRow = (PMIB_TCPROW)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); TCHAR tszLAddr[ADDR_LENGTH + 1], tszRAddr[ADDR_LENGTH + 1]; PTCHAR ptszState; DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_TCP_ENTRY_HDR); switch(tcteRow->dwState) { case MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSED: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CLOSED); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_LISTEN: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_LISTEN); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_SYN_SENT: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_SYN_SENT); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_SYN_RCVD: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_SYN_RCVD); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_ESTAB); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT1: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_FIN_WAIT1); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT2: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_FIN_WAIT2); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CLOSE_WAIT); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSING: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_CLOSING); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_LAST_ACK: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_LAST_ACK); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT: { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_TIME_WAIT); break; } case MIB_TCP_STATE_DELETE_TCB : { ptszState = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_DELETE_TCB); break; } } MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszLAddr, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) (&tcteRow->dwLocalAddr)))); MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszRAddr, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) (&tcteRow->dwRemoteAddr)))); DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_TCP_ENTRY, tszLAddr, ntohs((WORD)tcteRow->dwLocalPort), tszRAddr, ntohs((WORD)tcteRow->dwRemotePort), ptszState); FreeString(ptszState); }
VOID PrintIpStats( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) { PMIB_IPSTATS lprpcIp = (PMIB_IPSTATS)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); PTCHAR ptszForw;
if(lprpcIp->dwForwarding is MIB_IP_FORWARDING) { ptszForw = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_ENABLED); } else { ptszForw = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_DISABLED); } DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_IP_STATS, ptszForw, lprpcIp->dwDefaultTTL, lprpcIp->dwInReceives, lprpcIp->dwInHdrErrors, lprpcIp->dwInAddrErrors, lprpcIp->dwForwDatagrams, lprpcIp->dwInUnknownProtos, lprpcIp->dwInDiscards, lprpcIp->dwInDelivers, lprpcIp->dwOutRequests, lprpcIp->dwRoutingDiscards, lprpcIp->dwOutDiscards, lprpcIp->dwOutNoRoutes, lprpcIp->dwReasmTimeout, lprpcIp->dwReasmReqds, lprpcIp->dwReasmOks, lprpcIp->dwReasmFails, lprpcIp->dwFragOks, lprpcIp->dwFragFails, lprpcIp->dwFragCreates); FreeString(ptszForw); }
VOID PrintIpAddrTable( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints IP address table.
Return Value:
--*/ { WCHAR wszFriendlyName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1]; PMIB_IPADDRTABLE lprpcTable; TCHAR tszAddr[ADDR_LENGTH + 1], tszMask[ADDR_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD i, dwErr = NO_ERROR;
lprpcTable = (PMIB_IPADDRTABLE)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_IP_ADDR_HDR); if(lprpcTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_IP_NO_ENTRIES); return; } for(i = 0; i < lprpcTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { DWORD BufLen; MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszAddr, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) (&lprpcTable->table[i].dwAddr)))); MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszMask, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) (&lprpcTable->table[i].dwMask))));
BufLen = sizeof(wszFriendlyName); dwErr = IfutlGetFriendlyNameFromIfIndex( hMibServer, lprpcTable->table[i].dwIndex, wszFriendlyName,//in bytes. not chars
BufLen );
DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_IP_ADDR_ENTRY, tszAddr, tszMask, lprpcTable->table[i].dwBCastAddr, lprpcTable->table[i].dwReasmSize, wszFriendlyName ); } }
VOID PrintIpAddrRow( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints IP address table row.
Return Value:
--*/ { WCHAR wszFriendlyName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1]; PMIB_IPADDRROW iaeRow = (PMIB_IPADDRROW)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; TCHAR tszAddr[ADDR_LENGTH + 1], tszMask[ADDR_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD BufLen;
MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszAddr, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)(&iaeRow->dwAddr)))); MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszMask, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)(&iaeRow->dwMask))));
BufLen = sizeof(wszFriendlyName); dwErr = IfutlGetFriendlyNameFromIfIndex( hMibServer, iaeRow->dwIndex, wszFriendlyName,//in bytes. not chars
BufLen );
DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_IP_ADDR_HDR); DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_IP_ADDR_ENTRY, tszAddr, tszMask, iaeRow->dwBCastAddr, iaeRow->dwReasmSize, wszFriendlyName ); }
VOID PrintIpNetTable( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints IP net table information.
Return Value:
--*/ { WCHAR wszFriendlyName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1]; PMIB_IPNETTABLE lprpcTable = (PMIB_IPNETTABLE)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); TCHAR tszPhysAddr[DISPLAYLEN_PHYSADDR + 1], tszIpAddr[ADDR_LENGTH + 1]; PTCHAR ptszType; DWORD i, dwErr = NO_ERROR; DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_IP_NET_HDR); if(lprpcTable->dwNumEntries is 0) { DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_IP_NO_ENTRIES); return; } for(i = 0; i < lprpcTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { DWORD BufLen; switch(lprpcTable->table[i].dwType) { case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_INVALID: { ptszType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_INVALID); break; } case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_DYNAMIC: { ptszType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_DYNAMIC); break; } case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_STATIC: { ptszType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_STATIC); break; } case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_OTHER: default: { ptszType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_OTHER); break; } } MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszIpAddr, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) (&lprpcTable->table[i].dwAddr)))); MakeUnicodePhysAddr(tszPhysAddr, lprpcTable->table[i].bPhysAddr, lprpcTable->table[i].dwPhysAddrLen);
BufLen = sizeof(wszFriendlyName); dwErr = IfutlGetFriendlyNameFromIfIndex( hMibServer, lprpcTable->table[i].dwIndex, wszFriendlyName,//in bytes. not chars
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { wcscpy(wszFriendlyName, L"?"); }
DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_IP_NET_ENTRY, wszFriendlyName, tszPhysAddr, tszIpAddr, ptszType); FreeString(ptszType); } }
VOID PrintIpNetRow( MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer, PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO prpcInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints IP net row information.
Return Value:
--*/ { WCHAR wszFriendlyName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1]; PMIB_IPNETROW inmeRow = (PMIB_IPNETROW)(prpcInfo->rgbyData); TCHAR tszPhysAddr[DISPLAYLEN_PHYSADDR + 1], tszIpAddr[ADDR_LENGTH + 1]; PTCHAR ptszType; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; DWORD BufLen; switch(inmeRow->dwType) { case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_INVALID: { ptszType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_INVALID); break; } case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_DYNAMIC: { ptszType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_DYNAMIC); break; } case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_STATIC: { ptszType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_STATIC); break; } case MIB_IPNET_TYPE_OTHER: default: { ptszType = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_OTHER); break; } } MakeUnicodeIpAddr(tszIpAddr, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)(&inmeRow->dwAddr)))); MakeUnicodePhysAddr(tszPhysAddr,inmeRow->bPhysAddr,inmeRow->dwPhysAddrLen);
BufLen = sizeof(wszFriendlyName); dwErr = IfutlGetFriendlyNameFromIfIndex( hMibServer, inmeRow->dwIndex, wszFriendlyName, BufLen);//in bytes. not chars
DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_IP_NET_HDR); DisplayMessageToConsole(g_hModule, g_hConsole,MSG_MIB_IP_NET_ENTRY, wszFriendlyName, tszPhysAddr, tszIpAddr, ptszType); FreeString(ptszType); }