/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: attrib.c
// Description: Contains code to manipulate RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE structures
// History: Feb 11,1997 NarenG Created original version.
#define UNICODE
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <rtutils.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <rasauth.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ppputil.h"
// Call: RasAuthAttributeCreate
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description: Will create an array of attributes plus one for the terminator
RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * RasAuthAttributeCreate( IN DWORD dwNumAttributes ) { RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes; DWORD dwIndex;
pAttributes = (RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * ) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof( RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE )*(1+dwNumAttributes));
if ( pAttributes == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
// Initialize
for( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwNumAttributes; dwIndex++ ) { pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType = raatReserved; pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength = 0; pAttributes[dwIndex].Value = NULL; }
// Terminate
pAttributes[dwNumAttributes].raaType = raatMinimum; pAttributes[dwNumAttributes].dwLength = 0; pAttributes[dwNumAttributes].Value = NULL;
return( pAttributes ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeDestroy
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description: Will free up all allocated memory occupied by the attributes
// structure
VOID RasAuthAttributeDestroy( IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes ) { DWORD dwIndex;
if ( NULL == pAttributes ) { return; }
for( dwIndex = 0; pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType != raatMinimum; dwIndex++ ) { switch( pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType ) { case raatUserName: case raatUserPassword: case raatMD5CHAPPassword: case raatFilterId: case raatReplyMessage: case raatCallbackNumber: case raatCallbackId: case raatFramedRoute: case raatState: case raatClass: case raatVendorSpecific: case raatCalledStationId: case raatCallingStationId: case raatNASIdentifier: case raatProxyState: case raatLoginLATService: case raatLoginLATNode: case raatLoginLATGroup: case raatFramedAppleTalkZone: case raatAcctSessionId: case raatAcctMultiSessionId: case raatMD5CHAPChallenge: case raatLoginLATPort: case raatTunnelClientEndpoint: case raatTunnelServerEndpoint: case raatARAPPassword: case raatARAPFeatures: case raatARAPSecurityData: case raatConnectInfo: case raatConfigurationToken: case raatEAPMessage: case raatSignature: case raatARAPChallengeResponse: case raatCertificateOID: //
// Allocated memory here so free it
if ( pAttributes[dwIndex].Value != NULL ) { ZeroMemory( pAttributes[dwIndex].Value, pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength);
LocalFree( pAttributes[dwIndex].Value ); }
case raatReserved:
// Do nothing to uninitialized values
case raatPEAPFastRoamedSession: case raatPEAPEmbeddedEAPTypeId: //
// Same as Default case here. fall thru'
// DWORDs, USHORTs or BYTEs so do nothing
break; } }
LocalFree( pAttributes ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeGet
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
if ( pAttributes == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
for( dwIndex = 0; pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType != raatMinimum; dwIndex++ ) { if ( pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType == raaType ) { return( &(pAttributes[dwIndex]) ); } }
return( NULL ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeGetFirst
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * RasAuthAttributeGetFirst( IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE raaType, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes, OUT HANDLE * phAttribute ) { DWORD dwIndex; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pRequiredAttribute;
pRequiredAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGet( raaType, pAttributes );
if ( pRequiredAttribute == NULL ) { *phAttribute = NULL;
return( NULL ); }
*phAttribute = pRequiredAttribute;
return( pRequiredAttribute ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeGetNext
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * RasAuthAttributeGetNext( IN OUT HANDLE * phAttribute, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE raaType ) { DWORD dwIndex; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes = (RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE *)*phAttribute;
if ( pAttributes == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
while( pAttributes->raaType != raatMinimum ) { if ( pAttributes->raaType == raaType ) { *phAttribute = pAttributes; return( pAttributes ); }
pAttributes++; }
*phAttribute = NULL; return( NULL ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributesPrint
// Returns: VOID
// Description: Will print all the attributes in pAttributes
VOID RasAuthAttributesPrint( IN DWORD dwTraceID, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes ) { DWORD dwIndex;
if ( NULL == pAttributes ) { return; }
for ( dwIndex = 0; pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType != raatMinimum; dwIndex++) { switch( pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType ) { case raatUserName: case raatUserPassword: case raatMD5CHAPPassword: case raatFilterId: case raatReplyMessage: case raatCallbackNumber: case raatCallbackId: case raatFramedRoute: case raatState: case raatClass: case raatVendorSpecific: case raatCalledStationId: case raatCallingStationId: case raatNASIdentifier: case raatProxyState: case raatLoginLATService: case raatLoginLATNode: case raatLoginLATGroup: case raatFramedAppleTalkZone: case raatAcctSessionId: case raatAcctMultiSessionId: case raatMD5CHAPChallenge: case raatLoginLATPort: case raatTunnelClientEndpoint: case raatTunnelServerEndpoint: case raatARAPPassword: case raatARAPFeatures: case raatARAPSecurityData: case raatConnectInfo: case raatConfigurationToken: case raatEAPMessage: case raatSignature: case raatARAPChallengeResponse: case raatCertificateOID: TracePrintfExA( dwTraceID, dwFlags, "Type=%d, Length=%d, Value=", pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType, pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength );
if ( ( pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType == raatVendorSpecific ) && ( pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength >= 5 ) && ( WireToHostFormat32( pAttributes[dwIndex].Value ) == 311 ) ) { DWORD dwVendorType;
dwVendorType = ((BYTE*)(pAttributes[dwIndex].Value))[4];
// Do not print MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys, MS-MPPE-Send-Key and
// MS-MPPE-Recv-Key
if ( ( dwVendorType == 12 ) || ( dwVendorType == 16 ) || ( dwVendorType == 17 ) ) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceID, dwFlags, "MS vendor specific %d", dwVendorType );
break; }
// Do not print the password
if(pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType == raatUserPassword) { TracePrintfExA( dwTraceID, dwFlags, "raatUserPassword");
break; }
TraceDumpExA( dwTraceID, dwFlags, pAttributes[dwIndex].Value, pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength, 1, FALSE, "" );
break; case raatPEAPFastRoamedSession: case raatPEAPEmbeddedEAPTypeId: //
// Same as Default case here. fall thru'
TracePrintfExA( dwTraceID, dwFlags, "Type=%d, Length=%d, Value=0x%x", pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType, pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength, pAttributes[dwIndex].Value );
break; } } }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeInsert
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
DWORD RasAuthAttributeInsert( IN DWORD dwIndex, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE raaType, IN BOOL fConvertToMultiByte, IN DWORD dwLength, IN PVOID pValue ) { DWORD dwErr;
if ( raatMinimum == pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType ) { return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
switch( raaType ) { case raatUserName: case raatUserPassword: case raatMD5CHAPPassword: case raatFilterId: case raatReplyMessage: case raatCallbackNumber: case raatCallbackId: case raatFramedRoute: case raatState: case raatClass: case raatVendorSpecific: case raatCalledStationId: case raatCallingStationId: case raatNASIdentifier: case raatProxyState: case raatLoginLATService: case raatLoginLATNode: case raatLoginLATGroup: case raatFramedAppleTalkZone: case raatAcctSessionId: case raatAcctMultiSessionId: case raatMD5CHAPChallenge: case raatLoginLATPort: case raatTunnelClientEndpoint: case raatTunnelServerEndpoint: case raatARAPPassword: case raatARAPFeatures: case raatARAPSecurityData: case raatConnectInfo: case raatConfigurationToken: case raatEAPMessage: case raatSignature: case raatARAPChallengeResponse: case raatCertificateOID: // If you add a new attribute here, update RasAuthAttributesPrint also.
if ( pValue != NULL ) { pAttributes[dwIndex].Value = LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwLength+1 );
if ( pAttributes[dwIndex].Value == NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
if ( fConvertToMultiByte ) { if (0 == WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (WCHAR*)pValue, dwLength + 1, pAttributes[dwIndex].Value, dwLength + 1, NULL, NULL ) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); LocalFree( pAttributes[dwIndex].Value ); return( dwErr ); } } else { CopyMemory( pAttributes[dwIndex].Value, pValue, dwLength ); } } else { pAttributes[dwIndex].Value = NULL; }
case raatPEAPFastRoamedSession: case raatPEAPEmbeddedEAPTypeId: default:
pAttributes[dwIndex].Value = pValue;
pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength = dwLength; pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType = raaType;
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeInsertVSA
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
DWORD RasAuthAttributeInsertVSA( IN DWORD dwIndex, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes, IN DWORD dwVendorId, IN DWORD dwLength, IN PVOID pValue ) { if ( pValue != NULL ) { pAttributes[dwIndex].Value = LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwLength+1+4 );
if ( pAttributes[dwIndex].Value == NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
HostToWireFormat32( dwVendorId, (PBYTE)(pAttributes[dwIndex].Value) );
CopyMemory( ((PBYTE)pAttributes[dwIndex].Value)+4, (PBYTE)pValue, dwLength );
pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength = dwLength+4; } else { pAttributes[dwIndex].Value = NULL; pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength = 0; }
pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType = raatVendorSpecific;
return( NO_ERROR ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeCopy
// Returns: Pointer to copy of attributes - Success
// NULL - Failure
// Description:
RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * RasAuthAttributeCopy( IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes ) { RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributesCopy; DWORD dwAttributesCount = 0; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwRetCode;
// Find out how many attributes there are
if ( pAttributes == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
for( dwIndex = 0; pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType != raatMinimum; dwIndex++ );
if ( ( pAttributesCopy = RasAuthAttributeCreate( dwIndex ) ) == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
for( dwIndex = 0; pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType != raatMinimum; dwIndex++ ) { dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( dwIndex, pAttributesCopy, pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType, FALSE, pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength, pAttributes[dwIndex].Value );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pAttributesCopy );
SetLastError( dwRetCode );
return( NULL ); } }
return( pAttributesCopy ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeCopyWithAlloc
// Returns: Pointer to copy of attributes - Success
// NULL - Failure
// Description: Copies the attribute list and allocs dwNumExtraAttributes
// extra blank attributes in the beginning. pAttributes can
// be NULL.
RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * RasAuthAttributeCopyWithAlloc( IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes, IN DWORD dwNumExtraAttributes ) { RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributesCopy; DWORD dwAttributesCount = 0; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwRetCode;
if ( pAttributes == NULL ) { pAttributesCopy = RasAuthAttributeCreate( dwNumExtraAttributes );
if ( pAttributesCopy == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } } else { //
// Find out how many attributes there are
for( dwIndex = 0; pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType != raatMinimum; dwIndex++ );
dwIndex += dwNumExtraAttributes;
if ( ( pAttributesCopy = RasAuthAttributeCreate( dwIndex ) ) == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
for( dwIndex = 0; pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType != raatMinimum; dwIndex++ ) { dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( dwIndex + dwNumExtraAttributes, pAttributesCopy, pAttributes[dwIndex].raaType, FALSE, pAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength, pAttributes[dwIndex].Value );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pAttributesCopy );
SetLastError( dwRetCode );
return( NULL ); } } }
return( pAttributesCopy ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific
// Returns: Pointer to attribute
// NULL if it couldn't find it
// Description:
RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( IN DWORD dwVendorId, IN DWORD dwVendorType, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes ) { HANDLE hAttribute; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttribute;
// First search for the vendor specific attribute
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetFirst( raatVendorSpecific, pAttributes, &hAttribute );
while ( pAttribute != NULL ) { //
// If this attribute is of at least size to hold vendor Id/Type
if ( pAttribute->dwLength >= 8 ) { //
// Does this have the correct VendorId
if (WireToHostFormat32( (PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value) ) == dwVendorId) { //
// Does this have the correct Vendor Type
if ( *(((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value))+4) == dwVendorType ) { return( pAttribute ); } } }
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetNext( &hAttribute, raatVendorSpecific ); }
return( NULL ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeReAlloc
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description: Will create an array of attributes plus one for the terminator
RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * RasAuthAttributeReAlloc( IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes, IN DWORD dwNumAttributes ) { DWORD dwIndex; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pOutAttributes;
pOutAttributes = (RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE *) LocalReAlloc( pAttributes, sizeof( RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE )*(1+dwNumAttributes), LMEM_ZEROINIT );
if ( pOutAttributes == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
// Initialize the rest of the array.
for( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwNumAttributes; dwIndex++ ) { if ( pOutAttributes[dwIndex].raaType == raatMinimum ) { while( dwIndex < dwNumAttributes ) { pOutAttributes[dwIndex].raaType = raatReserved; pOutAttributes[dwIndex].dwLength = 0; pOutAttributes[dwIndex].Value = NULL;
dwIndex++; }
break; } }
// Terminate the new array.
pOutAttributes[dwNumAttributes].raaType = raatMinimum; pOutAttributes[dwNumAttributes].dwLength = 0; pOutAttributes[dwNumAttributes].Value = NULL;
return( pOutAttributes ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeGetConcatString
// Returns: pointer to a LocalAlloc'ed string
// Description: Looks for attributes of type raaType in pAttributes. Combines
// them all into one string and returns the string. The string
// must be LocalFree'd. *pdwStringLength will contain the number
// of characters in the string.
CHAR * RasAuthAttributeGetConcatString( IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE raaType, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes, IN OUT DWORD * pdwStringLength ) { #define MAX_STR_LENGTH 1500
HANDLE hAttribute; CHAR * pszReplyMessage = NULL; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttribute; DWORD dwBytesRemaining; DWORD dwBytesToCopy;
do { *pdwStringLength = 0;
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetFirst( raaType, pAttributes, &hAttribute );
if ( NULL == pAttribute ) { break; }
pszReplyMessage = LocalAlloc( LPTR, MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1 );
if ( NULL == pszReplyMessage ) { break; }
// Bytes remaining, excluding terminating NULL
dwBytesRemaining = MAX_STR_LENGTH;
while ( ( dwBytesRemaining > 0 ) && ( NULL != pAttribute ) ) { //
// This does not include the terminating NULL
dwBytesToCopy = pAttribute->dwLength;
if ( dwBytesToCopy > dwBytesRemaining ) { dwBytesToCopy = dwBytesRemaining; }
CopyMemory( pszReplyMessage + MAX_STR_LENGTH - dwBytesRemaining, pAttribute->Value, dwBytesToCopy );
dwBytesRemaining -= dwBytesToCopy;
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetNext( &hAttribute, raaType );
*pdwStringLength = MAX_STR_LENGTH - dwBytesRemaining; } while ( FALSE );
return( pszReplyMessage ); }
// Call: RasAuthAttributeGetConcatVendorSpecific
// Returns: Pointer to a chunk of bytes
// NULL if it couldn't find it
// Description: Looks for attributes of type dwVendorType in pAttributes.
// Combines them all into the return value. The Value must be
// LocalFree'd.
BYTE * RasAuthAttributeGetConcatVendorSpecific( IN DWORD dwVendorId, IN DWORD dwVendorType, IN RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes ) { DWORD dwMAX_ATTR_LENGTH = 1024; HANDLE hAttribute; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttribute; BYTE* pbValue = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwLength; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
pbValue = LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwMAX_ATTR_LENGTH );
if ( NULL == pbValue ) { return( NULL ); }
// First search for the vendor specific attribute
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetFirst( raatVendorSpecific, pAttributes, &hAttribute );
while ( pAttribute != NULL ) { //
// If this attribute is of at least size to hold vendor Id/Type
if ( pAttribute->dwLength >= 8 ) { //
// Does this have the correct VendorId
if (WireToHostFormat32( (PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value) ) == dwVendorId) { //
// Does this have the correct Vendor Type
if ( *(((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value))+4) == dwVendorType ) { //
// Exclude Vendor-Type and Vendor-Length from the length
dwLength = *(((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value))+5) - 2;
// If we overrun the buffer, we should increase it
if ( dwMAX_ATTR_LENGTH - dwIndex < dwLength ) { BYTE *pbNewValue; dwMAX_ATTR_LENGTH += 1024;
// Bail if we can't get more memory
if( pbNewValue == NULL ) { LocalFree( pbValue ); return( NULL ); }
pbValue = pbNewValue; }
CopyMemory( pbValue + dwIndex, ((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value))+6, dwLength );
dwIndex += dwLength;
fFound = TRUE; } } }
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetNext( &hAttribute, raatVendorSpecific ); }
if ( fFound ) { return( pbValue ); } else { LocalFree( pbValue ); return( NULL ); } }