File usrparms.c
Callback routines exported to SAM for migrating and updating user parms.
Paul Mayfield, 9/10/98 */
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntlsa.h>
#include <ntsam.h>
#include <samrpc.h>
#include <samisrv.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <raserror.h>
#include <rasman.h>
#include <rasppp.h>
#include <mprapi.h>
#include <mprapip.h>
#include <usrparms.h> // for UP_CLIENT_DIAL
#include <cleartxt.h> // for IASParmsGetUserPassword
#include <rassfmhp.h> // for RasSfmHeap
#include <oaidl.h>
// Flags that restrict the values generated for a given
// set of ras user properties. See UPGenerateDsAttribs
#define UP_F_Dialin 0x1 // Generate dialup params
#define UP_F_Callback 0x2 // Generate callback params
#define UP_F_Upgrade 0x4 // Generate upgraded params
// Constants in the profiles
#define SDO_FRAMED 2
// Names of user attributes that we set
static const WCHAR pszAttrDialin[] = L"msNPAllowDialin"; static const WCHAR pszAttrServiceType[] = L"msRADIUSServiceType"; static const WCHAR pszAttrCbNumber[] = L"msRADIUSCallbackNumber"; static const WCHAR pszAttrSavedCbNumber[] = L"msRASSavedCallbackNumber";
// Will be equal to the number of times the common allocation
// routine is called minus the number of times the common free
// routine is called. Should be zero else leaking memory.
DWORD dwUpLeakCount = 0;
// Prototype of free func.
VOID WINAPI UserParmsFree( IN PVOID pvData);
// Common tracing for the UserParm functions.
DWORD UpTrace (LPSTR pszTrace, ...) { #if 0
va_list arglist; char szBuffer[1024], szTemp[1024];
va_start(arglist, pszTrace); vsprintf(szTemp, pszTrace, arglist); va_end(arglist);
sprintf(szBuffer, "UserParms: %s\n", szTemp);
OutputDebugStringA(szBuffer); #endif
return NO_ERROR; }
// Allocation and free routines for UserParms functions
PVOID UpAlloc( IN DWORD dwSize, IN BOOL bZero) { dwUpLeakCount++; return RtlAllocateHeap( RasSfmHeap(), (bZero ? HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY : 0), dwSize ); }
// Callback function called by NT5 SAM to free the blob
// returned by UserParmsConvert.
VOID UpFree( IN PVOID pvData) { dwUpLeakCount--; if (pvData) RtlFreeHeap( RasSfmHeap(), 0, pvData ); }
// Returns a heap-allocated copy of the given
// string
PWCHAR UpStrDup( IN PCWSTR pszSrc) { PWCHAR pszRet = NULL; DWORD dwLen = wcslen(pszSrc);
pszRet = (PWCHAR) UpAlloc((dwLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), FALSE); if (pszRet) wcscpy(pszRet, pszSrc);
return pszRet; }
// Returns a heap-allocated copy of the given unicode
// string converted into multibyte.
PUCHAR UpWcstombsDup( IN PWCHAR pszSrc) { PUCHAR pszRet = NULL; DWORD dwSize = (wcslen(pszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
pszRet = (PUCHAR) UpAlloc(dwSize, TRUE); if (pszRet) wcstombs(pszRet, pszSrc, dwSize);
return pszRet; }
// Returns a heap-allocated copy of the given
// blob
PVOID UpBlobDup( IN PVOID pvSrc, IN ULONG ulLen) { PVOID pvRet = NULL;
if (ulLen == 0) return NULL;
pvRet = UpAlloc(ulLen + sizeof(WCHAR), TRUE); if (pvRet) { CopyMemory(pvRet, pvSrc, ulLen); } else { UpTrace("UpBlobDup: Failed to dupe %x %d.", pvSrc, ulLen); }
return pvRet; }
// Allocates and initializes a dword attribute
NTSTATUS UpInitializeDwordAttr( IN SAM_USERPARMS_ATTR * pAttr, IN PWCHAR pszAttr, IN DWORD dwVal) { if (pszAttr == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
// Initialize the name
RtlInitUnicodeString (&(pAttr->AttributeIdentifier), pszAttr); pAttr->Syntax = Syntax_Attribute;
// Alloc/Initailze the value structure
pAttr->Values = (SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS*) UpAlloc(sizeof(SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS), TRUE); if (pAttr->Values == NULL) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
// Alloc/Init the value
pAttr->Values->value = UpAlloc(sizeof(DWORD), TRUE); if (pAttr->Values->value == NULL) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; *((DWORD*)pAttr->Values->value) = dwVal; pAttr->Values->length = sizeof(DWORD);
// Put in the value count
pAttr->CountOfValues = 1;
// Allocates and initializes a dword attribute
NTSTATUS UpInitializeStringAttrA( OUT SAM_USERPARMS_ATTR * pAttr, IN PWCHAR pszAttr, IN PUCHAR pszVal) { if (pszAttr == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
// Initialize the name
RtlInitUnicodeString (&(pAttr->AttributeIdentifier), pszAttr); pAttr->Syntax = Syntax_Attribute;
// Alloc/Initailze the value structure
pAttr->Values = (SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS*) UpAlloc(sizeof(SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS), TRUE); if (pAttr->Values == NULL) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
// Alloc/Init the value
pAttr->Values->value = pszVal;
if (pszVal) { pAttr->Values->length = (strlen(pszVal) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR); } else { pAttr->Values->length = 1 * sizeof(CHAR); }
// Put in the value count
pAttr->CountOfValues = 1;
// Allocates and initializes a cleartext password attribute
NTSTATUS UpInitializePasswordAttr( OUT SAM_USERPARMS_ATTR * pAttr, IN PWSTR pszPassword) { // Alloc/Initialize the value structure
pAttr->Values = (SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS*) UpAlloc(sizeof(SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS), TRUE); if (pAttr->Values == NULL) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
// Alloc/Init the value
pAttr->Values->value = pszPassword; pAttr->Values->length = (wcslen(pszPassword) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Put in the value count
pAttr->CountOfValues = 1;
// Initialize the name and syntax.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &pAttr->AttributeIdentifier, UpStrDup(L"CLEARTEXT") ); pAttr->Syntax = Syntax_EncryptedAttribute;
// Allocates and initializes an attribute
// to be deleted.
NTSTATUS UpInitializeDeletedAttr( OUT SAM_USERPARMS_ATTR * pAttr, IN PWCHAR pszAttr) { if (pszAttr == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
// Initialize the name
RtlInitUnicodeString (&(pAttr->AttributeIdentifier), pszAttr); pAttr->Syntax = Syntax_Attribute;
// Value count of zero means delete
pAttr->CountOfValues = 0;
// Converts the given user parms blob into a set of
// ras attributes
NTSTATUS UpUserParmsToRasUser0 ( IN PVOID pvUserParms, OUT RAS_USER_0 * pRasUser0) { DWORD dwErr;
// Initalize
ZeroMemory(pRasUser0, sizeof(RAS_USER_0)); pRasUser0->bfPrivilege = RASPRIV_NoCallback; pRasUser0->wszPhoneNumber[0] = UNICODE_NULL;
// The the user parms are null, the defaults
// will do.
if (pvUserParms == NULL) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Truncate user parms at sizeof USER_PARMS
if (lstrlenW((PWCHAR)pvUserParms) >= sizeof(USER_PARMS)) { // We slam in a null at sizeof(USER_PARMS)-1 which
// corresponds to user_parms.up_Null
((PWCHAR)pvUserParms)[sizeof(USER_PARMS)-1] = L'\0'; }
// Get RAS info (and validate) from usr_parms
dwErr = MprGetUsrParams( UP_CLIENT_DIAL, (LPWSTR) pvUserParms, (LPWSTR) pRasUser0); if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { // Get RAS Privilege and callback number
RasPrivilegeAndCallBackNumber(FALSE, pRasUser0); }
// Signature of the extraction function.
// Uplevel per-user attributes that will be migrated.
CONST PCWSTR UPLEVEL_PARMS[] = { L"msNPAllowDialin", L"msNPCallingStationID", L"msRADIUSCallbackNumber", L"msRADIUSFramedIPAddress", L"msRADIUSFramedRoute", L"msRADIUSServiceType" };
// Number of per-user attributes.
// Converts a ULONG into a SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS struct.
NTSTATUS NTAPI ConvertULongToAttrVal( IN ULONG ulValue, OUT PSAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS pAttrVal ) { // Allocate memory to hold the ULONG.
pAttrVal->value = UpAlloc(sizeof(ULONG), FALSE); if (pAttrVal->value == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
// Copy in the value.
*(PULONG)pAttrVal->value = ulValue;
// Set the length.
pAttrVal->length = sizeof(ULONG);
// Converts a single-valued VARIANT into a SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS struct.
switch (V_VT(pvarValue)) { case VT_EMPTY: { // VT_EMPTY means the attribute was deleted.
pAttrVal->value = NULL; pAttrVal->length = 0; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
case VT_I2: return ConvertULongToAttrVal(V_I2(pvarValue), pAttrVal);
case VT_I4: return ConvertULongToAttrVal(V_I4(pvarValue), pAttrVal);
case VT_BSTR: { // Check the BSTR.
if (V_BSTR(pvarValue) == NULL) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Initialize the source string.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&wide, V_BSTR(pvarValue));
// Initialize the destination buffer.
ansi.Length = 0; ansi.MaximumLength = wide.MaximumLength / sizeof(WCHAR); ansi.Buffer = UpAlloc(ansi.MaximumLength, FALSE); if (ansi.Buffer == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
// Convert from wide to ansi.
status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&ansi, &wide, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { UpFree(ansi.Buffer); return status; }
// Store the result.
pAttrVal->value = ansi.Buffer; pAttrVal->length = ansi.Length + 1;
case VT_BOOL: return ConvertULongToAttrVal((V_BOOL(pvarValue) ? 1 : 0), pAttrVal);
case VT_I1: return ConvertULongToAttrVal(V_I1(pvarValue), pAttrVal);
case VT_UI1: return ConvertULongToAttrVal(V_UI1(pvarValue), pAttrVal);
case VT_UI2: return ConvertULongToAttrVal(V_UI2(pvarValue), pAttrVal);
case VT_UI4: return ConvertULongToAttrVal(V_UI4(pvarValue), pAttrVal);
case VT_ARRAY | VT_I1: case VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1: { // Check the SAFEARRAY.
if (V_ARRAY(pvarValue) == NULL) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Allocate memory for the octet string.
length = V_ARRAY(pvarValue)->rgsabound[0].cElements; pAttrVal->value = UpAlloc(length, FALSE); if (pAttrVal->value == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
// Copy in the data.
memcpy(pAttrVal->value, V_ARRAY(pvarValue)->pvData, length);
// Set the length.
pAttrVal->length = length;
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } }
// If we made it here it was an unsupported VARTYPE.
// Frees the values array of a SAM_USERPARMS_ATTR struct.
VOID NTAPI FreeUserParmsAttrValues( IN PSAM_USERPARMS_ATTR pAttrs ) { ULONG i;
if (pAttrs) { for (i = 0; i < pAttrs->CountOfValues; ++i) { UpFree(pAttrs->Values[i].value); }
UpFree(pAttrs->Values); } }
// Converts a VARIANT into a SAM_USERPARMS_ATTR struct.
// Get the array of values to be converted.
if (V_VT(pvarSrc) != (VT_VARIANT | VT_ARRAY)) { nelem = 1; srcVal = pvarSrc; } else { nelem = V_ARRAY(pvarSrc)->rgsabound[0].cElements; srcVal = (CONST VARIANT *)V_ARRAY(pvarSrc)->pvData; }
// Initialize CountOfValues to zero. We'll use this to track how many
// values have been successfully converted.
pAttrs->CountOfValues = 0;
// Allocate memory to hold the values.
pAttrs->Values = UpAlloc(sizeof(SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS) * nelem, TRUE); if (pAttrs->Values == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
// Loop through each value to be converted.
for (dstVal = pAttrs->Values; nelem > 0; ++srcVal, ++dstVal, --nelem) { status = ConvertVariantToAttrVal(srcVal, dstVal); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { // Clean-up the partial results.
FreeUserParmsAttrValues(pAttrs); return status; }
++(pAttrs->CountOfValues); }
// Extracts the NT5 per-user attributes from a SAM UserParameters string and
// converts them to a SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRBLOCK struct.
// Make sure we have the extraction function loaded.
if (IASParmsQueryUserProperty == NULL) { IASParmsQueryUserProperty = (IASPARMSQUERYUSERPROPERTY) GetProcAddress( LoadLibraryW( L"IASSAM.DLL" ), "IASParmsQueryUserProperty" );
if (!IASParmsQueryUserProperty) { return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; } }
// Allocate memory for the SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRBLOCK.
*ppAttrs = (PSAM_USERPARMS_ATTRBLOCK) UpAlloc( sizeof(SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRBLOCK), TRUE ); if (*ppAttrs == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
(*ppAttrs)->UserParmsAttr = (PSAM_USERPARMS_ATTR) UpAlloc( sizeof(SAM_USERPARMS_ATTR) * (NUM_UPLEVEL_PARMS + 1), TRUE ); if ((*ppAttrs)->UserParmsAttr == NULL) { UpFree(*ppAttrs); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
// Convert the cleartext password.
dst = (*ppAttrs)->UserParmsAttr;
szPassword = NULL; IASParmsGetUserPassword( lpUserParms, &szPassword );
if (szPassword) { status = UpInitializePasswordAttr( dst, UpStrDup(szPassword) );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ++dst; } }
// Convert the dial-in parameters.
for (i = 0; i < NUM_UPLEVEL_PARMS; ++i) { // Try to extract the parameter from UserParms.
hr = IASParmsQueryUserProperty( lpUserParms, UPLEVEL_PARMS[i], &src ); if (FAILED(hr) || V_VT(&src) == VT_EMPTY) { continue; }
// Convert to a SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRVALS array.
status = ConvertVariantToUserParmsAttr( &src, dst ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { // Fill in the AttributeIdentifier ...
RtlInitUnicodeString( &dst->AttributeIdentifier, UpStrDup(UPLEVEL_PARMS[i]) );
// ... and the Syntax.
dst->Syntax = Syntax_Attribute;
// All went well, so advance to the next element in the array.
++dst; }
// We're done with the VARIANT.
VariantClear(&src); }
(*ppAttrs)->attCount = (ULONG)(dst - (*ppAttrs)->UserParmsAttr);
// If there weren't any attributes, then free the UserParmsAttr array.
if ((*ppAttrs)->attCount == 0) { UpFree((*ppAttrs)->UserParmsAttr);
(*ppAttrs)->UserParmsAttr = NULL; }
return status; }
// Generate an appropriate set of ds attributes based on the
// ras user information provided
NTSTATUS UpGenerateDsAttribs ( IN DWORD dwFlags, IN RAS_USER_0 * pRasUser0, IN PWSTR szPassword, OUT PSAM_USERPARMS_ATTRBLOCK * ppAttrs) { PSAM_USERPARMS_ATTRBLOCK pRet = NULL; SAM_USERPARMS_ATTR * pCurAttr = NULL; PWCHAR pszDupPassword, pszCurAttr = NULL; DWORD dwCurVal = 0, dwDsParamCount; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
UpTrace("UpGenerateDsAttribs: enter %x", dwFlags);
do { // pmay: 330184
// If we're upgrading, then having NULL userparms or having
// deny set explicitly should cause us to not add the msNPAllowDialin
// value so that user will be managed by policy.
if ( (dwFlags & UP_F_Upgrade) && (!(pRasUser0->bfPrivilege & RASPRIV_DialinPrivilege)) ) { dwFlags &= ~UP_F_Dialin; }
// Initialize the return value
pRet = (PSAM_USERPARMS_ATTRBLOCK) UpAlloc(sizeof(SAM_USERPARMS_ATTRBLOCK), TRUE); if (pRet == NULL) { UpTrace("UpGenerateDsAttribs: alloc block failed"); ntStatus = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; break; }
// Calculate the total number of values
dwDsParamCount = 0; if (dwFlags & UP_F_Dialin) { dwDsParamCount += 1; } if (dwFlags & UP_F_Callback) { dwDsParamCount += 3; } if (szPassword != NULL) { dwDsParamCount += 1; }
// Set the array to be big enough to accomodate 4 attributes:
// 1. Dialin bit
// 2. Callback Number or Saved Callback Number
// 3. Deleted version of #2
// 4. Service Type (for callback policy)
pCurAttr = (SAM_USERPARMS_ATTR*) UpAlloc(sizeof(SAM_USERPARMS_ATTR) * dwDsParamCount, TRUE); if (pCurAttr == NULL) { ntStatus = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; UpTrace("UpGenerateDsAttribs: alloc of %d values failed", dwDsParamCount); break; } pRet->attCount = dwDsParamCount; pRet->UserParmsAttr = pCurAttr;
// Set any appropriate dialin parameters
if (dwFlags & UP_F_Dialin) { dwCurVal = (pRasUser0->bfPrivilege & RASPRIV_DialinPrivilege) ? 1 : 0;
// Initialize the dialin setting
ntStatus = UpInitializeDwordAttr( pCurAttr, UpStrDup((PWCHAR)pszAttrDialin), dwCurVal); if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UpTrace("UpGenerateDsAttribs: fail dialin val %x", ntStatus); break; }
pCurAttr++; }
// Set any appropriate callback parameters
if (dwFlags & UP_F_Callback) {
// The following logic was modified for SP1 of Win2K. The reason is that
// the values being set did not conform to the rules outlined in the
// comments to the UserParmsConvert function.
// Namely,
// 1. the msRADIUSServiceType was being set to SDO_FRAMED instead of
// <empty> when RASPRIV_NoCallback was set.
// 2. When RASPRIV_NoCallback was set, the msRADIUSCallbackNumber was
// set and the msRASSavedCallbackNumber was deleted instead of the
// vice-versa
// Initialize the service type
if (pRasUser0->bfPrivilege & RASPRIV_NoCallback) { ntStatus = UpInitializeDeletedAttr( pCurAttr, UpStrDup((PWCHAR)pszAttrServiceType)); } else { ntStatus = UpInitializeDwordAttr( pCurAttr, UpStrDup((PWCHAR)pszAttrServiceType), SDO_FRAMED_CALLBACK); }
if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UpTrace("UpGenerateDsAttribs: fail ST val %x", ntStatus); break; } pCurAttr++;
// Initialize the callback number that will be committed
pszCurAttr = (pRasUser0->bfPrivilege & RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback) ? (PWCHAR) pszAttrCbNumber : (PWCHAR) pszAttrSavedCbNumber; if (*(pRasUser0->wszPhoneNumber)) { ntStatus = UpInitializeStringAttrA( pCurAttr, UpStrDup(pszCurAttr), UpWcstombsDup(pRasUser0->wszPhoneNumber)); if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UpTrace("UpGenerateDsAttribs: fail CB val %x", ntStatus); break; } } else { ntStatus = UpInitializeDeletedAttr( pCurAttr, UpStrDup(pszCurAttr)); if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UpTrace("UpGenerateDsAttribs: fail del CB val %x", ntStatus); break; } } pCurAttr++;
// Remove the callback number that doesn't apply.
pszCurAttr = (pszCurAttr == pszAttrCbNumber) ? (PWCHAR) pszAttrSavedCbNumber : (PWCHAR) pszAttrCbNumber; ntStatus = UpInitializeDeletedAttr( pCurAttr, UpStrDup(pszCurAttr)); if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UpTrace("UpGenerateDsAttribs: fail del SCB val %x", ntStatus); break; } pCurAttr++; }
// Set the cleartext password if present
if (szPassword != NULL) { // Make a duplicate copy of the password
if ((pszDupPassword = UpStrDup(szPassword)) == NULL) { ntStatus = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; break; }
// Initialize the password attribute
ntStatus = UpInitializePasswordAttr( pCurAttr, pszDupPassword); if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UpTrace("UpGenerateDsAttribs: fail password val %x", ntStatus); break; }
pCurAttr++; }
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UserParmsFree(pRet); *ppAttrs = NULL; } else { *ppAttrs = pRet; } }
return ntStatus; }
// Callback function called by NT5 SAM whenever the user parms
// of a particular user are modified. The job of this callout
// is to take the new value of user parms and generate a set of
// domain attributes that need to be set for the given user so
// that per-user DS attributes and userparms are kept in sync.
// This callout will be invoked during dcpromo to upgrade user parms
// and whenever userparms is modified (by downlevel api's and apps).
// Callback functions for NT5 SAM are registered in the following
// registry key:
// HKLM\SYS\CCS\Control\LSA\NotificationPackages
// The following are the rules of the RAS LDAP parameters:
// msNPAllowDialin
// - Empty = Use policy to determine dialin privilege
// - 1 = Allow dialin
// - 2 = Deny dialin
// msRADIUSServiceType
// - Empty = NoCallback policy
// - 4 = CallerCallback if msRADIUSCallbackNumber is empty
// AdminCallback if msRADIUSCallbackNumber is not empty
// msRADIUSCallbackNumber
// - Determines the callback policy depending on msRADIUSServiceType
// msRASSavedCallbackNumber
// - Used to store the last known value of msRADIUSCallbackNumber when
// switching from AdminCallback policy to some other policy.
NTSTATUS UserParmsConvert ( IN ULONG ulFlags, IN PSID pDomainSid, IN ULONG ulObjectRid, IN ULONG ulOrigLen, IN PVOID pvOrigUserParms, IN ULONG ulNewLen, IN PVOID pvNewUserParms, OUT PSAM_USERPARMS_ATTRBLOCK * ppAttrs) { RAS_USER_0 RasUser00, *pOrigUser = &RasUser00; RAS_USER_0 RasUser01, *pNewUser = &RasUser01; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PVOID pvOrig = NULL, pvNew = NULL; DWORD dwFlags = 0, dwMask; PWSTR szPassword = NULL;
UpTrace( "UPConvert: F=%x, Rid=%x, OLen=%d, OPar=%x, NLen=%d, NPar=%x", ulFlags, ulObjectRid, ulOrigLen, pvOrigUserParms, ulNewLen, pvNewUserParms);
// Validate parameters
// Initialize the return value;
*ppAttrs = NULL;
// If the user parms passed to us are NULL,
// then keep defaults.
if ((pvNewUserParms == NULL) || (ulNewLen == 0)) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
do { // Allocate and initialize local copies of
// the user parms
pvOrig = UpBlobDup(pvOrigUserParms, ulOrigLen); pvNew = UpBlobDup(pvNewUserParms, ulNewLen);
// If this is a NT5 standalone being promoted to a DC, then we
// just convert the uplevel userparms 'as is'.
if ((ulFlags & SAM_USERPARMS_DURING_UPGRADE) && !SamINT4UpgradeInProgress()) { ntStatus = ConvertUserParmsToAttrBlock(pvNew, ppAttrs); break; }
// Get the new ras properties
ntStatus = UpUserParmsToRasUser0( pvNew, pNewUser); if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UpTrace("UPConvert: Conversion to RAS_USER_0 failed.(1)"); break; }
// If we're upgrading, then we should blindly
// set whatever information is stored in the user.
if (ulFlags & SAM_USERPARMS_DURING_UPGRADE) { IASParmsGetUserPassword(pvNewUserParms, &szPassword);
ntStatus = UpGenerateDsAttribs( UP_F_Dialin | UP_F_Callback | UP_F_Upgrade, pNewUser, szPassword, ppAttrs);
if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UpTrace("UPConvert: GenerateDsAttribs failed %x", ntStatus); } break; }
// Get the ras properties of the old user parms
ntStatus = UpUserParmsToRasUser0( pvOrig, pOrigUser); if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UpTrace("UPConvert: Conversion to RAS_USER_0 failed.(2)"); break; }
// Find out if the dialin privilege should be updated
dwFlags = 0; if (!!(pOrigUser->bfPrivilege & RASPRIV_DialinPrivilege) != !!(pNewUser->bfPrivilege & RASPRIV_DialinPrivilege)) { dwFlags |= UP_F_Dialin; }
// pmay: 264409
// If we are adding null usrparms for the first time,
// go ahead and add the dialin bit value to the ds.
if ((pvOrig == NULL) && (pvNew != NULL)) { dwFlags |= UP_F_Dialin; }
// Findout if any callback info should be updated
dwMask = RASPRIV_NoCallback | RASPRIV_CallerSetCallback | RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback; if (((pOrigUser->bfPrivilege & dwMask) != (pNewUser->bfPrivilege & dwMask)) || (wcscmp(pOrigUser->wszPhoneNumber, pNewUser->wszPhoneNumber) != 0) ) { dwFlags |= UP_F_Callback; }
// If there were no changes, we're done.
if (dwFlags == 0) { UpTrace("UPConvert: nothing to update."); ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; }
// Create the new attributes
ntStatus = UpGenerateDsAttribs(dwFlags, pNewUser, NULL, ppAttrs); if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { UpTrace("UPConvert: UpGenerateDsAttribs failed %x.", ntStatus); break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ if (pvOrig) { UpFree(pvOrig); } if (pvNew) { UpFree(pvNew); } }
return ntStatus; }
// Callback function called by NT5 SAM to free the blob
// returned by UserParmsConvert.
UpTrace("UserParmsFree: Entered. %x", pData);
// If no attributes were given, we're all done
if (pData == NULL) return;
if (pData->UserParmsAttr) { // Loop through all the attributes, freeing them
// as you go.
for (i = 0; i < pData->attCount; i++) { // Keep track of the current attribute
pCur = &(pData->UserParmsAttr[i]);
// Free the copied attribute name
if (pCur->AttributeIdentifier.Buffer) UpFree(pCur->AttributeIdentifier.Buffer);
// Free any associated values as well.
if (pCur->Values) { for (j = 0; j < pCur->CountOfValues; j++) { // Assume there's only one value since that's
// all we ever set. Free the value
if (pCur->Values[j].value) UpFree(pCur->Values[j].value); }
// Free the value structure
UpFree(pCur->Values); } }
// Free the array of attributes
UpFree (pData->UserParmsAttr); }
// Finally, free the whole structure
UpFree (pData); }