// Copyright (c) 1997, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
// eapcfg.c
// EAP package utility library
// These utility routines wrap the third-party EAP authentication
// configuration information written to the registry by third-party EAP
// security package providers.
// 11/25/97 Steve Cobb
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <nouiutil.h>
#include <raseapif.h>
#include <ole2.h>
// EAP configuration registry definitions.
#define REGKEY_Eap TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Rasman\\PPP\\EAP")
#define REGVAL_szFriendlyName TEXT("FriendlyName")
#define REGVAL_szConfigDll TEXT("ConfigUIPath")
#define REGVAL_szIdentityDll TEXT("IdentityPath")
#define REGVAL_fRequirePwd TEXT("InvokePasswordDialog")
#define REGVAL_fRequireUser TEXT("InvokeUsernameDialog")
#define REGVAL_pData TEXT("ConfigData")
#define REGVAL_fForceConfig TEXT("RequireConfigUI")
#define REGVAL_fMppeSupported TEXT("MPPEEncryptionSupported")
// HACKY Key not to display PEAP and Eapmschapv2 type in here
#define REGVAL_fHidePEAPMSChapv2 TEXT("HidePEAPMSChapv2")
#define EAPTYPE_PEAP "25"
#define EAPTYPE_EAPMSCHAPv2 "26"
// EAP configuration utilitiy routines (alphabetically)
DTLNODE* CreateEapcfgNode( void )
// Returns a created, empty EAPCFG descriptor node, or NULL on error.
{ DTLNODE* pNode; EAPCFG* pEapcfg;
pNode = DtlCreateSizedNode( sizeof(EAPCFG), 0L ); if (pNode) { pEapcfg = (EAPCFG* )DtlGetData( pNode ); ASSERT( pEapcfg );
pEapcfg->dwKey = (DWORD )-1; pEapcfg->pszConfigDll = NULL; pEapcfg->pszIdentityDll = NULL; pEapcfg->dwStdCredentialFlags = 0; pEapcfg->fProvidesMppeKeys = FALSE; pEapcfg->fForceConfig = FALSE; pEapcfg->pData = NULL; pEapcfg->cbData = 0; pEapcfg->fConfigDllCalled = FALSE; }
return pNode; }
VOID DestroyEapcfgNode( IN OUT DTLNODE* pNode )
// Release resources associated with EAPCFG node 'pNode'. See
// DtlDestroyList.
{ EAPCFG* pEapcfg;
ASSERT( pNode ); pEapcfg = (EAPCFG* )DtlGetData( pNode ); ASSERT( pEapcfg );
Free0( pEapcfg->pszConfigDll ); Free0( pEapcfg->pszIdentityDll ); Free0( pEapcfg->pData );
DtlDestroyNode( pNode ); }
DTLNODE* EapcfgNodeFromKey( IN DTLLIST* pList, IN DWORD dwKey )
// Returns the EAPCFG node in list 'pList' with EAP key value of 'dwKey'
// or NULL if not found.
{ DTLNODE* pNode;
for (pNode = DtlGetFirstNode( pList ); pNode; pNode = DtlGetNextNode( pNode )) { EAPCFG* pEapcfg = (EAPCFG* )DtlGetData( pNode ); ASSERT( pEapcfg );
if (pEapcfg->dwKey == dwKey) { return pNode; } }
return NULL; }
// Will tell us if there is a need to cripple PEAP
// - if true is retured, we dont show PEAP and eapmschapv2
// in the list.
BOOL IsRasDlgPeapCrippled(HKEY hkeyEap) { BOOL fRetCode = FALSE; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwValue = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD cbValueDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
dwRetCode = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyEap, REGVAL_fHidePEAPMSChapv2, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE)&dwValue, &cbValueDataSize );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { goto LDone; } if ( dwValue != 0 ) { fRetCode = TRUE; }
return fRetCode; }
DTLLIST* ReadEapcfgList( IN TCHAR* pszMachine )
// Returns the address of a created list of installed custom
// authentication packages or NULL if none could be read. On success, it
// is caller's responsibility to eventually call DtlDestroyList on the
// returned list.
{ DWORD dwErr; BOOL fOk = FALSE; DTLLIST* pList; DTLNODE* pNode; EAPCFG* pEapcfg; HKEY hkeyLM = NULL; HKEY hkeyEap = NULL; HKEY hkeyPackage = NULL; CHAR szEapType[ 11 + 1 ]; TCHAR* psz; DWORD dw; DWORD cb; INT i; TCHAR* szCLSID; HRESULT hr; BOOL fRasDlgPeapCrippled = FALSE;
pList = DtlCreateList( 0L ); if (!pList) { return NULL; }
// Open the EAP key which contains a sub-key for each installed package.
dwErr = RegConnectRegistry( pszMachine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hkeyLM );
if (dwErr != 0 || !hkeyLM) { return pList; }
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyLM, (LPCTSTR )REGKEY_Eap, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyEap );
RegCloseKey( hkeyLM );
if (dwErr != 0) { return pList; }
fRasDlgPeapCrippled = IsRasDlgPeapCrippled ( hkeyEap );
// Open each sub-key and extract the package definition from it's values.
// Problems with opening individual sub-keys result in that node only
// being discarded.
for (i = 0; TRUE; ++i) { cb = sizeof(szEapType); dwErr = RegEnumKeyExA( hkeyEap, i, szEapType, &cb, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (dwErr != 0) { // Includes "out of items", the normal loop termination.
break; }
dwErr = RegOpenKeyExA( hkeyEap, szEapType, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyPackage ); if (dwErr != 0) { continue; }
// For whistler bug 442519 and 442458 gangz
// For LEAP, a RolesSupported DWORD will be added, if it is set to 2,
// then we wont show it on the client side
{ DWORD dwRolesSupported = 0;
GetRegDword( hkeyPackage, RAS_EAP_VALUENAME_ROLES_SUPPORTED, &dwRolesSupported);
// This values is not configured, or equals 0 or 1, then go ahead
// and show it, or else wont show it
// 0 means can be either Authenticator or Authenticatee
// 1 means can ONLY be Authenticator, for LEAP, it is 1
// 2 means can ONLY be Authenticatee
if ( 0 != dwRolesSupported ) { if ( !(RAS_EAP_ROLE_AUTHENTICATEE & dwRolesSupported ) ) { continue; }
if ( RAS_EAP_ROLE_EXCLUDE_IN_EAP & dwRolesSupported ) { continue; } if ( RAS_EAP_ROLE_EXCLUDE_IN_VPN & dwRolesSupported ) { continue; } } } do { pNode = CreateEapcfgNode(); if (!pNode) { break; }
pEapcfg = (EAPCFG* )DtlGetData( pNode ); ASSERT( pEapcfg );
// EAP type ID.
pEapcfg->dwKey = (LONG )atol( szEapType );
// Friendly display name.
psz = NULL; dwErr = GetRegSz( hkeyPackage, REGVAL_szFriendlyName, &psz ); if (dwErr != 0) { break; } if (!*psz) { Free( psz ); psz = StrDupTFromA( szEapType ); if (!psz) { break; } } pEapcfg->pszFriendlyName = psz;
// Configuration DLL path.
psz = NULL; dwErr = GetRegExpandSz( hkeyPackage, REGVAL_szConfigDll, &psz ); if (dwErr != 0) { break; } if (*psz) { pEapcfg->pszConfigDll = psz; } else { Free( psz ); }
// Identity DLL path.
psz = NULL; dwErr = GetRegExpandSz( hkeyPackage, REGVAL_szIdentityDll, &psz ); if (dwErr != 0) { break; } if (*psz) { pEapcfg->pszIdentityDll = psz; } else { Free( psz ); }
// Prompt user name
dw = 1; GetRegDword( hkeyPackage, REGVAL_fRequireUser, &dw ); if (dw) pEapcfg->dwStdCredentialFlags |= EAPCFG_FLAG_RequireUsername;
// Prompt password
dw = 0; GetRegDword( hkeyPackage, REGVAL_fRequirePwd, &dw ); if (dw) pEapcfg->dwStdCredentialFlags |= EAPCFG_FLAG_RequirePassword;
// MPPE encryption keys flag.
dw = 0; GetRegDword( hkeyPackage, REGVAL_fMppeSupported, &dw ); pEapcfg->fProvidesMppeKeys = !!dw;
// Force configuration API to run at least once.
dw = FALSE; GetRegDword( hkeyPackage, REGVAL_fForceConfig, &dw ); pEapcfg->fForceConfig = !!dw;
// Configuration blob.
GetRegBinary( hkeyPackage, REGVAL_pData, &pEapcfg->pData, &pEapcfg->cbData );
// ConfigCLSID
dwErr = GetRegSz( hkeyPackage, RAS_EAP_VALUENAME_CONFIG_CLSID, &szCLSID ); if (dwErr != 0) { break; }
// Ignore errors. Eg. EAP MD5-Challenge does not have a ConfigCLSID.
hr = CLSIDFromString( szCLSID, &( pEapcfg->guidConfigCLSID ) ); Free( szCLSID );
// Add the completed node to the list.
DtlAddNodeLast( pList, pNode ); fOk = TRUE; } while (FALSE);
if (!fOk && pNode) { DestroyEapcfgNode( pNode ); }
RegCloseKey( hkeyPackage ); }
RegCloseKey( hkeyEap );
return pList; }