/* Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
** ** utilsys.c ** Non-UI system helper routines (no HWNDs required) ** Listed alphabetically ** ** 12/14/2000 gangz, cut from original ...\rasdlg\util.c to make some system utility funciton to ** the very base for both rassrvui and rasdlg */
#include <windows.h> // Win32 root
#include <debug.h> // Trace/Assert library
#include <lmwksta.h> // NetWkstaGetInfo
#include <lmapibuf.h> // NetApiBufferFree
#include <dsrole.h> // machine is a member of a workgroup or domain, etc.
#include <tchar.h>
#include <nouiutil.h>
// Cached workstation and logon information. See GetLogonUser,
// GetLogonDomain, and GetComputer.
static TCHAR g_szLogonUser[ UNLEN + 1 ]; static TCHAR g_szLogonDomain[ DNLEN + 1 ]; static TCHAR g_szComputer[ CNLEN + 1 ]; static DWORD g_dwSku, g_dwProductType; static DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE g_DsRole; static BOOL g_fMachineSkuAndRoleInitialized = FALSE;
// Local helper prototypes (alphabetically)
DWORD GetComputerRole( DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE* pRole );
DWORD GetComputerSuite( LPDWORD lpdwSku );
DWORD GetComputerSuiteAndProductType( LPDWORD lpdwSku, LPDWORD lpdwType);
VOID GetWkstaUserInfo( void );
DWORD LoadSkuAndRole( void);
// Utility routines
TCHAR* GetLogonUser( void )
// Returns the address of a static buffer containing the logged on user's
// account name.
{ if (g_szLogonUser[ 0 ] == TEXT('\0')) { GetWkstaUserInfo(); }
TRACEW1( "GetLogonUser=%s",g_szLogonUser ); return g_szLogonUser; }
VOID GetWkstaUserInfo( void )
// Helper to load statics with NetWkstaUserInfo information. See
// GetLogonUser and GetLogonDomain.
{ DWORD dwErr; WKSTA_USER_INFO_1* pInfo;
pInfo = NULL; TRACE( "NetWkstaUserGetInfo" ); dwErr = NetWkstaUserGetInfo( NULL, 1, (LPBYTE* )&pInfo ); TRACE1( "NetWkstaUserGetInfo=%d", dwErr );
if (pInfo) { if (dwErr == 0) { lstrcpyn( g_szLogonUser, pInfo->wkui1_username, UNLEN + 1 ); lstrcpyn( g_szLogonDomain, pInfo->wkui1_logon_domain, DNLEN + 1 ); }
NetApiBufferFree( pInfo ); } }
TCHAR* GetLogonDomain( void )
// Returns the address of a static buffer containing the logged on user's
// domain name.
{ if (g_szLogonDomain[ 0 ] == TEXT('\0')) { GetWkstaUserInfo(); }
TRACEW1( "GetLogonDomain=%s", g_szLogonDomain ); return g_szLogonDomain; }
// For whistler 480871
// Prevent Enabling Firewall by default in NWC when RRAS is enabled
DWORD RasSrvIsRRASConfigured( OUT BOOL * pfConfig) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; const WCHAR pwszServiceKey[] = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess"; const WCHAR pwszValue[] = L"ConfigurationFlags"; HKEY hkParam = NULL;
if ( NULL == pfConfig ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } do { // Attempt to open the service registry key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pwszServiceKey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkParam);
// If we opened the key ok, then we can assume
// that the service is installed
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr ) { break; }
// Query the ConfigurationFlags ( RRAS configured?) Value
{ DWORD dwSize, dwValue, dwType;
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); dwValue = 0; RegQueryValueEx( hkParam, pwszValue, 0, &dwType, (BYTE*)&dwValue, &dwSize ); *pfConfig = dwValue ? TRUE : FALSE; } } while(FALSE);
if ( hkParam ) { RegCloseKey( hkParam ); } return dwErr; }
//Add this for bug 342810 328673 397663
//Firewall is available for Personal, Professional
//And Domain membership doesnt affect
BOOL IsFirewallAvailablePlatform( void) { DWORD dwSku, dwType; BOOL fAvailable = FALSE;
//For whislter bug 417039, Firewall is taken out of 64bit build
#ifdef _WIN64
return FALSE; #endif
if (GetComputerSuiteAndProductType(&dwSku, &dwType) != NO_ERROR) { return FALSE; }
do { BOOL fConfig = FALSE;
// For whislter 480871 gangz
// Wont enabling configuring PFW in NWC by default if RRAS is
// configured.
if( NO_ERROR == RasSrvIsRRASConfigured( & fConfig ) ) { if( fConfig ) { fAvailable = FALSE; break; } } //If it is a personal
if ( dwSku & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL ) { fAvailable = TRUE; break; }
//if it is a Professional
if ( (VER_NT_WORKSTATION == dwType ) && !(dwSku & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL) ) { fAvailable = TRUE; break; }
// For bug 482219
// PFW/ICS are back again to Stander Server and Advanced server
//if it is a standard Server, VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE is advanced server
if ( ( VER_NT_SERVER == dwType ) && !(dwSku & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) && !(dwSku & VER_SUITE_BLADE ) && !(dwSku & VER_SUITE_BACKOFFICE ) && !(dwSku & VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED ) && !(dwSku & VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS ) ) { fAvailable = TRUE; // For whistler bug 397663
break; }
} while (FALSE);
return fAvailable; }
BOOL IsAdvancedServerPlatform( void) { DWORD dwSku;
if (GetComputerSuite(&dwSku) != NO_ERROR) { return FALSE; } return ( dwSku & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE ); }
BOOL IsPersonalPlatform( void) { DWORD dwSku;
if (GetComputerSuite(&dwSku) != NO_ERROR) { return FALSE; } return ( dwSku & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL ); }
BOOL IsStandaloneWKS( void) { DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE DsRole;
if (GetComputerRole(&DsRole) != NO_ERROR) { return FALSE; }
return ( DsRole == DsRole_RoleStandaloneWorkstation );
BOOL IsConsumerPlatform( void)
// Returns whether this is a consumer platform so the UI can render itself
// for simpler cases. In Whistler, the consumer platforms were the
// (personal sku) and the (professional sku if the machine wasn't a
// member of a domain)
{ return ( IsPersonalPlatform() || IsStandaloneWKS() ); }
TCHAR* GetComputer( void )
// Returns the address of a static buffer containing the local
// workstation's computer name.
{ if (g_szComputer[ 0 ] == TEXT('\0')) { DWORD dwErr; WKSTA_INFO_100* pInfo;
pInfo = NULL; TRACE( "NetWkstaGetInfo" ); dwErr = NetWkstaGetInfo( NULL, 100, (LPBYTE* )&pInfo ); TRACE1( "NetWkstaGetInfo=%d", dwErr );
if (pInfo) { if (dwErr == 0) { lstrcpyn( g_szComputer, pInfo->wki100_computername, CNLEN + 1); } NetApiBufferFree( pInfo ); } }
TRACEW1( "GetComputer=%s",g_szComputer ); return g_szComputer; }
DWORD GetComputerSuiteAndProductType( LPDWORD lpdwSku, LPDWORD lpdwType)
// Returns the machine's product sku
{ DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; if (! g_fMachineSkuAndRoleInitialized) { dwErr = LoadSkuAndRole(); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; } }
*lpdwSku = g_dwSku; *lpdwType = g_dwProductType; return dwErr; }
DWORD GetComputerSuite( LPDWORD lpdwSku )
// Returns the machine's product sku
{ DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; if (! g_fMachineSkuAndRoleInitialized) { dwErr = LoadSkuAndRole(); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; } }
*lpdwSku = g_dwSku; return dwErr; }
// Returns whether this machine is a member of domain, etc.
{ DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; if (! g_fMachineSkuAndRoleInitialized) { dwErr = LoadSkuAndRole(); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; } }
*pRole = g_DsRole; return dwErr; }
DWORD LoadSkuAndRole( void)
// Loads the machine's role and it's sku
ZeroMemory(&osVer, sizeof(osVer)); osVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); if (GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO) &osVer)) { g_dwSku = osVer.wSuiteMask; g_dwProductType = osVer.wProductType; } else { return GetLastError(); } // Get the product role
dwErr = DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation( NULL, DsRolePrimaryDomainInfoBasic, (LPBYTE *)&pInfo );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
g_DsRole = pInfo->MachineRole;
DsRoleFreeMemory( pInfo );
// Mark the information as having been loaded
g_fMachineSkuAndRoleInitialized = TRUE; return dwErr; }