/* Copyright (c) 1992, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
** ** util.c ** Remote Access External APIs ** Utility routines ** ** 10/12/92 Steve Cobb */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <debug.h> // Trace and assert
#include <rasman.h>
#include <rasapip.h>
#include <pbk.h>
#define EAP_CUSTOM_KEY 0x43424431
typedef struct _EAP_CUSTOM_DATA { DWORD dwSignature; DWORD dwCustomAuthKey; DWORD dwSize; BYTE abdata[1]; } EAP_CUSTOM_DATA;
BOOL IsRouterPhonebook(LPCTSTR pszPhonebook) { const TCHAR *psz;
BOOL fRouter = FALSE;
if(NULL == pszPhonebook) { goto done; }
psz = pszPhonebook + lstrlen(pszPhonebook);
// Seek back to the beginning of the filename
while(psz != pszPhonebook) { if(TEXT('\\') == *psz) { break; }
psz--; }
if(TEXT('\\') == *psz) { psz += 1; }
TRACE1("IsRouterPhonebook: pbk=%ws", psz);
//For whistler 524726
fRouter = ( CSTR_EQUAL == CompareString( LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, TEXT("router.pbk"), -1, psz, -1 ) );
return fRouter; }
BOOL DwIsDefaultConnection( IN PWCHAR pszEntryName) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwCb = 0, dwCount = 1; RASAUTODIALENTRYW adEntry; INT iCmp;
// Validate parameters
if (!pszEntryName) { return FALSE; } // Initialze
ZeroMemory(&adEntry, sizeof(adEntry)); dwCb = adEntry.dwSize = sizeof(adEntry);
dwErr = RasGetAutodialAddressW( NULL, NULL, &adEntry, &dwCb, &dwCount); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return FALSE; } iCmp = _wcsnicmp( adEntry.szEntry, pszEntryName, sizeof(adEntry.szEntry) / sizeof(WCHAR)); return (0 == iCmp); }
DWORD DwPbentryToDetails( IN PBENTRY* pEntry, IN LPCWSTR pszPhonebookPath, IN BOOL fIsAllUsersPbk, OUT RASENUMENTRYDETAILS* pDetails) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; DTLNODE *pdtlnode; PBLINK *pLink;
pDetails->dwSize = sizeof(RASENUMENTRYDETAILS); pDetails->dwType = pEntry->dwType;
pDetails->fShowMonitorIconInTaskBar = pEntry->fShowMonitorIconInTaskBar;
if(pEntry->pGuid) { pDetails->guidId = *pEntry->pGuid; }
//For .Net 587396
lstrcpynW(pDetails->szEntryName, pEntry->pszEntryName, RASAPIP_MAX_ENTRY_NAME+1);
pDetails->dwFlags = (fIsAllUsersPbk) ? REN_AllUsers : REN_User;
if(pszPhonebookPath) { lstrcpynW(pDetails->szPhonebookPath, pszPhonebookPath, MAX_PATH + 1); } else { pDetails->szPhonebookPath[0] = L'\0'; }
// Get the devicename associated with the first
// link in the list of entries associated with
// this entry
pDetails->szDeviceName[0] = TEXT('\0'); pDetails->szPhoneNumber[0] = TEXT('\0');
pdtlnode = (DTLNODE *) DtlGetFirstNode(pEntry->pdtllistLinks);
if(pdtlnode) { pLink = (PBLINK *) DtlGetData(pdtlnode);
if( (NULL != pLink) && (pLink->pbport.pszDevice)) { pDetails->rdt = RdtFromPbdt( pLink->pbport.pbdevicetype, pLink->pbport.dwFlags);
if(RAS_DEVICE_CLASS(pDetails->rdt) == RDT_Tunnel) { (void) DwGetVpnDeviceName( pEntry->dwVpnStrategy, pLink->pbport.pszDevice, pDetails->szDeviceName); } else { lstrcpy(pDetails->szDeviceName, pLink->pbport.pszDevice); } }
// XP 351412
// Populate the phone number as well
if( (NULL != pLink) && (pLink->pdtllistPhones)) { DTLNODE* pnodeNum = DtlGetFirstNode(pLink->pdtllistPhones); PBPHONE* pPhone = NULL;
if (NULL != pnodeNum) { pPhone = DtlGetData(pnodeNum); if ((NULL != pPhone) && (NULL != pPhone->pszPhoneNumber)) { lstrcpyn( pDetails->szPhoneNumber, pPhone->pszPhoneNumber, RAS_MaxPhoneNumber); } } } }
// Mark whether this is the default connection
// XP 286752
if (DwIsDefaultConnection(pEntry->pszEntryName)) { pDetails->dwFlagsPriv |= REED_F_Default; }
return dwErr; }
DWORD DwSendRasNotification( IN RASEVENTTYPE Type, IN PBENTRY* pEntry, IN LPCTSTR pszPhonebookPath, IN HANDLE hData) // Extra Type-specific info
ZeroMemory((PBYTE) &RasEvent, sizeof(RASEVENT));
RasEvent.Type = Type;
// Ignore the notification if this is a router interface
if(IsRouterPhonebook(pszPhonebookPath)) { goto done; }
switch(Type) { case ENTRY_ADDED: case ENTRY_MODIFIED: case ENTRY_AUTODIAL: { BOOL fAllUsers = TRUE;
if (NULL != pszPhonebookPath) { fAllUsers = IsPublicPhonebook(pszPhonebookPath); } DwPbentryToDetails( pEntry, pszPhonebookPath, fAllUsers, &(RasEvent.Details) ); break; }
case ENTRY_DELETED: case ENTRY_RENAMED: { if(NULL != pEntry->pGuid) { RasEvent.guidId = *pEntry->pGuid; }
if(ENTRY_RENAMED == Type) { lstrcpy(RasEvent.pszwNewName, pEntry->pszEntryName);
} break; }
default: { #if DBG
goto done; }
dwErr = RasSendNotification(&RasEvent);
return dwErr; }
DWORD DwGetCustomAuthData(PBENTRY *pEntry, DWORD *pcbCustomAuthData, PBYTE *ppCustomAuthData) { DWORD retcode = SUCCESS; DWORD cbOffset = 0; EAP_CUSTOM_DATA *pCustomData = NULL;
ASSERT(NULL != pcbCustomAuthData); ASSERT(NULL != ppCustomAuthData); ASSERT(NULL != pEntry);
*pcbCustomAuthData = 0; *ppCustomAuthData = NULL;
// first check to see if we understand the format of the
// eap blob stored in the phonebook
if(NULL == pEntry->pCustomAuthData) { goto done; }
if( (sizeof(DWORD) > pEntry->cbCustomAuthData) || ((*((DWORD *) pEntry->pCustomAuthData)) != EAP_CUSTOM_KEY)) { Free(pEntry->pCustomAuthData); pEntry->pCustomAuthData = NULL; pEntry->cbCustomAuthData = 0;
goto done; }
// Loop through the blob and return the blob corresponding
// to the eap type of the entry
while(cbOffset < pEntry->cbCustomAuthData) { pCustomData = (EAP_CUSTOM_DATA *) ((PBYTE) pEntry->pCustomAuthData + cbOffset);
if( (sizeof(DWORD) > (pEntry->cbCustomAuthData - cbOffset)) || ((*((DWORD *) pEntry->pCustomAuthData)) != EAP_CUSTOM_KEY)) { //
// The data is corrupt. Blow away the data.
// should we return an error?
Free(pEntry->pCustomAuthData); pEntry->pCustomAuthData = NULL; pEntry->cbCustomAuthData = 0;
TRACE("GetCustomAuthdata: data is corrupt"); goto done; }
if(pCustomData->dwCustomAuthKey == pEntry->dwCustomAuthKey) { break; }
cbOffset += sizeof(EAP_CUSTOM_DATA) + pCustomData->dwSize; }
if(cbOffset < pEntry->cbCustomAuthData) { *pcbCustomAuthData = pCustomData->dwSize; *ppCustomAuthData = pCustomData->abdata; }
done: return retcode; }
DWORD DwSetCustomAuthData(PBENTRY *pEntry, DWORD cbCustomAuthData, PBYTE pCustomAuthData) { DWORD retcode = SUCCESS; DWORD cbOffset = 0; EAP_CUSTOM_DATA *pCustomData = NULL; DWORD dwSize; PBYTE pNewCustomAuthData;
ASSERT(NULL != pEntry);
if(NULL != pEntry->pCustomAuthData) { if( (sizeof(DWORD) > pEntry->cbCustomAuthData) || ((*((DWORD *) pEntry->pCustomAuthData)) != EAP_CUSTOM_KEY)) { Free(pEntry->pCustomAuthData); pEntry->pCustomAuthData = NULL; pEntry->cbCustomAuthData = 0; } }
// Find the old Eap Data
while(cbOffset < pEntry->cbCustomAuthData) { pCustomData = (EAP_CUSTOM_DATA *) ((PBYTE)pEntry->pCustomAuthData + cbOffset);
if( (sizeof(DWORD) > (pEntry->cbCustomAuthData - cbOffset)) || ((*((DWORD *) pEntry->pCustomAuthData)) != EAP_CUSTOM_KEY)) { //
// The data is corrupt. Blow away the data.
// should we return an error?
Free(pEntry->pCustomAuthData); pEntry->pCustomAuthData = NULL; pEntry->cbCustomAuthData = 0;
TRACE("SetCustomAuthData: data is corrupt!"); break; } if(pCustomData->dwCustomAuthKey == pEntry->dwCustomAuthKey) { break; }
cbOffset += (sizeof(EAP_CUSTOM_DATA) + pCustomData->dwSize); }
// Prefast warning
if( (NULL != pCustomData) && (cbOffset < pEntry->cbCustomAuthData)) { dwSize = sizeof(EAP_CUSTOM_DATA) + pCustomData->dwSize;
ASSERT(pEntry->cbCustomAuthData >= (cbOffset + dwSize)); MoveMemory(pEntry->pCustomAuthData + cbOffset, pEntry->pCustomAuthData + cbOffset + dwSize, pEntry->cbCustomAuthData - cbOffset - dwSize);
pEntry->cbCustomAuthData -= dwSize; }
if(0 == pEntry->cbCustomAuthData) { Free0(pEntry->pCustomAuthData); pEntry->pCustomAuthData = NULL; }
if( (0 == cbCustomAuthData) || (NULL == pCustomAuthData)) { goto done; }
dwSize = cbCustomAuthData + pEntry->cbCustomAuthData + sizeof(EAP_CUSTOM_DATA);
pNewCustomAuthData = Malloc(dwSize);
if(NULL == pNewCustomAuthData) { retcode = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; }
ZeroMemory(pNewCustomAuthData, dwSize);
CopyMemory(pNewCustomAuthData, pEntry->pCustomAuthData, pEntry->cbCustomAuthData);
pCustomData = (EAP_CUSTOM_DATA *) (pNewCustomAuthData + pEntry->cbCustomAuthData);
pCustomData->dwSignature = EAP_CUSTOM_KEY; pCustomData->dwCustomAuthKey = pEntry->dwCustomAuthKey; pCustomData->dwSize = cbCustomAuthData; CopyMemory(pCustomData->abdata, pCustomAuthData, cbCustomAuthData);
pEntry->cbCustomAuthData = dwSize;
if(NULL != pEntry->pCustomAuthData) { Free(pEntry->pCustomAuthData); }
pEntry->pCustomAuthData = pNewCustomAuthData;
done: return retcode; }
DWORD DwGetVpnDeviceName( DWORD dwVpnStrategy, WCHAR *pszDeviceDefault, WCHAR *pszDeviceName) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS, dwType; CHAR szDeviceName[MAX_DEVICE_NAME];
// Figure out the device name we're interested in
// discovering.
dwType = RDT_Tunnel_L2tp; switch (dwVpnStrategy) { case VS_Default: case VS_L2tpFirst: case VS_L2tpOnly: dwType = RDT_Tunnel_L2tp; break;
case VS_PptpFirst: case VS_PptpOnly: dwType = RDT_Tunnel_Pptp; break; } TRACE1("RasGetDeviceName(rdt=%d)...", dwType);
dwErr = RasGetDeviceNameW( dwType, pszDeviceName);
TRACE1("RasGetDeviceName. 0x%x", dwErr);
// We can't determine from rasman -- use the phonebook
// value if possible
if (NULL != pszDeviceDefault) { lstrcpyn( pszDeviceName, pszDeviceDefault, RASAPIP_MAX_DEVICE_NAME); } }
return dwErr; }
BOOL IsServerOS ( ) { BOOL fServerOS = TRUE; //Default
//Check to see if the OS is server - Data Center, Server, Advanced Server
OSVERSIONINFOEX stOsvEx; ZeroMemory( &stOsvEx, sizeof(stOsvEx) ); stOsvEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(stOsvEx); GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO)&stOsvEx); if ( stOsvEx.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION ) fServerOS = FALSE; return fServerOS; }