// Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
// phonenum.c
// Phone number helper library
// Listed alphabetically
// 03/06/96 Steve Cobb
#include <windows.h> // Win32 root
#include <nouiutil.h> // No-HWND utilities
#include <tapiutil.h> // TAPI wrappers
#include <phonenum.h> // Our public header
#include <debug.h> // Trace/Assert library
TCHAR* LinkPhoneNumberFromParts( IN HINSTANCE hInst, IN OUT HLINEAPP* pHlineapp, IN PBUSER* pUser, IN PBENTRY* pEntry, IN PBLINK* pLink, IN DWORD iPhoneNumber, IN TCHAR* pszOverrideNumber, IN BOOL fDialable )
// Like PhoneNumberFromParts but takes a link and hunt group index as
// input instead of a base number, and handles not modifying the number
// associated with non-modem/ISDN links. If 'pszOverrideNumber' is
// non-NULL and non-"" it is used instead of the derived number.
{ DTLNODE* pNode; TCHAR* pszBaseNumber; PBPHONE* pPhone;
if (pszOverrideNumber && *pszOverrideNumber) { // So, this is useful? RaoS?
return StrDup( pszOverrideNumber ); }
pNode = DtlNodeFromIndex( pLink->pdtllistPhones, iPhoneNumber ); if (!pNode) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return NULL; }
pPhone = (PBPHONE *) DtlGetData(pNode); ASSERT( pPhone );
if (pLink->pbport.pbdevicetype == PBDT_Modem || pLink->pbport.pbdevicetype == PBDT_Isdn) { BOOL fDownLevelIsdn;
fDownLevelIsdn = (pLink->pbport.pbdevicetype == PBDT_Isdn && pLink->fProprietaryIsdn);
return PhoneNumberFromParts( hInst, pHlineapp, pUser, pPhone, fDownLevelIsdn, fDialable ); } else { return StrDup( pPhone->pszPhoneNumber ); } }
TCHAR* PhoneNumberFromParts( IN HINSTANCE hInst, IN OUT HLINEAPP* pHlineapp, IN PBUSER* pUser, IN PBPHONE* pPhone, IN BOOL fDownLevelIsdn, IN BOOL fDialable )
// Returns a heap block containing the composite phone number using the
// rules of 'pPhone' and 'pUser'. 'HInst' is the module handle.
// 'PHlineapp' is the TAPI context. 'FDialable' indicates the dialable
// string, instead of the displayable string, should be returned.
// It is caller's responsibility to Free the returned string.
{ TCHAR* pszResult; TCHAR* pszBaseNumber;
TRACE( "PhoneNumberFromParts" );
pszBaseNumber = pPhone->pszPhoneNumber; if (!pszBaseNumber) { pszBaseNumber = TEXT(""); }
if (pPhone->fUseDialingRules) { pszResult = PhoneNumberFromTapiPartsEx( hInst, pszBaseNumber, pPhone->pszAreaCode, pPhone->dwCountryCode, fDownLevelIsdn, pHlineapp, fDialable ); } else { TCHAR* pszPrefix; TCHAR* pszSuffix;
PrefixSuffixFromLocationId( pUser, GetCurrentLocation( hInst, pHlineapp ), &pszPrefix, &pszSuffix );
pszResult = PhoneNumberFromPrefixSuffixEx( pszBaseNumber, pszPrefix, pszSuffix, fDownLevelIsdn );
Free0( pszPrefix ); Free0( pszSuffix ); }
if (!pszResult) { TRACE( "!Phone#" ); pszResult = StrDup( pszBaseNumber ); }
return pszResult; }
TCHAR* PhoneNumberFromPrefixSuffix( IN TCHAR* pszBaseNumber, IN TCHAR* pszPrefix, IN TCHAR* pszSuffix )
// Returns a heap block containing the composite phone number comprised of
// prefix 'pszPrefix', base phone number 'pszBaseNumber', and suffix
// 'pszSuffix', or NULL if the composite number is too long or on a memory
// error.
// It is caller's responsibility to Free the returned string.
{ TCHAR* pszResult; DWORD cch;
TRACE( "PhoneNumberFromPrefixSuffix" );
pszResult = NULL;
if (!pszBaseNumber) { pszBaseNumber = TEXT(""); } if (!pszPrefix) { pszPrefix = TEXT(""); } if (!pszSuffix) { pszSuffix = TEXT(""); }
cch = lstrlen( pszPrefix ) + lstrlen( pszBaseNumber ) + lstrlen( pszSuffix ); if (cch > RAS_MaxPhoneNumber) { return NULL; }
pszResult = Malloc( (cch + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (pszResult) { *pszResult = TEXT('\0'); lstrcat( pszResult, pszPrefix ); lstrcat( pszResult, pszBaseNumber ); lstrcat( pszResult, pszSuffix ); }
return pszResult; }
TCHAR* PhoneNumberFromPrefixSuffixEx( IN TCHAR* pszBaseNumber, IN TCHAR* pszPrefix, IN TCHAR* pszSuffix, IN BOOL fDownLevelIsdn )
// Returns a heap block containing the composite phone number comprised of
// prefix 'pszPrefix', base phone number 'pszBaseNumber', and suffix
// 'pszSuffix', or NULL if the composite number is too long or on a memory
// error.
// If 'fDownLevelIsdn' is set colons are recognized as separaters with
// each colon separated token built treated separately.
// It is caller's responsibility to Free the returned string.
{ TCHAR* psz; TCHAR* pszResult; INT cchResult;
TRACE( "PhoneNumberFromPrefixSuffixEx" );
if (fDownLevelIsdn) { TCHAR* pszNum; TCHAR* pszS; TCHAR* pszE;
pszResult = StrDup( TEXT("") );
for (pszS = pszE = pszBaseNumber; *pszE != TEXT('\0'); pszE = CharNext( pszE )) { if (*pszE == TEXT(':')) { *pszE = TEXT('\0');
pszNum = PhoneNumberFromPrefixSuffix( pszS, pszPrefix, pszSuffix );
*pszE = TEXT(':');
if (pszNum) { if (pszResult) cchResult = lstrlen( pszResult );
psz = Realloc( pszResult, (cchResult + lstrlen( pszNum ) + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
if (!psz) { Free0( pszResult ); Free( pszNum ); return NULL; }
pszResult = psz; lstrcat( pszResult, pszNum ); lstrcat( pszResult, TEXT(":") ); Free( pszNum ); }
pszS = CharNext( pszE ); } }
{ pszNum = PhoneNumberFromPrefixSuffix( pszS, pszPrefix, pszSuffix );
if (pszNum) { if (pszResult) cchResult = lstrlen( pszResult );
psz = Realloc( pszResult, (cchResult + lstrlen( pszNum ) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
if (!psz) { Free0( pszResult ); Free( pszNum ); return NULL; }
pszResult = psz; lstrcat( pszResult, pszNum ); Free( pszNum ); } } } else { pszResult = PhoneNumberFromPrefixSuffix( pszBaseNumber, pszPrefix, pszSuffix ); }
if (pszResult && (lstrlen( pszResult ) > RAS_MaxPhoneNumber )) { Free( pszResult ); return NULL; }
return pszResult; }
TCHAR* PhoneNumberFromTapiParts( IN HINSTANCE hInst, IN TCHAR* pszBaseNumber, IN TCHAR* pszAreaCode, IN DWORD dwCountryCode, IN OUT HLINEAPP* pHlineapp, IN BOOL fDialable )
// Returns a heap block containing the composite phone number comprised of
// base phone number 'pszBaseNumber', area code 'pszAreaCode', and country
// code 'dwCountryCode, or NULL if the composite number is too long or on
// a memory error. 'HInst' is the module instance handle. '*PHlineapp'
// is the address of the TAPI context. 'FDialable' indicates the dialable
// string, as opposed to the displayable string, should be returned.
// It is caller's responsibility to Free the returned string.
{ TCHAR* pszResult;
TRACE( "PhoneNumberFromTapiParts" );
pszResult = NULL;
TapiTranslateAddress( hInst, pHlineapp, dwCountryCode, pszAreaCode, pszBaseNumber, 0, fDialable, &pszResult );
return pszResult; }
TCHAR* PhoneNumberFromTapiPartsEx( IN HINSTANCE hInst, IN TCHAR* pszBaseNumber, IN TCHAR* pszAreaCode, IN DWORD dwCountryCode, IN BOOL fDownLevelIsdn, IN OUT HLINEAPP* pHlineapp, IN BOOL fDialable )
// Returns heap block containing the composite phone number comprised of
// base phone number 'pszBaseNumber', area code 'pszAreaCode', and country
// code 'dwCountryCode or NULL if the composite number is too long or on a
// memory error. 'HInst' is the module instance handle. '*PHlineapp' is
// the address of the TAPI context. 'FDialable' indicates the dialable
// string, as opposed to the displayable string, should be returned.
// If 'fDownLevelIsdn' is set colons are recognized as separaters with
// each colon separated token built treated separately.
// It is caller's responsibility to Free the returned string.
{ TCHAR* psz; TCHAR* pszResult; INT cchResult;
TRACE( "PhoneNumberFromTapiPartsEx" );
if (fDownLevelIsdn) { TCHAR* pszNum; TCHAR* pszS; TCHAR* pszE;
pszResult = StrDup( TEXT("") );
for (pszS = pszE = pszBaseNumber; *pszE != TEXT('\0'); pszE = CharNext( pszE )) { if (*pszE == TEXT(':')) { *pszE = TEXT('\0');
pszNum = PhoneNumberFromTapiParts( hInst, pszS, pszAreaCode, dwCountryCode, pHlineapp, fDialable );
*pszE = TEXT(':');
if (pszNum) { if (pszResult) { cchResult = lstrlen( pszResult ); }
psz = Realloc( pszResult, (cchResult + lstrlen( pszNum ) + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
if (!psz) { Free0( pszResult ); Free( pszNum ); return NULL; }
pszResult = psz; lstrcat( pszResult, pszNum ); lstrcat( pszResult, TEXT(":") ); Free( pszNum ); }
pszS = CharNext( pszE ); } }
{ pszNum = PhoneNumberFromTapiParts( hInst, pszS, pszAreaCode, dwCountryCode, pHlineapp, fDialable );
if (pszNum) { if (pszResult) { cchResult = lstrlen( pszResult ); }
psz = Realloc( pszResult, (cchResult + lstrlen( pszNum ) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
if (!psz) { Free0( pszResult ); Free( pszNum ); return NULL; }
pszResult = psz; lstrcat( pszResult, pszNum ); Free( pszNum ); } } } else { pszResult = PhoneNumberFromTapiParts( hInst, pszBaseNumber, pszAreaCode, dwCountryCode, pHlineapp, fDialable ); }
if (pszResult && (lstrlen( pszResult ) > RAS_MaxPhoneNumber )) { Free( pszResult ); return NULL; }
return pszResult; }
VOID PrefixSuffixFromLocationId( IN PBUSER* pUser, IN DWORD dwLocationId, OUT TCHAR** ppszPrefix, OUT TCHAR** ppszSuffix )
// Retrieve the prefix and suffix strings, '*ppszPrefix' and '*ppszSuffix'
// associated with TAPI location 'dwLocationId'. 'PUser' is the user
// preferences from which to retrieve.
// It is caller's responsibility to Free the returned strings.
{ #if 0 // NT4-style
DTLNODE* pNode; INT iPrefix; INT iSuffix;
TRACE( "PrefixSuffixFromLocationId" );
iPrefix = iSuffix = 0; for (pNode = DtlGetFirstNode( pUser->pdtllistLocations ); pNode; pNode = DtlGetNextNode( pNode )) { LOCATIONINFO* p = (LOCATIONINFO* )DtlGetData( pNode ); ASSERT( p );
if (p->dwLocationId == dwLocationId) { iPrefix = p->iPrefix; iSuffix = p->iSuffix; break; } }
*ppszPrefix = NULL; if (iPrefix != 0) { pNode = DtlNodeFromIndex( pUser->pdtllistPrefixes, iPrefix - 1 ); if (pNode) { *ppszPrefix = StrDup( (TCHAR* )DtlGetData( pNode ) ); } }
*ppszSuffix = NULL; if (iSuffix != 0) { pNode = DtlNodeFromIndex( pUser->pdtllistSuffixes, iSuffix - 1 ); if (pNode) { *ppszSuffix = StrDup( (TCHAR* )DtlGetData( pNode ) ); } }
#else // Stubbed in NT5/Connections
*ppszPrefix = StrDup( TEXT("") ); *ppszSuffix = StrDup( TEXT("") );