/* Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
** ** ui.c ** UI helper routines ** Listed alphabetically ** ** 08/25/95 Steve Cobb */
#include <windows.h> // Win32 root
#include <windowsx.h> // Win32 macro extensions
#include <commctrl.h> // Win32 common controls
#include <debug.h> // Trace and assert
#include <uiutil.h> // Our public header
** Globals **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* See SetOffDesktop.
*/ static LPCWSTR g_SodContextId = NULL;
/* Set when running in a mode where WinHelp does not work. This is a
** workaround to the problem where WinHelp does not work correctly before a ** user is logged on. See AddContextHelpButton. */ BOOL g_fNoWinHelp = FALSE;
** Local datatypes **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* SetOffDesktop context.
*/ #define SODINFO struct tagSODINFO
SODINFO { RECT rectOrg; BOOL fWeMadeInvisible; };
** Local prototypes **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
BOOL CALLBACK CancelOwnedWindowsEnumProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN LPARAM lparam );
BOOL CALLBACK CloseOwnedWindowsEnumProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN LPARAM lparam );
** Utility routines **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
VOID AddContextHelpButton( IN HWND hwnd )
/* Turns on title bar context help button in 'hwnd'.
** ** Dlgedit.exe doesn't currently support adding this style at dialog ** resource edit time. When that's fixed set DS_CONTEXTHELP in the dialog ** definition and remove this routine. */ { LONG lStyle;
if (g_fNoWinHelp) return;
lStyle = GetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE );
if (lStyle) SetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, lStyle | WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP ); }
VOID Button_MakeDefault( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN HWND hwndPb )
/* Make 'hwndPb' the default button on dialog 'hwndDlg'.
*/ { DWORD dwResult; HWND hwndPbOldDefault;
dwResult = (DWORD) SendMessage( hwndDlg, DM_GETDEFID, 0, 0 ); if (HIWORD( dwResult ) == DC_HASDEFID) { /* Un-default the current default button.
*/ hwndPbOldDefault = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, LOWORD( dwResult ) ); Button_SetStyle( hwndPbOldDefault, BS_PUSHBUTTON, TRUE ); }
/* Set caller's button to the default.
*/ SendMessage( hwndDlg, DM_SETDEFID, GetDlgCtrlID( hwndPb ), 0 ); Button_SetStyle( hwndPb, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, TRUE ); }
HBITMAP Button_CreateBitmap( IN HWND hwndPb, IN BITMAPSTYLE bitmapstyle )
/* Creates a bitmap of 'bitmapstyle' suitable for display on 'hwndPb. The
** 'hwndPb' must have been created with BS_BITMAP style. ** ** 'HwndPb' may be a checkbox with BS_PUSHLIKE style, in which case the ** button locks down when pressed like a toolbar button. This case ** requires that a color bitmap be created resulting in two extra ** restrictions. First, caller must handle WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE and rebuild ** the bitmaps with the new colors and second, the button cannot be ** disabled. ** ** Returns the handle to the bitmap. Caller can display it on the button ** as follows: ** ** SendMessage( hwndPb, BM_SETIMAGE, 0, (LPARAM )hbitmap ); ** ** Caller is responsible for calling DeleteObject(hbitmap) when done using ** the bitmap, typically when the dialog is destroyed. ** ** (Adapted from a routine by Tony Romano) */ { RECT rect; HDC hdc; HDC hdcMem; HBITMAP hbitmap; HFONT hfont; HPEN hpen; SIZE sizeText; SIZE sizeBitmap; INT x; INT y; TCHAR* psz; TCHAR* pszText; TCHAR* pszText2; DWORD dxBitmap; DWORD dxBetween; BOOL fOnRight; BOOL fPushLike;
hdc = NULL; hdcMem = NULL; hbitmap = NULL; hpen = NULL; pszText = NULL; pszText2 = NULL;
switch (bitmapstyle) { case BMS_UpArrowOnLeft: case BMS_DownArrowOnLeft: case BMS_UpArrowOnRight: case BMS_DownArrowOnRight: dxBitmap = 5; dxBetween = 4; break;
case BMS_UpTriangleOnLeft: case BMS_DownTriangleOnLeft: case BMS_UpTriangleOnRight: case BMS_DownTriangleOnRight: dxBitmap = 7; dxBetween = 6; break;
default: return NULL; }
fOnRight = (bitmapstyle & BMS_OnRight); fPushLike = (GetWindowLong( hwndPb, GWL_STYLE ) & BS_PUSHLIKE);
/* Get a memory DC compatible with the button window.
*/ hdc = GetDC( hwndPb ); if (!hdc) return NULL; hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC( hdc ); if (!hdcMem) goto BCB_Error;
/* Create a compatible bitmap covering the entire button in the memory DC.
** ** For a push button, the bitmap is created compatible with the memory DC, ** NOT the display DC. This causes the bitmap to be monochrome, the ** default for memory DCs. When GDI maps monochrome bitmaps into color, ** white is replaced with the background color and black is replaced with ** the text color, which is exactly what we want. With this technique, we ** are relieved from explicit handling of changes in system colors. ** ** For a push-like checkbox the bitmap is created compatible with the ** button itself, so the bitmap is typically color. */ GetClientRect( hwndPb, &rect ); hbitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( (fPushLike) ? hdc : hdcMem, rect.right, rect.bottom ); if (!hbitmap) goto BCB_Error; ReleaseDC( hwndPb, hdc ); hdc = NULL; SelectObject( hdcMem, hbitmap );
/* Select the font the button says it's using.
*/ hfont = (HFONT )SendMessage( hwndPb, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0 ); if (hfont) SelectObject( hdcMem, hfont );
/* Set appropriate colors for regular and stuck-down states. Don't need
** to do anything for the monochrome case as the default black pen and ** white background are what we want. */ if (fPushLike) { INT nColor;
if (bitmapstyle == BMS_UpArrowOnLeft || bitmapstyle == BMS_UpArrowOnRight || bitmapstyle == BMS_UpTriangleOnLeft || bitmapstyle == BMS_UpTriangleOnRight) { nColor = COLOR_BTNHILIGHT; } else { nColor = COLOR_BTNFACE; }
SetBkColor( hdcMem, GetSysColor( nColor ) ); hpen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNTEXT ) ); if (hpen) SelectObject( hdcMem, hpen ); }
/* The created bitmap is random, so we erase it to the background color.
** No text is written here. */ ExtTextOut( hdcMem, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, NULL, 0, NULL );
/* Get the button label and make a copy with the '&' accelerator-escape
** removed, which would otherwise mess up our width calculations. */ pszText = GetText( hwndPb ); pszText2 = StrDup( pszText ); if (!pszText || !pszText2) goto BCB_Error;
for (psz = pszText2; *psz; psz = CharNext( psz ) ) { if (*psz == TEXT('&')) { lstrcpy( psz, psz + 1 ); break; } }
/* Calculate the width of the button label text.
*/ sizeText.cx = 0; sizeText.cy = 0; GetTextExtentPoint32( hdcMem, pszText2, lstrlen( pszText2 ), &sizeText );
/* Draw the text off-center horizontally enough so it is centered with the
** bitmap symbol added. */ --rect.bottom; sizeBitmap.cx = dxBitmap; sizeBitmap.cy = 0;
rect.left += ((rect.right - (sizeText.cx + sizeBitmap.cx) - dxBetween) / 2);
if (fOnRight) { DrawText( hdcMem, pszText, -1, &rect, DT_VCENTER + DT_SINGLELINE + DT_EXTERNALLEADING ); rect.left += sizeText.cx + dxBetween; } else { rect.left += dxBitmap + dxBetween; DrawText( hdcMem, pszText, -1, &rect, DT_VCENTER + DT_SINGLELINE + DT_EXTERNALLEADING ); rect.left -= dxBitmap + dxBetween; }
/* Eliminate the top and bottom 3 pixels of button from consideration for
** the bitmap symbol. This leaves the button control room to do the ** border and 3D edges. */ InflateRect( &rect, 0, -3 );
/* Draw the bitmap symbol. The rectangle is now 'dxBitmap' wide and
** centered vertically with variable height depending on the button size. */ switch (bitmapstyle) { case BMS_UpArrowOnLeft: case BMS_UpArrowOnRight: { /* v-left
** ..... <-top ** ..... ** ..... ** ..*.. \ ** .***. | ** ***** | ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. > varies depending on font height ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. / ** ..... ** ..... ** ..... ** ..... <-bottom */
/* Draw the vertical line.
*/ x = rect.left + 2; y = rect.top + 3; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x, rect.bottom - 3 );
/* Draw the 2 crossbars.
*/ MoveToEx( hdcMem, x - 1, ++y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 2, y ); MoveToEx( hdcMem, x - 2, ++y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 3, y ); break; }
case BMS_DownArrowOnLeft: case BMS_DownArrowOnRight: { /* v-left
** ..... <-top ** ..... ** ..... ** ..*.. \ ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. > varies depending on font height ** ..*.. | ** ..*.. | ** ***** | ** .***. | ** ..*.. / ** ..... ** ..... ** ..... ** ..... <-bottom */
/* Draw the vertical line.
*/ x = rect.left + 2; y = rect.top + 3; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x, rect.bottom - 3 );
/* Draw the 2 crossbars.
*/ y = rect.bottom - 6; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x - 2, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 3, y ); MoveToEx( hdcMem, x - 1, ++y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 2, y ); break; }
case BMS_UpTriangleOnLeft: case BMS_UpTriangleOnRight: { /* v-left
** ....... <-top ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ...o... <- o indicates x,y origin ** ..***.. ** .*****. ** ******* ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... <-bottom */ x = rect.left + 3; y = ((rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2) + 2; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 1, y ); ++y; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x - 1, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 2, y ); ++y; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x - 2, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 3, y ); ++y; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x - 3, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 4, y ); break; }
case BMS_DownTriangleOnLeft: case BMS_DownTriangleOnRight: { /* v-left
** ....... <-top ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ***o*** <- o indicates x,y origin ** .*****. ** ..***.. ** ...*... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... ** ....... <-bottom */ x = rect.left + 3; y = ((rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2) + 2; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x - 3, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 4, y ); ++y; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x - 2, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 3, y ); ++y; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x - 1, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 2, y ); ++y; MoveToEx( hdcMem, x, y, NULL ); LineTo( hdcMem, x + 1, y ); break; } }
Free0( pszText ); Free0( pszText2 ); if (hdc) ReleaseDC( hwndPb, hdc ); if (hdcMem) DeleteDC( hdcMem ); if (hpen) DeleteObject( hpen ); return hbitmap; }
VOID CenterWindow( IN HWND hwnd, IN HWND hwndRef )
/* Center window 'hwnd' on window 'hwndRef' or if 'hwndRef' is NULL on
** screen. The window position is adjusted so that no parts are clipped ** by the edge of the screen, if necessary. If 'hwndRef' has been moved ** off-screen with SetOffDesktop, the original position is used. */ { RECT rectCur; LONG dxCur; LONG dyCur; RECT rectRef; LONG dxRef; LONG dyRef;
GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rectCur ); dxCur = rectCur.right - rectCur.left; dyCur = rectCur.bottom - rectCur.top;
if (hwndRef) { if (!SetOffDesktop( hwndRef, SOD_GetOrgRect, &rectRef )) GetWindowRect( hwndRef, &rectRef ); } else { rectRef.top = rectRef.left = 0; rectRef.right = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ); rectRef.bottom = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ); }
dxRef = rectRef.right - rectRef.left; dyRef = rectRef.bottom - rectRef.top;
rectCur.left = rectRef.left + ((dxRef - dxCur) / 2); rectCur.top = rectRef.top + ((dyRef - dyCur) / 2);
SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, rectCur.left, rectCur.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER + SWP_NOSIZE );
UnclipWindow( hwnd ); }
//Add this function for whislter bug 320863 gangz
//Center expand the window horizontally in its parent window
// this expansion will remain the left margin between the child window
// and the parent window
// hwnd: Child Window
// hwndRef: Reference window
// bHoriz: TRUE, means expand horizontally, let the right margin equal the left margin
// bVert: TRUE, elongate the height proportial to the width;
// hwndVertBound: the window that our vertical expandasion cannot overlap with
VOID CenterExpandWindowRemainLeftMargin( IN HWND hwnd, IN HWND hwndRef, BOOL bHoriz, BOOL bVert, IN HWND hwndVertBottomBound) { RECT rectCur, rectRef, rectVbBound; LONG dxCur, dyCur, dxRef; POINT ptTemp; double ratio; BOOL bvbBound = FALSE;
if (hwnd) { GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rectCur );
if (hwndRef) { GetWindowRect( hwndRef, &rectRef );
if(hwndVertBottomBound) { GetWindowRect( hwndVertBottomBound, &rectVbBound );
//We only consider normal cases, if hwnd and hwndVertBound are already
//overlapped, that is the problem beyond this function.
if ( rectCur.top < rectVbBound.top ) { bvbBound = TRUE; } } dxRef = rectRef.right - rectRef.left +1; dxCur = rectCur.right - rectCur.left +1; dyCur = rectCur.bottom - rectCur.top +1; ratio = dyCur*1.0/dxCur; if(bHoriz) { rectCur.right = rectRef.right - (rectCur.left - rectRef.left); }
if(bVert) { rectCur.bottom = rectCur.top + (LONG)( (rectCur.right - rectCur.left+1) * ratio ); }
if(bvbBound) { //if overlapping occurs w/o expansion, we need to fix it
//then we do the vertical centering,
// this bounding is basically for JPN bugs 329700 329715 which
// wont happen on English build
if(rectCur.bottom > rectVbBound.top ) { LONG dxResult, dyResult, dyVRef;
dyResult = rectVbBound.top - rectCur.top; dxResult = (LONG)(dyResult/ratio);
ptTemp.x = rectVbBound.left; ptTemp.y = rectVbBound.top-1; //For whistler bug 371914 gangz
//Cannot use ScreenToClient() here
//On RTL build, we must use MapWindowPoint() instead
MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, hwndRef, &ptTemp, 1);
dyVRef = ptTemp.y + 1; rectCur.left = rectRef.left + (dxRef - dxResult)/2; rectCur.right = rectRef.right - (dxRef-dxResult)/2; rectCur.bottom = rectVbBound.top - (dyVRef-dyResult)/2; rectCur.top = rectCur.bottom - dyResult; } }
ptTemp.x = rectCur.left; ptTemp.y = rectCur.top; MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, hwndRef, &ptTemp, 1); rectCur.left = ptTemp.x; rectCur.top = ptTemp.y;
ptTemp.x = rectCur.right; ptTemp.y = rectCur.bottom; MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, hwndRef, &ptTemp, 1);
rectCur.right = ptTemp.x; rectCur.bottom = ptTemp.y;
//For mirrored build
if ( rectCur.right < rectCur.left ) { int tmp;
tmp = rectCur.right; rectCur.right = rectCur.left; rectCur.left = tmp; } SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, rectCur.left, rectCur.top, rectCur.right - rectCur.left + 1, rectCur.bottom - rectCur.top +1, SWP_NOZORDER); } }
VOID CancelOwnedWindows( IN HWND hwnd )
/* Sends WM_COMMAND(IDCANCEL) to all windows that are owned by 'hwnd' in
** the current thread. */ { EnumThreadWindows( GetCurrentThreadId(), CloseOwnedWindowsEnumProc, (LPARAM )hwnd ); }
BOOL CALLBACK CancelOwnedWindowsEnumProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN LPARAM lparam )
/* Standard Win32 EnumThreadWindowsWndProc used by CancelOwnedWindows.
*/ { HWND hwndThis;
for (hwndThis = GetParent( hwnd ); hwndThis; hwndThis = GetParent( hwndThis )) { if (hwndThis == (HWND )lparam) { FORWARD_WM_COMMAND( hwnd, IDCANCEL, NULL, 0, SendMessage ); break; } }
return TRUE; }
VOID CloseOwnedWindows( IN HWND hwnd )
/* Sends WM_CLOSE to all windows that are owned by 'hwnd' in the current
** thread. */ { EnumThreadWindows( GetCurrentThreadId(), CloseOwnedWindowsEnumProc, (LPARAM )hwnd ); }
BOOL CALLBACK CloseOwnedWindowsEnumProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN LPARAM lparam )
/* Standard Win32 EnumThreadWindowsWndProc used by CloseOwnedWindows.
*/ { HWND hwndThis;
for (hwndThis = GetParent( hwnd ); hwndThis; hwndThis = GetParent( hwndThis )) { if (hwndThis == (HWND )lparam) { SendMessage( hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); break; } }
return TRUE; }
INT ComboBox_AddItem( IN HWND hwndLb, IN LPCTSTR pszText, IN VOID* pItem )
/* Adds data item 'pItem' with displayed text 'pszText' to listbox
** 'hwndLb'. The item is added sorted if the listbox has LBS_SORT style, ** or to the end of the list otherwise. If the listbox has LB_HASSTRINGS ** style, 'pItem' is a null terminated string, otherwise it is any user ** defined data. ** ** Returns the index of the item in the list or negative if error. */ { INT nIndex;
nIndex = ComboBox_AddString( hwndLb, pszText ); if (nIndex >= 0) ComboBox_SetItemData( hwndLb, nIndex, pItem ); return nIndex; }
INT ComboBox_AddItemFromId( IN HINSTANCE hinstance, IN HWND hwndLb, IN DWORD dwStringId, IN VOID* pItem )
/* Adds data item 'pItem' to listbox 'hwndLb'. 'dwStringId' is the string
** ID of the item's displayed text. 'Hinstance' is the app or module ** instance handle. ** ** Returns the index of the item in the list or negative if error. */ { INT i; LPCTSTR psz;
psz = PszLoadString( hinstance, dwStringId );
if (psz) { i = ComboBox_AddItem( hwndLb, psz, pItem ); } else { i = LB_ERRSPACE; }
return i; }
INT ComboBox_AddItemSorted( IN HWND hwndLb, IN LPCTSTR pszText, IN VOID* pItem )
/* Adds data item 'pItem' with displayed text 'pszText' to listbox
** 'hwndLb' in order sorted by 'pszText'. It is assumed all items added ** to the list to this point are sorted. If the listbox has LB_HASSTRINGS ** style, 'pItem' is a null terminated string, otherwise it is any user ** defined data. ** ** Returns the index of the item in the list or negative if error. */ { INT nIndex; INT i; INT c;
c = ComboBox_GetCount( hwndLb ); for (i = 0; i < c; ++i) { TCHAR* psz;
psz = ComboBox_GetPsz( hwndLb, i ); if (psz) { if (lstrcmp( pszText, psz ) < 0) break; Free( psz ); } }
if (i >= c) i = -1;
nIndex = ComboBox_InsertString( hwndLb, i, pszText ); if (nIndex >= 0) ComboBox_SetItemData( hwndLb, nIndex, pItem );
return nIndex; }
VOID ComboBox_AutoSizeDroppedWidth( IN HWND hwndLb )
/* Set the width of the drop-down list 'hwndLb' to the width of the
** longest item (or the width of the list box if that's wider). */ { HDC hdc; HFONT hfont; TCHAR* psz; SIZE size; DWORD cch; DWORD dxNew; DWORD i;
hfont = (HFONT )SendMessage( hwndLb, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0 ); if (!hfont) return;
hdc = GetDC( hwndLb ); if (!hdc) return;
SelectObject( hdc, hfont );
dxNew = 0; for (i = 0; psz = ComboBox_GetPsz( hwndLb, i ); ++i) { cch = lstrlen( psz ); if (GetTextExtentPoint32( hdc, psz, cch, &size )) { if (dxNew < (DWORD )size.cx) dxNew = (DWORD )size.cx; }
Free( psz ); }
ReleaseDC( hwndLb, hdc );
/* Allow for the spacing on left and right added by the control.
*/ dxNew += 6;
/* Figure out if the vertical scrollbar will be displayed and, if so,
** allow for it's width. */ { RECT rectD; RECT rectU; DWORD dyItem; DWORD cItemsInDrop; DWORD cItemsInList;
GetWindowRect( hwndLb, &rectU ); SendMessage( hwndLb, CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT, 0, (LPARAM )&rectD ); dyItem = (DWORD)SendMessage( hwndLb, CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0 ); cItemsInDrop = (rectD.bottom - rectU.bottom) / dyItem; cItemsInList = ComboBox_GetCount( hwndLb ); if (cItemsInDrop < cItemsInList) dxNew += GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXVSCROLL ); }
SendMessage( hwndLb, CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH, dxNew, 0 ); }
#if 0
VOID ComboBox_FillFromPszList( IN HWND hwndLb, IN DTLLIST* pdtllistPsz )
/* Loads 'hwndLb' with an item form each node in the list strings,
** 'pdtllistPsz'. */ { DTLNODE* pNode;
if (!pdtllistPsz) return;
for (pNode = DtlGetFirstNode( pdtllistPsz ); pNode; pNode = DtlGetNextNode( pNode )) { TCHAR* psz;
psz = (TCHAR* )DtlGetData( pNode ); ASSERT(psz); ComboBox_AddString( hwndLb, psz ); } } #endif
VOID* ComboBox_GetItemDataPtr( IN HWND hwndLb, IN INT nIndex )
/* Returns the address of the 'nIndex'th item context in 'hwndLb' or NULL
** if none. */ { LRESULT lResult;
if (nIndex < 0) return NULL;
lResult = ComboBox_GetItemData( hwndLb, nIndex ); if (lResult < 0) return NULL;
return (VOID* )lResult; }
TCHAR* ComboBox_GetPsz( IN HWND hwnd, IN INT nIndex )
/* Returns heap block containing the text contents of the 'nIndex'th item
** of combo box 'hwnd' or NULL. It is caller's responsibility to Free the ** returned string. */ { INT cch; TCHAR* psz;
cch = ComboBox_GetLBTextLen( hwnd, nIndex ); if (cch < 0) return NULL;
psz = Malloc( (cch + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
if (psz) { *psz = TEXT('\0'); ComboBox_GetLBText( hwnd, nIndex, psz ); }
return psz; }
VOID ComboBox_SetCurSelNotify( IN HWND hwndLb, IN INT nIndex )
/* Set selection in listbox 'hwndLb' to 'nIndex' and notify parent as if
** user had clicked the item which Windows doesn't do for some reason. */ { ComboBox_SetCurSel( hwndLb, nIndex );
SendMessage( GetParent( hwndLb ), WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM )MAKELONG( (WORD )GetDlgCtrlID( hwndLb ), (WORD )CBN_SELCHANGE ), (LPARAM )hwndLb ); }
TCHAR* Ellipsisize( IN HDC hdc, IN TCHAR* psz, IN INT dxColumn, IN INT dxColText OPTIONAL )
/* Returns a heap string containing the 'psz' shortened to fit in the
** given width, if necessary, by truncating and adding "...". 'Hdc' is the ** device context with the appropiate font selected. 'DxColumn' is the ** width of the column. It is caller's responsibility to Free the ** returned string. */ { const TCHAR szDots[] = TEXT("...");
SIZE size; TCHAR* pszResult; TCHAR* pszResultLast; TCHAR* pszResult2nd; DWORD cch;
cch = lstrlen( psz ); pszResult = Malloc( (cch * sizeof(TCHAR)) + sizeof(szDots) ); if (!pszResult) return NULL; lstrcpy( pszResult, psz );
dxColumn -= dxColText; if (dxColumn <= 0) { /* None of the column text will be visible so bag the calculations and
** just return the original string. */ return pszResult; }
if (!GetTextExtentPoint32( hdc, pszResult, cch, &size )) { Free( pszResult ); return NULL; }
pszResult2nd = CharNext( pszResult ); pszResultLast = pszResult + cch;
while (size.cx > dxColumn && pszResultLast > pszResult2nd) { /* Doesn't fit. Lop off a character, add the ellipsis, and try again.
** The minimum result is "..." for empty original or "x..." for ** non-empty original. */ pszResultLast = CharPrev( pszResult2nd, pszResultLast ); lstrcpy( pszResultLast, szDots );
if (!GetTextExtentPoint( hdc, pszResult, lstrlen( pszResult ), &size )) { Free( pszResult ); return NULL; } }
return pszResult; }
VOID ExpandWindow( IN HWND hwnd, IN LONG dx, IN LONG dy )
/* Expands window 'hwnd' 'dx' pels to the right and 'dy' pels down from
** it's current size. */ { RECT rect;
GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rect );
SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, rect.right - rect.left + dx, rect.bottom - rect.top + dy, SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOZORDER ); }
TCHAR* GetText( IN HWND hwnd )
/* Returns heap block containing the text contents of the window 'hwnd' or
** NULL. It is caller's responsibility to Free the returned string. */ { INT cch; TCHAR* psz;
cch = GetWindowTextLength( hwnd ); psz = Malloc( (cch + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
if (psz) { *psz = TEXT('\0'); GetWindowText( hwnd, psz, cch + 1 ); }
return psz; }
HWND HwndFromCursorPos( IN HINSTANCE hinstance, IN POINT* ppt OPTIONAL )
/* Returns a "Static" control window created at the specified position
** (or at the cursor position if NULL is passed in). ** The window is moved off the desktop using SetOffDesktop() ** so that it can be specified as the owner window ** for a popup dialog shown using MsgDlgUtil. ** The window returned should be destroyed using DestroyWindow(). */ {
HWND hwnd; POINT pt;
if (ppt) { pt = *ppt; } else { GetCursorPos(&pt); }
// create the window
hwnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, TEXT("Static"), NULL, WS_POPUP, pt.x, pt.y, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, hinstance, NULL ); if (!hwnd) { return NULL; }
// move it off the desktop
SetOffDesktop(hwnd, SOD_MoveOff, NULL);
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW);
return hwnd; }
LPTSTR IpGetAddressAsText( HWND hwndIp ) { if (SendMessage( hwndIp, IPM_ISBLANK, 0, 0 )) { return NULL; } else { DWORD dwIpAddrHost; TCHAR szIpAddr [32];
SendMessage( hwndIp, IPM_GETADDRESS, 0, (LPARAM)&dwIpAddrHost ); IpHostAddrToPsz( dwIpAddrHost, szIpAddr ); return StrDup( szIpAddr ); } }
void IpSetAddressText( HWND hwndIp, LPCTSTR pszIpAddress ) { if (pszIpAddress) { DWORD dwIpAddrHost = IpPszToHostAddr( pszIpAddress ); SendMessage( hwndIp, IPM_SETADDRESS, 0, dwIpAddrHost ); } else { SendMessage( hwndIp, IPM_CLEARADDRESS, 0, 0 ); } }
INT ListBox_AddItem( IN HWND hwndLb, IN TCHAR* pszText, IN VOID* pItem )
/* Adds data item 'pItem' with displayed text 'pszText' to listbox
** 'hwndLb'. The item is added sorted if the listbox has LBS_SORT style, ** or to the end of the list otherwise. If the listbox has LB_HASSTRINGS ** style, 'pItem' is a null terminated string, otherwise it is any user ** defined data. ** ** Returns the index of the item in the list or negative if error. */ { INT nIndex;
nIndex = ListBox_AddString( hwndLb, pszText ); if (nIndex >= 0) ListBox_SetItemData( hwndLb, nIndex, pItem ); return nIndex; }
TCHAR* ListBox_GetPsz( IN HWND hwnd, IN INT nIndex )
/* Returns heap block containing the text contents of the 'nIndex'th item
** of list box 'hwnd' or NULL. It is caller's responsibility to Free the ** returned string. */ { INT cch; TCHAR* psz;
cch = ListBox_GetTextLen( hwnd, nIndex ); psz = Malloc( (cch + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
if (psz) { *psz = TEXT('\0'); ListBox_GetText( hwnd, nIndex, psz ); }
return psz; }
INT ListBox_IndexFromString( IN HWND hwnd, IN TCHAR* psz )
/* Returns the index of the item in string list 'hwnd' that matches 'psz'
** or -1 if not found. Unlike, ListBox_FindStringExact, this compare in ** case sensitive. */ { INT i; INT c;
c = ListBox_GetCount( hwnd );
for (i = 0; i < c; ++i) { TCHAR* pszThis;
pszThis = ListBox_GetPsz( hwnd, i ); if (pszThis) { BOOL f;
f = (lstrcmp( psz, pszThis ) == 0); Free( pszThis ); if (f) return i; } }
return -1; }
VOID ListBox_SetCurSelNotify( IN HWND hwndLb, IN INT nIndex )
/* Set selection in listbox 'hwndLb' to 'nIndex' and notify parent as if
** user had clicked the item which Windows doesn't do for some reason. */ { ListBox_SetCurSel( hwndLb, nIndex );
SendMessage( GetParent( hwndLb ), WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM )MAKELONG( (WORD )GetDlgCtrlID( hwndLb ), (WORD )LBN_SELCHANGE ), (LPARAM )hwndLb ); }
VOID* ListView_GetParamPtr( IN HWND hwndLv, IN INT iItem )
/* Returns the lParam address of the 'iItem' item in 'hwndLv' or NULL if
** none or error. */ { LV_ITEM item;
ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = iItem;
if (!ListView_GetItem( hwndLv, &item )) return NULL;
return (VOID* )item.lParam; }
VOID* ListView_GetSelectedParamPtr( IN HWND hwndLv )
/* Returns the lParam address of the first selected item in 'hwndLv' or
** NULL if none or error. */ { INT iSel; LV_ITEM item;
iSel = ListView_GetNextItem( hwndLv, -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if (iSel < 0) return NULL;
return ListView_GetParamPtr( hwndLv, iSel ); }
VOID ListView_InsertSingleAutoWidthColumn( HWND hwndLv )
// Insert a single auto-sized column into listview 'hwndLv', e.g. for a
// list of checkboxes with no visible column header.
{ LV_COLUMN col;
ZeroMemory( &col, sizeof(col) ); col.mask = LVCF_FMT; col.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; ListView_InsertColumn( hwndLv, 0, &col ); ListView_SetColumnWidth( hwndLv, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE ); }
BOOL ListView_SetParamPtr( IN HWND hwndLv, IN INT iItem, IN VOID* pParam )
/* Set the lParam address of the 'iItem' item in 'hwndLv' to 'pParam'.
** Return true if successful, false otherwise. */ { LV_ITEM item;
ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = iItem; item.lParam = (LPARAM )pParam;
return ListView_SetItem( hwndLv, &item ); }
VOID Menu_CreateAccelProxies( IN HINSTANCE hinst, IN HWND hwndParent, IN DWORD dwMid )
/* Causes accelerators on a popup menu to choose menu commands when the
** popup menu is not dropped down. 'Hinst' is the app/dll instance. ** 'HwndParent' is the window that receives the popup menu command ** messages. 'DwMid' is the menu ID of the menu bar containing the popup ** menu. */ { #define MCF_cbBuf 512
HMENU hmenuBar; HMENU hmenuPopup; TCHAR szBuf[ MCF_cbBuf ]; MENUITEMINFO item; INT i;
hmenuBar = LoadMenu( hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( dwMid ) ); ASSERT(hmenuBar); hmenuPopup = GetSubMenu( hmenuBar, 0 ); ASSERT(hmenuPopup);
/* Loop thru menu items on the popup menu.
*/ for (i = 0; TRUE; ++i) { ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.cbSize = sizeof(item); item.fMask = MIIM_TYPE + MIIM_ID; item.dwTypeData = szBuf; item.cch = MCF_cbBuf;
if (!GetMenuItemInfo( hmenuPopup, i, TRUE, &item )) break;
if (item.fType != MFT_STRING) continue;
/* Create an off-screen button on the parent with the same ID and
** text as the menu item. */ CreateWindow( TEXT("button"), szBuf, WS_CHILD, 30000, 30000, 0, 0, hwndParent, (HMENU )UlongToPtr(item.wID), hinst, NULL ); }
DestroyMenu( hmenuBar ); }
VOID ScreenToClientRect( IN HWND hwnd, IN OUT RECT* pRect )
/* Converts '*pRect' from screen to client coordinates of 'hwnd'.
*/ { POINT xyUL; POINT xyBR;
xyUL.x = pRect->left; xyUL.y = pRect->top; xyBR.x = pRect->right; xyBR.y = pRect->bottom;
ScreenToClient( hwnd, &xyUL ); ScreenToClient( hwnd, &xyBR );
pRect->left = xyUL.x; pRect->top = xyUL.y; pRect->right = xyBR.x; pRect->bottom = xyBR.y; }
BOOL SetOffDesktop( IN HWND hwnd, IN DWORD dwAction, OUT RECT* prectOrg )
/* Move 'hwnd' back and forth from the visible desktop to the area
** off-screen. Use this when you want to "hide" your owner window without ** hiding yourself which Windows automatically does. ** ** 'dwAction' describes the action to take: ** SOD_Moveoff: Move 'hwnd' off the desktop. ** SOD_MoveBackFree: Undo SOD_MoveOff. ** SOD_GetOrgRect: Retrieves original 'hwnd' position. ** SOD_Free: Free SOD_MoveOff context without restoring. ** SOD_MoveBackHidden: Move window back, but hidden so you can call ** routines that internally query the position ** of the window. Undo with SOD_Moveoff. ** ** '*prectOrg' is set to the original window position when 'dwAction' is ** SOD_GetOrgRect. Otherwise, it is ignored, and may be NULL. ** ** Returns true if the window has a SODINFO context, false otherwise. */ { SODINFO* pInfo;
if (!g_SodContextId) { g_SodContextId = (LPCTSTR )GlobalAddAtom( TEXT("RASSETOFFDESKTOP") ); if (!g_SodContextId) return FALSE; }
pInfo = (SODINFO* )GetProp( hwnd, g_SodContextId );
if (dwAction == SOD_MoveOff) { if (pInfo) { /* Caller is undoing a SOD_MoveBackHidden.
*/ SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, pInfo->rectOrg.left, GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ), 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER );
if (pInfo->fWeMadeInvisible) { ShowWindow( hwnd, SW_SHOW ); pInfo->fWeMadeInvisible = FALSE; } } else { BOOL f;
pInfo = (SODINFO* )Malloc( sizeof(SODINFO) ); if (!pInfo) return FALSE;
f = IsWindowVisible( hwnd ); if (!f) ShowWindow( hwnd, SW_HIDE );
GetWindowRect( hwnd, &pInfo->rectOrg ); SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, pInfo->rectOrg.left, GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ), 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER );
if (!f) ShowWindow( hwnd, SW_SHOW );
pInfo->fWeMadeInvisible = FALSE; SetProp( hwnd, g_SodContextId, pInfo ); } } else if (dwAction == SOD_MoveBackFree || dwAction == SOD_Free) { if (pInfo) { if (dwAction == SOD_MoveBackFree) { SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, pInfo->rectOrg.left, pInfo->rectOrg.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER ); }
Free( pInfo ); RemoveProp( hwnd, g_SodContextId ); }
return FALSE; } else if (dwAction == SOD_GetOrgRect) { if (!pInfo) return FALSE;
*prectOrg = pInfo->rectOrg; } else { ASSERT(dwAction==SOD_MoveBackHidden);
if (!pInfo) return FALSE;
if (IsWindowVisible( hwnd )) { ShowWindow( hwnd, SW_HIDE ); pInfo->fWeMadeInvisible = TRUE; }
SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, pInfo->rectOrg.left, pInfo->rectOrg.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER ); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL SetDlgItemNum( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN INT iDlgItem, IN UINT uValue )
/* Similar to SetDlgItemInt, but this function uses commas (or the
** locale-specific separator) to delimit thousands */ {
DWORD dwSize; TCHAR szNumber[32];
dwSize = 30; GetNumberString(uValue, szNumber, &dwSize);
return SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, iDlgItem, szNumber); }
BOOL SetEvenTabWidths( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN DWORD cPages )
/* Set the tabs on property sheet 'hwndDlg' to have even fixed width.
** 'cPages' is the number of pages on the property sheet. ** ** Returns true if successful, false if any of the tabs requires more than ** the fixed width in which case the call has no effect. */ { HWND hwndTab; LONG lStyle; RECT rect; INT dxFixed;
/* The tab control uses hard-coded 1-inch tabs when you set FIXEDWIDTH
** style while we want the tabs to fill the page, so we figure out the ** correct width ourselves. For some reason, without a fudge-factor (the ** -10) the expansion does not fit on a single line. The factor ** absolutely required varies between large and small fonts and the number ** of tabs does not seem to be a factor. */ hwndTab = PropSheet_GetTabControl( hwndDlg ); GetWindowRect( hwndTab, &rect ); dxFixed = (rect.right - rect.left - 10 ) / cPages;
while (cPages > 0) { RECT rectTab;
--cPages; if (!TabCtrl_GetItemRect( hwndTab, cPages, &rectTab ) || dxFixed < rectTab.right - rectTab.left) { /* This tab requires more than the fixed width. Since the fixed
** width is unworkable do nothing. */ return FALSE; } }
TabCtrl_SetItemSize( hwndTab, dxFixed, 0 ); lStyle = GetWindowLong( hwndTab, GWL_STYLE ); SetWindowLong( hwndTab, GWL_STYLE, lStyle | TCS_FIXEDWIDTH ); return TRUE; }
HFONT SetFont( HWND hwndCtrl, TCHAR* pszFaceName, BYTE bfPitchAndFamily, INT nPointSize, BOOL fUnderline, BOOL fStrikeout, BOOL fItalic, BOOL fBold )
/* Sets font of control 'hwndCtrl' to a font matching the specified
** attributes. See LOGFONT documentation. ** ** Returns the HFONT of the created font if successful or NULL. Caller ** should DeleteObject the returned HFONT when the control is destroyed. */ { LOGFONT logfont; INT nPelsPerInch; HFONT hfont;
{ HDC hdc = GetDC( NULL ); if (hdc == NULL) { return NULL; } nPelsPerInch = GetDeviceCaps( hdc, LOGPIXELSY ); ReleaseDC( NULL, hdc ); }
ZeroMemory( &logfont, sizeof(logfont) ); logfont.lfHeight = -MulDiv( nPointSize, nPelsPerInch, 72 );
cp = GetACP(); if (TranslateCharsetInfo( &cp, &csi, TCI_SRCCODEPAGE )) logfont.lfCharSet = (UCHAR)csi.ciCharset; else logfont.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET; }
logfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; logfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; logfont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = bfPitchAndFamily; lstrcpy( logfont.lfFaceName, pszFaceName ); logfont.lfUnderline = (BYTE)fUnderline; logfont.lfStrikeOut = (BYTE)fStrikeout; logfont.lfItalic = (BYTE)fItalic; logfont.lfWeight = (fBold) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
hfont = CreateFontIndirect( &logfont ); if (hfont) { SendMessage( hwndCtrl, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM )hfont, MAKELPARAM( TRUE, 0 ) ); }
return hfont; }
VOID SlideWindow( IN HWND hwnd, IN HWND hwndParent, IN LONG dx, IN LONG dy )
/* Moves window 'hwnd' 'dx' pels right and 'dy' pels down from it's
** current position. 'HwndParent' is the handle of 'hwnd's parent or NULL ** if 'hwnd' is not a child window. */ { RECT rect; POINT xy;
GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rect ); xy.x = rect.left; xy.y = rect.top;
if (GetParent( hwnd )) { /*
* For mirrored parents we us the right point not the left. */ if (GetWindowLongPtr(GetParent( hwnd ), GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL) { xy.x = rect.right; } ScreenToClient( hwndParent, &xy ); }
SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, xy.x + dx, xy.y + dy, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER ); }
VOID UnclipWindow( IN HWND hwnd )
/* Moves window 'hwnd' so any clipped parts are again visible on the
** screen. The window is moved only as far as necessary to achieve this. */ { RECT rect; INT dxScreen = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ); INT dyScreen = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN );
GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rect );
if (rect.right > dxScreen) rect.left = dxScreen - (rect.right - rect.left);
if (rect.left < 0) rect.left = 0;
if (rect.bottom > dyScreen) rect.top = dyScreen - (rect.bottom - rect.top);
if (rect.top < 0) rect.top = 0;
SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, rect.left, rect.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER + SWP_NOSIZE ); }