Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the entry points for the AFP fork APIs queued to the FSP. These are all callable from FSP Only.
Jameel Hyder (microsoft!jameelh)
Revision History: 25 Apr 1992 Initial Version
Notes: Tab stop: 4 --*/
#include <afp.h>
#include <gendisp.h>
#include <fdparm.h>
#include <pathmap.h>
#include <forkio.h>
// #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispOpenFork) // Do not page this out for perf.
// #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispCloseFork) // Do not page this out for perf.
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispGetForkParms)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispSetForkParms)
// #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispRead) // Do not page this out for perf.
// #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispWrite) // Do not page this out for perf.
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispByteRangeLock)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispFlushFork)
/*** AfpFspDispOpenFork
* * This is the worker routine for the AfpOpenFork API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_AfpSubFunc BYTE Resource/Data Flag * sda_ReqBlock PCONNDESC pConnDesc * sda_ReqBlock DWORD ParentDirId * sda_ReqBlock DWORD Bitmap * sda_ReqBlock DWORD AccessMode * sda_Name1 ANSI_STRING Path */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispOpenFork( IN PSDA pSda ) { DWORD Bitmap, BitmapI; AFPSTATUS RetCode = AFP_ERR_NONE, Status = AFP_ERR_PARAM; FILEDIRPARM FDParm; PVOLDESC pVolDesc; PATHMAPENTITY PME; PCONNDESC pConnDesc; POPENFORKENTRY pOpenForkEntry = NULL; BOOLEAN Resource, CleanupLock = False; BYTE OpenMode = 0; UNICODE_STRING ParentPath; struct _RequestPacket { PCONNDESC _pConnDesc; DWORD _ParentDirId; DWORD _Bitmap; DWORD _AccessMode; }; struct _ResponsePacket { BYTE __Bitmap[2]; BYTE __OForkRefNum[2]; }; #if DBG
static PBYTE OpenDeny[] = { "None", "Read", "Write", "ReadWrite" }; #endif
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispOpenFork: Entered - Session %ld\n", pSda->sda_SessionId));
pConnDesc = pReqPkt->_pConnDesc;
pVolDesc = pConnDesc->cds_pVolDesc;
Bitmap = pReqPkt->_Bitmap;
Resource = ((pSda->sda_AfpSubFunc & FORK_RSRC) == FORK_RSRC) ? True : False;
if ((Resource && (Bitmap & FILE_BITMAP_DATALEN)) || (!Resource && (Bitmap & FILE_BITMAP_RESCLEN))) { return AFP_ERR_BITMAP; }
do { AfpInitializeFDParms(&FDParm); AfpInitializePME(&PME, 0, NULL);
// We will use the PME.pme_Handle for open fork handle
OpenMode = (BYTE)(pReqPkt->_AccessMode & FORK_OPEN_MASK);
// Validate volume type and open modes
if (!IS_CONN_NTFS(pConnDesc) && !IS_CONN_CD_HFS(pConnDesc)) { // Resource fork only supported on NTFS and CD-HFS
if (Resource) { Status = AFP_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND; break; } if (OpenMode & FORK_OPEN_WRITE) { Status = AFP_ERR_VOLUME_LOCKED; break; } } else if ((OpenMode & FORK_OPEN_WRITE) && IS_VOLUME_RO(pVolDesc)) { Status = AFP_ERR_VOLUME_LOCKED; break; }
// Encode the open access into the bitmap for pathmap
// to use when opening the fork.
// Encode the deny mode into the bitmap for pathmap
// to use when opening the fork.
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispOpenFork: OpenMode %s, DenyMode %s\n", OpenDeny[(pReqPkt->_AccessMode & FORK_OPEN_MASK)], OpenDeny[(pReqPkt->_AccessMode >> FORK_DENY_SHIFT) & FORK_DENY_MASK]));
// Don't allow an FpExchangeFiles to occur while we are referencing
// the DFE FileId -- we want to make sure we put the right ID into
// the OpenForkDesc!!
AfpSwmrAcquireExclusive(&pVolDesc->vds_ExchangeFilesLock); CleanupLock = True; if ((Status = AfpMapAfpPathForLookup(pConnDesc, pReqPkt->_ParentDirId, &pSda->sda_Name1, pSda->sda_PathType, DFE_FILE, Bitmap | BitmapI | // Need these for drop folder
// checking
// If we got a DENY_CONFLICT error, then we still need the parameters
// Do an open for nothing with no deny modes to get the parameters.
PME.pme_Handle.fsh_FileHandle = NULL; if (Status == AFP_ERR_DENY_CONFLICT) { AFPSTATUS xxStatus;
// Free up any path-buffer allocated
if (PME.pme_FullPath.Buffer != NULL) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_FORKS, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispOpenFork: (DenyConflict) Freeing path buffer %lx\n", PME.pme_FullPath.Buffer)); AfpFreeMemory(PME.pme_FullPath.Buffer); } AfpInitializePME(&PME, 0, NULL);
BitmapI = FILE_BITMAP_FILENUM | FD_BITMAP_PARENT_DIRID | FD_INTERNAL_BITMAP_RETURN_PMEPATHS; if (Resource) { BitmapI |= FD_INTERNAL_BITMAP_OPENFORK_RESC; } xxStatus = AfpMapAfpPathForLookup(pConnDesc, pReqPkt->_ParentDirId, &pSda->sda_Name1, pSda->sda_PathType, DFE_FILE, Bitmap | BitmapI, &PME, &FDParm); if (!NT_SUCCESS(xxStatus)) { PME.pme_Handle.fsh_FileHandle = NULL; Status = xxStatus; break; } } else break; }
if (Status == AFP_ERR_NONE) { Status = AfpForkOpen(pSda, pConnDesc, &PME, &FDParm, pReqPkt->_AccessMode, Resource, &pOpenForkEntry, &CleanupLock); }
// At this point we have either successfully opened the fork,
// encountered a DENY_CONFLICT or some other error.
if ((Status != AFP_ERR_NONE) && (Status != AFP_ERR_DENY_CONFLICT)) break;
// Do drop folder sanity check if someone tries to open for Write only
if ((Status == AFP_ERR_NONE) && (OpenMode == FORK_OPEN_WRITE) && ((FDParm._fdp_RescForkLen != 0) || (FDParm._fdp_DataForkLen != 0))) { ASSERT (VALID_OPENFORKENTRY(pOpenForkEntry));
// If either fork is not empty, and one of them is being
// opened for write, the user must also have READ access
// to the parent directory.
ParentPath = pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pOpenForkDesc->ofd_FilePath; // adjust the length to not include the filename
ParentPath.Length -= pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pOpenForkDesc->ofd_FileName.Length; if (ParentPath.Length > 0) { ParentPath.Length -= sizeof(WCHAR); }
AfpSwmrAcquireExclusive(&pVolDesc->vds_IdDbAccessLock); Status = AfpCheckParentPermissions(pConnDesc, FDParm._fdp_ParentId, &ParentPath, DIR_ACCESS_READ, NULL, NULL); AfpSwmrRelease(&pVolDesc->vds_IdDbAccessLock); //
// We are no longer referencing the FileId or path kept
// in the OpenForkDesc. Ok for FpExchangeFiles to resume.
AfpSwmrRelease(&pVolDesc->vds_ExchangeFilesLock); CleanupLock = False;
if (Status != AFP_ERR_NONE) { AfpForkClose(pOpenForkEntry); AfpForkDereference(pOpenForkEntry);
// set this to null so it wont be upgraded/deref'd
// in cleanup below
pOpenForkEntry = NULL;
// Set handle to null since it was closed in AfpForkClose
// and we wont want it to be closed in cleanup below
PME.pme_Handle.fsh_FileHandle = NULL; break; } } else { AfpSwmrRelease(&pVolDesc->vds_ExchangeFilesLock); CleanupLock = False; }
if (RetCode == AFP_ERR_NONE) { pSda->sda_ReplySize = SIZE_RESPPKT + EVENALIGN(AfpGetFileDirParmsReplyLength(&FDParm, Bitmap));
if ((RetCode = AfpAllocReplyBuf(pSda)) != AFP_ERR_NONE) { if (pOpenForkEntry != NULL) AfpForkClose(pOpenForkEntry); break; } AfpPackFileDirParms(&FDParm, Bitmap, pSda->sda_ReplyBuf + SIZE_RESPPKT); PUTDWORD2SHORT(pRspPkt->__Bitmap, Bitmap); PUTDWORD2SHORT(pRspPkt->__OForkRefNum, (pOpenForkEntry == NULL) ? 0 : pOpenForkEntry->ofe_OForkRefNum); if (Status == AFP_ERR_NONE) { INTERLOCKED_INCREMENT_LONG(&pConnDesc->cds_cOpenForks); } } else Status = RetCode; } while (False);
if (CleanupLock) { AfpSwmrRelease(&pVolDesc->vds_ExchangeFilesLock); }
// update the disk quota for this user
if (pVolDesc->vds_Flags & VOLUME_DISKQUOTA_ENABLED) { if (AfpConnectionReferenceByPointer(pConnDesc) != NULL) { afpUpdateDiskQuotaInfo(pConnDesc); } }
if (pOpenForkEntry != NULL) { if (Status == AFP_ERR_NONE) AfpUpgradeHandle(&pOpenForkEntry->ofe_FileSysHandle); AfpForkDereference(pOpenForkEntry); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (PME.pme_Handle.fsh_FileHandle != NULL) AfpIoClose(&PME.pme_Handle); }
if (PME.pme_FullPath.Buffer != NULL) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_FORKS, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispOpenFork: Freeing path buffer %lx\n", PME.pme_FullPath.Buffer)); AfpFreeMemory(PME.pme_FullPath.Buffer); }
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispOpenFork: Returning %ld\n", Status));
return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispCloseFork
* * This is the worker routine for the AfpCloseFork API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_ReqBlock POPENFORKENTRY pOpenForkEntry */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispCloseFork( IN PSDA pSda ) { struct _RequestPacket { POPENFORKENTRY _pOpenForkEntry; };
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispCloseFork: Entered - Session %ld, Fork %ld\n", pSda->sda_SessionId, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_ForkId));
return AFP_ERR_NONE; }
/*** AfpFspDispGetForkParms
* * This is the worker routine for the AfpGetForkParms API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_ReqBlock POPENFORKENTRY pOpenForkEntry * sda_ReqBlock DWORD Bitmap */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispGetForkParms( IN PSDA pSda ) { FILEDIRPARM FDParm; DWORD Bitmap; AFPSTATUS Status = AFP_ERR_PARAM; struct _RequestPacket { POPENFORKENTRY _pOpenForkEntry; DWORD _Bitmap; }; struct _ResponsePacket { BYTE __Bitmap[2]; };
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispGetForkParms: Entered Session %ld, Fork %ld\n", pSda->sda_SessionId, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_ForkId));
Bitmap = pReqPkt->_Bitmap;
do { if ((RESCFORK(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry) && (Bitmap & FILE_BITMAP_DATALEN)) || (DATAFORK(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry) && (Bitmap & FILE_BITMAP_RESCLEN))) { Status = AFP_ERR_BITMAP; break; }
// Optimize for the most common case.
Status = AfpIoQuerySize(&pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_FileSysHandle, &ForkLength);
if (Bitmap & FILE_BITMAP_DATALEN) FDParm._fdp_DataForkLen = ForkLength.LowPart; else FDParm._fdp_RescForkLen = ForkLength.LowPart; FDParm._fdp_Flags = 0; // Take out the directory flag
// If we need more stuff, go get it
if (Bitmap & ~(FILE_BITMAP_DATALEN | FILE_BITMAP_RESCLEN)) { CONNDESC ConnDesc; POPENFORKDESC pOpenForkDesc = pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pOpenForkDesc;
// Since the following call requires a pConnDesc and we do not
// really have one, manufacture it
ConnDesc.cds_pSda = pSda; ConnDesc.cds_pVolDesc = pOpenForkDesc->ofd_pVolDesc;
// Don't let FpExchangeFiles come in while we are accessing
// the stored FileId and its corresponding DFE
Status = AfpMapAfpIdForLookup(&ConnDesc, pOpenForkDesc->ofd_FileNumber, DFE_FILE, Bitmap & ~(FILE_BITMAP_DATALEN | FILE_BITMAP_RESCLEN), NULL, &FDParm); AfpSwmrRelease(&ConnDesc.cds_pVolDesc->vds_ExchangeFilesLock); if (Status != AFP_ERR_NONE) { break; } }
if (Status == AFP_ERR_NONE) { pSda->sda_ReplySize = SIZE_RESPPKT + EVENALIGN(AfpGetFileDirParmsReplyLength(&FDParm, Bitmap));
if ((Status = AfpAllocReplyBuf(pSda)) == AFP_ERR_NONE) { AfpPackFileDirParms(&FDParm, Bitmap, pSda->sda_ReplyBuf + SIZE_RESPPKT); PUTDWORD2SHORT(&pRspPkt->__Bitmap, Bitmap); } } } while (False);
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispGetForkParms: Returning %ld\n", Status));
return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispSetForkParms
* * This is the worker routine for the AfpSetForkParms API. * Only thing that can be set with this API is the fork length. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_ReqBlock POPENFORKENTRY pOpenForkEntry * sda_ReqBlock DWORD Bitmap * sda_ReqBlock LONG ForkLength * * LOCKS: vds_IdDbAccessLock (SWMR, Exclusive) */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispSetForkParms( IN PSDA pSda ) { AFPSTATUS Status; DWORD Bitmap; BOOLEAN SetSize = False; PVOLDESC pVolDesc; PCONNDESC pConnDesc; struct _RequestPacket { POPENFORKENTRY _pOpenForkEntry; DWORD _Bitmap; LONG _ForkLength; };
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispSetForkParms: Entered Session %ld Fork %ld, Length %ld\n", pSda->sda_SessionId, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_ForkId, pReqPkt->_ForkLength));
Bitmap = pReqPkt->_Bitmap;
do { if ((RESCFORK(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry) && (pReqPkt->_Bitmap & FILE_BITMAP_DATALEN)) || (DATAFORK(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry) && (pReqPkt->_Bitmap & FILE_BITMAP_RESCLEN))) { Status = AFP_ERR_BITMAP; break; }
if (!(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_OpenMode & FORK_OPEN_WRITE)) { Status = AFP_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } else if (pReqPkt->_ForkLength >= 0) { FORKSIZE OldSize;
// We don't try to catch our own changes for setting
// forksize because we don't know how many times the mac
// will set the size before closing the handle. Since
// a notification will only come in once the handle is
// closed, we may pile up a whole bunch of our changes
// in the list, but only one of them will get satisfied.
// We also do not want to attempt a change if the current length
// is same as what it is being set to (this happens a lot,
// unfortunately). Catch this red-handed.
Status = AfpIoQuerySize(&pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_FileSysHandle, &OldSize); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS(Status)); if (!(((LONG)(OldSize.LowPart) == pReqPkt->_ForkLength) && (OldSize.HighPart == 0))) { SetSize = True; Status = AfpIoSetSize(&pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_FileSysHandle, pReqPkt->_ForkLength);
// update the disk quota for this user
pVolDesc = pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pConnDesc->cds_pVolDesc;
if (pVolDesc->vds_Flags & VOLUME_DISKQUOTA_ENABLED) { pConnDesc = pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pConnDesc; if (AfpConnectionReferenceByPointer(pConnDesc) != NULL) { afpUpdateDiskQuotaInfo(pConnDesc); } } }
// Update the Dfe view of the fork length. Don't update the cached
// modified time even though it does change on NTFS immediately
// (LastWriteTime for setting length of data fork, ChangeTime for
// setting length of resource fork). We will let the
// change notify update the modified time when the handle is closed.
// Appleshare 3.0 and 4.0 do not reflect a changed modified time for
// changing fork length until the fork is closed (or flushed).
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && SetSize) { PVOLDESC pVolDesc; PDFENTRY pDfEntry; POPENFORKDESC pOpenForkDesc;
pOpenForkDesc = pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pOpenForkDesc; pVolDesc = pOpenForkDesc->ofd_pVolDesc;
// Don't let FpExchangeFiles come in while we are accessing
// the stored FileId and its corresponding DFE
if ((pDfEntry = AfpFindDfEntryById(pVolDesc, pOpenForkDesc->ofd_FileNumber, DFE_FILE)) != NULL) { ASSERT (VALID_DFE(pDfEntry));
if (RESCFORK(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry)) { // If a FlushFork occurs on resource fork, it should
// update the modified time to the ChangeTime
pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_Flags |= OPEN_FORK_WRITTEN;
pDfEntry->dfe_RescLen = pReqPkt->_ForkLength; } else { pDfEntry->dfe_DataLen = pReqPkt->_ForkLength; } }
AfpSwmrRelease(&pVolDesc->vds_IdDbAccessLock); AfpSwmrRelease(&pVolDesc->vds_ExchangeFilesLock); }
} else Status = AFP_ERR_PARAM; } while (False);
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispSetForkParms: Returning %ld\n", Status));
return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispRead
* * This routine implements the AfpRead API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_ReqBlock POPENFORKENTRY pOpenForkEntry * sda_ReqBlock LONG Offset * sda_ReqBlock LONG Size * sda_ReqBlock DWORD NewLine Mask * sda_ReqBlock DWORD NewLine Char */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispRead( IN PSDA pSda ) { AFPSTATUS Status=AFP_ERR_MISC; FORKOFFST LOffset; FORKSIZE LSize; PFAST_IO_DISPATCH pFastIoDisp; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStsBlk; NTSTATUS NtStatus; struct _RequestPacket { POPENFORKENTRY _pOpenForkEntry; LONG _Offset; LONG _Size; DWORD _NlMask; DWORD _NlChar; };
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispRead: Entered, Session %ld Fork %ld, Offset %ld, Size %ld\n", pSda->sda_SessionId, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_ForkId, pReqPkt->_Offset, pReqPkt->_Size));
if ((pReqPkt->_Size < 0) || (pReqPkt->_Offset < 0)) return AFP_ERR_PARAM;
if (!(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_OpenMode & FORK_OPEN_READ)) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("AfpFspDispRead: AfpRead on a Fork not opened for read\n")); return AFP_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; }
if (pReqPkt->_Size >= 0) { if (pReqPkt->_Size > (LONG)pSda->sda_MaxWriteSize) pReqPkt->_Size = (LONG)pSda->sda_MaxWriteSize;
Status = AFP_ERR_NONE;
if (pReqPkt->_Size > 0) { pSda->sda_ReadStatus = AFP_ERR_NONE; LOffset.QuadPart = pReqPkt->_Offset; LSize.QuadPart = pReqPkt->_Size;
if ((pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pOpenForkDesc->ofd_UseCount == 1) || (Status = AfpForkLockOperation( pSda, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry, &LOffset, &LSize, IOCHECK, False)) == AFP_ERR_NONE) { ASSERT (LSize.HighPart == 0); ASSERT ((LONG)(LOffset.LowPart) == pReqPkt->_Offset); if ((LONG)(LSize.LowPart) != pReqPkt->_Size) pSda->sda_ReadStatus = AFP_ERR_LOCK;
Status = AFP_ERR_MISC;
pSda->sda_ReplySize = (USHORT)LSize.LowPart;
// if Read is large enough to justify going to the cache mgr, do it
if (pSda->sda_ReplySize >= CACHEMGR_READ_THRESHOLD) { NtStatus = AfpBorrowReadMdlFromCM(pSda); }
// if we didn't go to the cache mgr, or if we did but cache mgr
// couldn't satisfy our request, continue with the read
if (NtStatus != STATUS_PENDING) { Status = AfpFspDispReadContinue(pSda); }
// our attempt to get CacheMgr's mdl is pending. Return this
// error code so we don't complete the api as yet
else { Status = AFP_ERR_EXTENDED; }
} } }
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispRead: Returning %ld\n", Status));
return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispReadContinue
* * This routine implements the AfpRead API if our attempt to get ReadMdl directly * from the cache mgr fails. * */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispReadContinue( IN PSDA pSda ) { AFPSTATUS Status=AFP_ERR_MISC; FORKOFFST LOffset; FORKSIZE LSize; PFAST_IO_DISPATCH pFastIoDisp; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStsBlk; NTSTATUS NtStatus; struct _RequestPacket { POPENFORKENTRY _pOpenForkEntry; LONG _Offset; LONG _Size; DWORD _NlMask; DWORD _NlChar; };
// allocate buffer for the read
if (pSda->sda_IOBuf != NULL) { #if DBG
AfpPutGuardSignature(pSda); #endif
LOffset.QuadPart = pReqPkt->_Offset; LSize.QuadPart = pReqPkt->_Size;
// Try the fast I/O path first. If that fails, call AfpIoForkRead
// to use the normal build-an-IRP path.
pFastIoDisp = pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pDeviceObject->DriverObject->FastIoDispatch; if ((pFastIoDisp != NULL) && (pFastIoDisp->FastIoRead != NULL) && pFastIoDisp->FastIoRead(AfpGetRealFileObject(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pFileObject), &LOffset, LSize.LowPart, True, pSda->sda_SessionId, pSda->sda_ReplyBuf, &IoStsBlk, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pDeviceObject)) { LONG i, Size; PBYTE pBuf; DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispRead: Fast Read Succeeded\n"));
// The fast I/O path worked. Update statistics
INTERLOCKED_INCREMENT_LONG((PLONG)(&AfpServerProfile->perf_NumFastIoSucceeded)); #endif
INTERLOCKED_ADD_STATISTICS(&AfpServerStatistics.stat_DataRead, (ULONG)IoStsBlk.Information, &AfpStatisticsLock); Status = pSda->sda_ReadStatus; Size = (LONG)IoStsBlk.Information; #if 0
// The following code does the right thing as per the spec but
// the finder seems to think otherwise.
if (Size < LSize.LowPart) { pSda->sda_ReadStatus = AFP_ERR_EOF; } #endif
if (Size == 0) { Status = AFP_ERR_EOF; AfpIOFreeBackFillBuffer(pSda); } else if (pReqPkt->_NlMask != 0) { for (i = 0, pBuf = pSda->sda_ReplyBuf; i < Size; i++, pBuf++) { if ((*pBuf & (BYTE)(pReqPkt->_NlMask)) == (BYTE)(pReqPkt->_NlChar)) { Size = ++i; break; } } } pSda->sda_ReplySize = (USHORT)Size; ASSERT((Status != AFP_ERR_EOF) || (pSda->sda_ReplySize == 0)); } else {
INTERLOCKED_INCREMENT_LONG((PLONG)(&AfpServerProfile->perf_NumFastIoFailed)); #endif
Status = AfpIoForkRead(pSda, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry, &LOffset, LSize.LowPart, (BYTE)pReqPkt->_NlMask, (BYTE)pReqPkt->_NlChar); } }
return(Status); }
/*** AfpFspDispWrite
* * This routine implements the AfpWrite API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_AfpSubFunc BYTE EndFlag * sda_ReqBlock POPENFORKENTRY pOpenForkEntry * sda_ReqBlock LONG Offset * sda_ReqBlock LONG Size */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispWrite( IN PSDA pSda ) { FORKOFFST LOffset; FORKSIZE LSize; PFAST_IO_DISPATCH pFastIoDisp; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStsBlk; AFPSTATUS Status = AFP_ERR_NONE; BOOLEAN EndFlag, FreeWriteBuf = True; PVOLDESC pVolDesc; PCONNDESC pConnDesc; PREQUEST pRequest; BOOLEAN fUpdateQuota=FALSE; struct _RequestPacket { POPENFORKENTRY _pOpenForkEntry; LONG _Offset; LONG _Size; }; struct _ResponsePacket { BYTE __RealOffset[4]; };
EndFlag = (pSda->sda_AfpSubFunc & AFP_END_FLAG) ? True : False;
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispWrite: Entered, Session %ld, Fork %ld, Offset %ld, Size %ld %sRelative\n", pSda->sda_SessionId, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_ForkId, pReqPkt->_Offset, pReqPkt->_Size, EndFlag ? "End" : "Begin"));
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("AfpFspDispWrite: OForkRefNum = %d, pOpenForkEntry = %lx\n", pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_ForkId,pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry)); do { pRequest = pSda->sda_Request;
// if we got this Mdl from the Cache mgr, we must return it. Also, set
// the status code such that we con't complete the request as yet, but
// do so only afte cache mgr tells us that the write completed
if ((pRequest->rq_WriteMdl != NULL) && (pRequest->rq_CacheMgrContext != NULL)) { PDELAYEDALLOC pDelAlloc;
pDelAlloc = pRequest->rq_CacheMgrContext;
pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_Flags |= OPEN_FORK_WRITTEN;
ASSERT(pRequest->rq_WriteMdl == pDelAlloc->pMdl); ASSERT(!(pDelAlloc->Flags & AFP_CACHEMDL_ALLOC_ERROR));
pRequest->rq_CacheMgrContext = NULL;
FreeWriteBuf = False; Status = AFP_ERR_EXTENDED; break; }
pConnDesc = pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pConnDesc;
if ((pReqPkt->_Size < 0) || (!EndFlag && (pReqPkt->_Offset < 0))) { Status = AFP_ERR_PARAM; break; }
ASSERT((pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_OpenMode & FORK_OPEN_WRITE) && ((pReqPkt->_Size == 0) || ((pReqPkt->_Size > 0) && (pSda->sda_IOBuf != NULL))));
if (pReqPkt->_Size > (LONG)pSda->sda_MaxWriteSize) pReqPkt->_Size = (LONG)pSda->sda_MaxWriteSize;
// Check if we have a lock conflict and also convert the offset &
// size to absolute values if end relative
LOffset.QuadPart = pReqPkt->_Offset; LSize.QuadPart = pReqPkt->_Size;
if (pReqPkt->_Size == 0) { if (!(EndFlag && (pReqPkt->_Offset < 0))) { break; } }
// Skip lock-check if this is the only instance of the open fork and I/O is
// not end-relative.
if ((!EndFlag && (pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pOpenForkDesc->ofd_UseCount == 1)) || (Status = AfpForkLockOperation( pSda, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry, &LOffset, &LSize, IOCHECK, EndFlag)) == AFP_ERR_NONE) { ASSERT (LOffset.HighPart == 0); if ((LONG)(LSize.LowPart) != pReqPkt->_Size) { Status = AFP_ERR_LOCK; } else if (LSize.LowPart > 0) { ASSERT(VALID_CONNDESC(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pConnDesc));
// Assume write will succeed, set flag for FlushFork.
// This is a one way flag, i.e. only set, never cleared
pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_Flags |= OPEN_FORK_WRITTEN;
// Try the fast I/O path first. If that fails, call AfpIoForkWrite
// to use the normal build-an-IRP path.
pFastIoDisp = pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pDeviceObject->DriverObject->FastIoDispatch; if ((pFastIoDisp != NULL) && (pFastIoDisp->FastIoWrite != NULL) && pFastIoDisp->FastIoWrite(AfpGetRealFileObject(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pFileObject), &LOffset, LSize.LowPart, True, pSda->sda_SessionId, pSda->sda_IOBuf, &IoStsBlk, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pDeviceObject)) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispWrite: Fast Write Succeeded\n")); #ifdef PROFILING
// The fast I/O path worked. Update statistics
INTERLOCKED_INCREMENT_LONG((PLONG)(&AfpServerProfile->perf_NumFastIoSucceeded)); #endif
INTERLOCKED_ADD_STATISTICS(&AfpServerStatistics.stat_DataWritten, (ULONG)IoStsBlk.Information, &AfpStatisticsLock); Status = AFP_ERR_NONE; } else { #ifdef PROFILING
INTERLOCKED_INCREMENT_LONG((PLONG)(&AfpServerProfile->perf_NumFastIoFailed)); #endif
if ((Status = AfpIoForkWrite(pSda, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry, &LOffset, LSize.LowPart)) == AFP_ERR_EXTENDED) { FreeWriteBuf = False; } }
} } } while (False);
if (FreeWriteBuf) { AfpFreeIOBuffer(pSda); }
if (Status == AFP_ERR_NONE) { pSda->sda_ReplySize = SIZE_RESPPKT; if ((Status = AfpAllocReplyBuf(pSda)) == AFP_ERR_NONE) { PUTDWORD2DWORD(pRspPkt->__RealOffset, LOffset.LowPart+LSize.LowPart); } }
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispWrite: Returning %ld\n", Status));
return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispByteRangeLock
* * This routine implements the AfpByteRangeLock API. * We go ahead and call the file system to do the actual locking/unlocking. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_SubFunc BYTE Start/End Flag AND Lock/Unlock Flag * sda_ReqBlock POPENFORKENTRY pOpenForkEntry * sda_ReqBlock LONG Offset * sda_ReqBlock LONG Length */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispByteRangeLock( IN PSDA pSda ) { BOOLEAN EndFlag; LOCKOP Lock; LONG Offset; FORKOFFST LOffset; FORKSIZE LSize; AFPSTATUS Status = AFP_ERR_PARAM; struct _RequestPacket { POPENFORKENTRY _pOpenForkEntry; LONG _Offset; LONG _Length; }; struct _ResponsePacket { BYTE __RangeStart[4]; };
ASSERT (sizeof(struct _RequestPacket) <= (MAX_REQ_ENTRIES_PLUS_1)*sizeof(DWORD));
Lock = (pSda->sda_AfpSubFunc & AFP_UNLOCK_FLAG) ? UNLOCK : LOCK; EndFlag = (pSda->sda_AfpSubFunc & AFP_END_FLAG) ? True : False;
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispByteRangeLock: %sLock - Session %ld, Fork %ld Offset %ld Len %ld %sRelative\n", (Lock == LOCK) ? "":"Un", pSda->sda_SessionId, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_ForkId, pReqPkt->_Offset, pReqPkt->_Length, EndFlag ? "End" : "Begin"));
if ((EndFlag && (Lock == UNLOCK)) || (pReqPkt->_Length == 0) || (!EndFlag && (pReqPkt->_Offset < 0))|| ((pReqPkt->_Length < 0) && (pReqPkt->_Length != MAXULONG))) NOTHING; else { if (pReqPkt->_Length == MAXULONG) pReqPkt->_Length = MAXLONG;
LOffset.QuadPart = Offset = pReqPkt->_Offset; LSize.QuadPart = pReqPkt->_Length;
Status = AfpForkLockOperation(pSda, pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry, &LOffset, &LSize, Lock, EndFlag);
if (Status == AFP_ERR_NONE) { ASSERT (LOffset.HighPart == 0); ASSERT (EndFlag || ((LONG)(LOffset.LowPart) == Offset)); pSda->sda_ReplySize = SIZE_RESPPKT; if ((Status = AfpAllocReplyBuf(pSda)) == AFP_ERR_NONE) PUTDWORD2DWORD(pRspPkt->__RangeStart, LOffset.LowPart); } }
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_FORK, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispByteRangeLock: Returning %ld\n", Status));
return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispFlushFork
* * This routine implements the AfpFlushFork API. We don't actually do a * real flush, we just query for the current forklength and modified time * for this open fork handle and update our cached data. Note if 2 * different handles to the same file are flushed, we may end up with * different information for each flush. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_ReqBlock POPENFORKENTRY pOpenForkEntry */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispFlushFork( IN PSDA pSda ) { FORKOFFST ForkLength; DWORD Status; PCONNDESC pConnDesc; struct _RequestPacket { POPENFORKENTRY _pOpenForkEntry; };
do { Status = AfpIoQuerySize(&pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_FileSysHandle, &ForkLength);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { PVOLDESC pVolDesc; PDFENTRY pDfEntry; POPENFORKDESC pOpenForkDesc;
pOpenForkDesc = pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pOpenForkDesc; pVolDesc = pOpenForkDesc->ofd_pVolDesc;
// Don't let FpExchangeFiles come in while we are accessing
// the stored FileId and its corresponding DFE
if ((pDfEntry = AfpFindDfEntryById(pVolDesc, pOpenForkDesc->ofd_FileNumber, DFE_FILE)) != NULL) { ASSERT (VALID_DFE(pDfEntry));
AfpIoChangeNTModTime(&pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_FileSysHandle, &pDfEntry->dfe_LastModTime);
if (RESCFORK(pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry)) pDfEntry->dfe_RescLen = ForkLength.LowPart; else pDfEntry->dfe_DataLen = ForkLength.LowPart; }
AfpSwmrRelease(&pVolDesc->vds_IdDbAccessLock); AfpSwmrRelease(&pVolDesc->vds_ExchangeFilesLock);
// update the disk quota for this user
if (pVolDesc->vds_Flags & VOLUME_DISKQUOTA_ENABLED) { pConnDesc = pReqPkt->_pOpenForkEntry->ofe_pConnDesc; if (AfpConnectionReferenceByPointer(pConnDesc) != NULL) { afpUpdateDiskQuotaInfo(pConnDesc); } } }
} while (False);
// Always return success
return AFP_ERR_NONE; }