Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the scavenger queue management interface.
Jameel Hyder (microsoft!jameelh)
Revision History: 25 Jun 1992 Initial Version
Notes: Tab stop: 4 --*/
#include <afp.h>
#include <scavengr.h>
#include <client.h>
#pragma alloc_text( INIT, AfpScavengerInit)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpScavengerDeInit)
/*** AfpScavengerInit
* * Initialize the scavenger system. This consists of a queue protected by a * spin lock and timer coupled to a DPC. The scavenger accepts requests to * schedule a worker after N units of time. */ NTSTATUS AfpScavengerInit( VOID ) { BOOLEAN TimerStarted; LARGE_INTEGER TimerValue;
KeInitializeTimer(&afpScavengerTimer); INITIALIZE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock); KeInitializeDpc(&afpScavengerDpc, afpScavengerDpcRoutine, NULL); TimerValue.QuadPart = AFP_SCAVENGER_TIMER_TICK; TimerStarted = KeSetTimer(&afpScavengerTimer, TimerValue, &afpScavengerDpc); ASSERT(!TimerStarted);
/*** AfpScavengerDeInit
* * De-Initialize the scavenger system. Just cancel the timer. */ VOID AfpScavengerDeInit( VOID ) { KeCancelTimer(&afpScavengerTimer); }
/*** AfpScavengerEnqueue
* * Here is a thesis on the code that follows. * * The scavenger events are maintained as a list which the scavenger thread * looks at every timer tick. The list is maintained in such a way that only * the head of the list needs to be updated every tick i.e. the entire list * is never scanned. The way this is achieved is by keeping delta times * relative to the previous entry. * * Every timer tick, the relative time at the head of the list is decremented. * When that goes to ZERO, the head of the list is unlinked and dispatched. * * To give an example, we have the following events queued at time slots * X Schedule A after 10 ticks. * X+3 Schedule B after 5 ticks. * X+5 Schedule C after 4 ticks. * X+8 Schedule D after 6 ticks. * * So A will schedule at X+10, B at X+8 (X+3+5), C at X+9 (X+5+4) and * D at X+14 (X+8+6). * * The above example covers all the situations. * * - NULL List. * - Inserting at head of list. * - Inserting in the middle of the list. * - Appending to the list tail. * * The list will look as follows. * * BEFORE AFTER * ------ ----- * * X Head -->| Head -> A(10) ->| * A(10) * * X+3 Head -> A(7) ->| Head -> B(5) -> A(2) ->| * B(5) * * X+5 Head -> B(3) -> A(2) ->| Head -> B(3) -> C(1) -> A(1) ->| * C(4) * * X+8 Head -> C(1) -> A(1) ->| Head -> C(1) -> A(1) -> D(4) ->| * D(6) * * The granularity is one tick. * * LOCKS_ASSUMED: AfpScavengerLock (SPIN) */ VOID afpScavengerEnqueue( IN PSCAVENGERLIST pListNew ) { PSCAVENGERLIST pList, *ppList; LONG DeltaTime = pListNew->scvgr_AbsTime;
// The DeltaTime is adjusted in every pass of the loop to reflect the
// time after the previous entry that the new entry will schedule.
for (ppList = &afpScavengerList; (pList = *ppList) != NULL; ppList = &pList->scvgr_Next) { if (DeltaTime <= pList->scvgr_RelDelta) { pList->scvgr_RelDelta -= DeltaTime; break; } DeltaTime -= pList->scvgr_RelDelta; }
pListNew->scvgr_RelDelta = DeltaTime; pListNew->scvgr_Next = pList; *ppList = pListNew; }
/*** AfpScavengerScheduleEvent
* * Insert an event in the scavenger event list. If the list is empty, then * fire off a timer. The time is specified in ticks. Each tick is currently * ONE SECOND. It may not be negative. * * The granularity is one tick. */ NTSTATUS AfpScavengerScheduleEvent( IN SCAVENGER_ROUTINE Worker, // Routine to invoke when time expires
IN PVOID pContext, // Context to pass to the routine
IN LONG DeltaTime, // Schedule after this much time
IN BOOLEAN fQueue // If TRUE, then worker must be queued
// Negative DeltaTime is invalid. ZERO is valid which implies immediate action
ASSERT (DeltaTime >= 0);
do { pList = (PSCAVENGERLIST)AfpAllocNonPagedMemory(sizeof(SCAVENGERLIST)); if (pList == NULL) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SCVGR, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpScavengerScheduleEvent: malloc Failed\n")); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; }
AfpInitializeWorkItem(&pList->scvgr_WorkItem, afpScavengerWorker, pList); pList->scvgr_Worker = Worker; pList->scvgr_Context = pContext; pList->scvgr_AbsTime = DeltaTime; pList->scvgr_fQueue = fQueue;
if (DeltaTime == 0) { ASSERT (fQueue); AfpQueueWorkItem(&pList->scvgr_WorkItem); break; }
if (!afpScavengerStopped) { ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, &OldIrql);
// due to an assumption made elsewhere, it's necessary to check
// this again after holding the spinlock!
if (!afpScavengerStopped) { afpScavengerEnqueue(pList); RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, OldIrql); } else { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SCVGR, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpScavengerScheduleEvent: Called after Flush !!\n"));
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, OldIrql); AfpFreeMemory(pList); Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } }
} while (False);
return Status; }
/*** AfpScavengerKillEvent
* * Kill an event that was previously scheduled. */ BOOLEAN AfpScavengerKillEvent( IN SCAVENGER_ROUTINE Worker, // Routine that was scheduled
IN PVOID pContext // Context
) { PSCAVENGERLIST pList, *ppList; KIRQL OldIrql;
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, &OldIrql);
// The DeltaTime is adjusted in every pass of the loop to reflect the
// time after the previous entry that the new entry will schedule.
for (ppList = &afpScavengerList; (pList = *ppList) != NULL; ppList = &pList->scvgr_Next) { if ((pList->scvgr_Worker == Worker) && (pList->scvgr_Context == pContext)) { *ppList = pList->scvgr_Next; if (pList->scvgr_Next != NULL) { pList->scvgr_Next->scvgr_RelDelta += pList->scvgr_RelDelta; } break; } }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, OldIrql);
if (pList != NULL) AfpFreeMemory(pList);
return (pList != NULL); }
/*** afpScavengerDpcRoutine
* * This is called in at DISPATCH_LEVEL when the timer expires. The entry at * the head of the list is decremented and if ZERO unlinked and queued to the * worker. If the list is non-empty, the timer is fired again. */ LOCAL VOID afpScavengerDpcRoutine( IN PKDPC pKDpc, IN PVOID pContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2 ) { PSCAVENGERLIST pList; AFPSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN TimerStarted; LARGE_INTEGER TimerValue; #ifdef PROFILING
TIME TimeS, TimeE; DWORD NumDispatched = 0;
AfpGetPerfCounter(&TimeS); #endif
if (afpScavengerStopped) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SCVGR, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("afpScavengerDpcRoutine: Entered after flush !!!\n")); return; }
if (afpScavengerList != NULL) { ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK_AT_DPC(&afpScavengerLock);
if (afpScavengerList->scvgr_RelDelta != 0) (afpScavengerList->scvgr_RelDelta)--;
// We should never be here if we have no work to do
while (afpScavengerList != NULL) { // Dispatch all entries that are ready to go
if (afpScavengerList->scvgr_RelDelta == 0) { pList = afpScavengerList; afpScavengerList = pList->scvgr_Next; DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SCVGR, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("afpScavengerDpcRoutine: Dispatching %lx\n", pList->scvgr_WorkItem.wi_Worker));
// Release spin lock as the caller might call us back
Status = AFP_ERR_QUEUE; if (!pList->scvgr_fQueue) { Status = (*pList->scvgr_Worker)(pList->scvgr_Context); #ifdef PROFILING
NumDispatched++; #endif
if (Status == AFP_ERR_QUEUE) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SCVGR, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("afpScavengerDpcRoutine: Queueing %lx\n", pList->scvgr_WorkItem.wi_Worker)); AfpQueueWorkItem(&pList->scvgr_WorkItem); } else if (Status == AFP_ERR_REQUEUE) { afpScavengerEnqueue(pList); } else AfpFreeMemory(pList); } else break; }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK_FROM_DPC(&afpScavengerLock); }
TimerValue.QuadPart = AFP_SCAVENGER_TIMER_TICK; TimerStarted = KeSetTimer(&afpScavengerTimer, TimerValue, &afpScavengerDpc); ASSERT(!TimerStarted);
AfpGetPerfCounter(&TimeE); ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK_AT_DPC(&AfpStatisticsLock); AfpServerProfile->perf_ScavengerCount += NumDispatched; AfpServerProfile->perf_ScavengerTime.QuadPart += (TimeE.QuadPart - TimeS.QuadPart); RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK_FROM_DPC(&AfpStatisticsLock); #endif
/*** AfpScavengerFlushAndStop
* * Force all entries in the scavenger queue to be dispatched immediately. No * more queue'ing of scavenger routines is permitted after this. The scavenger * essentially shuts down. Callable only in the worker context. */ VOID AfpScavengerFlushAndStop( VOID ) { PSCAVENGERLIST pList; KIRQL OldIrql;
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SCVGR, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("afpScavengerFlushAndStop: Entered\n"));
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, &OldIrql);
afpScavengerStopped = True;
if (afpScavengerList != NULL) { // Dispatch all entries right away
while (afpScavengerList != NULL) { AFPSTATUS Status;
pList = afpScavengerList; afpScavengerList = pList->scvgr_Next;
// Call the worker with spin-lock held since they expect to be
// called at DPC. We are safe since if the worker tries to
// call AfpScavengerScheduleEvent(), we'll not try to re-acquire
// the lock as afpScavengerStopped is True.
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SCVGR, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("afpScavengerFlushAndStop: Dispatching %lx\n", pList->scvgr_WorkItem.wi_Worker));
if (!(pList->scvgr_fQueue)) Status = (*pList->scvgr_Worker)(pList->scvgr_Context);
if (pList->scvgr_fQueue || (Status == AFP_ERR_QUEUE)) { // Well do it the hard way, if the worker insists on working
// at non DISPACTH level.
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, OldIrql); (*pList->scvgr_Worker)(pList->scvgr_Context); ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, &OldIrql); } AfpFreeMemory(pList); } } RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, OldIrql); }
/*** AfpScavengerWorker
* * This gets invoked when the scavenger Dpc queues up the routine. */ LOCAL VOID FASTCALL afpScavengerWorker( IN PSCAVENGERLIST pList ) { AFPSTATUS Status; KIRQL OldIrql; #ifdef PROFILING
TIME TimeS, TimeE;
AfpGetPerfCounter(&TimeS); #endif
// Call the worker routine
Status = (*pList->scvgr_Worker)(pList->scvgr_Context);
AfpGetPerfCounter(&TimeE); ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&AfpStatisticsLock, &OldIrql); AfpServerProfile->perf_ScavengerCount++; AfpServerProfile->perf_ScavengerTime.QuadPart += (TimeE.QuadPart - TimeS.QuadPart); RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&AfpStatisticsLock, OldIrql); #endif
if (Status == AFP_ERR_REQUEUE) { ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, &OldIrql); afpScavengerEnqueue(pList); RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&afpScavengerLock, OldIrql); } else { ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS(Status)); AfpFreeMemory(pList); } }