Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains support for fast kernel-level file transmission over a socket handle.
Vadim Eydelman (VadimE) January 1999
Revision History:
#include "afdp.h"
#if DBG
PIRP Irp; C_ASSERT (sizeof (AFD_TPACKETS_IRP_CTX)<=sizeof (Irp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext)); #endif
#if DBG
ULONG __inline AFD_SET_TP_FLAGS ( PIRP TpIrp, ULONG Flags ) { PAFD_TPACKETS_IRP_CTX ctx = AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp); ASSERT ((ctx->StateFlags & Flags)==0); return InterlockedExchangeAdd ((PLONG)&(ctx)->StateFlags, Flags); }
ULONG __inline AFD_CLEAR_TP_FLAGS ( PIRP TpIrp, ULONG Flags ) { PAFD_TPACKETS_IRP_CTX ctx = AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp); ASSERT ((ctx->StateFlags & Flags)==Flags); return InterlockedExchangeAdd ((PLONG)&(ctx)->StateFlags, 0-Flags); }
#define AFD_SET_TP_FLAGS(_i,_f) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd ((PLONG)&AFD_GET_TPIC(_i)->StateFlags, _f)
#define AFD_CLEAR_TP_FLAGS(_i,_f) \
InterlockedExchangeAdd ((PLONG)&AFD_GET_TPIC(_i)->StateFlags, 0-(_f)) #endif
// Reference/dereference macros for transmit info structure.
// We keep transmit IRP pending and all the elements of
// the structure till last reference to it is gone.
// Note, that reference can be added only if structure
// already has non-0 reference count.
VOID AfdReferenceTPackets ( IN PIRP Irp, IN LONG LocationId, IN ULONG Param );
LONG AfdDereferenceTPackets ( IN PIRP Irp, IN LONG LocationId, IN ULONG Param );
VOID AfdUpdateTPacketsTrack ( IN PIRP Irp, IN LONG LocationId, IN ULONG Param );
#define REFERENCE_TPACKETS(_i) { \
static LONG _arl; \ AfdReferenceTPackets(_i,AFD_GET_ARL(__FILE__"(%d)+"),__LINE__); \ }
static LONG _arl; \ if (AfdDereferenceTPackets(_i,AFD_GET_ARL(__FILE__"(%d)-"),__LINE__)==0) {\ AfdCompleteTPackets(_i); \ };\ }
#define DEREFERENCE_TPACKETS_R(_i,_r) { \
static LONG _arl; \ _r = AfdDereferenceTPackets(_i,AFD_GET_ARL(__FILE__"(%d)-"),__LINE__);\ }
#define UPDATE_TPACKETS(_i) { \
static LONG _arl; \ AfdUpdateTPacketsTrack((_i),AFD_GET_ARL(__FILE__"(%d)="),__LINE__);\ }
#define UPDATE_TPACKETS2(_i,_s,_p) { \
static LONG _arl; \ AfdUpdateTPacketsTrack((_i),AFD_GET_ARL(_s"="),_p); \ } #else // REFERENCE_DEBUG
InterlockedIncrement ((PLONG)&AFD_GET_TPIC(_i)->ReferenceCount)
if (InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&AFD_GET_TPIC(_i)->ReferenceCount)==0) {\ AfdCompleteTPackets(_i); \ }
#define DEREFERENCE_TPACKETS_R(_i,_r) { \
_r = InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&AFD_GET_TPIC(_i)->ReferenceCount);\ }
#define UPDATE_TPACKETS2(_i,_s,_p)
#if DBG
// Doesn't seem like we have a file system that does not
// support cache. So this is here for debugging purposes.
ULONG AfdUseCache=TRUE; #define AFD_USE_CACHE(file) \
#else // DBG
#define AFD_USE_CACHE(file) (((file)->Flags & FO_CACHE_SUPPORTED)!=0)
#endif // DBG
VOID AfdTPacketsWorker ( PVOID Context );
VOID AfdPerformTpDisconnect ( PIRP TpIrp );
BOOLEAN AfdCleanupPacketChain ( PIRP TpIrp, BOOLEAN BelowDispatch );
NTSTATUS AfdTPacketsSend ( PIRP TpIrp, USHORT SendIrp );
NTSTATUS AfdRestartTPacketsSend ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context );
NTSTATUS AfdRestartTPDetachedSend ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context );
USHORT AfdTPacketsFindSendIrp ( PIRP TpIrp );
NTSTATUS AfdRestartTPacketsMdlRead ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context );
NTSTATUS AfdMdlReadComplete ( PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PMDL FileMdl, PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset );
NTSTATUS AfdRestartMdlReadComplete ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context );
BOOLEAN AfdLRProcessFileMdlList ( PAFD_LR_LIST_ITEM Item );
NTSTATUS AfdRestartTPacketsBufferRead ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context );
BOOLEAN AfdTPacketsContinueAfterRead ( PIRP TpIrp );
VOID AfdCompleteTPackets ( PVOID Context );
VOID AfdAbortTPackets ( PIRP TpIrp, NTSTATUS Status );
VOID AfdCancelTPackets ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp );
BOOLEAN AfdTPacketsEnableSendAndDisconnect ( PIRP TpIrp ); #endif // TDI_SERVICE_SEND_AND_DISCONNECT
BOOLEAN AfdQueueTransmit ( PIRP Irp );
VOID AfdStartNextQueuedTransmit( VOID );
BOOLEAN AfdEnqueueTPacketsIrp ( PAFD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, PIRP TpIrp );
VOID AfdStartTPacketsWorker ( PWORKER_THREAD_ROUTINE WorkerRoutine, PIRP TpIrp );
VOID AfdTPacketsApcKernelRoutine ( IN struct _KAPC *Apc, IN OUT PKNORMAL_ROUTINE *NormalRoutine, IN OUT PVOID *NormalContext, IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument1, IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument2 );
VOID AfdTPacketsApcRundownRoutine ( IN struct _KAPC *Apc );
VOID AfdStartNextTPacketsIrp ( PAFD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, PIRP TpIrp );
VOID AfdSendQueuedTPSend ( PAFD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, PIRP SendIrp );
BOOLEAN AfdGetTPacketsReference ( PIRP Irp );
PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL AfdInitializeTpInfo ( PVOID MemoryBlock, ULONG ElementCount, CCHAR StackCount );
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdTransmitPackets )
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdTransmitPackets32 )
#endif //_WIN64
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdTPacketsWorker )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdPerformTpDisconnect )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdBuildPacketChain )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdCleanupPacketChain )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdTPacketsSend )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdRestartTPacketsSend )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdRestartTPDetachedSend )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdTPacketsFindSendIrp)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdTPacketsMdlRead )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdRestartTPacketsMdlRead )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdMdlReadComplete )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdRestartMdlReadComplete )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdLRMdlReadComplete )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdLRProcessFileMdlList )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdTPacketsBufferRead )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdRestartTPacketsBufferRead )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdTPacketsContinueAfterRead )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdCompleteTPackets )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdAbortTPackets )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdCancelTPackets )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdCompleteClosePendedTPackets )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdTPacketsEnableSendAndDisconnect )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdQueueTransmit )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdStartNextQueuedTransmit )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdStartTPacketsWorker )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdTPacketsApcKernelRoutine )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdTPacketsApcRundownRoutine )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdEnqueueTPacketsIrp )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdEnqueueTpSendIrp )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdSendQueuedTPSend )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdStartNextTPacketsIrp )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdGetTPacketsReference )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdReferenceTPackets )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdDereferenceTPackets )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdUpdateTPacketsTrack )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdGetTpInfoFast )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdGetTpInfoWithMaxStackSize )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdComputeTpInfoSize )
#pragma alloc_text( INIT, AfdComputeTpInfoSize )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdReturnTpInfo )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdAllocateTpInfo )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdInitializeTpInfo )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdFreeTpInfo )
Routine Description:
Initial entrypoint for handling transmit packets IRPs. This routine verifies parameters, initializes data structures to be used for the request, and initiates the I/O.
Irp - a pointer to a transmit file IRP.
IrpSp - Our stack location for this IRP.
Return Value:
STATUS_PENDING if the request was initiated successfully, or a failure status code if there was an error.
{ PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint; NTSTATUS status; PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = NULL; BOOLEAN fileError = FALSE; ULONG maxPacketSize = 0, maxSendBytes; PAFD_CONNECTION connection = NULL;
// Initial request validity checks: is the endpoint connected, is
// the input buffer large enough, etc.
endpoint = IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) );
// Special hack to let the user mode dll know that it
// should try SAN provider instead.
if (IS_SAN_ENDPOINT (endpoint)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_12; goto complete; }
// The endpoint must be connected and underlying transport must support
// TdiSend (not just TdiSendDatagram).
if ( (endpoint->Type != AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting && (endpoint->Type != AfdBlockTypeDatagram || !IS_TDI_DGRAM_CONNECTION(endpoint))) || endpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateConnected ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete; }
#ifdef _WIN64
if (IoIs32bitProcess (Irp)) { status = AfdTransmitPackets32 (Irp, IrpSp, &tpInfo, &fileError, &maxPacketSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { goto complete; } } else #endif _WIN64
{ AFD_TPACKETS_INFO params; if ( IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength < sizeof(AFD_TPACKETS_INFO) ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
// Because we're using type 3 (neither) I/O for this IRP, the I/O
// system does no verification on the user buffer. Therefore, we
// must manually check it for validity inside a try-except block.
// We also leverage the try-except to validate and lock down the
// head and/or tail buffers specified by the caller.
AFD_W4_INIT status = STATUS_SUCCESS; try { PFILE_OBJECT fileObject; HANDLE fileHandle; ULONG lastSmallBuffer, currentLength, xLength;
if( Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode ) {
// Validate the control buffer.
ProbeForReadSmallStructure( IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer, sizeof (AFD_TPACKETS_INFO), PROBE_ALIGNMENT (AFD_TPACKETS_INFO) );
params = *((PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO)IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer); //
// Validate any flags specified in the request.
(endpoint->Type==AfdBlockTypeDatagram && (params.Flags & (AFD_TF_DISCONNECT | AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET)) !=0) ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
// Protect from overflow
if ((params.ElementArray==NULL) || (params.ElementCount==0) || (params.ElementCount>(MAXULONG/sizeof (params.ElementArray[0])))) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; } //
// If transmit worker is not specified, use system default setting
if ((params.Flags & AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK)==AFD_TF_USE_DEFAULT_WORKER) { params.Flags |= AfdDefaultTransmitWorker; }
// Allocate tpackets info for the request
tpInfo = AfdGetTpInfo (endpoint, params.ElementCount); if (tpInfo==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete; }
tpInfo->ElementCount = 0; tpInfo->SendPacketLength = params.SendSize; if (tpInfo->SendPacketLength==0) tpInfo->SendPacketLength = AfdTransmitIoLength; //
// Probe and copy/walk the array of the elements to transmit.
if( Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode ) { ProbeForRead( params.ElementArray, sizeof (TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT)*params.ElementCount, PROBE_ALIGNMENT (TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT) ); }
lastSmallBuffer = 0; currentLength = 0; xLength = 0; tpInfo->RemainingPkts = 0; fileHandle = NULL; AFD_W4_INIT fileObject = NULL; // Depends on variable above, but
// compiler does not see
// the connection.
for (; tpInfo->ElementCount<params.ElementCount; tpInfo->ElementCount++) { PAFD_TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT pel; pel = &tpInfo->ElementArray[tpInfo->ElementCount]; pel->Flags = params.ElementArray[tpInfo->ElementCount].dwElFlags; if ( ((pel->Flags & (~(TP_MEMORY|TP_FILE|TP_EOP)))!=0) || ((pel->Flags & (TP_MEMORY|TP_FILE)) ==(TP_MEMORY|TP_FILE)) || ((pel->Flags & (TP_MEMORY|TP_FILE))==0) ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
pel->Length = params.ElementArray[tpInfo->ElementCount].cLength; if (pel->Flags & TP_FILE) { HANDLE hFile = params.ElementArray[tpInfo->ElementCount].hFile;
// Check if we already cached the file object
if (fileHandle==NULL || hFile!=fileHandle) { //
// Get a referenced pointer to the file object
// for the file that we're going to transmit. This call
// will fail if the file handle specified by the caller
// is invalid.
status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( hFile, FILE_READ_DATA, *IoFileObjectType, Irp->RequestorMode, (PVOID *)&fileObject, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { fileError = TRUE; goto complete; } } else { //
// Use our 1-element file info cache.
ObReferenceObject (fileObject); } AfdRecordFileRef();
// Save the file object instead of handle.
pel->FileObject = fileObject;
pel->FileOffset = params.ElementArray[ tpInfo->ElementCount].nFileOffset;
if ( (fileObject->Flags & FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO) && (pel->FileOffset.QuadPart == 0) ) { //
// Use current offset if file is opened syncronously
// and offset is not specified.
pel->FileOffset = fileObject->CurrentByteOffset; }
if ( pel->Length == 0 ) { //
// Length was not specified, figure out the
// size of the entire file
status = ZwQueryInformationFile( hFile, &ioStatusBlock, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), FileStandardInformation ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { //
// Bump element count so that file object
// is dereferenced in cleanup
tpInfo->ElementCount += 1; fileError = TRUE; goto complete; }
// Make sure that offset is within the file
if (pel->FileOffset.QuadPart < 0 || pel->FileOffset.QuadPart > fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart || (fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart - pel->FileOffset.QuadPart > MAXLONG)) { //
// Bump element count so that file object
// is dereferenced in cleanup
tpInfo->ElementCount += 1; status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; fileError = TRUE; goto complete;
} pel->Length = (ULONG)(fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart - pel->FileOffset.QuadPart); } else if (pel->FileOffset.QuadPart<0) { //
// Bump element count so that file object
// is dereferenced in cleanup
tpInfo->ElementCount += 1; status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; fileError = TRUE; goto complete;
} //
// Update our 1-element file information cache
fileHandle = hFile;
} else { ASSERT (pel->Flags & TP_MEMORY); //
// For memory object just save the buffer pointer
// (length is saved above), we'll probe and lock/copy
// the data as we send it.
pel->Buffer = params.ElementArray[ tpInfo->ElementCount].pBuffer; if (pel->Length<=AfdTPacketsCopyThreshold) { if (lastSmallBuffer!=0 && (lastSmallBuffer+=pel->Length) <= AfdTPacketsCopyThreshold && (currentLength+lastSmallBuffer) <= tpInfo->SendPacketLength) { (pel-1)->Flags |= TP_COMBINE; } else lastSmallBuffer = pel->Length; if (!(pel->Flags & TP_EOP)) goto NoBufferReset; }
} lastSmallBuffer = 0;
NoBufferReset: if (pel->Flags & TP_EOP) { currentLength = 0; } else { currentLength = (currentLength+pel->Length)%tpInfo->SendPacketLength; }
// Compute the total number of packets that we will send.
// This is necessary so that once we are close to the end
// we can buffer the remaining data and stop processing
// early.
if (tpInfo->RemainingPkts!=MAXULONG) { ULONG n; ULONGLONG x; //
// Add length of the element to data left from the
// previous one.
x = xLength + pel->Length;
// Compute total number of packets pased on max packet
// length.
n = tpInfo->RemainingPkts + (ULONG)(xLength/tpInfo->SendPacketLength);
// Compute the length of the last incomplete packet to
// be combined with the next element.
xLength = (ULONG)(x%tpInfo->SendPacketLength);
// Compute the max size of the packet
if (x>tpInfo->SendPacketLength) maxPacketSize = tpInfo->SendPacketLength; // This is absolute max.
else if (maxPacketSize<xLength) maxPacketSize = xLength;
if (n>=tpInfo->RemainingPkts && n<MAXULONG) { tpInfo->RemainingPkts = n; if (pel->Flags & TP_EOP) { if (xLength!=0 || pel->Length==0) { tpInfo->RemainingPkts += 1; xLength = 0; } } } else { tpInfo->RemainingPkts = MAXULONG; } } }
} except( AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER (status) ) { ASSERT (NT_ERROR (status));
goto complete; } //
// Initialize flags.
AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Flags = params.Flags;
if (endpoint->Type==AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting) {
// Setting AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET implies that a disconnect is desired.
// Also, setting this flag means that no more I/O is legal on the
// endpoint until the transmit request has been completed, so
// set up the endpoint's state so that I/O fails.
// Make sure we only execute one transmitfile transmitpackets request
// at a time on a given endpoint with disconnect option.
if (!AFD_START_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint, endpoint->State)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete; }
// Revalidate the state of the endpoint/connection so that
// state change is valid (e.g. not already closing).
if ( endpoint->Type != AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting || endpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateConnected ) { AFD_END_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint); status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete; }
if ( (AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Flags & AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET) != 0 ) { AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Flags |= AFD_TF_DISCONNECT; endpoint->State = AfdEndpointStateTransmitClosing; } //
// Make sure we won't loose this connection.
// until we enqueue the IRP
connection = endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection; REFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); } else if (!AFD_PREVENT_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete; } else if (endpoint->Type != AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting || endpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateConnected ) { AFD_REALLOW_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint); status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete; } else { //
// Make sure we won't loose this connection.
// until we enqueue the IRP
connection = endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection; REFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); AFD_REALLOW_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint); }
// Connection endpoint, get connection file object and device
tpInfo->TdiFileObject = connection->FileObject; tpInfo->TdiDeviceObject = connection->DeviceObject; maxSendBytes = connection->MaxBufferredSendBytes; UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (Irp, "Connection object handle: 0x%lX", HandleToUlong (endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection->Handle));
} else if (!AFD_PREVENT_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete; } else if (endpoint->Type != AfdBlockTypeDatagram || endpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateConnected || !IS_TDI_DGRAM_CONNECTION(endpoint)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; AFD_REALLOW_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint); goto complete; } else { AFD_REALLOW_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint); //
// Datagram endpoint, get address file object and device
// Note that there is no danger in address or file object
// disappearing since datagram endpoint cannot be re-used.
tpInfo->TdiFileObject = endpoint->AddressFileObject; tpInfo->TdiDeviceObject = endpoint->AddressDeviceObject; maxSendBytes = endpoint->Common.Datagram.MaxBufferredSendBytes; UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (Irp, "Address object handle: 0x%lX", HandleToUlong (endpoint->AddressHandle)); }
// Compute the total number of IRPS to use based
// on SO_SNDBUF setting and maximum packet size
// (we do not want to buffer more than SO_SNDBUF).
{ ULONG irpCount; if (maxPacketSize==0) { maxPacketSize = tpInfo->SendPacketLength; }
irpCount = maxSendBytes/maxPacketSize; if (irpCount>AFD_TP_MIN_SEND_IRPS) { if (irpCount>AFD_TP_MAX_SEND_IRPS) { tpInfo->NumSendIrps = AFD_TP_MAX_SEND_IRPS; } else { tpInfo->NumSendIrps = (USHORT)irpCount; } } }
// Save tpacket info in the IRP
Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = tpInfo;
// Clear the Flink in the IRP to indicate this IRP is not queued.
// Blink is set to indicate that IRP was not counted towards
// active maximum (so if it is completed, we do not start the next one).
Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink = NULL; Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink = (PVOID)1;
// Initialize the IRP result fields
Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
// We are going to pend this IRP
IoMarkIrpPending( Irp );
// Initialize queuing and state information.
AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Next = NULL; AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->ReferenceCount = 1; AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->StateFlags = AFD_TP_WORKER_SCHEDULED;
if ((InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((PVOID *)&endpoint->Irp, Irp, NULL)==NULL) || !AfdEnqueueTPacketsIrp (endpoint, Irp)) {
IoSetCancelRoutine( Irp, AfdCancelTPackets );
// Check to see if this Irp has been cancelled.
if ( !endpoint->EndpointCleanedUp && !Irp->Cancel ) { //
// Determine if we can really start this file transmit now. If we've
// exceeded the configured maximum number of active TransmitFile/Packets
// requests, then append this IRP to the TransmitFile/Packets queue
// and set a flag in the transmit info structure to indicate that
// this IRP is queued.
if( AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount == 0 || !AfdQueueTransmit (Irp)) {
UPDATE_ENDPOINT (endpoint); //
// Start I/O
AfdTPacketsWorker (Irp); } } else { //
// Abort the request
// Note that neither cancel nor endpoint cleanup can complete
// the IRP since we hold the reference to the tpInfo structure.
AfdAbortTPackets (Irp, STATUS_CANCELLED); //
// Remove the initial reference and force completion.
if (connection!=NULL) { DEREFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); }
// Tell the caller that we encountered an error
// when accessing file not socket.
if (fileError && IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength>=sizeof (BOOLEAN)) { if (Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode) { try { ProbeAndWriteBoolean ((BOOLEAN *)Irp->UserBuffer, TRUE); } except( AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER (status) ) { ASSERT (NT_ERROR (status)); } } else { *((BOOLEAN *)Irp->UserBuffer) = TRUE; } }
ASSERT ( endpoint->Irp != Irp );
if (tpInfo!=NULL) { //
// AfdReturnTpInfo will dereference all file objects we
// managed to reference.
AfdReturnTpInfo (tpInfo); } IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdTransmitPackets: Failing Irp-%p,endpoint-%p,status-%lx\n", Irp,endpoint,status)); } //
// Complete the request.
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; IoCompleteRequest( Irp, 0 );
return status; }
#ifdef _WIN64
Routine Description:
32-bit thunk. Initial entrypoint for handling transmit packets IRPs. This routine verifies parameters, initializes data structures to be used for the request, and initiates the I/O.
Irp - a pointer to a transmit file IRP.
IrpSp - Our stack location for this IRP.
Return Value:
STATUS_PENDING if the request was initiated successfully, or a failure status code if there was an error.
// Initial request validity checks: is the endpoint connected, is
// the input buffer large enough, etc.
endpoint = IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) );
if ( IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength < sizeof(AFD_TPACKETS_INFO32) ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
// Because we're using type 3 (neither) I/O for this IRP, the I/O
// system does no verification on the user buffer. Therefore, we
// must manually check it for validity inside a try-except block.
// We also leverage the try-except to validate and lock down the
// head and/or tail buffers specified by the caller.
try { PFILE_OBJECT fileObject; HANDLE fileHandle; ULONG lastSmallBuffer, currentLength, xLength;
if( Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode ) {
// Validate the control buffer.
ProbeForReadSmallStructure( IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer, sizeof (AFD_TPACKETS_INFO32), PROBE_ALIGNMENT32 (AFD_TPACKETS_INFO32) );
params = *((PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO32)IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer); //
// Validate any flags specified in the request.
(endpoint->Type==AfdBlockTypeDatagram && (params.Flags & (AFD_TF_DISCONNECT | AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET)) !=0) ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
// Protect from overflow
if ((UlongToPtr(params.ElementArray)==NULL) || (params.ElementCount==0) || (params.ElementCount>(MAXULONG/sizeof (TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT32)))) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
// If transmit worker is not specified, use system default setting
if ((params.Flags & AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK)==AFD_TF_USE_DEFAULT_WORKER) { params.Flags |= AfdDefaultTransmitWorker; }
// Allocate tpackets info for the request
tpInfo = AfdGetTpInfo (endpoint, params.ElementCount); if (tpInfo==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete; }
tpInfo->ElementCount = 0; tpInfo->SendPacketLength = params.SendSize; if (tpInfo->SendPacketLength==0) tpInfo->SendPacketLength = AfdTransmitIoLength; //
// Probe and copy/walk the array of the elements to transmit.
if( Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode ) { ProbeForRead( params.ElementArray, sizeof (TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT32)*params.ElementCount, PROBE_ALIGNMENT32 (TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT32) ); }
lastSmallBuffer = 0; currentLength = 0; xLength = 0; tpInfo->RemainingPkts = 0; maxPacketSize = 0; fileHandle = NULL; AFD_W4_INIT fileObject = NULL; // Depends on variable above, but compiler
// does not see the connection.
for (; tpInfo->ElementCount<params.ElementCount; tpInfo->ElementCount++) { PAFD_TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT pel; pel = &tpInfo->ElementArray[tpInfo->ElementCount]; pel->Flags = ((TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT32*)UlongToPtr(params.ElementArray))[tpInfo->ElementCount].dwElFlags; if ( ((pel->Flags & (~(TP_MEMORY|TP_FILE|TP_EOP)))!=0) || ((pel->Flags & (TP_MEMORY|TP_FILE)) ==(TP_MEMORY|TP_FILE)) || ((pel->Flags & (TP_MEMORY|TP_FILE))==0) ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
pel->Length = ((TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT*)UlongToPtr(params.ElementArray))[tpInfo->ElementCount].cLength; if (pel->Flags & TP_FILE) { HANDLE hFile = ((TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT32*)UlongToPtr(params.ElementArray))[tpInfo->ElementCount].hFile;
// Check if we already cached the file object
if (fileHandle==NULL || hFile!=fileHandle) { //
// Get a referenced pointer to the file object
// for the file that we're going to transmit. This call
// will fail if the file handle specified by the caller
// is invalid.
status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( hFile, FILE_READ_DATA, *IoFileObjectType, Irp->RequestorMode, (PVOID *)&fileObject, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { *FileError = TRUE; goto complete; } } else { //
// Use our 1-element file info cache.
ObReferenceObject (fileObject); } AfdRecordFileRef();
// Save the file object instead of handle.
pel->FileObject = fileObject;
pel->FileOffset = ((TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT32*)UlongToPtr(params.ElementArray))[ tpInfo->ElementCount].nFileOffset;
if ( (fileObject->Flags & FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO) && (pel->FileOffset.QuadPart == 0) ) { //
// Use current offset if file is opened syncronously
// and offset is not specified.
pel->FileOffset = fileObject->CurrentByteOffset; }
if ( pel->Length == 0 ) { //
// Length was not specified, figure out the
// size of the entire file
status = ZwQueryInformationFile( hFile, &ioStatusBlock, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), FileStandardInformation ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { //
// Bump element count so that file object
// is dereferenced in cleanup
tpInfo->ElementCount += 1; *FileError = TRUE; goto complete; }
// Make sure that offset is within the file
if (pel->FileOffset.QuadPart < 0 || pel->FileOffset.QuadPart > fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart || (fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart - pel->FileOffset.QuadPart > MAXLONG)) { //
// Bump element count so that file object
// is dereferenced in cleanup
tpInfo->ElementCount += 1; status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; *FileError = TRUE; goto complete;
} pel->Length = (ULONG)(fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart - pel->FileOffset.QuadPart); } else if (pel->FileOffset.QuadPart<0) { //
// Bump element count so that file object
// is dereferenced in cleanup
tpInfo->ElementCount += 1; status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; *FileError = TRUE; goto complete; } //
// Update our 1-element file information cache
fileHandle = hFile;
} else { ASSERT (pel->Flags & TP_MEMORY); //
// For memory object just save the buffer pointer
// (length is saved above), we'll probe and lock/copy
// the data as we send it.
pel->Buffer = UlongToPtr(((TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT32*)UlongToPtr(params.ElementArray))[ tpInfo->ElementCount].pBuffer);
if (pel->Length<=AfdTPacketsCopyThreshold) { if (lastSmallBuffer!=0 && (lastSmallBuffer+=pel->Length) <= AfdTPacketsCopyThreshold && (currentLength+lastSmallBuffer) <= tpInfo->SendPacketLength) { (pel-1)->Flags |= TP_COMBINE; } else lastSmallBuffer = pel->Length; if (!(pel->Flags & TP_EOP)) goto NoBufferReset; }
} lastSmallBuffer = 0;
NoBufferReset: if (pel->Flags & TP_EOP) { currentLength = 0; } else { currentLength = (currentLength+pel->Length)%tpInfo->SendPacketLength; }
// Compute the total number of packets that we will send.
// This is necessary so that once we are close to the end
// we can buffer the remaining data and stop processing
// early.
if (tpInfo->RemainingPkts!=MAXULONG) { ULONG n; ULONGLONG x; //
// Add length of the element to data left from the
// previous one.
x = xLength + pel->Length;
// Compute total number of packets pased on max packet
// length.
n = tpInfo->RemainingPkts + (ULONG)(xLength/tpInfo->SendPacketLength);
// Compute the length of the last incomplete packet to
// be combined with the next element.
xLength = (ULONG)(x%tpInfo->SendPacketLength);
// Compute the max size of the packet
if (x>tpInfo->SendPacketLength) maxPacketSize = tpInfo->SendPacketLength; // This is absolute max.
else if (maxPacketSize<xLength) maxPacketSize = xLength;
if (n>=tpInfo->RemainingPkts && n<MAXULONG) { tpInfo->RemainingPkts = n; if (pel->Flags & TP_EOP) { if (xLength!=0 || pel->Length==0) { tpInfo->RemainingPkts += 1; xLength = 0; } } } else { tpInfo->RemainingPkts = MAXULONG; } } }
} except( AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER (status) ) { ASSERT (NT_ERROR (status));
goto complete; }
// Initialize flags and return max packet size.
AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Flags = params.Flags; *MaxPacketSize = maxPacketSize;
*TpInfo = tpInfo; return status; }
#endif //_WIN64
VOID AfdTPacketsWorker ( PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Transmit packet engine Scheduled as system work item or kernel APC Arguments:
Context - pointer to TransmitPackets info for the request
Return Value:
{ PIRP TpIrp = Context; PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = TpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; NTSTATUS status; LONG iteration = 0; PAGED_CODE ();
tpInfo->WorkersExecuted += 1; #endif
UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "Enter TPWorker, next element: 0x%lX", tpInfo->NextElement); IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdTPacketsWorker:" " Entering for endpoint-%p,tp_info-%p,elem-%d\n", IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (TpIrp)->FileObject->FsContext, tpInfo,tpInfo->NextElement)); }
// Continue while we have more elements to transmit or something to free
// Check if we need to release packet chain that was already sent.
if ((tpInfo->HeadMdl!=NULL) && (tpInfo->TailMdl==&tpInfo->HeadMdl)) { AfdCleanupPacketChain (TpIrp, TRUE); }
// Check if we are done.
if (tpInfo->NextElement>=tpInfo->ElementCount) { //
// Handle special case of using TransmitFile to just disconnect
// (and possibly reuse) the socket.
if (tpInfo->ElementCount==0) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(TpIrp); PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint = irpSp->FileObject->FsContext; if (AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->Flags & AFD_TF_DISCONNECT) { ASSERT (endpoint->Type==AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting); ASSERT (endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection!=NULL);
AfdPerformTpDisconnect (TpIrp); status = STATUS_PENDING;
} else { //
// Well, no disconnect and nothing to transmit.
// Why were called at all? We'll have to handle this anyway.
AFD_SET_TP_FLAGS (TpIrp, AFD_TP_SENDS_POSTED); if (AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->Next!=NULL) { AfdStartNextTPacketsIrp (endpoint, TpIrp); } status = STATUS_PENDING; } } else { status = STATUS_PENDING; } break; }
// Start building new chain
status = AfdBuildPacketChain (TpIrp, &pd);
if (status==STATUS_SUCCESS) { USHORT sendIrp; //
// New chain is ready, find and IRP to send it
sendIrp = AfdTPacketsFindSendIrp (TpIrp);
if (sendIrp!=tpInfo->NumSendIrps) { //
// Found send IRP, perform send and continue.
status = AfdTPacketsSend (TpIrp, sendIrp); } else { //
// Exit worker waiting for sends to complete.
status = STATUS_PENDING; } } else if (status==STATUS_PENDING) { //
// Need to perform a read.
// If read complete in-line, success is returned,
// otherwise, we'll get STATUS_PENDING or error
if (AFD_USE_CACHE (pd->FileObject)) { status = AfdTPacketsMdlRead (TpIrp, pd); } else { status = AfdTPacketsBufferRead (TpIrp, pd); } } //
// Continue while everything completes in-line with success
// Limit number of iterations if we are at APC level.
} while (status==STATUS_SUCCESS && iteration++<tpInfo->NumSendIrps);
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { if (status==STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// Exceeded number of iterations.
// Reschedule the APC. Transfer the reference to the
// worker.
ASSERT (iteration==tpInfo->NumSendIrps+1); ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_WORKER_SCHEDULED); UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "Rescheduling tp worker, NextElement: 0x%lX", tpInfo->NextElement); AfdStartTPacketsWorker (AfdTPacketsWorker, TpIrp); return; } else { ASSERT (status==STATUS_PENDING); } } else { //
// Something failed, abort.
AfdAbortTPackets (TpIrp, status); }
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdTPacketsWorker:" " Exiting for endpoint-%p,tp_info-%p,elem-%d\n", IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (TpIrp)->FileObject->FsContext, tpInfo,tpInfo->NextElement)); } //
// Remove the reference added when we scheduled the worker.
NTSTATUS AfdBuildPacketChain ( PIRP TpIrp, PAFD_BUFFER_HEADER *Pd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Builds MDL chain for a packet using packet descriptors.
TpIrp - transmit packets IRP Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - packet is fully built STATUS_PENDING - file read is required other - failure. --*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; BOOLEAN attached = FALSE; PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = TpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (TpIrp)->FileObject->FsContext; PAFD_TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT combinePel = NULL; ULONG combineLen = 0;
// Either we have something built or both MDL and PD are empty
ASSERT (tpInfo->PdLength>0 || ((tpInfo->HeadMdl==NULL || tpInfo->HeadMdl->ByteCount==0) && (tpInfo->HeadPd==NULL || tpInfo->HeadPd->DataLength==0)) );
// Continue while we haven't got a complet packet and
// have elements to process
// Get next element to process
pel = &tpInfo->ElementArray[tpInfo->NextElement];
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain: tpInfo-%p, pel:%p\n", tpInfo, pel)); } //
// Snag the element length
length = pel->Length; if (length+tpInfo->PdLength>tpInfo->SendPacketLength) { //
// We hit packet length limit, take what we can
length = tpInfo->SendPacketLength-tpInfo->PdLength; //
// Indicate that we are done
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tpInfo-%p, exceeded send length(%ld)\n", tpInfo, tpInfo->SendPacketLength)); } } else { //
// We are finished with the current element. We will consume it
// (or fail), go to the next one
tpInfo->NextElement += 1;
// Check for a complete packet or manual packetization flag set
// by the application or just end of element array
if ((length+tpInfo->PdLength==tpInfo->SendPacketLength) || (pel->Flags & TP_EOP) || (tpInfo->NextElement>=tpInfo->ElementCount)) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tpInfo-%p, full length, EOP, or last %ld\n", tpInfo, tpInfo->NextElement)); } } }
// Adjust the remaining lenght of data in the current element
// and the length of the packet that we are building.
pel->Length -= length; tpInfo->PdLength += length;
if (length == 0) {
// Only add 0-length MDL if nothing else is in the chain.
if (tpInfo->TailMdl == &tpInfo->HeadMdl) {
tpInfo->PdNeedsPps = TRUE; // Don't have a buffer to get an IRP from.
mdl = IoAllocateMdl (tpInfo, 1, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (mdl==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( mdl ); mdl->ByteCount = 0; IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tpInfo-%p, 0-length MDL %p\n", tpInfo,mdl)); } //
// Insert MDL into the MDL chain
*(tpInfo->TailMdl) = mdl; tpInfo->TailMdl = &(mdl->Next);
} else {
// If the chain is not empty...
if (tpInfo->TailMdl != &tpInfo->HeadMdl) {
// Check to see if we should remove any 0-length MDL.
// If one exists, it is guaranteed to be the last and only one
// in the chain.
mdl = (PMDL)CONTAINING_RECORD(tpInfo->TailMdl, MDL, Next);
if (mdl->ByteCount == 0) {
if (tpInfo->HeadMdl == mdl) {
IoFreeMdl(mdl); mdl = NULL;
tpInfo->HeadMdl = NULL; tpInfo->TailMdl = &tpInfo->HeadMdl;
} else {
PMDL tempMdl = tpInfo->HeadMdl;
while (tempMdl->Next != NULL) {
if (tempMdl->Next == mdl) {
IoFreeMdl(mdl); mdl = NULL; tempMdl->Next = NULL; tpInfo->TailMdl = &(tempMdl->Next); break;
tempMdl = tempMdl->Next;
ASSERT(mdl == NULL);
} // if (tpInfo->TailMdl != &tpInfo->HeadMdl)
if (pel->Flags & TP_MEMORY) {
// Memory block processing
if (pel->Flags & TP_MDL) { tpInfo->PdNeedsPps = TRUE; // Need to make sure that process
// memory is there until send completes.
// This a pre-built MDL (TransmitFile header or trailer buffer)
if (pel->Mdl->ByteCount==length) { mdl = pel->Mdl; pel->Mdl = NULL; IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tpInfo-%p, pre-built mdl-%p(%lx)\n", tpInfo, mdl, mdl->ByteCount)); } } else { //
// We can't send the whole thing at once since it is
// bigger than the packet lenght, build partial MDL
// for this - it is very unlikely scenario for header
// and/or trailer.
mdl = IoAllocateMdl (pel->Buffer, length, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (mdl==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } IoBuildPartialMdl( pel->Mdl, mdl, pel->Buffer, length ); IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tpInfo-%p, partial mdl %p(%lx)\n", tpInfo,mdl,mdl->ByteCount)); } }
} else {
// If we are not in the context of the process that
// initiated the request, we will need to attach
// to it to be able to access the memory.
if (IoGetCurrentProcess ()!=IoGetRequestorProcess (TpIrp)) { ASSERT (!attached); ASSERT (!KeIsAttachedProcess ()); ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->Flags & AFD_TF_USE_SYSTEM_THREAD);
KeAttachProcess ( PsGetKernelProcess( IoGetRequestorProcess (TpIrp))); IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tp_info-%p,attached to %p\n", tpInfo,PsGetKernelProcess( IoGetRequestorProcess (TpIrp)))); } //
// Set the flag so that we know to detach at exit
attached = TRUE; } if (length>AfdTPacketsCopyThreshold) { tpInfo->PdNeedsPps = TRUE; // Need to make sure that process
// memory is there until send completes.
// Memory block is larger than our large (page)
// pre-allocated buffer.
// It is better to probe and lock it
// First allocate the MDL
mdl = IoAllocateMdl (pel->Buffer, length, FALSE, TRUE, NULL); if (mdl==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tp_info-%p,big mdl-%p(%p,%lx)\n", tpInfo,mdl,pel->Buffer,length)); }
// Probe and lock app's memory
try { MmProbeAndLockPages (mdl, TpIrp->RequestorMode, IoReadAccess ); } except (AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER (status)) { ASSERT (NT_ERROR (status)); break; } } else if (pel->Flags & TP_COMBINE) { //
// This memory can be combined with the
// next piece in one buffer.
if (combinePel==NULL) { combinePel = pel; combineLen = length; } else { combineLen += length; ASSERT (combineLen<=AfdTPacketsCopyThreshold); } ASSERT (pel->Length==0); pel->Length = length; IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tp_info-%p,small buffer (%x) to be combined with next\n", tpInfo,length)); } continue; } else { //
// 'Small' memory block, better to copy
// into pre-allocated (lookaside list) buffer.
PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer = NULL; PUCHAR buf; ULONG bufferLen = length + (combinePel ? combineLen : 0);
try { afdBuffer = AfdGetBufferRaiseOnFailure ( endpoint, bufferLen, 0, endpoint->OwningProcess); buf = afdBuffer->Buffer; if (combinePel!=NULL) { //
// See if wee need to combine previous elements
ASSERT (combineLen+length<=AfdTPacketsCopyThreshold); ASSERT (combineLen>0); while (combinePel!=pel) { if ( TpIrp->RequestorMode != KernelMode ) { //
// Probe before copying
ProbeForRead (combinePel->Buffer, combinePel->Length, sizeof (UCHAR)); } RtlCopyMemory (buf, combinePel->Buffer, combinePel->Length); buf += combinePel->Length; #if DBG
ASSERT (combineLen >= combinePel->Length); combineLen -= combinePel->Length; #endif
combinePel++; }
// Reset the local.
ASSERT (combineLen==0); combinePel = NULL; }
if ( TpIrp->RequestorMode != KernelMode ) { //
// Probe before copying
ProbeForRead (pel->Buffer, length, sizeof (UCHAR)); } RtlCopyMemory (buf, pel->Buffer, length); } except (AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER (status)) { ASSERT (NT_ERROR (status)); if (afdBuffer!=NULL) { AfdReturnBuffer (&afdBuffer->Header, endpoint->OwningProcess); } break; }
// Initialize the buffer structure so that we do not
// mistake it for file buffer descriptor and insert
// it into the packet chain
afdBuffer->FileObject = NULL; afdBuffer->Next = NULL; (*tpInfo->TailPd) = &afdBuffer->Header; tpInfo->TailPd = &(afdBuffer->Next);
mdl = afdBuffer->Mdl; //
// Adjust MDL length to the amount of data that we
// actualy sending from the buffer.
mdl->ByteCount = bufferLen;
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tp_info-%p,small buffer-%p(%p,%lx)\n", tpInfo,(PVOID)afdBuffer,mdl,length)); } } } //
// Insert MDL into the MDL chain
*(tpInfo->TailMdl) = mdl; tpInfo->TailMdl = &(mdl->Next);
// Advance app's buffer pointer
pel->Buffer = ((PUCHAR)pel->Buffer) + length;
} else { // if (pel->Flags & TP_MEMORY)
// This must be a file block
ASSERT ((pel->Flags & TP_FILE)!=0); ASSERT (length!=0);
if (AFD_USE_CACHE(pel->FileObject)) {
// Caching file system, get it from cache.
// We just need a buffer tag to save buffer info
// so we can return it back to the cache when we
// are done sending.
tpInfo->PdNeedsPps = TRUE; // Need to free the MDL back to file
// system at passive/APC level
try { afdBufferTag = AfdGetBufferTagRaiseOnFailure ( 0, endpoint->OwningProcess); } except (AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER (status)) { ASSERT (NT_ERROR (status)); break; }
// Copy file parameters to the packet descriptor.
afdBufferTag->FileOffset = pel->FileOffset; afdBufferTag->FileObject = pel->FileObject; pel->FileOffset.QuadPart += length; afdBufferTag->DataLength = length;
// Set fileMdl to NULL because FsRtlMdlRead attempts to
// chain the MDLs it returns off the input MDL variable.
afdBufferTag->Mdl = NULL;
// Attempt to use the fast path to get file data MDLs
// directly from the cache.
if (FsRtlMdlRead( afdBufferTag->FileObject, &afdBufferTag->FileOffset, length, 0, &afdBufferTag->Mdl, &ioStatus )) { if ( ioStatus.Information < length) { //
// Could not read the whole thing, must be end of file
status = AfdMdlReadComplete ( afdBufferTag->FileObject, afdBufferTag->Mdl, &afdBufferTag->FileOffset); if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { AfdReturnBuffer (&afdBufferTag->Header, endpoint->OwningProcess); } else { REFERENCE_ENDPOINT (endpoint); afdBufferTag->Context = endpoint; AfdLRMdlReadComplete (&afdBufferTag->Header); } status = STATUS_END_OF_FILE; break; }
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tp_info-%p,file tag-%p(%p,%lx:%I64x)\n", tpInfo,afdBufferTag,afdBufferTag->Mdl,length, pel->FileOffset.QuadPart)); } //
// Insert the file MDL into the chain
mdl = *(tpInfo->TailMdl) = afdBufferTag->Mdl; while (mdl->Next!=NULL) mdl = mdl->Next; tpInfo->TailMdl = &mdl->Next;
// Insert buffer tag into the chain too.
afdBufferTag->Next = NULL; (*tpInfo->TailPd) = &afdBufferTag->Header; tpInfo->TailPd = &(afdBufferTag->Next); } else { //
// File is not in the cache, return STATUS_PENDING
// so that the Tpacket worker knows to
// perform MDL read via IRP interface
if (status==STATUS_SUCCESS) { afdBufferTag->PartialMessage = FALSE; } else { ASSERT (status==STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED); afdBufferTag->PartialMessage = TRUE; } afdBufferTag->Next = NULL; *Pd = &afdBufferTag->Header; status = STATUS_PENDING; break; }
} else { // if (AFD_USE_CACHE(pel->FileObject))
PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer;
// Non-cacheable file system, need buffered read.
// Get the buffer first.
try { afdBuffer = AfdGetBufferRaiseOnFailure ( endpoint, length, 0, endpoint->OwningProcess); } except (AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER (status)) { ASSERT (NT_ERROR (status)); break; }
// Copy file parameters to the packet descriptor.
// and return STATUS_PENDING, so that Tpacket worker knows
// to issue an IRP for buffered read.
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tp_info-%p,file buffer-%p(%p,%lx:%I64x)\n", tpInfo,(PVOID)afdBuffer,afdBuffer->Mdl,length, pel->FileOffset.QuadPart)); } afdBuffer->FileOffset = pel->FileOffset; afdBuffer->FileObject = pel->FileObject; pel->FileOffset.QuadPart += length; afdBuffer->DataLength = length; afdBuffer->Mdl->ByteCount = length; afdBuffer->Next = NULL; if (status==STATUS_SUCCESS) { afdBuffer->PartialMessage = FALSE; } else { ASSERT (status==STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED); afdBuffer->PartialMessage = TRUE; } *Pd = &afdBuffer->Header; status = STATUS_PENDING; break;
} // if (AFD_USE_CACHE(pel->FileObject))
} // if (pel->Flags & TP_MEMORY)
} // if (length == 0)
if (attached) { //
// If we attached to the calling, detach before exiting.
ASSERT (KeIsAttachedProcess ()); ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->Flags & AFD_TF_USE_SYSTEM_THREAD); KeDetachProcess (); IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain:" " tp_info-%p, detached\n", tpInfo)); } }
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdBuildPacketChain: tp_info-%p,returning %lx\n", tpInfo, status)); }
ASSERT (combinePel==NULL || !NT_SUCCESS (status));
return status; }
BOOLEAN AfdCleanupPacketChain ( PIRP TpIrp, BOOLEAN BelowDispatch ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cleans up (releases all resources in) the packet chain.
TpIrp - transmit packet IRP BelowDispatch - call is made below DISPATCH_LEVEL, can return MDL to file system
Return Value:
TRUE - all packets/MDLs are freed FALSE - could not return MDLs to file system (when called at DISPATCH) --*/ {
PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = TpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; PAFD_BUFFER_HEADER pd = tpInfo->HeadPd; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (TpIrp)->FileObject->FsContext;
ASSERT (tpInfo->HeadMdl!=NULL);
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCleanupPacketChain: tp_info-%p,mdl-%p,pd-%p\n", tpInfo,tpInfo->HeadMdl,tpInfo->HeadPd)); } //
// Continue while we have any MDL's left
while (tpInfo->HeadMdl) { //
// Advance to the next MDL
PMDL mdl;
mdl = tpInfo->HeadMdl; tpInfo->HeadMdl = mdl->Next;
if (pd!=NULL) { //
// We still have descriptors in the chain to compare against.
if (mdl==pd->Mdl) { //
// This MDL has associated descriptor - file or buffered memory
// First remove this descriptor from the chain.
tpInfo->HeadPd = pd->Next; if (pd->FileObject!=NULL && AFD_USE_CACHE (pd->FileObject)) {
if (BelowDispatch) { //
// Cached file, the descriptor is just a tag with info
// to return MDL to the cache, do it.
PAFD_BUFFER_TAG afdBufferTag = CONTAINING_RECORD (pd, AFD_BUFFER_TAG, Header); ULONG size = MmGetMdlByteCount (mdl); PMDL lastMdl = mdl; NTSTATUS status; //
// Scan MDL chain till we find the last one for this file
// segment.
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCleanupPacketChain:" " tp_info-%p,file tag-%p(%p,%lx:%I64x)\n", tpInfo,afdBufferTag,mdl,afdBufferTag->DataLength, afdBufferTag->FileOffset.QuadPart)); } while (size<pd->DataLength) { size += MmGetMdlByteCount (tpInfo->HeadMdl); lastMdl = tpInfo->HeadMdl; tpInfo->HeadMdl = tpInfo->HeadMdl->Next; } lastMdl->Next = NULL; ASSERT (size==pd->DataLength); //
// Return the MDL chain to file cache
status = AfdMdlReadComplete ( afdBufferTag->FileObject, mdl, &afdBufferTag->FileOffset); if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { //
// Success free the corresponding buffer tag
AfdReturnBuffer (pd, endpoint->OwningProcess); } else { //
// Failure, queue the descriptor to the low resource
// list to be processed by our global timer when
// (hopefully) enough memory will be available to do
// the work.
// We need to reference the endpoint since buffer tag
// may have been charged against the process that owns
// the endpoint.
REFERENCE_ENDPOINT (endpoint); afdBufferTag->Context = endpoint; AfdLRMdlReadComplete (&afdBufferTag->Header); } } else { //
// If we are at dispatch, we can't free MDLs to file
// system, return to the caller.
tpInfo->HeadPd = pd; tpInfo->HeadMdl = mdl;
return FALSE; } } else { //
// Buffer with either file or memory data, just return
// it back to the pool.
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCleanupPacketChain:" " tp_info-%p,file buffer-%p(%p,%lx:%I64x)\n", tpInfo,(PVOID)afdBuffer,mdl,afdBuffer->DataLength, afdBuffer->FileOffset.QuadPart)); } afdBuffer->Mdl->Next = NULL; afdBuffer->Mdl->ByteCount = afdBuffer->BufferLength; AfdReturnBuffer (pd, endpoint->OwningProcess); }
// Move to the next descriptor in the chain.
pd = tpInfo->HeadPd; continue; } }
// Stand-alone MDL with memory data
// Just unlock the pages if they were locked and return it.
// We never lock memory in partial MDLs, only in their source MDL
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCleanupPacketChain: tp_info-%p, mdl-%p(%p,%x,%x)\n", tpInfo,mdl, MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(mdl), MmGetMdlByteCount (mdl), mdl->MdlFlags)); } mdl->Next = NULL; if (mdl->MdlFlags & MDL_SOURCE_IS_NONPAGED_POOL) { ASSERT (mdl->MappedSystemVa==(PVOID)tpInfo); ASSERT (mdl->ByteCount==0); mdl->ByteCount = 1; } else if (mdl->MdlFlags & MDL_PAGES_LOCKED && !(mdl->MdlFlags & MDL_PARTIAL)) { MmUnlockPages (mdl); } IoFreeMdl (mdl); }
ASSERT (tpInfo->TailMdl == &tpInfo->HeadMdl); ASSERT (tpInfo->HeadPd == NULL); ASSERT (tpInfo->TailPd == &tpInfo->HeadPd);
return TRUE; }
NTSTATUS AfdTPacketsSend ( PIRP TpIrp, USHORT SendIrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Takes the packets chain of the TpInfo and sends it. Places back the chain sent before, so it can be freed. If requested by the app and the last element is being sent, initiates the disconnect.
TpIrp - transmit packet irp SendIrp - index of the IRP to use for this send.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - send was queued to the transport OK other - send failed --*/ { PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = TpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (TpIrp); PMDL tempMdl=NULL; PAFD_BUFFER_HEADER tempPd=NULL; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PIRP irp, sendIrp=NULL; PIO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE sendCompletion = AfdRestartTPacketsSend;
irp = tpInfo->SendIrp[SendIrp];
// See if we can use IRP built into the AFD buffer.
// We do this for last series of the packets only so
// we can effectively buffer the data and complete the
// IRP early.
if (tpInfo->RemainingPkts!=MAXULONG) { tpInfo->RemainingPkts -= 1;
// The conditions are:
// - number of remaining packets is less then total
// outstanding IRPs we can have
// - the packet does not need post-processing at below
// DPC level and/or in context of the thread/process
// - we actually have afd buffer to borrow the IRP.
if (tpInfo->RemainingPkts < (ULONG)tpInfo->NumSendIrps && !tpInfo->PdNeedsPps && tpInfo->HeadPd!=NULL) { PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer = CONTAINING_RECORD (tpInfo->HeadPd, AFD_BUFFER, Header); PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint = irpSp->FileObject->FsContext;
ASSERT (afdBuffer->BufferLength!=0); ASSERT (afdBuffer->Irp!=NULL); sendIrp = afdBuffer->Irp; REFERENCE_ENDPOINT(endpoint); afdBuffer->Context = endpoint;
sendCompletion = AfdRestartTPDetachedSend;
// There will be no completion flag reset - we do not have
// to wait for this one.
if (irp!=NULL) { //
// Get the old data from the IRP.
ASSERT (irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcRoutine==(PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)SendIrp); tempPd = irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext; tempMdl = irp->MdlAddress; if (sendIrp==NULL) { //
// No special send IRP, the data will be reset with
// data to be sent
sendIrp = irp; } else { //
// We are not going to use this IRP, reset data to NULL.
irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext = NULL; irp->MdlAddress = NULL; } } else if (sendIrp==NULL) { //
// We need to allocate an IRP.
ASSERT (SendIrp>=AFD_TP_MIN_SEND_IRPS); tpInfo->SendIrp[SendIrp] = IoAllocateIrp (tpInfo->TdiDeviceObject->StackSize, TRUE); if (tpInfo->SendIrp[SendIrp]==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; AfdAbortTPackets (TpIrp, status); return status; } sendIrp = irp = tpInfo->SendIrp[SendIrp]; irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcRoutine=(PIO_APC_ROUTINE)(ULONG_PTR)SendIrp; }
// Exchange the packet and MDL chains between send IRP and
// the tpInfo structure
sendIrp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext = tpInfo->HeadPd;
tpInfo->HeadPd = tempPd; tpInfo->TailPd = &tpInfo->HeadPd;
// Build send IRP. Used combined send and disconnect if necessary
// and possible.
if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->Flags & AFD_TF_DISCONNECT) && (tpInfo->PdLength>0) && // Must be sending something or no S&D
(tpInfo->NextElement>=tpInfo->ElementCount) && AfdTPacketsEnableSendAndDisconnect (TpIrp)) { AFD_SET_TP_FLAGS (TpIrp, AFD_TP_SEND_AND_DISCONNECT); TdiBuildSend (sendIrp, tpInfo->TdiDeviceObject, tpInfo->TdiFileObject, sendCompletion, TpIrp, tpInfo->HeadMdl, TDI_SEND_AND_DISCONNECT, tpInfo->PdLength ); } else { TdiBuildSend (sendIrp, tpInfo->TdiDeviceObject, tpInfo->TdiFileObject, sendCompletion, TpIrp, tpInfo->HeadMdl, 0, tpInfo->PdLength ); }
TdiBuildSend (sendIrp, tpInfo->TdiDeviceObject, tpInfo->TdiFileObject, sendCompletion, TpIrp, tpInfo->HeadMdl, 0, tpInfo->PdLength ); #endif //TDI_SERVICE_SEND_AND_DISCONNECT
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdTPacketsSend: tpInfo-%p, sending Irp: %p\n", tpInfo, irp)); } if (sendCompletion==AfdRestartTPacketsSend) { //
// Reference the tpInfo structure so it does not go away
// till send IRP completes and pass the IRP to the transport.
IoCallDriver (tpInfo->TdiDeviceObject, sendIrp); } else { //
// No need to reference as we are not going to wait for
// completion.
status = IoCallDriver (tpInfo->TdiDeviceObject, sendIrp); if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { //
// Change STATUS_PENDING to success not to confuse the caller
// and add byte count under assumption of success (if it fails
// later, connection will be dropped and we don't guarantee
// anything for datagrams anyway).
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; #ifdef _WIN64
InterlockedExchangeAdd64 ( (PLONG64)&TpIrp->IoStatus.Information, tpInfo->PdLength ); #else //_WIN64
InterlockedExchangeAdd ( (PLONG)&TpIrp->IoStatus.Information, tpInfo->PdLength); #endif //_WIN64
} else { //
// If send fails, we'll have to abort here since completion routine
// will not have access to the TpIrp
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdTPacketsSend: tpInfo-%p, detached send failed: %lx\n", tpInfo, status)); } AfdAbortTPackets (TpIrp, status); } }
// Setup the chain in the tpInfo so it can be freed.
tpInfo->HeadMdl = tempMdl; tpInfo->TailMdl = &tpInfo->HeadMdl; tpInfo->PdLength = 0; tpInfo->PdNeedsPps = FALSE;
if (tpInfo->NextElement>=tpInfo->ElementCount) { PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint = irpSp->FileObject->FsContext; if (!(AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->Flags & AFD_TF_DISCONNECT)) { AFD_SET_TP_FLAGS (TpIrp, AFD_TP_SENDS_POSTED); if (AFD_GET_TPIC (TpIrp)->Next!=NULL) { AfdStartNextTPacketsIrp (endpoint, TpIrp); } } else //
// If necessary and not using combined S&D,
// sumbit disconnect IRP to the transport
{ ASSERT (endpoint->Type==AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting); ASSERT (endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection!=NULL); AfdPerformTpDisconnect (TpIrp); } }
// Set the flag indicating to the completion routine that we are done
AFD_CLEAR_TP_FLAGS (TpIrp, AFD_TP_SEND_CALL_PENDING(SendIrp)); UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "Submitted SendIrp: 0x%lX", SendIrp);
return status; }
NTSTATUS AfdRestartTPacketsSend ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Completion routine for TPackets send. Does another send if packet is ready or schedules worker to do the same. Arguments: DeviceObject - AfdDeviceObject Irp - send IRP being completed Context - TpIrp
Return Value:
STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED - tell IO subsystem to stop processing the IRP (it is handled internally). --*/ { PIRP tpIrp; PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint; USHORT sendIrp;
tpIrp = Context; tpInfo = tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; endpoint = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (tpIrp)->FileObject->FsContext;
// Figure out which IRP is being completed.
sendIrp = (USHORT)(ULONG_PTR)Irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcRoutine; ASSERT (tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp]==Irp);
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdRestartTPacketsSend: tp_info-%p,Irp-%p,status-%lx\n", tpInfo, Irp, Irp->IoStatus.Status )); }
if (NT_SUCCESS (Irp->IoStatus.Status)) { LONG stateFlags, newStateFlags; BOOLEAN needWorker;
UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (tpIrp, "Send completed with 0x%lX bytes", (ULONG)Irp->IoStatus.Information); //
// Successfull completion, update transfer count.
// We don't hold the spinlock, so we need to use interlocked operation.
// Wish we have a common one for both 64 and 32 bit platforms.
#ifdef _WIN64
InterlockedExchangeAdd64 ((PLONG64)&tpIrp->IoStatus.Information, Irp->IoStatus.Information); #else //_WIN64
InterlockedExchangeAdd ((PLONG)&tpIrp->IoStatus.Information, Irp->IoStatus.Information); #endif //_WIN64
do { ULONG sendMask; newStateFlags = stateFlags = AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->StateFlags; //
// See if dispatch routine has not completed yet or
// the request is aborted or worker is aready running
// Or if two consequtive requests are in dispatch routines.
if ( (newStateFlags & (AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING | AFD_TP_WORKER_SCHEDULED | AFD_TP_SEND_CALL_PENDING(sendIrp))) || ((sendMask = (newStateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND_MASK)) & ( (sendMask>>2) | (sendMask<<(AFD_TP_MAX_SEND_IRPS*2-2)) ) ) ) {
// Can't continue, just clear completion flag
newStateFlags &= ~AFD_TP_SEND_COMP_PENDING(sendIrp); needWorker = FALSE; } else { //
// Take control over worker scheduling and
// mark IRP as busy.
needWorker = TRUE; newStateFlags |= AFD_TP_WORKER_SCHEDULED; if (tpInfo->HeadMdl!=NULL) { newStateFlags |= AFD_TP_SEND_CALL_PENDING(sendIrp); } else { newStateFlags &= ~AFD_TP_SEND_COMP_PENDING(sendIrp); } }
} while (InterlockedCompareExchange ( (PLONG)&AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->StateFlags, newStateFlags, stateFlags)!=stateFlags); if (needWorker) { //
// We can do processing here, see if there is something to send
if (tpInfo->HeadMdl) { //
// Yes, do it
AfdTPacketsSend (tpIrp, sendIrp); } //
// Start worker to prepare new stuff/free what we sent before.
// We transfer the reference we added when we queued the request
// to the worker.
AfdStartTPacketsWorker (AfdTPacketsWorker, tpIrp); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; } else { //
// Worker was already running or request aborted or dispatch
// routine not completed yet.
} } else { //
// Failure, abort the request even if dispatch did not complete.
// We do not know if dispatch routine is going to return error status,
// it may just return STATUS_PENDING and we then loose the error code.
// Double abort is harmless.
AFD_CLEAR_TP_FLAGS (tpIrp, AFD_TP_SEND_COMP_PENDING(sendIrp)); AfdAbortTPackets (tpIrp, Irp->IoStatus.Status); }
// Remove the reference we added when we queued the request.
NTSTATUS AfdRestartTPDetachedSend ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Completion routine for detached TPackets send. Just frees the buffers.
Arguments: DeviceObject - AfdDeviceObject Irp - send IRP being completed Context - Ignore (TpIrp is stored for debugging purposes only).
Return Value:
STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED - tell IO subsystem to stop processing the IRP (it is handled internally). --*/ { PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer = Irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint = afdBuffer->Context;
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdRestartTPDetachedSend: Irp-%p,status-%lx\n", Irp, Irp->IoStatus.Status )); }
do { PAFD_BUFFER tempBuffer = afdBuffer; afdBuffer = CONTAINING_RECORD (afdBuffer->Next, AFD_BUFFER, Header); tempBuffer->Next = NULL; tempBuffer->Mdl->Next = NULL; tempBuffer->Mdl->ByteCount = tempBuffer->BufferLength; AfdReturnBuffer (&tempBuffer->Header, endpoint->OwningProcess); } while (afdBuffer!=NULL); DEREFERENCE_ENDPOINT(endpoint); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED;
USHORT AfdTPacketsFindSendIrp ( PIRP TpIrp ) /*++
Routine Description: Finds the send IRP that is not currently in use and marks it as busy Arguments: TpIrp - Transmit packets Irp
Return Value: 0-based index of send irp or TpInfo->NumSendIrps if all IRPs are i use --*/ {
LONG stateFlags, newStateFlags; USHORT sendIrp; PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = TpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
do { newStateFlags = stateFlags = AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->StateFlags; if (newStateFlags & AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING) { //
// Abort is in progress, bail
sendIrp = tpInfo->NumSendIrps; break; }
// See if any send IRP is not in use
for (sendIrp=0; sendIrp<tpInfo->NumSendIrps; sendIrp++) { if ((newStateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND_BUSY(sendIrp))==0) { break; } }
if (sendIrp!=tpInfo->NumSendIrps) { //
// Found send IRP, mark it as busy
newStateFlags |= AFD_TP_SEND_BUSY(sendIrp); } else { //
// No send IRPs, suspend the worker.
newStateFlags &= (~AFD_TP_WORKER_SCHEDULED); } } while (InterlockedCompareExchange ( (PLONG)&AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->StateFlags, newStateFlags, stateFlags)!=stateFlags);
return sendIrp; }
Routine Description:
Performs IRP based MDL read (invoked when cache read fails).
TpIrp - transmit packet irp Pd - descriptor with file parameters for the read
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - read was completed in-line STATUS_PENDING - read was queued to file system driver, will complete lated other - read failed --*/ { PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = TpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PIRP irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp;
// Find the device object and allocate IRP of appropriate size
// if current one does not fit or is not available at all.
deviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject (Pd->FileObject); if ((tpInfo->ReadIrp==NULL) || (tpInfo->ReadIrp->StackCount<deviceObject->StackSize)) { if (tpInfo->ReadIrp!=NULL) { IoFreeIrp (tpInfo->ReadIrp); }
tpInfo->ReadIrp = IoAllocateIrp (deviceObject->StackSize, FALSE); if (tpInfo->ReadIrp==NULL) { PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint; endpoint = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (TpIrp)->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) ); AfdReturnBuffer (Pd, endpoint->OwningProcess); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } }
// Mark IRP as busy and set it up
irp = tpInfo->ReadIrp;
irp->MdlAddress = NULL;
// Set the synchronous flag in the IRP to tell the file system
// that we are aware of the fact that this IRP will be completed
// synchronously. This means that we must supply our own thread
// for the operation and that the disk read will occur
// synchronously in this thread if the data is not cached.
irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext = Pd; //
// Set current thread for IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice.
irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = PsGetCurrentThread ();
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp ); irpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_READ; irpSp->MinorFunction = IRP_MN_MDL; irpSp->FileObject = Pd->FileObject; irpSp->DeviceObject = deviceObject;
IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, AfdRestartTPacketsMdlRead, TpIrp, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
ASSERT( irpSp->Parameters.Read.Key == 0 );
// Finish building the read IRP.
irpSp->Parameters.Read.Length = Pd->DataLength; irpSp->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset = Pd->FileOffset; REFERENCE_TPACKETS (TpIrp); IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdTPacketsMdlRead: tp_info-%p,Irp-%p,file-%pd,offset-%I64x,length-%lx\n", tpInfo, irp, Pd->FileObject, Pd->FileOffset.QuadPart, Pd->DataLength)); }
IoCallDriver (deviceObject, irp);
if (((AFD_CLEAR_TP_FLAGS (TpIrp, AFD_TP_READ_CALL_PENDING) & (AFD_TP_READ_COMP_PENDING|AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING))==0) && NT_SUCCESS (irp->IoStatus.Status) && AfdTPacketsContinueAfterRead (TpIrp)) { //
// Read completed successfully inline and post-processing was successfull,
// tell the worker to go on.
UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "MdlRead completed inline with 0x%lX bytes", (ULONG)irp->IoStatus.Information); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { //
// Read has not completed yet or post processing failed,
// worker should bail and we will continue when read completes
// or in final completion routine (AfdCompleteTPackets).
return STATUS_PENDING; } }
NTSTATUS AfdRestartTPacketsMdlRead ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Completion routine for IRP based MDL read. Does another send if packet is ready or schedules worker to do the same. Arguments: DeviceObject - AfdDeviceObject Irp - read IRP being completed Context - TpIrp
Return Value:
STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED - tell IO subsystem to stop processing the IRP (it is handled internally). --*/ { PIRP tpIrp = Context; PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint; PAFD_BUFFER_HEADER pd;
endpoint = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (tpIrp)->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) ); ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_WORKER_SCHEDULED); ASSERT (tpInfo->ReadIrp == Irp);
pd = Irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext;
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdRestartTPacketsMdlRead:" " tp_info-%p,Irp-%p,status-%lx,length-%p,mdl-%p\n", tpInfo, Irp, Irp->IoStatus.Status, Irp->IoStatus.Information, Irp->MdlAddress)); }
// Insert MDL into the current chain.
if (NT_SUCCESS (Irp->IoStatus.Status)) { PMDL mdl = *(tpInfo->TailMdl) = Irp->MdlAddress; while (mdl->Next!=NULL) mdl = mdl->Next; tpInfo->TailMdl = &mdl->Next;
pd->Mdl = Irp->MdlAddress;
// If FS driver hits EOF, it will still return
// success to us and we need to handle this case.
if (pd->DataLength==Irp->IoStatus.Information) {
(*tpInfo->TailPd) = pd; tpInfo->TailPd = &(pd->Next);
Irp->MdlAddress = NULL;
// Read dispatch has already returned and post-processing
// was successfull, schedule the worker to continue processing
// We transfer the reference that we added when we queued the
// read to the worker.
UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (tpIrp, "MdlRead completed in restart with 0x%lX bytes", (ULONG)Irp->IoStatus.Information); AfdStartTPacketsWorker (AfdTPacketsWorker, tpIrp); } else { DEREFERENCE_TPACKETS (tpIrp); } return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; } //
// FS driver read less than we expected.
// We must have hit end of file.
// Save the real packet length so we can cleanup correctly and
// force abort with STATUS_END_OF_FILE.
Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_END_OF_FILE; pd->DataLength = (ULONG)Irp->IoStatus.Information; } else { ASSERT (Irp->MdlAddress == NULL); } AFD_CLEAR_TP_FLAGS (tpIrp, AFD_TP_READ_COMP_PENDING); AfdAbortTPackets (tpIrp, Irp->IoStatus.Status);
if (pd->Mdl==NULL) { //
// No MDL was returned by the file system.
// We can free the packed descriptor immediately.
AfdReturnBuffer (pd, endpoint->OwningProcess); } else { //
// File system did return MDL to us.
// Save the descriptor so the MDL can be
// properly returned back to the file system
// by the cleanup routine.
(*tpInfo->TailPd) = pd; tpInfo->TailPd = &(pd->Next); } DEREFERENCE_TPACKETS (tpIrp); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; }
NTSTATUS AfdMdlReadComplete ( PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PMDL FileMdl, PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset ) /*++
Routine Description: Returns MDL to the file system / cache manager
Arguments: FileObject - file object from which MDL comes FileMdl - MDL itself FileOffset - offset in the file where MDL data begins
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - operation completed immediately STATUS_PENDING - request is sumbitted to file system driver other - operation failed. Notes:
--*/ { PIRP irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql()<=APC_LEVEL);
if( FsRtlMdlReadComplete ( FileObject, FileMdl) ) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Fast path failed, so create a new IRP.
deviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject (FileObject); irp = IoAllocateIrp( deviceObject->StackSize, FALSE );
// Setup the IRP.
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp );
irp->MdlAddress = FileMdl;
irpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_READ; irpSp->MinorFunction = IRP_MN_MDL | IRP_MN_COMPLETE;
irpSp->Parameters.Read.Length = 0; while (FileMdl!=NULL) { irpSp->Parameters.Read.Length += FileMdl->ByteCount; FileMdl = FileMdl->Next; }
irpSp->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset = *FileOffset; irpSp->Parameters.Read.Key = 0;
// Reference file object so it does not go away till this
// IRP completes
ObReferenceObject (FileObject); AfdRecordFileRef ();
irpSp->FileObject = FileObject; irpSp->DeviceObject = deviceObject;
// Submit the IRP
IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, AfdRestartMdlReadComplete, FileObject, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdMdlReadComplete: file-%p,Irp-%p,offset-%I64x\n", FileObject, irp, FileOffset->QuadPart)); } IoCallDriver (deviceObject, irp);
NTSTATUS AfdRestartMdlReadComplete ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context )
Routine Description:
Completion routine for IRPs issued by AfdMdlReadComplete. The only purpose of this completion routine is to free the IRPs created by AfdMdlReadComplete() and release file object reference.
DeviceObject - Unused.
Irp - The completed IRP.
Context - FileObject on which MDL is returned
Return Value:
{ PFILE_OBJECT FileObject = Context; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (DeviceObject);
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdRestartMdlReadComplete: Irp-%p,status-%lx,length-%p\n", Irp, Irp->IoStatus.Status, Irp->IoStatus.Information)); }
// Dereference the file object
ObDereferenceObject (FileObject); AfdRecordFileDeref ();
// Free the IRP since it's no longer needed.
IoFreeIrp( Irp );
// Return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED so that IoCompleteRequest
// will stop working on the IRP.
} // AfdRestartMdlReadComplete
VOID AfdLRMdlReadComplete ( PAFD_BUFFER_HEADER Pd ) { if (InterlockedPushEntrySList ( &AfdLRFileMdlList, (PSLIST_ENTRY)&Pd->SList)==NULL) { AfdLRListAddItem (&AfdLRFileMdlListItem, AfdLRProcessFileMdlList); } }
BOOLEAN AfdLRProcessFileMdlList ( PAFD_LR_LIST_ITEM Item ) { PSLIST_ENTRY localList; BOOLEAN res = TRUE;
ASSERT (Item==&AfdLRFileMdlListItem); DEBUG Item->SListLink.Next = UlongToPtr(0xBAADF00D);
localList = InterlockedFlushSList (&AfdLRFileMdlList);
while (localList!=NULL) { PAFD_BUFFER_HEADER pd; NTSTATUS status; pd = CONTAINING_RECORD (localList, AFD_BUFFER_HEADER, SList); localList = localList->Next;
if (pd->BufferLength==0) { PAFD_BUFFER_TAG afdBufferTag = CONTAINING_RECORD ( pd, AFD_BUFFER_TAG, Header); PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint = afdBufferTag->Context; status = AfdMdlReadComplete (afdBufferTag->FileObject, afdBufferTag->Mdl, &afdBufferTag->FileOffset); if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { AfdReturnBuffer (&afdBufferTag->Header, endpoint->OwningProcess); DEREFERENCE_ENDPOINT (endpoint); continue; } } else { PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer = CONTAINING_RECORD ( pd, AFD_BUFFER, Header); PAFD_CONNECTION connection = afdBuffer->Context; status = AfdMdlReadComplete (afdBuffer->FileObject, afdBuffer->Mdl->Next, &afdBuffer->FileOffset); if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { afdBuffer->Mdl->Next = NULL; afdBuffer->Mdl->ByteCount = afdBuffer->BufferLength; AfdReturnBuffer (&afdBuffer->Header, connection->OwningProcess); DEREFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); continue; } }
if (InterlockedPushEntrySList ( &AfdLRFileMdlList, (PSLIST_ENTRY)&pd->SList)==NULL) { ASSERT (Item->SListLink.Next==UlongToPtr(0xBAADF00D)); res = FALSE; } }
return res; }
NTSTATUS AfdTPacketsBufferRead ( PIRP TpIrp, PAFD_BUFFER_HEADER Pd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Performs buffered file read for file systems that do not support caching
TpIrp - transmit packet irp Pd - descriptor with file parameters for the read
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - read was completed in-line STATUS_PENDING - read was queued to file system driver, will complete lated other - read failed --*/ {
PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = TpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PIRP irp; PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp;
// Find the device object and allocate IRP of appropriate size
// if current one does not fit or is not available at all.
deviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject (afdBuffer->FileObject);
if ((tpInfo->ReadIrp==NULL) || (tpInfo->ReadIrp->StackCount<deviceObject->StackSize)) { if (tpInfo->ReadIrp!=NULL) { IoFreeIrp (tpInfo->ReadIrp); }
if (afdBuffer->Irp->StackCount<deviceObject->StackSize) { tpInfo->ReadIrp = IoAllocateIrp (deviceObject->StackSize, FALSE); if (tpInfo->ReadIrp==NULL) { PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint; endpoint = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (TpIrp)->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) ); Pd->Mdl->ByteCount = Pd->BufferLength; AfdReturnBuffer (Pd, endpoint->OwningProcess); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } else { tpInfo->ReadIrp = afdBuffer->Irp; } }
// Mark IRP as busy and set it up
irp = tpInfo->ReadIrp;
// Setup and sumbit the IRP
irp->MdlAddress = afdBuffer->Mdl; irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = afdBuffer->Buffer; irp->UserBuffer = afdBuffer->Buffer;
// Set current thread for IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice.
irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = PsGetCurrentThread (); irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext = Pd;
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp ); irpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_READ; irpSp->MinorFunction = IRP_MN_NORMAL; irpSp->FileObject = afdBuffer->FileObject;
irpSp->Parameters.Read.Length = Pd->DataLength; irpSp->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset = Pd->FileOffset; IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, AfdRestartTPacketsBufferRead, TpIrp, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
REFERENCE_TPACKETS (TpIrp); IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdTPacketsBufferRead:" " Initiating read, tp_info-%p,file-%p,buffer-%p,length-%lx,offset-%I64x\n", tpInfo, afdBuffer->FileObject, (PVOID)afdBuffer, afdBuffer->DataLength, afdBuffer->FileOffset.QuadPart )); }
IoCallDriver (deviceObject, irp);
if (((AFD_CLEAR_TP_FLAGS (TpIrp, AFD_TP_READ_CALL_PENDING) & (AFD_TP_READ_COMP_PENDING|AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING))==0) && NT_SUCCESS (irp->IoStatus.Status) && AfdTPacketsContinueAfterRead (TpIrp)) { //
// Read completed successfully inline and post-processing was successfull,
// tell the worker to go on.
UPDATE_TPACKETS2(TpIrp, "BufRead completed inline with 0x%lX bytes", (ULONG)irp->IoStatus.Information);
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { //
// Read has not completed yet or post processing failed,
// worker should bail and we will continue when read completes
// or in final completion routine (AfdCompleteTPackets).
return STATUS_PENDING; } }
NTSTATUS AfdRestartTPacketsBufferRead ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Completion routine for buffered read. Does another send if packet is ready or schedules worker to do the same. Arguments: DeviceObject - AfdDeviceObject Irp - read IRP being completed Context - TpIrp
Return Value:
STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED - tell IO subsystem to stop processing the IRP (it is handled internally). --*/ { PIRP tpIrp = Context; PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint; PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer; ULONG flags;
endpoint = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (tpIrp)->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) ); ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_WORKER_SCHEDULED); ASSERT (tpInfo->ReadIrp == Irp || AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING);
afdBuffer = Irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext;
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdRestartTPacketsBufferRead: tp_info-%p,Irp-%p,status-%lx,length-%p\n", tpInfo, Irp, Irp->IoStatus.Status, Irp->IoStatus.Information)); }
// Insert MDL into the current chain
// even if fs driver failed so that common
// cleanup routine takes care of its disposal
// together with AfdBuffer.
*(tpInfo->TailMdl) = afdBuffer->Mdl; tpInfo->TailMdl = &(afdBuffer->Mdl->Next); ASSERT (*(tpInfo->TailMdl)==NULL);
(*tpInfo->TailPd) = &afdBuffer->Header; tpInfo->TailPd = &(afdBuffer->Next); ASSERT (*(tpInfo->TailPd)==NULL);
if (Irp==afdBuffer->Irp) { //
// If abort is aready in progress, we need to use
// interlocked exchange to synchronize with
// AfdAbortTPackets which may be attempting to cancel
// this IRP.
if (flags & AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING) { #if DBG
PIRP irp = #endif
InterlockedExchangePointer ((PVOID *)&tpInfo->ReadIrp, NULL); ASSERT (irp==Irp || irp==(PVOID)-1); } else { tpInfo->ReadIrp = NULL; } }
if (NT_SUCCESS (Irp->IoStatus.Status)) { if (((flags & (AFD_TP_READ_CALL_PENDING|AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING))==0) && AfdTPacketsContinueAfterRead (tpIrp)) { //
// Read dispatch has already returned and post-processing
// was successfull, schedule the worker to continue processing
// We transfer the reference that we added when we queued the
// read to the worker.
UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (tpIrp, "BufRead completed in restart with %08x bytes", (ULONG)Irp->IoStatus.Information); AfdStartTPacketsWorker (AfdTPacketsWorker, tpIrp); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; } } else { AfdAbortTPackets (tpIrp, Irp->IoStatus.Status); }
BOOLEAN AfdTPacketsContinueAfterRead ( PIRP TpIrp ) /*++
Routine Description: Read post-processing common for cached and non-cached case. Queues new send if packet is complete and send IRP is available Arguments: TpInfo - transmit packets IRP Return Value: TRUE - continue processing FALSE - processing cannot be continued because there are no available send IRPs --*/
{ PAFD_BUFFER_HEADER pd; PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = TpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; BOOLEAN res = TRUE;
pd = CONTAINING_RECORD (tpInfo->TailPd, AFD_BUFFER_HEADER, Next); if (!pd->PartialMessage) { USHORT sendIrp;
sendIrp = AfdTPacketsFindSendIrp (TpIrp); if (sendIrp!=tpInfo->NumSendIrps) { NTSTATUS status; status = AfdTPacketsSend (TpIrp, sendIrp); res = (BOOLEAN)NT_SUCCESS (status); } else { res = FALSE; } } else { //
// Need to complete the packet chain before we can send again
ASSERT (tpInfo->PdLength<tpInfo->SendPacketLength); pd->PartialMessage = FALSE; UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "Continue building packet after read, cur len: 0x%lX", tpInfo->PdLength); }
return res; }
VOID AfdCompleteTPackets ( PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine is called when all activity on transmit IRP request is completed and reference count drops to 0. It cleans up remaining resources and completes the IRP or initiates endpoint reuse if so requested Arguments:
Context - TransmitInfo associated with the request Return Value:
None --*/ {
do { AFD_LOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE lockHandle; PIRP tpIrp = Context; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (tpIrp); PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint; PIRP nextIrp = NULL;
ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->ReferenceCount==0); endpoint = irpSp->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) );
if (tpInfo!=NULL) { LONG sendIrp; KIRQL currentIrql; currentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql ();
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCompleteTPackets: tp_info-%p, irql-%x\n", tpInfo, currentIrql)); }
UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (tpIrp, "CompleteTPackets @ irql 0x%lX", currentIrql);
// Cleanup what's in the TpInfo structure
if (tpInfo->HeadMdl!=NULL) { tpInfo->TailMdl = &tpInfo->HeadMdl; tpInfo->TailPd = &tpInfo->HeadPd; if (!AfdCleanupPacketChain (tpIrp, currentIrql<=APC_LEVEL)) { ASSERT (currentIrql>APC_LEVEL); AfdStartTPacketsWorker (AfdCompleteTPackets, tpIrp); return; } }
// Cleanup what remains in IRPs
for (sendIrp=0; sendIrp<tpInfo->NumSendIrps ; sendIrp++) { if (tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp]!=NULL) { if (tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp]->MdlAddress!=NULL) { tpInfo->HeadMdl = tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp]->MdlAddress; tpInfo->TailMdl = &tpInfo->HeadMdl; tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp]->MdlAddress = NULL; tpInfo->HeadPd = tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp]->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext; tpInfo->TailPd = &tpInfo->HeadPd; tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp]->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext = NULL; if (!AfdCleanupPacketChain (tpIrp, currentIrql<=APC_LEVEL)) { ASSERT (currentIrql>APC_LEVEL); AfdStartTPacketsWorker (AfdCompleteTPackets, tpIrp); return; }
} tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp]->Cancel = FALSE; // So we can reuse it.
} }
// Free read IRP if we used one
if (tpInfo->ReadIrp!=NULL) { IoFreeIrp (tpInfo->ReadIrp); tpInfo->ReadIrp = NULL; } }
ASSERT (tpIrp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink == NULL);
// If request succeeded and reuse is required, attempt to
// initiate it
AfdAcquireSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle);
if ( NT_SUCCESS(tpIrp->IoStatus.Status) && (AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Flags & AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET) != 0 ) {
IS_VC_ENDPOINT (endpoint);
// Check if we still have endpoint and connection intact
// under the lock. If this is not the case, we won't try
// to reuse it (it must have been closed or aborted).
connection = endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection; if (connection!=NULL) {
ASSERT (endpoint->DisconnectMode & AFD_PARTIAL_DISCONNECT_SEND || connection->Aborted); //
// Remember that there is a transmit IRP pended on the endpoint,
// so that when we're freeing up the connection we also complete
// the transmit IRP.
connection->ClosePendedTransmit = TRUE;
// Since we are going to effectively close this connection,
// remember that we have started cleanup on this connection.
// This allows AfdDeleteConnectedReference to remove the
// connected reference when appropriate.
connection->CleanupBegun = TRUE;
// Delete the endpoint's reference to the connection in
// preparation for reusing this endpoint.
endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection = NULL;
// This is to simplify debugging.
// If connection is not being closed by the transport
// we want to be able to find it in the debugger faster
// then thru !poolfind AfdC.
endpoint->WorkItem.Context = connection;
// Save pointer to connection in case disconnect needs
// to be aborted (thru abortive close of connection)
irpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer = connection;
// We are going to free TPackets info since we are done
// with sends and no longer need this.
// This will also be our indication that we are in the
// reuse state (for the cancel routine).
tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = (PVOID)-1; #ifdef TDI_SERVICE_SEND_AND_DISCONNECT
if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND_AND_DISCONNECT) && !connection->DisconnectIndicated && !connection->Aborted) { ASSERT (endpoint->DisconnectMode & AFD_PARTIAL_DISCONNECT_SEND); AfdReleaseSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); AfdDisconnectEventHandler (endpoint, connection, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, TDI_DISCONNECT_RELEASE ); DEREFERENCE_CONNECTION2 (connection, "S&D disconnect", 0); } else #endif
{ //
// Attempt to remove the connected reference.
AfdDeleteConnectedReference( connection, TRUE );
AfdReleaseSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); DEREFERENCE_CONNECTION2 (connection, "No S&D disconnect, flags: 0x%lX", connection->ConnectionStateFlags); }
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCompleteTPackets: tp_info-%p, initiating reuse\n", tpInfo)); }
if (tpInfo!=NULL) { AfdReturnTpInfo (tpInfo); } //
// DO NOT access the IRP after this point, since it may have
// been completed inside AfdDereferenceConnection!
return; }
UPDATE_ENDPOINT (endpoint); }
// Check if we need to start or cancel another IRP to
// continue processing.
while (AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Next!=NULL) { nextIrp = AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Next); if (endpoint->EndpointCleanedUp || (((AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->Flags & AFD_TF_DISCONNECT)==0 || nextIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer!=NULL) && IS_VC_ENDPOINT (endpoint) && endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection!=NULL && endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection->Aborted) ) { //
// Endpoint is being cleaned up or connection aborted,
// we attempt to cancel next IRP so that all of them
// are cleaned up eventually. Exception is pure disconnect
// IRP and endpoint is not cleaned up.
if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_QUEUED)!=0) { AFD_GET_TPIC (nextIrp)->StateFlags &=~AFD_TP_QUEUED; if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND)!=0) { AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Next = AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->Next; ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->ReferenceCount == 1); AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->ReferenceCount = 0; AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->StateFlags |= AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING; AfdReleaseSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); AfdSendQueuedTPSend (endpoint, nextIrp); nextIrp = NULL; AfdAcquireSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); continue; } nextIrp->Cancel = TRUE; } else if (AfdGetTPacketsReference (nextIrp)) { nextIrp->Cancel = TRUE; ASSERT ((AFD_GET_TPIC (nextIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND)==0); } else { //
// The IRP must already being completed, it will
// start the next one if necessary.
ASSERT ((AFD_GET_TPIC (nextIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND)==0); nextIrp = NULL; } } else if (endpoint->Irp==tpIrp && (AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_QUEUED)!=0) { //
// We have a nextIrp following the one we are completing.
// which is still queued and haven't been started
// - try to start it.
AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->StateFlags &= ~AFD_TP_QUEUED;
// If we finished all the sends, we should have started
// another IRP before.
ASSERT ((AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SENDS_POSTED)==0); //
// If nextIrp is a plain send IRP, we need to process it inline.
if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND)!=0) { AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Next = AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->Next; ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->ReferenceCount == 1); AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->ReferenceCount = 0; AfdReleaseSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); AfdSendQueuedTPSend (endpoint, nextIrp); nextIrp = NULL; AfdAcquireSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); continue; } //
// This IRP couldn't have been counted towards
// active maximum.
ASSERT (nextIrp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink == (PVOID)1); } else { nextIrp = NULL; }
break; }
// Remove the IRP being completed from the list
{ PIRP pIrp;
if (endpoint->Irp==tpIrp) { endpoint->Irp = (AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Next!=NULL) ? AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Next) : NULL; } else { pIrp = endpoint->Irp; while (AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(pIrp)->Next)!=tpIrp) pIrp = AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(pIrp)->Next); AFD_GET_TPIC(pIrp)->Next = AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Next; } }
AfdReleaseSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); if ((AFD_GET_TPIC (tpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND)!=0) { //
// For plain send IRP we need to simmulate send completion
// as if it was failed by the transport driver.
// We can only get here if send IRP was cancelled.
ASSERT (!NT_SUCCESS (tpIrp->IoStatus.Status)); ASSERT (tpIrp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink != NULL); ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING); ASSERT (tpInfo==NULL); AfdSendQueuedTPSend (endpoint, tpIrp); } else { BOOLEAN checkQueue; if (IoSetCancelRoutine( tpIrp, NULL ) == NULL) { KIRQL cancelIrql;
// The cancel routine has or is about to run. Synchonize with
// the cancel routine by acquiring and releasing the cancel
// and endpoint spinlocks. The cancel routine won't touch
// the IRP as it will see that its reference count is 0.
IoAcquireCancelSpinLock (&cancelIrql); ASSERT( tpIrp->Cancel ); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock (cancelIrql); AfdAcquireSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); AfdReleaseSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); }
if (AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Flags & AFD_TF_DISCONNECT) { AFD_END_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint); }
checkQueue = (BOOLEAN)(tpIrp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink == NULL);
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCompleteTPackets: tp_info-%p, completing IRP-%p\n", tpInfo, tpIrp)); } if (tpInfo!=NULL) { tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = NULL; AfdReturnTpInfo (tpInfo); } else { ASSERT (tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer==NULL); }
UPDATE_ENDPOINT2 (endpoint, "Completing TP irp with status/bytes sent: 0x%lX", NT_SUCCESS (tpIrp->IoStatus.Status) ? (ULONG)tpIrp->IoStatus.Information : tpIrp->IoStatus.Status);
IoCompleteRequest( tpIrp, AfdPriorityBoost );
// If we're enforcing a maximum active TransmitFile count,
// and this Irp was counted towards active maximum, then
// check the list of queued TransmitFile requests and start the
// next one.
if( (AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount > 0) && checkQueue ) {
} }
if (nextIrp!=NULL) { LONG result;
if (nextIrp->Cancel) { //
// If endpoint being cleaned-up/aborted, just abort the IRP
// an dereference it.
AfdAbortTPackets (nextIrp, STATUS_CANCELLED); DEREFERENCE_TPACKETS_R (nextIrp, result); if (result==0) { //
// Avoid recursion, execute the completion inline.
Context = nextIrp; continue; } } else if (nextIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer!=NULL) { if (AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount==0 || !AfdQueueTransmit (nextIrp)) { UPDATE_ENDPOINT (endpoint); AfdStartTPacketsWorker (AfdTPacketsWorker, nextIrp); } } else { UPDATE_ENDPOINT (endpoint); AfdPerformTpDisconnect (nextIrp); DEREFERENCE_TPACKETS_R (nextIrp, result); if (result==0) { Context = nextIrp; continue; } } } break; } while (1); }
VOID AfdAbortTPackets ( PIRP TpIrp, NTSTATUS Status ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine is used to stop the transmit file request in progress and save the status which would be reported to the app as the cause of failure
TransmitInfo - trasnmit info structure associated with the request Status - status code for the error that caused the abort Return Value:
--*/ { PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = TpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; LONG stateFlags, newStateFlags; USHORT sendIrp;
do { newStateFlags = stateFlags = AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->StateFlags; if (newStateFlags & AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING) { return; }
newStateFlags |= AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING; } while (InterlockedCompareExchange ( (PLONG)&AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->StateFlags, newStateFlags, stateFlags)!=stateFlags); if (NT_SUCCESS (TpIrp->IoStatus.Status)) { TpIrp->IoStatus.Status = Status; UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "Abort with status: 0x%lX", Status); }
if (tpInfo!=NULL) { //
// Cancel any outstanding IRPs. It is safe to cancel IRPs even if
// they are already completed and before they are submitted
// (although we try to avoid doing this unnecessarily).
// Note that the completion pending flag can be set even
// before the irp is allocated, so check for NULL is important.
// However, after IRP is allocated and assigned, it is not freed
// until transmit packets is completed.
for (sendIrp=0; sendIrp<tpInfo->NumSendIrps; sendIrp++) { if (tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp]!=NULL && AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND_COMP_PENDING(sendIrp)) { IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdAbortTPackets: tp_info-%p, canceling send irp1-%p\n", tpInfo, tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp])); } UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "Aborting send irp 0x%lX", sendIrp); IoCancelIrp (tpInfo->SendIrp[sendIrp]); } }
if (AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_READ_COMP_PENDING) { do { PIRP irp;
// Check if completion routine did not manage
// to reset this IRP (because it was part of
// AFD buffer structure - buffered reads case).
irp = tpInfo->ReadIrp; ASSERT (irp!=(PVOID)-1); if (irp==NULL) { break; }
// Set this field to a "special" value so that
// we know if we need to reset it back to previous
// value when we are done with the IRP or if completion
// rouine done this already.
else if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ( (PVOID *)&tpInfo->ReadIrp, (PVOID)-1, irp)==irp) { IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdAbortTPackets: tp_info-%p, canceling read irp-%p\n", tpInfo, irp)); } UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "Aborting read IRP", 0); IoCancelIrp (irp);
// Reset the field to its original value
// unless completion routine already done this for us.
#if DBG
irp = #endif
InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ( (PVOID *)&tpInfo->ReadIrp, irp, (PVOID)-1); ASSERT (irp==NULL || irp==(PVOID)-1); break; } } while (1); } } }
VOID AfdCancelTPackets ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp )
Routine Description:
The cancel routine for transmit packets requests.
DeviceObject - ignored.
Irp - a pointer to the transmit packets IRP to cancel.
Return Value:
// Initialize some locals and grab the endpoint spin lock.
irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );
endpoint = irpSp->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) );
tpInfo = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql ()==DISPATCH_LEVEL); AfdAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle);
// If this transmit IRP is on the TransmitFile queue, remove it.
AfdAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &AfdQueuedTransmitFileSpinLock, &transmitLockHandle);
if (!(AFD_GET_TPIC (Irp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND) && Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink != NULL ) {
// We can release cancel spinlock as we hold endpoint lock now.
// and we made sure that we have IRP reference (by nature of
// it being queued.
IoReleaseCancelSpinLock (DISPATCH_LEVEL);
ASSERT (tpInfo!=NULL && tpInfo!=(PVOID)-1);
RemoveEntryList( &Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry );
// Reset Flink to indicate that IRP is no longer in the queue
// Note that Blink is not reset so that completion routine knows
// that this IRP was not counted towards active maximum and thus
// new IRP should not be initiated when this one is being
// completed.
Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink = NULL; ASSERT (Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink!=NULL);
AfdReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AfdQueuedTransmitFileSpinLock, &transmitLockHandle ); AfdReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); KeLowerIrql (Irp->CancelIrql);
// Although we know that there is nothing to abort, we call
// this routine to set the status code in the IRP.
AfdAbortTPackets (Irp, STATUS_CANCELLED);
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCancelTPackets: Removed from the queue, tp_info-%p, irp-%p\n", tpInfo, Irp)); } //
// Remove initial reference
DEREFERENCE_TPACKETS (Irp); } else { KIRQL cancelIrql = Irp->CancelIrql;
AfdReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &AfdQueuedTransmitFileSpinLock, &transmitLockHandle);
if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_QUEUED)!=0 || AfdGetTPacketsReference (Irp)) { //
// We can release cancel spinlock as we hold endpoint lock now
// and we made sure that we have IRP reference (queued or explicit).
IoReleaseCancelSpinLock (DISPATCH_LEVEL);
if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_QUEUED)!=0) { AFD_CLEAR_TP_FLAGS (Irp, AFD_TP_QUEUED); } else { ASSERT ((AFD_GET_TPIC (Irp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND)==0); } AfdReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); if (cancelIrql!=DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeLowerIrql (cancelIrql); }
// Transmit is still in progress or queued, perform the abort
AfdAbortTPackets (Irp, STATUS_CANCELLED);
// Remove extra reference that we either added above or
// the initial one in case of queued IRP.
DEREFERENCE_TPACKETS (Irp); } else if (tpInfo==(PVOID)-1) { //
// Endpoint is being disconnected and reused.
// Abort the connection and complete the IRP
BOOLEAN result; PAFD_CONNECTION connection; BOOLEAN checkQueue = (BOOLEAN)(Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink == NULL);
// We can release cancel spinlock as we hold endpoint lock now
// and know for the fact that reuse code hasn't been executed
// yet (it takes endpoint spinlock and resets the SystemBuffer
// NULL).
IoReleaseCancelSpinLock (DISPATCH_LEVEL);
// Remove the IRP being completed from the list
// so that reuse routine won't find and complete it again
ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Next==NULL); if (endpoint->Irp==Irp) { endpoint->Irp = NULL; } else { PIRP pIrp; pIrp = endpoint->Irp; while (AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(pIrp)->Next)!=Irp) pIrp = AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(pIrp)->Next); AFD_GET_TPIC(pIrp)->Next = NULL; }
// Reset the pointer so we do not confuse the IO subsystem
Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = NULL;
// Abort the connection if disconnect isn't already completing
// (check for that by checking ref count on connection. If
// already 0, then we don't need to do anything)
// We stored a pointer to the connection in Type3InputBuffer
// We are guaranteed that connection structure is still around
// since this IRP is still around.
connection = irpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer; ASSERT(connection != NULL);
CHECK_REFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection, result);
AfdReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle);
if (result) { //
// Abort the connection; that will trigger cleanup of any
// other operations on this endpoint
AfdAbortConnection( connection ); // dereferences connection
if (Irp->CancelIrql!=DISPATCH_LEVEL) { KeLowerIrql (Irp->CancelIrql); } IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCancelTPackets: Completing, irp-%p\n", Irp)); }
UPDATE_ENDPOINT (endpoint); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; IoCompleteRequest (Irp, AfdPriorityBoost);
// If we're enforcing a maximum active TransmitFile count,
// and this Irp was counted towards active maximum, then
// check the list of queued TransmitFile requests and start the
// next one.
if( AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount > 0 && checkQueue) {
} } else { //
// Everything is done anyway, let go.
AfdReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); //
// We can release cancel spinlock as we hold endpoint lock now
// and we made sure that we have IRP reference (queued or explicit).
IoReleaseCancelSpinLock (cancelIrql); } }
} // AfdCancelTPackets
VOID AfdCompleteClosePendedTPackets ( PAFD_ENDPOINT Endpoint )
Routine Description:
Completes a transmit IRP that was waiting for the connection to be completely disconnected.
Endpoint - the endpoint on which the transmit request is pending.
Return Value:
{ AFD_LOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE lockHandle; PIRP tpIrp; BOOLEAN checkQueue;
AfdAcquireSpinLock( &Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle );
// First make sure that thre is really a reuse request pended on
// this endpoint. We do this while holding the appropriate locks
// to close the timing window that would exist otherwise, since
// the caller may not have had the locks when making the test.
tpIrp = Endpoint->Irp; while (tpIrp!=NULL && tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer != (PVOID)-1) { tpIrp = AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Next); }
if ( tpIrp == NULL || tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer != (PVOID)-1) { IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCompleteClosePendedTPackets: Irp is gone, endpoint-%p", Endpoint)); } AfdReleaseSpinLock( &Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle ); return; }
// Reset the system buffer so we don't confuse the IO
// subsystem and synchronize with the cancel routine.
tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = NULL;
// Remove the IRP being completed from the list
ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(tpIrp)->Next==NULL); if (Endpoint->Irp==tpIrp) { Endpoint->Irp = NULL; } else { PIRP pIrp; pIrp = Endpoint->Irp; while (AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(pIrp)->Next)!=tpIrp) pIrp = AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(pIrp)->Next); AFD_GET_TPIC(pIrp)->Next = NULL; }
// Make sure to refresh the endpoint BEFORE completing the transmit
// IRP. This is because the user-mode caller may reuse the endpoint
// as soon as the IRP completes, and there would be a timing window
// between reuse of the endpoint and the refresh otherwise.
AfdRefreshEndpoint( Endpoint );
// Release the lock before completing the transmit IRP--it is
// illegal to call IoCompleteRequest while holding a spin lock.
AfdReleaseSpinLock( &Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle ); AFD_END_STATE_CHANGE (Endpoint);
// Reset the cancel routine in the IRP before attempting to complete
// it.
if ( IoSetCancelRoutine( tpIrp, NULL ) == NULL ) { KIRQL cancelIrql; //
// The cancel routine has or is about to run. Synchonize with
// the cancel routine by acquiring and releasing the cancel
// and endpoint spinlocks. The cancel routine won't touch
// the IRP as it will see that tpInfo pointer was reset in the
// IRP.
IoAcquireCancelSpinLock (&cancelIrql); ASSERT( tpIrp->Cancel ); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock (cancelIrql);
ASSERT (tpIrp->IoStatus.Status==STATUS_SUCCESS);
checkQueue = (BOOLEAN)(tpIrp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink == NULL);
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdCompleteClosePendedTPackets: Completing irp-%p", tpIrp)); } //
// Finally, we can complete the transmit request.
IoCompleteRequest( tpIrp, AfdPriorityBoost );
// If we're enforcing a maximum active TransmitFile count,
// and this Irp was counted towards active maximum, then
// check the list of queued TransmitFile requests and start the
// next one.
if( (AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount > 0) && checkQueue) {
} // AfdCompleteClosePendedTPackets
BOOLEAN AfdTPacketsEnableSendAndDisconnect ( PIRP TpIrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check if combined send and disconnect can be used and update endpoint state appropriately
TpIrp - transmit packets IRP
Return Value:
TRUE - S&D can be used, endpoint state updated. FALSE - no, use normal disconnect (which updates the state by itself).
--*/ { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (TpIrp); PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint; BOOLEAN res = FALSE;
endpoint = irpSp->FileObject->FsContext; if ( AfdUseTdiSendAndDisconnect && (AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->Flags & AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET) && (endpoint->TdiServiceFlags & TDI_SERVICE_SEND_AND_DISCONNECT)) { AFD_LOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE lockHandle; ASSERT (IS_VC_ENDPOINT (endpoint));
AfdAcquireSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); if (!(endpoint->DisconnectMode & AFD_PARTIAL_DISCONNECT_SEND) && endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection!=NULL && endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection->ConnectDataBuffers==NULL ) { endpoint->DisconnectMode |= AFD_PARTIAL_DISCONNECT_SEND; res = TRUE; UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "Enabling S&D", 0); } else { UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "Disabling S&D, disconnect mode: 0x%lX", endpoint->DisconnectMode); }
AfdReleaseSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); } else { UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (TpIrp, "Not enabling S&D, flags: 0x%lX", AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->Flags); }
return res; }
BOOLEAN AfdQueueTransmit ( PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check transmit IRP can be process immediately or needs to be put in the queue because of exceeded simmulteneous send limit
Irp - TransmitIrp Return Value:
TRUE - Irp was queued (or just completed since it was cancelled before), can't send FALSE - We are below the limit, go ahead and send.
--*/ { AFD_LOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE lockHandle;
AfdAcquireSpinLock (&AfdQueuedTransmitFileSpinLock, &lockHandle);
if (Irp->Cancel) { ASSERT (Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink==NULL); ASSERT (Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink!=NULL); AfdReleaseSpinLock (&AfdQueuedTransmitFileSpinLock, &lockHandle); AfdAbortTPackets (Irp, STATUS_CANCELLED); DEREFERENCE_TPACKETS (Irp); return TRUE; } else if( AfdActiveTransmitFileCount >= AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount ) {
InsertTailList( &AfdQueuedTransmitFileListHead, &Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry ); UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (Irp, "Queuing, current count: 0x%lX", AfdActiveTransmitFileCount);
AfdReleaseSpinLock (&AfdQueuedTransmitFileSpinLock, &lockHandle); UPDATE_ENDPOINT (IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (Irp)->FileObject->FsContext); IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdQueueTransmit: Queuing Irp-%p,endpoint-%p,tp_info-%p\n", Irp, IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (Irp)->FileObject->FsContext, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer)); } return TRUE; } else {
ASSERT (Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink==NULL); //
// Mark the IRP as counted towards maximum (so we start the next
// one when it is completed);
Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink = NULL; AfdReleaseSpinLock (&AfdQueuedTransmitFileSpinLock, &lockHandle); return FALSE; } }
VOID AfdStartNextQueuedTransmit( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Starts next transmit file in the queue if the number of pending request drops below maximum
Return Value:
--*/ {
// This should only be called if we're actually enforcing a maximum
// TransmitFile count.
ASSERT( AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount > 0 );
// The TransmitFile request queue is protected by a
// spinlock, so grab that lock before examining the queue.
AfdAcquireSpinLock( &AfdQueuedTransmitFileSpinLock, &lockHandle );
// This routine is only called after a pended TransmitFile IRP
// completes, so account for that completion here.
ASSERT( AfdActiveTransmitFileCount > 0 ); AfdActiveTransmitFileCount--;
if( !IsListEmpty( &AfdQueuedTransmitFileListHead ) ) {
// Dequeue exactly one IRP from the list, then start the
// TransmitFile.
listEntry = RemoveHeadList( &AfdQueuedTransmitFileListHead );
irp = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, IRP, Tail.Overlay.ListEntry );
tpInfo = irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
ASSERT( tpInfo != NULL );
// Mark this TransmitFile request as no longer queued.
// and counted towards active maximum.
irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink = NULL; irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink = NULL; //
// Adjust the count, release the spinlock, then queue the
// TransmitFile.
AfdActiveTransmitFileCount++; ASSERT( AfdActiveTransmitFileCount <= AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount );
UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (irp,"Restarting from queue, count: 0x%lX", AfdActiveTransmitFileCount); AfdReleaseSpinLock( &AfdQueuedTransmitFileSpinLock, &lockHandle );
ASSERT (irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer!=NULL); UPDATE_ENDPOINT (IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (irp)->FileObject->FsContext); //
// Schedule the worker for the transmit.
AfdStartTPacketsWorker (AfdTPacketsWorker, irp);
} else {
// Release the spinlock before returning.
AfdReleaseSpinLock( &AfdQueuedTransmitFileSpinLock, &lockHandle ); }
} // AfdStartNextQueuedTransmit
BOOLEAN AfdEnqueueTPacketsIrp ( PAFD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, PIRP TpIrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check if transmit IRP can be process immediately or needs to be put in the queue because there is already an active transmit IRP on the endpoint.
Endpoint - endpoint to check Irp - TransmitIrp Return Value:
TRUE - Irp was queued, can't send FALSE - There are no other IRPs on the endpoint, can send now.
--*/ { AFD_LOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE lockHandle; PIRP oldIrp; BOOLEAN busy = FALSE;
AfdAcquireSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); //
// Use interlocked operation since another thread can claim the
// spot without spinlock if it is NULL.
// Note, that the IRP field cannot be cleared outside of spinlock
// or changed if it is not NULL..
oldIrp = InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ( (PVOID *)&Endpoint->Irp, TpIrp, NULL ); if (oldIrp!=NULL) { //
// Scan till the end of the list.
while (AFD_GET_TPIC(oldIrp)->Next!=NULL) { oldIrp = AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(oldIrp)->Next); } //
// Use interlocked operation to update the pointer
// to ensure ordering of the memory accesses when we
// check this field after setting the send flag
InterlockedExchangePointer ( (PVOID *)&AFD_GET_TPIC (oldIrp)->Next, AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp));
// Another IRP is still pending, check if there are still more sends
// in that IRP.
if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(oldIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SENDS_POSTED)==0) { IoSetCancelRoutine (TpIrp, AfdCancelTPackets); if (!TpIrp->Cancel && !Endpoint->EndpointCleanedUp) { UPDATE_ENDPOINT (Endpoint); AFD_GET_TPIC (TpIrp)->StateFlags |= AFD_TP_QUEUED; busy = TRUE; } else { TpIrp->Cancel = TRUE; } } } AfdReleaseSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); return busy; }
VOID AfdStartNextTPacketsIrp ( PAFD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, PIRP TpIrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check if there are other IRPs enqueued behind the one we about to finish with (perform last send) and start it.
Endpoint - endpoint to check Irp - TransmitIrp Return Value: None. --*/ { AFD_LOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE lockHandle;
AfdAcquireSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SENDS_POSTED); while (AFD_GET_TPIC (TpIrp)->Next!=NULL) { PIRP nextIrp = AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->Next); if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_QUEUED)!=0) { //
// Mark IRP is not queued anymore and process it.
AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->StateFlags &= ~AFD_TP_QUEUED; //
// If newIrp is a plain send IRP, we need to process it inline.
if ((AFD_GET_TPIC (nextIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SEND)!=0) { AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->Next = AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->Next; ASSERT (AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->ReferenceCount==1); AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->ReferenceCount = 0; AfdReleaseSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); AfdSendQueuedTPSend (Endpoint, nextIrp); AfdAcquireSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); } else { AfdReleaseSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); //
// This IRP couldn't have been counted towards
// active maximum.
ASSERT (nextIrp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink == (PVOID)1); if (nextIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer!=NULL) { if( AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount == 0 || !AfdQueueTransmit (nextIrp)) { UPDATE_ENDPOINT (Endpoint); //
// Start I/O
AfdStartTPacketsWorker (AfdTPacketsWorker, nextIrp); } } else { //
// We never count DisconnectEx towards active maximum.
// Just queue the disconnect.
UPDATE_ENDPOINT (Endpoint); AfdPerformTpDisconnect (nextIrp); DEREFERENCE_TPACKETS (nextIrp); } return ; } } else { //
// This IRP is probably being cancelled for some reason.
// Move to the next one.
ASSERT ((AFD_GET_TPIC(nextIrp)->StateFlags & (AFD_TP_SEND|AFD_TP_AFD_SEND))==0); TpIrp = nextIrp; } } AfdReleaseSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); return ; }
BOOLEAN AfdEnqueueTpSendIrp ( PAFD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, PIRP SendIrp, BOOLEAN AfdIrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check if send IRP can be processed immediately or needs to be put in the queue because there is already an active transmit IRP on the endpoint.
Endpoint - endpoint to check Irp - SendIrp AfdIrp - TRUE if IRP was allocated internally by afd Return Value:
TRUE - Irp was queued, can't send FALSE - There are no other IRPs on the endpoint, can send now.
--*/ { AFD_LOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE lockHandle; BOOLEAN busy = FALSE;
AfdAcquireSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); //
// We do not have to use interlocked operation here since we
// do not synchronize when someone submits send and tpackets
// from two different threads concurrently.
if (!Endpoint->EndpointCleanedUp && Endpoint->Irp!=NULL) { PIRP oldIrp;
oldIrp = Endpoint->Irp; //
// Scan till the end of the list.
while (AFD_GET_TPIC(oldIrp)->Next!=NULL) { oldIrp = AFD_GET_TPIRP(AFD_GET_TPIC(oldIrp)->Next); }
// Another IRP is still pending, check if there are still more sends
// in that IRP.
if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(oldIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_SENDS_POSTED)==0) { AFD_GET_TPIC(SendIrp)->Next = NULL; AFD_GET_TPIC(SendIrp)->Flags = 0; AFD_GET_TPIC(SendIrp)->ReferenceCount = 1; AFD_GET_TPIC(SendIrp)->StateFlags = AFD_TP_QUEUED| AFD_TP_SEND | (AfdIrp ? AFD_TP_AFD_SEND : 0); //
// Check application IRP for cancellation. AFD IRP can never
// be cancelled since they don't have cancel routine installed.
if (!AfdIrp) { IoMarkIrpPending (SendIrp); IoSetCancelRoutine (SendIrp, AfdCancelTPackets); if (SendIrp->Cancel) { //
// IRP was cancelled, send routine will just complete it.
AfdReleaseSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); AfdSendQueuedTPSend (Endpoint, SendIrp); return TRUE; } } //
// Use interlocked operation to update the pointer
// to ensure ordering of the memory accesses when we
// check this field after setting the send flag
InterlockedExchangePointer ( (PVOID *)&AFD_GET_TPIC (oldIrp)->Next, AFD_GET_TPIC(SendIrp));
UPDATE_ENDPOINT (Endpoint); busy = TRUE; } }
AfdReleaseSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); return busy; }
VOID AfdSendQueuedTPSend ( PAFD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, PIRP SendIrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sumbits the Send IRP in the TPackets IRP queue to the transport. Just completes it, if it is canceled or endpoint is cleaned up.
Endpoint - endpoint to check SendIrp - SendIrp Return Value:
--*/ { PDRIVER_CANCEL cancelRoutine; cancelRoutine = IoSetCancelRoutine (SendIrp, NULL); ASSERT (cancelRoutine==NULL || (AFD_GET_TPIC(SendIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_AFD_SEND)==0);
if (SendIrp->Cancel || Endpoint->EndpointCleanedUp || (AFD_GET_TPIC(SendIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_ABORT_PENDING)) { //
// If IRP is being cancelled, synchronize with cancel routine
if (SendIrp->Cancel) { KIRQL cancelIrql; AFD_LOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE lockHandle; //
// AFD IRPs cannot be cancelled - don't have cancel routine and
// not inserted in thread lists.
ASSERT ((AFD_GET_TPIC(SendIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_AFD_SEND)==0); IoAcquireCancelSpinLock (&cancelIrql); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock (cancelIrql); AfdAcquireSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); AfdReleaseSpinLock (&Endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); } SendIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; SendIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0; UPDATE_ENDPOINT (Endpoint); #if DBG
if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(SendIrp)->StateFlags &AFD_TP_AFD_SEND)==0) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation (SendIrp); if (!AfdRecordOutstandingIrpDebug (Endpoint, irpSp->DeviceObject, SendIrp, __FILE__, __LINE__)) { return ; } } #endif
IoSetNextIrpStackLocation (SendIrp); IoCompleteRequest (SendIrp, AfdPriorityBoost); } else { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation (SendIrp); UPDATE_ENDPOINT (Endpoint); if ((AFD_GET_TPIC(SendIrp)->StateFlags &AFD_TP_AFD_SEND)==0) { AfdIoCallDriver (Endpoint, irpSp->DeviceObject, SendIrp); } else { IoCallDriver (irpSp->DeviceObject, SendIrp); } } }
VOID AfdStartTPacketsWorker ( PWORKER_THREAD_ROUTINE WorkerRoutine, PIRP TpIrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Posts work item to be executed at IRQL above DPC_LEVEL so that file system can be accessed. It uses one of three methods of doing this: special kernel APC, normal kernel APC, or system thread (work queue item).
WorkerRoutine - routine to execute TransmitInfo - associated transmit info (also parameter to the worker routine). Return Value:
--*/ { PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = TpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; ASSERT ((AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->StateFlags & AFD_TP_WORKER_SCHEDULED) || (AFD_GET_TPIC(TpIrp)->ReferenceCount==0));
// Initialize normal APC but with normal routine set
// to special value so we know to run the worker
// inside the special routine of normal APC and queue it
KeInitializeApc (&tpInfo->Apc, PsGetThreadTcb (TpIrp->Tail.Overlay.Thread), TpIrp->ApcEnvironment, AfdTPacketsApcKernelRoutine, AfdTPacketsApcRundownRoutine, (PKNORMAL_ROUTINE)-1, KernelMode, NULL ); if (KeInsertQueueApc (&tpInfo->Apc, (PVOID)WorkerRoutine, TpIrp, AfdPriorityBoost)) return; //
// If APC cannot be inserted into the queue, drop
// to use the system worker thread
break; case AFD_TF_USE_SYSTEM_THREAD: //
// This is the default case which is also used if everything else fails,
// so just break out.
break; default: ASSERT (!"Uknown worker type!"); __assume (0); }
ExInitializeWorkItem (&tpInfo->WorkItem, WorkerRoutine, TpIrp ); ExQueueWorkItem (&tpInfo->WorkItem, DelayedWorkQueue); }
VOID AfdTPacketsApcKernelRoutine ( IN struct _KAPC *Apc, IN OUT PKNORMAL_ROUTINE *NormalRoutine, IN OUT PVOID *NormalContext, IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument1, IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
Special kernel apc routine. Executed in the context of the target thread at APC_LEVEL
Arguments: NormalRoutine - pointer containing address of normal routine (it will be NULL for special kernel APC and not NULL for normal kernel APC)
SystemArgument1 - pointer to the address of worker routine to execute SystemArgument2 - pointer to the argument to pass to worker routine
Return Value:
--*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (NormalContext); #if DBG
try { ASSERT (CONTAINING_RECORD (Apc,AFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL,Apc) ==((PIRP)*SystemArgument2)->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer); #else
// Normal APC, but we are requested to run in its special
// routine which avoids raising and lowering IRQL
ASSERT (*NormalRoutine==(PKNORMAL_ROUTINE)-1); *NormalRoutine = NULL; ((PWORKER_THREAD_ROUTINE)(ULONG_PTR)*SystemArgument1) (*SystemArgument2); #if DBG
} except (AfdApcExceptionFilter (GetExceptionInformation (), __FILE__, __LINE__)) { DbgBreakPoint (); } #endif
VOID AfdTPacketsApcRundownRoutine ( IN struct _KAPC *Apc ) /*++
Routine Description:
APC rundown routine. Executed if APC cannot be delivered for some reason (thread exiting). We just fall back to system threads to execute the worker
Apc - APC structure
Return Value:
try { #endif
workerRoutine = (PWORKER_THREAD_ROUTINE)(ULONG_PTR)Apc->SystemArgument1; tpIrp = Apc->SystemArgument2; tpInfo = tpIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
ExInitializeWorkItem (&tpInfo->WorkItem, workerRoutine, tpIrp ); ExQueueWorkItem (&tpInfo->WorkItem, DelayedWorkQueue); #if DBG
} except (AfdApcExceptionFilter (GetExceptionInformation (), __FILE__, __LINE__)) { DbgBreakPoint (); } #endif
BOOLEAN AfdGetTPacketsReference ( PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Obtain a reference to the TPackets IRP if it is not 0.
Irp - IRP to reference
Return Value:
TRUE - succeeded FALSE - IRP is on the completion path, no need to reference.
--*/ { LONG count;
// Only if transmit info is not completed yet, cancel all the IRPs
// We release the spinlock while cancelling the IRP, so we need
// to make sure that one of the cancelled IRPs won't initiate
// completion while we trying to cancel the other IRPs
do { count = AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->ReferenceCount; if (count==0) { break; } } while (InterlockedCompareExchange ((PLONG) &AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->ReferenceCount, (count+1), count)!=count);
return (BOOLEAN)(count!=0); }
// Debug reference/dereference code, validates reference count
// and saves tracing information.
VOID AfdReferenceTPackets ( IN PIRP Irp, IN LONG LocationId, IN ULONG Param ) { LONG count;
do { count = AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->ReferenceCount; ASSERT (count>0); } while (InterlockedCompareExchange ((PLONG) &AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->ReferenceCount, (count+1), count)!=count);
if (Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) { AFD_UPDATE_REFERENCE_DEBUG ( (PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, count+1, LocationId, Param); }
LONG AfdDereferenceTPackets ( IN PIRP Irp, IN LONG LocationId, IN ULONG Param ) { LONG count;
if (Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) { AFD_UPDATE_REFERENCE_DEBUG ( (PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->ReferenceCount-1, LocationId, Param); }
count = InterlockedDecrement ((PLONG) &AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->ReferenceCount); ASSERT (count>=0); return count; }
VOID AfdUpdateTPacketsTrack ( IN PIRP Irp, IN LONG LocationId, IN ULONG Param ) { if (Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) { AFD_UPDATE_REFERENCE_DEBUG ( (PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->ReferenceCount, LocationId, Param); } } #endif // REFERENCE_DEBUG
tpInfo = ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&AfdLookasideLists->TpInfoList); if (tpInfo!=NULL) { ASSERT (tpInfo->ReadIrp==NULL); ASSERT (tpInfo->NumSendIrps==AFD_TP_MIN_SEND_IRPS);
tpInfo->HeadMdl = NULL; tpInfo->TailMdl = &tpInfo->HeadMdl; tpInfo->HeadPd = NULL; tpInfo->TailPd = &tpInfo->HeadPd; tpInfo->PdLength = 0; tpInfo->PdNeedsPps = FALSE; tpInfo->NextElement = 0; tpInfo->RemainingPkts = MAXULONG;
tpInfo->CurrentReferenceSlot = -1; RtlZeroMemory (&tpInfo->ReferenceDebug, sizeof (tpInfo->ReferenceDebug)); #endif
tpInfo->WorkersExecuted = 0; #endif
if (ElementCount<=AfdDefaultTpInfoElementCount) { return tpInfo; }
try { tpInfo->ElementArray = AFD_ALLOCATE_POOL_WITH_QUOTA ( NonPagedPool, ElementCount*sizeof (AFD_TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT), AFD_TRANSMIT_INFO_POOL_TAG); tpInfo->ArrayAllocated = TRUE; return tpInfo; } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } AfdReturnTpInfo (tpInfo); }
return NULL; }
size = AfdComputeTpInfoSize (ElementCount, AfdMaxStackSize); if (size<ElementCount*sizeof (AFD_TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT)) { return NULL; }
memoryBlock = AFD_ALLOCATE_POOL ( NonPagedPool, size, AFD_TRANSMIT_INFO_POOL_TAG);
if (memoryBlock==NULL) { return NULL; }
tpInfo = AfdInitializeTpInfo (memoryBlock, ElementCount, AfdMaxStackSize); tpInfo->HeadMdl = NULL; tpInfo->TailMdl = &tpInfo->HeadMdl; tpInfo->HeadPd = NULL; tpInfo->TailPd = &tpInfo->HeadPd; tpInfo->PdLength = 0; tpInfo->PdNeedsPps = FALSE; tpInfo->NextElement = 0; tpInfo->RemainingPkts = MAXULONG;
tpInfo->CurrentReferenceSlot = -1; RtlZeroMemory (&tpInfo->ReferenceDebug, sizeof (tpInfo->ReferenceDebug)); #endif
tpInfo->WorkersExecuted = 0; #endif
return tpInfo; }
// Validate that built-in send IRPs are properly deinitialized.
#if DBG
for (i=0; i<AFD_TP_MIN_SEND_IRPS; i++) { ASSERT (TpInfo->SendIrp[i]->MdlAddress == NULL); ASSERT (TpInfo->SendIrp[i]->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext == NULL); ASSERT (TpInfo->SendIrp[i]->Cancel==FALSE); } #endif
// Dispose of extra allocated IRPs.
while (TpInfo->NumSendIrps>AFD_TP_MIN_SEND_IRPS) { TpInfo->NumSendIrps -= 1; if (TpInfo->SendIrp[TpInfo->NumSendIrps]!=NULL) { IoFreeIrp (TpInfo->SendIrp[TpInfo->NumSendIrps]); TpInfo->SendIrp[TpInfo->NumSendIrps] = NULL; } }
if (TpInfo->ReadIrp!=NULL) { IoFreeIrp (TpInfo->ReadIrp); TpInfo->ReadIrp = NULL; }
// Cleanup all file objects and MDLs that we may have already referenced
for (i=0; i<TpInfo->ElementCount; i++) { PAFD_TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT pel;
pel = &TpInfo->ElementArray[i]; if (pel->Flags & TP_FILE) { if (pel->FileObject!=NULL) { ObDereferenceObject( pel->FileObject ); AfdRecordFileDeref(); } } else if (pel->Flags & TP_MDL) { ASSERT (pel->Flags & TP_MEMORY); if (pel->Mdl!=NULL) { if (pel->Mdl->MdlFlags & MDL_PAGES_LOCKED) { MmUnlockPages (pel->Mdl); } IoFreeMdl (pel->Mdl); } } }
// Free non-default sized array of packets if necessary.
if (TpInfo->ArrayAllocated) { AFD_FREE_POOL (TpInfo->ElementArray, AFD_TRANSMIT_INFO_POOL_TAG); TpInfo->ElementArray = ALIGN_UP_TO_TYPE_POINTER ( (PUCHAR)TpInfo+sizeof (AFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL), AFD_TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT); TpInfo->ArrayAllocated = FALSE; } else { ASSERT (TpInfo->ElementCount<=AfdDefaultTpInfoElementCount); ASSERT (TpInfo->ElementArray == ALIGN_UP_TO_TYPE_POINTER ( (PUCHAR)TpInfo+sizeof (AFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL), AFD_TRANSMIT_PACKETS_ELEMENT)); }
InterlockedExchangeAdd (&AfdTPWorkersExecuted, TpInfo->WorkersExecuted); InterlockedIncrement (&AfdTPRequests); #endif
if (TpInfo->SendIrp[0]->StackCount==AfdTdiStackSize) { #else // _AFD_VARIABLE_STACK_
ASSERT (TpInfo->SendIrp[0]->StackCount==AfdTdiStackSize); #endif // _AFD_VARIABLE_STACK_
ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList( &AfdLookasideLists->TpInfoList, TpInfo ); #ifdef _AFD_VARIABLE_STACK_
} else { ASSERT (TpInfo->SendIrp[0]->StackCount>AfdTdiStackSize); ASSERT (TpInfo->SendIrp[0]->StackCount<=AfdMaxStackSize); AfdFreeTpInfo (TpInfo); } #endif // _AFD_VARIABLE_STACK_
PVOID AfdAllocateTpInfo ( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, IN ULONG Tag )
Routine Description:
Used by the lookaside list allocation function to allocate a new AFD TpInfo structure. The returned structure will be fully initialized.
PoolType - passed to ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
NumberOfBytes - the number of bytes required for the tp info structure
Tag - passed to ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
Return Value:
PVOID - a fully initialized TpInfo, or NULL if the allocation attempt fails.
{ PVOID memoryBlock; memoryBlock = AFD_ALLOCATE_POOL ( PoolType, NumberOfBytes, Tag);
if (memoryBlock!=NULL) { AfdInitializeTpInfo (memoryBlock, AfdDefaultTpInfoElementCount, AfdTdiStackSize); } return memoryBlock; }
PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL AfdInitializeTpInfo ( PVOID MemoryBlock, ULONG ElementCount, CCHAR StackSize ) { USHORT irpSize = IoSizeOfIrp (StackSize); LONG i; PAFD_TPACKETS_INFO_INTERNAL tpInfo = MemoryBlock;
RtlZeroMemory (tpInfo, sizeof (*tpInfo));
tpInfo->NumSendIrps = AFD_TP_MIN_SEND_IRPS; tpInfo->SendIrp[0] = ALIGN_UP_TO_TYPE_POINTER ( &tpInfo->ElementArray[ElementCount], IRP); IoInitializeIrp (tpInfo->SendIrp[0], irpSize, StackSize); tpInfo->SendIrp[0]->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcRoutine = (PVOID)0; for (i=1; i<AFD_TP_MIN_SEND_IRPS; i++) { tpInfo->SendIrp[i] = ALIGN_UP_TO_TYPE_POINTER ( (PUCHAR)tpInfo->SendIrp[i-1]+irpSize, IRP); IoInitializeIrp (tpInfo->SendIrp[i], irpSize, StackSize); tpInfo->SendIrp[i]->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcRoutine = (PIO_APC_ROUTINE)(UINT_PTR)i; }
return tpInfo; }
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * T R A N S M I T F I L E I M P L E M E N T A T I O N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
NTSTATUS AfdRestartFastTransmitSend ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context );
VOID AfdDoMdlReadComplete ( PVOID Context );
VOID AfdFastTransmitApcRundownRoutine ( IN struct _KAPC *Apc );
VOID AfdFastTransmitApcKernelRoutine ( IN struct _KAPC *Apc, IN OUT PKNORMAL_ROUTINE *NormalRoutine, IN OUT PVOID *NormalContext, IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument1, IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument2 );
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdFastTransmitFile )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGEAFD, AfdRestartFastTransmitSend )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdFastTransmitApcKernelRoutine )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdFastTransmitApcRundownRoutine )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdDoMdlReadComplete )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdTransmitFile )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfdSuperDisconnect )
Routine Description:
Attempts to perform a fast TransmitFile call. This will succeed only if the caller requests write behind, the file data to be sent is small, and the data is in the file system cache.
endpoint - the endpoint of interest.
transmitInfo - AFD_TRANSMIT_FILE_INFO structure.
IoStatus - points to the IO status block that will be set on successful return from this function.
Return Value:
TRUE if the fast path was successful; FALSE if we need to do through the normal path.
{ PAFD_CONNECTION connection; PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer; ULARGE_INTEGER sendLength; PFILE_OBJECT fileObject; BOOLEAN success; BOOLEAN sendCountersUpdated; AFD_LOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE lockHandle; ULONG fileWriteLength, bufferLength; NTSTATUS status; LARGE_INTEGER fileOffset; PMDL fileMdl; PIRP irp;
// If the endpoint is shut down in any way, bail out of fast IO.
if ( endpoint->DisconnectMode != 0 || endpoint->Type != AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting || endpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateConnected ) { return FALSE; }
// If the TDI provider for this endpoint supports bufferring,
// don't use fast IO.
if ( IS_TDI_BUFFERRING(endpoint) ) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure that the flags are specified such that a fast-path
// TransmitFile is reasonable. The caller must have specified
// the write-behind flag, but not the disconnect or reuse
// socket flags.
if ( ((transmitInfo->Flags & (~(AFD_TF_WRITE_BEHIND | AFD_TF_DISCONNECT | AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET | AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK))) != 0 ) || ((transmitInfo->Flags & AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK) == AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK) || ((transmitInfo->Flags &(~AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK)) != AFD_TF_WRITE_BEHIND) ) { return FALSE; }
IF_DEBUG(FAST_IO) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdFastTransmitFile: attempting fast IO on endp %p, " "conn %p\n", endpoint, endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection)); }
// Initialize locals so that cleanup is easier.
fileObject = NULL; sendCountersUpdated = FALSE; fileMdl = NULL; afdBuffer = NULL; AFD_W4_INIT irp = NULL; // Depends on variable above, but compiler does not see
// the connection.
// Calculate the length the entire send.
if (transmitInfo->FileHandle!=NULL) { fileWriteLength = transmitInfo->WriteLength.LowPart; } else { fileWriteLength = 0; }
sendLength.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)transmitInfo->HeadLength + (ULONGLONG)fileWriteLength + (ULONGLONG)transmitInfo->TailLength;
// Require the following for the fast path:
// - There be no limitation on the count of simultaneous
// TransmitFile calls. The fast path would work around
// this limit, if it exists.
// - The caller must specify the write length (if it specified file at all).
// - The write length must be less than the configured maximum.
// - If the entire send is larger than an AFD buffer page,
// we're going to use FsRtlMdlRead, so for purposes of
// simplicity there must be:
// - a head buffer, and
// - no tail buffer
// - The configured maximum will always be less than 4GB.
// - The head buffer, if any, fits on a single page.
if (AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount != 0
(transmitInfo->FileHandle!=NULL && (fileWriteLength == 0 || transmitInfo->Offset.QuadPart <0 ))
sendLength.QuadPart > AfdMaxFastTransmit
( sendLength.LowPart > AfdMaxFastCopyTransmit && (transmitInfo->HeadLength == 0 || transmitInfo->TailLength != 0 ) )
transmitInfo->WriteLength.HighPart != 0
transmitInfo->HeadLength > AfdBufferLengthForOnePage ) {
return FALSE; }
AfdAcquireSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); connection = endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection; if (connection==NULL) { //
// connection might have been cleaned up by transmit file.
AfdReleaseSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); return FALSE; } ASSERT( connection->Type == AfdBlockTypeConnection );
// Determine whether there is already too much send data
// pending on the connection. If there is too much send
// data, don't do the fast path.
if ( AfdShouldSendBlock( endpoint, connection, sendLength.LowPart ) ) { AfdReleaseSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle); goto complete; } //
// Add a reference to the connection object since the send
// request will complete asynchronously.
AfdReleaseSpinLock (&endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle);
// AfdShouldSendBlock() updates the send counters in the AFD
// connection object. Remember this fact so that we can clean
// them up if the fast path fails after this point.
sendCountersUpdated = TRUE;
// Grab an AFD buffer large enough to hold the entire send.
if (sendLength.LowPart>AfdMaxFastCopyTransmit) { bufferLength = transmitInfo->HeadLength; } else { bufferLength = sendLength.LowPart; }
if (bufferLength<max (sizeof(KAPC),sizeof (WORK_QUEUE_ITEM))) { bufferLength = max (sizeof(KAPC),sizeof (WORK_QUEUE_ITEM)); }
afdBuffer = AfdGetBuffer( endpoint, bufferLength, 0, connection->OwningProcess ); if ( afdBuffer == NULL ) { goto complete; }
// Initialize buffer fields for proper cleanup.
irp = afdBuffer->Irp; afdBuffer->Irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = NULL; afdBuffer->FileObject = NULL;
// We use exception handler because buffers are user
// mode pointers
try {
// Copy in the head and tail buffers, if necessary. Note that if we
// are goint to use MDL read, then there cannot be a tail buffer because of
// the check at the beginning of this function.
if ( transmitInfo->HeadLength > 0 ) { RtlCopyMemory( afdBuffer->Buffer, transmitInfo->Head, transmitInfo->HeadLength ); }
if ( transmitInfo->TailLength > 0 ) { RtlCopyMemory( (PCHAR)afdBuffer->Buffer + transmitInfo->HeadLength + fileWriteLength, transmitInfo->Tail, transmitInfo->TailLength ); }
goto complete; }
if (transmitInfo->FileHandle!=NULL) { //
// Get a referenced pointer to the file object for the file that
// we're going to transmit. This call will fail if the file
// handle specified by the caller is invalid.
status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( transmitInfo->FileHandle, FILE_READ_DATA, *IoFileObjectType, ExGetPreviousMode (), (PVOID *)&fileObject, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto complete; } AfdRecordFileRef();
// If the file system doesn't support the fast cache manager
// interface, bail and go through the IRP path.
if( !AFD_USE_CACHE(fileObject)) { goto complete; }
// Grab the file offset into a local so that we know that the
// offset pointer we pass to FsRtlCopyRead is valid.
fileOffset = transmitInfo->Offset;
if ( (fileObject->Flags & FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO) && (fileOffset.QuadPart == 0) ) { //
// Use current offset if file is opened syncronously
// and offset is not specified.
fileOffset = fileObject->CurrentByteOffset; } //
// Get the file data. If the amount of file data is small, copy
// it directly into the AFD buffer. If it is large, get an MDL
// chain for the data and chain it on to the AFD buffer chain.
if ( sendLength.LowPart <= AfdMaxFastCopyTransmit ) {
success = FsRtlCopyRead( fileObject, &fileOffset, fileWriteLength, FALSE, 0, (PCHAR)afdBuffer->Buffer + transmitInfo->HeadLength, IoStatus, IoGetRelatedDeviceObject( fileObject ) );
// We're done with the file object, so deference it now.
ObDereferenceObject( fileObject ); AfdRecordFileDeref(); fileObject = NULL;
if ( !success ) { #if AFD_PERF_DBG
InterlockedIncrement (&AfdFastTfReadFailed); #endif
goto complete; }
} else {
success = FsRtlMdlRead( fileObject, &fileOffset, fileWriteLength, 0, &fileMdl, IoStatus );
if (success) { //
// Save the file object in the AFD buffer. The send restart
// routine will handle dereferencing the file object and
// returning the file MDLs to the system.
afdBuffer->FileObject = fileObject; afdBuffer->FileOffset = fileOffset;
// If caller asked us to use kernel APC to execute the request,
// allocate and queue the IRP to the current thread to make
// sure it won't go away until IRP is completed.
if ((((transmitInfo->Flags & AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK) == AFD_TF_USE_KERNEL_APC) || (((transmitInfo->Flags & AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK) == AFD_TF_USE_DEFAULT_WORKER) && (AfdDefaultTransmitWorker==AFD_TF_USE_KERNEL_APC))) ) { //
// Allocation will occur right before we call the
// transport, set IRP to null to trigger this.
irp = NULL; } } else { #if AFD_PERF_DBG
InterlockedIncrement (&AfdFastTfReadFailed); #endif
goto complete; } }
// If we read less information than was requested, we must have
// hit the end of the file. Fail the transmit request, since
// this can only happen if the caller requested that we send
// more data than the file currently contains.
if ( IoStatus->Information < fileWriteLength ) { goto complete; } }
// We have to rebuild the MDL in the AFD buffer structure to
// represent exactly the number of bytes we're going to be
// sending. If the AFD buffer has all the send data, indicate
// that. If we did MDL file I/O, then chain the file data on
// to the head MDL.
if ( fileMdl == NULL ) { afdBuffer->Mdl->ByteCount = sendLength.LowPart; } else { afdBuffer->Mdl->ByteCount = transmitInfo->HeadLength; afdBuffer->Mdl->Next = fileMdl; }
// We can have only one transmit file operation on endpoint
// at a time. Treat is as a state change
if (AFD_START_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint, endpoint->State)) {
// Verify state under protection of state change flag
if (endpoint->State!=AfdEndpointStateConnected) { AFD_END_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint); goto complete; }
// Save connection to dereference in completion routine.
afdBuffer->Context = connection;
if (irp==NULL) { //
// Need to allocate IRP and let the io subsystem queue
// it to the current thread, so we can run APC upon
// IRP completion.
irp = TdiBuildInternalDeviceControlIrp ( TDI_SEND, connection->DeviceObject, connection->FileObject, NULL, &AfdDontCareIoStatus // we will have our completion
// routine installed in the IRP which will get the
// status, so we do not care if IO system writes
// it there for us, but still must provide valid
// storage to avoid failure.
); if (irp==NULL) { //
// Could not allocate IRP, use worker threads
irp = afdBuffer->Irp; } } else { ASSERT (irp==afdBuffer->Irp); }
// Use the IRP in the AFD buffer structure to give to the TDI
// provider. Build the TDI send request.
TdiBuildSend( irp, connection->DeviceObject, connection->FileObject, AfdRestartFastTransmitSend, afdBuffer, afdBuffer->Mdl, 0, sendLength.LowPart );
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdFastTransmit: Starting send for endp-%p,file-%p," "afdBuffer-%p,length-%ld.\n", endpoint,fileObject,(PVOID)afdBuffer,sendLength.LowPart)); }
// Call the transport to actually perform the send.
status = IoCallDriver( connection->DeviceObject, irp );
// The fast path succeeded--complete the call. Note that we
// change the status code from what was returned by the TDI
// provider into STATUS_SUCCESS. This is because we don't want
// to complete the IRP with STATUS_PENDING etc.
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IoStatus->Information = sendLength.LowPart; IoStatus->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
return TRUE; } else { // The restart routine will handle cleanup
// and we cannot duplicate cleanup in the
// case of a failure or exception below.
return FALSE; } }
// The call failed for some reason. Fail fast IO.
if ( fileMdl != NULL ) { ASSERT (afdBuffer!=NULL); status = AfdMdlReadComplete( fileObject, fileMdl, &fileOffset ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { afdBuffer->Context = connection; REFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); ASSERT (afdBuffer->FileObject==fileObject); ASSERT (afdBuffer->Mdl->Next==fileMdl); ASSERT (afdBuffer->FileOffset.QuadPart==fileOffset.QuadPart); AfdLRMdlReadComplete (&afdBuffer->Header); afdBuffer = NULL; fileObject = NULL; } }
if ( fileObject != NULL ) { ObDereferenceObject( fileObject ); AfdRecordFileDeref(); }
if ( afdBuffer != NULL ) { ASSERT ((irp==NULL) || (irp==afdBuffer->Irp)); afdBuffer->Mdl->Next = NULL; afdBuffer->Mdl->ByteCount = afdBuffer->BufferLength; AfdReturnBuffer( &afdBuffer->Header, connection->OwningProcess ); }
if ( sendCountersUpdated ) { AfdAcquireSpinLock( &endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle ); connection->VcBufferredSendBytes -= sendLength.LowPart; connection->VcBufferredSendCount -= 1; AfdReleaseSpinLock( &endpoint->SpinLock, &lockHandle ); DEREFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); }
return FALSE;
} // AfdFastTransmitFile
NTSTATUS AfdRestartFastTransmitSend ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the completion routine for fast transmit send IRPs. It initiates the completion of the request.
DeviceObject - ignored.
Irp - the send IRP that is completing.
Context - a pointer to the AfdBuffer structure with the buffer that was sent.
Return Value:
STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED which indicates to the I/O system that it should stop completion processing of this IRP. User request has already been completed on the fast path, we just free resources here.
--*/ { PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer = Context; PAFD_CONNECTION connection = afdBuffer->Context; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED;
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (DeviceObject); IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdRestartFastTransmitSend: Completing send for file-%p," "afdBuffer-%p,status-%lx.\n", afdBuffer->FileObject,(PVOID)afdBuffer,Irp->IoStatus.Status)); }
AfdProcessBufferSend (connection, Irp);
// If file object is not NULL we need to
// return MDL back to file system driver/cache
if (afdBuffer->FileObject!=NULL) {
// If we used a separate IRP, then
// the caller requested that we do processing
// inside kernel APC, otherwise, we are using
// system worker threads.
if (afdBuffer->Irp!=Irp) { //
// The IRP is owned by IO subsystem.
// We must let it complete and free the IRP, hence
// return STATUS_SUCCESS and remove MDL field as IO
// subsytem cannot handle non-paged pool memory in MDL
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Irp->MdlAddress = NULL;
// If IRP was not cancelled, attempt to initialize and queue APC
// Otherwise, the thread is probably exiting and we won't be
// able to queue apc anyway.
if (!Irp->Cancel) { ASSERT (afdBuffer->BufferLength>=sizeof(KAPC)); KeInitializeApc (afdBuffer->Buffer, PsGetThreadTcb (Irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread), Irp->ApcEnvironment, AfdFastTransmitApcKernelRoutine, AfdFastTransmitApcRundownRoutine, (PKNORMAL_ROUTINE)-1, KernelMode, NULL ); if (KeInsertQueueApc (afdBuffer->Buffer, afdBuffer, afdBuffer->FileObject, AfdPriorityBoost)) { //
// Success, we are done.
goto exit; } }
// Can't queue APC, revert to system worker threads
ASSERT (afdBuffer->BufferLength>=sizeof(WORK_QUEUE_ITEM)); ExInitializeWorkItem ( (PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM)afdBuffer->Buffer, AfdDoMdlReadComplete, afdBuffer ); ExQueueWorkItem (afdBuffer->Buffer, DelayedWorkQueue); } else {
ASSERT (afdBuffer->Irp==Irp); ASSERT (afdBuffer->Mdl->Next == NULL); afdBuffer->Mdl->ByteCount = afdBuffer->BufferLength; AfdReturnBuffer( &afdBuffer->Header, connection->OwningProcess ); DEREFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); }
exit: return status; }
VOID AfdFastTransmitApcKernelRoutine ( IN struct _KAPC *Apc, IN OUT PKNORMAL_ROUTINE *NormalRoutine, IN OUT PVOID *NormalContext, IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument1, IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
Special kernel apc routine. Executed in the context of the target thread at APC_LEVEL
Arguments: NormalRoutine - pointer containing address of normal routine (it will be NULL for special kernel APC and not NULL for normal kernel APC)
SystemArgument1 - pointer to the address of worker routine to execute SyetemArgument2 - pointer to the argument to pass to worker routine
Return Value:
afdBuffer = *SystemArgument1; #if DBG
try { ASSERT (Apc==afdBuffer->Buffer); ASSERT (afdBuffer->FileObject==*SystemArgument2); #else
// Normal APC, but we are requested to run in its special
// routine which avoids raising and lowering IRQL
ASSERT (*NormalRoutine==(PKNORMAL_ROUTINE)-1); *NormalRoutine = NULL; AfdDoMdlReadComplete (afdBuffer); #if DBG
} except (AfdApcExceptionFilter (GetExceptionInformation (), __FILE__, __LINE__)) { DbgBreakPoint (); } #endif
VOID AfdFastTransmitApcRundownRoutine ( IN struct _KAPC *Apc ) /*++
Routine Description:
APC rundown routine. Executed if APC cannot be delivered for some reason (thread exiting). We just fall back to system threads to execute the worker
Apc - APC structure
Return Value:
--*/ { PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer;
try { #endif
afdBuffer = Apc->SystemArgument1; ASSERT (Apc==afdBuffer->Buffer); ASSERT (afdBuffer->FileObject==Apc->SystemArgument2);
// APC could not be run, revert to system worker thread
ExInitializeWorkItem ( (PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM)afdBuffer->Buffer, AfdDoMdlReadComplete, afdBuffer );
ExQueueWorkItem (afdBuffer->Buffer, DelayedWorkQueue); #if DBG
} except (AfdApcExceptionFilter (GetExceptionInformation (), __FILE__, __LINE__)) { DbgBreakPoint (); } #endif
VOID AfdDoMdlReadComplete ( PVOID Context ) { PAFD_BUFFER afdBuffer = Context; PAFD_CONNECTION connection = afdBuffer->Context; NTSTATUS status;
// Return mdl to the file system
status = AfdMdlReadComplete( afdBuffer->FileObject, afdBuffer->Mdl->Next, &afdBuffer->Irp->Overlay.AllocationSize ); if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { //
// Release file object reference (the AfdMdlReadComplete makes its own
// reference if it needs to return MDL asynchronously.
ObDereferenceObject( afdBuffer->FileObject ); AfdRecordFileDeref();
afdBuffer->Mdl->Next = NULL; afdBuffer->Mdl->ByteCount = afdBuffer->BufferLength; AfdReturnBuffer( &afdBuffer->Header, connection->OwningProcess ); DEREFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); } else { AfdLRMdlReadComplete (&afdBuffer->Header); } }
Routine Description:
Initial entrypoint for handling transmit file IRPs. This routine verifies parameters, initializes data structures to be used for the request, and initiates the I/O.
Irp - a pointer to a transmit file IRP.
IrpSp - Our stack location for this IRP.
Return Value:
STATUS_PENDING if the request was initiated successfully, or a failure status code if there was an error.
// Initial request validity checks: is the endpoint connected, is
// the input buffer large enough, etc.
endpoint = IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) );
// Special hack to let the user mode dll know that it
// should try SAN provider instead.
if (IS_SAN_ENDPOINT (endpoint)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_12; goto complete; }
#ifdef _WIN64
if (IoIs32bitProcess (Irp)) { if ( IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength < sizeof(AFD_TRANSMIT_FILE_INFO32) ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; } } else #endif _WIN64
{ if ( IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength < sizeof(AFD_TRANSMIT_FILE_INFO) ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; } }
// Because we're using type 3 (neither) I/O for this IRP, the I/O
// system does no verification on the user buffer. Therefore, we
// must manually check it for validity inside a try-except block.
// We also leverage the try-except to validate and lock down the
// head and/or tail buffers specified by the caller.
AFD_W4_INIT status = STATUS_SUCCESS; try {
#ifdef _WIN64
if (IoIs32bitProcess (Irp)) { PAFD_TRANSMIT_FILE_INFO32 pInfo = IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer; if( Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode ) {
// Validate the control buffer.
ProbeForReadSmallStructure( pInfo, sizeof(AFD_TRANSMIT_FILE_INFO32), PROBE_ALIGNMENT32 (AFD_TRANSMIT_FILE_INFO32) ); } params.Offset = pInfo->Offset; params.WriteLength = pInfo->WriteLength; params.SendPacketLength = pInfo->SendPacketLength; params.FileHandle = pInfo->FileHandle; params.Head = UlongToPtr(pInfo->Head); params.HeadLength = pInfo->HeadLength; params.Tail = UlongToPtr(pInfo->Tail); params.TailLength = pInfo->TailLength; params.Flags = pInfo->Flags; } else #endif _WIN64
{ if( Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode ) { //
// Validate the control buffer.
ProbeForReadSmallStructure( IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer, sizeof(AFD_TRANSMIT_FILE_INFO), PROBE_ALIGNMENT (AFD_TRANSMIT_FILE_INFO) ); }
params = *((PAFD_TRANSMIT_FILE_INFO)IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer); }
// Validate any flags specified in the request.
// and make sure that file offset is positive (of course if file is specified)
if ( ((params.Flags & ~(AFD_TF_WRITE_BEHIND | AFD_TF_DISCONNECT | AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET | AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK) ) != 0 ) || ((params.Flags & AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK) == AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK) || (params.FileHandle!=NULL && params.Offset.QuadPart<0)){ status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
// If transmit worker is not specified, use system default setting
if ((params.Flags & AFD_TF_WORKER_KIND_MASK)==AFD_TF_USE_DEFAULT_WORKER) { params.Flags |= AfdDefaultTransmitWorker; }
tpInfo = AfdGetTpInfo (endpoint, 3); if (tpInfo==NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete; }
tpInfo->ElementCount = 0;
tpInfo->SendPacketLength = params.SendPacketLength; if (tpInfo->SendPacketLength==0) tpInfo->SendPacketLength = AfdTransmitIoLength; //
// If the caller specified head and/or tail buffers, probe and
// lock the buffers so that we have MDLs we can use to send the
// buffers.
if ( params.HeadLength > 0 ) { pel = &tpInfo->ElementArray[tpInfo->ElementCount++]; pel->Buffer = params.Head; pel->Length = params.HeadLength; pel->Flags = TP_MEMORY;
if (params.Flags & AFD_TF_USE_SYSTEM_THREAD) { pel->Flags |= TP_MDL; pel->Mdl = IoAllocateMdl( params.Head, params.HeadLength, FALSE, // SecondaryBuffer
TRUE, // ChargeQuota
NULL // Irp
); if ( pel->Mdl == NULL ) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete; }
MmProbeAndLockPages( pel->Mdl, Irp->RequestorMode, IoReadAccess ); } }
if (params.FileHandle!=NULL) { pel = &tpInfo->ElementArray[tpInfo->ElementCount++]; pel->Flags = TP_FILE; pel->FileOffset = params.Offset; //
// Get a referenced pointer to the file object for the file that
// we're going to transmit. This call will fail if the file handle
// specified by the caller is invalid.
status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( params.FileHandle, FILE_READ_DATA, *IoFileObjectType, Irp->RequestorMode, (PVOID *)&pel->FileObject, NULL ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { //
// Unbump element count, so that uninitialied memory
// is NOT improperly dereferenced in cleanup.
tpInfo->ElementCount -= 1; //
// Tell the caller that we encountered an error
// when accessing file not socket.
if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength>=sizeof (BOOLEAN)) { if (Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode) { ProbeAndWriteBoolean ((BOOLEAN *)Irp->UserBuffer, TRUE); } else { *((BOOLEAN *)Irp->UserBuffer) = TRUE; } } goto complete; }
// Use pre-allocated buffers by default when
// file is not cached
if (params.SendPacketLength==0 && !AFD_USE_CACHE(pel->FileObject)) { tpInfo->SendPacketLength = AfdLargeBufferSize; }
if ( (pel->FileObject->Flags & FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO) && (pel->FileOffset.QuadPart == 0) ) { //
// Use current offset if file is opened syncronously
// and offset is not specified.
pel->FileOffset = pel->FileObject->CurrentByteOffset; }
if ( params.WriteLength.QuadPart == 0 ) { //
// Length was not specified, figure out the
// size of the entire file
status = ZwQueryInformationFile( params.FileHandle, &ioStatusBlock, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), FileStandardInformation ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { fileError = TRUE; goto complete; }
// Make sure that offset is within the file
if (pel->FileOffset.QuadPart<0 || pel->FileOffset.QuadPart>fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart || (fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart - pel->FileOffset.QuadPart>MAXLONG)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; fileError = TRUE; goto complete;
} pel->Length = (ULONG)(fileInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart - pel->FileOffset.QuadPart); } else if (params.WriteLength.QuadPart<=MAXLONG && pel->FileOffset.QuadPart>=0) { pel->Length = (ULONG)params.WriteLength.QuadPart; } else { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; fileError = TRUE; goto complete; } }
if ( params.TailLength > 0 ) {
pel = &tpInfo->ElementArray[tpInfo->ElementCount++]; pel->Buffer = params.Tail; pel->Length = params.TailLength; pel->Flags = TP_MEMORY;
if (params.Flags & AFD_TF_USE_SYSTEM_THREAD) { pel->Flags |= TP_MDL; pel->Mdl = IoAllocateMdl( params.Tail, params.TailLength, FALSE, // SecondaryBuffer
TRUE, // ChargeQuota
NULL // Irp
); if ( pel->Mdl == NULL ) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete; }
MmProbeAndLockPages( pel->Mdl, Irp->RequestorMode, IoReadAccess ); } }
AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Flags = params.Flags;
} except( AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER (status) ) { ASSERT (NT_ERROR (status)); goto complete; }
// If disconnect is desired, send the state change to make sure
// we can only perform one at a time and validate the state of
// the endpoint.
if (AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Flags & (AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET|AFD_TF_DISCONNECT)) { if (!AFD_START_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint, endpoint->State)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete; }
if ( endpoint->Type != AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting || endpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateConnected ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete_state_change; } //
// Setting AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET implies that a disconnect is desired.
// Also, setting this flag means that no more I/O is legal on the
// endpoint until the transmit request has been completed, so
// set up the endpoint's state so that I/O fails.
if ( (AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Flags & AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET) != 0 ) { AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Flags |= AFD_TF_DISCONNECT; endpoint->State = AfdEndpointStateTransmitClosing; } connection = endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection; REFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); } else { if (!AFD_PREVENT_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete; } //
// We still need validate the state of the endpoint
// even if we do not perform the disconnect.
if ( endpoint->Type != AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting || endpoint->State != AfdEndpointStateConnected ) { AFD_REALLOW_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint); status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete; } connection = endpoint->Common.VcConnecting.Connection; REFERENCE_CONNECTION (connection); AFD_REALLOW_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint); }
// Connection endpoint, get connection file object and device
tpInfo->TdiFileObject = connection->FileObject; tpInfo->TdiDeviceObject = connection->DeviceObject;
UPDATE_TPACKETS2 (Irp, "Connection object handle: 0x%lX", HandleToUlong(connection->Handle)); //
// Save tpacket info in the IRP
Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = tpInfo;
// Clear the Flink in the IRP to indicate this IRP is not queued.
// Blink is set to indicate that IRP was not counted towards
// active maximum (so if it is completed, we do not start the next one).
Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink = NULL; Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink = (PVOID)1;
// Initialize the IRP result fields
Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
// We are going to pend this IRP
IoMarkIrpPending( Irp );
// Initialize queuing and state information.
AFD_GET_TPIC (Irp)->Next = NULL; AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->ReferenceCount = 1; AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->StateFlags = AFD_TP_WORKER_SCHEDULED;
if ((InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((PVOID *)&endpoint->Irp, Irp, NULL)==NULL) || !AfdEnqueueTPacketsIrp (endpoint, Irp)) {
IoSetCancelRoutine( Irp, AfdCancelTPackets ); //
// Check to see if this Irp has been cancelled.
if ( !endpoint->EndpointCleanedUp && !Irp->Cancel ) { //
// Determine if we can really start this file transmit now. If we've
// exceeded the configured maximum number of active TransmitFile/Packets
// requests, then append this IRP to the TransmitFile/Packets queue and set
// a flag in the transmit info structure to indicate that this IRP
// is queued.
if( AfdMaxActiveTransmitFileCount == 0 || !AfdQueueTransmit (Irp)) { //
// Start I/O
UPDATE_ENDPOINT(endpoint); AfdTPacketsWorker (Irp); }
} else { //
// Abort the request
// Note that neither cancel nor endpoint cleanup can complete
// the IRP since we hold the reference to the tpInfo structure.
AfdAbortTPackets (Irp, STATUS_CANCELLED); //
// Remove the initial reference and force completion.
ASSERT ( tpInfo != NULL ); ASSERT ( endpoint->Irp != Irp ); AFD_END_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint);
// If necessary, tell the caller that we encountered an error
// when accessing file not socket.
if (fileError && IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength >= sizeof(BOOLEAN)) { if (Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode) { try { ProbeAndWriteBoolean((BOOLEAN *)Irp->UserBuffer, TRUE); } except(AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER(status)) { ASSERT(NT_ERROR(status)); } } else { *((BOOLEAN *)Irp->UserBuffer) = TRUE; } }
if (tpInfo!=NULL) { AfdReturnTpInfo (tpInfo); }
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdTransmitPackets: Failing Irp-%p,endpoint-%p,status-%lx\n", Irp,endpoint,status)); }
// Complete the request.
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; IoCompleteRequest( Irp, 0 );
return status;
} // AfdTransmitFile
Routine Description:
Initial entrypoint for handling transmit file IRPs. This routine verifies parameters, initializes data structures to be used for the request, and initiates the I/O.
Irp - a pointer to a transmit file IRP.
IrpSp - Our stack location for this IRP.
Return Value:
STATUS_PENDING if the request was initiated successfully, or a failure status code if there was an error.
// Initial request validity checks: is the endpoint connected, is
// the input buffer large enough, etc.
endpoint = IrpSp->FileObject->FsContext; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) );
// Special hack to let the user mode dll know that it
// should try SAN provider instead.
if (IS_SAN_ENDPOINT (endpoint)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_12; goto complete; }
// Because we're using type 3 (neither) I/O for this IRP, the I/O
// system does no verification on the user buffer. Therefore, we
// must manually check it for validity inside a try-except block.
// We also leverage the try-except to validate and lock down the
// head and/or tail buffers specified by the caller.
AFD_W4_INIT status = STATUS_SUCCESS; try {
#ifdef _WIN64
if (IoIs32bitProcess (Irp)) { PAFD_SUPER_DISCONNECT_INFO32 pInfo = IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer; if( Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode ) {
// Validate the control buffer.
ProbeForReadSmallStructure( pInfo, sizeof(AFD_SUPER_DISCONNECT_INFO32), PROBE_ALIGNMENT32 (AFD_SUPER_DISCONNECT_INFO32) ); } params.Flags = ((PAFD_SUPER_DISCONNECT_INFO32)IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer)->Flags; } else #endif _WIN64
{ if( Irp->RequestorMode != KernelMode ) { //
// Validate the control buffer.
ProbeForReadSmallStructure( IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer, sizeof(AFD_SUPER_DISCONNECT_INFO), PROBE_ALIGNMENT (AFD_SUPER_DISCONNECT_INFO) ); }
params = *((PAFD_SUPER_DISCONNECT_INFO)IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer); }
// Validate any flags specified in the request.
// and make sure that file offset is positive (of course if file is specified)
if ( (params.Flags & (~AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET)) != 0 ){ status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
} except( AFD_EXCEPTION_FILTER (status) ) { ASSERT (NT_ERROR (status)); goto complete; }
// Store disconnect parameters/flags in the IRP.
// AFD_TF_DISCONNECT implied in the API
AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->Flags = params.Flags | AFD_TF_DISCONNECT;
if (!AFD_START_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint, endpoint->State)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete; }
// Allow disconnect if we are in connected state or
// in transmit closing (the previous transmit file/packets
// with reuse must have failed) and reuse is requested.
// The second condition still allows the application to reuse aborted
// or otherwise failed socket.
if (endpoint->Type == AfdBlockTypeVcConnecting && (endpoint->State == AfdEndpointStateConnected || (endpoint->State == AfdEndpointStateTransmitClosing && (params.Flags & AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET)!=0 ) ) ) { //
// Setting AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET implies that a disconnect is desired.
// Also, setting this flag means that no more I/O is legal on the
// endpoint until the transmit request has been completed, so
// set up the endpoint's state so that I/O fails.
if ( (params.Flags & AFD_TF_REUSE_SOCKET) != 0 ) { endpoint->State = AfdEndpointStateTransmitClosing; } } else { status = STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION; goto complete_state_change; }
// Set tpacket info to NULL to indicate pure disconnect IRP
Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = NULL;
// Clear the Flink in the IRP to indicate this IRP is not queued.
// Blink is set to indicate that IRP was not counted towards
// active maximum (so if it is completed, we do not start the next one).
Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink = NULL; Irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Blink = (PVOID)1;
// Initialize the IRP result fields
Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
// We are going to pend this IRP
IoMarkIrpPending( Irp );
// Initialize queuing and state information.
AFD_GET_TPIC (Irp)->Next = NULL; AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->ReferenceCount = 1; AFD_GET_TPIC(Irp)->StateFlags = AFD_TP_WORKER_SCHEDULED;
if ((InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((PVOID *)&endpoint->Irp, Irp, NULL)==NULL) || !AfdEnqueueTPacketsIrp (endpoint, Irp)) {
IoSetCancelRoutine( Irp, AfdCancelTPackets ); //
// Check to see if this Irp has been cancelled.
if ( !endpoint->EndpointCleanedUp && !Irp->Cancel ) { //
// Start I/O
UPDATE_ENDPOINT (endpoint); AfdPerformTpDisconnect (Irp); } else { //
// Abort the request
// Note that neither cancel nor endpoint cleanup can complete
// the IRP since we hold the reference to the tpInfo structure.
AfdAbortTPackets (Irp, STATUS_CANCELLED); }
// Remove the initial reference and force completion processing.
ASSERT ( endpoint->Irp != Irp ); AFD_END_STATE_CHANGE (endpoint);
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdSuperDisconnect: Failing Irp-%p,endpoint-%p,status-%lx\n", Irp,endpoint,status)); } //
// Complete the request.
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; IoCompleteRequest( Irp, 0 );
return status;
} // AfdSuperDisconnect
VOID AfdPerformTpDisconnect ( PIRP TpIrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
DisconnectEx engine Arguments:
TpIrp - pointer to TransmitPackets Irp for the request
Return Value:
{ PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation (TpIrp); PAFD_ENDPOINT endpoint = irpSp->FileObject->FsContext; NTSTATUS status; ASSERT( IS_AFD_ENDPOINT_TYPE( endpoint ) );
status = AfdBeginDisconnect( endpoint, NULL, NULL );
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdPerformTpDisconnect: Initiated disconnect, tpIrp-%p,status-%lx\n", TpIrp, status)); }
} else { //
// Disconnect failed, we'll have to abort below.
IF_DEBUG (TRANSMIT) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_WSOCKTRANSPORT_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "AfdPerformTpDisconnect: TpInfo-%p, begin discon failed: %lx\n", TpIrp, status)); } AfdAbortTPackets (TpIrp, status); } }