// Copyright (c) 1997 Active Voice Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Active Agent(r) and Unified Communications(tm) are trademarks of Active Voice Corporation.
// Other brand and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
// The entire program and user interface including the structure, sequence, selection,
// and arrangement of the dialog, the exclusively "yes" and "no" choices represented
// by "1" and "2," and each dialog message are protected by copyrights registered in
// the United States and by international treaties.
// Protected by one or more of the following United States patents: 5,070,526, 5,488,650,
// 5,434,906, 5,581,604, 5,533,102, 5,568,540, 5,625,676, 5,651,054.
// Active Voice Corporation
// Seattle, Washington
// USA
// ErrorInfo.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TapiDialer.h"
#include "AVTapi.h"
#include "ErrorInfo.h"
CErrorInfo::CErrorInfo() { Init( 0, 0 ); }
CErrorInfo::CErrorInfo( UINT nOperation, UINT nDetails ) { Init( nOperation, nDetails ); }
void CErrorInfo::Init( UINT nOperation, UINT nDetails ) { m_bstrOperation = NULL; m_bstrDetails = NULL;
if ( !nOperation ) nOperation = IDS_ER_GENERAL_OPERATION; set_Operation( nOperation );
if ( !nDetails ) nDetails = IDS_ER_GENERAL_DETAILS; set_Details( nDetails );
m_hr = S_OK; }
CErrorInfo::~CErrorInfo() { CComPtr<IAVTapi> pAVTapi; if ( FAILED(m_hr) && SUCCEEDED(_Module.get_AVTapi(&pAVTapi)) ) { Commit();
// Notify the application of the problem
pAVTapi->fire_ErrorNotify( (long *) this ); }
SysFreeString( m_bstrOperation ); SysFreeString( m_bstrDetails ); }
void CErrorInfo::set_Operation( UINT nIDS ) { m_nOperation = nIDS; }
void CErrorInfo::set_Details( UINT nIDS ) { m_nDetails = nIDS; }
void CErrorInfo::Commit() { // Translate error code to equivalent strings
if ( m_nOperation ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), m_nOperation, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText) ); SysReAllocString( &m_bstrOperation, T2COLE(szText) ); }
if ( m_nDetails ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), m_nDetails, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText) ); SysReAllocString( &m_bstrDetails, T2COLE(szText) ); } }
HRESULT CErrorInfo::set_hr( HRESULT hr ) { m_hr = hr; return hr; }