Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. //
  3. // Copyright (c) 1997 Active Voice Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
  4. //
  5. // Active Agent(r) and Unified Communications(tm) are trademarks of Active Voice Corporation.
  6. //
  7. // Other brand and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
  8. //
  9. // The entire program and user interface including the structure, sequence, selection,
  10. // and arrangement of the dialog, the exclusively "yes" and "no" choices represented
  11. // by "1" and "2," and each dialog message are protected by copyrights registered in
  12. // the United States and by international treaties.
  13. //
  14. // Protected by one or more of the following United States patents: 5,070,526, 5,488,650,
  15. // 5,434,906, 5,581,604, 5,533,102, 5,568,540, 5,625,676, 5,651,054.
  16. //
  17. // Active Voice Corporation
  18. // Seattle, Washington
  19. // USA
  20. //
  21. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  22. // TapiDialer.idl : IDL source for TapiDialer.dll
  23. //
  24. // This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to
  25. // produce the type library (TapiDialer.tlb) and marshalling code.
  26. import "oaidl.idl";
  27. import "ocidl.idl";
  28. import "tapi3if.idl";
  29. import "rend.idl";
  30. import "confpriv.idl";
  31. interface IAVTapi;
  32. interface IAVTapiCall;
  33. interface IConfRoom;
  34. interface IConfRoomTreeView;
  35. interface IConfExplorer;
  36. interface IConfExplorerTreeView;
  37. interface IConfExplorerDetailsView;
  38. interface IEnumSiteServer;
  39. interface IVideoFeed;
  40. interface IPersonExplorer;
  41. interface IPersonExplorerTreeView;
  42. interface IPersonExplorerDetailsView;
  43. interface IParticipant;
  44. interface ISiteUser;
  45. cpp_quote("#include \"tapi3.h\"")
  46. cpp_quote("")
  47. cpp_quote("// Dialog return codes")
  48. cpp_quote("#define IDEXPLORE 4567")
  49. cpp_quote("#define IDW_CONFROOM 150")
  50. cpp_quote("#define IDW_CONFROOM_TREEVIEW 152")
  51. cpp_quote("")
  52. cpp_quote("")
  53. cpp_quote("// Client EXE resource IDs")
  54. cpp_quote("// Video window stock bitmaps" )
  55. cpp_quote("#define IDB_STOCK_VIDEO_SMALL 169")
  56. cpp_quote("#define IDB_STOCK_VIDEO_LARGE 170")
  57. cpp_quote("#define IDB_VIDEO_AUDIO_ONLY2 198")
  58. cpp_quote("")
  59. cpp_quote("// Image lists")
  60. cpp_quote("#define IDB_CONFROOM_TREE 105")
  61. cpp_quote("")
  62. cpp_quote("// Animations")
  63. cpp_quote("#define IDA_RINGING 310")
  64. cpp_quote("#define IDA_CONNECTING 311")
  65. cpp_quote("#define IDA_CONNECTED 313")
  66. cpp_quote("")
  67. cpp_quote("#define MAGIC_NUMBER_USERUSER 566983249")
  68. cpp_quote("")
  69. cpp_quote("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
  70. cpp_quote("// Call Caps")
  71. cpp_quote("#define CALL_CAPS_HALFDUPLEX_AUDIO 0x0001")
  72. cpp_quote("#define CALL_CAPS_FULLDUPLEX_AUDIO 0x0002")
  73. cpp_quote("// RENDER means recieve from remote machine and display")
  74. cpp_quote("#define CALL_CAPS_VIDEO_RENDER 0x0004")
  75. cpp_quote("#define CALL_CAPS_VIDEO_CAPTURE 0x0008")
  76. cpp_quote("")
  77. cpp_quote("")
  78. cpp_quote("// List control minimum column widths")
  79. cpp_quote("#define MIN_COL_WIDTH 20")
  80. typedef struct tag_AVCreateCall
  81. {
  82. BOOL bShowDialog; // IN should we show the dialog?
  83. BOOL bAddToSpeeddial; // OUT Does the user want to add the item to the speed dial
  84. BOOL bTranslated; // OUT Was the number translated by tapi
  85. BSTR bstrName; // IN/OUT Name of person we're calling
  86. BSTR bstrAddress; // IN/OUT Address of person we're calling
  87. LPWSTR lpszDisplayableAddress; // IN Address to display
  88. long lRet; // OUT
  89. long lAddressType; // OUT
  90. } AVCreateCall;
  91. typedef enum tagAVCallType_t
  92. {
  96. } AVCallType;
  97. typedef enum tagAVParticipantEvent_t
  98. {
  105. typedef enum tagCallManagerMedia_t
  106. {
  107. CM_MEDIA_CHAT=0,
  110. CM_MEDIA_RCI,
  113. } CallManagerMedia;
  114. typedef enum tagCallManagerActions_t
  115. {
  116. CM_ACTIONS_TAKECALL=0, //Must be zero based due to ActionStringResourceArray
  127. CM_ACTIONS_LEAVEEMAIL, //Must relect last value in callcontrolwnd ON_COMMAND_RANGE
  135. } CallManagerActions;
  136. typedef enum tagCallManagerStates_t
  137. {
  152. } CallManagerStates;
  153. typedef enum tagCallClientActions_t
  154. {
  163. } CallClientActions;
  164. typedef enum tagCallLogType_t
  165. {
  166. CL_UNKNOWN,
  170. CL_DONT_LOG,
  171. } CallLogType;
  172. typedef enum tagPhonePadKey_t
  173. {
  174. PP_DTMF_1,
  175. PP_DTMF_2,
  176. PP_DTMF_3,
  177. PP_DTMF_4,
  178. PP_DTMF_5,
  179. PP_DTMF_6,
  180. PP_DTMF_7,
  181. PP_DTMF_8,
  182. PP_DTMF_9,
  183. PP_DTMF_0,
  184. PP_DTMF_STAR,
  186. } PhonePadKey;
  187. typedef enum tagServerState_t
  188. {
  189. SERVER_OK,
  194. } ServerState;
  195. typedef enum tagDialerMediaType_t
  196. {
  201. } DialerMediaType;
  202. typedef enum tagDialerLocationType_t
  203. {
  210. } DialerLocationType;
  211. typedef enum tagMyUpdateType_t
  212. {
  213. UPDATE_ADD,
  216. } MyUpdateType;
  217. typedef struct tagMyUserUserInfo
  218. {
  219. LONG lSchema;
  220. LONG lVersion;
  221. WCHAR szWelcome[500];
  222. WCHAR szUrl[255];
  223. } MyUserUserInfo;
  224. typedef enum tagAVTerminalDirection
  225. {
  226. AVTERM_CAPTURE = 0,
  227. AVTERM_RENDER = 1,
  228. } AVTerminalDirection;
  229. [
  230. uuid(FB2FF4EA-337E-11D1-9B37-00C04FB9514E),
  231. helpstring("IAVTapi Interface"),
  232. pointer_default(unique)
  233. ]
  234. interface IAVTapi : IUnknown
  235. {
  236. [helpstring("method Init")] HRESULT Init(BSTR *pbstrOperation, BSTR *pbstrDetails, long *phr);
  237. [helpstring("method Term")] HRESULT Term();
  238. [helpstring("method CreateCall")] HRESULT CreateCall(AVCreateCall *pInfo);
  239. [propget, helpstring("property ConfExplorer")] HRESULT ConfExplorer([out, retval] IConfExplorer **ppVal);
  240. [helpstring("method fire_ClearCurrentActions")] HRESULT fire_ClearCurrentActions(long lCallID);
  241. [helpstring("method fire_SetCallerID")] HRESULT fire_SetCallerID(long lCallID, BSTR bstrCallerID);
  242. [helpstring("method fire_NewCall")] HRESULT fire_NewCall(ITAddress *pITAddress, DWORD dwAddressType, long lCallID, IDispatch *pDisp, AVCallType nType, IAVTapiCall **ppAVCall);
  243. [helpstring("method fire_AddCurrentAction")] HRESULT fire_AddCurrentAction(long lCallID, CallManagerActions cma, BSTR bstrText);
  244. [helpstring("method fire_SetCallState")] HRESULT fire_SetCallState(long lCallID, ITCallStateEvent *pEvent, IAVTapiCall *pAVCall);
  245. [helpstring("method fire_CloseCallControl")] HRESULT fire_CloseCallControl(long lCallID);
  246. [helpstring("method ActionSelected")] HRESULT ActionSelected(long lCallID, CallManagerActions cma);
  247. [helpstring("method ShowMedia")] HRESULT ShowMedia(long lCallID, HWND hWndParent, BOOL bVisible);
  248. [helpstring("method fire_ErrorNotify")] HRESULT fire_ErrorNotify(long *pErrorInfo);
  249. [helpstring("method fire_SetCallState_CMS")] HRESULT fire_SetCallState_CMS(long lCallID, CallManagerStates cms, BSTR bstrText);
  250. [propget, helpstring("property ConfRoom")] HRESULT ConfRoom([out, retval] IConfRoom **ppVal);
  251. [helpstring("method fire_ActionSelected")] HRESULT fire_ActionSelected(CallClientActions cca);
  252. [propget, helpstring("property hWndParent")] HRESULT hWndParent([out, retval] HWND *pVal);
  253. [propput, helpstring("property hWndParent")] HRESULT hWndParent([in] HWND newVal);
  254. [helpstring("method ShowOptions")] HRESULT ShowOptions();
  255. [helpstring("method ShowPreviewVideo")] HRESULT ShowMediaPreview(long lCallID, HWND hWndParent, BOOL bVisible);
  256. [helpstring("method JoinConference")] HRESULT JoinConference(long *pnRet, BOOL bShowDialog, long *pConfDetails);
  257. [propget, helpstring("property dwCallCaps")] HRESULT dwCallCaps(long lCallID, [out, retval] DWORD *pVal);
  258. [helpstring("method PopulateAddressDialog")] HRESULT PopulateAddressDialog(DWORD *pdwPreferred, HWND hWndPots, HWND hWndIP, HWND hWndConf);
  259. [helpstring("method PopulateTerminalsDialog")] HRESULT PopulateTerminalsDialog(DWORD dwAddressType, HWND *phWnd);
  260. [helpstring("method UnpopulateAddressDialog")] HRESULT UnpopulateAddressDialog(DWORD dwPreferred, HWND hWndPOTS, HWND hWndIP, HWND hWndConf);
  261. [helpstring("method UnpopulateTerminalsDialog")] HRESULT UnpopulateTerminalsDialog(DWORD dwAddressType, HWND *phWnd);
  262. [propget, helpstring("property dwPreferredMedia")] HRESULT dwPreferredMedia([out, retval] DWORD *pVal);
  263. [propput, helpstring("property dwPreferredMedia")] HRESULT dwPreferredMedia([in] DWORD newVal);
  264. [helpstring("method DigitPress")] HRESULT DigitPress(long lCallID, PhonePadKey nKey);
  265. [helpstring("method FindAVTapiCallFromCallHub")] HRESULT FindAVTapiCallFromCallHub(ITCallHub *pCallHub, IAVTapiCall **ppCall);
  266. [helpstring("method fire_LogCall")] HRESULT fire_LogCall(long lCallID, CallLogType nType, DATE dateStart, DATE dateEnd, BSTR bstrAddr, BSTR bstrName);
  267. [propget, helpstring("property nNumCalls")] HRESULT nNumCalls([out, retval] long *pVal);
  268. [helpstring("method fire_NewCallWindow")] HRESULT fire_NewCallWindow(long* plCallID, CallManagerMedia cmm, BSTR bstrAddressName, AVCallType nType);
  269. [helpstring("method FindAVTapiCallFromParticipant")] HRESULT FindAVTapiCallFromParticipant(ITParticipant *pParticipant, IAVTapiCall **ppAVCall);
  270. [helpstring("method CanCreateVideoWindows")] HRESULT CanCreateVideoWindows(DWORD dwAddressType);
  271. [helpstring("method RefreshDS")] HRESULT RefreshDS();
  272. [helpstring("method CreateCallEx")] HRESULT CreateCallEx(BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrAddress, BSTR bstrUser1, BSTR bstrUser2, DWORD dwAddressType);
  273. [propget, helpstring("property Call")] HRESULT Call([in] long lCallID, [out, retval] IAVTapiCall **ppCall);
  274. [helpstring("method RegisterUser")] HRESULT RegisterUser(VARIANT_BOOL bCreate, BSTR bstrServer);
  275. [helpstring("method FindAVTapiCallFromCallInfo")] HRESULT FindAVTapiCallFromCallInfo(ITCallInfo *pCallInfo, IAVTapiCall **ppCall);
  276. [helpstring("method fire_NotifyUserUserInfo")] HRESULT fire_NotifyUserUserInfo(long lCallID, ULONG_PTR hMem);
  277. [helpstring("method SendUserUserInfo")] HRESULT SendUserUserInfo(long lCallID, BYTE *pBuf, DWORD dwSizeBuf);
  278. [helpstring("method CreateDataCall")] HRESULT CreateDataCall(long lCallID, BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrAddress, BYTE *pBuf, DWORD dwSizeBuf);
  279. [helpstring("method CreateNewCall")] HRESULT CreateNewCall(ITAddress *pITAddress, IAVTapiCall **ppAVCall);
  280. [helpstring("method FindAVTapiCallFromCallID")] HRESULT FindAVTapiCallFromCallID(long lCallID, IAVTapiCall **ppAVCall);
  281. [propget, helpstring("property bstrDefaultServer")] HRESULT bstrDefaultServer([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  282. [propput, helpstring("property bstrDefaultServer")] HRESULT bstrDefaultServer([in] BSTR newVal);
  283. [propget, helpstring("property bAutoCloseCalls")] HRESULT bAutoCloseCalls([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  284. [propput, helpstring("property bAutoCloseCalls")] HRESULT bAutoCloseCalls([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
  285. };
  286. [
  287. uuid(F12D527C-D9A8-412e-BA6A-4536B10DD571),
  288. helpstring("IAVTapi2 Interface"),
  289. pointer_default(unique)
  290. ]
  291. interface IAVTapi2 : IAVTapi
  292. {
  293. [helpstring("method USBIsPresent")]
  294. HRESULT USBIsPresent(
  295. [out, retval] BOOL* pVal
  296. );
  297. HRESULT USBTakeCallEnabled(
  298. [out] BOOL* pEnabled
  299. );
  300. HRESULT USBGetDefaultUse(
  301. [out] BOOL* pUse
  302. );
  303. [helpstring("method DoneRegistration")]
  304. HRESULT DoneRegistration();
  305. HRESULT USBSetHandling(
  306. [in] BOOL bUSeUSB
  307. );
  308. HRESULT USBGetTerminalName(
  309. [in] AVTerminalDirection Direction,
  310. [out] BSTR* pbstrName
  311. );
  312. HRESULT USBSetVolume(
  313. [in] AVTerminalDirection Direction,
  314. [in] long nVolume
  315. );
  316. HRESULT USBGetVolume(
  317. [in] AVTerminalDirection Direction,
  318. [in] long* pVolume
  319. );
  320. };
  321. [
  322. uuid(90381ECB-3603-11D1-9B39-00C04FB9514E),
  323. helpstring("IConfExplorer Interface"),
  324. pointer_default(unique)
  325. ]
  326. interface IConfExplorer : IUnknown
  327. {
  328. [helpstring("method Show")] HRESULT Show(HWND hWndList, HWND hWndDetails);
  329. [helpstring("method UnShow")] HRESULT UnShow();
  330. [helpstring("method Join")] HRESULT Join(long *pConfDetailsArg);
  331. [helpstring("method Create")] HRESULT Create(BSTR bstrName);
  332. [helpstring("method Delete")] HRESULT Delete(BSTR bstrName);
  333. [helpstring("method Edit")] HRESULT Edit(BSTR bstrName);
  334. [helpstring("method Refresh")] HRESULT Refresh();
  335. [propget, helpstring("property DetailsView")] HRESULT DetailsView([out, retval] IConfExplorerDetailsView * *pVal);
  336. [propget, helpstring("property TreeView")] HRESULT TreeView([out, retval] IConfExplorerTreeView * *pVal);
  337. [propget, helpstring("property ConfDirectory")] HRESULT ConfDirectory([in] BSTR *pbstrServer, [out, retval] IDispatch * *pVal);
  338. [propget, helpstring("property DirectoryObject")] HRESULT DirectoryObject(BSTR bstrServer, BSTR bstrConf, [out, retval] IUnknown* *pVal);
  339. [propget, helpstring("property ITRendezvous")] HRESULT ITRendezvous([out, retval] IUnknown **ppVal);
  340. [helpstring("method EnumSiteServer")] HRESULT EnumSiteServer(BSTR bstrName, IEnumSiteServer **ppEnum);
  341. [helpstring("method AddSpeedDial")] HRESULT AddSpeedDial(BSTR bstrName);
  342. [helpstring("method IsDefaultServer")] HRESULT IsDefaultServer(BSTR bstrServer);
  343. };
  344. [
  345. uuid(90381ECC-3603-11D1-9B39-00C04FB9514E),
  346. helpstring("IConfExplorerTreeView Interface"),
  347. pointer_default(unique)
  348. ]
  349. interface IConfExplorerTreeView : IUnknown
  350. {
  351. [propget, helpstring("property hWnd")] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] HWND *pVal);
  352. [propput, helpstring("property hWnd")] HRESULT hWnd([in] HWND newVal);
  353. [helpstring("method Select")] HRESULT Select(BSTR bstrName);
  354. [helpstring("method SelectItem")] HRESULT SelectItem(short nSel);
  355. [helpstring("method Refresh")] HRESULT Refresh();
  356. [helpstring("method AddServer")] HRESULT AddServer(BSTR bstrName);
  357. [helpstring("method RemoveServer")] HRESULT RemoveServer(BSTR Location, BSTR bstrName);
  358. [propget, helpstring("property ConfExplorer")] HRESULT ConfExplorer([out, retval] IConfExplorer* *pVal);
  359. [propput, helpstring("property ConfExplorer")] HRESULT ConfExplorer([in] IConfExplorer* newVal);
  360. [helpstring("method GetSelection")] HRESULT GetSelection(BSTR *pbstrLocation, BSTR *pbstrServer);
  361. [helpstring("method FindOrAddItem")] HRESULT FindOrAddItem(BSTR bstrLocation, BSTR bstrServer, BOOL bAdd, BOOL bLocationOnly, long **pphItem);
  362. [helpstring("method CanRemoveServer")] HRESULT CanRemoveServer();
  363. [helpstring("method SetConfServerForEnum")] HRESULT SetConfServerForEnum(BSTR bstrServer, long *pList, long *pListPersons, DWORD dwTicks, BOOL bUpdate);
  364. [helpstring("method GetConfServerForEnum")] HRESULT GetConfServerForEnum(BSTR *pbstrServer);
  365. [helpstring("method ForceConfServerForEnum")] HRESULT ForceConfServerForEnum(BSTR bstrServer);
  366. [propget, helpstring("property dwRefreshInterval")] HRESULT dwRefreshInterval([out, retval] DWORD *pVal);
  367. [propput, helpstring("property dwRefreshInterval")] HRESULT dwRefreshInterval([in] DWORD newVal);
  368. [helpstring("method BuildJoinConfList")] HRESULT BuildJoinConfList(long *pList, VARIANT_BOOL bAllConfs);
  369. [propget, helpstring("property nServerState")] HRESULT nServerState([out, retval] ServerState *pVal);
  370. [helpstring("method RemoveConference")] HRESULT RemoveConference(BSTR bstrServer, BSTR bstrName);
  371. [helpstring("method AddLocation")] HRESULT AddLocation(BSTR bstrLocation);
  372. [helpstring("method BuildJoinConfListText")] HRESULT BuildJoinConfListText(long *pList, BSTR bstrText);
  373. [helpstring("method RenameServer")] HRESULT RenameServer();
  374. [helpstring("method AddConference")] HRESULT AddConference(BSTR bstrServer, ITDirectoryObject *pDirObj);
  375. [helpstring("method EnumSiteServer")] HRESULT EnumSiteServer(BSTR bstrName, IEnumSiteServer **ppEnum);
  376. [helpstring("method AddPerson")] HRESULT AddPerson(BSTR bstrServer, ITDirectoryObject *pDirObj);
  377. };
  378. [
  379. uuid(90381EC6-3603-11D1-9B39-00C04FB9514E),
  380. helpstring("IConfExplorerDetailsView Interface"),
  381. pointer_default(unique)
  382. ]
  383. interface IConfExplorerDetailsView : IUnknown
  384. {
  385. [propget, helpstring("property hWnd")] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] HWND *pVal);
  386. [propput, helpstring("property hWnd")] HRESULT hWnd([in] HWND newVal);
  387. [helpstring("method Refresh")] HRESULT Refresh();
  388. [propget, helpstring("property ConfExplorer")] HRESULT ConfExplorer([out, retval] IConfExplorer * *pVal);
  389. [propput, helpstring("property ConfExplorer")] HRESULT ConfExplorer([in] IConfExplorer * newVal);
  390. [propget, helpstring("property Selection")] HRESULT Selection(DATE *pdateStart, DATE *pdateEnd, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  391. [helpstring("method OnColumnClicked")] HRESULT OnColumnClicked(long nColumn);
  392. [helpstring("method UpdateConfList")] HRESULT UpdateConfList(long *pList);
  393. [propget, helpstring("property bSortAscending")] HRESULT bSortAscending([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  394. [propget, helpstring("property nSortColumn")] HRESULT nSortColumn([out, retval] long *pVal);
  395. [propput, helpstring("property nSortColumn")] HRESULT nSortColumn([in] long newVal);
  396. [helpstring("method IsConferenceSelected")] HRESULT IsConferenceSelected();
  397. [propget, helpstring("property SelectedConfDetails")] HRESULT SelectedConfDetails([out, retval] long **ppVal);
  398. };
  399. [
  400. uuid(8AF7D5C5-4421-11D1-B621-00C04FA3C554),
  401. helpstring("IAVTapiNotification Interface"),
  402. pointer_default(unique)
  403. ]
  404. interface IAVTapiNotification : IUnknown
  405. {
  406. [helpstring("method NewCall")] HRESULT NewCall(long *plCallID, CallManagerMedia cmm, BSTR bstrMediaName);
  407. [helpstring("method ClearCurrentActions")] HRESULT ClearCurrentActions(long lCallerID);
  408. [helpstring("method SetCallerID")] HRESULT SetCallerID(long lCallID, BSTR bstrCallerID);
  409. [helpstring("method AddCurrentAction")] HRESULT AddCurrentAction(long lCallID, CallManagerActions cma, BSTR bstrText);
  410. [helpstring("method SetCallState")] HRESULT SetCallState(long lCallID, CallManagerStates cms, BSTR bstrText);
  411. [helpstring("method ErrorNotify")] HRESULT ErrorNotify(BSTR bstrOperation, BSTR bstrDetails, long hrError);
  412. [helpstring("method CloseCallControl")] HRESULT CloseCallControl(long lCallID);
  413. [helpstring("method ActionSelected")] HRESULT ActionSelected(CallClientActions cca);
  414. [helpstring("method LogCall")] HRESULT LogCall(long lCallID, CallLogType nType, DATE dateStart, DATE dateEnd, BSTR bstrAddr, BSTR bstrName);
  415. [helpstring("method NotifyUserUserInfo")] HRESULT NotifyUserUserInfo(long lCallID, ULONG_PTR hMem);
  416. };
  417. [
  418. uuid(8AF7D5C7-4421-11D1-B621-00C04FA3C554),
  419. helpstring("IAVTapiCall Interface"),
  420. pointer_default(unique)
  421. ]
  422. interface IAVTapiCall : IUnknown
  423. {
  424. [propget, helpstring("property lCallID")] HRESULT lCallID([out, retval] long *pVal);
  425. [propput, helpstring("property lCallID")] HRESULT lCallID([in] long newVal);
  426. [propget, helpstring("property callState")] HRESULT callState([out, retval] CALL_STATE *pVal);
  427. [propput, helpstring("property callState")] HRESULT callState([in] CALL_STATE newVal);
  428. [propget, helpstring("property ITBasicCallControl")] HRESULT ITBasicCallControl([out, retval] ITBasicCallControl * *pVal);
  429. [propput, helpstring("property ITBasicCallControl")] HRESULT ITBasicCallControl([in] ITBasicCallControl * newVal);
  430. [propget, helpstring("property ITAddress")] HRESULT ITAddress([out, retval] ITAddress **pVal);
  431. [propget, helpstring("property bKillMe")] HRESULT bKillMe([out, retval] BOOL *pVal);
  432. [propput, helpstring("property bKillMe")] HRESULT bKillMe([in] BOOL newVal);
  433. [propget, helpstring("property IBasicVideo")] HRESULT IBasicVideo([out, retval] IDispatch **pVal);
  434. [propget, helpstring("property nCallType")] HRESULT nCallLogType([out, retval] CallLogType *pVal);
  435. [propput, helpstring("property nCallType")] HRESULT nCallLogType([in] CallLogType newVal);
  436. [propget, helpstring("property IVideoWindow")] HRESULT IVideoWindow(short nInd, [out, retval] IDispatch **pVal);
  437. [helpstring("method AddTerminal")] HRESULT AddTerminal(ITTerminal *pITTerminal);
  438. [helpstring("method RemoveTerminal")] HRESULT RemoveTerminal(ITTerminal *pITTerminal);
  439. [helpstring("method CheckKillMe")] HRESULT CheckKillMe();
  440. [propget, helpstring("property dwAddressType")] HRESULT dwAddressType([out, retval] DWORD *pVal);
  441. [propput, helpstring("property dwAddressType")] HRESULT dwAddressType([in] DWORD newVal);
  442. [helpstring("method NotifyConfRoomState")] HRESULT NotifyConfRoomState(long *pErrorInfo);
  443. [propget, helpstring("property bstrOriginalAddress")] HRESULT bstrOriginalAddress([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  444. [propput, helpstring("property bstrOriginalAddress")] HRESULT bstrOriginalAddress([in] BSTR newVal);
  445. [helpstring("method PostMessage")] HRESULT PostMessage(long msg, WPARAM wParam);
  446. [propget, helpstring("property dwThreadID")] HRESULT dwThreadID([out, retval] DWORD *pVal);
  447. [propput, helpstring("property dwThreadID")] HRESULT dwThreadID([in] DWORD newVal);
  448. [helpstring("method Disconnect")] HRESULT Disconnect([in] VARIANT_BOOL bKill);
  449. [propget, helpstring("property ITBasicAudioTerminal")] HRESULT ITBasicAudioTerminal([out, retval] ITBasicAudioTerminal* *pVal);
  450. [propget, helpstring("property dwCaps")] HRESULT dwCaps([out, retval] DWORD *pVal);
  451. [propget, helpstring("property bstrCallerID")] HRESULT bstrCallerID([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  452. [propget, helpstring("property bstrName")] HRESULT bstrName([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  453. [propput, helpstring("property bstrName")] HRESULT bstrName([in] BSTR newVal);
  454. [propget, helpstring("property ITCallHub")] HRESULT ITCallHub([out, retval] ITCallHub * *pVal);
  455. [helpstring("method PopulateTreeView")] HRESULT PopulateTreeView(IConfRoomTreeView *pTreeView);
  456. [helpstring("method AddParticipant")] HRESULT AddParticipant(ITParticipant *pParticipant);
  457. [helpstring("method RemoveParticipant")] HRESULT RemoveParticipant(ITParticipant *pParticipant);
  458. [helpstring("method IsSameCallHub")] HRESULT IsSameCallHub(ITCallHub *pCallHub);
  459. [helpstring("method EnumParticipants")] HRESULT EnumParticipants();
  460. [helpstring("method GetDisplayNameForParticipant")] HRESULT GetDisplayNameForParticipant(ITParticipant *pParticipant, BSTR *pbstrName );
  461. [helpstring("method Log")] HRESULT Log(CallLogType nType);
  462. [helpstring("method IsMyParticipant")] HRESULT IsMyParticipant(ITParticipant *pParticipant);
  463. [helpstring("method UpdateCallerIDFromParticipant")] HRESULT UpdateCallerIDFromParticipant();
  464. [propget, helpstring("property bstrUser")] HRESULT bstrUser([in] short nIndex, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  465. [propput, helpstring("property bstrUser")] HRESULT bstrUser([in] short nIndex, [in] BSTR newVal);
  466. [helpstring("method ResolveAddress")] HRESULT ResolveAddress();
  467. [helpstring("method ForceCallerIDUpdate")] HRESULT ForceCallerIDUpdate();
  468. [helpstring("method NotifyStreamEvent")] HRESULT NotifyStreamEvent(CALL_MEDIA_EVENT cme);
  469. [helpstring("method GetVideoFeedCount")] HRESULT GetVideoFeedCount(short *pnCount);
  470. [helpstring("method TerminalArrival")] HRESULT TerminalArrival([in] ITTerminal *pTerminal);
  471. [helpstring("method TerminalRemoval")] HRESULT TerminalRemoval([in] ITTerminal *pTerminal);
  472. [propget, helpstring("property bstrDisplayableAddress")] HRESULT bstrDisplayableAddress([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  473. [propput, helpstring("property bstrDisplayableAddress")] HRESULT bstrDisplayableAddress([in] BSTR newVal);
  474. [propget, helpstring("property bResolved")] HRESULT bResolved([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  475. [propput, helpstring("property bResolved")] HRESULT bResolved([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
  476. [helpstring("method NotifyParticipantChangeConfRoom")] HRESULT NotifyParticipantChangeConfRoom(ITParticipant *pParticipant, AV_PARTICIPANT_EVENT nEvent);
  477. [propget, helpstring("property ITCallInfo")] HRESULT ITCallInfo([out, retval] ITCallInfo * *pVal);
  478. [helpstring("method IsPreviewStreaming")] HRESULT IsPreviewStreaming();
  479. [helpstring("method GetCallerIDInfo")] HRESULT GetCallerIDInfo(ITCallInfo *pCallInfo);
  480. [helpstring("method HandleUserUserInfo")] HRESULT HandleUserUserInfo();
  481. [propget, helpstring("property ITParticipantControl")] HRESULT ITParticipantControl([out, retval] ITParticipantControl **ppVal);
  482. [propget, helpstring("property ITerminalPreview")] HRESULT ITTerminalPreview([out, retval] ITTerminal * *pVal);
  483. [propput, helpstring("property ITerminalPreview")] HRESULT ITTerminalPreview([in] ITTerminal * newVal);
  484. [propget, helpstring("property IVideoWindowPreview")] HRESULT IVideoWindowPreview([out, retval] IDispatch * *pVal);
  485. [propput, helpstring("property StreamActive")] HRESULT StreamActive([in] VARIANT_BOOL bActive);
  486. [helpstring("method IsRcvVideoStreaming")] HRESULT IsRcvVideoStreaming();
  487. [propget, helpstring("property RcvVideoStreaming")] HRESULT RcvVideoStreaming([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  488. [propput, helpstring("property RcvVideoStreaming")] HRESULT RcvVideoStreaming([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
  489. [helpstring("method OnStreamingChanged")] HRESULT OnStreamingChanged(IVideoFeed *pFeed, VARIANT_BOOL bStreaming);
  490. [propget, helpstring("property nCallType")] HRESULT nCallType([out, retval] AVCallType *pVal);
  491. [propput, helpstring("property nCallType")] HRESULT nCallType([in] AVCallType newVal);
  492. [helpstring("method UpdateParticipant")] HRESULT UpdateParticipant(ITParticipant *pITParticipant);
  493. [helpstring("method FindParticipant")] HRESULT FindParticipant(ITParticipant *pParticipant, IParticipant **ppFound);
  494. };
  495. [
  496. uuid(8AD4E88F-4660-11D1-B623-00C04FA3C554),
  497. helpstring("ITapiNotification Interface"),
  498. pointer_default(unique)
  499. ]
  500. interface ITapiNotification : IUnknown
  501. {
  502. [helpstring("method Init")] HRESULT Init(ITTAPI *pITTapi, long *pErrorInfo);
  503. [helpstring("method Shutdown")] HRESULT Shutdown();
  504. [helpstring("method ListenOnAllAddresses")] HRESULT ListenOnAllAddresses(long *pErrorInfo);
  505. };
  506. [
  507. uuid(CC9D6B1F-4A3F-11D1-B626-00C04FA3C554),
  508. helpstring("IConfRoom Interface"),
  509. pointer_default(unique)
  510. ]
  511. interface IConfRoom : IUnknown
  512. {
  513. [helpstring("method IsConfRoomInUse")] HRESULT IsConfRoomInUse();
  514. [helpstring("method Show")] HRESULT Show(HWND hWndTree, HWND hWndClient);
  515. [helpstring("method EnterConfRoom")] HRESULT EnterConfRoom(IAVTapiCall *pAVCall);
  516. [helpstring("method UnShow")] HRESULT UnShow();
  517. [propget, helpstring("property TreeView")] HRESULT TreeView([out, retval] IConfRoomTreeView * *pVal);
  518. [helpstring("method Disconnect")] HRESULT Disconnect();
  519. [helpstring("method NotifyStateChange")] HRESULT NotifyStateChange(IAVTapiCall *pAVCall);
  520. [helpstring("method CanDisconnect")] HRESULT CanDisconnect();
  521. [propget, helpstring("property MemberVideoSize")] HRESULT MemberVideoSize([out, retval] short *pVal);
  522. [propput, helpstring("property MemberVideoSize")] HRESULT MemberVideoSize([in] short newVal);
  523. [propget, helpstring("property nNumTerms")] HRESULT nNumTerms([out, retval] short *pVal);
  524. [helpstring("method SelectTalker")] HRESULT SelectTalker(ITParticipant *pParticipant, VARIANT_BOOL bUpdateTree);
  525. [propget, helpstring("property bstrConfName")] HRESULT bstrConfName([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  526. [propget, helpstring("property hWndConfRoom")] HRESULT hWndConfRoom([out, retval] HWND *pVal);
  527. [propget, helpstring("property bShowNames")] HRESULT bShowNames([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  528. [propput, helpstring("property bShowNames")] HRESULT bShowNames([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
  529. [propget, helpstring("property IAVTapiCall")] HRESULT IAVTapiCall([out, retval] IAVTapiCall * *ppVal);
  530. [propget, helpstring("property nShowNamesNumLines")] HRESULT nShowNamesNumLines([out, retval] short *pVal);
  531. [propput, helpstring("property nShowNamesNumLines")] HRESULT nShowNamesNumLines([in] short newVal);
  532. [propget, helpstring("property bConfirmDisconnect")] HRESULT bConfirmDisconnect([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  533. [helpstring("method NotifyParticipantChange")] HRESULT NotifyParticipantChange(IAVTapiCall *pAVCall, ITParticipant *pParticipant, AV_PARTICIPANT_EVENT nEvent);
  534. [propput, helpstring("property bConfirmDisconnect")] HRESULT bConfirmDisconnect([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
  535. [propget, helpstring("property TalkerParticipant")] HRESULT TalkerParticipant([out, retval] ITParticipant **ppVal);
  536. [propget, helpstring("property nMaxTerms")] HRESULT nMaxTerms([out, retval] short *pVal);
  537. [propput, helpstring("property nMaxTerms")] HRESULT nMaxTerms([in] short newVal);
  538. [propget, helpstring("property lNumParticipants")] HRESULT lNumParticipants([out, retval] long *pVal);
  539. [propget, helpstring("property ConfDetails")] HRESULT ConfDetails([out, retval] long * *pVal);
  540. [propput, helpstring("property ConfDetails")] HRESULT ConfDetails([in] long * newVal);
  541. [propget, helpstring("property bstrConfDetails")] HRESULT bstrConfDetails([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  542. [helpstring("method Layout")] HRESULT Layout(VARIANT_BOOL bTalker, VARIANT_BOOL bMembers);
  543. [helpstring("method SelectTalkerVideo")] HRESULT SelectTalkerVideo(IDispatch *pDisp, VARIANT_BOOL bUpdate);
  544. [propget, helpstring("property hWndMembers")] HRESULT hWndMembers([out, retval] HWND *pVal);
  545. [propget, helpstring("property hWndTalker")] HRESULT hWndTalker([out, retval] HWND *pVal);
  546. [propget, helpstring("property TalkerVideo")] HRESULT TalkerVideo([out, retval] IDispatch * *pVal);
  547. [propget, helpstring("property bPreviewStreaming")] HRESULT bPreviewStreaming([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  548. [helpstring("method FindVideoFeedFromParticipant")] HRESULT FindVideoFeedFromParticipant(ITParticipant *pParticipant, IVideoFeed **ppFeed);
  549. [helpstring("method SetQOSOnParticipants")] HRESULT SetQOSOnParticipants();
  550. [helpstring("method FindVideoFeedFromSubStream")] HRESULT FindVideoFeedFromSubStream(ITSubStream *pSubStream, IVideoFeed **ppFeed);
  551. [helpstring("method GetFirstVideoWindowThatsStreaming")] HRESULT GetFirstVideoWindowThatsStreaming(IDispatch **ppVideo);
  552. [helpstring("method IsConfRoomConnected")] HRESULT IsConfRoomConnected();
  553. [helpstring("method Cancel")] HRESULT Cancel();
  554. [propput, helpstring("property CallState")] HRESULT CallState([in] CALL_STATE newVal);
  555. [propget, helpstring("property szTalker")] HRESULT szTalker([out, retval] SIZE *pVal);
  556. [propget, helpstring("property TalkerScale")] HRESULT TalkerScale([out, retval] short *pVal);
  557. [propput, helpstring("property TalkerScale")] HRESULT TalkerScale([in] short newVal);
  558. };
  559. [
  560. uuid(CC9D6B21-4A3F-11D1-B626-00C04FA3C554),
  561. helpstring("IConfRoomTreeView Interface"),
  562. pointer_default(unique)
  563. ]
  564. interface IConfRoomTreeView : IUnknown
  565. {
  566. [propget, helpstring("property hWnd")] HRESULT hWnd([out, retval] HWND *pVal);
  567. [propput, helpstring("property hWnd")] HRESULT hWnd([in] HWND newVal);
  568. [propget, helpstring("property ConfRoom")] HRESULT ConfRoom([out, retval] IConfRoom * *pVal);
  569. [propput, helpstring("property ConfRoom")] HRESULT ConfRoom([in] IConfRoom * newVal);
  570. [helpstring("method UpdateData")] HRESULT UpdateData(BOOL bSaveAndValidate);
  571. [helpstring("method SelectParticipant")] HRESULT SelectParticipant(ITParticipant *pParticipant, VARIANT_BOOL bMeParticipant);
  572. [helpstring("method UpdateRootItem")] HRESULT UpdateRootItem();
  573. };
  574. [
  575. uuid(C35F615F-8A24-11D1-B673-00C04FA3C554),
  576. helpstring("IVideoFeed Interface"),
  577. pointer_default(unique)
  578. ]
  579. interface IVideoFeed : IUnknown
  580. {
  581. [propget, helpstring("property bstrName")] HRESULT bstrName([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  582. [propget, helpstring("property rc")] HRESULT rc([out, retval] RECT *pVal);
  583. [propput, helpstring("property rc")] HRESULT rc([in] RECT newVal);
  584. [helpstring("method Paint")] HRESULT Paint(ULONG_PTR hDC, HWND hWndSource);
  585. [propget, helpstring("property IVideoWindow")] HRESULT IVideoWindow([out, retval] IUnknown * *pVal);
  586. [propput, helpstring("property IVideoWindow")] HRESULT IVideoWindow([in] IUnknown * newVal);
  587. [propget, helpstring("property ITParticipant")] HRESULT ITParticipant([out, retval] ITParticipant **ppVal);
  588. [propput, helpstring("property ITParticipant")] HRESULT ITParticipant([in] ITParticipant *pVal);
  589. [propget, helpstring("property bPreview")] HRESULT bPreview([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  590. [propput, helpstring("property bPreview")] HRESULT bPreview([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
  591. [propget, helpstring("property bRequestQOS")] HRESULT bRequestQOS([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  592. [propput, helpstring("property bRequestQOS")] HRESULT bRequestQOS([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);
  593. [helpstring("method UpdateName")] HRESULT UpdateName();
  594. [helpstring("method IsVideoStreaming")] HRESULT IsVideoStreaming(VARIANT_BOOL bIncludePreview);
  595. [helpstring("method GetNameFromVideo")] HRESULT GetNameFromVideo(IUnknown *pVideo, BSTR *pbstrName, BSTR *pbstrInfo, VARIANT_BOOL bAllowNull, VARIANT_BOOL bPreview);
  596. [helpstring("method MapToParticipant")] HRESULT MapToParticipant(ITParticipant *pParticipant);
  597. [propget, helpstring("property ITSubStream")] HRESULT ITSubStream([out, retval] ITSubStream * *pVal);
  598. };
  599. [
  600. uuid(239A3C5B-8D41-11D1-B675-00C04FA3C554),
  601. helpstring("IGeneralNotification Interface"),
  602. pointer_default(unique)
  603. ]
  604. interface IGeneralNotification : IUnknown
  605. {
  606. [helpstring("method IsReminderSet")] HRESULT IsReminderSet(BSTR bstrServer, BSTR bstrName);
  607. [helpstring("method ResolveAddress")] HRESULT ResolveAddress(BSTR bstrAddress, BSTR *pbstrName, BSTR *pbstrUser1, BSTR *pbstrUser2);
  608. [helpstring("method ClearUserList")] HRESULT ClearUserList();
  609. [helpstring("method AddUser")] HRESULT AddUser(BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrAddress, BSTR bstrPhoneNumber);
  610. [helpstring("method ResolveAddressEx")] HRESULT ResolveAddressEx(BSTR bstrAddress, long lAddressType, DialerMediaType nMedia, DialerLocationType nLocation, BSTR *pbstrName, BSTR *pbstrAddress, BSTR *pbstrUser1, BSTR *pbstrUser2);
  611. [helpstring("method AddSiteServer")] HRESULT AddSiteServer(BSTR bstrServer);
  612. [helpstring("method RemoveSiteServer")] HRESULT RemoveSiteServer(BSTR bstrName);
  613. [helpstring("method NotifySiteServerStateChange")] HRESULT NotifySiteServerStateChange(BSTR bstrName, ServerState nState);
  614. [helpstring("method AddSpeedDial")] HRESULT AddSpeedDial(BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrAddress, CallManagerMedia cmm);
  615. [helpstring("method UpdateConfRootItem")] HRESULT UpdateConfRootItem(BSTR bstrNewText);
  616. [helpstring("method UpdateConfParticipant")] HRESULT UpdateConfParticipant(MyUpdateType nType, IParticipant *pParticipant, BSTR bstrText);
  617. [helpstring("method DeleteAllConfParticipants")] HRESULT DeleteAllConfParticipants();
  618. [helpstring("method SelectConfParticipant")] HRESULT SelectConfParticipant(IParticipant *pParticipant);
  619. };
  620. [
  621. uuid(239A3C5D-8D41-11D1-B675-00C04FA3C554),
  622. helpstring("IAVGeneralNotification Interface"),
  623. pointer_default(unique)
  624. ]
  625. interface IAVGeneralNotification : IUnknown
  626. {
  627. [helpstring("method fire_IsReminderSet")] HRESULT fire_IsReminderSet(BSTR bstrServer, BSTR bstrName);
  628. [helpstring("method Init")] HRESULT Init();
  629. [helpstring("method fire_ResolveAddress")] HRESULT fire_ResolveAddress(BSTR bstrAddress, BSTR *pbstrName, BSTR *pbstrUser1, BSTR *pbstrUser2);
  630. [helpstring("method Term")] HRESULT Term();
  631. [helpstring("method fire_ClearUserList")] HRESULT fire_ClearUserList();
  632. [helpstring("method fire_AddUser")] HRESULT fire_AddUser(BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrAddress, BSTR bstrPhoneNumber);
  633. [helpstring("method fire_ResolveAddressEx")] HRESULT fire_ResolveAddressEx(BSTR bstrAddress, long lAddressType, DialerMediaType nMedia, DialerLocationType nLoctaion, BSTR *pbstrName, BSTR *pbstrAddress, BSTR *pbstrUser1, BSTR *pbstrUser2);
  634. [helpstring("method fire_RemoveSiteServer")] HRESULT fire_RemoveSiteServer(BSTR bstrName);
  635. [helpstring("method fire_AddSiteServer")] HRESULT fire_AddSiteServer(BSTR bstrName);
  636. [helpstring("method fire_NotifySiteServerStateChange")] HRESULT fire_NotifySiteServerStateChange(BSTR bstrName, ServerState nState);
  637. [helpstring("method fire_AddSpeedDial")] HRESULT fire_AddSpeedDial(BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrAddress, CallManagerMedia cmm);
  638. [helpstring("method fire_UpdateConfParticipant")] HRESULT fire_UpdateConfParticipant(MyUpdateType nType, IParticipant *pParticipant, BSTR bstrText);
  639. [helpstring("method fire_UpdateConfRootItem")] HRESULT fire_UpdateConfRootItem(BSTR bstrNewText);
  640. [helpstring("method fire_DeleteAllConfParticipants")] HRESULT fire_DeleteAllConfParticipants();
  641. [helpstring("method fire_SelectConfParticipant")] HRESULT fire_SelectConfParticipant(IParticipant *pParticipant);
  642. };
  643. [
  644. uuid(239A3C5F-8D41-11D1-B675-00C04FA3C554),
  645. helpstring("IPersonExplorer Interface"),
  646. pointer_default(unique)
  647. ]
  648. interface IPersonExplorer : IUnknown
  649. {
  650. [helpstring("method Show")] HRESULT Show(HWND hWndTree, HWND hWndDetails);
  651. [helpstring("method UnShow")] HRESULT UnShow();
  652. [propget, helpstring("property DetailsView")] HRESULT DetailsView([out, retval] IPersonExplorerDetailsView * *ppVal);
  653. [propget, helpstring("property TreeView")] HRESULT TreeView([out, retval] IPersonExplorerTreeView * *ppVal);
  654. };
  655. [
  656. uuid(55AB415D-99B3-11D1-B67B-00C04FA3C554),
  657. helpstring("IPersonExplorerTreeView Interface"),
  658. pointer_default(unique)
  659. ]
  660. interface IPersonExplorerTreeView : IUnknown
  661. {
  662. };
  663. [
  664. uuid(55AB4160-99B3-11D1-B67B-00C04FA3C554),
  665. helpstring("IPersonExplorerDetailsView Interface"),
  666. pointer_default(unique)
  667. ]
  668. interface IPersonExplorerDetailsView : IUnknown
  669. {
  670. };
  671. [
  672. uuid(7009012B-F11E-11D1-B55E-00C04FB91A25),
  673. helpstring("IParticipant Interface"),
  674. pointer_default(unique)
  675. ]
  676. interface IParticipant : IUnknown
  677. {
  678. [propget, helpstring("property ITParticipant")] HRESULT ITParticipant([out, retval] ITParticipant * *pVal);
  679. [propput, helpstring("property ITParticipant")] HRESULT ITParticipant([in] ITParticipant * newVal);
  680. [propget, helpstring("property bstrDisplayName")] HRESULT bstrDisplayName(long nStyle, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  681. [propget, helpstring("property bStreamingVideo")] HRESULT bStreamingVideo([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);
  682. };
  683. [
  684. uuid(589AF613-6AAE-11D2-B742-00C04FA3C554),
  685. helpstring("IEnumSiteServer Interface"),
  686. pointer_default(unique)
  687. ]
  688. interface IEnumSiteServer : IUnknown
  689. {
  690. [helpstring("method Next")] HRESULT Next(ISiteUser **ppUser);
  691. [helpstring("method Reset")] HRESULT Reset();
  692. [helpstring("method BuildList")] HRESULT BuildList(long *pPersonDetailList);
  693. };
  694. [
  695. uuid(589AF615-6AAE-11D2-B742-00C04FA3C554),
  696. helpstring("ISiteUser Interface"),
  697. pointer_default(unique)
  698. ]
  699. interface ISiteUser : IUnknown
  700. {
  701. [propget, helpstring("property bstrName")] HRESULT bstrName([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  702. [propput, helpstring("property bstrName")] HRESULT bstrName([in] BSTR newVal);
  703. [propget, helpstring("property bstrAddress")] HRESULT bstrAddress([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  704. [propput, helpstring("property bstrAddress")] HRESULT bstrAddress([in] BSTR newVal);
  705. [propget, helpstring("property bstrComputer")] HRESULT bstrComputer([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
  706. [propput, helpstring("property bstrComputer")] HRESULT bstrComputer([in] BSTR newVal);
  707. };
  708. [
  709. uuid(FB2FF4DD-337E-11D1-9B37-00C04FB9514E),
  710. version(1.0),
  711. helpstring("TapiDialer 1.0 Type Library")
  712. ]
  713. library TAPIDIALERLib
  714. {
  715. importlib("stdole32.tlb");
  716. [
  717. uuid(FB2FF4EB-337E-11D1-9B37-00C04FB9514E),
  718. helpstring("AVTapi Class")
  719. ]
  720. coclass AVTapi
  721. {
  722. [default] interface IAVTapi;
  723. };
  724. [
  725. uuid(90381EC3-3603-11D1-9B39-00C04FB9514E),
  726. helpstring("ConfExplorer Class")
  727. ]
  728. coclass ConfExplorer
  729. {
  730. [default] interface IConfExplorer;
  731. };
  732. [
  733. uuid(90381EC5-3603-11D1-9B39-00C04FB9514E),
  734. helpstring("ConfExplorerTreeView Class")
  735. ]
  736. coclass ConfExplorerTreeView
  737. {
  738. [default] interface IConfExplorerTreeView;
  739. };
  740. [
  741. uuid(90381EC7-3603-11D1-9B39-00C04FB9514E),
  742. helpstring("ConfExplorerDetailsView Class")
  743. ]
  744. coclass ConfExplorerDetailsView
  745. {
  746. [default] interface IConfExplorerDetailsView;
  747. };
  748. [
  749. uuid(8AF7D5C6-4421-11D1-B621-00C04FA3C554),
  750. helpstring("AVTapiNotification Class")
  751. ]
  752. coclass AVTapiNotification
  753. {
  754. [default] interface IAVTapiNotification;
  755. };
  756. [
  757. uuid(8AF7D5C8-4421-11D1-B621-00C04FA3C554),
  758. helpstring("AVTapiCall Class")
  759. ]
  760. coclass AVTapiCall
  761. {
  762. [default] interface IAVTapiCall;
  763. };
  764. [
  765. uuid(8AD4E890-4660-11D1-B623-00C04FA3C554),
  766. helpstring("TapiNotification Class")
  767. ]
  768. coclass TapiNotification
  769. {
  770. [default] interface ITapiNotification;
  771. };
  772. [
  773. uuid(CC9D6B20-4A3F-11D1-B626-00C04FA3C554),
  774. helpstring("ConfRoom Class")
  775. ]
  776. coclass ConfRoom
  777. {
  778. [default] interface IConfRoom;
  779. };
  780. [
  781. uuid(CC9D6B22-4A3F-11D1-B626-00C04FA3C554),
  782. helpstring("ConfRoomTreeView Class")
  783. ]
  784. coclass ConfRoomTreeView
  785. {
  786. [default] interface IConfRoomTreeView;
  787. };
  788. [
  789. uuid(47F410B9-5FA5-11D1-B647-00C04FA3C554),
  790. helpstring("PageAddress Class")
  791. ]
  792. coclass PageAddress
  793. {
  794. interface IUnknown;
  795. };
  796. [
  797. uuid(5B175DF9-6A86-11D1-B651-00C04FA3C554),
  798. helpstring("PageTerminals Class")
  799. ]
  800. coclass PageTerminals
  801. {
  802. interface IUnknown;
  803. };
  804. [
  805. uuid(C35F6160-8A24-11D1-B673-00C04FA3C554),
  806. helpstring("VideoFeed Class")
  807. ]
  808. coclass VideoFeed
  809. {
  810. [default] interface IVideoFeed;
  811. };
  812. [
  813. uuid(239A3C5C-8D41-11D1-B675-00C04FA3C554),
  814. helpstring("GeneralNotification Class")
  815. ]
  816. coclass GeneralNotification
  817. {
  818. [default] interface IGeneralNotification;
  819. };
  820. [
  821. uuid(239A3C5E-8D41-11D1-B675-00C04FA3C554),
  822. helpstring("AVGeneralNotification Class")
  823. ]
  824. coclass AVGeneralNotification
  825. {
  826. [default] interface IAVGeneralNotification;
  827. };
  828. [
  829. uuid(239A3C60-8D41-11D1-B675-00C04FA3C554),
  830. helpstring("PersonExplorer Class")
  831. ]
  832. coclass PersonExplorer
  833. {
  834. [default] interface IPersonExplorer;
  835. };
  836. [
  837. uuid(55AB415E-99B3-11D1-B67B-00C04FA3C554),
  838. helpstring("PersonExplorerTreeView Class")
  839. ]
  840. coclass PersonExplorerTreeView
  841. {
  842. [default] interface IPersonExplorerTreeView;
  843. };
  844. [
  845. uuid(55AB4161-99B3-11D1-B67B-00C04FA3C554),
  846. helpstring("PersonExplorerDetailsView Class")
  847. ]
  848. coclass PersonExplorerDetailsView
  849. {
  850. [default] interface IPersonExplorerDetailsView;
  851. };
  852. [
  853. uuid(7009012C-F11E-11D1-B55E-00C04FB91A25),
  854. helpstring("Participant Class")
  855. ]
  856. coclass Participant
  857. {
  858. [default] interface IParticipant;
  859. };
  860. [
  861. uuid(71010169-0F7A-11D2-9D09-00C04FB9514E),
  862. helpstring("PageConf Class")
  863. ]
  864. coclass PageConf
  865. {
  866. interface IUnknown;
  867. };
  868. [
  869. uuid(16C655C6-1D15-11D2-B2D4-00C04FB6FA27),
  870. helpstring("PageGeneral Class")
  871. ]
  872. coclass PageGeneral
  873. {
  874. interface IUnknown;
  875. };
  876. [
  877. uuid(589AF614-6AAE-11D2-B742-00C04FA3C554),
  878. helpstring("EnumSiteServer Class")
  879. ]
  880. coclass EnumSiteServer
  881. {
  882. [default] interface IEnumSiteServer;
  883. };
  884. [
  885. uuid(589AF616-6AAE-11D2-B742-00C04FA3C554),
  886. helpstring("SiteUser Class")
  887. ]
  888. coclass SiteUser
  889. {
  890. [default] interface ISiteUser;
  891. };
  892. };