#include "stdafx.h"
#include "t3test.h"
#include "t3testD.h"
#include "calldlg.h"
#include "callnot.h"
#include "externs.h"
// UpdateMediaTypes
void CT3testDlg::UpdateMediaTypes( ITAddress * pAddress ) { long lMediaType; ITMediaSupport * pMediaSupport; HRESULT hr;
// get the media support interface
pAddress->QueryInterface( IID_ITMediaSupport, (void **)&pMediaSupport );
// get the mediatype enumerator
// release the interface
gbUpdatingStuff = TRUE;
// go through the supported mediatypes
DWORD dwMediaType = 1; DWORD dwHold = (DWORD)lMediaType;
while (dwMediaType) { if ( dwMediaType & dwHold ) { AddMediaType( (long) dwMediaType ); }
dwMediaType <<=1; }
gbUpdatingStuff = FALSE;
// select the first
// media type
SelectFirstItem( ghMediaTypesWnd, ghMediaTypesRoot );
// release and redo terminals
ReleaseTerminals(); ReleaseTerminalClasses();
if ( GetMediaType( &lMediaType ) ) { UpdateTerminals( pAddress, lMediaType ); UpdateTerminalClasses( pAddress, lMediaType ); } }
// UpdateCalls
void CT3testDlg::UpdateCalls( ITAddress * pAddress ) { IEnumCall * pEnumCall; HRESULT hr; ITCallInfo * pCallInfo;
// enumerate the current calls
pAddress->EnumerateCalls( &pEnumCall );
// go through the list
// and add the calls to the tree
while (TRUE) { hr = pEnumCall->Next( 1, &pCallInfo, NULL);
if (S_OK != hr) { break; }
UpdateCall( pCallInfo );
// release this reference
pCallInfo->Release(); }
pEnumCall->Release(); }
// UpdateCall
// check the call's state and privelege, and update the call
void CT3testDlg::UpdateCall( ITCallInfo * pCall ) { HTREEITEM hItem, hParent; TV_ITEM item; CALL_PRIVILEGE cp; CALL_STATE cs; TV_INSERTSTRUCT tvi;
// get the first call
item.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM; hItem = TreeView_GetChild( ghCallsWnd, ghCallsRoot );
// go through all the calls
// and look for the one that matches
// the one passed in
while (NULL != hItem) { item.hItem = hItem; TreeView_GetItem( ghCallsWnd, &item );
if ( item.lParam == (LPARAM)pCall ) { break; }
hItem = TreeView_GetNextSibling( ghCallsWnd, hItem ); }
// did we find it?
if (NULL == hItem) { return; }
hParent = hItem;
// delete the current children of the call
// node (these are the old privelege and state
hItem = TreeView_GetChild( ghCallsWnd, hItem );
while (NULL != hItem) { HTREEITEM hNewItem; hNewItem = TreeView_GetNextSibling( ghCallsWnd, hItem );
TreeView_DeleteItem( ghCallsWnd, hItem );
hItem = hNewItem; }
tvi.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST;
// get the current privilege
tvi.item.pszText = GetCallPrivilegeName( pCall );
// add it as a child of the
// call node
tvi.hParent = hParent; tvi.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT;
TreeView_InsertItem( ghCallsWnd, &tvi );
SysFreeString( tvi.item.pszText ); //
// get the current callstate
tvi.item.pszText = GetCallStateName( pCall ); //
// add it as a child of the call
// node
tvi.hParent = hParent; tvi.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT;
TreeView_InsertItem( ghCallsWnd, &tvi );
SysFreeString( tvi.item.pszText );
void CT3testDlg::UpdateTerminals( ITAddress * pAddress, long lMediaType ) { ITTerminalSupport * pTerminalSupport; IEnumTerminal * pEnumTerminals; HRESULT hr; ITTerminal * pTerminal; //
// get the terminalsupport interface
hr = pAddress->QueryInterface( IID_ITTerminalSupport, (void **) &pTerminalSupport );
if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { return; }
// enumerate the terminals
pTerminalSupport->EnumerateStaticTerminals( &pEnumTerminals );
// go through the terminals
while (TRUE) { VARIANT_BOOL bSupport; BSTR bstr; long l;
hr = pEnumTerminals->Next( 1, &pTerminal, NULL);
if (S_OK != hr) { break; }
// get the name
hr = pTerminal->get_Name( &bstr );
// if it's a unimodem or a direct sound
// device don't show it, cause they bother
// me
if (wcsstr( bstr, L"Voice Modem" ) || wcsstr( bstr, L"ds:" ) ) { pTerminal->Release(); SysFreeString( bstr ); continue; }
// free the name
SysFreeString( bstr );
// get the mediatype of the terminal
pTerminal->get_MediaType( &l );
// if it's the same as the selected mediatype
// show it
if ( l == lMediaType ) { AddTerminal(pTerminal); }
// release
pTerminal->Release(); }
// release enumerator
// release
// select
SelectFirstItem( ghTerminalsWnd, ghTerminalsRoot );
void CT3testDlg::UpdateTerminalClasses( ITAddress * pAddress, long lMediaType ) { IEnumTerminalClass * pEnumTerminalClasses; HRESULT hr; ITTerminalSupport * pTerminalSupport;
hr = pAddress->QueryInterface( IID_ITTerminalSupport, (void **)&pTerminalSupport );
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return; } //
// now enum dymnamic
hr = pTerminalSupport->EnumerateDynamicTerminalClasses( &pEnumTerminalClasses );
if (S_OK == hr) { //
// go through all the classes
while (TRUE) { GUID * pDynTerminalClass = new GUID;
hr = pEnumTerminalClasses->Next( 1, pDynTerminalClass, NULL );
if (S_OK != hr) { delete pDynTerminalClass; break; }
// manually match up mediatype and
// class
if ( (lMediaType == (long)LINEMEDIAMODE_VIDEO) && (*pDynTerminalClass == CLSID_VideoWindowTerm) ) {
AddTerminalClass( pDynTerminalClass ); }
else if ( (lMediaType == (long)LINEMEDIAMODE_AUTOMATEDVOICE) && ( *pDynTerminalClass == CLSID_DigitTerminal ) ) { AddTerminalClass( pDynTerminalClass ); } else if ( ((lMediaType == (long)LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM) || (lMediaType == (long)LINEMEDIAMODE_G3FAX)) && (*pDynTerminalClass == CLSID_DataTerminal) ) { AddTerminalClass( pDynTerminalClass ); } #endif // ENABLE_DIGIT_DETECTION_STUFF
else { delete pDynTerminalClass; }
// release enumerator
} //
// release this interface
pTerminalSupport->Release(); }