Call-Diversion-Operations DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN H4501SupplementaryService ::= SEQUENCE { networkFacilityExtension NetworkFacilityExtension OPTIONAL, -- see 8.1 interpretationApdu InterpretationApdu OPTIONAL, -- see 8.2 serviceApdu ServiceApdus, -- H.450.x supplementary services ... }
NetworkFacilityExtension ::= SEQUENCE { sourceEntity EntityType, sourceEntityAddress AddressInformation OPTIONAL, destinationEntity EntityType, destinationEntityAddress AddressInformation OPTIONAL, ... }
EntityType ::= CHOICE { endpoint NULL, anyEntity NULL, ... } AddressInformation ::= AliasAddress InterpretationApdu ::= CHOICE { discardAnyUnrecognizedInvokePdu NULL, clearCallIfAnyInvokePduNotRecognized NULL, -- this value also applies to Call independent signalling connections rejectAnyUnrecognizedInvokePdu NULL, -- this coding is implied by the absence of an interpretation APDU. ... }
ServiceApdus ::= CHOICE { rosApdus SEQUENCE OF H4503ROS, -- see 8.3; other alternatives may be defined in future versions ... }
H4503ROS ::= CHOICE { --invoke operations invoke Invoke, returnResult ReturnResult,
--returnError returnError ReturnError,
--reject reject Reject }
Invoke ::= SEQUENCE { invokeId InvokeId (0..65535), linkedId InvokeId OPTIONAL, opcode CODE, argument OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } ReturnResult ::= SEQUENCE { invokeId InvokeId, result SEQUENCE { opcode CODE, result OCTET STRING
ReturnError ::= SEQUENCE { invokeId InvokeId, errcode CODE, parameter OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }
Reject ::= SEQUENCE { invokeId InvokeId, problem CHOICE { general GeneralProblem, invoke InvokeProblem, returnResult ReturnResultProblem, returnError ReturnErrorProblem } }
GeneralProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedComponent (0), mistypedComponent (1), badlyStructuredComponent (2) } InvokeProblem ::= INTEGER { duplicateInvocation (0), unrecognizedOperation (1), mistypedArgument (2), resourceLimitation (3), releaseInProgress (4), unrecognizedLinkedId (5), linkedResponseUnexpected (6), unexpectedLinkedOperation (7) } ReturnResultProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedInvocation (0), resultResponseUnexpected (1), mistypedResult (2) } ReturnErrorProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedInvocation (0), errorResponseUnexpected (1), unrecognizedError (2), unexpectedError (3), mistypedParameter (4) } RejectProblem ::= INTEGER { general-unrecognizedPDU (0), general-mistypedPDU (1), general-badlyStructuredPDU (2), invoke-duplicateInvocation (10), invoke-unrecognizedOperation (11), invoke-mistypedArgument (12), invoke-resourceLimitation (13), invoke-releaseInProgress (14), invoke-unrecognizedLinkedId (15), invoke-linkedResponseUnexpected (16), invoke-unexpectedLinkedOperation (17), returnResult-unrecognizedInvocation (20), returnResult-resultResponseUnexpected (21), returnResult-mistypedResult (22), returnError-unrecognizedInvocation (30), returnError-errorResponseUnexpected (31), returnError-unrecognizedError (32), returnError-unexpectedError (33), returnError-mistypedParameter (34) } InvokeId ::= INTEGER PresentationAllowedIndicator ::= BOOLEAN
--DEFINITIONS FROM H4503.ASN ActivateDiversionQArgument ::= SEQUENCE { procedure Procedure, basicService BasicService, divertedToAddress EndpointAddress, servedUserNr EndpointAddress, activatingUserNr EndpointAddress, extension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
DeactivateDiversionQArgument ::= SEQUENCE { procedure Procedure, basicService BasicService, servedUserNr EndpointAddress, deactivatingUserNr EndpointAddress, extension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL,
... } InterrogateDiversionQArgument ::= SEQUENCE { procedure Procedure, basicService BasicService DEFAULT allServices, servedUserNr EndpointAddress, interrogatingUserNr EndpointAddress, extension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
CheckRestrictionArgument ::= SEQUENCE { servedUserNr EndpointAddress, basicService BasicService, divertedToNr EndpointAddress, extension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
CallReroutingArgument ::= SEQUENCE { reroutingReason DiversionReason, originalReroutingReason DiversionReason OPTIONAL, calledAddress EndpointAddress, diversionCounter INTEGER (1..15), h225InfoElement H225InformationElement, -- The H.225 information elements Bearer capability, -- High layer compatibility, Low layer compatibility and -- Progress Indicator information element may be embedded -- in the h225InfoElement in accordance with H.450.1. lastReroutingNr EndpointAddress, subscriptionOption SubscriptionOption, callingPartySubaddress PartySubaddress OPTIONAL, callingNumber EndpointAddress, callingInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, originalCalledNr EndpointAddress OPTIONAL, redirectingInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, originalCalledInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, extension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... } DivertingLegInformation1Argument ::= SEQUENCE { diversionReason DiversionReason, subscriptionOption SubscriptionOption, nominatedNr EndpointAddress, nominatedInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, redirectingNr EndpointAddress OPTIONAL, redirectingInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, extension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... } DivertingLegInformation2Argument ::= SEQUENCE { diversionCounter INTEGER (1..15), diversionReason DiversionReason, originalDiversionReason DiversionReason OPTIONAL, divertingNr EndpointAddress OPTIONAL, originalCalledNr EndpointAddress OPTIONAL, redirectingInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, originalCalledInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, extension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... } DivertingLegInformation3Argument ::= SEQUENCE { presentationAllowedIndicator PresentationAllowedIndicator, redirectionNr EndpointAddress OPTIONAL, redirectionInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, extension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
DivertingLegInformation4Argument ::= SEQUENCE { diversionReason DiversionReason, subscriptionOption SubscriptionOption, callingNr EndpointAddress, callingInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, nominatedNr EndpointAddress, nominatedInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, extension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... } DummyArg ::= CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter }
DummyRes ::= CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter }
DiversionReason ::= ENUMERATED { unknown (0), cfu (1), cfb (2), cfnr (3), ... }
IntResultList ::= SET SIZE (0..29) OF IntResult IntResult ::= SEQUENCE { servedUserNr EndpointAddress, basicService BasicService, procedure Procedure, divertedToAddress EndpointAddress, remoteEnabled BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, extension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL,
... }
Procedure ::= ENUMERATED { cfu (0), cfb (1), cfnr (2), ... } SubscriptionOption ::= ENUMERATED { noNotification (0), notificationWithoutDivertedToNr (1), notificationWithDivertedToNr (2), ... } BasicService ::= ENUMERATED { allServices(0), speech (1), unrestrictedDigitalInformation (2), audio31KHz (3), telephony (32), teletex (33), telefaxGroup4Class1 (34), videotexSyntaxBased (35), videotelephony (36), ... }
ExtensionSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF EXTENSION EXTENSION ::= SEQUENCE { argumentType INTEGER(1..65535) OPTIONAL, extensionID OBJECT IDENTIFIER --Ihave a doubt here }
--DEFINITIONS FROM H450.2 CTInitiateArg ::= SEQUENCE { callIdentity CallIdentity, reroutingNumber EndpointAddress, argumentExtension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
CTSetupArg ::= SEQUENCE { callIdentity CallIdentity, transferringNumber EndpointAddress OPTIONAL, argumentExtension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
CTIdentifyRes ::= SEQUENCE { callIdentity CallIdentity, reroutingNumber EndpointAddress, resultExtension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
CTUpdateArg ::= SEQUENCE { redirectionNumber EndpointAddress, redirectionInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, basicCallInfoElements H225InformationElement OPTIONAL, -- Information element -- Progress indicator may be conveyed argumentExtension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
SubaddressTransferArg ::= SEQUENCE { redirectionSubaddress PartySubaddress, argumentExtension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
CTCompleteArg ::= SEQUENCE { endDesignation EndDesignation, redirectionNumber EndpointAddress, -- number of new connected user basicCallInfoElements H225InformationElement OPTIONAL, -- Information element Progress indicator may be conveyed redirectionInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, callStatus CallStatus DEFAULT answered, argumentExtension CHOICE {extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
EndDesignation ::= ENUMERATED { primaryEnd(0), secondaryEnd(1), ... }
CallStatus ::= ENUMERATED { answered(0), alerting(1), ... }
CTActiveArg ::= SEQUENCE { connectedAddress EndpointAddress, -- number of new connected user basicCallInfoElements H225InformationElement OPTIONAL, -- Information element Progress indicator may be conveyed connectedInfo BMPString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, argumentExtension CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter } OPTIONAL, ... }
CallIdentity ::= NumericString (SIZE(0..4))
--DEFINITIONS FROM H450.5 CpRequestArg ::= SEQUENCE { parkingNumber EndpointAddress, parkedNumber EndpointAddress, parkedToNumber EndpointAddress, parkedToPosition ParkedToPosition OPTIONAL, extensionArg SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
CpRequestRes ::= SEQUENCE { parkedToNumber EndpointAddress, parkedToPosition ParkedToPosition OPTIONAL, parkCondition ParkCondition, extensionRes SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
CpSetupArg ::= SEQUENCE { parkingNumber EndpointAddress, parkedNumber EndpointAddress, parkedToNumber EndpointAddress, parkedToPosition ParkedToPosition OPTIONAL, extensionArg SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... } CpSetupRes ::= SEQUENCE { parkedToNumber EndpointAddress, parkedToPosition ParkedToPosition OPTIONAL, parkCondition ParkCondition, extensionRes SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
GroupIndicationOnArg ::= SEQUENCE { callPickupId CallIdentifier, -- identification of the call to be retrieved (parked or alerting call); -- its value equals the value of the CallIdentifier as assigned for the parked / -- alerting call within Setup-UUIE groupMemberUserNr EndpointAddress, retrieveCallType H4505CallType, partyToRetrieve EndpointAddress, -- Parked or Calling User retrieveAddress EndpointAddress, -- parked-to or alerting entity address -- (may also be a GK, see clause 9.2) parkPosition ParkedToPosition OPTIONAL, extensionArg SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
GroupIndicationOnRes ::= SEQUENCE { extensionRes SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
GroupIndicationOffArg ::= SEQUENCE { callPickupId CallIdentifier, -- identification of the call that has been picked up (parked or alerting call) groupMemberUserNr EndpointAddress, extensionArg SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
GroupIndicationOffRes ::= SEQUENCE { extensionRes SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
PickrequArg ::= SEQUENCE { picking-upNumber EndpointAddress, callPickupId CallIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- identification of the call to be picked up (parked or alerting call), if known partyToRetrieve EndpointAddress OPTIONAL, -- Parked or Calling User retrieveAddress EndpointAddress, -- parked-to or alerting entity address parkPosition ParkedToPosition OPTIONAL, extensionArg SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
PickrequRes ::= SEQUENCE { callPickupId CallIdentifier, -- identification of the call that is being picked up (parked or alerting call), -- if not sent in pickrequ invoke, it is assigned at the parked-to / alerting -- endpoint and reflects the CallIdentification of the parked / alerting call for -- later association with the pickExe invoke APDU. extensionRes SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
PickupArg ::= SEQUENCE { callPickupId CallIdentifier, -- identification of this call to be picked up (parked or alerting call); -- equals the CallIdentifier value that was assigned to this call in Setup-UUIE picking-upNumber EndpointAddress, extensionArg SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
PickupRes ::= SEQUENCE { extensionRes SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
PickExeArg ::= SEQUENCE { callPickupId CallIdentifier, -- identification of the parked / alerting call to be picked-up; -- required at picking-up endpoint to associate the SS-PICKUP invoked with this -- incoming setup message carrying the pickExe invoke APDU. picking-upNumber EndpointAddress, partyToRetrieve EndpointAddress, -- Parked or Calling User extensionArg SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
PickExeRes ::= SEQUENCE { extensionRes SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
CpNotifyArg ::= SEQUENCE { parkingNumber EndpointAddress OPTIONAL, extensionArg SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
CpickupNotifyArg ::= SEQUENCE { picking-upNumber EndpointAddress OPTIONAL, extensionArg SEQUENCE OF MixedExtension OPTIONAL, ... }
ParkedToPosition ::= INTEGER (0..65535) ParkCondition ::= ENUMERATED { unspecified (0), parkedToUserIdle (1), parkedToUserBusy (2), parkedToGroup (3), ... } H4505CallType ::= ENUMERATED { parkedCall (0), alertingCall (1), ... }
MixedExtension ::= CHOICE { extensionSeq ExtensionSeq, nonStandardData H225NonStandardParameter }
--DEFINITIONS FROM Addressing-Data-Elements EndpointAddress ::= SEQUENCE { destinationAddress SEQUENCE OF AliasAddress, -- multiple alias addresses may be used to address the same H.323 endpoint remoteExtensionAddress AliasAddress OPTIONAL, ... }
PartySubaddress ::= CHOICE { userSpecifiedSubaddress UserSpecifiedSubaddress, -- not recommended. nsapSubaddress NSAPSubaddress, -- according to Recommendation X.213. ... }
UserSpecifiedSubaddress ::= SEQUENCE { subaddressInformation SubaddressInformation, oddCountIndicator BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- used when the coding of subaddress is BCD ... } NSAPSubaddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)) -- specified according to X.213. Some networks may -- limit the subaddress value to some other length -- e.g. 4 octets
SubaddressInformation ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)) -- coded according to user requirements. Some networks -- may limit the subaddress value to some other length -- e.g. 4 octets
--DEFINITIONS FROM H225-generic-parameters-definition H225InformationElement ::= OCTET STRING
--DEFINITIONS FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects CODE ::= CHOICE { local INTEGER, global OBJECT IDENTIFIER } Priority ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
--DEFINITIONS FROM H225ASN H221NonStandard ::= SEQUENCE { t35CountryCode INTEGER(0..255), -- country, as per T.35 t35Extension INTEGER(0..255), -- assigned nationally manufacturerCode INTEGER(0..65535), -- assigned nationally ... }
H225NonStandardParameter ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardIdentifier H225NonStandardIdentifier, data OCTET STRING }
H225NonStandardIdentifier ::=CHOICE { object OBJECT IDENTIFIER, h221NonStandard H221NonStandard, ... } AliasAddress ::= CHOICE { e164 IA5String (SIZE (1..128)) (FROM ("0123456789#*,")), h323-ID BMPString (SIZE (1..256)), -- Basic ISO/IEC 10646-1 (Unicode) ..., url-ID IA5String (SIZE(1..512)), -- URL style address transportID TransportAddress, email-ID IA5String (SIZE(1..512)), -- rfc822-compliant email address partyNumber PartyNumber }
PartyNumber ::= CHOICE { publicNumber PublicPartyNumber, -- the numbering plan is according to -- Recommendations E.163 and E.164. dataPartyNumber NumberDigits, -- not used, value reserved. telexPartyNumber NumberDigits, -- not used, value reserved. privateNumber PrivatePartyNumber, nationalStandardPartyNumber NumberDigits, -- not used, value reserved. ... }
PublicPartyNumber ::= SEQUENCE { publicTypeOfNumber PublicTypeOfNumber, publicNumberDigits NumberDigits }
PrivatePartyNumber ::= SEQUENCE { privateTypeOfNumber PrivateTypeOfNumber, privateNumberDigits NumberDigits }
NumberDigits ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..128)) (FROM ("0123456789#*,"))
PublicTypeOfNumber ::= CHOICE { unknown NULL, -- if used number digits carry prefix indicating type -- of number according to national recommendations. internationalNumber NULL, nationalNumber NULL, networkSpecificNumber NULL, -- not used, value reserved subscriberNumber NULL, abbreviatedNumber NULL, -- valid only for called party number at the outgoing -- access, network substitutes appropriate number. ... }
PrivateTypeOfNumber ::= CHOICE { unknown NULL, level2RegionalNumber NULL, level1RegionalNumber NULL, pISNSpecificNumber NULL, localNumber NULL, abbreviatedNumber NULL, ... }
TransportAddress ::= CHOICE { ipAddress SEQUENCE { ip OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)), port INTEGER(0..65535) }, ipSourceRoute SEQUENCE { ip OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)), port INTEGER(0..65535), route SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING(SIZE(4)), routing CHOICE { strict NULL, loose NULL, ... }, ... }, ipxAddress SEQUENCE { node OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)), netnum OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)), port OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) }, ip6Address SEQUENCE { ip OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)), port INTEGER(0..65535), ... }, netBios OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)), nsap OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)), nonStandardAddress H225NonStandardParameter, ... }
CallIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { guid GloballyUniqueID, ... }
GloballyUniqueID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(16))
END --