Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
The implementation of IObjectWithSite interface that allows for per-page persistent data to be stored in registry or as a cookie.
#include <Mshtml.h>
#include <Wininet.h>
// this url is used to construct the URL for cookies -- a security measure
// so a script applet cannot drop a cookie with the same name and data
// and fool us into thinking it is our cookie
static const TCHAR gszHardCodedURL[] = _T("http://www.microsoft.com/");
// the expiration date is needed to make the cookie persistent
static const TCHAR gszCookieData[] = _T("6; expires = Sat, 12-Sep-2099 00:00:00 GMT");
// dummy suffix to be appended to the url string
static const TCHAR gszURLSuffix[] = _T("/url");
class CObjectWithSite : public IObjectWithSite {
// current validation level. used to determine whether the page is safe,
// unsafe, or whether information from the user is needed
// store type
enum EnMechanism { COOKIES, REGISTRY };
CObjectWithSite(TCHAR const *pszStorageName) :m_pszURL(NULL), m_dwSecurityZone(URLZONE_UNTRUSTED), m_pUnkSite(NULL), m_pszStorageName(NULL) { SetStorageName(pszStorageName); }
~CObjectWithSite() { if (m_pszURL) { delete m_pszURL; m_pszURL = NULL; }
if (m_pUnkSite) { m_pUnkSite->Release();
m_pUnkSite = NULL; }
if (m_pszStorageName) {
delete m_pszStorageName;
m_pszStorageName = NULL;
} }
// IObjectWithSite methods
STDMETHOD(SetSite)(IUnknown *pUnkSite) {
if ((NULL != pUnkSite) && IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC)pUnkSite)) { return E_POINTER; }
// we are moving away from a page. this is the new page, as far as
// validation logic is concerned, so invalidate the current page
if (NULL == pUnkSite) { Validate(UNVALIDATED); }
// Get URL and zone information for this site
// Note: we could delay this until we are actually asked for
// zone or URL, but this should not be a performance bottlneck
// in our case, so do this now to keep the code simple.
// replace the current site pointer with the new one
if (m_pUnkSite) { m_pUnkSite->Release(); }
m_pUnkSite = pUnkSite;
if (m_pUnkSite) { m_pUnkSite->AddRef(); }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(GetSite)(REFIID riid, void **ppSite) {
if (!IsBadWritePtr(ppSite, sizeof(void*))) { s_ObjectWithSiteCritSection.Lock();
*ppSite = NULL;
if (m_pUnkSite) { hr = m_pUnkSite->QueryInterface(riid, ppSite); } else { hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
// has this page been validated?
EnValidation GetValidation() {
// if the page has not been validated, see if it is marked as safe
if (UNVALIDATED == s_enValidation) { if (IsPageSafe()) { s_enValidation = VALIDATED_SAFE; } }
EnValidation enValidation = s_enValidation;
return enValidation; }
// validate page as safe, unsafe, or reset validation
EnValidation Validate(EnValidation enNewValidation) {
// keep the validation before the change
EnValidation enOldValidation = s_enValidation;
// safe permanent is a special case:
if (VALIDATED_SAFE_PERMANENT == enNewValidation) {
// set persistent safety flag and
// validate page as safe
MarkPageAsSafe(); enNewValidation = VALIDATED_SAFE; }
// change our validation level for this page
s_enValidation = enNewValidation;
return enOldValidation; }
BOOL IsIntranet() { //
// if anything other that intranet assume internet -- a less secure zone
BOOL bIntranet = ( m_dwSecurityZone == URLZONE_INTRANET );
return bIntranet;
// HaveSite()
// return true if we have a site pointer
BOOL HaveSite() {
BOOL bHaveSite = FALSE;
if (NULL != m_pUnkSite) { bHaveSite = TRUE; }
return bHaveSite; }
// store the current url in the "safe" list
// not thread safe, called from inside a lock
HRESULT MarkPageAsSafe(EnMechanism enMechanism = COOKIES) {
// if storage is invalid, the object has not been properly initialized
if (IsBadStringPtr(m_pszStorageName, -1)) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// is we don't have the url, can't do what we are asked
if (NULL == m_pszURL) { return S_FALSE; }
// if url is garbage, we have a problem
if ( IsBadStringPtr(m_pszURL, -1) ) { return E_FAIL; }
switch (enMechanism) {
hr = MarkPageSafeInRegistry(m_pszStorageName); break;
hr = MarkPageSafeCookie(m_pszStorageName); break;
return hr; }
// Returns TRUE if the current page is in the safe list
// not thread safe, called from inside a lock
BOOL IsPageSafe( EnMechanism enMechanism = COOKIES ) {
// if we cannot get safety marking for whatever reason,
// return false
_ASSERTE(NULL != m_pszStorageName);
if ( IsBadStringPtr(m_pszURL, -1) || IsBadStringPtr(m_pszStorageName, -1)) { return FALSE; }
switch (enMechanism) {
case REGISTRY: bSafe = IsPageSafeRegistry(m_pszStorageName); break;
case COOKIES: bSafe = IsPageSafeCookie(m_pszStorageName); break;
default: break; }
return bSafe; }
// this method is only called from the constructor. not thread safe.
HRESULT SetStorageName(TCHAR const *pszStorageName) { //
// calling this method invalidates the old storage name
// so deallocate it before doing anything else
if (NULL != m_pszStorageName) { delete m_pszStorageName; m_pszStorageName = NULL; }
// argument must be valid
if (IsBadStringPtr(pszStorageName, -1)) { return E_POINTER; }
// allocate buffer for the new storage name
size_t nSize = _tcsclen(pszStorageName) + 1;
m_pszStorageName = new TCHAR[nSize];
if (NULL == m_pszStorageName) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
_tcscpy(m_pszStorageName, pszStorageName);
return S_OK; }
// cache the url string and security zone id
// not thread safe must be called from inside a lock
HRESULT StoreURLAndZone(IUnknown *pUnkSite) {
// reset zone and deallocate URL, if it exists
m_dwSecurityZone = URLZONE_UNTRUSTED;
if (m_pszURL) { delete m_pszURL; m_pszURL = NULL; } if (pUnkSite == NULL) { return S_OK; }
// use pUnkSite to get to IHTMLDocument2, which will give us the URL
// these interfaces need to be released on exit.
// smart pointers will do exactly what we need
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CComPtr<IOleClientSite> pSite;
if (FAILED(hr = pUnkSite->QueryInterface(IID_IOleClientSite, (LPVOID *) &pSite))) { return hr; }
CComPtr<IOleContainer> pOleCtr;
if (FAILED(hr = pSite->GetContainer(&pOleCtr))) { return hr; }
CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> pDoc;
if (FAILED(hr = pOleCtr->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (LPVOID *) &pDoc))) { return hr; }
// get and keep the url
BSTR bstrURL; if (FAILED(hr = pDoc->get_URL(&bstrURL))) { return hr; }
UINT nURLLength = SysStringLen(bstrURL) + 1;
m_pszURL = new TCHAR[nURLLength];
if (NULL == m_pszURL) { SysFreeString(bstrURL); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
#ifdef _UNICODE
_tcscpy(m_pszURL, bstrURL);
int r = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, bstrURL, nURLLength, m_pszURL, nURLLength, NULL, NULL );
if (0 == r) { SysFreeString(bstrURL);
delete m_pszURL; m_pszURL = NULL; return E_FAIL; }
// whatever follows '#' and '?' is "extra info" and is not considered
// to be a part of the actual URL by Internet(Set/Get)Coookie. Extra
// Info has no value for us -- so throw it out
TCHAR *psDelimiter = _tcsstr(m_pszURL, _T("#")); if (NULL != psDelimiter) { *psDelimiter = _T('\0'); }
psDelimiter = _tcsstr(m_pszURL, _T("?"));
if (NULL != psDelimiter) { *psDelimiter = _T('\0'); }
// at this point we cached the URL
// now attempt to get the security zone. if we fail getting zone
// information still keep the url.
// Get security zone
CComPtr<IInternetSecurityManager> pSecMgr;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_InternetSecurityManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IInternetSecurityManager, (LPVOID *) &pSecMgr);
if (pSecMgr == NULL) { SysFreeString(bstrURL); return hr; }
hr = pSecMgr->MapUrlToZone(bstrURL, &m_dwSecurityZone, 0); //
// if failed, reset url to untrusted, just in case
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { m_dwSecurityZone = URLZONE_UNTRUSTED; }
// we should have at least the URL at this point
return S_OK; }
// drop a cookie for this page as an indicator that this page is safe
HRESULT MarkPageSafeCookie(TCHAR const *pszCookieName) {
// generate the url for the cookie
// remember to delete the returned string
if (NULL == pszURL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
BOOL bReturn = InternetSetCookie(pszURL, pszCookieName, gszCookieData);
delete pszURL;
return (bReturn)?S_OK:E_FAIL; }
// presence of a cookie for this page is an indicator that it's safe
// returns TRUE if the cookie exists. FALSE otherwise
BOOL IsPageSafeCookie(TCHAR const *pszCookieName) { //
// m_pszURL was checked by the calling function and the object
// is protected. m_pszURL should never be null here.
// same goes for pszCookieName
BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
BOOL bFinalReturn = FALSE;
// remember to delete the returned string
if (NULL == pszURL) { return FALSE; } //
// see how much data the cookie contains
DWORD dwCookieDataSize = 0; //
// assuming the return code is TRUE if the method succeeds in getting
// get the buffer size. the current documentation is not 100% clear
bReturn = InternetGetCookie(pszURL, pszCookieName, NULL, &dwCookieDataSize);
// dwCookieDataSize has the length of cookie data
if ( bReturn && dwCookieDataSize ) {
// allocate the buffer for cookie data
TCHAR *pCookieDataBuffer = new TCHAR[dwCookieDataSize];
if (NULL != pCookieDataBuffer) { //
// all cookies for this page are returned in cookie data,
// the name argument is ignored
bReturn = InternetGetCookie(pszURL, pszCookieName, pCookieDataBuffer, &dwCookieDataSize);
// is succeeded, parse cookie data buffer to see if the
// cookie we are looking for is there
if ( bReturn && ( NULL != _tcsstr(pCookieDataBuffer, pszCookieName) ) ) {
bFinalReturn = TRUE; }
delete pCookieDataBuffer; pCookieDataBuffer = NULL; } }
delete pszURL; pszURL = NULL;
return bFinalReturn; }
// add a registry entry for this page as an indicator that the page is safe
// returns TRUE if the registry entry exists
HRESULT MarkPageSafeInRegistry(TCHAR const *szRegistryKeyName) { _ASSERTE(m_pszURL);
// open the registry key. create if not there
DWORD dwDisposition = 0; HKEY hKey = 0;
LONG rc = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegistryKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition);
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dwData = 0;
// add the current URL to the registry
rc = RegSetValueEx(hKey, m_pszURL, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwData, sizeof(DWORD)); }
if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
hKey = NULL;
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return S_OK; } else { return E_FAIL; } }
// presence of a registry entry for this page indicates that the
// page is safe
BOOL IsPageSafeRegistry(TCHAR const *szRegistryKeyName) { DWORD dwDisposition = 0; HKEY hKey = 0;
// the default is not safe
if (NULL == m_pszURL) { return FALSE; }
// open the registry key where the page information is kept.
// create if not there
LONG rc = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegistryKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY | KEY_READ, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition);
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
DWORD dwDataType = 0; DWORD dwDataSize = 0; //
// read the setting for the current page.
// Note: we don't need the actual data, we just
// want to see if the value exists
rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, m_pszURL, 0, &dwDataType, NULL, &dwDataSize ); } if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
hKey = NULL;
return (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// build the URL string based on the hardcoded URL and
// the actual URL for this page.
// we are hoping that the striing will be unique (per page) and no
// mischevious scripting app can drop a cookie corresponding to
// this URL
// Note: if the implementation of of Internet(Set/Get)Cookie changes
// to have stricter validation for the URL string, this technique will
// not work
void GenerateURLString(TCHAR **ppszURL) { //
// the precondition is that m_pszURL exists
_ASSERT(NULL != m_pszURL);
*ppszURL = NULL;
// alias the char pointer pointer to by *pszURL.
// so it is easier to refer to.
TCHAR* &pszURL = *ppszURL; //
// allocate memory for concatenated string
pszURL = new TCHAR[_tcslen(gszHardCodedURL) + _tcslen(m_pszURL) + _tcslen(gszURLSuffix) + 1];
// concatenate
if (pszURL) { *pszURL = _T('\0'); _tcscat(pszURL, gszHardCodedURL); _tcscat(pszURL, m_pszURL); _tcscat(pszURL, gszURLSuffix); }
private: //
// cached URL string
TCHAR *m_pszURL;
// cached security zone
DWORD m_dwSecurityZone;
// site for IObjectWithSite
IUnknown *m_pUnkSite;
// thread safety
static CComAutoCriticalSection s_ObjectWithSiteCritSection;
// the status of the current page
static EnValidation s_enValidation;
// name of the persistent cookie or registry key
TCHAR *m_pszStorageName;