Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: sdpblob.cpp
Abstract: Implementation of CSdpConferenceBlob
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "blbgen.h"
#include "sdpblb.h"
#include "sdpblob.h"
#include "blbreg.h"
#include "addrgen.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "blbtico.h"
#include "blbmeco.h"
// ZoltanS: This is the multicast address we give by default. The app must then
// go and get a real address via MDHCP and explicitly set it to a meaningful
// value.
const long DUMMY_ADDRESS = 0xe0000000; // A dummy address that qualifies as Class D.
// CSdpConferenceBlob
// definition for the critical section needed by
// CObjectSafeImpl
CComAutoCriticalSection CObjectSafeImpl::s_CritSection;
CCritSection g_DllLock;
// static SDP_REG_READER gs_SdpRegReader;
// a 1-1 mapping from the index (BLOB_CHARACTER_SET) to the SDP_CHAR_SET
// ASSUMPTION: BCS_UTF8 is the last value in the enumeration BLOB_CHARACTER_SET
SDP_CHARACTER_SET const CSdpConferenceBlob::gs_SdpCharSetMapping[BCS_UTF8] = { CS_ASCII, CS_UTF7, CS_UTF8 };
CSdpConferenceBlob * CSdpConferenceBlob::GetConfBlob( ) { return this; }
HRESULT CSdpConferenceBlob::WriteStartTime( IN DWORD MinStartTime ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
int NumEntries = (int)GetTimeList().GetSize();
// set the first time entry to the MinStartTime
if ( 0 < NumEntries ) { // need to make sure that the stop time is after the start time or unbounded (0)
HRESULT HResult = ((SDP_TIME *)GetTimeList().GetAt(0))->SetStartTime(MinStartTime); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult); } else // create an entry
{ // create a new entry, use vb 1 based indices
HRESULT HResult = ((MY_TIME_COLL_IMPL *)m_TimeCollection)->Create(1, MinStartTime, 0); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult); }
// iterate through the time list and for each other time entry
// modify the start time (if the start time is before MinStartTime, change it to MinStartTime)
for(UINT i = 1; (int)i < NumEntries; i++ ) { ULONG StartTime; HRESULT HResult = ((SDP_TIME *)GetTimeList().GetAt(i))->GetStartTime(StartTime);
// ignore invalid values and continue
if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { continue; }
if ( StartTime < MinStartTime ) { HRESULT HResult = ((SDP_TIME *)GetTimeList().GetAt(i))->SetStartTime(MinStartTime);
// ignore invalid values and continue
if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { continue; } } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSdpConferenceBlob::WriteStopTime( IN DWORD MaxStopTime ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
int NumEntries = (int)GetTimeList().GetSize();
// set the first time entry to the MaxStopTime
if ( 0 < NumEntries ) { // need to make sure that the stop time is after the start time or unbounded (0)
((SDP_TIME *)GetTimeList().GetAt(0))->SetStopTime(MaxStopTime);
} else // create an entry
{ // create a new entry, use vb 1 based indices
HRESULT HResult = ((MY_TIME_COLL_IMPL *)m_TimeCollection)->Create(1, 0, MaxStopTime); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult); }
// iterate through the time list and for each other time entry
// modify the stop time (if the stop time is after MaxStopTime, change it to MaxStopTime)
for(UINT i = 1; (int)i < NumEntries; i++ ) { ULONG StopTime; HRESULT HResult = ((SDP_TIME *)GetTimeList().GetAt(i))->GetStopTime(StopTime);
// ignore invalid values and continue
if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { continue; }
if ( StopTime > MaxStopTime ) { ((SDP_TIME *)GetTimeList().GetAt(i))->SetStopTime(MaxStopTime); } }
return S_OK; }
enum RND_ADVERTISING_SCOPE // as per SDP recommendations
{ RAS_LOCAL, // ttl <=1 recommended ttl 1
RAS_SITE, // <=15 15
RAS_REGION, // <=63 63
RAS_WORLD // <=255 127
modification in target action ITConference SDP_BLOB for each connection line, the ttl is set to a max of the recommended ttl for the new advertising scope ITConnection CONFERENCE the SDP_BLOB component determines the max ttl and notifies the CONFERENCE of the new advertising scope
this is similar to the way start/stop time modifications are handled. */
HRESULT CSdpConferenceBlob::WriteAdvertisingScope( IN DWORD MaxAdvertisingScope ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
// ZoltanS: bug # 191413: check for out of range advertising scopes
if ( ( MaxAdvertisingScope > RAS_WORLD ) || ( MaxAdvertisingScope < RAS_LOCAL ) ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
BYTE MaxTtl = GetTtl((RND_ADVERTISING_SCOPE)MaxAdvertisingScope);
// set the default connection ttl to the max ttl
if ( GetConnection().GetTtl().IsValid() ) { GetConnection().GetTtl().SetValue(MaxTtl); } else // hack** : using SetConnection method. instead, the ttl field should always be kept valid
{ // get the current address and the number of addresses value and use the SetConnection method
// this puts the ttl field into the array of member fields
BSTR StartAddress = NULL; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(GetConnection().GetStartAddress().GetBstr(&StartAddress)); HRESULT HResult = GetConnection().SetConnection( StartAddress, GetConnection().GetNumAddresses().GetValue(), MaxTtl ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult); }
// iterate through the sdp media list and for each connection entry, set the ttl
// to maxttl if its more than it
int NumEntries = (int)GetMediaList().GetSize(); for(UINT i = 1; (int)i < NumEntries; i++ ) { SDP_CONNECTION &SdpConnection = ((SDP_MEDIA *)GetMediaList().GetAt(i))->GetConnection(); if ( SdpConnection.GetTtl().IsValid() && (SdpConnection.GetTtl().GetValue() > MaxTtl) ) { SdpConnection.GetTtl().SetValue(MaxTtl); } }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::Init( /*[in]*/ BSTR pName, /*[in]*/ BLOB_CHARACTER_SET CharacterSet, /*[in]*/ BSTR pBlob ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
// validate the parameters
// the name cannot be null, if no blob has been specified (if a blob is specified then the name
// is implicit in it
if ( (NULL == pName) && (NULL == pBlob) ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// initialize the sdp
if ( !SDP_BLOB::Init() ) { return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(GetLastError()); }
// create media/time collection, query for I*Collection i/f
CComObject<MEDIA_COLLECTION> *MediaCollection; try { MediaCollection = new CComObject<MEDIA_COLLECTION>; } catch(...) { MediaCollection = NULL; }
HRESULT HResult = MediaCollection->Init(*this, GetMediaList()); if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { delete MediaCollection; return HResult; }
// inform the sdp instance that it needn't delete the media list on destruction
// query for the ITMediaCollection i/f
HResult = MediaCollection->_InternalQueryInterface(IID_ITMediaCollection, (void **)&m_MediaCollection); if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { delete MediaCollection; return HResult; }
// on failure, just delete the time collection and return
// no need to delete the media collection as well since that's taken care of by the destructor
CComObject<TIME_COLLECTION> *TimeCollection; try { TimeCollection = new CComObject<TIME_COLLECTION>; } catch(...) { TimeCollection = NULL; }
HResult = TimeCollection->Init(*this, GetTimeList()); if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { delete TimeCollection; return HResult; }
// inform the sdp instance that it needn't delete the time list on destruction
// query for the ITTimeCollection i/f
HResult = TimeCollection->_InternalQueryInterface(IID_ITTimeCollection, (void **)&m_TimeCollection); if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { delete TimeCollection; return HResult; }
// check if a default sdp needs to be created, else use the sdp provided by the user
if ( NULL == pBlob ) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE( CreateDefault( pName, gs_SdpCharSetMapping[CharacterSet-1]) ); } else { // we change the Character set from the CS_UTF8
// if the blob containts the "a=charset:" attribute
CharacterSet = GetBlobCharacterSet( pBlob);
// HACK ** we don't want notifications of blob contents when the sdp blob is being passed in
// (conference directory - enumeration scenario), so the notification owner is set after the
// conference blob is processed
BAIL_ON_FAILURE(SetConferenceBlob(CharacterSet, pBlob));
// at this point, the sdp is either passed in by the non-dir-user or is obtained by enumerating
// the directory.
// clear the modified state on the sdp (parsing in an sdp sets the state to modified) so that
// only true modifications are tracked
ClearModifiedState(); } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_IsModified(VARIANT_BOOL * pVal) { BAIL_IF_NULL(pVal, E_INVALIDARG);
CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
*pVal = ( (GetWasModified() || SDP::IsModified()) ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_TimeCollection( ITTimeCollection * *ppTimeCollection ) { BAIL_IF_NULL(ppTimeCollection, E_INVALIDARG);
CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
ASSERT(NULL != m_TimeCollection); if ( NULL == m_TimeCollection ) { return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); }
// increase the ref count
*ppTimeCollection = m_TimeCollection; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_MediaCollection( ITMediaCollection * *ppMediaCollection ) { BAIL_IF_NULL(ppMediaCollection, E_INVALIDARG);
CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
ASSERT(NULL != m_MediaCollection); if ( NULL == m_MediaCollection ) { return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); }
// increase the ref count
*ppMediaCollection = m_MediaCollection; return S_OK; }
CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_CharacterSet(BLOB_CHARACTER_SET *pCharacterSet) { // map the sdp character set value for SDP_BLOB to the BLOB_CHARACTER_SET
CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
// check the sdp char set values corresponding to the blob character sets for a match
// if a match is found, return the index as the blob character set
// NOTE: the for loop is dependent upon the order of declaration of the BLOB_CHARACTER_SET
// enum values
for( UINT BlobCharSet = BCS_ASCII; BCS_UTF8 >= BlobCharSet; BlobCharSet++ ) { // BCS_ASCII is 1, but the array starts with 0, so the index is BlobCharSet - 1.
if ( gs_SdpCharSetMapping[BlobCharSet -1] == SDP::GetCharacterSet() ) { *pCharacterSet = (BLOB_CHARACTER_SET)BlobCharSet; return S_OK; } }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_ConferenceBlob(BSTR * pVal) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetBstrCopy(pVal); }
HRESULT CSdpConferenceBlob::WriteConferenceBlob( IN SDP_CHARACTER_SET SdpCharSet, IN BSTR newVal ) { // set the character set of the SDP_BSTRING
// set the bstr to the passed in value, this is converted to the ascii representation and parsed
HRESULT HResult = SetBstr(newVal); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
HResult = ((MEDIA_COLLECTION *)m_MediaCollection)->Init(*this, GetMediaList()); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
HResult = ((TIME_COLLECTION *)m_TimeCollection)->Init(*this, GetTimeList()); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::SetConferenceBlob(BLOB_CHARACTER_SET CharacterSet, BSTR newVal) { // validate the passed in character set value
// although this is an enumeration, someone may try and pass in a different value
// NOTE: Assumes BCS_ASCII is the first and BCS_UTF8 is the last enumerated value
if ( !( (BCS_ASCII <= CharacterSet) && (BCS_UTF8 >= CharacterSet) ) ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
// map the BLOB_CHARACTER_SET value to the sdp character set (since the BCS value start at 1,
// subtract 1 from the blob character set to index into the array
// write the conference blob, also send notifications for any modified dependent attributes
HRESULT HResult = WriteConferenceBlob(gs_SdpCharSetMapping[CharacterSet-1], newVal); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_ProtocolVersion(BYTE * pVal) { BAIL_IF_NULL(pVal, E_INVALIDARG);
CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
// cast the ulong value to a byte because vb doesn't take a ulong, this shouldn't be
// a problem until version 256
*pVal = (BYTE)GetProtocolVersion().GetVersionValue();
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_SessionId(DOUBLE * pVal) { BAIL_IF_NULL(pVal, E_INVALIDARG);
CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
// vb doesn't take ulong - cast the ulong value to a double, the next bigger type
*pVal = (DOUBLE)GetOrigin().GetSessionId().GetValue();
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_SessionVersion(DOUBLE * pVal) { BAIL_IF_NULL(pVal, E_INVALIDARG);
CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
// vb doesn't take ulong - cast the ulong value to a double, the next bigger type
*pVal = (DOUBLE)GetOrigin().GetSessionVersion().GetValue();
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::put_SessionVersion(DOUBLE newVal) { // the bandwidth value must be a valid ULONG value (vb restrictions)
if ( !((0 <= newVal) && (ULONG(-1) > newVal)) ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// check if there is any fractional part, this check is valid as it is a valid ULONG value
if ( newVal != (ULONG)newVal ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_MachineAddress(BSTR * pVal) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetOrigin().GetAddress().GetBstrCopy(pVal); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::put_MachineAddress(BSTR newVal) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetOrigin().GetAddress().SetBstr(newVal); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_Name(BSTR * pVal) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetSessionName().GetBstrCopy(pVal); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::put_Name(BSTR newVal) { // write the new session name
// acquire lock inside
return WriteName(newVal); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_Description(BSTR * pVal) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetSessionTitle().GetBstrCopy(pVal); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::put_Description(BSTR newVal) { // write the new session title / description
// acquire lock inside
HRESULT HResult = WriteSessionTitle(newVal); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_Url(BSTR * pVal) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetUri().GetBstrCopy(pVal); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::put_Url(BSTR newVal) { // write the new Url
// acquire lock inside
HRESULT HResult = WriteUrl(newVal); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::GetEmailNames( VARIANT /*SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*/ *Addresses, VARIANT /*SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*/ *Names ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetEmailList().GetSafeArray(Addresses, Names); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::SetEmailNames( VARIANT /*SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*/ Addresses, VARIANT /*SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*/ Names ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetEmailList().SetSafeArray(Addresses, Names); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::GetPhoneNumbers( VARIANT /*SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*/ *Numbers, VARIANT /*SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*/ *Names ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetPhoneList().GetSafeArray(Numbers, Names); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::SetPhoneNumbers( VARIANT /*SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*/ Numbers, VARIANT /*SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*/ Names ) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetPhoneList().SetSafeArray(Numbers, Names); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::get_Originator(BSTR * pVal) { CLock Lock(g_DllLock);
return GetOrigin().GetUserName().GetBstrCopy(pVal); }
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::put_Originator(BSTR newVal) { // write the new user name
// acquire lock inside
HRESULT HResult = WriteOriginator(newVal); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
return S_OK; }
inline WORD GetEvenValue( IN WORD Value ) { return (0 == (Value % 2))? Value : (Value - 1); }
TCHAR * CSdpConferenceBlob::GenerateSdpBlob( IN BSTR Name, IN SDP_CHARACTER_SET CharacterSet ) { ASSERT(NULL != Name);
// Get multicast ports. We don't set addresses; that's the app's
// responsibility via MDHCP.
MSA_PORT_GROUP PortGroup; PortGroup.PortType = VIDEO_PORT;
WORD FirstVideoPort;
// allocate video port
if ( !MSAAllocatePorts(&PortGroup, FALSE, 2, &FirstVideoPort) ) { return NULL; }
PortGroup.PortType = AUDIO_PORT;
WORD FirstAudioPort;
// allocate audio port
if ( !MSAAllocatePorts(&PortGroup, FALSE, 2, &FirstAudioPort) ) { return NULL; }
// convert the returned ports to even values for RTP compliance
// ASSUMPTION : the sdp template read from the registry uses RTP as the transport
FirstAudioPort = GetEvenValue(FirstAudioPort); FirstVideoPort = GetEvenValue(FirstVideoPort);
if ( !GetUserName(Originator, &OriginatorBufLen) ) { return NULL; }
// altconv.h - requires this declaration for W2T to work
// convert the provided name to a tchar; the returned tchar string is
// allocated on the stack - no need to delete it
TCHAR *TcharName = W2T(Name); BAIL_IF_NULL(TcharName, NULL);
// allocate enough memory for the sdp blob
TCHAR *SdpBlob; try { SdpBlob = new TCHAR[ SDP_REG_READER::GetConfBlobTemplateLen() + lstrlen(Originator) + lstrlen(TcharName) + MAXHOSTNAME + 3*MAX_NTP_TIME_STRLEN + 2*MAX_IP_ADDRESS_STRLEN + 2*MAX_PORT_STRLEN - 2*NUM_CONF_BLOB_TEMPLATE_PARAMS ]; } catch(...) { SdpBlob = NULL; }
if ( NULL == SdpBlob ) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return NULL; }
// ZoltanS: get the local host name (replaces all this IP address nonsense)
char szLocalHostName[MAXHOSTNAME + 1]; char * pszHost; int WsockErrorCode;
WsockErrorCode = gethostname(szLocalHostName, MAXHOSTNAME);
if ( 0 == WsockErrorCode ) { struct hostent *hostp = gethostbyname(szLocalHostName);
if ( hostp ) { pszHost = hostp->h_name; } else { // if we can't resolve our own hostname (yuck!) then we can
// still do *something* (but it may be bad for l2tp scenarios).
pszHost = SDP_REG_READER::GetHostIpAddress(); } } else { // if we can't get a hostname (yuck!) then we can still do
// *something* (but it may be bad for l2tp scenarios).
pszHost = SDP_REG_READER::GetHostIpAddress(); }
// stprintf the string to create the conference blob
// check if the stprintf operation succeeded
CHAR* szCharacterSet = (CHAR*)UTF8_STRING; switch( CharacterSet ) { case CS_ASCII: szCharacterSet = (CHAR*)ASCII_STRING; break; case CS_UTF7: szCharacterSet = (CHAR*)UTF7_STRING; break; }
if ( 0 == _stprintf(SdpBlob, SDP_REG_READER::GetConfBlobTemplate(), Originator, GetCurrentNtpTime(), pszHost, // ZoltanS was: SDP_REG_READER::GetHostIpAddress(), // local machine ip address string,
TcharName, AudioIpAddress.GetTstr(), // common c field
GetCurrentNtpTime() + SDP_REG_READER::GetStartTimeOffset(), // start time - current time + start offset,
GetCurrentNtpTime() + SDP_REG_READER::GetStopTimeOffset(), // stop time - current time + stop offset
szCharacterSet, FirstAudioPort, FirstVideoPort, VideoIpAddress.GetTstr() ) ) { delete SdpBlob; return NULL; }
return SdpBlob; }
HRESULT CSdpConferenceBlob::CreateDefault( IN BSTR Name, IN SDP_CHARACTER_SET CharacterSet ) { BAIL_IF_NULL(Name, E_INVALIDARG);
// check if the registry entries were read without errors
if ( !SDP_REG_READER::IsValid() ) { return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(SDP_REG_READER::GetErrorCode()); }
// check if a valid conference blob already exists, return error
if ( SDP_BLOB::IsValid() ) { return E_FAIL; }
// use the registry values to generate the default sdp
CHAR *SdpBlob = GenerateSdpBlob(Name, CharacterSet); BAIL_IF_NULL(SdpBlob, HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(GetLastError()));
ASSERT(NULL != SdpBlob);
// parse in the sdp
HRESULT HResult = SetTstr(SdpBlob); delete SdpBlob; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
HResult = ((MEDIA_COLLECTION *)m_MediaCollection)->Init(*this, GetMediaList()); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
HResult = ((TIME_COLLECTION *)m_TimeCollection)->Init(*this, GetTimeList()); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(HResult);
return S_OK; }
typedef IDispatchImpl<ITConferenceBlobVtbl<CSdpConferenceBlob>, &IID_ITConferenceBlob, &LIBID_SDPBLBLib> CTConferenceBlob; typedef IDispatchImpl<ITSdpVtbl<CSdpConferenceBlob>, &IID_ITSdp, &LIBID_SDPBLBLib> CTSdp; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=
// CSdpConferenceBlob::GetIDsOfNames
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::GetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, LPOLESTR* rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID* rgdispid ) { HRESULT hr = DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME;
// See if the requsted method belongs to the default interface
hr = CTConferenceBlob::GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgdispid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { rgdispid[0] |= IDISPCONFBLOB; return hr; }
// If not, then try the ITSdp base class
hr = CTSdp::GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgdispid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { rgdispid[0] |= IDISPSDP; return hr; }
// If not, then try the ITConnection base class
hr = ITConnectionImpl::GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgdispid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { rgdispid[0] |= IDISPCONNECTION; return hr; }
// If not, then try the ITAttributeList base class
hr = ITAttributeListImpl::GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgdispid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { rgdispid[0] |= IDISPATTRLIST; return hr; }
return hr; }
// CSdpConferenceBlob::Invoke
STDMETHODIMP CSdpConferenceBlob::Invoke(DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pdispparams, VARIANT* pvarResult, EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo, UINT* puArgErr ) { HRESULT hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; DWORD dwInterface = (dispidMember & INTERFACEMASK); //
// Call invoke for the required interface
switch (dwInterface) { case IDISPCONFBLOB: { hr = CTConferenceBlob::Invoke(dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr ); break; }
case IDISPSDP: { hr = CTSdp::Invoke(dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr );
break; }
case IDISPCONNECTION: { hr = ITConnectionImpl::Invoke(dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr );
break; }
case IDISPATTRLIST: { hr = ITAttributeListImpl::Invoke(dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr );
break; }
} // end switch (dwInterface)
return hr; }
BLOB_CHARACTER_SET CSdpConferenceBlob::GetBlobCharacterSet( IN BSTR bstrBlob ) { BLOB_CHARACTER_SET CharSet = BCS_ASCII; const WCHAR szCharacterSet[] = L"a=charset:";
WCHAR* szCharacterSetAttribute = wcsstr( bstrBlob, szCharacterSet);
if( szCharacterSetAttribute == NULL) { //We don't have the attribute
//We consider, for backward compability the default ASCII
return CharSet; }
// We have an attribute entry
szCharacterSetAttribute += wcslen( szCharacterSet ); if( wcsstr( szCharacterSetAttribute, L"unicode-1-1-utf8")) { CharSet = BCS_UTF8; } else if (wcsstr( szCharacterSetAttribute, L"unicode-1-1-utf7")) { CharSet = BCS_UTF7; } else if (wcsstr( szCharacterSetAttribute, L"ascii")) { CharSet = BCS_ASCII; }
return CharSet; }