Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the ACD Group object for TAPI 3.0. CACDGroup class
noela - 11/04/97
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
HRESULT WaitForReply( DWORD );
// CACDGroup
// Class : CACDGroup
// Method : Initialize
STDMETHODIMP CACDGroup::Initialize ( PWSTR pszGroupName, GUID GroupHandle, CAgentHandler * pHandler ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Initialize - enter" ));
m_GroupHandle = GroupHandle; m_pHandler = pHandler;
m_bActive = TRUE;
// copy the destination address
if (pszGroupName != NULL) { m_szName = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc((lstrlenW(pszGroupName) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); if (m_szName != NULL) { lstrcpyW(m_szName,pszGroupName); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Initialize - Alloc m_szName failed" )); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { LOG((TL_INFO, "Initialize - name is NULL" )); m_szName = NULL; }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Fire event here
CACDGroupEvent::FireEvent(this, ACDGE_NEW_GROUP); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "Initialize - exit" )); return hr; }
// Class : CACDGroup
// Method : FinalRelease
void CACDGroup::FinalRelease() { LOG(( TL_TRACE, "FinalRelease ACD Group - %S", m_szName )); if ( m_szName != NULL ) { ClientFree(m_szName); }
LOG((TL_TRACE, "FinalRelease ACD Group - exit")); }
// Class : CACDGroup
// Method : SetActive
void CACDGroup::SetActive() { if ( !m_bActive ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "SetActive - Set Group To Active")); m_bActive = TRUE;
// Fire event here
CACDGroupEvent::FireEvent(this, ACDGE_NEW_GROUP); } else { LOG((TL_INFO, "SetActive - Already Active")); }
// Class : CACDGroup
// Method : SetInactive
void CACDGroup::SetInactive() { if ( m_bActive ) { LOG((TL_INFO, "SetInactive - Set Group To Inactive")); m_bActive = FALSE;
// Fire event here
CACDGroupEvent::FireEvent(this, ACDGE_GROUP_REMOVED);
} else { LOG((TL_INFO, "SetInactive - Already Inactive")); } }
// Class : CACDGroup
// Method : active
// Overloaded function !
inline BOOL CACDGroup::active(HRESULT * hr) { if(m_bActive) { *hr = S_OK; } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Group inactive" )); *hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }
return m_bActive; }
// Class : CACDGroup
// Method : UpdateAgentHandlerList
HRESULT CACDGroup::UpdateQueueArray() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwNumberOfEntries; LPLINEQUEUELIST pQueueList = NULL; LPLINEQUEUEENTRY pQueueEntry = NULL; PWSTR pszQueueName; DWORD dwQueueID, dwCount; int iCount; BOOL foundIt; CQueue * thisQueue = NULL;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "UpdateQueueArray - enter"));
// Call LineGetQueulist to get list of Queues
hr = lineGetQueueList( m_pHandler->getHLine(), &m_GroupHandle, &pQueueList ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { dwNumberOfEntries = pQueueList->dwNumEntries; // Find position of 1st LINEQUEUEENTRY structure in the LINEQUEUELIST
pQueueEntry = (LPLINEQUEUEENTRY) ((BYTE*)(pQueueList) + pQueueList->dwListOffset);
// Run though the received list
for (dwCount = 0; dwCount < dwNumberOfEntries; dwCount++) { int iCount; pszQueueName= (PWSTR)( (PBYTE)pQueueList + pQueueEntry->dwNameOffset); dwQueueID = pQueueEntry->dwQueueID; LOG((TL_INFO, "UpdateQueueArray - Queue Name : %S", pszQueueName)); LOG((TL_INFO, "UpdateQueueArray - Queue Handle : %d", dwQueueID));
// Run through the list of Queues & see if we already have this one in the list
// by comparing IDs
foundIt = FALSE;
for (iCount = 0; iCount < m_QueueArray.GetSize(); iCount++) { thisQueue = dynamic_cast<CComObject<CQueue>*>(m_QueueArray[iCount]); if (thisQueue != NULL) { if ( dwQueueID == thisQueue->getID() ) { foundIt = TRUE; break; } } } Unlock(); if (foundIt == FALSE) { // Didn't match so lets add this Queue
LOG((TL_INFO, "UpdateQueueArray - create new Queue"));
CComObject<CQueue> * pQueue; hr = CComObject<CQueue>::CreateInstance( &pQueue ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { ITQueue * pITQueue; hr = pQueue->QueryInterface(IID_ITQueue, (void **)&pITQueue);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // initialize the Queue
hr = pQueue->Initialize(dwQueueID, pszQueueName, m_pHandler); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // add to list of CQueues
Lock(); m_QueueArray.Add(pITQueue); Unlock(); pITQueue->Release();
LOG((TL_INFO, "UpdateQueueArray - Added Queue to list")); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "UpdateQueueArray - Initialize Queue failed" )); delete pQueue; } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "UpdateQueueArray - QueryInterface ITQueue failed" )); delete pQueue; }
} else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "UpdateQueueArray - Create Queue failed" )); } } else // foundIt == TRUE
{ LOG((TL_INFO, "UpdateQueueArray - Queue Object exists for this entry" )); } // next entry in list
pQueueEntry ++; } //for(dwCount = 0......)
} else // LineGetQueuelist failed
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "UpdateQueueArray - LineGetQueuelist failed")); }
// finished with memory block so release
if ( pQueueList != NULL ) ClientFree( pQueueList );
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "UpdateQueueArray - exit")); return hr; }
// Class : CACDGroup
// Interface : ITACDGroup
// Method : EnumerateQueues
STDMETHODIMP CACDGroup::EnumerateQueues(IEnumQueue ** ppEnumQueue) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LOG((TL_TRACE, "EnumerateQueues - enter")); if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppEnumQueue, sizeof(IEnumQueue *) ) ) { Lock(); UpdateQueueArray(); //
// create the enumerator
CComObject< CTapiEnum<IEnumQueue, ITQueue, &IID_IEnumQueue> > * pEnum; hr = CComObject< CTapiEnum<IEnumQueue, ITQueue, &IID_IEnumQueue> > ::CreateInstance( &pEnum ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// initialize it with our queue list
hr = pEnum->Initialize( m_QueueArray ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // return it
*ppEnumQueue = pEnum; } else // failed to initialize
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateQueues - could not initialize enum" )); pEnum->Release(); } } else // failed to create enum
{ LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateQueues - could not create enum" )); hr = E_POINTER; }
Unlock(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "EnumerateQueues - bad ppEnumQueue pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "EnumerateQueues - exit")); return hr; }
// Class : CACDGroup
// Interface : ITACDGroup
// Method : get_Queues
// Return a collection of queues
STDMETHODIMP CACDGroup::get_Queues(VARIANT * pVariant) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IDispatch * pDisp = NULL;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "get_Queues - enter"));
if (!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pVariant, sizeof(VARIANT) ) ) { UpdateQueueArray(); //
// create the collection
CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITQueue > > * p; hr = CComObject< CTapiCollection< ITQueue > >::CreateInstance( &p ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // initialize it with our address list
Lock(); hr = p->Initialize( m_QueueArray ); Unlock(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // get the IDispatch interface
hr = p->_InternalQueryInterface( IID_IDispatch, (void **) &pDisp ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // put it in the variant
VariantInit(pVariant); pVariant->vt = VT_DISPATCH; pVariant->pdispVal = pDisp; } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Queues - could not get IDispatch interface" )); delete p; } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Queues - could not initialize collection" )); delete p; } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Queues - could not create collection" )); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "get_Queues - bad pVariant pointer" )); hr = E_POINTER; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "get_Queues - exit")); return hr; }
// Class : CACDGroup
// Interface : ITACDGroup
// Method : get_Name
STDMETHODIMP CACDGroup::get_Name(BSTR * Name) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Name - enter" ));
if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( Name, sizeof(BSTR) ) ) { if ( active(&hr) ) { Lock(); *Name = SysAllocString(m_szName); if (*Name == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } Unlock(); } } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "Name - bad Name pointer" )); hr = E_POINTER; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "Name - exit" )); return hr; }
// CACDGroup
// Class : CACDGroup
// Method : FireEvent
HRESULT CACDGroupEvent::FireEvent(CACDGroup* pACDGroup, ACDGROUP_EVENT Event) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComObject<CACDGroupEvent> * pEvent; IDispatch * pIDispatch;
if ( IsBadReadPtr(pACDGroup, sizeof(CACDGroup)) ) { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "FireEvent - pACDGroup is an invalid pointer"));
// create event
hr = CComObject<CACDGroupEvent>::CreateInstance( &pEvent );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// initialize
pEvent->m_GroupEvent = Event; pEvent->m_pGroup= dynamic_cast<ITACDGroup *>(pACDGroup); pEvent->m_pGroup->AddRef(); //
// get idisp interface
hr = pEvent->QueryInterface( IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pIDispatch );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// get callback & fire event
CTAPI *pTapi = (pACDGroup->GetAgentHandler() )->GetTapi(); pTapi->Event( TE_ACDGROUP, pIDispatch ); // release stuff
pIDispatch->Release(); } else { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "FireEvent - Could not get disp interface of ACDGroupEvent object")); delete pEvent; } } else { STATICLOG((TL_ERROR, "FireEvent - Could not create ACDGroupEvent object")); }
STATICLOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "FireEvent - exit")); return hr; }
// Class : CACDGroup
// Method : FinalRelease
void CACDGroupEvent::FinalRelease() { m_pGroup->Release();
// Class : CACDGroup
// Interface : ITACDGroupEvent
// Method : ACDGroup
STDMETHODIMP CACDGroupEvent::get_Group(ITACDGroup ** ppGroup) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LOG((TL_TRACE, "(Event)ACDGroup - enter" ));
if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( ppGroup, sizeof(ITACDGroup *) ) ) { *ppGroup = m_pGroup; m_pGroup->AddRef(); } else { LOG((TL_ERROR, "(Event)ACDGroup -bad ppGroup pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; }
LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "(Event)ACDGroup - exit")); return hr; }
// Class : CACDGroup
// Interface : ITACDGroupEvent
// Method : Event
LOG((TL_TRACE, "Event - enter" )); if(!TAPIIsBadWritePtr( pEvent, sizeof(ACDGROUP_EVENT) ) ) { *pEvent = m_GroupEvent; } else { LOG((TL_TRACE, "Event - bad pEvent pointer")); hr = E_POINTER; } LOG((TL_TRACE, hr, "Event - exit")); return hr; }