/********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990-2000 **/ /********************************************************************/ /* :ts=4 */
//*** iploop.c - IP loopback routines.
// This file contains all the routines related to loopback
#include "precomp.h"
#include "iprtdef.h"
#include "iproute.h"
#include "tcpipbuf.h"
extern int NumNTE; extern int NumActiveNTE;
extern Interface *IFList; extern uint NumIF;
extern BOOLEAN CopyToNdisSafe(PNDIS_BUFFER DestBuf, PNDIS_BUFFER * ppNextBuf, uchar * SrcBuf, uint Size, uint * StartOffset);
CACHE_LINE_KSPIN_LOCK LoopLock; PNDIS_PACKET LoopXmitHead = (PNDIS_PACKET) NULL; PNDIS_PACKET LoopXmitTail = (PNDIS_PACKET) NULL; CTEEvent LoopXmitEvent; RouteInterface LoopInterface; // Loopback interface.
uint LoopXmitRtnRunning = 0;
int LoopGetEList(void *Context, TDIEntityID *EntityList, uint *Count); NetTableEntry *InitLoopback(IPConfigInfo * ConfigInfo);
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, LoopGetEList)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, InitLoopback)
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
uint LoopIndex; // Index of loop I/F.
uint LoopInstance = (uint) INVALID_ENTITY_INSTANCE; // I/F instance of loopback I/F.
NetTableEntry *LoopNTE; // Pointer to loopback NTE.
IFEntry LoopIFE; // Loopback IF Entry.
uchar LoopName[] = "MS TCP Loopback interface"; uint LoopEntityType = IF_MIB;
//* LoopSetAffinity - Sets or resets the affinity of a thread.
// This routine is used to affinitize the loopback thread upon entry to the
// processor it would be running on at that time and to remove the affinity
// upon exit. This is done in order to assure that receives and receive-
// completions happen on the same processor on the loopback interface.
// Entry: SetAffinity - Sets the affinity if TRUE, resets otherwise.
// Returns: Nothing.
__inline VOID LoopSetAffinity(BOOLEAN SetAffinity) { KAFFINITY affinityMask;
if (KeNumberProcessors == 1) { return; }
if (SetAffinity) { affinityMask = (1 << KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber()); } else { affinityMask = ((1 << KeNumberProcessors) - 1); }
ZwSetInformationThread(NtCurrentThread(), ThreadAffinityMask, &affinityMask, sizeof(affinityMask)); }
//* LoopXmitRtn - Loopback xmit event routine.
// This is the delayed event routine called for a loopback transmit.
// Entry: Event - Pointer to event structure.
// Context - Pointer to loopback NTE
// Returns: Nothing.
void LoopXmitRtn(CTEEvent *Event, void *Context) { PNDIS_PACKET Packet; // Pointer to packet being transmitted
PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer; // Current NDIS buffer being processed.
uint TotalLength; // Total length of send.
uint LookaheadLength; // Bytes in lookahead.
uint Copied; // Bytes copied so far.
uchar *CopyPtr; // Pointer to buffer being copied into.
uchar *SrcPtr; // Pointer to buffer being copied from.
uint SrcLength; // Length of src buffer.
uchar LookaheadBuffer[LOOP_LOOKAHEAD]; uchar Rcvd = FALSE; #if !MILLEN
KIRQL OldIrql; #endif // !MILLEN
// Raise IRQL so we can acquire locks at DPC level in the receive code.
// On Windows ME, this is NOT done since receive indications are in the
// context of a global event rather than DPC (in fact due to TDI client
// restrictions, TCP/IP can't indicate up at DPC, so care must be taken).
KeEnterCriticalRegion(); KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); #endif // !MILLEN
if (LoopXmitRtnRunning) { CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&LoopLock.Lock); #if !MILLEN
KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); KeLeaveCriticalRegion();
LoopSetAffinity(FALSE); #endif // !MILLEN
return; } LoopXmitRtnRunning = 1;
for (;;) { Packet = LoopXmitHead; // Get the next packet from the list.
if (Packet != (PNDIS_PACKET) NULL) { LoopXmitHead = *(PNDIS_PACKET *) Packet->MacReserved; LoopIFE.if_outqlen--; CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&LoopLock.Lock); } else { // Nothing left to do.
LoopXmitRtnRunning = 0; CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&LoopLock.Lock); break; }
// See if the interface is up. If it's not, we can't deliver it.
if (LoopIFE.if_adminstatus == IF_STATUS_UP) { NdisQueryPacket(Packet, NULL, NULL, &Buffer, &TotalLength); LoopIFE.if_outoctets += TotalLength; LoopIFE.if_inoctets += TotalLength;
LookaheadLength = MIN(LOOP_LOOKAHEAD, TotalLength); Copied = 0; CopyPtr = LookaheadBuffer; while (Copied < LookaheadLength) { uint ThisCopy; // Bytes to copy this time.
ASSERT(Buffer); TcpipQueryBuffer(Buffer, &SrcPtr, &SrcLength, NormalPagePriority);
if (SrcPtr == NULL) { IPSendComplete(Context, Packet, NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES); CTEGetLockAtDPC(&LoopLock.Lock); LoopXmitRtnRunning = 0; LoopIFE.if_indiscards++; CTEFreeLockFromDPC(&LoopLock.Lock); #if !MILLEN
KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); KeLeaveCriticalRegion();
LoopSetAffinity(FALSE); #endif // !MILLEN
return; } ThisCopy = MIN(SrcLength, LookaheadLength - Copied); RtlCopyMemory(CopyPtr, SrcPtr, ThisCopy); Copied += ThisCopy; CopyPtr += ThisCopy; NdisGetNextBuffer(Buffer, &Buffer); }
Rcvd = TRUE; LoopIFE.if_inucastpkts++;
// Call the RcvPacket Handler
IPRcvPacket(Context, LookaheadBuffer, LookaheadLength, TotalLength, (NDIS_HANDLE) Packet, 0, FALSE, 0, NULL, (PUINT) Packet, NULL); } else { LoopIFE.if_indiscards++; }
IPSendComplete(Context, Packet, NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS);
// Give other threads a chance to run.
// Block special k mode APC delivery
// so that thread will not be blocked
// in a completion routine
KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
#endif // !MILLEN
CTEGetLockAtDPC(&LoopLock.Lock); }
if (Rcvd) { IPRcvComplete(); } #if !MILLEN
KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); KeLeaveCriticalRegion();
LoopSetAffinity(FALSE); #endif // !MILLEN
//** LoopXmit - Transmit a loopback packet.
// This is the routine called when we need to transmit a packet to ourselves.
// We put the packet on our loopback list, and schedule an event to deal
// with it.
// Entry: Context - Pointer to the loopback NTE.
// Packet - Pointer to packet to be transmitted.
// Dest - Destination addres of packet.
// RCE - Pointer to RCE (should be NULL).
NDIS_STATUS __stdcall LoopXmit(void *Context, PNDIS_PACKET *PacketArray, uint NoPackets, IPAddr Dest, RouteCacheEntry * RCE, void *LinkCtxt) { PNDIS_PACKET *PacketPtr; CTELockHandle Handle; PNDIS_PACKET Packet = *PacketArray;
if (LoopIFE.if_adminstatus == IF_STATUS_UP) { PacketPtr = (PNDIS_PACKET *) Packet->MacReserved; *PacketPtr = (PNDIS_PACKET) NULL;
CTEGetLock(&LoopLock.Lock, &Handle); if (LoopXmitHead == (PNDIS_PACKET) NULL) { // Xmit. Q is empty
LoopXmitHead = Packet; } else { // Xmit. Q is not empty
PacketPtr = (PNDIS_PACKET *) LoopXmitTail->MacReserved; *PacketPtr = Packet; } LoopXmitTail = Packet; LoopIFE.if_outqlen++; if (!LoopXmitRtnRunning) { CTEScheduleDelayedEvent(&LoopXmitEvent, Context); } CTEFreeLock(&LoopLock.Lock, Handle); return NDIS_STATUS_PENDING; } else { LoopIFE.if_outdiscards++; return NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } }
//* LoopXfer - Loopback transfer data routine.
// Called when we need to transfer data for the loopback net. The input
// TDContext is the original packet.
// Entry: Context - Pointer to loopback NTE.
// TDContext - Original packet that was sent.
// Dummy - Unused
// Offset - Offset in frame from which to start copying.
// BytesToCopy - Number of bytes to copy.
// DestPacket - Packet describing buffer to copy into.
// BytesCopied - Place to return bytes copied.
NDIS_STATUS __stdcall LoopXfer(void *Context, NDIS_HANDLE TDContext, uint Dummy, uint Offset, uint BytesToCopy, PNDIS_PACKET DestPacket, uint *BytesCopied) { PNDIS_BUFFER SrcBuffer; // Current buffer we're copying from.
PNDIS_PACKET SrcPacket = (PNDIS_PACKET) TDContext; uchar *SrcPtr; // Where we're copying from.
uint SrcLength; // Length of current src buffer.
PNDIS_BUFFER DestBuffer; // Buffer we're copying to.
uchar *DestPtr; // Where we're copying to.
uint DestLength; // Length of current dest. buffer.
uint Copied; // Length we've copied so far.
// First, skip over Offset bytes in the packet.
NdisQueryPacket(SrcPacket, NULL, NULL, &SrcBuffer, NULL);
ASSERT(SrcBuffer); TcpipQueryBuffer(SrcBuffer, &SrcPtr, &SrcLength, NormalPagePriority);
if (SrcPtr == NULL) { return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; } while (Offset >= SrcLength) { Offset -= SrcLength; NdisGetNextBuffer(SrcBuffer, &SrcBuffer); ASSERT(SrcBuffer); TcpipQueryBuffer(SrcBuffer, &SrcPtr, &SrcLength, NormalPagePriority);
if (SrcPtr == NULL) { return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; } } // Update Src pointer and length.
SrcPtr += Offset; SrcLength -= Offset;
// Set up the destination pointers and lengths.
NdisQueryPacket(DestPacket, NULL, NULL, &DestBuffer, NULL); TcpipQueryBuffer(DestBuffer, &DestPtr, &DestLength, NormalPagePriority);
if (DestPtr == NULL) { return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; } Copied = 0; Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
while (BytesToCopy) { uint ThisCopy; // What we're copying this time.
ThisCopy = MIN(SrcLength, DestLength); RtlCopyMemory(DestPtr, SrcPtr, ThisCopy); Copied += ThisCopy; DestPtr += ThisCopy; SrcPtr += ThisCopy; BytesToCopy -= ThisCopy; SrcLength -= ThisCopy; DestLength -= ThisCopy; if (!SrcLength) { // We've exhausted the source buffer.
NdisGetNextBuffer(SrcBuffer, &SrcBuffer); if (!SrcBuffer) { ASSERT(0 == BytesToCopy); break; // Copy is done.
TcpipQueryBuffer(SrcBuffer, &SrcPtr, &SrcLength, NormalPagePriority); if (SrcPtr == NULL && BytesToCopy) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; } } if (!DestLength) { // We've exhausted the destination buffer.
NdisGetNextBuffer(DestBuffer, &DestBuffer); if (!DestBuffer) { ASSERT(0 == BytesToCopy); break; // Copy is done.
TcpipQueryBuffer(DestBuffer, &DestPtr, &DestLength, NormalPagePriority);
if (DestPtr == NULL && BytesToCopy) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; } } }
if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { *BytesCopied = Copied; } return Status; }
//* LoopClose - Loopback close routine.
// This is the loopback close routine. It does nothing but return.
// Entry: Context - Unused.
// Returns: Nothing.
void __stdcall LoopClose(void *Context) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); }
//* LoopInvalidate - Invalidate an RCE.
// The loopback invalidate RCE routine. It also does nothing.
// Entry: Context - Unused.
// RCE - Pointer to RCE to be invalidated.
// Returns: Nothing.
void __stdcall LoopInvalidate(void *Context, RouteCacheEntry * RCE) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(RCE); }
//* LoopQInfo - Loopback query information handler.
// Called when the upper layer wants to query information about the loopback
// interface.
// Input: IFContext - Interface context (unused).
// ID - TDIObjectID for object.
// Buffer - Buffer to put data into.
// Size - Pointer to size of buffer. On return, filled with
// bytes copied.
// Context - Pointer to context block.
// Returns: Status of attempt to query information.
int __stdcall LoopQInfo(void *IFContext, TDIObjectID * ID, PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer, uint * Size, void *Context) { uint Offset = 0; uint BufferSize = *Size; uint Entity; uint Instance; BOOLEAN fStatus;
Entity = ID->toi_entity.tei_entity; Instance = ID->toi_entity.tei_instance;
// First, make sure it's possibly an ID we can handle.
if (Entity != IF_ENTITY || Instance != LoopInstance) { return TDI_INVALID_REQUEST; } *Size = 0; // In case of an error.
if (ID->toi_class == INFO_CLASS_GENERIC) { if (ID->toi_id == ENTITY_TYPE_ID) { // He's trying to see what type we are.
if (BufferSize >= sizeof(uint)) { fStatus = CopyToNdisSafe(Buffer, NULL, (uchar *) &LoopEntityType, sizeof(uint), &Offset);
if (fStatus == FALSE) { return (TDI_NO_RESOURCES); } return TDI_SUCCESS; } else return TDI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } return TDI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (ID->toi_class != INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL) return TDI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// If he's asking for MIB statistics, then return them, otherwise fail
// the request.
if (ID->toi_id == IF_MIB_STATS_ID) {
// He's asking for statistics. Make sure his buffer is at least big
// enough to hold the fixed part.
if (BufferSize < IFE_FIXED_SIZE) { return TDI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // He's got enough to hold the fixed part. Copy our IFE structure
// into his buffer.
fStatus = CopyToNdisSafe(Buffer, &Buffer, (uchar *) & LoopIFE, IFE_FIXED_SIZE, &Offset);
if (fStatus == TRUE) { // See if he has room for the descriptor string.
if (BufferSize >= (IFE_FIXED_SIZE + sizeof(LoopName))) { // He has room. Copy it.
fStatus = CopyToNdisSafe(Buffer, NULL, LoopName, sizeof(LoopName), &Offset);
if (fStatus == TRUE) { *Size = IFE_FIXED_SIZE + sizeof(LoopName); return TDI_SUCCESS; } } else { // Not enough room to copy the desc. string.
//* LoopSetInfo - Loopback set information handler.
// The loopback set information handler. We support setting of an I/F admin
// status.
// Input: Context - Pointer to I/F to set on.
// ID - The object ID
// Buffer - Pointer to buffer containing value to set.
// Size - Size in bytes of Buffer.
// Returns: Status of attempt to set information.
int __stdcall LoopSetInfo(void *Context, TDIObjectID *ID, void *Buffer, uint Size) { IFEntry *IFE = (IFEntry *) Buffer; uint Entity, Instance, Status;
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); Entity = ID->toi_entity.tei_entity; Instance = ID->toi_entity.tei_instance;
// First, make sure it's possibly an ID we can handle.
if (Entity != IF_ENTITY || Instance != LoopInstance) { return TDI_INVALID_REQUEST; } if (ID->toi_class != INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL || ID->toi_type != INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER) { return TDI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // It's for the I/F level, see if it's for the statistics.
if (ID->toi_id == IF_MIB_STATS_ID) { // It's for the stats. Make sure it's a valid size.
if (Size >= IFE_FIXED_SIZE) { // It's a valid size. See what he wants to do.
Status = IFE->if_adminstatus; if (Status == IF_STATUS_UP || Status == IF_STATUS_DOWN) LoopIFE.if_adminstatus = Status; else if (Status != IF_STATUS_TESTING) return TDI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
//* LoopAddAddr - Dummy loopback add address routine.
// Called at init time when we need to initialize ourselves.
uint __stdcall LoopAddAddr(void *Context, uint Type, IPAddr Address, IPMask Mask, void *Context2) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Type); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Address); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Mask); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context2); return TRUE; }
//* LoopDelAddr - Dummy loopback del address routine.
// Called at init time when we need to initialize ourselves.
uint __stdcall LoopDelAddr(void *Context, uint Type, IPAddr Address, IPMask Mask) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Type); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Address); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Mask); return TRUE; }
#pragma BEGIN_INIT
extern int InitNTE(NetTableEntry *); extern int InitInterface(NetTableEntry *);
//* LoopGetEList - Get the entity list.
// Called at init time to get an entity list. We fill our stuff in and return.
// Input: Context - Unused.
// EntityList - Pointer to entity list to be filled in.
// Count - Pointer to number of entries in the list.
// Returns Status of attempt to get the info.
int __stdcall LoopGetEList(void *Context, TDIEntityID *EntityList, uint *Count) { uint MyIFBase; uint i; TDIEntityID *IFEntity;
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); // Walk down the list, looking for existing IF entities, and
// adjust our base instance accordingly.
MyIFBase = 0; IFEntity = NULL; for (i = 0; i < *Count; i++, EntityList++) { if (EntityList->tei_entity == IF_ENTITY) // if we are already on the list remember our entity item
// o/w find an instance # for us.
if (EntityList->tei_instance == LoopInstance && EntityList->tei_instance != INVALID_ENTITY_INSTANCE) { IFEntity = EntityList; break; } else { MyIFBase = MAX(MyIFBase, EntityList->tei_instance + 1); } }
if (IFEntity == NULL) { // we are not on the list.
// make sure we have the room for it.
if (*Count >= MAX_TDI_ENTITIES) { return FALSE; } LoopInstance = MyIFBase;
// Now fill it in.
EntityList->tei_entity = IF_ENTITY; EntityList->tei_instance = MyIFBase; (*Count)++; } return TRUE; }
//** InitLoopback - Initialize the loopback NTE.
// This function initialized the loopback NTE. We set up the the MSS and
// pointer to the various pseudo-link routines, then call InitNTE and return.
// Entry: ConfigInfo - Pointer to config. info structure.
// Returns: TRUE if we initialized, FALSE if we didn't.
NetTableEntry * InitLoopback(IPConfigInfo * ConfigInfo) { LLIPBindInfo ARPInfo;
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ConfigInfo); LoopNTE = CTEAllocMem(sizeof(NetTableEntry)); if (LoopNTE == NULL) return LoopNTE;
RtlZeroMemory(LoopNTE, sizeof(NetTableEntry)); RtlZeroMemory(&LoopInterface, sizeof(RouteInterface));
LoopNTE->nte_addr = LOOPBACK_ADDR; LoopNTE->nte_mask = CLASSA_MASK; LoopNTE->nte_icmpseq = 1; LoopNTE->nte_flags = NTE_VALID | NTE_ACTIVE | NTE_PRIMARY;
CTEInitLock(&LoopNTE->nte_lock); CTEInitLock(&LoopInterface.ri_if.if_lock); LoopNTE->nte_mss = LOOPBACK_MSS; LoopNTE->nte_if = (Interface *) & LoopInterface; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_lcontext = LoopNTE; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_xmit = LoopXmit; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_transfer = LoopXfer; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_close = LoopClose; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_invalidate = LoopInvalidate; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_qinfo = LoopQInfo; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_setinfo = LoopSetInfo; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_getelist = LoopGetEList; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_addaddr = LoopAddAddr; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_deladdr = LoopDelAddr; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_bcast = IP_LOCAL_BCST; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_speed = 10000000; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_mtu = LOOPBACK_MSS; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_llipflags = LIP_COPY_FLAG; LOCKED_REFERENCE_IF(&LoopInterface.ri_if);
LoopInterface.ri_if.if_order = MAXLONG;
ARPInfo.lip_mss = LOOPBACK_MSS + sizeof(IPHeader); ARPInfo.lip_index = LoopIndex; ARPInfo.lip_close = LoopClose; ARPInfo.lip_addaddr = LoopAddAddr; ARPInfo.lip_deladdr = LoopDelAddr; ARPInfo.lip_flags = LIP_COPY_FLAG; LoopIndex = NumIF + 1; LoopInterface.ri_if.if_index = LoopIndex; CTEInitEvent(&LoopXmitEvent, LoopXmitRtn); CTEInitLock(&LoopLock.Lock); LoopIFE.if_index = LoopIndex; LoopIFE.if_type = IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK;
LoopIFE.if_mtu = ARPInfo.lip_mss; LoopIFE.if_speed = 10000000; LoopIFE.if_adminstatus = IF_STATUS_UP; LoopIFE.if_operstatus = IF_OPER_STATUS_OPERATIONAL; LoopIFE.if_lastchange = GetTimeTicks(); LoopIFE.if_descrlen = sizeof(LoopName);
IFList = (Interface *) & LoopInterface; NumIF++;
if (!InitInterface(LoopNTE)) return NULL;
if (!InitNTE(LoopNTE)) return NULL;
NumActiveNTE++; return LoopNTE; }
#pragma END_INIT