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// SFUCommon.h : Declaration of the CSFUCommon
#ifndef __SFUCOMMON_H_
#define __SFUCOMMON_H_
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#define GROUP 1
#define MEMBER 2
#define NTDOMAIN 3
#define MACHINE 4
typedef struct _STRING_LIST { DWORD count; LPTSTR *strings; } STRING_LIST, *PSTRING_LIST;
// CSFUCommon
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSFUCommon : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, public CComCoClass<CSFUCommon, &CLSID_SFUCommon>, public IObjectWithSiteImpl<CSFUCommon>, public IDispatchImpl<ISFUCommon, &IID_ISFUCommon, &LIBID_DUMMYCOMLib> { public: CSFUCommon() { m_slNTDomains.count = 0; m_slNTDomains.strings = NULL; LoadNTDomainList(); mode = NTDOMAIN; }
// ISFUCommon
private : CComBSTR m_bstrNTDomain; DWORD mode; public: STDMETHOD(get_hostName)(BSTR *pszHostNme); STDMETHOD(IsServiceInstalled)(BSTR bMachine,BSTR bServiceName,BOOL *fValid); STDMETHOD(moveNext)(); STDMETHOD(moveFirst)(); STDMETHOD(get_NTDomainCount)(/*[out, retval]*/ DWORD *pVal); STDMETHOD(get_NTDomain)(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal); STDMETHOD(LoadNTDomainList)(); STDMETHOD(get_mode)(/*[out, retval]*/ short *pVal); STDMETHOD(put_mode)(/*[in]*/ short newVal); STDMETHOD(ConvertUTCtoLocal)(BSTR bUTCYear, BSTR bUTCMonth,BSTR bUTCDayOfWeek, BSTR bUTCDay,BSTR bUTCHour,BSTR bUTCMinute, BSTR bUTCSecond,BSTR *bLocalDate); STDMETHOD(IsTrustedDomain)(BSTR bstrDomain, BOOL *fValid); STDMETHOD(IsValidMachine)(BSTR bstrMachine, BOOL *fValid); int GetTrustedDomainList(LPTSTR * list, LPTSTR * primary); void FreeStringList(PSTRING_LIST pList); DWORD m_dwEnumNTDomainIndex; STRING_LIST m_slNTDomains; STDMETHOD(get_machine)(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal); STDMETHOD(put_machine)(/*[in]*/ BSTR newVal); LPWSTR m_szMachine; };
#endif //__SFUCOMMON_H_