Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Functions implementing the 6to4 service, to provide IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
extern DWORD APIENTRY RasQuerySharedPrivateLan( OUT GUID* LanGuid );
STATE g_stService = DISABLED; ULONG g_ulEventCount = 0;
// Worst metric for which we can add a route
#define UNREACHABLE 0x7fffffff
const IN6_ADDR SixToFourPrefix = { 0x20, 0x02, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; #define SIXTOFOUR_METRIC 1000
// Metric of subnet/sitelocal route on a router
// Information on a 6to4 subnet that we've generated as a router
typedef struct _SUBNET_CONTEXT { IN_ADDR V4Addr; int Publish; u_int ValidLifetime; u_int PreferredLifetime; } SUBNET_CONTEXT, *PSUBNET_CONTEXT;
// Variables for settings
#define DEFAULT_RELAY_NAME L"6to4.ipv6.microsoft.com."
#define KEY_ENABLE_6TO4 L"Enable6to4"
#define KEY_ENABLE_RESOLUTION L"EnableResolution"
#define KEY_ENABLE_ROUTING L"EnableRouting"
#define KEY_ENABLE_SITELOCALS L"EnableSiteLocals"
#define KEY_ENABLE_6OVER4 L"Enable6over4"
#define KEY_ENABLE_V4COMPAT L"EnableV4Compat"
#define KEY_RESOLUTION_INTERVAL L"ResolutionInterval"
#define KEY_UNDO_ON_STOP L"UndoOnStop"
#define KEY_RELAY_NAME L"RelayName"
// Global config settings
typedef struct { STATE stEnable6to4; STATE stEnableRouting; STATE stEnableResolution; STATE stEnableSiteLocals; STATE stEnable6over4; STATE stEnableV4Compat; ULONG ulResolutionInterval; // in minutes
GLOBAL_SETTINGS g_GlobalSettings;
typedef struct { STATE st6to4State; STATE stRoutingState; STATE stResolutionState; } GLOBAL_STATE;
const ADDR_LIST EmptyAddressList = {0};
// List of public IPv4 addresses used when updating the routing state
ADDR_LIST *g_pIpv4AddressList = NULL;
// Variables for interfaces (addresses and routing)
typedef struct _IF_SETTINGS { WCHAR pwszAdapterName[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME];
STATE stEnableRouting; // be a router on this private iface?
PIF_SETTINGS_LIST g_pInterfaceSettingsList = NULL;
typedef struct _IF_INFO { WCHAR pwszAdapterName[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME];
ULONG ulIPv6IfIndex; STATE stRoutingState; // be a router on this private iface?
ULONG ulNumGlobals; ADDR_LIST *pAddressList; } IF_INFO, *PIF_INFO;
typedef struct _IF_LIST { ULONG ulNumInterfaces; ULONG ulNumScopedAddrs[NUM_IPV4_SCOPES]; IF_INFO arrIf[0]; } IF_LIST, *PIF_LIST;
PIF_LIST g_pInterfaceList = NULL;
HANDLE g_hAddressChangeEvent = NULL; OVERLAPPED g_hAddressChangeOverlapped; HANDLE g_hAddressChangeWaitHandle = NULL;
HANDLE g_hRouteChangeEvent = NULL; OVERLAPPED g_hRouteChangeOverlapped; HANDLE g_hRouteChangeWaitHandle = NULL;
// This state tracks whether there are any global IPv4 addresses.
STATE g_st6to4State = DISABLED;
BOOL g_b6to4Required = TRUE;
// Routines for 6to4
VOID Update6to4State( VOID );
VOID PreDelete6to4Address( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN Ipv4Address, IN PIF_LIST InterfaceList, IN STATE OldRoutingState );
VOID Delete6to4Address( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN Ipv4Address, IN PIF_LIST InterfaceList, IN STATE OldRoutingState );
VOID Add6to4Address( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN Ipv4Address, IN PIF_LIST InterfaceList, IN STATE OldRoutingState );
VOID PreDelete6to4Routes( VOID );
VOID Update6to4Routes( VOID );
// Variables for relays
typedef struct _RELAY_INFO { SOCKADDR_IN sinAddress; // IPv4 address
SOCKADDR_IN6 sin6Address; // IPv6 address
typedef struct _RELAY_LIST { ULONG ulNumRelays; RELAY_INFO arrRelay[0]; } RELAY_LIST, *PRELAY_LIST;
PRELAY_LIST g_pRelayList = NULL; HANDLE g_hTimerQueue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE g_h6to4ResolutionTimer = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent = NULL; HANDLE g_h6to4TimerCancelledWait = NULL;
VOID UpdateGlobalResolutionState();
// GetAddrStr - helper routine to get a string literal for an address
LPTSTR GetAddrStr( IN LPSOCKADDR pSockaddr, IN ULONG ulSockaddrLen) { static TCHAR tBuffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; INT iRet; ULONG ulLen;
ulLen = sizeof(tBuffer); iRet = WSAAddressToString(pSockaddr, ulSockaddrLen, NULL, tBuffer, &ulLen);
if (iRet) { swprintf(tBuffer, L"<err %d>", WSAGetLastError()); }
return tBuffer; }
BOOL ConvertOemToUnicode( IN LPSTR OemString, OUT LPWSTR UnicodeString, IN int UnicodeLen) { return (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_OEMCP, 0, OemString, (int)(strlen(OemString)+1), UnicodeString, UnicodeLen) != 0); }
BOOL ConvertUnicodeToOem( IN LPWSTR UnicodeString, OUT LPSTR OemString, IN int OemLen) { return (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, 0, UnicodeString, (int)(wcslen(UnicodeString)+1), OemString, OemLen, NULL, NULL) != 0); }
// Subroutines for manipulating the list of (usually) public addresses
// being used for both 6to4 addresses and subnet prefixes.
DWORD MakeEmptyAddressList( OUT PADDR_LIST *ppList) { *ppList = MALLOC(FIELD_OFFSET(ADDR_LIST, Address[0])); if (!*ppList) { return GetLastError(); }
(*ppList)->iAddressCount = 0; return NO_ERROR; }
VOID FreeAddressList( IN PADDR_LIST *ppAddressList) { ADDR_LIST *pList = *ppAddressList; int i;
if (pList == NULL) { return; } // Free all addresses
for (i=0; i<pList->iAddressCount; i++) { FREE(pList->Address[i].lpSockaddr); }
// Free the list
FREE(pList); *ppAddressList = NULL; }
DWORD AddAddressToList( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN pAddress, IN ADDR_LIST **ppAddressList, IN ULONG ul6over4IfIndex) { ADDR_LIST *pOldList = *ppAddressList; ADDR_LIST *pNewList; int n = pOldList->iAddressCount;
// Copy existing addresses
pNewList = MALLOC( FIELD_OFFSET(ADDR_LIST, Address[n+1]) ); if (!pNewList) { return GetLastError(); } CopyMemory(pNewList, pOldList, FIELD_OFFSET(ADDR_LIST, Address[n])); pNewList->iAddressCount = n+1;
// Add new address
pNewList->Address[n].lpSockaddr = MALLOC(sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); if (!pNewList->Address[n].lpSockaddr) { FREE(pNewList); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } CopyMemory(pNewList->Address[n].lpSockaddr, pAddress, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); pNewList->Address[n].iSockaddrLength = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); pNewList->Address[n].ul6over4IfIndex = ul6over4IfIndex;
// Free the old list without freeing the sockaddrs
*ppAddressList = pNewList;
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD FindAddressInList( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN pAddress, IN ADDR_LIST *pAddressList, OUT ULONG *pulIndex) { int i;
// Find address in list
for (i=0; i<pAddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { if (!memcmp(pAddress, pAddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN))) { *pulIndex = i; return NO_ERROR; } }
Trace1(ERR, _T("ERROR: FindAddressInList didn't find %d.%d.%d.%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pAddress->sin_addr.s_addr));
DWORD RemoveAddressFromList( IN ULONG ulIndex, IN ADDR_LIST *pAddressList) { // Free old address
// Move the last entry into its place
pAddressList->iAddressCount--; pAddressList->Address[ulIndex] = pAddressList->Address[pAddressList->iAddressCount];
return NO_ERROR; }
// GlobalInfo-related subroutines
int ConfigureRouteTableUpdate( IN const IN6_ADDR *Prefix, IN u_int PrefixLen, IN u_int Interface, IN const IN6_ADDR *Neighbor, IN int Publish, IN int Immortal, IN u_int ValidLifetime, IN u_int PreferredLifetime, IN u_int SitePrefixLen, IN u_int Metric) { IPV6_INFO_ROUTE_TABLE Route; SOCKADDR_IN6 saddr; DWORD dwErr;
ZeroMemory(&saddr, sizeof(saddr)); saddr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; saddr.sin6_addr = *Prefix;
Trace7(FSM, _T("Updating route %s/%d iface %d metric %d lifetime %d/%d publish %d"), GetAddrStr((LPSOCKADDR)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)), PrefixLen, Interface, Metric, PreferredLifetime, ValidLifetime, Publish);
memset(&Route, 0, sizeof Route); Route.This.Prefix = *Prefix; Route.This.PrefixLength = PrefixLen; Route.This.Neighbor.IF.Index = Interface; Route.This.Neighbor.Address = *Neighbor; Route.ValidLifetime = ValidLifetime; Route.PreferredLifetime = PreferredLifetime; Route.Publish = Publish; Route.Immortal = Immortal; Route.SitePrefixLength = SitePrefixLen; Route.Preference = Metric; Route.Type = RTE_TYPE_MANUAL;
dwErr = UpdateRouteTable(&Route)? NO_ERROR : GetLastError();
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, _T("UpdateRouteTable got error %d"), dwErr); }
return dwErr; }
DWORD InitializeGlobalInfo() { DWORD dwErr;
g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6to4 = DEFAULT_ENABLE_6TO4; g_GlobalSettings.stEnableRouting = DEFAULT_ENABLE_ROUTING; g_GlobalSettings.stEnableResolution = DEFAULT_ENABLE_RESOLUTION; g_GlobalSettings.ulResolutionInterval = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_INTERVAL; g_GlobalSettings.stEnableSiteLocals = DEFAULT_ENABLE_SITELOCALS; g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6over4 = DEFAULT_ENABLE_6OVER4; g_GlobalSettings.stEnableV4Compat = DEFAULT_ENABLE_V4COMPAT; g_GlobalSettings.stUndoOnStop = DEFAULT_UNDO_ON_STOP; wcscpy(g_GlobalSettings.pwszRelayName, DEFAULT_RELAY_NAME);
g_GlobalState.st6to4State = DISABLED; g_GlobalState.stRoutingState = DISABLED; g_GlobalState.stResolutionState = DISABLED;
g_sIPv4Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (g_sIPv4Socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { Trace0(ERR, _T("socket failed\n")); return WSAGetLastError(); }
dwErr = MakeEmptyAddressList(&g_pIpv4AddressList);
return dwErr; }
// Called by: Stop6to4
VOID UninitializeGlobalInfo() { closesocket(g_sIPv4Socket); g_sIPv4Socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
FreeAddressList(&g_pIpv4AddressList); }
// IPv4 and IPv6 Address-related subroutines
typedef struct { IPV4_SCOPE Scope; DWORD Address; DWORD Mask; ULONG MaskLen; } IPV4_SCOPE_PREFIX;
IPV4_SCOPE_PREFIX Ipv4ScopePrefix[] = { { IPV4_SCOPE_NODE, 0x0100007f, 0xffffffff, 32 }, //
{ IPV4_SCOPE_LINK, 0x0000fea9, 0x0000ffff, 16 }, // 169.254/16
{ IPV4_SCOPE_SM_SITE, 0x0000a8c0, 0x0000ffff, 16 }, // 192.168/16
{ IPV4_SCOPE_MD_SITE, 0x000010ac, 0x0000f0ff, 12 }, // 172.16/12
{ IPV4_SCOPE_LG_SITE, 0x0000000a, 0x000000ff, 8 }, // 10/8
{ IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0 }, // 0/0
IPV4_SCOPE GetIPv4Scope( IN DWORD Addr) { int i; for (i=0; ; i++) { if ((Addr & Ipv4ScopePrefix[i].Mask) == Ipv4ScopePrefix[i].Address) { return Ipv4ScopePrefix[i].Scope; } } }
DWORD MakeAddressList( IN PIP_ADDR_STRING pIpAddrList, OUT ADDR_LIST **ppAddressList, OUT PULONG pulGlobals, IN OUT PULONG pulCumulNumScopedAddrs) { ULONG ulGlobals = 0, ulAddresses = 0; INT iLength; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; ADDR_LIST *pList = NULL; PIP_ADDR_STRING pIpAddr; SOCKADDR_IN *pSin; IPV4_SCOPE scope;
// Count addresses
for (pIpAddr=pIpAddrList; pIpAddr; pIpAddr=pIpAddr->Next) { ulAddresses++; }
*ppAddressList = NULL; *pulGlobals = 0;
pList = MALLOC( FIELD_OFFSET(ADDR_LIST, Address[ulAddresses] )); if (pList == NULL) { return GetLastError(); }
ulAddresses = 0; for (pIpAddr=pIpAddrList; pIpAddr; pIpAddr=pIpAddr->Next) {
Trace1(FSM, _T("Adding address %hs"), pIpAddr->IpAddress.String);
iLength = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); pSin = MALLOC( iLength ); if (pSin == NULL) { continue; }
dwErr = WSAStringToAddressA(pIpAddr->IpAddress.String, AF_INET, NULL, (LPSOCKADDR)pSin, &iLength); if (dwErr == SOCKET_ERROR) { FREE(pSin); pSin = NULL; continue; }
// Don't allow as an address. On an interface with no
// addresses, the IPv4 stack will report 1 address of
if (pSin->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) { FREE(pSin); pSin = NULL; continue; }
if ((pSin->sin_addr.s_addr & 0x000000FF) == 0) { //
// An address in 0/8 isn't a real IP address, it's a fake one that
// the IPv4 stack sticks on a receive-only adapter.
FREE(pSin); pSin = NULL; continue; }
scope = GetIPv4Scope(pSin->sin_addr.s_addr); pulCumulNumScopedAddrs[scope]++;
if (scope == IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL) { ulGlobals++; }
pList->Address[ulAddresses].iSockaddrLength = iLength; pList->Address[ulAddresses].lpSockaddr = (LPSOCKADDR)pSin; ulAddresses++; }
pList->iAddressCount = ulAddresses; *ppAddressList = pList; *pulGlobals = ulGlobals;
return dwErr; }
// Create a 6to4 unicast address for this machine.
VOID Make6to4Address( OUT LPSOCKADDR_IN6 pIPv6Address, IN LPSOCKADDR_IN pIPv4Address) { IN_ADDR *pIPv4 = &pIPv4Address->sin_addr;
memset(pIPv6Address, 0, sizeof (SOCKADDR_IN6)); pIPv6Address->sin6_family = AF_INET6;
pIPv6Address->sin6_addr.s6_addr[0] = 0x20; pIPv6Address->sin6_addr.s6_addr[1] = 0x02; memcpy(&pIPv6Address->sin6_addr.s6_addr[2], pIPv4, sizeof(IN_ADDR)); memcpy(&pIPv6Address->sin6_addr.s6_addr[12], pIPv4, sizeof(IN_ADDR)); }
// Create a 6to4 anycast address from a local IPv4 address.
VOID Make6to4AnycastAddress( OUT LPSOCKADDR_IN6 pIPv6Address, IN LPSOCKADDR_IN pIPv4Address) { IN_ADDR *pIPv4 = &pIPv4Address->sin_addr;
memset(pIPv6Address, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN6)); pIPv6Address->sin6_family = AF_INET6; pIPv6Address->sin6_addr.s6_addr[0] = 0x20; pIPv6Address->sin6_addr.s6_addr[1] = 0x02; memcpy(&pIPv6Address->sin6_addr.s6_addr[2], pIPv4, sizeof(IN_ADDR)); }
// Create a v4-compatible address from an IPv4 address.
VOID MakeV4CompatibleAddress( OUT LPSOCKADDR_IN6 pIPv6Address, IN LPSOCKADDR_IN pIPv4Address) { IN_ADDR *pIPv4 = &pIPv4Address->sin_addr;
memset(pIPv6Address, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN6)); pIPv6Address->sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(&pIPv6Address->sin6_addr.s6_addr[12], pIPv4, sizeof(IN_ADDR)); }
DWORD ConfigureAddressUpdate( IN u_int Interface, IN SOCKADDR_IN6 *Sockaddr, IN u_int Lifetime, IN int Type, IN u_int PrefixConf, IN u_int SuffixConf) { IPV6_UPDATE_ADDRESS Address; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; IN6_ADDR *Addr = &Sockaddr->sin6_addr;
Trace6(FSM, _T("ConfigureAddressUpdate: if %u addr %s life %u type %d conf %u/%u"), Interface, GetAddrStr((LPSOCKADDR)Sockaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN6)), Lifetime, Type, PrefixConf, SuffixConf);
memset(&Address, 0, sizeof Address); Address.This.IF.Index = Interface; Address.This.Address = *Addr; Address.ValidLifetime = Address.PreferredLifetime = Lifetime; Address.Type = Type; Address.PrefixConf = PrefixConf; Address.InterfaceIdConf = SuffixConf;
if (!UpdateAddress(&Address)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR, _T("ERROR: UpdateAddress got error %d"), dwErr); }
return dwErr; }
void Configure6to4Subnets( IN ULONG ulIfIndex, IN PSUBNET_CONTEXT pSubnet);
void Unconfigure6to4Subnets( IN ULONG ulIfIndex, IN PSUBNET_CONTEXT pSubnet);
// Called by: OnChangeInterfaceInfo
DWORD AddAddress( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN pIPv4Address, // public address
IN PIF_LIST pInterfaceList, // interface list
IN STATE stOldRoutingState) // routing state
{ SOCKADDR_IN6 OurAddress; DWORD dwErr; ULONG ul6over4IfIndex;
Trace2(ENTER, _T("AddAddress %d.%d.%d.%d, isrouter=%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pIPv4Address->sin_addr.s_addr), stOldRoutingState);
// Add 6over4 interface (if enabled)
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6over4 == ENABLED) { ul6over4IfIndex = Create6over4Interface(pIPv4Address->sin_addr); } else { ul6over4IfIndex = 0; }
Trace1(ERR, _T("6over4 ifindex=%d"), ul6over4IfIndex);
// Put the IPv4 address on our "public" list
dwErr = AddAddressToList(pIPv4Address, &g_pIpv4AddressList, ul6over4IfIndex); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; }
if (GetIPv4Scope(pIPv4Address->sin_addr.s_addr) == IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL) { // Add v4-compatible address (if enabled)
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnableV4Compat == ENABLED) { MakeV4CompatibleAddress(&OurAddress, pIPv4Address); dwErr = ConfigureAddressUpdate( V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX, &OurAddress, INFINITE_LIFETIME, ADE_UNICAST, PREFIX_CONF_WELLKNOWN, IID_CONF_LL_ADDRESS); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return dwErr; } } }
IsatapAddressChangeNotification(FALSE, pIPv4Address->sin_addr);
#ifdef TEREDO
TeredoAddressChangeNotification(FALSE, pIPv4Address->sin_addr); #endif // TEREDO
Add6to4Address(pIPv4Address, pInterfaceList, stOldRoutingState);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Delete the 6to4 address from the global state, and prepare to
// delete it from the stack.
// Called by: UninitializeInterfaces
VOID PreDeleteAddress( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN pIPv4Address, IN PIF_LIST pInterfaceList, IN STATE stOldRoutingState) { Trace2(ENTER, _T("PreDeleteAddress %d.%d.%d.%d, wasrouter=%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pIPv4Address->sin_addr.s_addr), stOldRoutingState);
PreDelete6to4Address(pIPv4Address, pInterfaceList, stOldRoutingState);
TraceLeave("PreDeleteAddress"); }
// Delete 6to4 address information from the stack.
// Called by: OnChangeInterfaceInfo, UninitializeInterfaces
VOID DeleteAddress( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN pIPv4Address, IN PIF_LIST pInterfaceList, IN STATE stOldRoutingState) { SOCKADDR_IN6 OurAddress; DWORD dwErr; ULONG i; Trace2(ENTER, _T("DeleteAddress %d.%d.%d.%d wasrouter=%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pIPv4Address->sin_addr.s_addr), stOldRoutingState);
if (GetIPv4Scope(pIPv4Address->sin_addr.s_addr) == IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL) {
// Delete the v4-compatible address from the stack (if enabled)
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnableV4Compat == ENABLED) { MakeV4CompatibleAddress(&OurAddress, pIPv4Address); ConfigureAddressUpdate( V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX, &OurAddress, 0, ADE_UNICAST, PREFIX_CONF_WELLKNOWN, IID_CONF_LL_ADDRESS); } }
IsatapAddressChangeNotification(TRUE, pIPv4Address->sin_addr);
#ifdef TEREDO
TeredoAddressChangeNotification(TRUE, pIPv4Address->sin_addr); #endif // TEREDO
Delete6to4Address(pIPv4Address, pInterfaceList, stOldRoutingState);
// We're now completely done with the IPv4 address, so
// remove it from the public address list.
dwErr = FindAddressInList(pIPv4Address, g_pIpv4AddressList, &i); if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { // Delete 6over4 interface (if enabled)
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6over4 == ENABLED) { DeleteInterface(g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].ul6over4IfIndex); }
RemoveAddressFromList(i, g_pIpv4AddressList); }
TraceLeave("DeleteAddress"); }
// Relay-related subroutines
// Given a relay, make sure a default route to it exists with the right metric
VOID AddOrUpdate6to4Relay( IN PRELAY_INFO pRelay) { Trace1(ENTER, _T("AddOrUpdate6to4Relay %d.%d.%d.%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pRelay->sinAddress.sin_addr.s_addr));
// Create the default route.
ConfigureRouteTableUpdate(&in6addr_any, 0, SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, &pRelay->sin6Address.sin6_addr, TRUE, // Publish.
TRUE, // Immortal.
2 * HOURS, // Valid lifetime.
30 * MINUTES, // Preferred lifetime.
0, pRelay->ulMetric); }
VOID FreeRelayList( IN PRELAY_LIST *ppList) { if (*ppList) { FREE(*ppList); *ppList = NULL; } }
DWORD InitializeRelays() { g_pRelayList = NULL;
g_hTimerQueue = CreateTimerQueue(); if (g_hTimerQueue == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return GetLastError(); }
return NO_ERROR; }
VOID IncEventCount( IN PCHAR pszWhere) { ULONG ulCount = InterlockedIncrement(&g_ulEventCount); Trace2(FSM, _T("++%u event count (%hs)"), ulCount, pszWhere); }
VOID DecEventCount( IN PCHAR pszWhere) { ULONG ulCount = InterlockedDecrement(&g_ulEventCount); Trace2(FSM, _T("--%u event count (%hs)"), ulCount, pszWhere);
if ((ulCount == 0) && (g_stService == DISABLED)) { SetHelperServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOPPED, NO_ERROR); } }
// This routine is invoked when a resolution timer has been cancelled
// and all outstanding timer routines have completed. It is responsible
// for releasing the event count for the periodic timer.
VOID CALLBACK OnResolutionTimerCancelled( IN PVOID lpParameter, IN BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired) { TraceEnter("OnResolutionTimerCancelled");
TraceLeave("OnResolutionTimerCancelled"); }
DWORD InitEvents() { ASSERT(g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent == NULL); g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent == NULL) return GetLastError();
// Schedule OnResolutionTimerCancelled() to be called whenever
// g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent is signalled.
if (! RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&g_h6to4TimerCancelledWait, g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent, OnResolutionTimerCancelled, NULL, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT)) { return GetLastError(); }
return NO_ERROR; }
VOID CleanupHelperService() { if (g_h6to4TimerCancelledWait != NULL) { UnregisterWait(g_h6to4TimerCancelledWait); g_h6to4TimerCancelledWait = NULL; }
if (g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent); g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent = NULL; } }
VOID CancelResolutionTimer( IN OUT HANDLE *phResolutionTimer, IN HANDLE hEvent) { Trace0(FSM, _T("Cancelling RT"));
// Stop the resolution timer
if (*phResolutionTimer != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
// Must be done non-blocking since we're holding the lock
// the resolution timeout needs. Ask for notification
// when the cancel completes so we can release the event count.
DeleteTimerQueueTimer(g_hTimerQueue, *phResolutionTimer, hEvent);
*phResolutionTimer = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
// Delete all stack state related to a given relay
void Delete6to4Relay( IN PRELAY_INFO pRelay) { Trace1(ENTER, _T("Delete6to4Relay %d.%d.%d.%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pRelay->sinAddress.sin_addr.s_addr));
ConfigureRouteTableUpdate(&in6addr_any, 0, SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, &pRelay->sin6Address.sin6_addr, FALSE, // Publish.
FALSE, // Immortal.
0, // Valid lifetime.
0, // Preferred lifetime.
0, pRelay->ulMetric); }
VOID UninitializeRelays() { ULONG i;
CancelResolutionTimer(&g_h6to4ResolutionTimer, g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent);
// Delete the timer queue
if (g_hTimerQueue != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DeleteTimerQueue(g_hTimerQueue); g_hTimerQueue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if (g_GlobalSettings.stUndoOnStop == ENABLED) { // Delete existing relay tunnels
for (i=0; g_pRelayList && (i<g_pRelayList->ulNumRelays); i++) { Delete6to4Relay(&g_pRelayList->arrRelay[i]); } }
// Free the "old list"
TraceLeave("UninitializeRelays"); }
// Start or update the resolution timer to expire in <ulMinutes> minutes
DWORD RestartResolutionTimer( IN ULONG ulDelayMinutes, IN ULONG ulPeriodMinutes, IN HANDLE *phResolutionTimer, IN WAITORTIMERCALLBACK OnTimeout) { ULONG DelayTime = ulDelayMinutes * MINUTES * 1000; // convert mins to ms
ULONG PeriodTime = ulPeriodMinutes * MINUTES * 1000; // convert mins to ms
BOOL bRet; DWORD dwErr;
if (*phResolutionTimer != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { bRet = ChangeTimerQueueTimer(g_hTimerQueue, *phResolutionTimer, DelayTime, PeriodTime); } else { bRet = CreateTimerQueueTimer(phResolutionTimer, g_hTimerQueue, OnTimeout, NULL, DelayTime, PeriodTime, 0); if (bRet) { IncEventCount("RT:RestartResolutionTimer"); } }
dwErr = (bRet)? NO_ERROR : GetLastError();
Trace3(TIMER, _T("RestartResolutionTimer: DueTime %d minutes, Period %d minutes, ReturnCode %d"), ulDelayMinutes, ulPeriodMinutes, dwErr);
return dwErr; }
// Convert an addrinfo list into a relay list with appropriate metrics
DWORD MakeRelayList( IN struct addrinfo *addrs) { struct addrinfo *ai; ULONG ulNumRelays = 0; ULONG ulLatency;
for (ai=addrs; ai; ai=ai->ai_next) { ulNumRelays++; }
g_pRelayList = MALLOC( FIELD_OFFSET(RELAY_LIST, arrRelay[ulNumRelays])); if (g_pRelayList == NULL) { return GetLastError(); } g_pRelayList->ulNumRelays = ulNumRelays; ulNumRelays = 0; for (ai=addrs; ai; ai=ai->ai_next) { CopyMemory(&g_pRelayList->arrRelay[ulNumRelays].sinAddress, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen);
// Check connectivity using a possible 6to4 address for the relay
// router. However, we'll actually set TTL=1 and accept a
// hop count exceeded message, so we don't have to guess right.
Make6to4Address(&g_pRelayList->arrRelay[ulNumRelays].sin6Address, &g_pRelayList->arrRelay[ulNumRelays].sinAddress);
// ping it to compute a metric
ulLatency = ConfirmIPv6Reachability(&g_pRelayList->arrRelay[ulNumRelays].sin6Address, 1000/*ms*/); if (ulLatency != 0) { g_pRelayList->arrRelay[ulNumRelays].ulMetric = 1000 + ulLatency; } else { g_pRelayList->arrRelay[ulNumRelays].ulMetric = UNREACHABLE; }
ulNumRelays++; }
return NO_ERROR; }
// When the name-resolution timer expires, it's time to re-resolve the
// relay name to a list of relays.
DWORD WINAPI OnResolutionTimeout( IN PVOID lpData, IN BOOLEAN Reason) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; ADDRINFOW hints; PADDRINFOW addrs; PRELAY_LIST pOldRelayList; ULONG i, j;
ENTER_API(); TraceEnter("OnResolutionTimeout");
if (g_stService == DISABLED) { TraceLeave("OnResolutionTimeout (disabled)"); LEAVE_API();
return NO_ERROR; }
pOldRelayList = g_pRelayList; g_pRelayList = NULL;
// If any 6to4 addresses are configured,
// Resolve the relay name to a set of IPv4 addresses
// Else
// Make the new set empty
if (g_GlobalState.stResolutionState == ENABLED) { // Resolve the relay name to a set of IPv4 addresses
ZeroMemory(&hints, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_INET; dwErr = GetAddrInfoW(g_GlobalSettings.pwszRelayName, NULL, &hints, &addrs);
if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { dwErr = MakeRelayList((PADDRINFOA)addrs); FreeAddrInfoW(addrs); addrs = NULL; } else { Trace2(ERR, _T("GetAddrInfoW(%s) returned error %d"), g_GlobalSettings.pwszRelayName, dwErr); } }
// Compare the new set to the old set
// For each address in the new set, ping it to compute a metric
// For each new address, add a route
// For each old address not in the new list, delete the route
// For each address in both, update the route if the metric has changed
for (i=0; g_pRelayList && (i<g_pRelayList->ulNumRelays); i++) { for (j=0; pOldRelayList && (j<pOldRelayList->ulNumRelays); j++) { if (g_pRelayList->arrRelay[i].sinAddress.sin_addr.s_addr == pOldRelayList->arrRelay[j].sinAddress.sin_addr.s_addr) { break; } }
if (pOldRelayList && (j<pOldRelayList->ulNumRelays)) { // update the route if the metric has changed
if (g_pRelayList->arrRelay[i].ulMetric != pOldRelayList->arrRelay[j].ulMetric) { AddOrUpdate6to4Relay(&g_pRelayList->arrRelay[i]); }
g_pRelayList->arrRelay[i].sin6Address = pOldRelayList->arrRelay[j].sin6Address; } else { // add a relay
AddOrUpdate6to4Relay(&g_pRelayList->arrRelay[i]); } } for (j=0; pOldRelayList && (j<pOldRelayList->ulNumRelays); j++) { for (i=0; g_pRelayList && (i<g_pRelayList->ulNumRelays); i++) { if (g_pRelayList->arrRelay[i].sinAddress.sin_addr.s_addr == pOldRelayList->arrRelay[j].sinAddress.sin_addr.s_addr) { break; } } if (!g_pRelayList || (i == g_pRelayList->ulNumRelays)) { // delete a relay
Delete6to4Relay(&pOldRelayList->arrRelay[j]); } }
TraceLeave("OnResolutionTimeout"); LEAVE_API();
return dwErr; }
// Routing-related subroutines
PIF_SETTINGS FindInterfaceSettings( IN WCHAR *pwszAdapterName, IN IF_SETTINGS_LIST *pList);
STATE Get6to4State( VOID ) { //
// Decide whether 6to4 should be enabled or not.
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6to4 == AUTOMATIC) { return (g_b6to4Required ? ENABLED : DISABLED); } else { return g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6to4; } }
// Decide whether routing will be enabled at all
STATE GetGlobalRoutingState( VOID ) { PIF_LIST pIfList = g_pInterfaceList; DWORD dwErr; GUID guid;
if (Get6to4State() == DISABLED) { return DISABLED; } // If routing is explicitly enabled or disabled, use that
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnableRouting != AUTOMATIC) { return g_GlobalSettings.stEnableRouting; }
// Disable routing if there is no private interface used by ICS
dwErr = RasQuerySharedPrivateLan(&guid); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { return DISABLED; }
// Disable routing if there are no global IPv4 addresses
if (!pIfList || !pIfList->ulNumScopedAddrs[IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL]) { return DISABLED; } return ENABLED; }
// Decide whether a given interface is one we should treat as
// a private link to be a router on.
// Called by: UpdateInterfaceRoutingState, MakeInterfaceList
STATE GetInterfaceRoutingState( IN PIF_INFO pIf) // potential private interface
if (GetGlobalRoutingState() == DISABLED) { return DISABLED; }
pIfSettings = FindInterfaceSettings(pIf->pwszAdapterName, g_pInterfaceSettingsList); if (pIfSettings) { stEnableRouting = pIfSettings->stEnableRouting; }
if (stEnableRouting != AUTOMATIC) { return stEnableRouting; }
// Enable routing if this is the private interface used by ICS
dwErr = RasQuerySharedPrivateLan(&guid); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { // no private interface
return DISABLED; } usGuid.Buffer = buffer; usGuid.MaximumLength = MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN; dwErr = RtlStringFromGUID(&guid, &usGuid); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { // no private interface
return DISABLED; }
Trace1(ERR, _T("ICS private interface: %ls"), usGuid.Buffer);
// Compare guid to pIf->pwszAdapterName
// This must be done using a case-insensitive comparison since
// GetAdaptersInfo() returns GUID strings with upper-case letters
// while RtlGetStringFromGUID uses lower-case letters.
if (!_wcsicmp(pIf->pwszAdapterName, usGuid.Buffer)) { return ENABLED; }
return DISABLED; }
// Called by: Configure6to4Subnets, Unconfigure6to4Subnets
VOID Create6to4Prefixes( OUT IN6_ADDR *pSubnetPrefix, OUT IN6_ADDR *pSiteLocalPrefix, IN IN_ADDR *ipOurAddr, // public address
IN ULONG ulIfIndex) // private interface
{ //
// Create a subnet prefix for the interface,
// using the interface index as the subnet number.
memset(pSubnetPrefix, 0, sizeof(IN6_ADDR)); pSubnetPrefix->s6_addr[0] = 0x20; pSubnetPrefix->s6_addr[1] = 0x02; memcpy(&pSubnetPrefix->s6_addr[2], ipOurAddr, sizeof(IN_ADDR)); pSubnetPrefix->s6_addr[6] = HIBYTE(ulIfIndex); pSubnetPrefix->s6_addr[7] = LOBYTE(ulIfIndex);
// Create a site-local prefix for the interface,
// using the interface index as the subnet number.
memset(pSiteLocalPrefix, 0, sizeof(IN6_ADDR)); pSiteLocalPrefix->s6_addr[0] = 0xfe; pSiteLocalPrefix->s6_addr[1] = 0xc0; pSiteLocalPrefix->s6_addr[6] = HIBYTE(ulIfIndex); pSiteLocalPrefix->s6_addr[7] = LOBYTE(ulIfIndex); }
// Called by: EnableInterfaceRouting, AddAddress
void Configure6to4Subnets( IN ULONG ulIfIndex, // private interface
IN PSUBNET_CONTEXT pSubnet) // subnet info, incl. public address
{ IN6_ADDR SubnetPrefix; IN6_ADDR SiteLocalPrefix;
if ((GetIPv4Scope(pSubnet->V4Addr.s_addr) != IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL)) { return; }
Create6to4Prefixes(&SubnetPrefix, &SiteLocalPrefix, &pSubnet->V4Addr, ulIfIndex);
// Configure the subnet route.
ConfigureRouteTableUpdate(&SubnetPrefix, 64, ulIfIndex, &in6addr_any, pSubnet->Publish, pSubnet->Publish, pSubnet->ValidLifetime, pSubnet->PreferredLifetime, ((g_GlobalSettings.stEnableSiteLocals == ENABLED) ? 48 : 0), SUBNET_ROUTE_METRIC);
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnableSiteLocals == ENABLED) { ConfigureRouteTableUpdate(&SiteLocalPrefix, 64, ulIfIndex, &in6addr_any, pSubnet->Publish, pSubnet->Publish, pSubnet->ValidLifetime, pSubnet->PreferredLifetime, 0, SITELOCAL_ROUTE_METRIC); } }
// Called by: DisableInterfaceRouting, DeleteAddress
void Unconfigure6to4Subnets( IN ULONG ulIfIndex, // private interface
IN PSUBNET_CONTEXT pSubnet) // subnet info, inc. public address
{ IN6_ADDR SubnetPrefix; IN6_ADDR SiteLocalPrefix;
if ((GetIPv4Scope(pSubnet->V4Addr.s_addr) != IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL)) { return; }
Create6to4Prefixes(&SubnetPrefix, &SiteLocalPrefix, &pSubnet->V4Addr, ulIfIndex);
// Give the 6to4 route a zero lifetime, making it invalid.
// If we are a router, continue to publish the 6to4 route
// until we have disabled routing. This will allow
// the last Router Advertisements to go out with the prefix.
ConfigureRouteTableUpdate(&SubnetPrefix, 64, ulIfIndex, &in6addr_any, pSubnet->Publish, // Publish.
pSubnet->Publish, // Immortal.
pSubnet->ValidLifetime, pSubnet->PreferredLifetime, 0, 0);
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnableSiteLocals == ENABLED) { ConfigureRouteTableUpdate(&SiteLocalPrefix, 64, ulIfIndex, &in6addr_any, pSubnet->Publish, // Publish.
pSubnet->Publish, // Immortal.
pSubnet->ValidLifetime, pSubnet->PreferredLifetime, 0, 0); } }
#define PUBLIC_ZONE_ID 1
// Called by: EnableRouting, DisableRouting, EnableInterfaceRouting,
// DisableInterfaceRouting
DWORD ConfigureInterfaceUpdate( IN u_int Interface, IN int Advertises, IN int Forwards) { IPV6_INFO_INTERFACE Update; DWORD Result;
Update.This.Index = Interface; Update.Advertises = Advertises; Update.Forwards = Forwards;
if (Advertises == TRUE) { Update.ZoneIndices[ADE_SITE_LOCAL] = PRIVATE_ZONE_ID; Update.ZoneIndices[ADE_ADMIN_LOCAL] = PRIVATE_ZONE_ID; Update.ZoneIndices[ADE_SUBNET_LOCAL] = PRIVATE_ZONE_ID; } else if (Advertises == FALSE) { Update.ZoneIndices[ADE_SITE_LOCAL] = PUBLIC_ZONE_ID; Update.ZoneIndices[ADE_ADMIN_LOCAL] = PUBLIC_ZONE_ID; Update.ZoneIndices[ADE_SUBNET_LOCAL] = PUBLIC_ZONE_ID; } Result = UpdateInterface(&Update);
Trace4(ERR, _T("UpdateInterface if=%d adv=%d fwd=%d result=%d"), Interface, Advertises, Forwards, Result);
return Result; }
// Called by: UpdateGlobalRoutingState
VOID EnableRouting() { SOCKADDR_IN6 AnycastAddress; int i; LPSOCKADDR_IN pOurAddr;
// Enable forwarding on the tunnel pseudo-interfaces.
ConfigureInterfaceUpdate(SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, -1, TRUE); ConfigureInterfaceUpdate(V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX, -1, TRUE);
// Add anycast addresses for all 6to4 addresses
for (i=0; i<g_pIpv4AddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { pOurAddr = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr; if ((GetIPv4Scope(pOurAddr->sin_addr.s_addr) != IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL)) { continue; }
Make6to4AnycastAddress(&AnycastAddress, pOurAddr); ConfigureAddressUpdate( SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, &AnycastAddress, INFINITE_LIFETIME, ADE_ANYCAST, PREFIX_CONF_WELLKNOWN, IID_CONF_WELLKNOWN); }
g_GlobalState.stRoutingState = ENABLED;
TraceLeave("EnableRouting"); }
// Called by: UpdateGlobalRoutingState
VOID DisableRouting() { SOCKADDR_IN6 AnycastAddress; int i; LPSOCKADDR_IN pOurAddr; DWORD dwErr;
// Disable forwarding on the tunnel pseudo-interfaces.
ConfigureInterfaceUpdate(SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, -1, FALSE); ConfigureInterfaceUpdate(V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX, -1, FALSE);
// Remove anycast addresses for all 6to4 addresses
for (i=0; i<g_pIpv4AddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { pOurAddr = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr; if ((GetIPv4Scope(pOurAddr->sin_addr.s_addr) != IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL)) { continue; }
Make6to4AnycastAddress(&AnycastAddress, pOurAddr); dwErr = ConfigureAddressUpdate( SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, &AnycastAddress, 0, ADE_ANYCAST, PREFIX_CONF_WELLKNOWN, IID_CONF_WELLKNOWN); }
g_GlobalState.stRoutingState = DISABLED;
TraceLeave("DisableRouting"); }
// Called by: UpdateInterfaceRoutingState
VOID EnableInterfaceRouting( IN PIF_INFO pIf, // private interface
IN PADDR_LIST pPublicAddressList) // public address list
Trace2(ERR, _T("Enabling routing on interface %d: %ls"), pIf->ulIPv6IfIndex, pIf->pwszAdapterName);
ConfigureInterfaceUpdate(pIf->ulIPv6IfIndex, TRUE, TRUE);
// For each public address
for (i=0; i<pPublicAddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { pOurAddr = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)pPublicAddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr; Subnet.V4Addr = pOurAddr->sin_addr; Subnet.Publish = TRUE; Subnet.ValidLifetime = 2 * DAYS; Subnet.PreferredLifetime = 30 * MINUTES; Configure6to4Subnets(pIf->ulIPv6IfIndex, &Subnet); }
pIf->stRoutingState = ENABLED; }
// Called by: PreUpdateInterfaceRoutingState, UninitializeInterfaces
BOOL PreDisableInterfaceRouting( IN PIF_INFO pIf, // private interface
IN PADDR_LIST pPublicAddressList) { int i; LPSOCKADDR_IN pOurAddr; SUBNET_CONTEXT Subnet;
Trace1(ERR, _T("Pre-Disabling routing on interface %d"), pIf->ulIPv6IfIndex);
// For each public address, publish RA saying we're going away
for (i=0; i<pPublicAddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { pOurAddr = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)pPublicAddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr; Subnet.V4Addr = pOurAddr->sin_addr; Subnet.Publish = TRUE; Subnet.ValidLifetime = Subnet.PreferredLifetime = 0; Unconfigure6to4Subnets(pIf->ulIPv6IfIndex, &Subnet); }
return (pPublicAddressList->iAddressCount > 0); }
// Called by: UpdateInterfaceRoutingState, UninitializeInterfaces
VOID DisableInterfaceRouting( IN PIF_INFO pIf, // private interface
IN PADDR_LIST pPublicAddressList) { int i; LPSOCKADDR_IN pOurAddr; SUBNET_CONTEXT Subnet;
Trace1(ERR, _T("Disabling routing on interface %d"), pIf->ulIPv6IfIndex);
ConfigureInterfaceUpdate(pIf->ulIPv6IfIndex, FALSE, FALSE);
// For each public address, unconfigure 6to4 subnets
for (i=0; i<pPublicAddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { pOurAddr = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)pPublicAddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr; Subnet.V4Addr = pOurAddr->sin_addr; Subnet.Publish = FALSE; Subnet.ValidLifetime = Subnet.PreferredLifetime = 0; Unconfigure6to4Subnets(pIf->ulIPv6IfIndex, &Subnet); }
pIf->stRoutingState = DISABLED; }
BOOL // TRUE if need to sleep
PreUpdateInterfaceRoutingState( IN PIF_INFO pIf, // private interface
IN PADDR_LIST pPublicAddressList) { STATE stIfRoutingState = GetInterfaceRoutingState(pIf);
if (pIf->stRoutingState == stIfRoutingState) { return FALSE; }
if (!(stIfRoutingState == ENABLED)) { return PreDisableInterfaceRouting(pIf, pPublicAddressList); }
return FALSE; }
// Update the current state of an interface (i.e. whether or not it's a
// private interface on which we're serving as a router) according to
// configuration and whether IPv4 global addresses exist on the interface.
// Called by: UpdateGlobalRoutingState, OnConfigChange
VOID UpdateInterfaceRoutingState( IN PIF_INFO pIf, // private interface
IN PADDR_LIST pPublicAddressList) { STATE stIfRoutingState = GetInterfaceRoutingState(pIf);
if (pIf->stRoutingState == stIfRoutingState) { return; }
if (stIfRoutingState == ENABLED) { EnableInterfaceRouting(pIf, pPublicAddressList); } else { DisableInterfaceRouting(pIf, pPublicAddressList); } }
BOOL PreUpdateGlobalRoutingState() { ULONG i; PIF_LIST pList = g_pInterfaceList; BOOL bWait = FALSE; if (pList == NULL) { return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < pList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { bWait |= PreUpdateInterfaceRoutingState(&pList->arrIf[i], g_pIpv4AddressList); }
return bWait; }
// Called by: OnConfigChange, OnChangeInterfaceInfo
VOID UpdateGlobalRoutingState() { ULONG i; PIF_LIST pList = g_pInterfaceList; STATE stNewRoutingState;
stNewRoutingState = GetGlobalRoutingState();
if (g_GlobalState.stRoutingState != stNewRoutingState) { if (stNewRoutingState == ENABLED) { EnableRouting(); } else { DisableRouting(); } }
if (pList == NULL) { return; }
for (i=0; i<pList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { UpdateInterfaceRoutingState(&pList->arrIf[i], g_pIpv4AddressList); } }
// Interface-related subroutines
PIF_SETTINGS FindInterfaceSettings( IN WCHAR *pwszAdapterName, IN IF_SETTINGS_LIST *pList) { ULONG i; PIF_SETTINGS pIf;
if (pList == NULL) { return NULL; }
for (i=0; i<pList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { pIf = &pList->arrIf[i]; if (wcscmp(pIf->pwszAdapterName, pwszAdapterName)) { return pIf; } }
return NULL; }
PIF_INFO FindInterfaceInfo( IN WCHAR *pwszAdapterName, IN IF_LIST *pList) { ULONG i; PIF_INFO pIf;
if (pList == NULL) { return NULL; }
for (i=0; i<pList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { pIf = &pList->arrIf[i]; if (!wcscmp(pIf->pwszAdapterName, pwszAdapterName)) { return pIf; } }
return NULL; }
DWORD NTAPI OnRouteChange( IN PVOID Context, IN BOOLEAN TimedOut );
VOID StopRouteChangeNotification() { if (g_hRouteChangeWaitHandle) { //
// Block until we're sure that the route change callback isn't
// still running.
LEAVE_API(); UnregisterWaitEx(g_hRouteChangeWaitHandle, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); ENTER_API();
// Release the event we counted for RegisterWaitForSingleObject
DecEventCount("AC:StopIpv4RouteChangeNotification"); g_hRouteChangeWaitHandle = NULL; } if (g_hRouteChangeEvent) { CloseHandle(g_hRouteChangeEvent); g_hRouteChangeEvent = NULL; } }
VOID StartRouteChangeNotification() { ULONG Error; BOOL bOk; HANDLE TcpipHandle;
// Create an event on which to receive notifications
// and register a callback routine to be invoked if the event is signalled.
// Then request notification of route changes on the event.
if (!g_hRouteChangeEvent) { g_hRouteChangeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (g_hRouteChangeEvent == NULL) { goto Error; } //
// Count the following register as an event.
bOk = RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&g_hRouteChangeWaitHandle, g_hRouteChangeEvent, OnRouteChange, NULL, INFINITE, 0); if (!bOk) { DecEventCount("AC:StartIpv4RouteChangeNotification"); goto Error; } } ZeroMemory(&g_hRouteChangeOverlapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); g_hRouteChangeOverlapped.hEvent = g_hRouteChangeEvent;
Error = NotifyRouteChange(&TcpipHandle, &g_hRouteChangeOverlapped); if (Error != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { goto Error; }
Error: //
// A failure has occurred, so cleanup and quit.
// We proceed in this case without notification of route changes.
TraceLeave("StartRouteChangeNotification"); }
// This routine is invoked when a change to the IPv4 route table is signalled.
DWORD NTAPI OnRouteChange( IN PVOID Context, IN BOOLEAN TimedOut) { ENTER_API(); TraceEnter("OnRouteChange");
if (g_stService == DISABLED) { Trace0(FSM, L"Service disabled"); goto Done; }
// First register for another route change notification.
// We must do this *before* processing this route change,
// to avoid missing an route change.
StartRouteChangeNotification(); UpdateGlobalResolutionState(); IsatapRouteChangeNotification(); #ifdef TEREDO
TeredoRouteChangeNotification(); #endif // TEREDO
Done: TraceLeave("OnRouteChange"); LEAVE_API();
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD NTAPI OnChangeInterfaceInfo( IN PVOID Context, IN BOOLEAN TimedOut );
VOID StopAddressChangeNotification() { if (g_hAddressChangeWaitHandle) { //
// Block until we're sure that the address change callback isn't
// still running.
LEAVE_API(); UnregisterWaitEx(g_hAddressChangeWaitHandle, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); ENTER_API();
// Release the event we counted for RegisterWaitForSingleObject
DecEventCount("AC:StopIpv4AddressChangeNotification"); g_hAddressChangeWaitHandle = NULL; } if (g_hAddressChangeEvent) { CloseHandle(g_hAddressChangeEvent); g_hAddressChangeEvent = NULL; } }
VOID StartAddressChangeNotification() { ULONG Error; BOOL bOk; HANDLE TcpipHandle;
// Create an event on which to receive notifications
// and register a callback routine to be invoked if the event is signalled.
// Then request notification of address changes on the event.
if (!g_hAddressChangeEvent) { g_hAddressChangeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (g_hAddressChangeEvent == NULL) { goto Error; } //
// Count the following register as an event.
bOk = RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&g_hAddressChangeWaitHandle, g_hAddressChangeEvent, OnChangeInterfaceInfo, NULL, INFINITE, 0); if (!bOk) { DecEventCount("AC:StartIpv4AddressChangeNotification"); goto Error; } } ZeroMemory(&g_hAddressChangeOverlapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); g_hAddressChangeOverlapped.hEvent = g_hAddressChangeEvent;
Error = NotifyAddrChange(&TcpipHandle, &g_hAddressChangeOverlapped); if (Error != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { goto Error; }
// A failure has occurred, so cleanup and quit.
// We proceed in this case without notification of address changes.
TraceLeave("StartAddressChangeNotification"); }
// Convert an "adapter" list to an "interface" list and store the result in
// the global g_pInterfaceList.
DWORD MakeInterfaceList( IN PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; ULONG ulNumInterfaces = 0, ulSize; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapter; PIF_INFO pIf; IPV6_INFO_INTERFACE *pIfStackInfo;
// count adapters
for (pAdapter=pAdapterInfo; pAdapter; pAdapter=pAdapter->Next) { ulNumInterfaces++; }
// allocate enough space
ulSize = FIELD_OFFSET(IF_LIST, arrIf[ulNumInterfaces]); g_pInterfaceList = MALLOC(ulSize); if (g_pInterfaceList == NULL) { return GetLastError(); }
// fill in list
g_pInterfaceList->ulNumInterfaces = ulNumInterfaces; ZeroMemory(g_pInterfaceList->ulNumScopedAddrs, sizeof(ULONG) * NUM_IPV4_SCOPES); ulNumInterfaces = 0; for (pAdapter=pAdapterInfo; pAdapter; pAdapter=pAdapter->Next) { pIf = &g_pInterfaceList->arrIf[ulNumInterfaces];
ConvertOemToUnicode(pAdapter->AdapterName, pIf->pwszAdapterName, MAX_ADAPTER_NAME);
Trace1(FSM, _T("Adding interface %ls"), pIf->pwszAdapterName);
dwErr = MakeAddressList(&pAdapter->IpAddressList, &pIf->pAddressList, &pIf->ulNumGlobals, g_pInterfaceList->ulNumScopedAddrs);
pIfStackInfo = GetInterfaceStackInfo(pIf->pwszAdapterName); if (pIfStackInfo) { pIf->ulIPv6IfIndex = pIfStackInfo->This.Index; } else { pIf->ulIPv6IfIndex = 0; } FREE(pIfStackInfo);
pIf->stRoutingState = DISABLED;
ulNumInterfaces++; }
return dwErr; }
VOID FreeInterfaceList( IN OUT PIF_LIST *ppList) { ULONG i;
if (*ppList == NULL) { return; }
for (i=0; i<(*ppList)->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { FreeAddressList( &(*ppList)->arrIf[i].pAddressList ); }
FREE(*ppList); *ppList = NULL; }
DWORD InitializeInterfaces() { g_pInterfaceList = NULL; return NO_ERROR; }
VOID ProcessInterfaceStateChange( IN ADDR_LIST CONST *pAddressList, IN ADDR_LIST *pOldAddressList, IN PIF_LIST pOldInterfaceList, IN GLOBAL_STATE *pOldState, IN OUT BOOL *pbNeedDelete) { INT j,k; LPSOCKADDR_IN pAddr;
// For each new global address not in old list,
// add a 6to4 address
for (j=0; j<pAddressList->iAddressCount; j++) { pAddr = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)pAddressList->Address[j].lpSockaddr;
Trace1(FSM, _T("Checking for new address %d.%d.%d.%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pAddr->sin_addr.s_addr));
// See if address is in old list
for (k=0; k<pOldAddressList->iAddressCount; k++) { if (pAddr->sin_addr.s_addr == ((LPSOCKADDR_IN)pOldAddressList->Address[k].lpSockaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr) { break; } }
// If so, continue
if (k<pOldAddressList->iAddressCount) { continue; }
// Add an address, and use it for routing if enabled
AddAddress(pAddr, g_pInterfaceList, g_GlobalState.stRoutingState); }
// For each old global address not in the new list,
// delete a 6to4 address
for (k=0; k<pOldAddressList->iAddressCount; k++) { pAddr = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)pOldAddressList->Address[k].lpSockaddr;
Trace1(FSM, _T("Checking for old address %d.%d.%d.%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pAddr->sin_addr.s_addr));
// See if address is in new list
for (j=0; j<pAddressList->iAddressCount; j++) { if (((LPSOCKADDR_IN)pAddressList->Address[j].lpSockaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr == pAddr->sin_addr.s_addr) { break; } }
// If so, continue
if (j<pAddressList->iAddressCount) { continue; }
// Prepare to delete the 6to4 address
PreDeleteAddress(pAddr, pOldInterfaceList, pOldState->stRoutingState); *pbNeedDelete = TRUE; } }
VOID FinishInterfaceStateChange( IN ADDR_LIST CONST *pAddressList, IN ADDR_LIST *pOldAddressList, IN PIF_LIST pOldInterfaceList, IN GLOBAL_STATE *pOldState) { INT j,k; LPSOCKADDR_IN pAddr;
// For each old global address not in the new list,
// delete a 6to4 address
for (k=0; k<pOldAddressList->iAddressCount; k++) { pAddr = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)pOldAddressList->Address[k].lpSockaddr;
Trace1(FSM, _T("Checking for old address %d.%d.%d.%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pAddr->sin_addr.s_addr));
// See if address is in new list
for (j=0; j<pAddressList->iAddressCount; j++) { if (((LPSOCKADDR_IN)pAddressList->Address[j].lpSockaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr == pAddr->sin_addr.s_addr) { break; } } // If so, continue
if (j<pAddressList->iAddressCount) { continue; }
// Prepare to delete the 6to4 address
DeleteAddress(pAddr, pOldInterfaceList, pOldState->stRoutingState); } }
// This routine is invoked when a change to the set of local IPv4 addressed
// is signalled. It is responsible for updating the bindings of the
// private and public interfaces, and re-requesting change notification.
DWORD NTAPI OnChangeInterfaceInfo( IN PVOID Context, IN BOOLEAN TimedOut) { PIF_INFO pIf, pOldIf; ULONG i, ulSize = 0; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo = NULL; PIF_LIST pOldInterfaceList; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; ADDR_LIST *pAddressList, *pOldAddressList; GLOBAL_SETTINGS OldSettings; GLOBAL_STATE OldState; BOOL bNeedDelete = FALSE, bWait = FALSE;
ENTER_API(); TraceEnter("OnChangeInterfaceInfo");
if (g_stService == DISABLED) { Trace0(FSM, L"Service disabled"); goto Done; }
// First register for another address change notification.
// We must do this *before* getting the address list,
// to avoid missing an address change.
StartAddressChangeNotification(); OldSettings = g_GlobalSettings; // struct copy
OldState = g_GlobalState; // struct copy
// Get the new set of IPv4 addresses on interfaces
for (;;) { dwErr = GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &ulSize); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } if (dwErr == ERROR_NO_DATA) { dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; }
if (pAdapterInfo) { FREE(pAdapterInfo); pAdapterInfo = NULL; }
if (dwErr != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto Done; }
pAdapterInfo = MALLOC(ulSize); if (pAdapterInfo == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto Done; } }
pOldInterfaceList = g_pInterfaceList; g_pInterfaceList = NULL;
MakeInterfaceList(pAdapterInfo); if (pAdapterInfo) { FREE(pAdapterInfo); pAdapterInfo = NULL; }
// First update global address list
// For each interface in the new list...
for (i=0; i<g_pInterfaceList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { pIf = &g_pInterfaceList->arrIf[i];
pAddressList = pIf->pAddressList;
pOldIf = FindInterfaceInfo(pIf->pwszAdapterName, pOldInterfaceList);
pOldAddressList = (pOldIf)? pOldIf->pAddressList : &EmptyAddressList;
if (pOldIf) { pIf->stRoutingState = pOldIf->stRoutingState; }
ProcessInterfaceStateChange(pAddressList, pOldAddressList, pOldInterfaceList, &OldState, &bNeedDelete); }
// For each old interface not in the new list,
// delete information.
for (i=0; pOldInterfaceList && (i<pOldInterfaceList->ulNumInterfaces); i++){ pOldIf = &pOldInterfaceList->arrIf[i]; pOldAddressList = pOldIf->pAddressList; pIf = FindInterfaceInfo(pOldIf->pwszAdapterName, g_pInterfaceList); if (pIf) { continue; } ProcessInterfaceStateChange(&EmptyAddressList, pOldAddressList, pOldInterfaceList, &OldState, &bNeedDelete); }
Trace2(FSM, _T("num globals=%d num publics=%d"), g_pInterfaceList->ulNumScopedAddrs[IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL], g_pIpv4AddressList->iAddressCount);
if (g_pInterfaceList->ulNumScopedAddrs[IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL] == 0) { PreDelete6to4Routes(); } bWait = PreUpdateGlobalRoutingState();
// If needed, wait a bit to ensure that Router Advertisements
// carrying the zero lifetime prefixes get sent.
if (bWait || (bNeedDelete && (OldState.stRoutingState == ENABLED))) { Sleep(2000); }
g_st6to4State = (g_pInterfaceList->ulNumScopedAddrs[IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL] > 0) ? ENABLED : DISABLED;
Update6to4Routes(); UpdateGlobalRoutingState();
// Now finish removing the 6to4 addresses.
if (bNeedDelete) { for (i=0; i<g_pInterfaceList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { pIf = &g_pInterfaceList->arrIf[i];
pAddressList = pIf->pAddressList;
pOldIf = FindInterfaceInfo(pIf->pwszAdapterName, pOldInterfaceList); pOldAddressList = (pOldIf)? pOldIf->pAddressList : &EmptyAddressList; FinishInterfaceStateChange(pAddressList, pOldAddressList, pOldInterfaceList, &OldState);
} for (i=0; pOldInterfaceList && (i<pOldInterfaceList->ulNumInterfaces); i++){ pOldIf = &pOldInterfaceList->arrIf[i]; pOldAddressList = pOldIf->pAddressList; pIf = FindInterfaceInfo(pOldIf->pwszAdapterName, g_pInterfaceList); if (pIf) { continue; } FinishInterfaceStateChange(&EmptyAddressList, pOldAddressList, pOldInterfaceList, &OldState); } }
Done: TraceLeave("OnChangeInterfaceInfo"); LEAVE_API();
return dwErr; }
// Note that this function can take over 2 seconds to complete if we're a
// router. (This is by design).
// Called by: Stop6to4
VOID UninitializeInterfaces() { PIF_INFO pIf; ULONG i; int k; ADDR_LIST *pAddressList; LPSOCKADDR_IN pAddr;
// Cancel the address change notification
StopIpv6AddressChangeNotification(); StopAddressChangeNotification(); StopRouteChangeNotification();
// Since this is the first function called when stopping,
// the "old" global state/settings is in g_GlobalState/Settings.
if (g_GlobalSettings.stUndoOnStop == ENABLED) {
if (g_GlobalState.stRoutingState == ENABLED) { //
// First announce we're going away
// Now do the same for subnets we're advertising
for (i=0; i<g_pInterfaceList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { pIf = &g_pInterfaceList->arrIf[i]; pAddressList = pIf->pAddressList; // For each old global address not in the new list,
// delete a 6to4 address (see below)
Trace1(FSM, _T("Checking %d old addresses"), pAddressList->iAddressCount); for (k=0; k<pAddressList->iAddressCount; k++) { pAddr = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)pAddressList->Address[k].lpSockaddr; Trace1(FSM, _T("Checking for old address %d.%d.%d.%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pAddr->sin_addr.s_addr)); PreDeleteAddress(pAddr, g_pInterfaceList, ENABLED); }
if (pIf->stRoutingState == ENABLED) { PreDisableInterfaceRouting(pIf, g_pIpv4AddressList); } } //
// Wait a bit to ensure that Router Advertisements
// carrying the zero lifetime prefixes get sent.
Sleep(2000); }
g_st6to4State = DISABLED;
// Delete 6to4 addresses
for (i=0; g_pInterfaceList && i<g_pInterfaceList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { pIf = &g_pInterfaceList->arrIf[i]; pAddressList = pIf->pAddressList; // For each old global address not in the new list,
// delete a 6to4 address (see below)
Trace1(FSM, _T("Checking %d old addresses"), pAddressList->iAddressCount); for (k=0; k<pAddressList->iAddressCount; k++) { pAddr = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)pAddressList->Address[k].lpSockaddr; Trace1(FSM, _T("Checking for old address %d.%d.%d.%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(pAddr->sin_addr.s_addr)); DeleteAddress(pAddr, g_pInterfaceList, g_GlobalState.stRoutingState); } // update the IPv6 routing state
if (pIf->stRoutingState == ENABLED) { DisableInterfaceRouting(pIf, g_pIpv4AddressList); } }
if (g_GlobalState.stRoutingState == ENABLED) { DisableRouting(); } }
// Free the "old list"
TraceLeave("UninitializeInterfaces"); }
// Event-processing functions
// Get an integer value from the registry
ULONG GetInteger( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR lpName, IN ULONG ulDefault) { DWORD dwErr, dwType; ULONG ulSize, ulValue;
if (hKey == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return ulDefault; } ulSize = sizeof(ulValue); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpName, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE)&ulValue, &ulSize); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ulDefault; }
if (dwType != REG_DWORD) { return ulDefault; }
if (ulValue == DEFAULT) { return ulDefault; }
return ulValue; }
// Get a string value from the registry
VOID GetString( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR lpName, IN PWCHAR pBuff, IN ULONG ulLength, IN PWCHAR pDefault) { DWORD dwErr, dwType; ULONG ulSize;
if (hKey == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { wcsncpy(pBuff, pDefault, ulLength); return; } ulSize = ulLength - sizeof(L'\0'); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpName, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE)pBuff, &ulSize);
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { wcsncpy(pBuff, pDefault, ulLength); return; }
if (dwType != REG_SZ) { wcsncpy(pBuff, pDefault, ulLength); return; }
if (pBuff[0] == L'\0') { wcsncpy(pBuff, pDefault, ulLength); return; }
ASSERT(ulSize < ulLength); pBuff[ulSize / sizeof(WCHAR)] = '\0'; // ensure NULL termination.
// called when # of 6to4 addresses becomes 0 or non-zero
// and when stEnableResolution setting changes
// Called by: OnConfigChange, OnChangeInterfaceInfo, OnChangeRouteInfo
VOID UpdateGlobalResolutionState( VOID ) { DWORD i;
// Decide whether relay name resolution should be enabled or not
if (Get6to4State() == DISABLED) { g_GlobalState.stResolutionState = DISABLED; } else if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnableResolution != AUTOMATIC) { g_GlobalState.stResolutionState = g_GlobalSettings.stEnableResolution; } else { // Enable if we have any 6to4 addresses
g_GlobalState.stResolutionState = g_st6to4State; }
if (g_GlobalState.stResolutionState == ENABLED) { //
// Restart the resolution timer, even if it's already running
// and the name and interval haven't changed. We also get
// called when we first get an IP address, such as when we
// dial up to the Internet, and we want to immediately retry
// resolution at this point.
(VOID) RestartResolutionTimer( 0, g_GlobalSettings.ulResolutionInterval, &g_h6to4ResolutionTimer, (WAITORTIMERCALLBACK) OnResolutionTimeout); } else { if (g_h6to4ResolutionTimer != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// stop it
CancelResolutionTimer(&g_h6to4ResolutionTimer, g_h6to4TimerCancelledEvent); }
// Delete all existing relays
if (g_pRelayList) { for (i=0; i<g_pRelayList->ulNumRelays; i++) { Delete6to4Relay(&g_pRelayList->arrRelay[i]); } FreeRelayList(&g_pRelayList); } } }
VOID Update6over4State( IN STATE State ) { int i;
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6over4 == State) { return; } g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6over4 = State; if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6over4 == ENABLED) { // Create 6over4 interfaces
for (i=0; i<g_pIpv4AddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { if (g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].ul6over4IfIndex) { continue; } Trace1(ERR, _T("Creating interface for %d.%d.%d.%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(((LPSOCKADDR_IN)g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr));
g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].ul6over4IfIndex = Create6over4Interface(((LPSOCKADDR_IN)g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr)->sin_addr); } } else { // Delete all 6over4 interfaces
for (i=0; i<g_pIpv4AddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { if (!g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].ul6over4IfIndex) { continue; } Trace1(ERR, _T("Deleting interface for %d.%d.%d.%d"), PRINT_IPADDR(((LPSOCKADDR_IN)g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr)); DeleteInterface(g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].ul6over4IfIndex); g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].ul6over4IfIndex = 0; } } }
// Process a change to the state of whether v4-compatible addresses
// are enabled.
VOID UpdateV4CompatState( IN STATE State ) { int i; LPSOCKADDR_IN pIPv4Address; SOCKADDR_IN6 OurAddress; u_int AddressLifetime;
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnableV4Compat == State) { return; } g_GlobalSettings.stEnableV4Compat = State; // Create or delete the route, and figure out the address lifetime.
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnableV4Compat == ENABLED) { ConfigureRouteTableUpdate(&in6addr_any, 96, V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX, &in6addr_any, TRUE, // Publish.
TRUE, // Immortal.
2 * HOURS, // Valid lifetime.
30 * MINUTES, // Preferred lifetime.
AddressLifetime = INFINITE_LIFETIME; } else { ConfigureRouteTableUpdate(&in6addr_any, 96, V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX, &in6addr_any, FALSE, // Publish.
FALSE, // Immortal.
0, 0, 0, 0);
AddressLifetime = 0; }
// Now go and update the lifetime of v4-compatible addresses,
// which will cause them to be added or deleted.
for (i=0; i<g_pIpv4AddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { pIPv4Address = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)g_pIpv4AddressList-> Address[i].lpSockaddr;
if (GetIPv4Scope(pIPv4Address->sin_addr.s_addr) != IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL) { continue; }
MakeV4CompatibleAddress(&OurAddress, pIPv4Address);
ConfigureAddressUpdate(V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX, &OurAddress, AddressLifetime, ADE_UNICAST, PREFIX_CONF_WELLKNOWN, IID_CONF_LL_ADDRESS); } }
// Process a change to something in the registry
DWORD OnConfigChange() { HKEY hGlobal, hInterfaces, hIf; DWORD dwErr, dwSize; STATE State6over4, StateV4Compat; DWORD i; WCHAR pwszAdapterName[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME]; IF_SETTINGS *pIfSettings;
hGlobal = hInterfaces = hIf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ENTER_API(); TraceEnter("OnConfigChange");
if (g_stService == DISABLED) { TraceLeave("OnConfigChange (disabled)"); LEAVE_API();
return NO_ERROR; }
// Read global settings from the registry
g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6to4 = GetInteger( hGlobal, KEY_ENABLE_6TO4, DEFAULT_ENABLE_6TO4); g_GlobalSettings.stEnableRouting = GetInteger( hGlobal, KEY_ENABLE_ROUTING, DEFAULT_ENABLE_ROUTING); g_GlobalSettings.stEnableSiteLocals = GetInteger( hGlobal, KEY_ENABLE_SITELOCALS, DEFAULT_ENABLE_SITELOCALS); g_GlobalSettings.stEnableResolution = GetInteger( hGlobal, KEY_ENABLE_RESOLUTION, DEFAULT_ENABLE_RESOLUTION); g_GlobalSettings.ulResolutionInterval = GetInteger( hGlobal, KEY_RESOLUTION_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_INTERVAL); GetString( hGlobal, KEY_RELAY_NAME, g_GlobalSettings.pwszRelayName, NI_MAXHOST, DEFAULT_RELAY_NAME);
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnable6to4 == DISABLED) { g_GlobalSettings.stEnableRouting = g_GlobalSettings.stEnableResolution = DISABLED; } State6over4 = GetInteger( hGlobal, KEY_ENABLE_6OVER4, DEFAULT_ENABLE_6OVER4); StateV4Compat = GetInteger( hGlobal, KEY_ENABLE_V4COMPAT, DEFAULT_ENABLE_V4COMPAT);
g_GlobalSettings.stUndoOnStop = GetInteger( hGlobal, KEY_UNDO_ON_STOP, DEFAULT_UNDO_ON_STOP);
if (hGlobal != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { RegCloseKey(hGlobal); }
// Read interface settings from the registry
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_INTERFACES, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hInterfaces) == NO_ERROR) { // For each interface in the registry
for (i=0; ; i++) { dwSize = sizeof(pwszAdapterName) / sizeof(WCHAR); dwErr = RegEnumKeyEx(hInterfaces, i, pwszAdapterName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Find settings
pIfSettings = FindInterfaceSettings(pwszAdapterName, g_pInterfaceSettingsList); if (pIfSettings) { // Read interface settings
(VOID) RegOpenKeyEx( hInterfaces, pwszAdapterName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hIf);
pIfSettings->stEnableRouting = GetInteger( hIf, KEY_ENABLE_ROUTING, DEFAULT_ENABLE_ROUTING);
if (hIf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { RegCloseKey(hIf); } } } RegCloseKey(hInterfaces); }
Update6to4State(); Update6over4State(State6over4);
if (!QueueUpdateGlobalPortState(NULL)) { Trace0(SOCKET, L"QueueUpdateGlobalPortState failed"); }
IsatapConfigurationChangeNotification(); #ifdef TEREDO
TeredoConfigurationChangeNotification(); #endif // TEREDO
TraceLeave("OnConfigChange"); LEAVE_API();
return NO_ERROR; }
// Startup/Shutdown-related functions
// Start the IPv6 helper service.
// To prevent the SCM from marking the service as hung, we periodically update
// our status, indicating that we are making progress but need more time.
// Called by: OnStartup
DWORD StartHelperService() { DWORD dwErr; WSADATA wsaData; SetHelperServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR); IncEventCount("StartHelperService");
g_stService = ENABLED;
// Initialize Winsock.
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData)) { Trace0(ERR, _T("WSAStartup failed\n")); return GetLastError(); }
if (!InitIPv6Library()) { dwErr = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR, _T("InitIPv6Library failed with error %d"), dwErr); return dwErr; }
dwErr = InitEvents(); if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
// Initialize the "old set" of config settings to the defaults
dwErr = InitializeGlobalInfo(); if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
// Initialize the "old set" of interfaces (IPv4 addresses) to be empty
dwErr = InitializeInterfaces(); if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
// Initialize the "old set" of relays to be empty
dwErr = InitializeRelays(); if (dwErr) { return dwErr; }
// Initialize the TCP proxy port list
// Initialize ISATAP
SetHelperServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR); dwErr = IsatapInitialize(); if (dwErr) { return dwErr; } #ifdef TEREDO
// Initialize Teredo
SetHelperServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR); dwErr = TeredoInitializeGlobals(); if (dwErr) { return dwErr; } #endif // TEREDO
// Process a config change event
SetHelperServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR); dwErr = OnConfigChange(); if (dwErr) { return dwErr; } // Request IPv4 route change notifications.
SetHelperServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR); StartRouteChangeNotification(); // Process an IPv4 address change event.
// This will also schedule a resolution timer expiration if needed.
SetHelperServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR); dwErr = OnChangeInterfaceInfo(NULL, FALSE); if (dwErr) { return dwErr; } // Request IPv6 address change notifications.
SetHelperServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR); dwErr = StartIpv6AddressChangeNotification(); if (dwErr) { return dwErr; } SetHelperServiceStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING, NO_ERROR); return NO_ERROR; }
// Stop the IPv6 helper service. Since this is called with the global lock,
// we're guaranteed this won't be called while another 6to4 operation
// is in progress. However, another thread may be blocked waiting for
// the lock, so we set the state to stopped and check it in all other
// places after getting the lock.
// Called by: OnStop
VOID StopHelperService( IN DWORD Error ) { SetHelperServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, Error); g_stService = DISABLED;
// We do these in the opposite order from Start6to4
#ifdef TEREDO
// Uninitialize Teredo
TeredoUninitializeGlobals(); #endif // TEREDO
// Uninitialize ISATAP
IsatapUninitialize(); // Stop proxying
// Stop the resolution timer and free resources
// Cancel the IPv4 address change request and free resources
// Also, stop being a router if we are one.
// Free settings resources
DecEventCount("StopHelperService"); }
// 6to4 Specific Code
DWORD __inline Configure6to4Address( IN BOOL Delete, IN PSOCKADDR_IN Ipv4Address ) { SOCKADDR_IN6 Ipv6Address; if ((GetIPv4Scope(Ipv4Address->sin_addr.s_addr) != IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL)) { return NO_ERROR; } Make6to4Address(&Ipv6Address, Ipv4Address); return ConfigureAddressUpdate( SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, &Ipv6Address, Delete ? 0 : INFINITE_LIFETIME, ADE_UNICAST, PREFIX_CONF_WELLKNOWN, IID_CONF_LL_ADDRESS); }
VOID PreDelete6to4Address( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN Ipv4Address, IN PIF_LIST InterfaceList, IN STATE OldRoutingState ) { ULONG i; SUBNET_CONTEXT Subnet; PIF_INFO Interface;
if ((g_GlobalState.st6to4State != ENABLED) || (GetIPv4Scope(Ipv4Address->sin_addr.s_addr) != IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL)) { return; } if (OldRoutingState != ENABLED) { return; }
// Disable the subnet routes on each private interface.
// This will generate RAs that have a zero lifetime
// for the subnet prefixes.
Subnet.V4Addr = Ipv4Address->sin_addr; Subnet.Publish = TRUE; Subnet.ValidLifetime = Subnet.PreferredLifetime = 0;
for (i=0; i<InterfaceList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { Interface = &InterfaceList->arrIf[i]; if (Interface->stRoutingState != ENABLED) { continue; }
Unconfigure6to4Subnets(Interface->ulIPv6IfIndex, &Subnet); } }
VOID Delete6to4Address( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN Ipv4Address, IN PIF_LIST InterfaceList, IN STATE OldRoutingState ) { SOCKADDR_IN6 AnycastAddress; ULONG i; PIF_INFO Interface; SUBNET_CONTEXT Subnet;
if ((g_GlobalState.st6to4State != ENABLED) || (GetIPv4Scope(Ipv4Address->sin_addr.s_addr) != IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL)) { return; } // Delete the 6to4 address from the stack
(VOID) Configure6to4Address(TRUE, (PSOCKADDR_IN) Ipv4Address); if (OldRoutingState != ENABLED) { return; }
Make6to4AnycastAddress(&AnycastAddress, Ipv4Address); (VOID) ConfigureAddressUpdate( SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, &AnycastAddress, 0, ADE_ANYCAST, PREFIX_CONF_WELLKNOWN, IID_CONF_WELLKNOWN);
// Remove subnets from all routing interfaces
Subnet.V4Addr = Ipv4Address->sin_addr; Subnet.Publish = FALSE; Subnet.ValidLifetime = Subnet.PreferredLifetime = 0;
for (i = 0; i < InterfaceList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { Interface = &InterfaceList->arrIf[i]; if (Interface->stRoutingState != ENABLED) { continue; } Unconfigure6to4Subnets(Interface->ulIPv6IfIndex, &Subnet); } }
VOID Add6to4Address( IN LPSOCKADDR_IN Ipv4Address, IN PIF_LIST InterfaceList, IN STATE OldRoutingState ) { DWORD Error; SOCKADDR_IN6 AnycastAddress; ULONG i; PIF_INFO Interface; SUBNET_CONTEXT Subnet;
if ((g_GlobalState.st6to4State != ENABLED) || (GetIPv4Scope(Ipv4Address->sin_addr.s_addr) != IPV4_SCOPE_GLOBAL)) { return; } // Add a 6to4 address.
Error = Configure6to4Address(FALSE, (PSOCKADDR_IN) Ipv4Address); if (Error != NO_ERROR) { return; }
if (OldRoutingState != ENABLED) { return; } Make6to4AnycastAddress(&AnycastAddress, Ipv4Address); Error = ConfigureAddressUpdate( SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, &AnycastAddress, INFINITE_LIFETIME, ADE_ANYCAST, PREFIX_CONF_WELLKNOWN, IID_CONF_WELLKNOWN); if (Error != NO_ERROR) { return; }
// Add subnets to all routing interfaces
for (i = 0; i < InterfaceList->ulNumInterfaces; i++) { Interface = &InterfaceList->arrIf[i]; if (Interface->stRoutingState != ENABLED) { continue; } Subnet.V4Addr = Ipv4Address->sin_addr; Subnet.Publish = TRUE; Subnet.ValidLifetime = 2 * HOURS; Subnet.PreferredLifetime = 30 * MINUTES; Configure6to4Subnets(Interface->ulIPv6IfIndex, &Subnet); } }
VOID PreDelete6to4Routes( VOID ) { if ((g_GlobalState.st6to4State != ENABLED) || (g_GlobalState.stRoutingState != ENABLED) || (g_st6to4State != ENABLED)) { return; } //
// We were acting as a router and were publishing the 6to4 route, give the
// route a zero lifetime and continue to publish it until we have disabled
// routing. This allows the last RA to go out with the prefix.
(VOID) ConfigureRouteTableUpdate( &SixToFourPrefix, 16, SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, &in6addr_any, TRUE, // Publish
TRUE, // Immortal
0, 0, 0, 0); //
// Do the same for the v4-compatible address route (if enabled).
if (g_GlobalSettings.stEnableV4Compat == ENABLED) { (VOID) ConfigureRouteTableUpdate( &in6addr_any, 96, V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX, &in6addr_any, TRUE, // Publish
TRUE, // Immortal
0, 0, 0, 0); } }
VOID Update6to4Routes( VOID ) { BOOL Delete;
// CAVEAT: We might still end up trying to add a route that exists,
// or delete one that doesn't. But this should be harmless.
// Create/Delete the route for the 6to4 prefix.
// This route causes packets sent to 6to4 addresses
// to be encapsulated and sent to the extracted v4 address.
Delete = (Get6to4State() != ENABLED) || (g_st6to4State != ENABLED);
(VOID) ConfigureRouteTableUpdate( &SixToFourPrefix, 16, SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX, &in6addr_any, !Delete, // Publish
!Delete, // Immortal
Delete ? 0 : 2 * HOURS, // Valid lifetime.
Delete ? 0 : 30 * MINUTES, // Preferred lifetime.
// Create/Delete the v4-compatible address route.
Delete |= (g_GlobalSettings.stEnableV4Compat != ENABLED); (VOID) ConfigureRouteTableUpdate( &in6addr_any, 96, V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX, &in6addr_any, !Delete, // Publish
!Delete, // Immortal
Delete ? 0 : 2 * HOURS, // Valid lifetime.
Delete ? 0 : 30 * MINUTES, // Preferred lifetime.
VOID Start6to4( VOID ) { int i;
ASSERT(g_GlobalState.st6to4State == DISABLED);
for (i = 0; i < g_pIpv4AddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { (VOID) Configure6to4Address( FALSE, (PSOCKADDR_IN) g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr); } Update6to4Routes();
g_GlobalState.st6to4State = ENABLED; }
VOID Stop6to4( VOID ) { int i; ASSERT(g_GlobalState.st6to4State == ENABLED);
if (PreUpdateGlobalRoutingState()) { Sleep(2000); }
for (i = 0; i < g_pIpv4AddressList->iAddressCount; i++) { (VOID) Configure6to4Address( TRUE, (PSOCKADDR_IN) g_pIpv4AddressList->Address[i].lpSockaddr); }
g_GlobalState.st6to4State = DISABLED; }
VOID Refresh6to4( VOID ) { ASSERT(g_GlobalState.st6to4State == ENABLED); if (PreUpdateGlobalRoutingState()) { Sleep(2000); } UpdateGlobalRoutingState();
UpdateGlobalResolutionState(); }
VOID Update6to4State( VOID ) { //
// Start / Reconfigure / Stop.
if (Get6to4State() == ENABLED) { if (g_GlobalState.st6to4State == ENABLED) { Refresh6to4(); } else { Start6to4(); } } else { if (g_GlobalState.st6to4State == ENABLED) { Stop6to4(); } } }
VOID RequirementChangeNotification( IN BOOL Required ) /*++
Routine Description:
Process a possible requirement change notification.
Required - Whether the 6to4 service is required for global connectivity. Return Value:
None. Caller LOCK: API.
--*/ { if (g_b6to4Required != Required) { g_b6to4Required = Required; Update6to4State(); } }
VOID UpdateServiceRequirements( IN PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES Adapters ) { BOOL Require6to4 = TRUE, RequireTeredo = TRUE; GUID PrivateLan; BOOL IcsEnabled = (RasQuerySharedPrivateLan(&PrivateLan) == NO_ERROR);
// Disregard disconnected interfaces.
if (Next->OperStatus != IfOperStatusUp) { continue; }
#ifdef TEREDO
// Disregard the Teredo interface.
ConvertOemToUnicode(Next->AdapterName, Guid, MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH); if (TeredoInterface(Guid)) { ASSERT(Next->IfType == IF_TYPE_TUNNEL); continue; } #else
for (Address = Next->FirstUnicastAddress; Address != NULL; Address = Address->Next) { //
// Consider only preferred global IPv6 addresses.
if (Address->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family != AF_INET6) { continue; } if (Address->DadState != IpDadStatePreferred) { continue; }
Ipv6 = (PSOCKADDR_IN6) Address->Address.lpSockaddr; if (TeredoIpv6GlobalAddress(&(Ipv6->sin6_addr))) { //
// Since this is not the Teredo interface, and it has a global
// IPv6 address, Teredo's not required for global connectivity.
RequireTeredo = FALSE; if (Next->Ipv6IfIndex != SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX) { //
// Since this is not the 6to4 interface either, and it has
// a global IPv6 address, 6to4's not required for global
// connectivity.
Require6to4 = FALSE; } } if (!Require6to4) { ASSERT(!RequireTeredo); goto Done; } } } Done: //
// 1. ICS requires 6to4 for advertising a prefix on the private LAN,
// at least until it implements prefix-delegation or RA proxy.
// 2. As a result of this advertisement, ICS will configure 6to4 addresses
// on its private interface as well. If the service should then disable
// 6to4 because of the presence of these global addresses on the private
// interface, it would lose these very addresses it was relying upon. The
// service would notice that it has no global IPv6 addresses and be forced
// to enable 6to4. Hence it will end up in an infinite loop, cycling 6to4
// between enabled and disabled states.
// To circumvent these two issues, we always enable 6to4 on an ICS box.
RequirementChangeNotification(Require6to4 || IcsEnabled); #ifdef TEREDO
TeredoRequirementChangeNotification(RequireTeredo); #endif // TEREDO