// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// buffer
// Abstract:
// This module contains code which deals with receiving
// data via posted user mode buffers
#include "sysvars.h"
// private constants, types, and prototypes
const PCHAR strFunc1 = "TSPostReceiveBuffer"; //const PCHAR strFunc2 = "TSFetchReceiveBuffer";
const PCHAR strFuncP1 = "TSSampleReceiveBufferComplete";
// receive completion context. Also used to track what buffers have
// been posted
struct USERBUF_INFO { USERBUF_INFO *pNextUserBufInfo; // next one in chain
PMDL pLowerMdl; // mdl for lower irp
PIRP pLowerIrp; // so can abort it...
TDI_EVENT TdiEventCompleted; // abort completed
ULONG ulBytesTransferred; // #bytes stored in mdl
// completion function
TDI_STATUS TSReceiveBufferComplete( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp, PVOID Context );
// public functions
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSPostReceiveBuffer
// Arguments: pGenericHeader -- AddressObject or Endpoint to post buffer for
// pSendBuffer -- rest of arguments
// Returns: status of operation (STATUS_SUCCESS or a failure)
// Descript: This function posts a user mode buffer for receiving either
// a datagram or a packet over a connection. The buffer will
// be retrieved later by TSFetchReceiveBuffer
// --------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSPostReceiveBuffer(PGENERIC_HEADER pGenericHeader, PSEND_BUFFER pSendBuffer) { ULONG ulDataLength = pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.SendArgs.ulBufferLength; PUCHAR pucDataBuffer = pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.SendArgs.pucUserModeBuffer; //
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint3("\nCommand = ulPOSTRECEIVEBUFFER\n" "FileObject = %p\n" "DataLength = %u\n" "Buffer = %p\n", pGenericHeader, ulDataLength, pucDataBuffer); } //
// make sure we have a valid object to run on
PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject; PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint; if (pGenericHeader->ulSignature == ulEndpointObject) { pEndpoint = (PENDPOINT_OBJECT)pGenericHeader;
if (pEndpoint->fIsConnected) { pAddressObject = pEndpoint->pAddressObject; } else { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } else { pEndpoint = NULL; pAddressObject = (PADDRESS_OBJECT)pGenericHeader; } //
// attempt to lock down the memory
PMDL pReceiveMdl = TSMakeMdlForUserBuffer(pucDataBuffer, ulDataLength, IoModifyAccess);
if (!pReceiveMdl) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
// allocate our context
// our context
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pUserBufInfo, sizeof(USERBUF_INFO), strFunc1, "UserBufInfo")) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// do path specific allocations
if (pEndpoint) { pLowerIrp = TSAllocateIrp(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, NULL); } else { //
// for datagrams, need the connection information structures
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pReceiveTdiConnectInfo, sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION) + sizeof(TRANSADDR), strFunc1, "ReceiveTdiConnectionInformation")) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pReturnTdiConnectInfo, sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION) + sizeof(TRANSADDR), strFunc1, "ReturnTdiConnectionInformation")) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } pLowerIrp = TSAllocateIrp(pAddressObject->GenHead.pDeviceObject, NULL); }
// everything is allocated at this point...
if (pLowerIrp) { //
// common code -- mostly dealing with puserbuf structure
// First, add it to the linked list
TSAcquireSpinLock(&pAddressObject->TdiSpinLock); if (pAddressObject->pTailUserBufInfo) { pAddressObject->pTailUserBufInfo->pNextUserBufInfo = pUserBufInfo; } else { pAddressObject->pHeadUserBufInfo = pUserBufInfo; } pAddressObject->pTailUserBufInfo = pUserBufInfo; TSReleaseSpinLock(&pAddressObject->TdiSpinLock);
// and fill in all fields that we can
pUserBufInfo->pLowerMdl = pReceiveMdl; pUserBufInfo->pLowerIrp = pLowerIrp; pUserBufInfo->ulBytesTransferred = 0; pUserBufInfo->pucUserModeBuffer = pucDataBuffer; pUserBufInfo->pReceiveTdiConnectInfo = pReceiveTdiConnectInfo; pUserBufInfo->pReturnTdiConnectInfo = pReturnTdiConnectInfo; TSInitializeEvent(&pUserBufInfo->TdiEventCompleted);
// now do what is necessary for each path..
if (pEndpoint) { //
// set up the irp for the call
#pragma warning(disable: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
TdiBuildReceive(pLowerIrp, pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject, TSReceiveBufferComplete, pUserBufInfo, pReceiveMdl, 0, // flags
ulDataLength); #pragma warning(default: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
NTSTATUS lStatus = IoCallDriver(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pLowerIrp);
if ((!NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) && (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand)) { DebugPrint2(("%s: unexpected status for IoCallDriver [0x%08x]\n"), strFunc1, lStatus); } }
// else a datagram
else { pReturnTdiConnectInfo->RemoteAddress = (PUCHAR)pReturnTdiConnectInfo + sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION); pReturnTdiConnectInfo->RemoteAddressLength = ulMAX_TABUFFER_LENGTH; //
// set up the irp for the call
#pragma warning(disable: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
TdiBuildReceiveDatagram(pLowerIrp, pAddressObject->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pAddressObject->GenHead.pFileObject, TSReceiveBufferComplete, pUserBufInfo, pReceiveMdl, ulDataLength, pReceiveTdiConnectInfo, pReturnTdiConnectInfo, TDI_RECEIVE_NORMAL); #pragma warning(default: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
NTSTATUS lStatus = IoCallDriver(pAddressObject->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pLowerIrp);
if ((!NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) && (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand)) { DebugPrint2(("%s: unexpected status for IoCallDriver [0x%08x]\n"), strFunc1, lStatus); } } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// get here if there was an allocation failure
// need to clean up everything else...
cleanup: if (pUserBufInfo) { TSFreeMemory(pUserBufInfo); } if (pReceiveTdiConnectInfo) { TSFreeMemory(pReceiveTdiConnectInfo); } if (pReturnTdiConnectInfo) { TSFreeMemory(pReturnTdiConnectInfo); }
TSFreeUserBuffer(pReceiveMdl); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSFetchReceiveBuffer
// Arguments: pGenericHeader -- AddressObject or Endpoint to fetch buffer for
// pReceiveBuffer -- for storing actual results
// Returns: status of operation (STATUS_SUCCESS)
// Descript: This function retrieves the user mode buffer posted earlier
// by function TSPostReceiveBuffer
// --------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSFetchReceiveBuffer(PGENERIC_HEADER pGenericHeader, PRECEIVE_BUFFER pReceiveBuffer) {
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint1("\nCommand = ulFETCHRECEIVEBUFFER\n" "FileObject = %p\n", pGenericHeader); } //
// make sure we have a valid object to run on
PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject; if (pGenericHeader->ulSignature == ulEndpointObject) { PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint = (PENDPOINT_OBJECT)pGenericHeader;
// note: it is possible that connection has been broken but that
// the buffer is still posted
pAddressObject = pEndpoint->pAddressObject; if (!pAddressObject) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } else { pAddressObject = (PADDRESS_OBJECT)pGenericHeader; } //
// ok, we got the address object. See if there are any user buffers
// attached to it...
PUSERBUF_INFO pUserBufInfo = pAddressObject->pHeadUserBufInfo; if (pUserBufInfo) { if (pUserBufInfo->pNextUserBufInfo) { pAddressObject->pHeadUserBufInfo = pUserBufInfo->pNextUserBufInfo; } else { pAddressObject->pHeadUserBufInfo = NULL; pAddressObject->pTailUserBufInfo = NULL; } } TSReleaseSpinLock(&pAddressObject->TdiSpinLock);
if (!pUserBufInfo) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
// ok, we got our buffer. See if it has completed
// or if we need to abort it
if (pUserBufInfo->pLowerIrp) { IoCancelIrp(pUserBufInfo->pLowerIrp); TSWaitEvent(&pUserBufInfo->TdiEventCompleted); }
// it has finished. stuff the address and length into the receive
// buffer, delete the UserBufInfo structure, and go home
pReceiveBuffer->RESULTS.RecvDgramRet.ulBufferLength = pUserBufInfo->ulBytesTransferred; pReceiveBuffer->RESULTS.RecvDgramRet.pucUserModeBuffer = pUserBufInfo->pucUserModeBuffer;
// private functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSReceiveBufferComplete
// Arguments: pDeviceObject -- device object that called protocol
// pIrp -- IRP used in the call
// pContext -- context used for the call
// Returns: status of operation (STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED)
// Descript: Gets the result of the command, unlock the buffer,
// and does other necessary cleanup
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#pragma warning(disable: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
TDI_STATUS TSReceiveBufferComplete(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, PIRP pLowerIrp, PVOID pvContext)
{ PUSERBUF_INFO pUserBufInfo = (PUSERBUF_INFO)pvContext; NTSTATUS lStatus = pLowerIrp->IoStatus.Status; ULONG ulBytesReceived = (ULONG)pLowerIrp->IoStatus.Information;
if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint2("%s: BytesReceived = 0x%08x\n", strFuncP1, ulBytesReceived); } pUserBufInfo->ulBytesTransferred = ulBytesReceived; } else { if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint2("%s: Completed with status 0x%08x\n", strFuncP1, lStatus); } }
// now cleanup
TSFreeUserBuffer(pUserBufInfo->pLowerMdl); if (pUserBufInfo->pReturnTdiConnectInfo) { TSFreeMemory(pUserBufInfo->pReturnTdiConnectInfo); } if (pUserBufInfo->pReceiveTdiConnectInfo) { TSFreeMemory(pUserBufInfo->pReceiveTdiConnectInfo); }
TSSetEvent(&pUserBufInfo->TdiEventCompleted); TSFreeIrp(pLowerIrp, NULL); pUserBufInfo->pLowerIrp = NULL; return TDI_MORE_PROCESSING; }
#pragma warning(default: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
// end of file buffer.cpp