Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implemetation of DDI entry points: DrvDocumentPropertySheets DrvDocumentProperties DrvAdvancedDocumentProperties DrvConvertDevMode
Fax driver user interface
Revision History:
01/09/96 -davidx- Created it.
mm/dd/yy -author- description
#include "faxui.h"
#include "forms.h"
#include "libproto.h"
#include "faxhelp.h"
BOOL SaveUserInfo(PDRVDEVMODE pDM) { HKEY hKey; if ((hKey = GetUserInfoRegKey(REGKEY_FAX_USERINFO,FALSE))) { SetRegistryString( hKey, REGVAL_BILLING_CODE, pDM->dmPrivate.billingCode ); SetRegistryString( hKey, REGVAL_MAILBOX , pDM->dmPrivate.emailAddress );
RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
LONG DrvDocumentPropertySheets( PPROPSHEETUI_INFO pPSUIInfo, LPARAM lParam )
Routine Description:
Display "Document Properties" property sheets
pPSUIInfo - Pointer to a PROPSHEETUI_INFO structure lParam - Pointer to a DOCUMENTPROPERTYHEADER structure
Return Value:
> 0 if successful, <= 0 if failed
Please refer to WinNT DDK/SDK documentation for more details.
// Do not execute any code before this initialization
if(!InitializeDll()) { return iRet; }
// Validate input parameters
// pPSUIInfo = NULL is a special case: don't need to display the dialog
if (! (pDPHdr = (PDOCUMENTPROPERTYHEADER) (pPSUIInfo ? pPSUIInfo->lParamInit : lParam))) {
Assert(FALSE); return -1; }
if (pPSUIInfo == NULL) { return SimpleDocumentProperties(pDPHdr); }
Verbose(("DrvDocumentPropertySheets: %d\n", pPSUIInfo->Reason));
// Create a UIDATA structure if necessary
pUiData = (pPSUIInfo->Reason == PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT) ? FillUiData(pDPHdr->hPrinter, pDPHdr->pdmIn) : (PUIDATA) pPSUIInfo->UserData;
if (!ValidUiData(pUiData)) { goto exit; } //
// Handle various cases for which this function might be called
switch (pPSUIInfo->Reason) { case PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT:
pUiData->hasPermission = ((pDPHdr->fMode & DM_NOPERMISSION) == 0); pUiData->pfnComPropSheet = pPSUIInfo->pfnComPropSheet; pUiData->hComPropSheet = pPSUIInfo->hComPropSheet;
if (pDPHdr->fMode & DM_USER_DEFAULT) { pUiData->configDefault = TRUE; } //
// Find online help filename
GetHelpFilename(pUiData); //
// Add our pages to the property sheet
if (GenerateFormsList(pUiData) && AddDocPropPages(pUiData, pDPHdr->pszPrinterName)) { pPSUIInfo->UserData = (DWORD_PTR) pUiData; pPSUIInfo->Result = CPSUI_CANCEL; iRet = 1; goto exit; } //
// Clean up properly in case of an error
HeapDestroy(pUiData->hheap); break;
pPSUIHdr = (PPROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER) lParam; pPSUIHdr->Flags = PSUIHDRF_PROPTITLE | PSUIHDRF_NOAPPLYNOW; pPSUIHdr->pTitle = pDPHdr->pszPrinterName; pPSUIHdr->hInst = g_hResource; pPSUIHdr->IconID = IDI_CPSUI_PRINTER2; } iRet = 1; goto exit;
// Copy the new devmode back into the output buffer provided by the caller
// Always return the smaller of current and input devmode
Verbose(("Set result: %d\n", pSRInfo->Result));
if (pSRInfo->Result == CPSUI_OK && (pDPHdr->fMode & (DM_COPY|DM_UPDATE))) { if (!ConvertDevmodeOut( (PDEVMODE) &pUiData->devmode, pDPHdr->pdmIn, pDPHdr->pdmOut, pDPHdr->cbOut)) { goto exit; } SaveUserInfo(&pUiData->devmode); }
pPSUIInfo->Result = pSRInfo->Result; } iRet = 1; goto exit;
// Cleanup properly before exiting
HeapDestroy(pUiData->hheap); iRet = 1; goto exit; }
exit: return iRet; } // DrvDocumentPropertySheets
LONG DoDocumentProperties( HWND hwnd, HANDLE hPrinter, LPTSTR pPrinterName, PDEVMODE pdmOutput, PDEVMODE pdmInput, DWORD fMode )
hwnd - Handle to the parent window of the document properties dialog box.
hPrinter - Handle to a printer object.
pPrinterName - Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the device for which the document properties dialog box should be displayed.
pdmOutput - Points to a DEVMODE structure that receives the document properties data specified by the user.
pdmInput - Points to a DEVMODE structure that initializes the dialog box controls. This parameter can be NULL.
fmode - Specifies a mask of flags that determine which operations the function performs.
Return Value:
> 0 if successful = 0 if canceled < 0 if error
// Initialize a DOCUMENTPROPERTYHEADER structure
memset(&docPropHdr, 0, sizeof(docPropHdr)); docPropHdr.cbSize = sizeof(docPropHdr); docPropHdr.hPrinter = hPrinter; docPropHdr.pszPrinterName = pPrinterName; docPropHdr.pdmIn = pdmInput; docPropHdr.pdmOut = pdmOutput; docPropHdr.fMode = fMode;
// Don't need to get compstui involved when the dialog is not displayed
if ((fMode & DM_PROMPT) == 0) return SimpleDocumentProperties(&docPropHdr);
CallCompstui(hwnd, DrvDocumentPropertySheets, (LPARAM) &docPropHdr, &result); return result; }
LONG DrvDocumentProperties( HWND hwnd, HANDLE hPrinter, LPTSTR pPrinterName, PDEVMODE pdmOutput, PDEVMODE pdmInput, DWORD fMode )
Routine Description:
Set the public members of a DEVMODE structure for a print document
Please refer to WinNT DDK/SDK documentation for more details.
This is the old entry point for the spooler. Even though no one should be using this, do it for compatibility.
{ LONG result;
Verbose(("Entering DrvDocumentProperties: fMode = %x...\n", fMode));
// Do not execute any code before this initialization
if(!InitializeDll()) { return IDCANCEL; }
// Check if caller is asking querying for size
if (fMode == 0 || pdmOutput == NULL) return sizeof(DRVDEVMODE);
// Call the common routine shared with DrvAdvancedDocumentProperties
result = DoDocumentProperties(hwnd, hPrinter, pPrinterName, pdmOutput, pdmInput, fMode);
return (result > 0) ? IDOK : (result == 0) ? IDCANCEL : result; }
LONG DrvAdvancedDocumentProperties( HWND hwnd, HANDLE hPrinter, LPTSTR pPrinterName, PDEVMODE pdmOutput, PDEVMODE pdmInput )
Routine Description:
Set the private members of a DEVMODE structure. In this release, this function is almost identical to DrvDocumentProperties above with a few minor exceptions
Please refer to WinNT DDK/SDK documentation for more details.
This is the old entry point for the spooler. Even though no one should be using this, do it for compatibility.
{ Verbose(("Entering DrvAdvancedDocumentProperties...\n"));
// Do not execute any code before this initialization
if(!InitializeDll()) { return -1; }
// Return the number of bytes required if pdmOutput is NULL
if (pdmOutput == NULL) return sizeof(DRVDEVMODE);
// Otherwise, call the common routine shared with DrvDocumentProperties
return DoDocumentProperties(hwnd, hPrinter, pPrinterName, pdmOutput, pdmInput, DM_COPY|DM_PROMPT|DM_ADVANCED) > 0; }
BOOL DrvConvertDevMode( LPTSTR pPrinterName, PDEVMODE pdmIn, PDEVMODE pdmOut, PLONG pcbNeeded, DWORD fMode )
Routine Description:
Use by SetPrinter and GetPrinter to convert devmodes
pPrinterName - Points to printer name string pdmIn - Points to the input devmode pdmOut - Points to the output devmode buffer pcbNeeded - Specifies the size of output buffer on input On output, this is the size of output devmode fMode - Specifies what function to perform
Return Value:
TRUE if successful FALSE otherwise and an error code is logged
{ static DRIVER_VERSION_INFO versionInfo = {
// Current driver version number and private devmode size
// 3.51 driver version number and private devmode size
// NOTE: We don't have a 3.51 driver - use current version number and devmode size.
INT result; HANDLE hPrinter;
Verbose(("Entering DrvConvertDevMode: %x...\n", fMode));
// Do not execute any code before this initialization
if(!InitializeDll()) { return FALSE; }
// Call a library routine to handle the common cases
result = CommonDrvConvertDevmode(pPrinterName, pdmIn, pdmOut, pcbNeeded, fMode, &versionInfo);
// If not handled by the library routine, we only need to worry
// about the case when fMode is CDM_DRIVER_DEFAULT
// Return driver default devmode
if (OpenPrinter(pPrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL)) {
DriverDefaultDevmode(pdmDefault, pPrinterName, hPrinter); pdmDefault->dmPrivate.flags |= FAXDM_DRIVER_DEFAULT;
result = CDM_RESULT_TRUE; ClosePrinter(hPrinter);
} else Error(("OpenPrinter failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); }
return (result == CDM_RESULT_TRUE); }
Routine Description:
Handle simple "Document Properties" where we don't need to display a dialog and therefore don't have to have common UI library involved
pDPHdr - Points to a DOCUMENTPROPERTYHEADER structure
Return Value:
> 0 if successful, <= 0 otherwise
{ PUIDATA pUiData; int iRet = -1;
// Check if the caller is interested in the size only
pDPHdr->cbOut = sizeof(DRVDEVMODE);
if (pDPHdr->fMode == 0 || pDPHdr->pdmOut == NULL) { return pDPHdr->cbOut; }
// Create a UIDATA structure
if (! (pUiData = FillUiData(pDPHdr->hPrinter, pDPHdr->pdmIn))) { return iRet; }
// Copy the devmode back into the output buffer provided by the caller
// Always return the smaller of current and input devmode
if (pDPHdr->fMode & (DM_COPY | DM_UPDATE)) { if (ConvertDevmodeOut((PDEVMODE) &pUiData->devmode, pDPHdr->pdmIn, pDPHdr->pdmOut, pDPHdr->cbOut)) { iRet = 1; } }
HeapDestroy(pUiData->hheap); return iRet; }
BOOL AddDocPropPages( PUIDATA pUiData, LPTSTR pPrinterName )
Routine Description:
Add our "Document Properties" pages to the property sheet
pUiData - Points to our UIDATA structure pPrinterName - Specifies the printer name
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
{ PROPSHEETPAGE psp = {0}; HANDLE hActCtx; //
// "Document Properties" dialog only has one tab - "Fax Options"
psp.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psp.dwFlags = 0; psp.hInstance = g_hResource;
psp.lParam = (LPARAM) pUiData; psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DOCPROP); psp.pfnDlgProc = FaxOptionsProc; //
// Need to add a Activation Context so that Compstui will create the property page using
// ComCtl v6 (i.e. so it will / can be Themed).
hActCtx = GetFaxActivationContext(); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hActCtx) { pUiData->pfnComPropSheet(pUiData->hComPropSheet, CPSFUNC_SET_FUSION_CONTEXT, (LPARAM)hActCtx, 0); }
pUiData->hFaxOptsPage = (HANDLE) pUiData->pfnComPropSheet(pUiData->hComPropSheet, CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGE, (LPARAM) &psp, 0);
return (pUiData->hFaxOptsPage != NULL); }
BOOL GenerateFormsList( PUIDATA pUiData )
Routine Description:
Generate the list of forms supported by the fax driver
pUiData - Points to our UIDATA structure
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PFORM_INFO_1 pFormsDB; DWORD cForms, count;
// Get a list of forms in the forms database
pFormsDB = GetFormsDatabase(pUiData->hPrinter, &cForms);
if (pFormsDB == NULL || cForms == 0) {
Error(("Couldn't get system forms\n")); return FALSE; }
// Enumerate the list of supported forms
pUiData->cForms = count = EnumPaperSizes(NULL, pFormsDB, cForms, DC_PAPERS); Assert(count != GDI_ERROR);
pUiData->pFormNames = HeapAlloc(pUiData->hheap, 0, sizeof(TCHAR) * count * CCHPAPERNAME); pUiData->pPapers = HeapAlloc(pUiData->hheap, 0, sizeof(WORD) * count);
if (!pUiData->pFormNames || !pUiData->pPapers) { if(pUiData->pFormNames) { HeapFree(pUiData->hheap, 0, pUiData->pFormNames); }
if(pUiData->pPapers) { HeapFree(pUiData->hheap, 0, pUiData->pPapers); }
MemFree(pFormsDB); return FALSE; }
EnumPaperSizes(pUiData->pFormNames, pFormsDB, cForms, DC_PAPERNAMES); EnumPaperSizes(pUiData->pPapers, pFormsDB, cForms, DC_PAPERS);
MemFree(pFormsDB); return TRUE; }
LPTSTR GetHelpFilename( PUIDATA pUiData )
Routine Description:
Return the driver's help filename string
pUiData - Points to our UIDATA structure
Return Value:
Pointer to the driver help filename, NULL if error
{ PDRIVER_INFO_3 pDriverInfo3 = NULL; PVOID pHelpFile = NULL;
// Attempt to get help file name using the new DRIVER_INFO_3
if (pDriverInfo3 = MyGetPrinterDriver(pUiData->hPrinter, 3)) {
if ((pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile != NULL) && (pHelpFile = HeapAlloc(pUiData->hheap, 0, SizeOfString(pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile)))) { _tcscpy(pHelpFile, pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile); }
MemFree(pDriverInfo3); }
// If DRIVER_INFO_3 isn't supported, get help file name the old fashion way
if (pHelpFile == NULL) { if (!(pHelpFile = HeapAlloc(pUiData->hheap, 0, SizeOfString(FAXCFG_HELP_FILENAME))) ) { pHelpFile = NULL;
} else {
_tcscpy(pHelpFile, FAXCFG_HELP_FILENAME); } }
Verbose(("Driver help filename: %ws\n", pHelpFile)); return (pUiData->pHelpFile = pHelpFile); }