Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Functions for manipulating cover page structures
Fax driver, user mode
Revision History:
01/04/2000 -LiranL- Created it.
mm/dd/yyyy -author- description
#include "faxlib.h"
#include "faxutil.h"
#include "covpg.h"
VOID FreeCoverPageFields( PCOVERPAGEFIELDS pCPFields )
Routine Description:
Free up memory used to hold the cover page information
pCPFields - Points to a COVERPAGEFIELDS structure
Return Value:
{ if (pCPFields == NULL) return;
// NOTE: We don't need to free the following fields here because they're
// allocated and freed elsewhere and we're only using a copy of the pointer:
// RecName
// RecFaxNumber
// Note
// Subject
MemFree(pCPFields->SdrName); MemFree(pCPFields->SdrFaxNumber); MemFree(pCPFields->SdrCompany); MemFree(pCPFields->SdrAddress); MemFree(pCPFields->SdrTitle); MemFree(pCPFields->SdrDepartment); MemFree(pCPFields->SdrOfficeLocation); MemFree(pCPFields->SdrHomePhone); MemFree(pCPFields->SdrOfficePhone); MemFree(pCPFields->SdrEmail); MemFree(pCPFields->NumberOfPages); MemFree(pCPFields->TimeSent);
MemFree(pCPFields); }
PCOVERPAGEFIELDS CollectCoverPageFields( PFAX_PERSONAL_PROFILE lpSenderInfo, DWORD pageCount )
Routine Description:
Collect cover page information into the fields of a newly allocated COVERPAGEFIELDS structure. Fills sender information using the client registry. The following fields are filled: SdrName SdrCompany SdrAddress SdrTitle SdrDepartment SdrOfficeLocation SdrHomePhone SdrOfficePhone SdrFaxNumber SdrEmail NumberOfPages = pageCount TimeSent = formatted date/time string of the current time (calculated at this point)
pageCount - Total number of pages (including cover pages)
Return Value:
Pointer to a newly allocated COVERPAGEFIELDS structure, NULL if there is an error. It is up to the caller to free this structure using FreeCoverPageFields() which takes care of freeing the fields as well.
#define FillCoverPageField(DestField, SourceField) { \
if (lpSenderInfo->SourceField && !(pCPFields->DestField = StringDup(lpSenderInfo->SourceField))) \ { \ Error(("Memory allocation failed\n")); \ goto error; \ } \ }
{ PCOVERPAGEFIELDS pCPFields = NULL; INT dateTimeLen = 0;
// Allocate memory to hold the top level structure
// and open the user info registry key for reading
if (! (pCPFields = MemAllocZ(sizeof(COVERPAGEFIELDS)))) { return NULL; }
// Read sender information from the registry
pCPFields->ThisStructSize = sizeof(COVERPAGEFIELDS);
FillCoverPageField(SdrName, lptstrName); FillCoverPageField(SdrCompany, lptstrCompany); FillCoverPageField(SdrTitle, lptstrTitle); FillCoverPageField(SdrDepartment, lptstrDepartment); FillCoverPageField(SdrOfficeLocation, lptstrOfficeLocation); FillCoverPageField(SdrHomePhone, lptstrHomePhone); FillCoverPageField(SdrOfficePhone, lptstrOfficePhone); FillCoverPageField(SdrFaxNumber, lptstrFaxNumber); FillCoverPageField(SdrAddress, lptstrStreetAddress); FillCoverPageField(SdrEmail, lptstrEmail);
// Number of pages and current local system time
if (pCPFields->NumberOfPages = MemAllocZ(sizeof(TCHAR) * 16)) { wsprintf(pCPFields->NumberOfPages, TEXT("%d"), pageCount); } else { Error(("Memory allocation failed\n")); goto error; }
// When the fax was sent
dateTimeLen = 128;
if (pCPFields->TimeSent = MemAllocZ(sizeof(TCHAR) * dateTimeLen)) {
LPTSTR p = pCPFields->TimeSent; INT cch;
if (!GetY2KCompliantDate(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, p, dateTimeLen)) { Error(("GetY2KCompliantDate: failed. ec = 0X%x\n",GetLastError())); goto error; }
cch = _tcslen(p); p += cch;
if (++cch < dateTimeLen) {
*p++ = (TCHAR)' '; dateTimeLen -= cch;
FaxTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, p, dateTimeLen); } } else { Error(("Memory allocation failed\n")); goto error; }
return pCPFields; error:
return NULL; }