Name : SEND.C Comment : Sender functions
Revision Log Date Name Description -------- ----- --------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************/ #define USE_DEBUG_CONTEXT DEBUG_CONTEXT_T30_MAIN
#include "prep.h"
#include "efaxcb.h"
#include "glbproto.h"
#include "t30gl.h"
SWORD ICommGetSendBuf(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPBUFFER far* lplpbf, SLONG slOffset) { /**
slOffset == SEND_STARTPAGE marks beginning of new block *and* page (returns with data from the "appropriate" file offset).
slOffset == SEND_SEQ means get buffer from current file position slOffset >= 0 gives the offset in bytes from the last marked position (beginning of block) to start reading from
returns: SEND_ERROR on error, SEND_EOF on eof, SEND_OK otherwise. Does not return data on EOF or ERROR, i.e. *lplpbf==0 **/
if (pTG->fAbortRequested) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"got ABORT"); sRet = SEND_ERROR; goto mutexit; }
if(slOffset == SEND_STARTPAGE) { pTG->fTxPageDone = FALSE; // This to mark that we did not finish yet.
if (pTG->T30.ifrResp == ifrRTN) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "Re-transmitting: We open again the file: %s", pTG->InFileName); if ( ( pTG->InFileHandle = CreateFileA(pTG->InFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL) ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "OpenFile for Retranmit %s fails; CurrentOut=%d;" " CurrentIn=%d", pTG->InFileName, pTG->CurrentOut, pTG->CurrentIn);
sRet = SEND_ERROR; goto mutexit; }
pTG->InFileHandleNeedsBeClosed = TRUE;
SignalStatusChange(pTG, FS_TRANSMITTING); // This will report the current status
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "SEND_STARTPAGE: CurrentOut=%d, FirstOut=%d," " LastOut=%d, CurrentIn=%d", pTG->CurrentOut, pTG->FirstOut, pTG->LastOut, pTG->CurrentIn); } else //First try for the current page
{ // Delete last successfully transmitted Tiff Page file.
// Lets reset the counter of the retries. Attention: The speed remains the same.
pTG->ProtParams.RTNNumOfRetries = 0; _fmemcpy (pTG->InFileName, gT30.TmpDirectory, gT30.dwLengthTmpDirectory); _fmemcpy (&pTG->InFileName[gT30.dwLengthTmpDirectory], pTG->lpszPermanentLineID, 8); if (pTG->PageCount != 0) { sprintf( &pTG->InFileName[gT30.dwLengthTmpDirectory+8], ".%03d", pTG->PageCount); if (! DeleteFileA (pTG->InFileName) ) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "file %s can't be deleted; le=%lx", pTG->InFileName, GetLastError()); } else { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "SEND_STARTPAGE: Previous file %s deleted." " PageCount=%d, CurrentIn=%d", pTG->InFileName, pTG->PageCount, pTG->CurrentIn); }
pTG->PageCount++ ; pTG->CurrentIn++ ;
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "SendBuf: Starting New PAGE %d First=%d Last=%d", pTG->PageCount, pTG->FirstOut, pTG->LastOut);
// Server wants to know when we start TX new page.
SignalStatusChange(pTG, FS_TRANSMITTING);
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "SEND_STARTPAGE (cont): CurrentOut=%d, FirstOut=%d," " LastOut=%d, CurrentIn=%d", pTG->CurrentOut, pTG->FirstOut, pTG->LastOut, pTG->CurrentIn);
if (pTG->CurrentOut < pTG->CurrentIn ) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "TIFF PAGE hadn't been started CurrentOut=%d;", " CurrentIn=%d", pTG->CurrentOut, pTG->CurrentIn);
sRet = SEND_ERROR; goto mutexit; }
// some slack for 1st page
if ( (pTG->CurrentOut == pTG->CurrentIn) && (pTG->CurrentIn == 1 ) ) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "SEND: Wait for 1st page: CurrentOut=%d; In=%d", pTG->CurrentOut, pTG->CurrentIn);
if ( WaitForSingleObject(pTG->FirstPageReadyTxSignal, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "SEND: TIMEOUT ERROR Wait for 1st page:" " CurrentOut=%d; In=%d", pTG->CurrentOut, pTG->CurrentIn); }
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "SEND: Wakeup for 1st page: CurrentOut=%d; In=%d", pTG->CurrentOut, pTG->CurrentIn); }
// open the file created by tiff thread
sprintf( &pTG->InFileName[gT30.dwLengthTmpDirectory+8], ".%03d", pTG->PageCount);
if ( ( pTG->InFileHandle = CreateFileA(pTG->InFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL) ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "OpenFile %s fails; CurrentOut=%d;" " CurrentIn=%d", pTG->InFileName, pTG->CurrentOut, pTG->CurrentIn);
sRet = SEND_ERROR; goto mutexit; }
pTG->InFileHandleNeedsBeClosed = TRUE;
if ( pTG->CurrentOut == pTG->CurrentIn ) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_WRN, "CurrentOut=%d; CurrentIn=%d", pTG->CurrentOut, pTG->CurrentIn); }
// Signal TIFF thread to start preparing new page if needed.
if ( (! pTG->fTiffDocumentDone) && (pTG->LastOut - pTG->CurrentIn < 2) ) { if (!ResetEvent(pTG->ThrdSignal)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "ResetEvent(0x%lx) returns failure code: %ld", (ULONG_PTR)pTG->ThrdSignal, (long) GetLastError()); // this is bad, but not fatal yet.
// let's wait and see what happens with SetEvent...
} pTG->ReqStartNewPage = 1; pTG->AckStartNewPage = 0;
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "SIGNAL NEW PAGE CurrentOut=%d; CurrentIn=%d", pTG->CurrentOut, pTG->CurrentIn);
if (!SetEvent(pTG->ThrdSignal)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "SetEvent(0x%lx) returns failure code: %ld", (ULONG_PTR)pTG->ThrdSignal, (long) GetLastError()); sRet = SEND_ERROR; goto mutexit; } } }
pTG->Inst.state = SENDDATA_PHASE; sRet = SEND_OK; goto mutexit; }
if(slOffset == SEND_SEQ) { if (pTG->fTxPageDone) { //In the last read from the file, we can tell that the page is over
sRet = SEND_EOF;
if (pTG->InFileHandleNeedsBeClosed) { CloseHandle(pTG->InFileHandle); // If we close the file so rashly, open it again later
pTG->InFileHandleNeedsBeClosed = FALSE; } goto mutexit; }
lpbf = MyAllocBuf(pTG, MY_BIGBUF_SIZE); lpbf->lpbBegData = lpbf->lpbBegBuf+4; lpbf->wLengthData = MY_BIGBUF_SIZE;
if ( ! ReadFile(pTG->InFileHandle, lpbf->lpbBegData, lpbf->wLengthData, &dwBytesRead, 0) ) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "Can't read %d bytes from %s. Last error:%d", lpbf->wLengthData, pTG->InFileName, GetLastError()); MyFreeBuf (pTG, lpbf); sRet = SEND_ERROR; goto mutexit; }
if ( lpbf->wLengthData != (unsigned) dwBytesRead ) { if (pTG->fTiffPageDone || (pTG->CurrentIn != pTG->CurrentOut) ) { // actually reached EndOfPage
lpbf->wLengthData = (unsigned) dwBytesRead; pTG->fTxPageDone = TRUE; } else { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, "Wanted %d bytes but ONLY %d ready from %s", lpbf->wLengthData, dwBytesRead, pTG->InFileName);
MyFreeBuf (pTG, lpbf); sRet = SEND_ERROR; goto mutexit; } }
*lplpbf = lpbf;
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"SEND_SEQ: length=%d", lpbf->wLengthData); }
sRet = SEND_OK;
return sRet; }
if (pTG->PageCount >= pTG->TiffInfo.PageCount) { pTG->Inst.awfi.fLastPage = 1; }
if(pTG->Inst.awfi.fLastPage) { uRet = NEXTSEND_EOP; } else { uRet = NEXTSEND_MPS; }
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, "uRet=%d, fLastPage=%d", uRet, pTG->Inst.awfi.fLastPage);
return uRet; }
BOOL ICommRecvCaps(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPBC lpBC) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (pTG->fAbortRequested) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"got ABORT"); fRet = FALSE; goto mutexit; }
if(pTG->Inst.state != BEFORE_RECVCAPS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN,"Got caps unexpectedly--ignoring"); // this will break if we send EOM...
// then we should go back into RECV_CAPS state
fRet = TRUE; //RSL goto mutexit;
_fmemset(&pTG->Inst.RemoteRecvCaps, 0, sizeof(pTG->Inst.RemoteRecvCaps)); _fmemcpy(&pTG->Inst.RemoteRecvCaps, lpBC, min(sizeof(pTG->Inst.RemoteRecvCaps), lpBC->wTotalSize));
if(!NegotiateCaps(pTG)) { _fmemset(&pTG->Inst.SendParams, 0, sizeof(pTG->Inst.SendParams)); fRet = FALSE; goto mutexit; }
mutexit: return fRet; }