// File Name: fxocSvc.cpp
// Abstract: This provides the Service routines used in the FaxOCM
// code base.
// Environment: Windows XP / User Mode
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Revision History:
// Date: Developer: Comments:
// ----- ---------- ---------
// 21-Mar-2000 Oren Rosenbloom (orenr) Created
#include "faxocm.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <Accctrl.h>
#include <Aclapi.h>
/////////////////////// Static Function Prototypes /////////////////////////
// fxocSvc_Init
// Initialize the fax service
// setup subsystem
// Params:
// - void.
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success.
// - error code otherwise.
DWORD fxocSvc_Init(void) { DWORD dwRes = NO_ERROR; DBG_ENTER(_T("Init Service Module"),dwRes);
return dwRes; }
// fxocSvc_Term
// Terminate the fax service
// setup subsystem
// Params:
// - void.
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success.
// - error code otherwise.
DWORD fxocSvc_Term(void) { DWORD dwRes = NO_ERROR; DBG_ENTER(_T("Term Service Module"),dwRes);
return dwRes; }
// fxocSvc_Install
// Create/delete the fax service as
// specified in the INF file
// Params:
// - pszSubcomponentId.
// - pszInstallSection - section in INF we are installing from
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success.
// - error code otherwise.
DWORD fxocSvc_Install(const TCHAR *pszSubcomponentId, const TCHAR *pszInstallSection) { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; HINF hInf = faxocm_GetComponentInf(); OCMANAGER_ROUTINES *pHelpers = faxocm_GetComponentHelperRoutines();
DBG_ENTER( _T("fxocSvc_Install"), dwReturn, _T("%s - %s"), pszSubcomponentId, pszInstallSection);
if ((hInf == NULL) || (pszInstallSection == NULL) || (pHelpers == NULL)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// attempt to install any Services specified in the Fax
// install section in the INF file.
bSuccess = ::SetupInstallServicesFromInfSection(hInf, pszInstallSection, 0); if (bSuccess) { SC_ACTION Actions[] = { {SC_ACTION_RESTART, 1000 * 60}, // Restart the service 1 minute after 1st failure
{SC_ACTION_RESTART, 1000 * 60}, // Restart the service 1 minute after 2nd failure
{SC_ACTION_NONE, 0} // Do nothing for 3rd, 4th, ... failures
}; SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS sfa = { 60 * 5, // After 5 minutes, reset failures count
NULL, // Reboot message is unchanged
NULL, // No change in the run command
ARR_SIZE (Actions), // Number of actions
Actions // Actions array
}; VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Successfully installed fax service from ") _T("section '%s'"), pszInstallSection); dwReturn = SetServiceFailureActions (NULL, FAX_SERVICE_NAME, &sfa); if (NO_ERROR == dwReturn) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("Successfully set fax service failure actions...")); //
// if this install is being done through the control panel via the
// Add/Remove Windows Components dialog (i.e. NOT a clean/upgrade install
// of the OS), then start the service if a reboot is not required.
// If this is not a stand alone install, then the machine will be rebooted
// anyway so the fax service will auto-start.
if (fxState_IsStandAlone()) { dwReturn = fxocSvc_StartFaxService();
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("Successfully started fax service...")); } else { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to start fax service, rc = 0x%lx"), dwReturn); } } } else { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to set fax service failure actions, rc = 0x%lx"), dwReturn); } } else { dwReturn = ::GetLastError();
VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to install the services section in ") _T("section '%s', rc = 0x%lx"), pszInstallSection, dwReturn); }
return dwReturn; }
// fxocSvc_Uninstall
// Delete the fax service as
// specified in the INF file
// Params:
// - pszSubcomponentId.
// - pszInstallSection - section in INF we are installing from
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success.
// - error code otherwise.
DWORD fxocSvc_Uninstall(const TCHAR *pszSubcomponentId, const TCHAR *pszUninstallSection) { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; HINF hInf = faxocm_GetComponentInf(); BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
DBG_ENTER( _T("fxocSvc_Uninstall"), dwReturn, _T("%s - %s"), pszSubcomponentId, pszUninstallSection);
if ((hInf == NULL) || (pszUninstallSection == NULL)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { bSuccess = StopService(NULL, FAX_SERVICE_NAME, TRUE);
if (!bSuccess) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Uninstall failed to stop fax service, ec = 0x%lx, ") _T("attempting to uninstall fax service anyway"), dwReturn); }
bSuccess = ::SetupInstallServicesFromInfSection(hInf, pszUninstallSection, 0);
if (bSuccess) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Successfully uninstalled service ") _T("from section '%s'"), pszUninstallSection); } else { dwReturn = ::GetLastError();
VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to uninstall ") _T("service, SubcomponentId = '%s', ") _T("uninstall Section = '%s', rc = 0x%lx"), pszSubcomponentId, pszUninstallSection, dwReturn); } }
return dwReturn; }
// fxocSvc_StartFaxService
// Start the fax service
// specified in the given
// INF file's section.
// Params:
// None
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success
// - error code otherwise.
DWORD fxocSvc_StartFaxService() { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR;
DBG_ENTER( _T("fxocSvc_StartFaxService"), dwReturn);
if (!EnsureFaxServiceIsStarted (NULL)) { dwReturn = GetLastError (); } return dwReturn; }
// fxocSvc_StartService
// Start the specified service
// Params:
// - pszServiceName
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success
// - error code otherwise.
DWORD fxocSvc_StartService(const TCHAR *pszServiceName) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL;
DBG_ENTER( _T("fxocSvc_StartService"), dwReturn, _T("%s"), pszServiceName);
// open the service manager
if (hSvcMgr == NULL) { dwReturn = ::GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to open the service manager, rc = 0x%lx"), dwReturn); }
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { hService = ::OpenService(hSvcMgr, pszServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
if (hService == NULL) { dwReturn = ::GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("fxocSvc_StartService, Failed to open service ") _T("'%s', rc = 0x%lx"), pszServiceName, dwReturn); } }
// Start the fax service.
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { bSuccess = StartService(hService, 0, NULL);
if (!bSuccess) { dwReturn = ::GetLastError(); if (dwReturn == ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING) { dwReturn = NO_ERROR; } else { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to start service '%s', ") _T("rc = 0x%lx"), pszServiceName, dwReturn); } } }
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { SERVICE_STATUS Status; int i = 0;
do { QueryServiceStatus(hService, &Status); i++;
if (Status.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING) { Sleep(1000); }
} while ((i < 60) && (Status.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING));
if (Status.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING) { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to start '%s' service"), pszServiceName); } }
if (hService) { CloseServiceHandle(hService); }
if (hSvcMgr) { CloseServiceHandle(hSvcMgr); }
return dwReturn; }