// File Name: fxState.cpp
// Abstract: This provides the state routines used in the FaxOCM
// code base.
// Environment: Windows XP / User Mode
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Revision History:
// Date: Developer: Comments:
// ----- ---------- ---------
// 21-Mar-2000 Oren Rosenbloom (orenr) Created file, cleanup routines
#include "faxocm.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Function:
// prv_IsXPOrDotNetUpgrade
// Purpose:
// This function searches for FXSAPI.DLL in %system32% and if
// it exists the function returns TRUE, indicating that this is an
// upgrade from XP or .NET Server.
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// TRUE - This is a XP or .NET upgrade
// FALSE - This is W2K, or a failure occured.
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 26-Dec-2001
BOOL prv_IsXPOrDotNetUpgrade() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; HANDLE hFind = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData = {0}; TCHAR szSystemDirectory[MAX_PATH] = {0};
// get the system directory
if (GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDirectory,MAX_PATH-_tcslen(FAX_API_MODULE_NAME)-1)==0) { VERBOSE( SETUP_ERR,TEXT("GetSystemDirectory failed (ec: %ld)"),GetLastError()); goto exit; }
// append
_tcscat(szSystemDirectory,_T("\\")); _tcscat(szSystemDirectory,FAX_API_MODULE_NAME);
// search for FXSAPI.DLL in the system folder
hFind = FindFirstFile(szSystemDirectory, &FindFileData); if (hFind==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { VERBOSE( DBG_WARNING, TEXT("FindFirstFile %s failed (ec: %ld)"), szSystemDirectory, GetLastError()); goto exit; }
// found it.
bRet = TRUE; FindClose(hFind);
exit: return bRet; }
// Function:
// prv_IsRepair
// Purpose:
// This function determines whether this is a 'same build' upgrade
// which means the user wants to perform a 'repair' operation.
// This is done by comparing the values for SKU and Version we
// write each setup with current values.
// A 'repair' is an upgrade from same build to itself without
// the SKU changing.
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// TRUE - Upgrading from same build to itself and SKU didn't change.
// FALSE - Otherwise.
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 06-Jan-2002
BOOL prv_IsRepair() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; PRODUCT_SKU_TYPE InstalledProductSKU = PRODUCT_SKU_UNKNOWN; DWORD InstalledProductBuild = 0;
if (InstalledProductSKU!=GetProductSKU()) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("Different SKU upgrade, this is not repair")); return FALSE; }
if (InstalledProductBuild!=GetProductBuild()) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("Different build upgrade, this is not repair")); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////
// fxState_Init
// Initialize the state handling
// module for Faxocm.
// Params:
// - void
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success.
// - error code otherwise.
DWORD fxState_Init(void) { DWORD dwRes = NO_ERROR; DBG_ENTER(_T("Init State module"),dwRes);
return dwRes; }
// fxState_Term
// Terminate the state handling module
// Params:
// - void.
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success.
// - error code otherwise.
DWORD fxState_Term(void) { DWORD dwRes = NO_ERROR; DBG_ENTER(_T("Term State module"),dwRes);
return dwRes; }
// fxState_IsUnattended
// Determines if this is an unattended install
// It interprets flags given to us
// by OC Manager.
// Params:
// - void.
// Returns:
// - TRUE if unattended install.
// - FALSE if not.
BOOL fxState_IsUnattended(void) { DWORDLONG dwlFlags = 0;
// get the setup flags.
dwlFlags = faxocm_GetComponentFlags();
// if SETOP_BATCH flag is set, then we are in unattended mode.
return (dwlFlags & SETUPOP_BATCH) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// fxState_IsCleanInstall
// Determines if this a clean install.
// A clean install is when we are
// NOT upgrading, and we are not
// running in stand alone mode (see below for def'n).
// Params:
// - void.
// Returns:
// - TRUE if clean install.
// - FALSE if not.
BOOL fxState_IsCleanInstall(void) { BOOL bClean = FALSE;
// a clean install is if we are NOT upgrading AND we are not in
// stand alone mode.
if (!fxState_IsUpgrade() && !fxState_IsStandAlone()) { bClean = TRUE; }
return bClean; }
// fxState_IsStandAlone
// Determines if we are running in
// standalone mode or not. We are
// in this mode if the user started
// us up via "sysocmgr.exe" found
// in %systemroot%\system32, as opposed
// to via the install setup, or the
// Add/Remove Windows Components.
// Params:
// - void.
// Returns:
// - TRUE if we are in stand alone mode.
// - FALSE if we are not.
BOOL fxState_IsStandAlone(void) { DWORDLONG dwlFlags = 0;
dwlFlags = faxocm_GetComponentFlags();
return ((dwlFlags & SETUPOP_STANDALONE) ? TRUE : FALSE); }
// fxState_IsUpgrade
// Determines if we are upgrading
// the OS, as opposed to a clean
// installation.
// Params:
// - void.
// Returns:
// - fxState_UpgradeType_e enumerated
// type indicating the type of upgrade.
// (i.e. are we upgrading from Win9X,
// W2K, etc).
fxState_UpgradeType_e fxState_IsUpgrade(void) { fxState_UpgradeType_e eUpgradeType = FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_NONE; DWORDLONG dwlFlags = 0; static BOOL bXpDotNetUpgrade = prv_IsXPOrDotNetUpgrade(); static BOOL bIsRepair = prv_IsRepair();
dwlFlags = faxocm_GetComponentFlags();
if ((dwlFlags & SETUPOP_WIN31UPGRADE) == SETUPOP_WIN31UPGRADE) { eUpgradeType = FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_WIN31; } else if ((dwlFlags & SETUPOP_WIN95UPGRADE) == SETUPOP_WIN95UPGRADE) { eUpgradeType = FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_WIN9X; } else if ((dwlFlags & SETUPOP_NTUPGRADE) == SETUPOP_NTUPGRADE) { if (bXpDotNetUpgrade) { if (bIsRepair) { eUpgradeType = FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_REPAIR; } else { eUpgradeType = FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_XP_DOT_NET; } } else { eUpgradeType = FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_W2K; } }
return eUpgradeType; }
// fxState_IsOsServerBeingInstalled
// Are we installing the Server
// version of the OS, or a workstation
// or personal version.
// Params:
// - void.
// Returns:
// - TRUE if we are installing a server version.
// - FALSE if we are not.
BOOL fxState_IsOsServerBeingInstalled(void) { BOOL bIsServerInstall = FALSE; DWORD dwProductType = 0;
dwProductType = faxocm_GetProductType();
if (dwProductType == PRODUCT_WORKSTATION) { bIsServerInstall = FALSE; } else { bIsServerInstall = TRUE; }
return bIsServerInstall; }
// fxState_GetInstallType
// This function returns one
// constants found in
// fxconst.h/fxconst.cpp
// Params:
// - pszCurrentSection - section we are installing from
// Returns:
// - ptr to one of INF_KEYWORD_INSTALLTYPE_* constants.
const TCHAR* fxState_GetInstallType(const TCHAR* pszCurrentSection) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; BOOL bInstall = TRUE; BOOL bSelectionHasChanged = FALSE;
if (pszCurrentSection == NULL) { ::SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; }
// determine if we are installing or uninstalling
dwErr = faxocm_HasSelectionStateChanged(pszCurrentSection, &bSelectionHasChanged, &bInstall, NULL);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("faxocm_HasSelectionStateChanged failed, rc = 0x%lx"), dwErr);
return NULL; }
// we expect the INF to look something like this:
// [Fax]
// FaxCleanInstall = Fax.CleanInstall
// FaxUpgradeFromWin9x = Fax.UpgradeFromWin9x
// FaxUninstall = Fax.Uninstall
// [Fax.CleanInstall]
// CopyFiles = ...
// etc.
// Thus the goal of this function is to determine if we are
// clean installing, upgrading, etc., and then get the section
// name pointed to by one of 'FaxCleanInstall', 'FaxUpgradeFromWin9x'
// , or 'FaxUninstall'.
// So for example, if we determined we are clean installing, then
// this function will find the "FaxCleanInstall" keyword, and then
// return "Fax.CleanInstall" in the 'pszSectionToProcess' buffer.
if (bInstall) { fxState_UpgradeType_e eUpgrade = FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_NONE;
if (fxState_IsCleanInstall()) { // we are a clean install of the OS, user is not upgrading from
// another OS, they are installing a clean version of the OS.
return INF_KEYWORD_INSTALLTYPE_CLEAN; } else if (fxState_IsUpgrade()) { // We are installing as an Upgrade to another OS.
// Determine which OS we are upgrading, then determine
// the type of install to perform.
eUpgrade = fxState_IsUpgrade();
default: VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to get section to process "), _T("for install. Upgrade Type = %lu"), eUpgrade); break; } } else if (fxState_IsStandAlone()) { // we are being run from SysOcMgr.exe.
// SysOcMgr.exe is either invoked from the command line
// (usually as a way to test new OCM components - not really in
// the retail world), or it is invoked by the Add/Remove
// Windows Components in control panel. In either case,
// treat it as a clean install.
return NULL; }
// fxState_DumpSetupState
// Dumps to debug the state we
// are running in.
// Params:
// void
// Returns:
// void
void fxState_DumpSetupState(void) { DWORD dwExpectedOCManagerVersion = 0; DWORD dwCurrentOCManagerVersion = 0; TCHAR szComponentID[255 + 1] = {0}; TCHAR szSourcePath[_MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; TCHAR szUnattendFile[_MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; PRODUCT_SKU_TYPE InstalledProductSKU = PRODUCT_SKU_UNKNOWN; DWORD InstalledProductBuild = 0;
faxocm_GetComponentID(szComponentID, sizeof(szComponentID) / sizeof(TCHAR));
faxocm_GetComponentSourcePath(szSourcePath, sizeof(szSourcePath) / sizeof(TCHAR));
faxocm_GetComponentUnattendFile(szUnattendFile, sizeof(szUnattendFile) / sizeof(TCHAR));
faxocm_GetVersionInfo(&dwExpectedOCManagerVersion, &dwCurrentOCManagerVersion);
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("IsCleanInstall: '%lu'"), fxState_IsCleanInstall());
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("IsStandAlone: '%lu'"), fxState_IsStandAlone());
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("IsUpgrade (0 = No, 1 = Win31, 2 = Win9X, 3 = Win2K, 4 = XP/.NET, 5=Repair: '%lu'"), fxState_IsUpgrade());
if ((fxState_IsUpgrade()==FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_XP_DOT_NET) || (fxState_IsUpgrade()==FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_REPAIR)) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Upgrading from Fax build %d"), InstalledProductBuild);
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Upgrading from OS SKU %s"), StringFromSKU(InstalledProductSKU));
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("IsUnattended: '%lu'"), fxState_IsUnattended());
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("ComponentID: '%s'"), szComponentID); VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Source Path: '%s'"), szSourcePath); VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Unattend File: '%s'"), szUnattendFile);
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Expected OC Manager Version: 0x%lx"), dwExpectedOCManagerVersion);
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Current OC Manager Version: 0x%lx"), dwCurrentOCManagerVersion);
return; }