Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}}
  2. {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}
  3. \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs20 ********************************************************************************************\par
  4. \par
  5. HISTORY FILE FOR EP2BRES and related GPD's - Most recent at the top\par
  6. \par
  7. ********************************************************************************************\par
  8. Still TODO\par
  9. \par
  10. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ680/680P:\fs28\par
  11. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Support back rear manual insertion\par
  12. \lang1033\f1 - 0 margins on Fanfold papers (SEC specs)\lang2057\f0\par
  13. \ul\b\fs24\par
  14. EP2BRES.DLL:\fs28\par
  15. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Make xxxxxxPS fonts in NLSP mode (need font width information)\par
  16. - Add new CP's (wait for MDT update for CP support)\par
  17. \par
  18. ********************************************************************************************\par
  19. Modified on December 15 by MarcM\par
  20. All new GPD's (2080/2180/570e/580e/680/680Pro) version numbers 1.0 (Initial Release)\par
  21. All updated GPD's (2070/2170/670) version numbers 1.1 (Update since W2K package)\par
  22. \par
  23. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ2070.GPD:\fs28\par
  24. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on EPLQ2080.GPD, changed names and PrintRate\par
  25. \par
  26. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ2170.GPD:\fs28\par
  27. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on EPLQ2180.GPD, changed names and PrintRate\par
  28. \par
  29. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ670.GPD:\fs28\par
  30. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on EPLQ680.GPD, changed names, PrintRate and removed extended ESC EM commands\par
  31. \par
  32. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ2080.GPD:\fs28\par
  33. \lang1033\ulnone\b0\f1\fs20 - Changed all top/bottom margins on Fanfold papers to 4.2/4.2 (60/60)\par
  34. - Fixed CUSTOMSIZE MaxPrintable area and margins to 4.2/4.2 (60/60)\par
  35. - Corrected PrintableArea for A3_Rotated and changed srting ID 256 to 254\lang2057\f0\par
  36. \lang1033\f1 - Added TC_UA_ABLE in TextCaps\par
  37. - Added Font 56 (SDRAFTPS) in Standard mode and Font 97 in NLSP (SDRAF10N)\lang2057\f0\par
  38. - Changed EPSON into Epson\par
  39. \ul\b\fs24\par
  40. EPLQ2180.GPD:\fs28\par
  41. \lang1033\ulnone\b0\f1\fs20 - Changed all top/bottom margins on Fanfold papers to 4.2/4.2 (60/60)\par
  42. - Fixed CUSTOMSIZE MaxPrintable area and margins to 4.2/4.2 (60/60)\par
  43. - Corrected PrintableArea for A3_Rotated and changed srting ID 256 to 254\lang2057\f0\par
  44. \lang1033\f1 - Added TC_UA_ABLE in TextCaps\lang2057\f0\par
  45. \lang1033\f1 - Added Font 56 (SDRAFTPS) in Standard mode and Font 97 in NLSP (SDRAF10N)\par
  46. \lang2057\f0 - Changed EPSON into Epson\par
  47. \ul\b\fs24\par
  48. EPLQ570E.GPD:\fs28\par
  49. \lang1033\ulnone\b0\f1\fs20 - Changed all top/bottom margins on Fanfold papers to 4.2/4.2 (60/60)\par
  50. - Fixed CUSTOMSIZE margins to 4.2/4.2 (60/60)\par
  51. - Added TC_UA_ABLE in TextCaps\lang2057\f0\par
  52. \lang1033\f1 - Added Font 56 (SDRAFTPS) in Standard mode and Font 97 in NLSP (SDRAF10N)\par
  53. \lang2057\f0 - Changed EPSON into Epson\par
  54. \par
  55. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ580.GPD:\fs28\par
  56. \lang1033\ulnone\b0\f1\fs20 - Changed all top/bottom margins on Fanfold papers to 4.2/4.2 (60/60)\par
  57. - Fixed CUSTOMSIZE margins to 4.2/4.2 (60/60)\par
  58. - Added TC_UA_ABLE in TextCaps\lang2057\f0\par
  59. \lang1033\f1 - Added Font 56 (SDRAFTPS) in Standard mode and Font 97 in NLSP (SDRAF10N)\par
  60. \lang2057\f0 - Changed EPSON into Epson\par
  61. \par
  62. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ680P.GPD:\fs28\par
  63. \lang1033\ulnone\b0\f1\fs20 - Added TC_UA_ABLE in TextCaps\lang2057\f0\par
  64. \lang1033\f1 - Added Font 56 (SDRAFTPS) in Standard mode and Font 97 in NLSP (SDRAF10N)\par
  65. \lang2057\f0 - Changed EPSON into Epson\par
  66. \ul\b\fs24\par
  67. EPLQ680.GPD:\fs28\par
  68. \lang1033\ulnone\b0\f1\fs20 - Added TC_UA_ABLE in TextCaps\lang2057\f0\par
  69. \lang1033\f1 - Added Font 56 (SDRAFTPS) in Standard mode and Font 97 in NLSP (SDRAF10N)\par
  70. \lang2057\f0 - Changed EPSON into Epson\par
  71. \ul\b\fs24\par
  72. EP2BRES.DLL:\fs28\par
  73. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Copied \lang1033\f1 SDRAFT10\lang2057\f0 .UFM to \lang1033\f1 SDRAF10\lang2057\f0 N.UFM (ID \lang1033\f1 97\lang2057\f0 ) and changed default CTT to 2\par
  74. - Added LQ-670, LQ-2070 and LQ-2170 into MDW\par
  75. \par
  76. ********************************************************************************************\par
  77. Modified on December 14 by MarcM\par
  78. All GPD's version numbers 1.0 (Initial Release)\par
  79. \par
  80. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ2080.GPD:\fs28\par
  81. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on EPLQ2180.GPD, changed names and PrintRate\par
  82. \ul\b\fs24\par
  83. EPLQ2180.GPD:\fs28\par
  84. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on ESCP58.GPD\par
  85. - Removed all *switch: InputBin from and co-mments from PaperSize \par
  86. - Renamed all PaperSize.OptionX to readable english (standard among all GPD's)\par
  87. - Added FontSupport feature (Standard, NLSP or NoFont) and switch DeviceFonts, DefaultFont and DefaultCTT accordingly\par
  88. - Added all Printer Font support and commands (same as EPLQ580)\par
  89. - Added PrintQuality feature (same as EPLQ580)\par
  90. - Renumbered rcNameID for all PaperSize to match EP2BRES.RC\par
  91. - Added ESC (t command in CmdStartDoc to load PC437 as table 1 and select it.\par
  92. - Added PrintRate, PrintRateUnit and copyright information\par
  93. \par
  94. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ570E.GPD:\fs28\par
  95. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on EPLQ580.GPD, changed names and removed NLSP support\par
  96. \ul\b\fs24\par
  97. EPLQ580.GPD:\fs28\par
  98. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Renamed all PaperSize.OptionX to readable english (standard among all GPD's)\par
  99. - Added FontSupport feature (Standard, NLSP or NoFont) and switch DeviceFonts, DefaultFont and DefaultCTT accordingly\par
  100. - Added CmdUnderlineOn and CmdUnderlineOff\par
  101. - Added PrintRate, PrintRateUnit and copyright information\par
  102. \par
  103. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ680P.GPD:\fs28\par
  104. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on EPLQ680.GPD and changed names\par
  105. \ul\b\fs24\par
  106. EPLQ680.GPD:\fs28\par
  107. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Renamed all PaperSize.OptionX to readable english (standard among all GPD's)\par
  108. - Added FontSupport feature (Standard, NLSP or NoFont) and switch DeviceFonts, DefaultFont and DefaultCTT accordingly\par
  109. - Added ESC (t command in CmdStartDoc to load PC437 as table 1 and select it.\par
  110. - Added PrintRate, PrintRateUnit and copyright information\par
  111. \ul\b\fs24\par
  112. EP2BRES.DLL:\fs28\par
  113. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Copied all COURxx.UFM to COURxxN.UFM (ID 57~63) and changed default CTT to 2\par
  114. - Copied all DRAFTxx.UFM to DRAFTxxN.UFM (ID 64~70) and changed default CTT to 2\par
  115. - Copied all PRESTxx.UFM to PRESTxxN.UFM (ID 71~76) and changed default CTT to 2\par
  116. - Copied all ROMANxx.UFM to ROMANxxN.UFM (ID 77~83) and changed default CTT to 2\par
  117. - Copied all SANSxx.UFM to SANSxxN.UFM (ID 84~90) and changed default CTT to 2\par
  118. - Copied all SCRIPTxx.UFM to SCRIPNxx.UFM (ID 91~96) and changed default CTT to 2\par
  119. - Changed EPNLSP39.GTT to ID 2, EPSTD13.GTT to ID 1 and deleted EPSONEUR.GTT\par
  120. - Added CopePage 1252 and defined only UC+20AC (Euro) in PC858 (d5H) for both EPNLSP39.GTT and EPSTD13.GTT\par
  121. - Added strings 255~257 (from LQ-2x80) and 272~274 (FontSupport feature)\par
  122. - Added LQ-2080, LQ-570e and LQ-680Pro into MDW\par
  123. \par
  124. ********************************************************************************************\par
  125. Modified on December 13 by MarcM\par
  126. All GPD's version numbers 1.0 (Initial Release)\par
  127. \ul\b\fs28\par
  128. \fs24 EPLQ580.GPD:\fs28\par
  129. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Added ESC (t command in CmdStartDoc to load PC437 as table 1 and select it.\par
  130. \par
  131. \ul\b\fs24 EPLQ680.GPD:\fs28\par
  132. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - No change.\par
  133. \ul\b\fs24\par
  134. EP2BRES.DLL:\fs28\par
  135. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Moved MDW to version 7 (thanks new MDT 001207) and cannot revert back to version 6\par
  136. - Added EPSTD13.GTT (PC850+437) and EPNLSP39.GTT (PC850+437+869+857+866+864)\par
  137. - Changed EPNLSP39.GTT to ID 1 for testing\par
  138. \par
  139. ********************************************************************************************\par
  140. Modified on December 12 by MarcM\par
  141. All GPD's version numbers 1.0 (Initial Release)\par
  142. \ul\b\fs28\par
  143. \fs24 EPLQ580.GPD:\fs28\par
  144. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on ESCP5B.GPD\par
  145. - Renumbered PaperSize.Option8~10 to 10~12\par
  146. - Renumbered PaperSize.Option13~17 to 16~20\par
  147. - Removed all *switch: InputBin from and co-mments from PaperSize \par
  148. - Renumbered rcNameID 266~270 to 267~271\par
  149. - Renumbered fonts 56 to 55\par
  150. \ul\b\fs24\par
  151. EPLQ680.GPD:\fs28\par
  152. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on ESCP5EH.GPD\par
  153. - Renumbered rcNameID 262~266 to 261~265 and 261 to 266\par
  154. \ul\b\fs24\par
  155. EP2BRES.DLL:\fs28\par
  156. \ulnone\b0\fs20 - Based on ESCP5E.DLL + all UFM/GTT from ESCP5E\par
  157. - Removed strings 1~2\par
  158. - Renumbered strings 262~266 to 261~265 and 261 to 266\par
  159. - Removed GTT 2~4\par
  160. - Added UFM 56 DRAFTPS.UFM\par
  161. }