Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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*%% *%% Macro definition for standard PCLXL commands *%%
*%% Attribute tags
*Macros: AttributeTag { PaletteDepth: "<02>" ColorSpace: "<03>" NullBrush: "<04>" NullPen: "<05>" PaletteData: "<06>" PatternSelectID: "<08>" GrayLevel: "<09>" RGBColor: "<0b>" PatternOrigin: "<0c>" NewDestinationSize: "<0d>" DeviceMatrix: "<21>" DitherMatrixDataType: "<22>" DitherOrigin: "<23>" MediaDestination: "<24>" MediaSize: "<2525>" MediaSource: "<26>" MediaType: "<27>" Orientation: "<28>" PageAngle: "<29>" PageOrigin: "<2a>" PageScale: "<2b>" ROP3: "<2c>" TxMode: "<2d>" CustomMediaSize: "<2f>" CustomMediaSizeUnits: "<30>" PageCopies: "<31>" DitherMatrixSize: "<32>" DitherMatrixDepth: "<33>" SimplexPageMode: "<34>" DuplexPageMode: "<35>" DuplexPageSize: "<36>" ArgDirection: "<41>" BoundingBox: "<42>" DashOffset: "<43>" EllipseDimension: "<44>" EndPoint: "<45>" FillMode: "<46>" LineCapStyle: "<47>" LineJointStyle: "<48>" MiterLength: "<49>" PenDashStyle: "<4a>" PenWidth: "<4b>" Point: "<4c>" NumberOfPoints: "<4d>" SolidLine: "<4e>" StartPoint: "<4f>" PointType: "<50>" ControlPoint1: "<51>" ControlPoint2: "<52>" ClipRegion: "<53>" ClipMode: "<54>" ColorDepth: "<62>" BlockHeight: "<63>" ColorMapping: "<64>" CompressMode: "<65>" DestinationBox: "<66>" DestinationSize: "<67>" PatternPersistence: "<68>" PatternDefineID: "<69>" SourceHeight: "<6b>" SourceWidth: "<6c>" StartLine: "<6d>" XPairType: "<6e>" NumberOfXPairs: "<6f>" XStart: "<70>" XEnd: "<71>" NumberOfScanLines: "<72>" CommentData: "<81>" DataOrg: "<82>" Measure: "<86>" SourceType: "<88>" UnitsPerMeasure: "<89>" StreamName: "<8b>" StreamDataLength: "<8c>" ErrorReport: "<8f>" CharAngle: "<a1>" CharCode: "<a2>" CharDataSize: "<a3>" CharScale: "<a4>" CharShear: "<a5>" CharSize: "<a6>" FontHeaderLength: "<a7>" FontName: "<a8>" FontFormat: "<a9>" SymbolSet: "<aa>" TextData: "<ab>" CharSubModeArray: "<ac>" XSpacingData: "<af>" YSpacingData: "<b0>" CharBoldValue: "<b1>" }
*%% Attribute Enumeration
*Macros: AttributeEnum { *%% ArcDirection eClockWise: "<00>" eCounterClockWise: "<01>"
*%% CharSubModeArray eNoSubstitution: "<00>" eVerticalSubstitution: "<01>"
*%% ClipMode *%% see FillMode Enumeration
*%% ClipRegion eInterior: "<00>" eExterior: "<01>"
*%% ColorDepth e1Bit: "<00>" e4Bit: "<01>" e8Bit: "<02>"
*%% ColorimetricColorSpace eCRGB: 5
*%% ColorMapping eDirectPixel: "<00>" eIndexedPixel: "<01>"
*%% ColorSpace eGray: "<01>" eRGB: "<02>" eSRGB: "<06>"
*%% CompressMode eNoCompression: "<00>" eRLECompression: "<01>" eJPEGCompression: "<02>"
*%% DataOrg eBinaryHighByteFirst: "<00>" eBinaryLowByteFirst: "<01>"
*%% DataSource eDefault: "<00>"
*%% DataType eUByte: "<00>" eSByte: "<01>" eUint16: "<02>" eSint16: "<03>"
*%% DitherMatrix eDeviceBest: "<00>"
*%% DuplexPageMode eDuplexHorizontalBinding: "<00>" eDuplexVerticalBinding: "<01>"
*%% DuplexPageSide eFrontMediaSide: "<00>" eBackMediaSide: "<01>"
*%% ErrorReport eBackChannel: "<01>" eErrorPage: "<02>" eBackChAndErrPage: "<03>" eNWBackChannel: "<04>" eNWErrorPage: "<05>" eNWBackChAndErrPage: "<06>"
*%% FillMode eNonZeroWinding: "<00>" eEvenOdd: "<01>"
*%% LineCap eButtCap: "<00>" eRoundCap: "<01>" eSquareCap: "<02>" eTriangleCap: "<03>"
*%% LineJoin eMiterJoin: "<00>" eRoundJoin: "<01>" eBevelJoin: "<02>" eNoJoin: "<03>"
*%% Measure eInch: "<00>" eMillimeter: "<01>" eTenthsOfAMillimeter: "<02>"
*%% MediaSize Enumerations eLetterPaper: "<00>" eLegalPaper: "<01>" eA4Paper: "<02>" eExecPaper: "<03>" eLedgerPaper: "<04>" eA3Paper: "<05>" eCOM10Envelope: "<06>" eMonarchEnvelope: "<07>" eC5Envelope: "<08>" eDLEnvelope: "<09>" eJB4Paper: "<0a>" eJB5Paper: "<0b>" eB5Envelope: "<0c>" eJPostcard: "<0e>" eJDoublePostcard: "<0d>" eA5Paper: "<10>" eA6Paper: "<11>" eJB6Paper: "<12>"
*%% MediaSource eDefaultSource: "<00>" eAutoSelect: "<01>" eManualFeed: "<02>" eMultiPurposeTray: "<03>" eUpperCassette: "<04>" eLowerCassette: "<05>" eEnvelopeTray: "<06>" eThirdCassette: "<07>"
*%% MediaType ePlain: "Plain" ePreprinted: "Preprinted" eLetterhead: "Letterhead" eTransparency: "Transparency" ePrepunched: "Prepunched" eLabels: "Labels" eBond: "Bond" eRecycled: "Recycled" eColor: "Color" eCardstock: "Card Stock" eRough: "Rough" eVellum: "Vellum"
*%% External Trays *%% 1-248 8-255
*%% MediaDestination eDefaultDestination: "<00>" eFaceDownBin: "<01>" eFaceUpBin: "<02>" eJobOffsetBin: "<03>" *%% External Bins 1-251 5-255
*%% Orientation ePortraitOrientation: "<00>" eLandscapeOrientation: "<01>" eReversePortrait: "<02>" eReverseLandscape: "<03>"
*%% PatternPersistence eTempPattern: "<00>" ePagePattern: "<01>" eSessionPattern: "<02>"
*%% SymbolSet *%%
*%% SimplexPageMode eSimplexFrontSide: "<00>"
*%% TxMode eOpaque: "<00>" eTransparent: "<01>"
*%% WritingMode eHorizontal: "<00>" eVertical: "<01>" }
*%% Data Tags
*Macros: DataTag { ubyte: "<c0>" uint16: "<c1>" uint32: "<c2>" sint16: "<c3>" sint32: "<c4>" real32: "<c5>" ubyte_array: "<c8>" uint16_array: "<c9>" uint32_array: "<ca>" sint16_array: "<cb>" sint32_array: "<cc>" real32_array: "<cd>" ubyte_xy: "<d0>" uint16_xy: "<d1>" uint32_xy: "<d2>" sint16_xy: "<d3>" sint32_xy: "<d4>" real32_xy: "<d5>" ubyte_box: "<e0>" uint16_box: "<e1>" uint32_box: "<e2>" sint16_box: "<e3>" sint32_box: "<e4>" real32_box: "<e5>" attr_ubyte: "<f8>" attr_uint16: "<f9>" dataLength: "<fa>" dataLengthByte: "<fb>" }
*%% Operator Tag
*Macros: OperatorTag { HT: "<09>" LF: "<0a>" VT: "<0b>" FF: "<0c>" CR: "<0d>" BeginSession: "<41>" EndSession: "<42>" BeginPage: "<43>" EndPage: "<44>" Comment: "<47>" OpenDataSource: "<48>" CloseDataSource: "<49>" BeginFontHeader: "<4f>" ReadFontHeader: "<50>" EndFontHeader: "<51>" BeginChar: "<52>" ReadChar: "<53>" EndChar: "<54>" RemoveFont: "<55>" BeginStream: "<5b>" ReadStream: "<5c>" EndStream: "<5d>" ExecStream: "<5e>" PopGS: "<60>" PushGS: "<61>" SetClipReplace: "<62>" SetBrushSource: "<63>" SetCharAngle: "<64>" SetCharScale: "<65>" SetCharShear: "<66>" SetClipIntersect: "<67>" SetClipRectangle: "<68>" SetClipToPage: "<69>" SetColorSpace: "<6a>" SetCursor: "<6b>" SetCursorRel: "<6c>" SetHalftoneMethod: "<6d>" SetFillMode: "<6e>" SetFont: "<6f>" SetLineDash: "<70>" SetLineCap: "<71>" SetLineJoin: "<72>" SetMiterLimit: "<73>" SetPageDefaultCTM: "<74>" SetPageOrigin: "<75>" SetPageRotation: "<76>" SetPageScale: "<77>" SetPatternTxMode: "<78>" SetPenSource: "<79>" SetPenWidth: "<7a>" SetROP: "<7b>" SetSourceTxMode: "<7c>" SetCharBoldValue: "<7d>" SetClipMode: "<7f>" SetPathToClip: "<80>" SetCharSubMode: "<81>" CloseSubPath: "<84>" NewPath: "<85>" PaintPath: "<86>" ArcPath: "<91>" BezierPath: "<93>" BezierRelPath: "<95>" Chord: "<96>" ChordPath: "<97>" Ellipse: "<98>" EllipsePath: "<99>" LinePath: "<9b>" LineRelPath: "<9d>" Pie: "<9e>" PiePath: "<9f>" Rectangle: "<a0>" RectanglePath: "<a1>" RoundRectangle: "<a2>" RoundRectanglePath: "<a3>" Text: "<a8>" TextPath: "<a9>" BeginImage: "<b0>" ReadImage: "<b1>" EndImage: "<b2>" BeginRestPattern: "<b3>" ReadRastPattern: "<b4>" EndRastPattern: "<b5>" BeginScan: "<b6>" EndScan: "<b8>" ScanLineRel: "<b9>" }
*Macros: MediaSizeStrings { sLetterPaper: =ubyte "<06>" "LETTER" sLegalPaper: =ubyte "<05>" "LEGAL" sA4Paper: =ubyte "<02>" "A4" sExecPaper: =ubyte "<04>" "EXEC" sLedgerPaper: =ubyte "<06>" "LEDGER" sA3Paper: =ubyte "<02>" "A3" sCOM10Envelope: =ubyte "<05>" "COM10" sMonarchEnvelope: =ubyte "<07>" "MONARCH" sC5Envelope: =ubyte "<02>" "C5" sDLEnvelope: =ubyte "<02>" "DL" sJB4Paper: =ubyte "<06>" "JIS B4" sJB5Paper: =ubyte "<06>" "JIS B5" sB5Envelope: =ubyte "<06>" "B5 ENV" sJPostcard: =ubyte "<05>" "JPOST" sJDoublePostcard: =ubyte "<06>" "JPOSTD" sA5Paper: =ubyte "<02>" "A5" sA6Paper: =ubyte "<02>" "A6" sJB6Paper: =ubyte "<02>" "JIS B6" }