Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Common header file for both PPD and GPD parsers
Revision History:
12/03/96 -davidx- Check binary file date against all included source files.
10/14/96 -davidx- Add new interface function MapToDeviceOptIndex.
10/11/96 -davidx- Make CustomPageSize feature an option of PageSize.
09/25/96 -davidx- New helper function CheckFeatureOptionConflict. Overlow iMode parameter to ResolveUIConflicts.
08/30/96 -davidx- Coding style changes after code review.
8/15/96 -davidx- Define common parser interfaces.
7/22/96 -amandan- Modified it to include shared binary data structs and UI requirements
4/18/95 -davidx- Created it.
#ifndef _PARSER_H_
#define _PARSER_H_
// Parser version number is a DWORD. High-order WORD is the version number shared
// by PPD and GPD parsers. Low-order WORD is the private version number specific
// to PPD or GPD parser.
// When you make a change that affects both parsers, increment the shared parser
// version number below. If your change only affects one of the parsers, then
// increment the private parser version number in ppd.h or parsers\gpd\gpdparse.h.
// also increment the shared version whenever a new OS version is released
// for example Whistler or Blackcomb.
// Printer feature selection information is stored in an array of OPTSELECT structures
// (in DEVMODE as well as printer-sticky data in registry). Maximum number of entries
// in the array is limited to MAX_PRINTER_OPTIONS. The parsers should make sure the
// total number of printer features doesn't exceed this number.
// To accommodate PickMany printer features, the selected options for each feature form
// a linked list. The selection list for printer feature N starts at the N'th element
// of the array.
// For the last OPTSELECT structure in a list, ubNext field will be 0.
// If the option index in an OPTSELECT structure is 0xff, it means no option is
// selected for the corresponding feature.
#define OPTION_INDEX_ANY 0xff
#define GET_RESOURCE_FROM_DLL 0x80000000
typedef struct _OPTSELECT {
BYTE ubCurOptIndex; // option index for the current selection
BYTE ubNext; // link pointer to the next selection
// Macro for converting byte offsets to pointers.
// NOTE: If the byte offset is zero, the resulting pointer is NULL.
#define OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pStart, offset) \
((PVOID) ((offset) ? (PBYTE) (pStart) + (offset) : NULL))
#define POINTER_TO_OFFSET(pStart, pEnd) \
( ((pEnd) ? (PVOID)((PBYTE) (pEnd) - (PBYTE)(pStart)) : NULL) ) //
// Macro for getting the quality value, be it the resolution or the negative
// quality value
#define GETQUALITY_X(pRes) \
(((INT)pRes->dwResolutionID >= DMRES_HIGH && (INT)pRes->dwResolutionID <= DMRES_DRAFT) ? (INT)pRes->dwResolutionID : pRes->iXdpi)
#define GETQUALITY_Y(pRes) \
(((INT)pRes->dwResolutionID >= DMRES_HIGH && (INT)pRes->dwResolutionID <= DMRES_DRAFT) ? (INT)pRes->dwResolutionID : pRes->iYdpi)
// Pointers in the binary data are represented as byte offsets to the beginning
// of the binary data.
// Resource reference type:
// If the most significant bit is on, then it's a resource ID (without MSB)
// otherwise, it's an offset from the beginning of the binary data
// Data structure used to represent the format of loOffset when indicating resource Ids
typedef struct { WORD wResourceID ; // ResourceID
BYTE bFeatureID ; // Feature index for the resource DLL feature.
// If zero, we will use the name specified
// in ResourceDLL
BYTE bOptionID ; // Option index for the qualified resource dll name.
// Data structure used to represent an array in the binary data
// It's also used to represent an invocation string in the binary data
// Note (Unidrv only): for all arrayrefs containing Strings the dwCount field
// holds the number of bytes which the string contains. For Unicode strings
// this is TWICE the number of Unicode characters.
typedef struct _ARRAYREF {
DWORD dwCount; // number of elements in the array,
// If using it as an INVOCATION, dwCount is
// the number of bytes in the invocation string
PTRREF loOffset; // byte-offset to the beginning of the array
// Data structure used to represent a job patch file in the binary data
typedef struct _JOBPATCHFILE {
DWORD dwCount; // number of bytes in the patch string
PTRREF loOffset; // byte-offset to the beginning of the string
LONG lJobPatchNo; // number of the patch file as specified in the PPD-file
// Data structure used to represent a conflict feature/option pair:
// nFeatureIndex1/nOptionIndex1 specifies the higher priority feature/option pair
// nFeatureIndex2/nOptionIndex2 specifies the lower priority feature/option pair
typedef struct _CONFLICTPAIR {
DWORD dwFeatureIndex1; DWORD dwOptionIndex1; DWORD dwFeatureIndex2; DWORD dwOptionIndex2;
// Raw binary printer description data
typedef struct _RAWBINARYDATA {
DWORD dwFileSize; // size of binary data file
DWORD dwParserSignature; // parser signature
DWORD dwParserVersion; // parser version number
DWORD dwChecksum32; // 32-bit CRC checksum of Feature/Option keywords
DWORD dwSrcFileChecksum32; // 32-bit CRC checksum of printer description file
DWORD dwDocumentFeatures; // number of doc-sticky features
DWORD dwPrinterFeatures; // number of printer-sticky features
ARRAYREF FileDateInfo; // date info about printer description files
// These fields are only filled out and used during runtime.
// They should be zeroed out inside the binary data file.
PVOID pvReserved; // reserved, must be NULL for now
PVOID pvPrivateData; // private data for parser use
// Data structure for RAWBINARYDATA.FileDateInfo:
// dwCount - number of source printer description files
// loOffset - offset to an array of FILEDATEINFO structures, one per file
// FILEDATEINFO.loFileName - offset to the filename (Unicode full pathname)
// FILEDATEINFO.FileTime - timestamp on the file
typedef struct _FILEDATEINFO {
PTRREF loFileName; FILETIME FileTime;
// Instances of binary printer description data
typedef struct _INFOHEADER {
RAWBINARYDATA RawData; // raw binary data header
PTRREF loUIInfoOffset; // byte-offset to common UIINFO structure
PTRREF loDriverOffset; // byte-offset to unique driver infoformation
// Parser signatures for INFOHEADER.dwParserSignature field
// Given a pointer to INFOHEADER, return a pointer to UIINFO or driver info structure
((PUIINFO) OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, (pInfoHdr)->loUIInfoOffset))
OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, (pInfoHdr)->loDriverOffset)
// IDs used to reference the predefined printer features
#define GID_PAGESIZE 1
#define GID_DUPLEX 3
#define GID_COLLATE 10
#define GID_OUTPUTBIN 11
#define MAX_GID 15
#define GID_UNKNOWN 0xffff
// Common information provided by both GPD and PPD parsers and
// used by the user-interface DLL.
typedef struct _UIINFO {
DWORD dwSize; // size of this structure
PTRREF loResourceName; // name of the resource DLL
PTRREF loPersonality ; // printer's PDL language
PTRREF loNickName; // printer model name
DWORD dwSpecVersion; // printer description file format version
DWORD dwTechnology; // see TECHNOLOGY enumeration
DWORD dwDocumentFeatures; // number of doc-sticky features
DWORD dwPrinterFeatures; // number of printer-sticky features
PTRREF loFeatureList; // byte-offset to array of FEATUREs
RESREF loFontSubstTable; // default font substitution table - these fields
DWORD dwFontSubCount; // have different meanings for PPD and GPD parsers
ARRAYREF UIConstraints; // array of UICONSTRAINTs
ARRAYREF UIGroups; // array of UIGROUPs
DWORD dwMaxCopies; // maximum copies allowed
DWORD dwMinScale; // mimimum scale factor (percent)
DWORD dwMaxScale; // maximum scale factor (percent)
DWORD dwLangEncoding; // translation string language encoding
DWORD dwLangLevel; // page description langauge level
INVOCATION Password; // password invocation string
INVOCATION ExitServer; // exitserver invocation string
DWORD dwProtocols; // supported comm protocols
DWORD dwJobTimeout; // default job timeout value
DWORD dwWaitTimeout; // default wait timeout value
DWORD dwTTRasterizer; // TrueType rasterizer option
DWORD dwFreeMem; // free memory - global default
DWORD dwPrintRate; // print speed
DWORD dwPrintRateUnit; // print speed unit
DWORD dwPrintRatePPM; // print speed in PPM equivalents
FIX_24_8 fxScreenAngle; // screen angle - global default
FIX_24_8 fxScreenFreq; // screen angle - global default
DWORD dwFlags; // misc. flag bits
DWORD dwCustomSizeOptIndex; // custom size option index if supported
RESREF loPrinterIcon; // MUST BE ID, not OFFSET. Icon ID for printer
DWORD dwCartridgeSlotCount; // number of font cartridge slot
ARRAYREF CartridgeSlot; // array of font cartridges names
PTRREF loFontInstallerName; //
PTRREF loHelpFileName; // name of custom help file, if 0 -> no custom help
POINT ptMasterUnits; // master units per inch
BOOL bChangeColorModeOnDoc ; // is driver allowed to switch colormodes on a per page
// basis - within a single document , but not within a page?
// Don't confuse with bChangeColorModeOnPage which is stored
// in bChangeColorMode in GLOBALS.
// these fields hold settings for driver to assume whenever
// the user presses the associated button.
LISTINDEX liDraftQualitySettings; // "DraftQualitySettings"
LISTINDEX liBetterQualitySettings; // "BetterQualitySettings"
LISTINDEX liBestQualitySettings; // "BestQualitySettings"
QUALITYSETTING defaultQuality ; // "DefaultQuality"
// Byte-offsets to predefined printer features.
// If a predefined printer feature is not supported, its
// corresponding entry in the array should be 0.
PTRREF aloPredefinedFeatures[MAX_GID]; DWORD dwMaxDocKeywordSize; DWORD dwMaxPrnKeywordSize; DWORD dwReserved[6];
// Pointer to the beginning of resource data. This is only used during runtime
// and should be set to 0 inside the binary data file.
PBYTE pubResourceData;
// Pointer back to the INFOHEADER structure for convenience.
// This is only used during runtime and should be set to 0
// inside the binary data file.
// Given a pointer to a UIINFO structure and a predefined feature ID,
// return a pointer to the FEATURE structure corresponding to the specified
// feature. If the specified feature is not supported on the printer,
// a NULL is returned.
#define GET_PREDEFINED_FEATURE(pUIInfo, gid) \
OFFSET_TO_POINTER((pUIInfo)->pInfoHeader, (pUIInfo)->aloPredefinedFeatures[gid])
// Given a pointer to UIINFO structure and a pointer to a FEATURE,
// return the feature index of the specified feature.
#define GET_INDEX_FROM_FEATURE(pUIInfo, pFeature) \
((DWORD)((((PBYTE) (pFeature) - (PBYTE) (pUIInfo)->pInfoHeader) - \ (pUIInfo)->loFeatureList) \ / sizeof(FEATURE)))
// Bit constants for UIINFO.dwFlags field
#define FLAG_RULESABLE 0x00000001
#define FLAG_FONT_DOWNLOADABLE 0x00000002
#define FLAG_ROTATE90 0x00000004
#define FLAG_COLOR_DEVICE 0x00000008
#define FLAG_ORIENT_SUPPORT 0x00000010
#define FLAG_CUSTOMSIZE_SUPPORT 0x00000020
#define FLAG_FONT_DEVICE 0x00000040
#define FLAG_STAPLE_SUPPORT 0x00000080
#define FLAG_REVERSE_PRINT 0x00000100
#define FLAG_LETTER_SIZE_EXISTS 0x00000200
#define FLAG_A4_SIZE_EXISTS 0x00000400
#define FLAG_ADD_EURO 0x00000800
#define FLAG_TRUE_GRAY 0x00001000
#define FLAG_REVERSE_BAND_ORDER 0x00002000
// Macros for checking various flags bit in UIINFO.dwFlags
#define IS_COLOR_DEVICE(pUIInfo) ((pUIInfo)->dwFlags & FLAG_COLOR_DEVICE)
// Conversion from master units to microns:
// N = master units to be converted
// u = number of master units per inch
#define MICRONS_PER_INCH 25400
// Bit constants for UIINFO.dwProtocols field
#define PROTOCOL_ASCII 0x0000
#define PROTOCOL_PJL 0x0001
#define PROTOCOL_BCP 0x0002
#define PROTOCOL_TBCP 0x0004
#define PROTOCOL_SIC 0x0008
#define PROTOCOL_BINARY 0x0010
// Constants for UIINFO.dwTTRasterizer field
#define TTRAS_NONE 0
#define TTRAS_ACCEPT68K 1
#define TTRAS_TYPE42 2
// Constants for UIINFO.dwLangEncoding field
#define LANGENC_NONE 0
#define LANGENC_JIS83_RKSJ 3
// Data structure used to represent a constrained feature/option
// For each feature and option, there is a linked-list of feature/options
// that are constrained by this feature or option.
typedef struct _UICONSTRAINT {
DWORD dwNextConstraint; // link pointer to the next constraint
DWORD dwFeatureIndex; // index of the constrained feature
DWORD dwOptionIndex; // index of the constrained option or OPTION_INDEX_ANY
// Link pointer constant to indicate the end of the constraint list
#define NULL_CONSTRAINT 0xffffffff
// Data structure used to represent invalid feature/option combinations
// the prefix tag shall be 'invc'
// Note: both dwNextElement and dwNewCombo are terminated by END_OF_LIST.
typedef struct { DWORD dwFeature ; // the INVALIDCOMBO construct defines
DWORD dwOption ; // a set of elements subject to the constraint
DWORD dwNextElement ; // that all elements of the set cannot be
DWORD dwNewCombo ; // selected at the same time.
// Data structure used to combine printer features into groups and subgroups
typedef struct _UIGROUP {
PTRREF loKeywordName; // group keyword name
RESREF loDisplayName; // display name
DWORD dwFlags; // flag bits
DWORD dwNextGroup; // index of the next group
DWORD dwFirstSubGroup; // index of the first subgroup
DWORD dwParentGroup; // index of the parent group
DWORD dwFirstFeatureIndex; // index of the first feature belonging to the group
DWORD dwFeatures; // number of features belonging to the group
// Data structure used to present a printer feature
typedef struct _FEATURE {
PTRREF loKeywordName; // feature keyword name
RESREF loDisplayName; // display name
DWORD dwFlags; // flag bits
DWORD dwDefaultOptIndex; // default option index
DWORD dwNoneFalseOptIndex; // None or False option index
DWORD dwFeatureID; // predefined feature ID
DWORD dwUIType; // UI type
DWORD dwUIConstraintList; // index to the list of UIConstraints
DWORD dwPriority; // priority used during conflict resolution
DWORD dwFeatureType; // Type of feature, see FEATURETYPE defines
DWORD dwOptionSize; // size of each option structure
ARRAYREF Options; // array of option structures
INVOCATION QueryInvocation; // query invocation string
DWORD dwFirstOrderIndex; // Bidi
DWORD dwEnumID; // Bidi
DWORD dwEnumFormat; // Bidi
DWORD dwCurrentID; // Bidi
DWORD dwCurrentFormat; // Bidi
RESREF loResourceIcon; //
RESREF loHelpString; //
RESREF loPromptMessage; //
INT iHelpIndex; // Help Index for this feature, 0 for none
// BOOL bConcealFromUI ; // don't display this feature in the UI.
// Constants for FEATURE.uiType field - types of feature option list
// Defines for FEATURE.dwFeatureType
// Bit constants for FEATURE.dwFlags field
#define FEATURE_FLAG_NOUI 0x0001 // don't display in the UI
#define FEATURE_FLAG_NOINVOCATION 0x0002 // don't emit invocation string
#define FEATURE_FLAG_UPDATESNAPSHOT 0x0004 // Update the snapshot
// whenever an option change has occurred for this feature.
// Constant to indicate that the help index is not available
// Data structure used to represent a printer feature option
typedef struct _OPTION {
PTRREF loKeywordName; // option keyword name
RESREF loDisplayName; // display name
union { INVOCATION Invocation; // invocation string
DWORD dwCmdIndex ; // for Unidrv the index into the CommandArray.
} ; DWORD dwUIConstraintList; // index to the list of UIConstraints
RESREF loResourceIcon; //
RESREF loHelpString; //
RESREF loPromptMessage; //
DWORD dwPromptTime; PTRREF loRenderOffset; //
INT iHelpIndex; // Help Index for this option, 0 for none
LISTINDEX liDisabledFeatures; // *DisabledFeatures
// Data structures used to represent PageProtect feature option
typedef struct _PAGEPROTECT { OPTION GenericOption; DWORD dwPageProtectID; // id values are defined in gpd.h (PAGEPRO)
// Data structures used to represent Collation feature option
typedef struct _COLLATE {
OPTION GenericOption; // generic option information
DWORD dwCollateID; // DEVMODE.dmMediaType index
// Data structure used to represent Resolution feature options
typedef struct _RESOLUTION {
OPTION GenericOption; // generic option information
INT iXdpi; // horizontal resolution in dpi
INT iYdpi; // vertical resolution
FIX_24_8 fxScreenAngle; // default screen angle and frequency
FIX_24_8 fxScreenFreq; // for this particular resolution
DWORD dwResolutionID; // DEVMODE.dmPrintQuality index
// set to RES_ID_IGNORE if not explicitly set in GPD.
// only values between DMRES_DRAFT and DMRES_HIGH are valid.
#define RES_ID_IGNORE (DWORD)(-5L)
// Data structure used to represent ColorMode feature options
// Note: Extra fields in COLORMODE structure has been moved to
// a GPD parser private data structure. We should probably
// remove this definition here.
typedef struct _COLORMODE {
OPTION GenericOption; // generic option information
// Data structure used to represent Halftoning feature options
typedef struct _HALFTONING {
OPTION GenericOption; // generic option information
DWORD dwHTID; // Halftone pattern ID
DWORD dwRCpatternID ; // resource ID of custom halftone pattern
POINT HalftonePatternSize; // Halftone pattern size
INT iLuminance; // Luminance
DWORD dwHTNumPatterns; // number of patterns (if different
// patterns are used for each color plane
DWORD dwHTCallbackID; // ID of pattern generation/decryption
// function
// Data structure used to represent Duplex feature options
typedef struct _DUPLEX {
OPTION GenericOption; // generic option information
DWORD dwDuplexID; // DEVMODE.dmDuplex index
// Data structure used to represent Orientation feature options (GPD only)
typedef struct _ORIENTATION {
OPTION GenericOption; DWORD dwRotationAngle; // Should be one of the following
// enumeration:
enum { ROTATE_NONE = 0, ROTATE_90 = 90, ROTATE_270 = 270, };
// Data structure used to represent PageSize feature options
typedef struct _PAGESIZE {
OPTION GenericOption; // generic option information
SIZE szPaperSize; // paper dimension
RECT rcImgArea; // imageable area for the page size
DWORD dwPaperSizeID; // DEVMODE.dmPaperSize index
DWORD dwFlags; // flag bits
DWORD dwPageProtectionMemory; // Page protection memory in bytes
// for this paper size
// Driver defined paper sizes have IDs starting at DRIVER_PAPERSIZE_ID
#define DRIVER_PAPERSIZE_ID 0x7f00
// Data structure used to represent InputSlot feature options
typedef struct _INPUTSLOT {
OPTION GenericOption; // generic option information
DWORD dwFlags; // flag bits
DWORD dwPaperSourceID; // DEVMODE.dmDefaultSource index
#define INPUTSLOT_REQ_PAGERGN 0x0001 // requires PageRegion
// Data structure used to represent OutputBin feature options
typedef struct _OUTPUTBIN {
OPTION GenericOption; // generic option information
BOOL bOutputOrderReversed ; // when the document is finished printing do the
// pages need to be sorted to order them first to last?
// Data structure used to represent MediaType feature options
typedef struct _MEDIATYPE {
OPTION GenericOption; // generic option information
DWORD dwMediaTypeID; // DEVMODE.dmMediaType index
// Data structure used to represent InstalledMemory/VMOption options
// PS specific: dwInstalledMem field was never used by PPD parser/PS driver before,
// since we don't care about the amount of installed memory, we only need to know
// dwFreeMem and dwFreeFontMem. Now we are adding the support of new plugin helper
// interface, whose function GetOptionAttribute() should return the original *VMOption
// value specified in PPD. Because PPD parser may not store the original *VMOption
// value into dwFreeMem (see function VPackPrinterFeatures(), case GID_MEMOPTION),
// we now use field dwInstalledMem to store PPD's original *VMOption value.
// (We don't add a new field since this strucutre is shared by GPD parser, and we
// want to minimize the change.)
typedef struct _MEMOPTION {
OPTION GenericOption; // generic option information
DWORD dwInstalledMem; // amount of total installed memory
DWORD dwFreeMem; // amount of usable memory
DWORD dwFreeFontMem; // size of font cache memory
// This structures contains the Font Cartridge information. This structure is
// a same as that defined by the parser. The Parser will update the Portarit
// and Landscape Font list so that they include common fonts. So each list
// will be complete. Only applicable for GPD parser
typedef struct _FONTCART { DWORD dwRCCartNameID ; ARRAYREF strCartName ; DWORD dwFontLst ; // Index to list of Common FontIDs
DWORD dwPortFontLst ; // List of Portrait Fons
DWORD dwLandFontLst ; // List of Landscape Fonts.
} FONTCART , * PFONTCART ; // the prefix tag shall be 'fc'
// struct to carry around parser information
// Filename suffix and magic header to differentiate between PPD and GPD files
// Given a UIINFO structure and a feature index, return a pointer to
// the FEATURE structure corresponding to the specified feature.
PFEATURE PGetIndexedFeature( PUIINFO pUIInfo, DWORD dwFeatureIndex );
// Find the option whose keyword string matches the specified name
POPTION PGetNamedOption( PUIINFO pUIInfo, PFEATURE pFeature, PCSTR pstrOptionName, PDWORD pdwOptionIndex );
// Find the feature whose keyword string matches the specified name
PFEATURE PGetNamedFeature( PUIINFO pUIInfo, PCSTR pstrFeatureName, PDWORD pdwFeatureIndex );
// Given UIINFO and FEATURE structures and an option index, return a pointer to
// the OPTION structure corresponding to the specified feature option
PVOID PGetIndexedOption( PUIINFO pUIInfo, PFEATURE pFeature, DWORD dwOptionIndex );
// Given a UIINFO structure, a feature index, and an option index,
// return a pointer to the OPTION structure corresponding to
// the specified feature option
PVOID PGetIndexedFeatureOption( PUIINFO pUIInfo, DWORD dwFeatureIndex, DWORD dwOptionIndex );
// Return a pointer to the PAGESIZE option structure which
// contains custom page size information (e.g. max width and height)
PPAGESIZE PGetCustomPageSizeOption( PUIINFO pUIInfo );
// Compute the 32-bit CRC checksum on a buffer of data
DWORD ComputeCrc32Checksum( IN PBYTE pbuf, IN DWORD dwCount, IN DWORD dwChecksum );
// Copy the current option selections for a single feature from
// the source OPTSELECT array to the destination OPTSELECT array
VOID VCopyOptionSelections( OUT POPTSELECT pDestOptions, IN INT iDestIndex, IN POPTSELECT pSrcOptions, IN INT iSrcIndex, IN OUT PINT piNext, IN INT iMaxOptions );
// Check if the raw binary data is up-to-date
// This function is only available in user-mode.
// It always returns TRUE when called from kernel-mode.
BOOL BIsRawBinaryDataUpToDate( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData );
#if defined(PSCRIPT) && !defined(KERNEL_MODE)
// delete the raw binary data file. This is only needed for the PPD parser, since
// the GPD parser does not store parser-localized stuff in it's .bud
void DeleteRawBinaryData( IN PTSTR ptstrDataFilename ); #endif
// Common interface exported by both PPD and GPD parsers. Some of the complexity
// here is not necessary for the PPD parser but it's needed by the GPD parser.
// Routine Description: LoadRawBinaryData
// Load raw binary printer description data.
// Arguments:
// ptstrDataFilename - Specifies the name of the original printer description file
// Return Value:
// Pointer to raw binary printer description data
// NULL if there is an error
PRAWBINARYDATA LoadRawBinaryData( IN PTSTR ptstrDataFilename );
// Routine Description: UnloadRawBinaryData
// Unload raw binary printer description data previously loaded using LoadRawBinaryData
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// Return Value:
VOID UnloadRawBinaryData( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData );
// Routine Description: InitBinaryData
// Initialize and return an instance of binary printer description data
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pInfoHdr - Points to an existing of binary data instance
// pOptions - Specifies the options used to initialize the binary data instance
// Return Value:
// Pointer to an initialized binary data instance
// Note:
// If pInfoHdr parameter is NULL, the parser returns a new binary data instance
// which should be freed by calling FreeBinaryData. If pInfoHdr parameter is not
// NULL, the existing binary data instance is reinitialized.
// If pOption parameter is NULL, the parser should use the default option values
// for generating the binary data instance. The parser may have special case
// optimization to handle this case.
// Routine Description: FreeBinaryData
// Free an instance of the binary printer description data
// Arguments:
// pInfoHdr - Points to a binary data instance previously returned from an
// InitBinaryData(pRawData, NULL, pOptions) call
// Return Value:
VOID FreeBinaryData( IN PINFOHEADER pInfoHdr );
// Routine Description: UpdateBinaryData
// Update an instance of binary printer description data
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pInfoHdr - Points to an existing of binary data instance
// pOptions - Specifies the options used to update the binary data instance
// Return Value:
// Pointer to the updated binary data instance
// NULL if there is an error
// Note:
// If this function fails for whatever reason, the parser should leave
// the original instance of printer description data untouched and return NULL.
// Upon sucuessful return, it is assume that the parser has already disposed
// of the original instance of printer description data.
// Routine Description: InitDefaultOptions
// Initialize the option array with default settings from the printer description file
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pOptions - Points to an array of OPTSELECT structures for storing the default settings
// iMaxOptions - Max number of entries in pOptions array
// iMode - Specifies what the caller is interested in:
// Return Value:
// FALSE if the input option array is not large enough to hold
// all default option values, TRUE otherwise.
BOOL InitDefaultOptions( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, OUT POPTSELECT pOptions, IN INT iMaxOptions, IN INT iMode );
// Routine Description: ValidateDocOptions
// Validate the devmode option array and correct any invalid option selections
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pOptions - Points to an array of OPTSELECT structures that need validation
// iMaxOptions - Max number of entries in pOptions array
// Return Value:
// None
VOID ValidateDocOptions( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, IN OUT POPTSELECT pOptions, IN INT iMaxOptions );
// Mode constants passed as iMode parameter to
// InitDefaultOptions and ResolveUIConflicts
// Routine Description: CheckFeatureOptionConflict
// Check if (dwFeature1, dwOption1) constrains (dwFeature2, dwOption2)
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// dwFeature1, dwOption1 - Feature and option indices of the first feature/option pair
// dwFeature2, dwOption2 - Feature and option indices of the second feature/option pair
// Return Value:
// TRUE if (dwFeature1, dwOption1) constrains (dwFeature2, dwOption2)
// FALSE otherwise
BOOL CheckFeatureOptionConflict( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, IN DWORD dwFeature1, IN DWORD dwOption1, IN DWORD dwFeature2, IN DWORD dwOption2 );
// Routine Description: ResolveUIConflicts
// Resolve any conflicts between printer feature option selections
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pOptions - Points to an array of OPTSELECT structures for storing the modified options
// iMaxOptions - Max number of entries in pOptions array
// iMode - Specifies how the conflicts should be resolved:
// MODE_DOCUMENT_STICKY - only resolve conflicts between doc-sticky features
// MODE_PRINTER_STICKY - only resolve conflicts between printer-sticky features
// MODE_DOCANDPRINTER_STICKY - resolve conflicts all features
// If the most significant bit (DONT_RESOLVE_CONFLICT) of iMode is set,
// then the caller is only interested in checking whether any conflicts
// exist. Upon returning to the caller, the input options array will be
// left untouched.
// Return Value:
// TRUE if there are no UI conflicts, otherwise FALSE if any
// UI conflict is detected.
BOOL ResolveUIConflicts( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, IN OUT POPTSELECT pOptions, IN INT iMaxOptions, IN INT iMode );
// Additional flag bit for iMode parameter of ResolveUIConflicts
#define DONT_RESOLVE_CONFLICT 0x80000000
// Routine Description: EnumEnabledOptions
// Determine which options of the specified feature should be enabled
// based on the current option selections of printer features
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pOptions - Points to the current feature option selections
// dwFeatureIndex - Specifies the index of the feature in question
// pbEnabledOptions - An array of BOOLs, each entry corresponds to an option
// of the specified feature. On exit, if the entry is TRUE, the corresponding
// option is enabled. Otherwise, the corresponding option should be disabled.
// iMode - Specifies how the conflicts should be resolved:
// MODE_DOCUMENT_STICKY - only resolve conflicts between doc-sticky features
// MODE_PRINTER_STICKY - only resolve conflicts between printer-sticky features
// MODE_DOCANDPRINTER_STICKY - resolve conflicts all features
// Return Value:
// TRUE if any option for the specified feature is enabled,
// FALSE if all options of the specified feature are disabled
// (i.e. the feature itself is disabled)
BOOL EnumEnabledOptions( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, IN POPTSELECT pOptions, IN DWORD dwFeatureIndex, OUT PBOOL pbEnabledOptions, IN INT iMode );
// Routine Description: EnumNewUIConflict
// Check if there are any conflicts between the currently selected options
// for the specified feature an other feature/option selections.
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pOptions - Points to the current feature/option selections
// dwFeatureIndex - Specifies the index of the interested printer feature
// pbSelectedOptions - Specifies which options for the specified feature are selected
// pConflictPair - Return the conflicting pair of feature/option selections
// Return Value:
// TRUE if there is a conflict between the selected options for the specified feature
// and other feature option selections.
// FALSE if the selected options for the specified feature is consistent with other
// feature option selections.
BOOL EnumNewUIConflict( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, IN POPTSELECT pOptions, IN DWORD dwFeatureIndex, IN PBOOL pbSelectedOptions, OUT PCONFLICTPAIR pConflictPair );
// Routine Description: EnumNewPickOneUIConflict
// Check if there are any conflicts between the currently selected option
// for the specified feature an other feature/option selections.
// This is similar to EnumNewUIConflict above except that only one selected
// option is allowed for the specified feature.
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pOptions - Points to the current feature/option selections
// dwFeatureIndex - Specifies the index of the interested printer feature
// dwOptionIndex - Specifies the selected option of the specified feature
// pConflictPair - Return the conflicting pair of feature/option selections
// Return Value:
// TRUE if there is a conflict between the selected option for the specified feature
// and other feature/option selections.
// FALSE if the selected option for the specified feature is consistent with other
// feature/option selections.
BOOL EnumNewPickOneUIConflict( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, IN POPTSELECT pOptions, IN DWORD dwFeatureIndex, IN DWORD dwOptionIndex, OUT PCONFLICTPAIR pConflictPair );
// Routine Description: ChangeOptionsViaID
// Modifies an option array using the information in public devmode fields
// Arguments:
// pInfoHdr - Points to an instance of binary printer description data
// pOptions - Points to the option array to be modified
// dwFeatureID - Specifies which field(s) of the input devmode should be used
// pDevmode - Specifies the input devmode
// Return Value:
// TRUE if successful, FALSE if the specified feature ID is not supported
// or there is an error
BOOL ChangeOptionsViaID( IN PINFOHEADER pInfoHdr, IN OUT POPTSELECT pOptions, IN DWORD dwFeatureID, IN PDEVMODE pDevmode );
// Routine Description: MapToDeviceOptIndex
// Map logical values to device feature option index
// Arguments:
// pInfoHdr - Points to an instance of binary printer description data
// dwFeatureID - Indicate which feature the logical values are related to
// lParam1, lParam2 - Parameters depending on dwFeatureID
// pdwOptionIndexes - if Not NULL, means fill this array with all indicies
// which match the search criteria. In this case the return value
// is the number of elements in the array initialized. Currently
// we assume the array is large enough (256 elements).
// dwFeatureID = GID_PAGESIZE:
// map logical paper specification to physical page size option
// lParam1 = paper width in microns
// lParam2 = paper height in microns
// dwFeatureID = GID_RESOLUTION:
// map logical resolution to physical resolution option
// lParam1 = x-resolution in dpi
// lParam2 = y-resolution in dpi
// Return Value:
// Index of the feature option corresponding to the specified logical values;
// OPTION_INDEX_ANY if the specified logical values cannot be mapped to
// any feature option.
// if pdwOptionIndexes Not NULL, the return value is the number of elements
// written to. Zero means the specified logical values cannot be mapped to
// any feature option.
DWORD MapToDeviceOptIndex( IN PINFOHEADER pInfoHdr, IN DWORD dwFeatureID, IN LONG lParam1, IN LONG lParam2, OUT PDWORD pdwOptionIndexes );
// Routine Description: CombineOptionArray
// Combine doc-sticky with printer-sticky option selections to form a single option array
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pCombinedOptions - Points to an array of OPTSELECTs for holding the combined options
// iMaxOptions - Max number of entries in pCombinedOptions array
// pDocOptions - Specifies the array of doc-sticky options
// pPrinterOptions - Specifies the array of printer-sticky options
// Return Value:
// FALSE if the combined option array is not large enough to store
// all the option values, TRUE otherwise.
// Note:
// Either pDocOptions or pPrinterOptions could be NULL but not both. If pDocOptions
// is NULL, then in the combined option array, the options for document-sticky
// features will be OPTION_INDEX_ANY. Same is true when pPrinterOptions is NULL.
BOOL CombineOptionArray( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, OUT POPTSELECT pCombinedOptions, IN INT iMaxOptions, IN POPTSELECT pDocOptions, IN POPTSELECT pPrinterOptions );
// Routine Description: SeparateOptionArray
// Separate an option array into doc-sticky and for printer-sticky options
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pCombinedOptions - Points to the combined option array to be separated
// pOptions - Points to an array of OPTSELECT structures
// for storing the separated option array
// iMaxOptions - Max number of entries in pOptions array
// iMode - Whether the caller is interested in doc- or printer-sticky options:
// Return Value:
// FALSE if the destination option array is not large enough to hold
// the separated option values, TRUE otherwise.
BOOL SeparateOptionArray( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, IN POPTSELECT pCombinedOptions, OUT POPTSELECT pOptions, IN INT iMaxOptions, IN INT iMode );
// Routine Description: ReconstructOptionArray
// Modify an option array to change the selected options for the specified feature
// Arguments:
// pRawData - Points to raw binary printer description data
// pOptions - Points to an array of OPTSELECT structures to be modified
// iMaxOptions - Max number of entries in pOptions array
// dwFeatureIndex - Specifies the index of printer feature in question
// pbSelectedOptions - Which options of the specified feature is selected
// Return Value:
// FALSE if the input option array is not large enough to hold
// all modified option values. TRUE otherwise.
// Note:
// Number of BOOLs in pSelectedOptions must match the number of options
// for the specified feature.
// This function always leaves the option array in a compact format (i.e.
// all unused entries are left at the end of the array).
BOOL ReconstructOptionArray( IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, IN OUT POPTSELECT pOptions, IN INT iMaxOptions, IN DWORD dwFeatureIndex, IN PBOOL pbSelectedOptions );
#endif // !_PARSER_H_