Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of text output related DDI entry points: DrvTextOut
Windows NT Unidrv driver
Revision History:
10/14/96 -amandan- Initial framework.
03/31/97 -zhanw- Added OEM customization support
#include "unidrv.h"
BOOL DrvTextOut( SURFOBJ *pso, STROBJ *pstro, FONTOBJ *pfo, CLIPOBJ *pco, RECTL *prclExtra, RECTL *prclOpaque, BRUSHOBJ *pboFore, BRUSHOBJ *pboOpaque, POINTL *pptlOrg, MIX mix )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvTextOut. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Defines the surface on which to be written. pstro - Defines the glyphs to be rendered and their positions pfo - Specifies the font to be used pco - Defines the clipping path prclExtra - A NULL-terminated array of rectangles to be filled prclOpaque - Specifies an opaque rectangle pboFore - Defines the foreground brush pboOpaque - Defines the opaque brush pptlOrg - Pointer to POINT struct , defining th origin mix - Specifies the foreground and background ROPs for pboFore
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV * pPDev; PFMPROCS pFontProcs;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvTextOut...\n")); ASSERT(pso && pstro && pfo);
pPDev = (PDEV *)pso->dhpdev; ASSERT_VALID_PDEV(pPDev);
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// QFE Fix for TTY driver.
// Set flag if DrvTextOut DDI is called.
if (pPDev->bTTY) { pPDev->fMode2 |= PF2_DRVTEXTOUT_CALLED_FOR_TTY; }
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMTextOut, PFN_OEMTextOut, BOOL, (pso, pstro, pfo, pco, prclExtra, prclOpaque, pboFore, pboOpaque, pptlOrg, mix));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMTextOut, VMTextOut, BOOL, (pso, pstro, pfo, pco, prclExtra, prclOpaque, pboFore, pboOpaque, pptlOrg, mix));
pFontProcs = (PFMPROCS)pPDev->pFontProcs; if ( pFontProcs->FMTextOut == NULL) { CheckBitmapSurface(pso,&pstro->rclBkGround); return FALSE; } else return (pFontProcs->FMTextOut(pso, pstro, pfo, pco, prclExtra, prclOpaque, pboFore, pboOpaque, pptlOrg, mix) ); }