Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: xlddi.cpp
Implementation of PCLXL drawing DDI entry points
PCLXLBitBlt PCLXLStretchBlt PCLXLStretchBltROP PCLXLCopyBits PCLXLPlgBlt PCLXLAlphaBlend PCLXLGradientFill PCLXLTextOut PCLXLStrokePath PCLXLFillPath PCLXLStrokeAndFillPath PCLXLRealizeBrush PCLXLStartPage PCLXLSendPage PCLXLEscape PCLXLStartDcc PCLXLEndDoc
Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 family.
Revision History:
08/23/99 Created it.
#include "lib.h"
#include "gpd.h"
#include "winres.h"
#include "pdev.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "xlpdev.h"
#include "pclxle.h"
#include "pclxlcmd.h"
#include "xldebug.h"
#include "xlbmpcvt.h"
#include "xlgstate.h"
#include "xloutput.h"
#include "pclxlcmd.h"
#include "pclxlcmn.h"
#include "xltt.h"
// Globals
extern const LINEATTRS *pgLineAttrs;
// Local function prototypes
HRESULT CommonRopBlt( IN PDEVOBJ pdevobj, IN SURFOBJ *psoSrc, IN CLIPOBJ *pco, IN XLATEOBJ *pxlo, IN BRUSHOBJ *pbo, IN RECTL *prclSrc, IN RECTL *prclDst, IN POINTL *pptlBrush, IN ROP4 rop4);
BOOL BSendReadImageData( IN PDEVOBJ pdevobj, IN CompressMode CMode, IN PBYTE pBuf, IN LONG lStart, IN LONG lHeight, IN DWORD dwcbSize);
PDWORD PdwChangeTransparentPalette( ULONG iTransColor, PDWORD pdwColorTable, DWORD dwEntries);
HRESULT hrChangePixelColorInScanLine( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN ULONG ulBPP, IN ULONG ulNumPixels, IN ULONG ulTransColor, IN OUT PBYTE pubChanged, IN ULONG ulNumBytes);
extern "C" BOOL CreateMaskSurface( SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMsk, ULONG iTransColor);
extern "C" SURFOBJ * CreateBitmapSURFOBJ( PDEV *pPDev, HBITMAP *phBmp, LONG cxSize, LONG cySize, DWORD Format);
// Drawing DDI entries
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLBitBlt( SURFOBJ *psoTrg, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclTrg, POINTL *pptlSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrush, ROP4 rop4) /*++
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvBitBlt. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoTrg - Describes the target surface psoSrc - Describes the source surface psoMask - Describes the mask for rop4 pco - Limits the area to be modified pxlo - Specifies how color indices are translated between the source and target surfaces prclTrg - Defines the area to be modified pptlSrc - Defines the upper left corner of the source rectangle pptlMask - Defines which pixel in the mask corresponds to the upper left corner of the source rectangle pbo - Defines the pattern for bitblt pptlBrush - Defines the origin of the brush in the Dstination surface rop4 - ROP code that defines how the mask, pattern, source, and Dstination pixels are combined to write to the Dstination surface
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)psoTrg->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLBitBlt() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
{ RECTL rclSrc;
// create prclSrc (source rectangle)
if (pptlSrc) { rclSrc.left = pptlSrc->x; rclSrc.top = pptlSrc->y; rclSrc.right = pptlSrc->x + RECT_WIDTH(prclTrg); rclSrc.bottom = pptlSrc->y + RECT_HEIGHT(prclTrg); } else { rclSrc.left = 0; rclSrc.top = 0; rclSrc.right = RECT_WIDTH(prclTrg); rclSrc.bottom = RECT_HEIGHT(prclTrg); }
if (S_OK == CommonRopBlt(pdevobj, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, pbo, &rclSrc, prclTrg, pptlBrush, rop4)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLStretchBlt( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, COLORADJUSTMENT *pca, POINTL *pptlHTOrg, RECTL *prclDst, RECTL *prclSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, ULONG iMode) /*++
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvStretchBlt. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDst - Defines the surface on which to draw psoSrc - Defines the source for blt operation psoMask - Defines a surface that provides a mask for the source pco - Limits the area to be modified on the Dstination pxlo - Specifies how color dwIndexes are to be translated between the source and target surfaces pca - Defines color adjustment values to be applied to the source bitmap pptlHTOrg - Specifies the origin of the halftone brush prclDst - Defines the area to be modified on the Dstination surface prclSrc - Defines the area to be copied from the source surface pptlMask - Specifies which pixel in the given mask corresponds to the upper left pixel in the source rectangle iMode - Specifies how source pixels are combined to get output pixels
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)psoDst->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLStretchBlt() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
if (S_OK == CommonRopBlt(pdevobj, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, NULL, prclSrc, prclDst, NULL, 0xCC)) return TRUE; else return FALSE;
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLStretchBltROP( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, COLORADJUSTMENT *pca, POINTL *pptlHTOrg, RECTL *prclDst, RECTL *prclSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, ULONG iMode, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, ROP4 rop4) /*++
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvStretchBltROP. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDst - Specifies the target surface psoSrc - Specifies the source surface psoMask - Specifies the mask surface pco - Limits the area to be modified pxlo - Specifies how color indices are translated between the source and target surfaces pca - Defines color adjustment values to be applied to the source bitmap prclHTOrg - Specifies the halftone origin prclDst - Area to be modified on the destination surface prclSrc - Rectangle area on the source surface prclMask - Rectangle area on the mask surface pptlMask - Defines which pixel in the mask corresponds to the upper left corner of the source rectangle iMode - Specifies how source pixels are combined to get output pixels pbo - Defines the pattern for bitblt rop4 - ROP code that defines how the mask, pattern, source, and destination pixels are combined on the destination surface
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)psoDst->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLStretchBltROP() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
if (S_OK == CommonRopBlt(pdevobj, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, pbo, prclSrc, prclDst, NULL, rop4)) return TRUE; else return FALSE;
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLCopyBits( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclDst, POINTL *pptlSrc) /*++
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvCopyBits. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDst - Points to the Dstination surface psoSrc - Points to the source surface pxlo - XLATEOBJ provided by the engine pco - Defines a clipping region on the Dstination surface pxlo - Defines the translation of color indices between the source and target surfaces prclDst - Defines the area to be modified pptlSrc - Defines the upper-left corner of the source rectangle
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)psoDst->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev;
RECTL rclSrc;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLCopyBits() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
// create prclSrc (source rectangle)
rclSrc.top = pptlSrc->y; rclSrc.left = pptlSrc->x; rclSrc.bottom = pptlSrc->y + RECT_HEIGHT(prclDst); rclSrc.right = pptlSrc->x + RECT_WIDTH(prclDst);
if (S_OK == CommonRopBlt(pdevobj, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, NULL, &rclSrc, prclDst, NULL, 0xCC)) return TRUE; else return FALSE;
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLPlgBlt( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, COLORADJUSTMENT *pca, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, POINTFIX *pptfixDst, RECTL *prclSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, ULONG iMode) /*++
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvPlgBlt. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDst - Defines the surface on which to draw psoSrc - Defines the source for blt operation psoMask - Defines a surface that provides a mask for the source pco - Limits the area to be modified on the Dstination pxlo - Specifies how color dwIndexes are to be translated between the source and target surfaces pca - Defines color adjustment values to be applied to the source bitmap pptlBrushOrg - Specifies the origin of the halftone brush ppfixDest - Defines the area to be modified on the Dstination surface prclSrc - Defines the area to be copied from the source surface pptlMask - Specifies which pixel in the given mask corresponds to the upper left pixel in the source rectangle iMode - Specifies how source pixels are combined to get output pixels
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
--*/ { VERBOSE(("PCLXLBltBlt() entry.\n"));
return EngPlgBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlBrushOrg, pptfixDst, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode); }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLAlphaBlend( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclDst, RECTL *prclSrc, BLENDOBJ *pBlendObj) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { VERBOSE(("PCLXLAlphaBlend() entry.\n")); PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV*)psoDst->dhpdev; BOOL bRet;
if (NULL == pPDev) { return FALSE; }
pPDev->fMode2 |= PF2_WHITEN_SURFACE; bRet = EngAlphaBlend(psoDst, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDst, prclSrc, pBlendObj); pPDev->fMode2 &= ~(PF2_WHITEN_SURFACE|PF2_SURFACE_WHITENED); return bRet; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLGradientFill( SURFOBJ *psoDst, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, TRIVERTEX *pVertex, ULONG nVertex, PVOID pMesh, ULONG nMesh, RECTL *prclExtents, POINTL *pptlDitherOrg, ULONG ulMode) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { VERBOSE(("PCLXLGradientFill() entry.\n")); PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV*) psoDst->dhpdev; BOOL bRet;
if (NULL == pPDev) { return FALSE; }
if (ulMode == GRADIENT_FILL_TRIANGLE) { pPDev->fMode2 |= PF2_WHITEN_SURFACE; } bRet = EngGradientFill(psoDst, pco, pxlo, pVertex, nVertex, pMesh, nMesh, prclExtents, pptlDitherOrg, ulMode); pPDev->fMode2 &= ~(PF2_WHITEN_SURFACE|PF2_SURFACE_WHITENED); return bRet; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLTransparentBlt( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclDst, RECTL *prclSrc, ULONG iTransColor, ULONG ulReserved) { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ) psoDst->dhpdev; PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV*) psoDst->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; ULONG ulXlate[2] = {0x0, RGB_WHITE}; //2 colors in psoMsk. Black and White.
ZeroMemory ( &xlo, sizeof (XLATEOBJ) ); xlo.cEntries = 2; xlo.pulXlate = (PULONG)ulXlate; xlo.flXlate = XO_TABLE; // use the entries in pulXlate table.
if ( NULL == pxlpdev || NULL == psoSrc ) { return FALSE; }
// Step 1. Create a mask and download it to printer using ROP DSO (238 = 0xEE).
// The mask is a 1bpp image created out of the image in psoSrc. Wherever
// the TransColor is present
// in the image, the corresponding pixel in the mask gets value 0. At all other places
// the pixel will get value of 1.
// if we copy the mask to a color printer (using ROP of SRC_COPY),
// you will notice that the image is black and white,
// and black is present on the same place where the Transparent Color should be there.
// Instead of SRC_COPY if we use rop=238 which is (SOURCE | DESTINATION), the white color
// of the mask will get OR'ed with destinaion and the region becomes white. The black
// color
// of the mask will not be printed and instead whatever is there already on the sheet
// (if something is present) will be visible
// Assuming x is the pixel already present on the sheet.
// 0 | x = x (ORing anything with 0 is anything)
// 1 | x = 1
// 1 represents white color (RGB_WHITE = 0xFFFFFF = all 1s).
// Step 2.
// In the image, wherever the TransColor is present, change it to white.
// Now the image has 2 kinds of white colors. Those that
// are originally present in the image, and those that we just put in there.
// Step 3.
// Download the image with rop DSAnd (=136 = 0x88).
// Assuming x is the pixel already present on the sheet
// and y be the pixel in the image and 1 represents white color
// (RGB_WHITE = 0xFFFFFF = all 1s).
// 1 & y = y Image falling on the area that we whited in step 1.
// 1 & x = x The white parts of the image (that was earlier TransColor) falling in
// the area.
// that is supposed to be visible from under the image.
// Step 1 Create appropriate mask.
// For images that are greater than 1bpp
// Use unidrv's CreateMaskSurface to create mask. The logic of a mask surface
// is explained above.
// For images that are 1bpp
// CreateMaskSurface does not create mask for 1bpp image. So for that we'll
// create mask ourselves. Since mask is 1bpp and so is the image, we can simply
// use the image as the mask, except that we might need to manipulate the palette.
// The benefit here is that we are using the same image as mask, instead of
// creating a new image and using memory.
if ( BMF_1BPP == psoSrc->iBitmapFormat ) {
// For paletted images (1bpp images have palette), iTransColor is actually the index into
// the palette, and not the actual RGB color itself.
// As explained above, the transparent color should be black in the mask, while the
// non-transparent color should be white. Black is
// index 0 in xlo.pulXlate = (PULONG)ulXlate. So if TransColor is 0, then
// we can simply use the xlo that we created above.
// If not, we need to switch black and white in the palette.
// (To repeat. While sending the mask, iTransColor should be sent as black and
// the color that is to be printed should be sent as white).
if ( 0 != iTransColor ) { //
// Reverse Colors.
ulXlate[0] = RGB_WHITE; ulXlate[1] = RGB_BLACK; } hr = CommonRopBlt(pdevobj, psoSrc, pco, &xlo, NULL, prclSrc, prclDst, NULL, 0xEE);
} else { SURFOBJ *psoMsk = NULL; HBITMAP hBmpMsk = NULL;
if (psoMsk = CreateBitmapSURFOBJ(pPDev, &hBmpMsk, psoSrc->sizlBitmap.cx, psoSrc->sizlBitmap.cy, BMF_1BPP) ) { if ( CreateMaskSurface(psoSrc,psoMsk,iTransColor) ) { hr = CommonRopBlt(pdevobj, psoMsk, pco, &xlo, NULL, prclSrc, prclDst, NULL, 0xEE); } }
// Release allocated objects.
if ( psoMsk ) { EngUnlockSurface(psoMsk); psoMsk = NULL; }
if (hBmpMsk) { EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)hBmpMsk); hBmpMsk = NULL; } }
if ( FAILED (hr) ) { ERR(("PCLXLTransparentBlt: Mask could not be created or rendered.\n")); goto Cleanup; }
// Step 2 and 3.
// Set the flags and call CommonRopBlt. CommonRopBlt is the function that
// dumps images to printer. CommonRopBlt will look at the
// flags and know that for this image, it has to replace
// the colored pixels with White
pxlpdev->dwFlags |= XLPDEV_FLAGS_SUBST_TRNCOLOR_WITH_WHITE; pxlpdev->ulTransColor = iTransColor;
// ROP is DSAnd = 136 = 0x88.
hr = CommonRopBlt(pdevobj, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, NULL, prclSrc, prclDst, NULL, 136);
pxlpdev->ulTransColor = 0; pxlpdev->dwFlags &= ~XLPDEV_FLAGS_SUBST_TRNCOLOR_WITH_WHITE;
if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLTextOut( SURFOBJ *pso, STROBJ *pstro, FONTOBJ *pfo, CLIPOBJ *pco, RECTL *prclExtra, RECTL *prclOpaque, BRUSHOBJ *pboFore, BRUSHOBJ *pboOpaque, POINTL *pptlOrg, MIX mix) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)pso->dhpdev;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLTextOut() entry.\n"));
PXLPDEV pxlpdev= (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM; XLOutput *pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput;
// Clip
if (!SUCCEEDED(pOutput->SetClip(pco))) return FALSE;
ROP4 rop = GET_FOREGROUND_ROP3(UlVectMixToRop4(mix));
if (!ROP3_NEED_SOURCE(rop)) rop = 0x00fc;
// Set ROP and TxMode.
// Send NewPath to flush memory.
pOutput->SetROP3(rop); pOutput->Send_cmd(eNewPath); pOutput->SetPaintTxMode(eOpaque); pOutput->SetSourceTxMode(eOpaque);
// Opaque Rectangle
if (prclOpaque) { pOutput->SetPenColor(NULL, NULL); pOutput->SetBrush(pboOpaque, pptlOrg); pOutput->Send_cmd(eNewPath); pOutput->RectanglePath(prclOpaque); pOutput->Paint(); }
// Draw underline, strikeout, etc.
if (prclExtra) { pOutput->SetPenColor(NULL, NULL); pOutput->SetBrush(pboFore, pptlOrg); pOutput->Send_cmd(eNewPath); while(NULL != prclExtra) { pOutput->RectanglePath(prclExtra++); } pOutput->Paint(); }
// Text Color
pOutput->SetBrush(pboFore, pptlOrg); pOutput->Flush(pdevobj);
// Device font/TrueType download
DrvTextOut( pso, pstro, pfo, pco, prclExtra, prclOpaque, pboFore, pboOpaque, pptlOrg, mix);
// Bug reported by HP.
// Plug-in could have command callback and DrvStartPage sets plug-in's
// pdev in pdevOEM.
// Need to reset it.
((PPDEV)pdevobj)->devobj.pdevOEM = ((PPDEV)pdevobj)->pVectorPDEV;
// Flush cached text before changing font
// Reset text angle
pxlpdev->dwTextAngle = 0;
// Close TrueType font
return TRUE; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLLineTo( SURFOBJ *pso, CLIPOBJ *pco, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, LONG x1, LONG y1, LONG x2, LONG y2, RECTL *prclBounds, MIX mix) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)pso->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev; POINTFIX Pointfix; LINEATTRS lineattrs;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLLineTo() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM; Pointfix.x = x2 << 4; Pointfix.y = y2 << 4; lineattrs = *pgLineAttrs; lineattrs.elWidth.e = FLOATL_IEEE_1_0F;
ROP4 rop = GET_FOREGROUND_ROP3(UlVectMixToRop4(mix)); TxMode TxModeValue;
// Quick return in the case of AA (destination).
if (rop == 0xAA) { return TRUE; }
// If there is any Pattern involved, set TxMode to Opaque.
if (ROP3_NEED_PATTERN(rop)) { TxModeValue = eOpaque; } else { TxModeValue = eTransparent; }
BOOL bRet; XLOutput *pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput;
if (S_OK == pOutput->SetClip(pco) && S_OK == pOutput->SetROP3(rop) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPaintTxMode(TxModeValue) && S_OK == pOutput->SetSourceTxMode(TxModeValue) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPen(&lineattrs, NULL) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPenColor(pbo, NULL) && S_OK == pOutput->SetBrush(NULL, NULL) && S_OK == pOutput->Send_cmd(eNewPath) && S_OK == pOutput->SetCursor(x1, y1) && S_OK == pOutput->LinePath(&Pointfix, 1) && S_OK == pOutput->Paint() && S_OK == pOutput->Flush(pdevobj)) bRet = TRUE; else { pOutput->Delete(); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLStrokePath( SURFOBJ *pso, PATHOBJ *ppo, CLIPOBJ *pco, XFORMOBJ *pxo, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, LINEATTRS *plineattrs, MIX mix) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)pso->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev; TxMode TxModeValue;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLStokePath() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
BOOL bRet; XLOutput *pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput;
ROP4 rop = GET_FOREGROUND_ROP3(UlVectMixToRop4(mix));
// Quick return in the case of AA (destination).
if (rop == 0xAA) { return TRUE; }
// If there is any Pattern involved, set TxMode to Opaque.
if (ROP3_NEED_PATTERN(rop)) { TxModeValue = eOpaque; } else { TxModeValue = eTransparent; }
if (S_OK == pOutput->SetClip(pco) && S_OK == pOutput->SetROP3(rop) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPaintTxMode(TxModeValue) && S_OK == pOutput->SetSourceTxMode(TxModeValue) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPen(plineattrs, pxo) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPenColor(pbo, pptlBrushOrg) && S_OK == pOutput->SetBrush(NULL, NULL) && S_OK == pOutput->Path(ppo) && S_OK == pOutput->Paint() && S_OK == pOutput->Flush(pdevobj)) bRet = TRUE; else { pOutput->Delete(); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLFillPath( SURFOBJ *pso, PATHOBJ *ppo, CLIPOBJ *pco, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix, FLONG flOptions) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)pso->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLFillPath() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
BOOL bRet; XLOutput *pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput;
ROP4 rop = GET_FOREGROUND_ROP3(UlVectMixToRop4(mix)); TxMode TxModeValue;
// Quick return in the case of AA (destination).
if (rop == 0xAA) { return TRUE; }
// Performance fix suggested by HP.
// Fix the performance problem on CD9T_LET.cdr.
if (pco && pco->iFComplexity == FC_COMPLEX) { return FALSE; }
// If there is any Pattern involved, set TxMode to Opaque.
if (ROP3_NEED_PATTERN(rop)) { TxModeValue = eOpaque; } else { TxModeValue = eTransparent; }
// Setup fill mode
FillMode FM; if (flOptions == FP_ALTERNATEMODE) { FM = eFillEvenOdd; } else if (flOptions == FP_WINDINGMODE) { FM = eFillNonZeroWinding; }
if (S_OK == pOutput->SetClip(pco) && S_OK == pOutput->SetROP3(rop) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPaintTxMode(TxModeValue) && S_OK == pOutput->SetSourceTxMode(TxModeValue) && S_OK == pOutput->SetFillMode(FM) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPenColor(NULL, NULL) && S_OK == pOutput->SetBrush(pbo, pptlBrushOrg) && S_OK == pOutput->Path(ppo) && S_OK == pOutput->Paint() && S_OK == pOutput->Flush(pdevobj)) bRet = TRUE; else { pOutput->Delete(); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLStrokeAndFillPath( SURFOBJ *pso, PATHOBJ *ppo, CLIPOBJ *pco, XFORMOBJ *pxo, BRUSHOBJ *pboStroke, LINEATTRS *plineattrs, BRUSHOBJ *pboFill, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, MIX mixFill, FLONG flOptions) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)pso->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLStrokeAndFillPath() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM; XLOutput *pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput; BOOL bRet; ROP4 rop = GET_FOREGROUND_ROP3(UlVectMixToRop4(mixFill)); TxMode TxModeValue;
// Quick return in the case of AA (destination).
if (rop == 0xAA) { return TRUE; }
// If there is any Pattern involved, set TxMode to Opaque.
if (ROP3_NEED_PATTERN(rop)) { TxModeValue = eOpaque; } else { TxModeValue = eTransparent; }
// Setup fill mode
FillMode FM; if (flOptions == FP_ALTERNATEMODE) { FM = eFillEvenOdd; } else if (flOptions == FP_WINDINGMODE) { FM = eFillNonZeroWinding; }
if (S_OK == pOutput->SetClip(pco) && S_OK == pOutput->SetROP3(rop) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPaintTxMode(TxModeValue) && S_OK == pOutput->SetSourceTxMode(TxModeValue) && S_OK == pOutput->SetFillMode(FM) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPen(plineattrs, pxo) && S_OK == pOutput->SetPenColor(pboStroke, pptlBrushOrg) && S_OK == pOutput->SetBrush(pboFill, pptlBrushOrg) && S_OK == pOutput->Path(ppo) && S_OK == pOutput->Paint() && S_OK == pOutput->Flush(pdevobj)) bRet = TRUE; else { pOutput->Delete(); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLRealizeBrush( BRUSHOBJ *pbo, SURFOBJ *psoTarget, SURFOBJ *psoPattern, SURFOBJ *psoMask, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, ULONG iHatch) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)psoTarget->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev; XLBRUSH *pBrush; BOOL bRet; OutputFormat OutputF;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLRealizeBrush() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
// the OEM DLL should NOT hook out this function unless it wants to draw
// graphics directly to the device surface. In that case, it calls
// EngRealizeBrush which causes GDI to call DrvRealizeBrush.
// Note that it cannot call back into Unidrv since Unidrv doesn't hook it.
if (iHatch >= HS_DDI_MAX) { LONG lHeight, lWidth, lScanline; ULONG ulOutputBPP, ulInputBPP; DWORD dwI, dwBufSize, dwLenNormal, dwLenRLE,dwLenDRC, dwcbLineSize, dwcbBmpSize; PDWORD pdwLen; PBYTE pubSrc, pBufNormal, pBufRLE, pBufDRC, pBuf, pBmpSize; XLOutput *pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput;
DetermineOutputFormat(pxlo, pOutput->GetDeviceColorDepth(), psoPattern->iBitmapFormat, &OutputF, &ulOutputBPP);
// Get Info
ulInputBPP = UlBPPtoNum((BPP)psoPattern->iBitmapFormat); lHeight = psoPattern->sizlBitmap.cy; lWidth = psoPattern->sizlBitmap.cx;
dwcbLineSize = ((lWidth * ulInputBPP) + 7) >> 3; dwBufSize = lHeight * (((lWidth * ulOutputBPP + 31) >> 5 ) << 2) + DATALENGTH_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(PCLXL_EndRastPattern);
VERBOSE(("PCLXLRealizeBrush():InBPP=%d,Width=%d,Height=%d,Line=%d,Size=%d.\n", ulInputBPP, lWidth, lHeight, dwcbLineSize, dwBufSize));
// Allocate output buffer
pBufNormal = pBufRLE = pBufDRC = NULL; if (COMMANDPTR(((PPDEV)pdevobj)->pDriverInfo,CMD_ENABLEDRC)) { if (NULL == (pBufDRC = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(dwBufSize))) { ERR(("PCLXLRealizeBrush: MemAlloc failed.\n")); return FALSE; } } if (NULL == (pBufNormal = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(dwBufSize)) || NULL == (pBufRLE = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(dwBufSize)) ) { if (pBufNormal != NULL) MemFree(pBufNormal); if (pBufRLE != NULL) MemFree(pBufRLE); ERR(("PCLXLRealizeBrush: MemAlloc failed.\n")); return FALSE; }
CompressMode CMode; BMPConv BMPC; PBYTE pubDst; DWORD dwDstSize;
#if DBG
BMPC.SetDbgLevel(BRUSHDBG); #endif
BMPC.BSetInputBPP((BPP)psoPattern->iBitmapFormat); BMPC.BSetOutputBPP(NumToBPP(ulOutputBPP)); BMPC.BSetOutputBMPFormat(OutputF); BMPC.BSetXLATEOBJ(pxlo);
dwLenNormal = dwLenRLE = dwLenDRC = 0;
DWORD dwComp;
if (COMMANDPTR(((PPDEV)pdevobj)->pDriverInfo,CMD_ENABLEDRC)) { //
// Try DRC compression.
dwComp = 3; } else { //
// Only non and RLE comp.
dwComp = 2; } for (dwI = 0; dwI < dwComp; dwI ++) { bRet = TRUE;
if (NO_COMPRESSION == dwI) { pBuf = pBufNormal; pdwLen = &dwLenNormal; CMode = eNoCompression; } else if (RLE_COMPRESSION == dwI) { pBuf = pBufRLE; pdwLen = &dwLenRLE; CMode = eRLECompression; } else if (DRC_COMPRESSION == dwI) { pBuf = pBufDRC; pdwLen = &dwLenDRC; CMode = eDeltaRowCompression; }
lScanline = lHeight; pubSrc = (PBYTE)psoPattern->pvScan0;
*pBuf = PCLXL_dataLength; pBmpSize = pBuf + 1; // DWORD bitmap size
dwcbBmpSize = 0;
while (lScanline-- > 0 && dwcbBmpSize + *pdwLen < dwBufSize) { pubDst = BMPC.PubConvertBMP(pubSrc, dwcbLineSize); dwDstSize = BMPC.DwGetDstSize(); VERBOSE(("PCLXLRealizeBrush[0x%x]: dwDstSize=0x%x\n", lScanline, dwDstSize)); if ( dwcbBmpSize + dwDstSize + DATALENGTH_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(PCLXL_EndRastPattern) > dwBufSize || NULL == pubDst) { ERR(("PCLXLRealizeBrush: Buffer size is too small.(%d)\n", dwI)); bRet = FALSE; break; }
memcpy(pBuf, pubDst, dwDstSize); dwcbBmpSize += dwDstSize; pBuf += dwDstSize; pubSrc += psoPattern->lDelta;
if (lScanline > 0) { bRet = FALSE; #if DBG
ERR(("PCLXLRealizeBrush: Conversion failed.\n")); #endif
if (bRet) { if (dwI == NO_COMPRESSION) { //
// Scanline on PCL-XL has to be DWORD align.
// count byte of scanline = lWidth * ulOutputBPP / 8
dwcbBmpSize = lHeight * (((lWidth * ulOutputBPP + 31) >> 5 ) << 2); }
CopyMemory(pBmpSize, &dwcbBmpSize, sizeof(dwcbBmpSize)); (*pdwLen) += dwcbBmpSize;
*pBuf = PCLXL_EndRastPattern; (*pdwLen) ++; } else { *pdwLen = 0; } } #undef NO_COMPRESSION
if (dwLenRLE == 0 && dwLenDRC != 0 && dwLenDRC < dwLenNormal || dwLenRLE != 0 && dwLenDRC != 0 && dwLenDRC < dwLenRLE && dwLenDRC < dwLenNormal ) { pBuf = pBufDRC; pdwLen = &dwLenDRC; CMode = eDeltaRowCompression;
MemFree(pBufNormal); MemFree(pBufRLE); } else if (dwLenRLE != 0 && dwLenRLE < dwLenNormal) { pBuf = pBufRLE; pdwLen = &dwLenRLE; CMode = eRLECompression;
MemFree(pBufNormal); MemFree(pBufDRC); } else if (dwLenNormal != 0) { pBuf = pBufNormal; pdwLen = &dwLenNormal; CMode = eNoCompression;
MemFree(pBufRLE); MemFree(pBufDRC); } else { MemFree(pBufNormal); MemFree(pBufRLE); MemFree(pBufDRC); ERR(("PCLXLRealizeBrush: Conversion failed. Return FALSE.\n")); return FALSE; }
// Output
ColorMapping CMapping; DWORD dwScale;
// Pattern scaling factor
// Scale the destination size of pattern.
// Resolution / 150 seems to be a good scaling factor.
dwScale = (pOutput->GetResolutionForBrush() + 149)/ 150;
if (pOutput->GetDeviceColorDepth() == e24Bit) { pOutput->SetColorSpace(eRGB); } else { pOutput->SetColorSpace(eGray); } if (OutputF == eOutputPal) { DWORD *pdwColorTable;
if ((pdwColorTable = GET_COLOR_TABLE(pxlo))) { pOutput->SetPalette(ulOutputBPP, pxlo->cEntries, pdwColorTable); CMapping = eIndexedPixel; } else { CMapping = eDirectPixel; } } else { CMapping = eDirectPixel; } pOutput->Send_cmd(eSetColorSpace);
pOutput->SetOutputBPP(CMapping, ulOutputBPP); pOutput->SetSourceWidth((uint16)lWidth); pOutput->SetSourceHeight((uint16)lHeight); pOutput->SetDestinationSize((uint16)(lWidth * dwScale), (uint16)(lHeight * dwScale)); pOutput->SetPatternDefineID((sint16)pxlpdev->dwLastBrushID); pOutput->SetPatternPersistence(eSessionPattern); pOutput->Send_cmd(eBeginRastPattern); pOutput->Flush(pdevobj); pOutput->ReadRasterPattern(lHeight, CMode); pOutput->Flush(pdevobj);
DWORD dwBitmapSize; CopyMemory(&dwBitmapSize, pBuf + 1, sizeof(DWORD));
if (dwBitmapSize > 0xff) { //
// dataLength
// size (uin32) (bitmap size)
// EndImage
WriteSpoolBuf((PPDEV)pdevobj, pBuf, *pdwLen); } else { //
// dataLength
// size (byte) (bitmap size)
// EndImage
PBYTE pTmp = pBuf;
pBuf += 3; *pBuf = PCLXL_dataLengthByte; *(pBuf + 1) = (BYTE)dwBitmapSize; WriteSpoolBuf((PPDEV)pdevobj, pBuf, (*pdwLen) - 3);
// Restore the original pointer
pBuf = pTmp; } MemFree(pBuf);
DWORD dwBrushSize; if (pxlo->cEntries) { dwBrushSize = sizeof(XLBRUSH) + (pxlo->cEntries + 1) * sizeof(DWORD); } else { dwBrushSize = sizeof(XLBRUSH) + sizeof(DWORD); }
if (pBrush = (XLBRUSH*)BRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush(pbo, dwBrushSize)) {
pBrush->dwSig = XLBRUSH_SIG; pBrush->dwHatch = iHatch;
if (iHatch >= HS_DDI_MAX) { pBrush->dwPatternID = pxlpdev->dwLastBrushID++; } else { //
// Set 0 for hatch brush case
pBrush->dwPatternID = 0; }
DWORD *pdwColorTable;
pdwColorTable = GET_COLOR_TABLE(pxlo);
// get color for Graphics state cache for either palette case or
// solid color.
pBrush->dwColor = BRUSHOBJ_ulGetBrushColor(pbo);
if (pdwColorTable && pxlo->cEntries != 0) { //
// Copy palette table.
CopyMemory(pBrush->adwColor, pdwColorTable, pxlo->cEntries * sizeof(DWORD)); pBrush->dwCEntries = pxlo->cEntries; } else { pBrush->dwCEntries = 0; }
pBrush->dwOutputFormat = (DWORD)OutputF;
pbo->pvRbrush = (PVOID)pBrush; bRet = TRUE; } else { bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLStartPage( SURFOBJ *pso) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)pso->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev; BOOL bRet;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLStartPage() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
XLOutput *pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput;
bRet = DrvStartPage(pso);
// Bug reported by HP.
// Plug-in could have command callback and DrvStartPage sets plug-in's
// pdev in pdevOEM.
// Need to reset it.
((PPDEV)pdevobj)->devobj.pdevOEM = ((PPDEV)pdevobj)->pVectorPDEV;
// Reset printing mode.
// SourceTxMode, PaintTxMode
// ROP
pOutput->SetPaintTxMode(eOpaque); pOutput->SetSourceTxMode(eOpaque); pOutput->SetROP3(0xCC);
// Needs to reset attribute when EndPage and BeginPage are sent.
if (!(pxlpdev->dwFlags & XLPDEV_FLAGS_FIRSTPAGE)) { BSaveFont(pdevobj);
// Reset graphcis state each page.
} else { pxlpdev->dwFlags &= ~XLPDEV_FLAGS_FIRSTPAGE; }
return bRet; }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLSendPage( SURFOBJ *pso) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)pso->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev; XLOutput *pOutput;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLEndPage() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput; pOutput->Flush(pdevobj);
return DrvSendPage(pso); }
extern "C" ULONG APIENTRY PCLXLEscape( SURFOBJ *pso, ULONG iEsc, ULONG cjIn, PVOID pvIn, ULONG cjOut, PVOID pvOut) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { VERBOSE(("PCLXLEscape() entry.\n"));
return DrvEscape( pso, iEsc, cjIn, pvIn, cjOut, pvOut); }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLStartDoc( SURFOBJ *pso, PWSTR pwszDocName, DWORD dwJobId) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)pso->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLStartDoc() entry.\n"));
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
// Initialize flag
pxlpdev->dwFlags |= XLPDEV_FLAGS_FIRSTPAGE;
return DrvStartDoc( pso, pwszDocName, dwJobId); }
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY PCLXLEndDoc( SURFOBJ *pso, FLONG fl) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVOBJ pdevobj = (PDEVOBJ)pso->dhpdev; PXLPDEV pxlpdev; BOOL bRet;
VERBOSE(("PCLXLEndDoc() entry.\n"));
if (NULL == pdevobj->pdevOEM) { bRet = FALSE; } { pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM; if (S_OK == RemoveAllFonts(pdevobj)) { bRet = TRUE; } else { bRet = FALSE; } }
return bRet && DrvEndDoc(pso, fl); }
// Sub functions
HRESULT RemoveAllFonts( PDEVOBJ pdevobj) { PXLPDEV pxlpdev; XLOutput *pOutput; DWORD dwI; HRESULT hResult;
pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM; pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput;
hResult = S_OK;
for (dwI = 0; dwI < pxlpdev->dwNumOfTTFont; dwI++) { if (S_OK != pOutput->Send_ubyte_array_header(PCLXL_FONTNAME_SIZE) || S_OK != pOutput->Write(PubGetFontName(pdevobj, dwI+1), PCLXL_FONTNAME_SIZE)|| S_OK != pOutput->Send_attr_ubyte(eFontName) || S_OK != pOutput->Send_cmd(eRemoveFont)) { hResult = S_FALSE; break; } }
pOutput->Flush(pdevobj); pxlpdev->dwNumOfTTFont = 0; return hResult; }
HRESULT CommonRopBlt( IN PDEVOBJ pdevobj, IN SURFOBJ *psoSrc, IN CLIPOBJ *pco, IN XLATEOBJ *pxlo, IN BRUSHOBJ *pbo, IN RECTL *prclSrc, IN RECTL *prclDst, IN POINTL *pptlBrush, IN ROP4 rop4) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hRet;
VERBOSE(("CommonRopBlt() entry.\n"));
// Error check
if (pdevobj == NULL || prclDst == NULL ) { ERR(("CommonRopBlt: one of parameters is NULL.\n")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
PXLPDEV pxlpdev= (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
hRet = S_OK;
XLOutput *pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput; OutputFormat OutputF;
// Set Clip
if (!SUCCEEDED(pOutput->SetClip(pco))) return S_FALSE;
// Set Cursor
pOutput->SetCursor(prclDst->left, prclDst->top);
// 1. ROP conversion
// (1) Fill Dstination
// (2) Pattern copy -> P
// (3) SRC/NOTSRCOPY -> S or ~S
// 0x11 ~( S | D)
// 0x33 ~S
// 0x44 ( S & ~D)
// 0x66 ( D ^ S)
// 0x77 ~( D & S)
// 0x99 ~( S ^ D)
// 0xCC S
// 0xDD ( S | ~D)
// (4) Misc ROP support
// 0xAA D
// 0x0F PATNOT ~P
ROP3 rop3 = GET_FOREGROUND_ROP3(rop4); DWORD dwCase = 0;
#define ROP_BLACKWHITE 0x1
#define ROP_PATTERN 0x2
#define ROP_BITMAP 0x4
#define ROP_DEST 0x8
// Set ROP3
switch (rop3) { case 0x00: case 0xFF: dwCase = ROP_BLACKWHITE; break;
case 0xF0: dwCase = ROP_PATTERN; break;
case 0x11: case 0x33: case 0x44: case 0x66: case 0x77: case 0x99: case 0xCC: case 0xDD: dwCase = ROP_BITMAP; break;
case 0xAA: dwCase = ROP_DEST; break; case 0x0F: dwCase = ROP_PATTERN; break;
default: if (ROP3_NEED_SOURCE(rop3)) { dwCase |= ROP_BITMAP; } if (ROP3_NEED_PATTERN(rop3)) { dwCase |= ROP_PATTERN; } if (ROP3_NEED_DEST(rop3)) { dwCase |= ROP_DEST; } break; }
// Black & White case
if (dwCase & ROP_BLACKWHITE) { VERBOSE(("CommonRopBlt(): BlackWhite.\n")); //
// SetBrushSource
// NewPath
// RectanglePath
// PaintPath
CMNBRUSH CmnBrush; CmnBrush.dwSig = BRUSH_SIGNATURE; CmnBrush.BrushType = kBrushTypeSolid; CmnBrush.ulSolidColor = 0x00; CmnBrush.ulHatch = 0xFFFFFFFF; CmnBrush.dwColor = 0x00FFFFFF; CmnBrush.dwPatternBrushID = 0xFFFFFFFF;
pOutput->SetSourceTxMode(eOpaque); pOutput->SetPaintTxMode(eOpaque);
if(rop3 == 0x00) { if (e24Bit == pOutput->GetDeviceColorDepth()) { pOutput->SetRGBColor(0); CmnBrush.dwColor = 0x00; } else { pOutput->SetGrayLevel(0x00); CmnBrush.dwColor = 0x00; } } else { if (e24Bit == pOutput->GetDeviceColorDepth()) { pOutput->SetRGBColor(0x00ffffff); CmnBrush.dwColor = 0x00ffffff; } else { pOutput->SetGrayLevel(0xff); CmnBrush.dwColor = 0x00ffffff; } }
pOutput->Send_cmd(eSetBrushSource); pOutput->SetPenColor(NULL, NULL); if (!(dwCase & ROP_BITMAP)) { pOutput->Send_cmd(eNewPath); pOutput->RectanglePath(prclDst); pOutput->Send_cmd(ePaintPath); } pOutput->Flush(pdevobj); }
// Pattern fill case
if (dwCase & (ROP_DEST|ROP_PATTERN)) { VERBOSE(("CommonRopBlt(): Pattern.\n"));
// SetPaintTxMode
// SetSourceTxMode
// SetBrushSource
// NewPath
// RectanglePath
// PaintPath
pOutput->SetSourceTxMode(eOpaque); pOutput->SetPaintTxMode(eOpaque); pOutput->SetBrush(pbo, pptlBrush); pOutput->SetPenColor(NULL, NULL); if (!(dwCase & ROP_BITMAP)) { pOutput->Send_cmd(eNewPath); pOutput->RectanglePath(prclDst); pOutput->Send_cmd(ePaintPath); } pOutput->Flush(pdevobj); }
// Bitmap case
if (dwCase & ROP_BITMAP) { LONG lHeight, lWidth, lScanline; ULONG ulOutputBPP, ulInputBPP; DWORD dwI, dwBufSize, dwLen, dwcbLineSize, dwcbBmpSize; PDWORD pdwLen; PBYTE pubSrc, pBuf, pBufOrg = NULL, pBmpSize, pBufEnd; ColorMapping CMapping; SURFOBJ *psoBmp; HBITMAP hBitmap = NULL; PBYTE pubChanged = NULL; // temporary rectangle used if the image is downscaled by the engine
RECTL rctlBitmap;
// zero out the temporary rectangle
memset( &rctlBitmap, 0, sizeof(RECTL) );
VERBOSE(("CommonRopBlt(): Bitmap\n"));
if (psoSrc == NULL || prclSrc == NULL ) { ERR(("UNIDRV:CommonRopBlt:psoSrc, pxlo, or prclSrc == NULL.\n")); pOutput->Flush(pdevobj); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Input BPP
ulInputBPP = UlBPPtoNum((BPP)psoSrc->iBitmapFormat);
psoBmp = NULL;
// If the source image is larger than it will appear on the
// destination surface, shrink it to the target size. No point
// in sending extra bits.
// This optimization could be further optimized by building up a clip
// object here if one is specified. How much of a gain this is
// worth I don't know.
if (prclDst->right - prclDst->left < prclSrc->right - prclSrc->left || prclDst->bottom - prclDst->top < prclSrc->bottom - prclSrc->top ) {
// Shrink source bitmap.
PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV*)pdevobj; SIZEL sizlDest; DWORD dwScanlineLength; POINTL ptlBrushOrg;
// Translate destination rectangle to origin 0,0 and same dimensions as before
rctlBitmap.left = 0; rctlBitmap.top = 0; rctlBitmap.right = prclDst->right - prclDst->left; rctlBitmap.bottom = prclDst->bottom - prclDst->top;
sizlDest.cx = prclDst->right - prclDst->left; sizlDest.cy = prclDst->bottom - prclDst->top; dwScanlineLength = (sizlDest.cx * ulInputBPP + 7 ) >> 3;
if (pptlBrush) { ptlBrushOrg = *pptlBrush; } else { ptlBrushOrg.x = ptlBrushOrg.y = 0; }
// When we do the transfer, don't do color translation because that will be handled by the printer.
// Also, don't pass the clip object, because it's in the wrong coordinate space. We could build a
// a new clip object, but the value of doing so is questionable, and it would take a lot more testing.
if ((psoBmp = CreateBitmapSURFOBJ(pPDev, &hBitmap, sizlDest.cx, sizlDest.cy, psoSrc->iBitmapFormat)) && EngStretchBlt(psoBmp, psoSrc, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ptlBrushOrg, &rctlBitmap, prclSrc, NULL, HALFTONE)) { psoSrc = psoBmp; prclSrc = &rctlBitmap; } else { ERR(("CreateBitmapSURFOBJ or EngStretchBlt failed.\n")); } }
// Set source opaque mode
// GDI bug. CopyBits is called recursively.
{ PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV*)pdevobj; if (pPDev->fMode2 & PF2_SURFACE_WHITENED) { pOutput->SetSourceTxMode(eTransparent); } else { pOutput->SetSourceTxMode(eOpaque); } } pOutput->SetPaintTxMode(eOpaque);
// Bitmap output
DetermineOutputFormat(pxlo, pOutput->GetDeviceColorDepth(), psoSrc->iBitmapFormat, &OutputF, &ulOutputBPP);
if (pOutput->GetDeviceColorDepth() == e24Bit) { pOutput->SetColorSpace(eRGB); } else { pOutput->SetColorSpace(eGray); } if (OutputF == eOutputPal) { DWORD *pdwColorTable = NULL;
if (pdwColorTable = GET_COLOR_TABLE(pxlo)) { if ( pxlpdev->dwFlags & XLPDEV_FLAGS_SUBST_TRNCOLOR_WITH_WHITE ) {
ULONG ulTransColor = pxlpdev->ulTransColor; pdwColorTable = PdwChangeTransparentPalette(ulTransColor, pdwColorTable, pxlo->cEntries); if (pdwColorTable) { pOutput->SetPalette(ulOutputBPP, pxlo->cEntries, pdwColorTable); MemFree (pdwColorTable); pdwColorTable = NULL; } else { ERR(("CommonRopBlt: PdwChangeTransparentPalette returned NULL.\n")); goto ErrorReturn; } } else { pOutput->SetPalette(ulOutputBPP, pxlo->cEntries, pdwColorTable); } } CMapping = eIndexedPixel; } else { CMapping = eDirectPixel; }
// Get height, width, and scanline size.
lWidth = prclSrc->right - prclSrc->left; lHeight = prclSrc->bottom - prclSrc->top; dwcbLineSize = ((lWidth * ulInputBPP) + 7) >> 3;
// Allocates memory to hold whole bitmap.
dwBufSize = lHeight * (((lWidth * ulOutputBPP + 31) >> 5 ) << 2);
// Limit Buffer Size to 16k, else if the scan line is big, huge memory will
// be allocated. But the size has to be at least able to hold one scanline.
#define BMPBUFSIZE 16384
if (dwBufSize > BMPBUFSIZE) { if (dwcbLineSize > BMPBUFSIZE) dwBufSize = dwcbLineSize; else dwBufSize = BMPBUFSIZE; }
// Allocate appropriate buffers before doing BeginImage.
// PCLXL expects certain things to happen after BeginImage.
// If we attempt to allocate within BeginImage and then allocation
// fails, and we try to exit midway, PCLXL will not be able to handle
// the resulting output properly.
// When doing TransparentBlt, we need to change colors of pixels. Instead of
// altering memory within psoSrc, we'll make copy of scan line and then alter images.
// So memory needs to be allocated for that.
if ( pxlpdev->dwFlags & XLPDEV_FLAGS_SUBST_TRNCOLOR_WITH_WHITE && eDirectPixel == CMapping ) { if ( NULL == (pubChanged = (PBYTE) MemAlloc(dwcbLineSize)) ) { ERR(("CommonRopBlt: Cannot allocate memory for pubChanged.\n")); goto ErrorReturn; } }
// Allocate output buffer
if (NULL == (pBuf = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(dwBufSize))) { ERR(("CommonRopBlt: MemAlloc failed.\n")); } else {
// BeginImage
pOutput->BeginImage( CMapping, ulOutputBPP, lWidth, lHeight, prclDst->right - prclDst->left, prclDst->bottom - prclDst->top); pOutput->Flush(pdevobj);
VERBOSE(("CommonRopBlt: ulInputBPP=%d, ulOutputBPP=%d, lWidth=0x%x, lHeight=0x%x, dwcbLineSize=0x%x, dwBufSize=0x%x\n",ulInputBPP, ulOutputBPP, lWidth, lHeight, dwcbLineSize, dwBufSize));
pBufOrg = pBuf; pBufEnd = pBuf + (ULONG_PTR)(dwBufSize); //point pBufEnd to byte after last allocatted byte.
CompressMode CurrentCMode, PreviousCMode; BMPConv BMPC; PBYTE pubDst; DWORD dwSize;
LONG lScans, //number of scan lines stored in pBufOrg
lStart; //From which scan line do we start sending scan lines to printer.
//e.g. if lStart=5, it means 0-4 scan lines have been sent, now 5th scan line (and may be more) has to be sent
#if DBG
BMPC.SetDbgLevel(BITMAPDBG); #endif
BMPC.BSetInputBPP((BPP)psoSrc->iBitmapFormat); BMPC.BSetOutputBPP(NumToBPP(ulOutputBPP)); BMPC.BSetOutputBMPFormat(OutputF); BMPC.BSetXLATEOBJ(pxlo);
lScanline = lHeight;
// Set pubSrc
pubSrc = (PBYTE)psoSrc->pvScan0; if (!psoBmp) { pubSrc += (LONG_PTR) prclSrc->top * psoSrc->lDelta + ((ulInputBPP * prclSrc->left) >> 3); }
dwcbBmpSize = 0; lScans = 0; lStart = 0;
PreviousCMode = eInvalidValue;
while (lScanline-- > 0) { PBYTE pubSrcLocal = pubSrc; //
// When this is called from TransparentBlt, the Transparent Color
// has to be replaced by white. This is to be done only for
// direct images, not for paletted images.
if ( (pxlpdev->dwFlags & XLPDEV_FLAGS_SUBST_TRNCOLOR_WITH_WHITE) && eDirectPixel == CMapping ) { hRet = hrChangePixelColorInScanLine( pubSrc, ulInputBPP, lWidth, pxlpdev->ulTransColor, pubChanged, dwcbLineSize); if ( FAILED (hRet) ) { goto ErrorReturn; }
pubSrcLocal = pubChanged;
// First try compression and see if the compress data is smaller
// than the original data. If it's smaller, go ahead to use the
// compression. Otherwise, use original data.
// While it is permitted to mix eRLECompression and eNoCompression
// blocks of ReadImage data, XL does not allow mixing JPEG or
// DeltaRow image blocks with any other compression method.
// DRC Compression
if (COMMANDPTR(((PPDEV)pdevobj)->pDriverInfo,CMD_ENABLEDRC)) { CurrentCMode = eDeltaRowCompression; BMPC.BSetCompressionType(CurrentCMode); pubDst = BMPC.PubConvertBMP(pubSrcLocal, dwcbLineSize); dwSize = BMPC.DwGetDstSize(); VERBOSE(("CommonRopBlt: Comp(DRC:0x%x)\n", dwSize)); } else { //
// RLE compression
BMPC.BSetCompressionType(eRLECompression); pubDst = BMPC.PubConvertBMP(pubSrcLocal, dwcbLineSize); dwSize = BMPC.DwGetDstSize(); VERBOSE(("CommonRopBlt: Comp(RLE:0x%x)\n", dwSize));
if (dwSize < dwcbLineSize) { CurrentCMode = eRLECompression; } else { CurrentCMode = eNoCompression; BMPC.BSetCompressionType(eNoCompression); pubDst = BMPC.PubConvertBMP(pubSrcLocal, dwcbLineSize); dwSize = BMPC.DwGetDstSize(); VERBOSE(("CommonRopBlt: Comp(NO:0x%x)\n", dwSize)); } }
// Output bitmap.
// 1. Mostly we try to store the data bits in pBufOrg and send them
// all at once after processing has been done on the full image.
// This storage is done on a per scan line basis.
// But if image is really big, pBufOrg gets filled up and more
// scan lines cannot be copied. So we empty pBufOrg to make place
// for remaining scan lines. If either of these is true, pBufOrg
// needs to be flushed. (Both these conditions are essentially the same).
// dwcbBmpSize + dwSize > dwBufSize
// pBuf + dwSize > pBufEnd
// 2. If the compression has to change, we dump the data bits
// using the older compression method that have been stored in
// pBufOrg and/or pbDst.
if (dwcbBmpSize + dwSize > dwBufSize || PreviousCMode != eInvalidValue && PreviousCMode != CurrentCMode) { if (PreviousCMode == eInvalidValue) { PreviousCMode = CurrentCMode; }
// Four possible cases
// 1&2. dwcbBmpSize == 0 i.e. nothing is present in pBufOrg
// So just dump whatever is present in pubDst.
// This covers both cases i.e. whether dwSize > dwBufSize or not.
// 3. dwcmBmpSize is not zero
// dump the image in pBufOrg, clean pBufOrg, and then later
// on put the contents of pubDst in pBufOrg(pBuf).
// 4. dwcbBmpSize is not zero and dwSize > dwBufSize
// i.e. somehow the compression caused the size of the
// scan line to increase beyond the dwBufSize.
// Because pBufOrg is at most dwBufSize, we cannot
// copy pubDst to pBufOrg. So we have to dump pubDst here.
if (dwcbBmpSize == 0) { //
// Case 1&2
BSendReadImageData(pdevobj, PreviousCMode, pubDst, lStart, 1, dwSize); dwSize = 0; lStart++; //One line emitted. Therefore increment lStart
} else { //
// There is some image data stored in the pBufOrg buffer.
// Emit that data. (case 3)
BSendReadImageData(pdevobj, PreviousCMode, pBufOrg, lStart, lScans, dwcbBmpSize); lStart += lScans; //lScans lines emitted
if ( dwSize > dwBufSize ) { //
// Case 4.
BSendReadImageData(pdevobj, PreviousCMode, pubDst, lStart, 1, dwSize); dwSize = 0; lStart++; }
// Reset parameters
dwcbBmpSize = 0; lScans = 0; pBuf = pBufOrg;
if (NULL == pubDst) { ERR(("CommonRopBlt: Conversion failed. pubDst is NULL.\n")); goto ErrorReturn; }
// If post-compression size of image is more than zero, AND
// if destination buffer(pBuf) has enough space, then copy the compressed
// data to the destination. (Data can also be in uncompressed format if
// compression does not result in size saving).
// Increment lScans to indicicate that we are putting one more scan
// line worth of data in pBufOrg
if (dwSize > 0 && pBuf + dwSize <= pBufEnd) { memcpy(pBuf, pubDst, dwSize); dwcbBmpSize += dwSize; pBuf += dwSize; lScans ++; }
PreviousCMode = CurrentCMode;
if (CurrentCMode == eNoCompression) { DWORD dwDiff = (((lWidth * ulOutputBPP + 31) >> 5) << 2) - dwSize; if (dwDiff) { memset(pBuf, 0, dwDiff); dwcbBmpSize += dwDiff; pBuf += dwDiff; } }
pubSrc += psoSrc->lDelta; }
if (dwcbBmpSize > 0) { BSendReadImageData(pdevobj, CurrentCMode, pBufOrg, lStart, lScans, dwcbBmpSize); } pOutput->Send_cmd(eEndImage); pOutput->Flush(pdevobj); }
ErrorReturn: if (pBufOrg != NULL) MemFree(pBufOrg);
if ( NULL != pubChanged ) { MemFree(pubChanged); }
if (NULL != psoBmp) { EngUnlockSurface(psoBmp); if (hBitmap && !EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)hBitmap)) { ERR(("CommonRopBlt: EngDeleteSurface failed.\n")); hRet = FALSE; } } }
return hRet; }
BOOL BSendReadImageData( IN PDEVOBJ pdevobj, IN CompressMode CMode, IN PBYTE pBuf, IN LONG lStart, IN LONG lHeight, IN DWORD dwcbSize) { VERBOSE(("BSendReadImageData(CMode=%d, lHeight=0x%x, dwcbSize=0x%x\n", CMode, lHeight, dwcbSize)); //
// dataLength (1)
// size (byte or long) (1 or 4)
DWORD dwHeaderSize; BYTE aubHeader[DATALENGTH_HEADER_SIZE]; PXLPDEV pxlpdev = (PXLPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
XLOutput *pOutput = pxlpdev->pOutput; //
// Print the converted data.
pOutput->ReadImage(lStart, lHeight, CMode); pOutput->Flush(pdevobj);
if (dwcbSize > 0xff) { //
// dataLength
// size (uin32) (bitmap size)
aubHeader[0] = PCLXL_dataLength; dwHeaderSize = DATALENGTH_HEADER_SIZE; CopyMemory(aubHeader + 1, &dwcbSize, sizeof(dwcbSize)); } else { //
// dataLength
// size (byte) (bitmap size)
aubHeader[0] = PCLXL_dataLengthByte; dwHeaderSize = DATALENGTH_HEADER_SIZE - 3; CopyMemory(aubHeader + 1, &dwcbSize, sizeof(BYTE)); }
// dataLength
// size (byte/uint32)
// EndImage
WriteSpoolBuf((PPDEV)pdevobj, aubHeader, dwHeaderSize); WriteSpoolBuf((PPDEV)pdevobj, pBuf, dwcbSize);
return TRUE; }
inline VOID DetermineOutputFormat( XLATEOBJ *pxlo, ColorDepth DeviceColorDepth, INT iBitmapFormat, OutputFormat *pOutputF, ULONG *pulOutputBPP) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { switch ((BPP)iBitmapFormat) { case e1bpp: case e4bpp: *pOutputF = eOutputPal; break;
case e8bpp: case e16bpp: //
// Color device or not?
if (DeviceColorDepth == e24Bit) *pOutputF = eOutputPal; else *pOutputF = eOutputGray; break;
case e24bpp: case e32bpp: //
// Color device or not?
if (DeviceColorDepth == e24Bit) *pOutputF = eOutputRGB; else *pOutputF = eOutputGray; break; }
switch (*pOutputF) { case eOutputGray: *pulOutputBPP = 8; break;
case eOutputPal: *pulOutputBPP = UlBPPtoNum((BPP)iBitmapFormat); break;
case eOutputRGB: case eOutputCMYK: *pulOutputBPP = 24; break; }
// Make sure that color table is available for palette output.
if (*pOutputF == eOutputPal) { if (!(GET_COLOR_TABLE(pxlo))) { if (DeviceColorDepth == e24Bit) { *pOutputF = eOutputRGB; *pulOutputBPP = 24; } else { *pOutputF = eOutputGray; *pulOutputBPP = 8; } } } }
PDWORD PdwChangeTransparentPalette( ULONG iTransColor, PDWORD pdwColorTable, DWORD dwEntries) /*++
Routine Description: Creates another copy of palatte and replace the transparent color by white Returns the pointer of a new palette. The calling function has responsibility to release the palette.
Return Value:
--*/ { PDWORD pdwNewPalette = NULL;
// Parameter check
if (NULL == pdwColorTable || dwEntries == 0 ) { return NULL; }
if (NULL == (pdwNewPalette = (PDWORD)MemAlloc(sizeof(DWORD) * dwEntries))) { return NULL; }
CopyMemory(pdwNewPalette, pdwColorTable, sizeof(DWORD) * dwEntries);
// When printing in palette mode, iTransColor indicates the index into
// the palette, instead of the color in the palette. The palette entry
// at that index is the color.
pdwNewPalette[iTransColor] = RGB_WHITE;
return pdwNewPalette; }
Routine Name hrChangePixelColorInScanLine
Routine Description: Changes the pixels in scan line that match a certain color to White
Arguments: pubSrc : The original scan line. ulBPP : Bits Per Pixel of scan line. ulNumPixels : Number of Pixels in the scan line. ulTransColor: The color that needs to be changed. pubChanged : The memory where the new(changed) scan line should be put. ulNumBytes : Number of bytes in pubChanged buffer.
Return Value: S_OK : if success E_FAIL: Otherwise
--*/ HRESULT hrChangePixelColorInScanLine( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN ULONG ulBPP, IN ULONG ulNumPixels, IN ULONG ulTransColor, IN OUT PBYTE pubChanged, IN ULONG ulNumBytes )//NumBytes in pubChanged
ULONG ulBytesPerPixel = 3; //24bpp is more common that 16 or 32bpp
ULONG ulColor = 0; ULONG ulDestSize = 0; //Required destination number of bytes.
// First do input validation
if ( NULL == pubSrc || NULL == pubChanged ) { ASSERT(("Null Parameter\n")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Make sure pubChanged has enough memory to hold
// the changed scan line.
ulBytesPerPixel = ulBPP >> 3; //8 bits per pixel.
ulDestSize = ulBytesPerPixel * ulNumPixels; if ( ulNumBytes < ulDestSize ) { ASSERT((FALSE, "Insufficient size of destination buffer\n")); return E_FAIL; }
// Copy Scanline from Source to Destination. Then go through the scan line and
// change the transparent color to white
// Go through each pixel (there are ulNumPixels pixels).
// Whenever the pixels's color is same as ulTransColor, replace it
// with white.
// Only direct images are supported in this function.
// No palletes.
// 8bpp images are mostly palettes. But when printing to monochrome
// pclxl device, they are being treated as direct images.
CopyMemory (pubChanged, pubSrc, ulNumBytes);
switch (ulBPP) { case 8: { for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulNumPixels ; ul++, pubChanged += ulBytesPerPixel) { ulColor = (ULONG) pubChanged[0] ;
if ( ulTransColor == ulColor ) { pubChanged[0] = 0xFF; } } } break;
case 16: { for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulNumPixels ; ul++, pubChanged += ulBytesPerPixel) { ulColor = ((ULONG) pubChanged[0]) | ((ULONG) pubChanged[1] << 8);
if ( ulTransColor == ulColor ) { pubChanged[0] = 0xFF; pubChanged[1] = 0xFF; } } } break;
case 24: {
for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulNumPixels ; ul++, pubChanged += ulBytesPerPixel) { ulColor = ((ULONG) pubChanged[0]) | ((ULONG) pubChanged[1] << 8) | ((ULONG) pubChanged[2] << 16);
if ( ulTransColor == ulColor ) { //
// White is 0xFFFFFF (3 bytes of FF)
pubChanged[0] = 0xFF; pubChanged[1] = 0xFF; pubChanged[2] = 0xFF; } } } break;
case 32: { for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulNumPixels ; ul++, pubChanged += ulBytesPerPixel) { ulColor = *(PDWORD)pubChanged; if ( ulTransColor == ulColor ) { *(PDWORD)pubChanged |= 0x00FFFFFF; //This modifies only RGB. Alpha channel info retained.
} } } break;
default: ASSERT((FALSE, "Unsupported bpp value %d\n", ulBPP)); hr = E_FAIL;
} //switch
return hr; }