Copyright (c) 1990 - 1996 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved
Module Name:
#include "precomp.h"
CRITICAL_SECTION pjlMonSection = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
PINIPORT pIniFirstPort = NULL;
DWORD dwReadThreadErrorTimeout; DWORD dwReadThreadEOJTimeout; DWORD dwReadThreadIdleTimeoutOther;
TCHAR cszEOJTimeout[] = TEXT("EOJTimeout");
VOID SplInSem( VOID ) { if ( pjlMonSection.OwningThread != (HANDLE) GetCurrentThreadId() ) { DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Pjlmon: Not in spooler semaphore !!\n")); } }
VOID SplOutSem( VOID ) { if ( pjlMonSection.OwningThread == (HANDLE) GetCurrentThreadId() ) { DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Pjlmon: Inside spooler semaphore !!\n")); } }
VOID EnterSplSem( VOID ) { EnterCriticalSection(&pjlMonSection); }
VOID LeaveSplSem( VOID ) { SplInSem(); LeaveCriticalSection(&pjlMonSection); }
VOID UpdateRegistryValue( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN HKEY hKey, IN PMONITORREG pMonitorReg, IN LPCTSTR cszValueName, OUT LPDWORD pdwValue, IN DWORD dwDefault, IN OUT LPDWORD pdwLastError ) /*++
Routine Description: Gets value assoicated with give value name from the registry. If value name is not found default value is written to registry.
On error last error value is set to pdwLastError.
Arguments: hKey : Registry key under which value should be searched pMonitorReg : Port monitor registry function pointers cszValueName : Value name to search in the registry pdwValue : On return will have the value dwDefault : If value name not found in the registry set to this value pdwLastError : On error set last error to this
Return Value: None
--*/ { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(*pdwValue);
if ( *pdwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != (* pMonitorReg->fpQueryValue) (hKey, cszValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)pdwValue, &dwSize, hPrinter) ) {
*pdwValue = dwDefault; *pdwLastError = (* pMonitorReg->fpSetValue) (hKey, cszValueName, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)pdwValue, sizeof(*pdwValue), hPrinter); }
DWORD UpdateTimeoutsFromRegistry( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN HKEY hKey, IN PMONITORREG pMonitorReg ) /*++
Routine Description: Get the timeout values from the registry, or initialize registry with default values if entries are not found.
Users/apps can change the registry to change the behavior.
Arguments: pszRegistryRoot : Registry root to be used by this dll
Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS on success, else last error value
--*/ { DWORD dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
UpdateRegistryValue(hPrinter, hKey, pMonitorReg, cszEOJTimeout, &dwReadThreadEOJTimeout, READ_THREAD_EOJ_TIMEOUT, &dwLastError);
dwReadThreadErrorTimeout = READ_THREAD_ERROR_WAITTIME; dwReadThreadIdleTimeoutOther = READ_THREAD_IDLE_WAITTIME;
if ( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("UpdateTimeoutsFromRegistry: Failed with %d", dwLastError)); }
return dwLastError; }
PINIPORT FindIniPort( IN LPTSTR pszName ) { PINIPORT pIniPort = pIniFirstPort;
if ( !pszName || !*pszName ) return NULL;
while ( pIniPort && lstrcmpi(pszName, pIniPort->pszPortName)) pIniPort = pIniPort->pNext;
return pIniPort; }
PINIPORT CreatePortEntry( IN LPTSTR pszPortName ) /*++
Routine Description: Creates a IniPort entry for a port. Needs to be called inside monitor critical section.
Arguments: pszPortName : Name of the port
Return Value: On success pointer to the IniPort stucture. On failure NULL
--*/ { PINIPORT pIniPort, pPort; HANDLE DoneWriting = NULL;
DoneWriting = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL); if ( !DoneWriting ) return NULL;
pIniPort = (PINIPORT) AllocSplMem(sizeof(*pIniPort)); if ( !pIniPort ) {
CloseHandle(DoneWriting); return NULL; }
pIniPort->pszPortName = AllocSplStr(pszPortName);
if ( !pIniPort->pszPortName ) {
CloseHandle(DoneWriting); FreeSplMem(pIniPort); return NULL; }
pIniPort->pNext = NULL; pIniPort->signature = PJ_SIGNATURE; pIniPort->DoneWriting = DoneWriting;
pIniPort->pNext = pIniFirstPort; pIniFirstPort = pIniPort;
return pIniPort; }
VOID DeletePortEntry( IN PINIPORT pIniPort ) /*++
Routine Description: Deletes a port entry. Needs to be called inside monitor critical section
Arguments: pIniPort : Pointer to the IniPort structure to be deleted
Return Value:
--*/ { SplInSem();
if ( pIniPort == pIniFirstPort ) {
pIniFirstPort = pIniPort->pNext; } else {
pPort = pIniFirstPort; while ( pPort && pPort->pNext != pIniPort ) pPort = pPort->pNext;
if (pPort) {
pPort->pNext = pIniPort->pNext; } else {
DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("pjlmon: DeletePortEntry port not found\n")); return; } }
CloseHandle(pIniPort->DoneWriting); FreeIniJobs(pIniPort); FreeSplStr(pIniPort->pszPortName); FreeSplMem(pIniPort);
return; }
VOID FreeIniJob( IN OUT PINIJOB pIniJob ) /*++
Routine Description: Deletes a job entry.
Arguments: pIniJob : Pointer to the IniJob structure to be deleted
Return Value: None
--*/ { SPLASSERT(pIniJob); if ( pIniJob->hPrinter ) ClosePrinter(pIniJob->hPrinter); FreeSplMem(pIniJob); }
VOID FreeIniJobs( PINIPORT pIniPort ) /*++
Routine Description: Free all the InJob structures assigned to this port
Arguments: pIniPort : IniPort for the port for which all jobs need to be freed
--*/ { PINIJOB pIniJob, pIniNextJob;
EnterSplSem(); pIniJob = pIniPort->pIniJob; while ( pIniJob ) {
pIniNextJob = pIniJob->pNext; FreeIniJob(pIniJob); pIniJob = pIniNextJob; }
pIniPort->pIniJob = NULL; LeaveSplSem(); }
VOID SendLastPageEjectedForIniJob( PINIPORT pIniPort, PINIJOB pIniJob ) { SplInSem();
if ( !SetJob(pIniJob->hPrinter, pIniJob->JobId, 0, NULL, JOB_CONTROL_LAST_PAGE_EJECTED) ) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("SetJob failed with last error %d\n", GetLastError())); } }
PINIJOB FindIniJobFromJobId( PINIPORT pIniPort, DWORD dwJobId, PINIJOB *ppPrevIniJob ) { PINIJOB pCur, pPre, pIniJob;
// If JOB_RESTART is given there will be multiple jobs with same id
// we need to find the last entry with given id in the list
for ( pCur = pIniPort->pIniJob, pPre = pIniJob = *ppPrevIniJob = NULL ; pCur ; pPre = pCur, pCur = pCur->pNext ) {
if ( pCur->JobId == dwJobId ) {
*ppPrevIniJob = pPre; pIniJob = pCur; } }
return pIniJob; }
PINIJOB FindFirstIniJobTimedOut( PINIPORT pIniPort, DWORD dwTime, PINIJOB *ppPrevIniJob ) { PINIJOB pIniJob = pIniPort->pIniJob;
SplInSem(); *ppPrevIniJob = NULL;
// Look for a job not in STARTDOC and timedout
while ( pIniJob && ( (pIniJob->status & PP_INSTARTDOC) || pIniJob->TimeoutCount > dwTime ) ) {
*ppPrevIniJob = pIniJob; pIniJob = pIniJob->pNext; }
if ( !pIniJob ) *ppPrevIniJob = NULL;
return pIniJob; }
VOID SendJobLastPageEjected( PINIPORT pIniPort, DWORD dwValue, BOOL bTime ) /*++
Routine Description: Send LastPageEjected notification for 1 or more jobs to spooler
Arguments: pIniPort : IniPort for the port for which all jobs need to be freed dwValue : if bTime is TRUE send EOJ to any jobs rcvd before dwValue else dwValue is JobId -- ALL_JOBS is for all jobs bTime : Tells how to interpret dwValue
--*/ { PINIJOB pIniJob;
EnterSplSem(); //
// JobId == ALL_JOBS is a special case where we want to send LastPage
// ejected for all jobs pending
if ( !bTime && dwValue == ALL_JOBS ) {
pIniJob = pIniPort->pIniJob; pIniPort->pIniJob = NULL;
while ( pIniJob ) {
PINIJOB pTempJob = pIniJob;
SendLastPageEjectedForIniJob(pIniPort, pIniJob); pIniJob = pIniJob->pNext; FreeIniJob(pTempJob); }
} else {
pIniJob = pIniPort->pIniJob;
// If bTime we want to send LastPageEjected for all jobs timedout
if ( bTime ) {
pIniJob = FindFirstIniJobTimedOut(pIniPort, dwValue, &pPrevIniJob); } else {
pIniJob = FindIniJobFromJobId(pIniPort, dwValue, &pPrevIniJob); }
if ( pIniJob ) {
// Send notifications for any previous jobs too
if ( pIniPort->pIniJob == pIniJob ) pIniPort->pIniJob = NULL; else pPrevIniJob->pNext = NULL;
do {
SendLastPageEjectedForIniJob(pIniPort, pIniJob);
pPrevIniJob = pIniJob; pIniJob = pIniJob->pNext; FreeIniJob(pPrevIniJob); } while ( pIniJob ); } }
LeaveSplSem(); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// DEBUG Stuff
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef DEBUG
DWORD SplDbgLevel = 0;
#ifndef INTERNAL
VOID cdecl DbgMsg( LPSTR MsgFormat, ... ) { char MsgText[1024];
sprintf(MsgText,MsgFormat,(LPSTR)(((LPSTR)(&MsgFormat))+sizeof(MsgFormat)) ); strcat( MsgText, "\r");
OutputDebugStringA(MsgText); } #endif
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// String helper function to remove crt dependency
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
int mystrnicmp( LPSTR cs, LPSTR ct, int n ) { char ret;
while (n--) { ret = *cs - *ct;
if (ret) break;
cs++; ct++; }
return (int)ret; }
LPSTR mystrchr( LPSTR cs, char c ) { while (*cs != 0) { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(*cs)) cs++; else if (*cs == c) return cs; cs++; }
// fail to find c in cs
return NULL; }
int mystrncmp( LPSTR cs, LPSTR ct, int n ) { char ret;
while (n--) { ret = *cs - *ct;
if (ret) break;
cs++; ct++; }
return (int)ret; }
#ifndef INTERNAL
LPWSTR AllocSplStr( LPWSTR pStr )
Routine Description:
This function will allocate enough local memory to store the specified string, and copy that string to the allocated memory
pStr - Pointer to the string that needs to be allocated and stored
Return Value:
NON-NULL - A pointer to the allocated memory containing the string
FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError.
{ LPWSTR pMem; DWORD cbStr;
if (!pStr) { return NULL; }
cbStr = wcslen(pStr)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
if (pMem = AllocSplMem( cbStr )) { CopyMemory( pMem, pStr, cbStr ); } return pMem; }
LPVOID AllocSplMem( DWORD cbAlloc )
{ PVOID pvMemory;
pvMemory = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, cbAlloc);
if( pvMemory ){ ZeroMemory( pvMemory, cbAlloc ); }
return pvMemory; }