Copyright (c) 1990-1994 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved
Module Name:
Ansi end to winspool.drv
User Mode -Win32
Revision History:
amaxa July 2000 - Modified GetPrinterData(Ex)A and SetPrinterData(Ex)A to have the same behavior like the unicode functions.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "client.h"
#include "defprn.h"
#include "winsprlp.h"
typedef int (FAR WINAPI *INT_FARPROC)();
typedef struct { BOOL bOsVersionEx; union { OSVERSIONINFOW *pOsVersion; OSVERSIONINFOEXW *pOsVersionEx; } Unicode; union { OSVERSIONINFOA *pOsVersion; OSVERSIONINFOEXA *pOsVersionEx; } Ansi; } OSVERSIONWRAP;
WCHAR *szCurDevMode = L"Printers\\DevModes2";
BOOL KickoffThread( LPWSTR pName, HWND hWnd, LPWSTR pPortName, INT_FARPROC pfn );
LPWSTR AllocateUnicodeStringWithSize( LPSTR pPrinterName, DWORD cbBytes );
VOID ValidatePaperFields( LPCWSTR pUnicodeDeviceName, LPCWSTR pUnicodePort, LPDEVMODEW pDevModeIn );
DWORD UnicodeToAnsi( IN LPBYTE pUnicode, IN DWORD cchUnicode, IN OUT LPBYTE pData, IN DWORD cbData, IN OUT DWORD *pcbCopied OPTIONAL );
/* AnsiToUnicodeString
* * Parameters: * * pAnsi - A valid source ANSI string. * * pUnicode - A pointer to a buffer large enough to accommodate * the converted string. * * StringLength - The length of the source ANSI string. * If 0 (NULL_TERMINATED), the string is assumed to be * null-terminated. * * Return: * * The return value from MultiByteToWideChar, the number of * wide characters returned. * */ INT AnsiToUnicodeString( LPSTR pAnsi, LPWSTR pUnicode, DWORD StringLength ) { INT iReturn;
if( StringLength == NULL_TERMINATED ) StringLength = strlen( pAnsi );
iReturn = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_THREAD_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pAnsi, StringLength + 1, pUnicode, StringLength + 1 );
// Ensure NULL termination.
pUnicode[StringLength] = 0;
return iReturn; }
/* UnicodeToAnsiString
* * Parameters: * * pUnicode - A valid source Unicode string. * * pANSI - A pointer to a buffer large enough to accommodate * the converted string. * * StringLength - The length of the source Unicode string. * If 0 (NULL_TERMINATED), the string is assumed to be * null-terminated. * * * Notes: * With DBCS enabled, we will allocate twice the size of the * buffer including the null terminator to take care of double * byte character strings - KrishnaG * * pUnicode is truncated to StringLength characters. * * Return: * * The return value from WideCharToMultiByte, the number of * multi-byte characters returned. * */ INT UnicodeToAnsiString( LPWSTR pUnicode, LPSTR pAnsi, DWORD StringLength) { LPSTR pTempBuf = NULL; INT rc = 0; LPWSTR pAlignedUnicode = NULL;
if ((ULONG_PTR)pUnicode != (((ULONG_PTR) (pUnicode) + (sizeof(WCHAR) - 1))&~(sizeof(WCHAR) - 1))) {
// Calculate the length of the unaligned string.
if(StringLength == NULL_TERMINATED) {
for (StringLength = 0; !( ((LPSTR)pUnicode)[StringLength] == '\0' && ((LPSTR)pUnicode)[StringLength+1] == '\0' ); StringLength += 2) ;
StringLength /= 2;
} else {
// WideCharToMultiByte doesn't NULL terminate if we're copying
// just part of the string, so terminate here.
((LPSTR)(pUnicode + StringLength))[0] = '\0'; ((LPSTR)(pUnicode + StringLength))[1] = '\0'; }
pAlignedUnicode = LocalAlloc(LPTR, StringLength * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (pAlignedUnicode) {
memcpy(pAlignedUnicode, pUnicode, StringLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
} else {
pAlignedUnicode = pUnicode;
if(StringLength == NULL_TERMINATED) {
// StringLength is just the
// number of characters in the string
StringLength = wcslen(pAlignedUnicode); }
// WideCharToMultiByte doesn't NULL terminate if we're copying
// just part of the string, so terminate here.
pAlignedUnicode[StringLength] = 0;
StringLength++; }
// Unfortunately, WideCharToMultiByte doesn't do conversion in place,
// so allocate a temporary buffer, which we can then copy:
if( pAnsi == (LPSTR)pAlignedUnicode ) { pTempBuf = LocalAlloc( LPTR, StringLength * sizeof(WCHAR) ); pAnsi = pTempBuf; }
if( pAnsi && pAlignedUnicode ) { rc = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, pAlignedUnicode, StringLength, pAnsi, StringLength*2, NULL, NULL ); }
// If pTempBuf is non-null, we must copy the resulting string
// so that it looks as if we did it in place:
if( pTempBuf ) { if( rc > 0 ) { pAnsi = (LPSTR)pAlignedUnicode; if (FAILED(StringCbCopyExA( pAnsi, StringLength * sizeof(WCHAR), pTempBuf, NULL, NULL, STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE))) { rc = 0; } }
LocalFree( pTempBuf ); }
if (pAlignedUnicode != pUnicode) {
LocalFree(pAlignedUnicode); }
return rc; }
void ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings( LPBYTE pStructure, LPDWORD pOffsets ) { register DWORD i=0; LPWSTR pUnicode; LPSTR pAnsi;
while (pOffsets[i] != -1) {
pUnicode = *(LPWSTR *)(pStructure+pOffsets[i]); pAnsi = (LPSTR)pUnicode;
if (pUnicode) { UnicodeToAnsiString(pUnicode, pAnsi, NULL_TERMINATED); }
i++; } }
LPWSTR AllocateUnicodeString( LPSTR pPrinterName ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeString;
if (!pPrinterName) return NULL;
pUnicodeString = LocalAlloc(LPTR, strlen(pPrinterName)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR));
if (pUnicodeString) AnsiToUnicodeString(pPrinterName, pUnicodeString, NULL_TERMINATED);
return pUnicodeString; }
LPWSTR AllocateUnicodeStringWithSize( LPSTR pData, DWORD cbData ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeString = NULL; DWORD iReturn;
if (pData && (pUnicodeString = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbData*sizeof(WCHAR)))) { iReturn = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_THREAD_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pData, cbData, pUnicodeString, cbData);
if (iReturn != cbData) { LocalFree(pUnicodeString);
pUnicodeString = NULL; } }
return pUnicodeString; }
LPWSTR FreeUnicodeString( LPWSTR pUnicodeString ) { if (!pUnicodeString) return NULL;
return LocalFree(pUnicodeString); }
LPBYTE AllocateUnicodeStructure( LPBYTE pAnsiStructure, DWORD cbStruct, LPDWORD pOffsets ) { DWORD i, j; LPWSTR *ppUnicodeString; LPSTR *ppAnsiString; LPBYTE pUnicodeStructure;
if (!pAnsiStructure) { return NULL; } pUnicodeStructure = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbStruct);
if (pUnicodeStructure) {
memcpy(pUnicodeStructure, pAnsiStructure, cbStruct);
for (i = 0 ; pOffsets[i] != -1 ; ++i) {
ppAnsiString = (LPSTR *)(pAnsiStructure+pOffsets[i]); ppUnicodeString = (LPWSTR *)(pUnicodeStructure+pOffsets[i]);
*ppUnicodeString = AllocateUnicodeString(*ppAnsiString);
if (*ppAnsiString && !*ppUnicodeString) {
for( j = 0 ; j < i ; ++j) { ppUnicodeString = (LPWSTR *)(pUnicodeStructure+pOffsets[j]); FreeUnicodeString(*ppUnicodeString); } LocalFree(pUnicodeStructure); pUnicodeStructure = NULL; break; } } }
return pUnicodeStructure; }
DWORD CopyOsVersionUnicodeToAnsi( IN OUT OSVERSIONWRAP Arg )
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Copies the contents of the UNICODE structure OSVERSIONINFO(EX) into the ANSI structure.
Return Value:
Win32 error core
OSVERSIONINFOEXW *pIn = Arg.Unicode.pOsVersionEx; OSVERSIONINFOEXA *pOut = Arg.Ansi.pOsVersionEx;
if (pIn && pOut) { dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
pOut->dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA); pOut->dwMajorVersion = pIn->dwMajorVersion; pOut->dwMinorVersion = pIn->dwMinorVersion; pOut->dwBuildNumber = pIn->dwBuildNumber; pOut->dwPlatformId = pIn->dwPlatformId;
// Initialize the array of chars szCSDVersion to 0 so that we are consistent with
// the return of the UNICODE versions of GetPrinterData(Ex).
memset(pOut->szCSDVersion, 0, COUNTOF(pOut->szCSDVersion));
UnicodeToAnsiString(pIn->szCSDVersion, pOut->szCSDVersion, NULL_TERMINATED);
// Copy the rest of the Ex structure
if (Arg.bOsVersionEx) { pOut->dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXA); pOut->wServicePackMajor = pIn->wServicePackMajor; pOut->wServicePackMinor = pIn->wServicePackMinor; pOut->wSuiteMask = pIn->wSuiteMask; pOut->wProductType = pIn->wProductType; pOut->wReserved = pIn->wReserved; } }
return dwError; }
DWORD ComputeMaxStrlenW( LPWSTR pString, DWORD cchBufMax)
Routine Description:
Returns the length of the Unicode string, EXCLUDING the NULL. If the string (plus NULL) won't fit into the cchBufMax, then the string len is decreased.
Return Value:
{ DWORD cchLen;
// Include space for the NULL.
cchLen = wcslen(pString);
if (cchLen > cchBufMax) return cchBufMax;
return cchLen; }
DWORD ComputeMaxStrlenA( LPSTR pString, DWORD cchBufMax)
Routine Description:
Returns the length of the Ansi string, EXCLUDING the NULL. If the string (plus NULL) won't fit into the cchBufMax, then the string len is decreased.
Return Value:
{ DWORD cchLen;
// Include space for the NULL.
cchLen = lstrlenA(pString);
if (cchLen > cchBufMax) return cchBufMax;
return cchLen; }
/***************************** Function Header ******************************
* AllocateUnicodeDevMode * Allocate a UNICODE version of the DEVMODE structure, and optionally * copy the contents of the ANSI version passed in. * * RETURNS: * Address of newly allocated structure, 0 if storage not available. * * ***************************************************************************/
LPDEVMODEW AllocateUnicodeDevMode( LPDEVMODEA pANSIDevMode ) { LPDEVMODEW pUnicodeDevMode; LPBYTE p1, p2; DWORD dwSize;
// If the devmode is NULL, then return NULL -- KrishnaG
if ( !pANSIDevMode || !pANSIDevMode->dmSize ) { return NULL; }
// Determine output structure size. This has two components: the
// DEVMODEW structure size, plus any private data area. The latter
// is only meaningful when a structure is passed in.
dwSize = pANSIDevMode->dmSize + pANSIDevMode->dmDriverExtra + sizeof(DEVMODEW) - sizeof(DEVMODEA);
pUnicodeDevMode = (LPDEVMODEW) LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwSize);
if( !pUnicodeDevMode ) { return NULL; }
// Copy dmDeviceName which is a string
if (pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName) { AnsiToUnicodeString(pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName, pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName, ComputeMaxStrlenA(pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName, sizeof pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName)); }
// Does the devmode we got have a dmFormName? (Windows 3.1 had
// DevMode of size 40 and did not have dmFormName)
if ( (LPBYTE)pANSIDevMode + pANSIDevMode->dmSize > (LPBYTE) pANSIDevMode->dmFormName ) {
// Copy everything between dmDeviceName and dmFormName
p1 = (LPBYTE) pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName + sizeof(pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName); p2 = (LPBYTE) pANSIDevMode->dmFormName;
CopyMemory((LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName + sizeof(pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName), p1, p2 - p1);
// Copy dmFormName which is a string
if (pANSIDevMode->dmFormName) { AnsiToUnicodeString(pANSIDevMode->dmFormName, pUnicodeDevMode->dmFormName, ComputeMaxStrlenA(pANSIDevMode->dmFormName, sizeof pANSIDevMode->dmFormName)); }
// Copy everything after dmFormName
p1 = (LPBYTE) pANSIDevMode->dmFormName + sizeof(pANSIDevMode->dmFormName); p2 = (LPBYTE) pANSIDevMode + pANSIDevMode->dmSize + pANSIDevMode->dmDriverExtra;
CopyMemory((LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode->dmFormName + sizeof(pUnicodeDevMode->dmFormName), p1, p2 - p1);
pUnicodeDevMode->dmSize = pANSIDevMode->dmSize + sizeof(DEVMODEW) - sizeof(DEVMODEA); } else {
// Copy everything after dmDeviceName
p1 = (LPBYTE) pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName + sizeof(pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName); p2 = (LPBYTE) pANSIDevMode + pANSIDevMode->dmSize + pANSIDevMode->dmDriverExtra;
CopyMemory((LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName + sizeof(pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName), p1, p2-p1);
pUnicodeDevMode->dmSize = pANSIDevMode->dmSize + sizeof(pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName) - sizeof(pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName); }
SPLASSERT(pUnicodeDevMode->dmDriverExtra == pANSIDevMode->dmDriverExtra);
return pUnicodeDevMode; }
/************************** Function Header ******************************
* CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode * Converts the UNICODE version of the DEVMODE to the ANSI version. * * RETURNS: * Nothing. * **************************************************************************/
void CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode( LPDEVMODEA pANSIDevMode, /* Filled in by us */ LPDEVMODEW pUnicodeDevMode /* Source of data to fill above */ ) { LPBYTE p1, p2, pExtra; WORD dmSize, dmDriverExtra;
dmSize = pUnicodeDevMode->dmSize; dmDriverExtra = pUnicodeDevMode->dmDriverExtra; pExtra = (LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode + pUnicodeDevMode->dmSize;
if (dmSize) { //
// Copy dmDeviceName which is a string
UnicodeToAnsiString(pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName, pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName, ComputeMaxStrlenW(pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName, sizeof pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName));
// Does the devmode we got have a dmFormName? (Windows 3.1 had
// DevMode of size 40 and did not have dmFormName)
if ( (LPBYTE)pUnicodeDevMode + dmSize > (LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode->dmFormName ) {
// Copy everything between dmDeviceName and dmFormName
p1 = (LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName + sizeof(pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName); p2 = (LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode->dmFormName;
MoveMemory((LPBYTE) pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName + sizeof(pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName), p1, p2 - p1);
// Copy dmFormName which is a string
UnicodeToAnsiString(pUnicodeDevMode->dmFormName, pANSIDevMode->dmFormName, ComputeMaxStrlenW(pUnicodeDevMode->dmFormName, sizeof pANSIDevMode->dmFormName));
// Copy everything after dmFormName
p1 = (LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode->dmFormName + sizeof(pUnicodeDevMode->dmFormName); p2 = (LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode + dmSize + dmDriverExtra;
MoveMemory((LPBYTE) pANSIDevMode->dmFormName + sizeof(pANSIDevMode->dmFormName), p1, p2 - p1);
pANSIDevMode->dmSize = dmSize + sizeof(DEVMODEA) - sizeof(DEVMODEW); } else {
// Copy everything after dmDeviceName
p1 = (LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName + sizeof(pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName); p2 = (LPBYTE) pUnicodeDevMode + dmSize + dmDriverExtra;
MoveMemory((LPBYTE) pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName + sizeof(pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName), p1, p2 - p1);
pANSIDevMode->dmSize = dmSize + sizeof(pANSIDevMode->dmDeviceName) - sizeof(pUnicodeDevMode->dmDeviceName); }
SPLASSERT(pANSIDevMode->dmDriverExtra == dmDriverExtra); }
return; }
BOOL ConvertAnsiDevModeToUnicodeDevmode( PDEVMODEA pAnsiDevMode, PDEVMODEW pUnicodeDevMode, DWORD dwUnicodeDevModeSize, PDWORD pcbNeeded ) { PDEVMODEW pDevModeW = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if ( !pAnsiDevMode ) {
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto Cleanup; }
pDevModeW = AllocateUnicodeDevMode(pAnsiDevMode); if ( !pDevModeW ) {
goto Cleanup; }
*pcbNeeded = pDevModeW->dmSize + pDevModeW->dmDriverExtra;
if ( *pcbNeeded > dwUnicodeDevModeSize ) {
SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); goto Cleanup; }
CopyMemory((LPBYTE)pUnicodeDevMode, (LPBYTE)pDevModeW, *pcbNeeded);
bRet = TRUE;
if ( pDevModeW ) LocalFree(pDevModeW);
return bRet; }
BOOL ConvertUnicodeDevModeToAnsiDevmode( PDEVMODEW pUnicodeDevMode, PDEVMODEA pAnsiDevMode, DWORD dwAnsiDevModeSize, PDWORD pcbNeeded ) { LPBYTE pDevMode = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE; DWORD dwSize;
if ( !pUnicodeDevMode ) {
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto Cleanup; }
dwSize = pUnicodeDevMode->dmSize + pUnicodeDevMode->dmDriverExtra;
pDevMode = LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwSize);
if ( !pDevMode ) {
goto Cleanup; }
CopyMemory(pDevMode, (LPBYTE)pUnicodeDevMode, dwSize);
CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode((PDEVMODEA) pDevMode, (PDEVMODEW) pDevMode);
*pcbNeeded = ((PDEVMODEA)pDevMode)->dmSize + ((PDEVMODEA)pDevMode)->dmDriverExtra;
if ( *pcbNeeded > dwAnsiDevModeSize ) {
SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); goto Cleanup; }
CopyMemory((LPBYTE)pAnsiDevMode, pDevMode, *pcbNeeded);
bRet = TRUE;
Cleanup: if ( pDevMode ) LocalFree(pDevMode);
return bRet; }
void FreeUnicodeStructure( LPBYTE pUnicodeStructure, LPDWORD pOffsets ) { DWORD i=0;
if ( pUnicodeStructure == NULL ) { return; }
if (pOffsets) { while (pOffsets[i] != -1) {
FreeUnicodeString(*(LPWSTR *)(pUnicodeStructure+pOffsets[i])); i++; } }
LocalFree( pUnicodeStructure ); }
BOOL EnumPrintersA( DWORD Flags, LPSTR Name, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPrinterEnum, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { BOOL ReturnValue; DWORD cbStruct; DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pUnicodeName;
switch (Level) {
case STRESSINFOLEVEL: pOffsets = PrinterInfoStressStrings; cbStruct = sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_STRESS); break;
case 4: pOffsets = PrinterInfo4Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_4); break;
case 1: pOffsets = PrinterInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_1); break;
case 2: pOffsets = PrinterInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2); break;
case 5: pOffsets = PrinterInfo5Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_5); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(Name); if (Name && !pUnicodeName) return FALSE;
ReturnValue = EnumPrintersW(Flags, pUnicodeName, Level, pPrinterEnum, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned);
if (ReturnValue && pPrinterEnum) {
DWORD i=*pcReturned;
while (i--) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pPrinterEnum, pOffsets);
if ((Level == 2) && pPrinterEnum) {
PRINTER_INFO_2 *pPrinterInfo2 = (PRINTER_INFO_2 *)pPrinterEnum;
if (pPrinterInfo2->pDevMode) CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode( (LPDEVMODEA)pPrinterInfo2->pDevMode, (LPDEVMODEW)pPrinterInfo2->pDevMode); }
pPrinterEnum+=cbStruct; } }
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL OpenPrinterA( LPSTR pPrinterName, LPHANDLE phPrinter, LPPRINTER_DEFAULTSA pDefault ) { BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE; LPWSTR pUnicodePrinterName = NULL; PRINTER_DEFAULTSW UnicodeDefaults={NULL, NULL, 0};
pUnicodePrinterName = AllocateUnicodeString(pPrinterName); if (pPrinterName && !pUnicodePrinterName) goto Cleanup;
if (pDefault) {
UnicodeDefaults.pDatatype = AllocateUnicodeString(pDefault->pDatatype); if (pDefault->pDatatype && !UnicodeDefaults.pDatatype) goto Cleanup;
// Milestones etc. 4.5 passes in a bogus devmode in pDefaults.
// Be sure to validate here.
if( BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeA(pDefault->pDevMode))){ UnicodeDefaults.pDevMode = AllocateUnicodeDevMode( pDefault->pDevMode );
if( !UnicodeDefaults.pDevMode ){ goto Cleanup; } }
UnicodeDefaults.DesiredAccess = pDefault->DesiredAccess; }
ReturnValue = OpenPrinterW(pUnicodePrinterName, phPrinter, &UnicodeDefaults);
if (ReturnValue) {
((PSPOOL)*phPrinter)->Status |= SPOOL_STATUS_ANSI; }
if (UnicodeDefaults.pDevMode) LocalFree(UnicodeDefaults.pDevMode);
FreeUnicodeString(UnicodeDefaults.pDatatype); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodePrinterName);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL ResetPrinterA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPPRINTER_DEFAULTSA pDefault ) { BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE; PRINTER_DEFAULTSW UnicodeDefaults={NULL, NULL, 0};
if (pDefault) {
if (pDefault->pDatatype == (LPSTR)-1) { UnicodeDefaults.pDatatype = (LPWSTR)-1; } else {
UnicodeDefaults.pDatatype = AllocateUnicodeString(pDefault->pDatatype); if (pDefault->pDatatype && !UnicodeDefaults.pDatatype) return FALSE; }
if (pDefault->pDevMode == (LPDEVMODEA)-1) { UnicodeDefaults.pDevMode = (LPDEVMODEW)-1; } else {
if( BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeA(pDefault->pDevMode))){ UnicodeDefaults.pDevMode = AllocateUnicodeDevMode( pDefault->pDevMode );
if( !UnicodeDefaults.pDevMode ){ goto Cleanup; } } } }
ReturnValue = ResetPrinterW(hPrinter, &UnicodeDefaults);
if (UnicodeDefaults.pDevMode && (UnicodeDefaults.pDevMode != (LPDEVMODEW)-1)){
LocalFree(UnicodeDefaults.pDevMode); }
if (UnicodeDefaults.pDatatype && (UnicodeDefaults.pDatatype != (LPWSTR)-1)) { FreeUnicodeString(UnicodeDefaults.pDatatype); }
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL SetJobA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD JobId, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pJob, DWORD Command ) { BOOL ReturnValue=FALSE; LPBYTE pUnicodeStructure=NULL; LPDEVMODEW pDevModeW = NULL; DWORD cbStruct; DWORD *pOffsets;
switch (Level) {
case 0: break;
case 1: pOffsets = JobInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(JOB_INFO_1); break;
case 2: pOffsets = JobInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(JOB_INFO_2); break;
case 3: return SetJobW( hPrinter, JobId, Level, pJob, Command );
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
if (Level) { pUnicodeStructure = AllocateUnicodeStructure(pJob, cbStruct, pOffsets); if (pJob && !pUnicodeStructure) return FALSE; }
if ( Level == 2 && pUnicodeStructure && pJob ) {
if( BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeA(((LPJOB_INFO_2A)pJob)->pDevMode))){ pDevModeW = AllocateUnicodeDevMode(((LPJOB_INFO_2A)pJob)->pDevMode);
if( !pDevModeW ){ ReturnValue = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } ((LPJOB_INFO_2W) pUnicodeStructure)->pDevMode = pDevModeW; } }
ReturnValue = SetJobW(hPrinter, JobId, Level, pUnicodeStructure, Command);
if ( pDevModeW ) {
LocalFree(pDevModeW); }
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeStructure(pUnicodeStructure, pOffsets);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL GetJobA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD JobId, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pJob, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { DWORD *pOffsets;
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = JobInfo1Strings; break;
case 2: pOffsets = JobInfo2Strings; break;
case 3: return GetJobW( hPrinter, JobId, Level, pJob, cbBuf, pcbNeeded );
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
if (GetJob(hPrinter, JobId, Level, pJob, cbBuf, pcbNeeded)) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pJob, pOffsets);
// Convert the devmode in place for INFO_2.
if( Level == 2 ){
PJOB_INFO_2A pJobInfo2 = (PJOB_INFO_2A)pJob;
if( pJobInfo2->pDevMode ){ CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode( (LPDEVMODEA)pJobInfo2->pDevMode, (LPDEVMODEW)pJobInfo2->pDevMode); } }
return TRUE;
} else
return FALSE; }
BOOL EnumJobsA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD FirstJob, DWORD NoJobs, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pJob, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { DWORD i, cbStruct, *pOffsets;
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = JobInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(JOB_INFO_1); break;
case 2: pOffsets = JobInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(JOB_INFO_2); break;
case 3: return EnumJobsW( hPrinter, FirstJob, NoJobs, Level, pJob, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned );
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
if (EnumJobsW(hPrinter, FirstJob, NoJobs, Level, pJob, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned)) {
while (i--) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pJob, pOffsets);
// Convert the devmode in place for INFO_2.
if( Level == 2 ){
PJOB_INFO_2A pJobInfo2 = (PJOB_INFO_2A)pJob;
if( pJobInfo2->pDevMode ){ CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode( (LPDEVMODEA)pJobInfo2->pDevMode, (LPDEVMODEW)pJobInfo2->pDevMode); } }
pJob += cbStruct; }
return TRUE;
} else
return FALSE; }
HANDLE AddPrinterA( LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPrinter ) { HANDLE hPrinter = NULL; LPBYTE pUnicodeStructure = NULL; LPDEVMODEW pDevModeW = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; DWORD cbStruct; DWORD *pOffsets;
switch (Level) {
case 2: pOffsets = PrinterInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return NULL; }
if (!pPrinter) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return NULL; }
pUnicodeStructure = AllocateUnicodeStructure(pPrinter, cbStruct, pOffsets); if (pPrinter && !pUnicodeStructure) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
if ( pUnicodeStructure ) {
if( BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeA(((LPPRINTER_INFO_2A)pPrinter)->pDevMode))){ pDevModeW = AllocateUnicodeDevMode( ((LPPRINTER_INFO_2A)pPrinter)->pDevMode);
if( !pDevModeW ){ goto Cleanup; } }
((LPPRINTER_INFO_2W)pUnicodeStructure)->pDevMode = pDevModeW;
hPrinter = AddPrinterW(pUnicodeName, Level, pUnicodeStructure); }
FreeUnicodeString( pUnicodeName );
if ( pDevModeW ) {
LocalFree(pDevModeW); }
FreeUnicodeStructure( pUnicodeStructure, pOffsets );
return hPrinter; }
BOOL AddPrinterConnectionA( LPSTR pName ) { BOOL rc; LPWSTR pUnicodeName;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) return FALSE;
rc = AddPrinterConnectionW(pUnicodeName);
return rc; }
BOOL DeletePrinterConnectionA( LPSTR pName ) { BOOL rc; LPWSTR pUnicodeName;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) return FALSE;
rc = DeletePrinterConnectionW(pUnicodeName);
return rc; }
BOOL SetPrinterA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPrinter, DWORD Command ) { LPBYTE pUnicodeStructure; /* Unicode version of input data */ DWORD cbStruct; /* Size of the output structure */ DWORD *pOffsets; /* -1 terminated list of addresses */ DWORD ReturnValue=FALSE;
// For APP compat. Win9x handled this
if (eProtectHandle(hPrinter, FALSE)) { return FALSE; }
switch (Level) {
case 0: //
// This could be 2 cases. STRESSINFOLEVEL, or the real 0 level.
// If Command is 0 then it is STRESSINFOLEVEL, else real 0 level
if ( !Command ) {
pOffsets = PrinterInfoStressStrings; cbStruct = sizeof( PRINTER_INFO_STRESS ); } break;
case 1: pOffsets = PrinterInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof( PRINTER_INFO_1 ); break;
case 2: pOffsets = PrinterInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof( PRINTER_INFO_2 ); break;
case 3: pOffsets = PrinterInfo3Strings; cbStruct = sizeof( PRINTER_INFO_3 ); break;
case 4: pOffsets = PrinterInfo4Strings; cbStruct = sizeof( PRINTER_INFO_4 ); break;
case 5: pOffsets = PrinterInfo5Strings; cbStruct = sizeof( PRINTER_INFO_5 ); break;
case 6: break;
case 7: pOffsets = PrinterInfo7Strings; cbStruct = sizeof( PRINTER_INFO_7 ); break;
case 8: pOffsets = PrinterInfo8Strings; cbStruct = sizeof( PRINTER_INFO_8 ); break;
case 9: pOffsets = PrinterInfo9Strings; cbStruct = sizeof( PRINTER_INFO_9 ); break;
default: SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL ); goto Done; }
// The structure needs to have its CONTENTS converted from
// ANSI to Unicode. The above switch() statement filled in
// the two important pieces of information needed to accomplish
// this goal. First is the size of the structure, second is
// a list of the offset within the structure to UNICODE
// string pointers. The AllocateUnicodeStructure() call will
// allocate a wide version of the structure, copy its contents
// and convert the strings to Unicode as it goes. That leaves
// us to deal with any other pieces needing conversion.
// If Level == 0 and Command != 0 then pPrinter is a DWORD
if ( Level == 6 || (!Level && Command) ) {
if ( Level == 6 || Command == PRINTER_CONTROL_SET_STATUS ) pUnicodeStructure = pPrinter; else pUnicodeStructure = NULL;
} else {
pUnicodeStructure = AllocateUnicodeStructure(pPrinter, cbStruct, pOffsets); if (pPrinter && !pUnicodeStructure) { goto Done; } }
#define pPrinterInfo2W ((LPPRINTER_INFO_2W)pUnicodeStructure)
#define pPrinterInfo2A ((LPPRINTER_INFO_2A)pPrinter)
// The Level 2 structure has a DEVMODE struct in it: convert now
if ( Level == 2 && pPrinterInfo2A && pPrinterInfo2A->pDevMode ) {
if( BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeA(pPrinterInfo2A->pDevMode))){ pPrinterInfo2W->pDevMode = AllocateUnicodeDevMode( pPrinterInfo2A->pDevMode );
if( !pPrinterInfo2W->pDevMode) { FreeUnicodeStructure(pUnicodeStructure, pOffsets); goto Done; } } }
#define pPrinterInfo8W ((LPPRINTER_INFO_8W)pUnicodeStructure)
#define pPrinterInfo8A ((LPPRINTER_INFO_8A)pPrinter)
if (( Level == 8 || Level == 9 ) && pPrinterInfo8A && pPrinterInfo8A->pDevMode ) {
if( BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeA(pPrinterInfo8A->pDevMode))){ pPrinterInfo8W->pDevMode = AllocateUnicodeDevMode( pPrinterInfo8A->pDevMode );
if( !pPrinterInfo8W->pDevMode) { FreeUnicodeStructure(pUnicodeStructure, pOffsets); goto Done; } } }
ReturnValue = SetPrinterW( hPrinter, Level, pUnicodeStructure, Command );
// Free the DEVMODE we allocated (if we did!), then the
// the Unicode structure and its contents.
if (Level == 2 && pPrinterInfo2W && pPrinterInfo2W->pDevMode ) {
LocalFree( pPrinterInfo2W->pDevMode ); }
if ((Level == 8 || Level == 9) && pUnicodeStructure && pPrinterInfo8W->pDevMode ) {
LocalFree( pPrinterInfo8W->pDevMode ); }
// STRESS_INFO and Levels 1-5
if ( Level != 6 && (Level || !Command) ) FreeUnicodeStructure( pUnicodeStructure, pOffsets );
#undef pPrinterInfo2W
#undef pPrinterInfo2A
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL GetPrinterA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPrinter, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { DWORD *pOffsets;
switch (Level) {
case STRESSINFOLEVEL: pOffsets = PrinterInfoStressOffsets; break;
case 1: pOffsets = PrinterInfo1Strings; break;
case 2: pOffsets = PrinterInfo2Strings; break;
case 3: pOffsets = PrinterInfo3Strings; break;
case 4: pOffsets = PrinterInfo4Strings; break;
case 5: pOffsets = PrinterInfo5Strings; break;
case 6: pOffsets = PrinterInfo6Strings; break;
case 7: pOffsets = PrinterInfo7Strings; break;
case 8: pOffsets = PrinterInfo8Strings; break;
case 9: pOffsets = PrinterInfo9Strings; break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
if (GetPrinter(hPrinter, Level, pPrinter, cbBuf, pcbNeeded)) {
if (pPrinter) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pPrinter, pOffsets);
if ((Level == 2) && pPrinter) {
PRINTER_INFO_2 *pPrinterInfo2 = (PRINTER_INFO_2 *)pPrinter;
if (pPrinterInfo2->pDevMode) CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode( (LPDEVMODEA)pPrinterInfo2->pDevMode, (LPDEVMODEW)pPrinterInfo2->pDevMode); }
if ((Level == 8 || Level == 9) && pPrinter) {
PRINTER_INFO_8 *pPrinterInfo8 = (PRINTER_INFO_8 *)pPrinter;
if (pPrinterInfo8->pDevMode) CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode( (LPDEVMODEA)pPrinterInfo8->pDevMode, (LPDEVMODEW)pPrinterInfo8->pDevMode); } }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL UnicodeToAnsiMultiSz( LPWSTR pUnicodeDependentFiles ) { LPWSTR pAlignedUnicodeStr = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeStr; DWORD StringLength, rc; DWORD Index; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// Conversion in place
if (!(pUnicodeDependentFiles) || !*pUnicodeDependentFiles) {
bReturn = TRUE;
} else {
if ((ULONG_PTR)pUnicodeDependentFiles != (((ULONG_PTR) (pUnicodeDependentFiles) + (sizeof(WCHAR) - 1))&~(sizeof(WCHAR) - 1))) {
// Calculate the length of the unaligned multisz string
for (StringLength = 0; !( ((LPSTR)pUnicodeDependentFiles)[StringLength] == '\0' && ((LPSTR)pUnicodeDependentFiles)[StringLength + 1] == '\0' && ((LPSTR)pUnicodeDependentFiles)[StringLength + 2] == '\0' && ((LPSTR)pUnicodeDependentFiles)[StringLength + 3] == '\0' ); StringLength += 2) ;
StringLength /= 2;
// Include NULL terminator for last string and NULL terminator for MULTI SZ
StringLength +=2;
} else {
// The string is WCHAR aligned.
pUnicodeStr = pUnicodeDependentFiles;
while ( *pUnicodeStr ) {
pUnicodeStr += wcslen(pUnicodeStr) + 1; }
StringLength = (DWORD) (pUnicodeStr - pUnicodeDependentFiles + 1); }
// Since WideCharToMultiByte doesn't do in place conversion,
// duplicate the pUnicodeDependentFiles regardless if it is aligned or not.
if (pAlignedUnicodeStr = LocalAlloc(LPTR, StringLength * sizeof(char) * 2)) {
memcpy( pAlignedUnicodeStr, pUnicodeDependentFiles, StringLength * sizeof(char)* 2);
rc = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, pAlignedUnicodeStr, StringLength, (LPSTR)pUnicodeDependentFiles, StringLength * 2, NULL, NULL );
LocalFree( pAlignedUnicodeStr );
bReturn = rc > 0; }
return bReturn; }
BOOL AnsiToUnicodeMultiSz( LPSTR pAnsiDependentFiles, LPWSTR *pUnicodeDependentFiles ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeStr; LPSTR pAnsiStr; DWORD len, rc;
if ( ! (pAnsiStr = pAnsiDependentFiles) || !*pAnsiStr ) { *pUnicodeDependentFiles = NULL; return TRUE; }
while ( *pAnsiStr ) pAnsiStr += strlen(pAnsiStr) + 1; len = (DWORD) (pAnsiStr - pAnsiDependentFiles + 1);
if ( !(*pUnicodeDependentFiles = LocalAlloc(LPTR, len * sizeof(WCHAR))) ) {
return FALSE; }
AnsiToUnicodeString(pAnsiDependentFiles, *pUnicodeDependentFiles, len-1);
return TRUE; }
BOOL AddPrinterDriverExA( LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, PBYTE pPrinter, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags ) { BOOL ReturnValue=FALSE; DWORD cbStruct; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPBYTE pUnicodeStructure = NULL; LPDWORD pOffsets;
switch (Level) {
case 2: pOffsets = DriverInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_2); break;
case 3: pOffsets = DriverInfo3Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_3); break;
case 4: pOffsets = DriverInfo4Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_4); break;
case 6: pOffsets = DriverInfo6Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_6); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
if (!pPrinter) {
pUnicodeStructure = AllocateUnicodeStructure(pPrinter, cbStruct, pOffsets); if (pPrinter && !pUnicodeStructure) goto Error;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Error;
// Handle dependent files which is upto \0\0
if ( ( Level == 3 || Level == 4 || Level ==6 ) && !AnsiToUnicodeMultiSz( (LPSTR) ((PDRIVER_INFO_3A)pPrinter)->pDependentFiles, &(((PDRIVER_INFO_3W)pUnicodeStructure)->pDependentFiles)) ) {
goto Error; }
// Handle pszzPreviousNames which is upto \0\0
if ( ( Level == 4 || Level == 6 ) && !AnsiToUnicodeMultiSz( (LPSTR) ((PDRIVER_INFO_4A)pPrinter)->pszzPreviousNames, &(((PDRIVER_INFO_4W)pUnicodeStructure)->pszzPreviousNames)) ) {
goto Error; }
ReturnValue = AddPrinterDriverExW(pUnicodeName, Level, pUnicodeStructure,dwFileCopyFlags);
if ( ( Level == 3 || Level == 4 || Level == 6) && ((PDRIVER_INFO_3W)pUnicodeStructure)->pDependentFiles ) {
LocalFree(((PDRIVER_INFO_3W)pUnicodeStructure)->pDependentFiles); }
if ( (Level == 4 || Level == 6 )&& (((PDRIVER_INFO_4)pUnicodeStructure)->pszzPreviousNames) ) LocalFree(((PDRIVER_INFO_4)pUnicodeStructure)->pszzPreviousNames);
FreeUnicodeStructure( pUnicodeStructure, pOffsets );
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL AddPrinterDriverA( LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, PBYTE pPrinter ) { return AddPrinterDriverExA(pName, Level, pPrinter, APD_COPY_NEW_FILES); }
BOOL EnumPrinterDriversA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { BOOL ReturnValue=FALSE; DWORD cbStruct; DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL;
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = DriverInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_1); break;
case 2: pOffsets = DriverInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_2); break;
case 3: pOffsets = DriverInfo3Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_3); break;
case 4: pOffsets = DriverInfo4Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_4); break;
case 5: pOffsets = DriverInfo5Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_5); break;
case 6: pOffsets = DriverInfo6Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_6); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) goto Cleanup;
if (ReturnValue = EnumPrinterDriversW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodeEnvironment, Level, pDriverInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned)) { if (pDriverInfo) {
DWORD i=*pcReturned;
while (i--) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pDriverInfo, pOffsets);
if ( ( Level == 3 || Level == 4 || Level == 6) && !UnicodeToAnsiMultiSz( ((PDRIVER_INFO_3) pDriverInfo)->pDependentFiles) ) ReturnValue = FALSE;
if ( ( Level == 4 || Level == 6 ) && !UnicodeToAnsiMultiSz( ((PDRIVER_INFO_4) pDriverInfo)->pszzPreviousNames) ) ReturnValue = FALSE;
pDriverInfo+=cbStruct; } }
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL GetPrinterDriverA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL; BOOL ReturnValue;
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = DriverInfo1Strings; break;
case 2: pOffsets = DriverInfo2Strings; break;
case 3: pOffsets = DriverInfo3Strings; break;
case 4: pOffsets = DriverInfo4Strings; break;
case 5: pOffsets = DriverInfo5Strings; break;
case 6: pOffsets = DriverInfo6Strings; break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) return FALSE;
if (ReturnValue = GetPrinterDriverW(hPrinter, pUnicodeEnvironment, Level, pDriverInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded)) { if (pDriverInfo) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pDriverInfo, pOffsets);
if ( ( Level == 3 || Level == 4 || Level == 6) && !UnicodeToAnsiMultiSz( ((PDRIVER_INFO_3)pDriverInfo)->pDependentFiles) ) {
ReturnValue = FALSE; }
if ( ( Level == 4 || Level == 6 ) && !UnicodeToAnsiMultiSz( ((PDRIVER_INFO_4)pDriverInfo)->pszzPreviousNames) ) {
ReturnValue = FALSE; } } }
// If called to get the size of buffer it will return the size of a W structure and strings
// rather than the A version. also see enum
// This cannot cause any harm since we are only allocating more memory than we need.
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL GetPrinterDriverDirectoryA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverDirectory, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pDriverDirectoryW = NULL; BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE; DWORD Offsets[]={0,(DWORD)-1};
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = DriverInfo1Offsets; break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) goto Cleanup;
if (ReturnValue = GetPrinterDriverDirectoryW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodeEnvironment, Level, pDriverDirectory, cbBuf, pcbNeeded)) {
if (pDriverDirectory) {
UnicodeToAnsiString((LPWSTR)pDriverDirectory, pDriverDirectory, NULL_TERMINATED);
} }
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL DeletePrinterDriverExA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, LPSTR pDriverName, DWORD dwDeleteFlag, DWORD dwVersionNum ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeDriverName = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeDriverName = AllocateUnicodeString(pDriverName); if (pDriverName && !pUnicodeDriverName) goto Cleanup;
rc = DeletePrinterDriverExW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodeEnvironment, pUnicodeDriverName, dwDeleteFlag, dwVersionNum);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName);
return rc; }
BOOL DeletePrinterDriverA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, LPSTR pDriverName ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeDriverName = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeDriverName = AllocateUnicodeString(pDriverName); if (pDriverName && !pUnicodeDriverName) goto Cleanup;
rc = DeletePrinterDriverW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodeEnvironment, pUnicodeDriverName);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName);
return rc; }
BOOL AddPerMachineConnectionA( LPCSTR pServer, LPCSTR pPrinterName, LPCSTR pPrintServer, LPCSTR pProvider ) {
LPWSTR pUnicodeServer = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodePrinterName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodePrintServer = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeProvider = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE;
pUnicodeServer = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR)pServer); if (pServer && !pUnicodeServer) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodePrinterName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR)pPrinterName); if (pPrinterName && !pUnicodePrinterName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodePrintServer = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR)pPrintServer); if (pPrintServer && !pUnicodePrintServer) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeProvider = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR)pProvider); if (pProvider && !pUnicodeProvider) goto Cleanup;
rc = AddPerMachineConnectionW((LPCWSTR) pUnicodeServer, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodePrinterName, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodePrintServer, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodeProvider);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeServer);
return rc; }
BOOL DeletePerMachineConnectionA( LPCSTR pServer, LPCSTR pPrinterName ) {
LPWSTR pUnicodeServer = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodePrinterName = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE;
pUnicodeServer = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR)pServer); if (pServer && !pUnicodeServer) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodePrinterName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR)pPrinterName); if (pPrinterName && !pUnicodePrinterName) goto Cleanup;
rc = DeletePerMachineConnectionW((LPCWSTR) pUnicodeServer, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodePrinterName);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeServer);
return rc; }
BOOL EnumPerMachineConnectionsA( LPCSTR pServer, LPBYTE pPrinterEnum, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { BOOL ReturnValue=FALSE; DWORD cbStruct,index; DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pUnicodeServer = NULL;
pOffsets = PrinterInfo4Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_4);
pUnicodeServer = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR)pServer); if (pServer && !pUnicodeServer) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = EnumPerMachineConnectionsW((LPCWSTR) pUnicodeServer, pPrinterEnum, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned);
if (ReturnValue && pPrinterEnum) { index=*pcReturned; while (index--) { ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pPrinterEnum, pOffsets); pPrinterEnum+=cbStruct; } }
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeServer); return ReturnValue; }
BOOL AddPrintProcessorA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, LPSTR pPathName, LPSTR pPrintProcessorName ) { BOOL ReturnValue=FALSE; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodePathName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodePrintProcessorName = NULL;
if (!pPathName || !*pPathName) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (!pPrintProcessorName || !*pPrintProcessorName) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodePathName = AllocateUnicodeString(pPathName); if (pPathName && !pUnicodePathName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodePrintProcessorName = AllocateUnicodeString(pPrintProcessorName); if (pPrintProcessorName && !pUnicodePrintProcessorName) goto Cleanup;
if (pUnicodePathName && pUnicodePrintProcessorName) {
ReturnValue = AddPrintProcessorW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodeEnvironment, pUnicodePathName, pUnicodePrintProcessorName); }
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeEnvironment); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodePathName); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodePrintProcessorName);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL EnumPrintProcessorsA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPrintProcessorInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { BOOL ReturnValue=FALSE; DWORD cbStruct; DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL;
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = PrintProcessorInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) goto Cleanup;
if (ReturnValue = EnumPrintProcessorsW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodeEnvironment, Level, pPrintProcessorInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned)) { if (pPrintProcessorInfo) {
DWORD i=*pcReturned;
while (i--) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pPrintProcessorInfo, pOffsets);
pPrintProcessorInfo+=cbStruct; } }
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL GetPrintProcessorDirectoryA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPrintProcessorInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = GetPrintProcessorDirectoryW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodeEnvironment, Level, pPrintProcessorInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded);
if (ReturnValue && pPrintProcessorInfo) { UnicodeToAnsiString((LPWSTR)pPrintProcessorInfo, (LPSTR)pPrintProcessorInfo, NULL_TERMINATED); }
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pPrintProcessorName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDatatype, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { BOOL ReturnValue=FALSE; DWORD cbStruct; DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodePrintProcessorName = NULL;
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = DatatypeInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(DATATYPES_INFO_1); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodePrintProcessorName = AllocateUnicodeString(pPrintProcessorName); if (pPrintProcessorName && !pUnicodePrintProcessorName) goto Cleanup;
if (ReturnValue = EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodePrintProcessorName, Level, pDatatype, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned)) { if (pDatatype) {
DWORD i=*pcReturned;
while (i--) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pDatatype, pOffsets);
pDatatype += cbStruct; } }
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName);
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD StartDocPrinterA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDocInfo ) { BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE; LPBYTE pUnicodeStructure = NULL; DWORD cbStruct;
// level 2 is supported on win95 and not on NT
switch (Level) { case 1: cbStruct = sizeof(DOC_INFO_1A); break; case 3: cbStruct = sizeof(DOC_INFO_3A); break; default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); goto Cleanup; }
pUnicodeStructure = AllocateUnicodeStructure(pDocInfo, cbStruct, DocInfo1Offsets); if (pDocInfo && !pUnicodeStructure) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = StartDocPrinterW(hPrinter, Level, pUnicodeStructure);
FreeUnicodeStructure(pUnicodeStructure, DocInfo1Offsets);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL AddJobA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pData, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { BOOL ReturnValue;
if( Level == 2 || Level == 3 ){
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL ); return FALSE; }
if (ReturnValue = AddJobW(hPrinter, Level, pData, cbBuf, pcbNeeded))
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pData, AddJobStrings);
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD GetPrinterDataA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPSTR pValueName, LPDWORD pType, LPBYTE pData, DWORD nSize, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { DWORD ReturnValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD ReturnType = 0; LPWSTR pUnicodeValueName = NULL;
pUnicodeValueName = AllocateUnicodeString(pValueName);
// pUnicodeValueName will be NULL if the caller passed NULL for pValueName. The
// invalid situation is when pValueName is non NULL and pUnicodeValueName is NULL
if (pUnicodeValueName || !pValueName) { if (!pType) { pType = (PDWORD)&ReturnType; }
if (pUnicodeValueName && !_wcsicmp(pUnicodeValueName, SPLREG_OS_VERSION)) { //
// The caller wants OSVersion
ReturnValue = GetPrinterDataW(hPrinter, pUnicodeValueName, pType, (PBYTE)&osw, nSize >= sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA) ? sizeof(osw) : nSize, pcbNeeded);
if (ReturnValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && pData) { OSVERSIONWRAP wrap = {0};
wrap.bOsVersionEx = FALSE; wrap.Unicode.pOsVersion = &osw; wrap.Ansi.pOsVersion = (OSVERSIONINFOA *)pData;
ReturnValue = CopyOsVersionUnicodeToAnsi(wrap); }
// Set correct number of bytes required/returned
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA); } } else if (pUnicodeValueName && !_wcsicmp(pUnicodeValueName, SPLREG_OS_VERSIONEX)) { //
// The caller wants OSVersionEx
ReturnValue = GetPrinterDataW(hPrinter, pUnicodeValueName, pType, (PBYTE)&osexw, nSize >= sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXA) ? sizeof(osexw) : nSize, pcbNeeded);
if (ReturnValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && pData) { OSVERSIONWRAP wrap = {0};
wrap.bOsVersionEx = TRUE; wrap.Unicode.pOsVersionEx = &osexw; wrap.Ansi.pOsVersionEx = (OSVERSIONINFOEXA *)pData;
ReturnValue = CopyOsVersionUnicodeToAnsi(wrap); }
// Set correct number of bytes required/returned
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXA); } } else { ReturnValue = GetPrinterDataW(hPrinter, pUnicodeValueName, pType, pData, nSize, pcbNeeded);
// Special case string values
if ((ReturnValue == ERROR_MORE_DATA || ReturnValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (*pType == REG_MULTI_SZ || *pType == REG_SZ || *pType == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) { if (ReturnValue==ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// The buffer passed in by the caller was large enough. We only need to
// convert from UNICODE to ANSI. It can happen that a UNICODE char will
// be represented on 3 ansi chars, so we cannot assume that if a buffer
// is large enough for a unicode string, it can also accomodate the converted
// ansi string.
ReturnValue = UnicodeToAnsi(NULL, 0, pData, *pcbNeeded, pcbNeeded); } else { BYTE *pBuf = NULL;
if (pBuf = LocalAlloc(LPTR, *pcbNeeded)) { if ((ReturnValue = GetPrinterDataW(hPrinter, pUnicodeValueName, pType, pBuf, *pcbNeeded, pcbNeeded)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReturnValue = UnicodeToAnsi(pBuf, *pcbNeeded / sizeof(WCHAR), pData, nSize, pcbNeeded); }
LocalFree(pBuf); } else { ReturnValue = GetLastError(); } } } } } else { //
// pUnicodeValueName is NULL and pValueName is NOT NULL, so AllocateUnicodeString failed
// AllocateUnicodeString sets the LastError correctly
ReturnValue = GetLastError(); }
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD GetPrinterDataExA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPCSTR pKeyName, LPCSTR pValueName, LPDWORD pType, LPBYTE pData, DWORD nSize, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { DWORD ReturnValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD ReturnType = 0; LPWSTR pUnicodeValueName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeKeyName = NULL;
pUnicodeValueName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR) pValueName); if (pValueName && !pUnicodeValueName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeKeyName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR) pKeyName); if (pKeyName && !pUnicodeKeyName) goto Cleanup;
if (!pType) { pType = (PDWORD) &ReturnType; }
if (pUnicodeValueName && !_wcsicmp(pUnicodeValueName, SPLREG_OS_VERSION)) { //
// The caller wants OSVersion
ReturnValue = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, (LPCWSTR)pUnicodeKeyName, (LPCWSTR)pUnicodeValueName, pType, (PBYTE)&osw, nSize >= sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA) ? sizeof(osw) : nSize, pcbNeeded);
if (ReturnValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && pData) { OSVERSIONWRAP wrap = {0};
wrap.bOsVersionEx = FALSE; wrap.Unicode.pOsVersion = &osw; wrap.Ansi.pOsVersion = (OSVERSIONINFOA *)pData;
ReturnValue = CopyOsVersionUnicodeToAnsi(wrap); }
// Set correct number of bytes required/returned
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA); } } else if (pUnicodeValueName && !_wcsicmp(pUnicodeValueName, SPLREG_OS_VERSIONEX)) { //
// The caller wants OSVersionEx
ReturnValue = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, (LPCWSTR)pUnicodeKeyName, (LPCWSTR)pUnicodeValueName, pType, (PBYTE)&osexw, nSize >= sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXA) ? sizeof(osexw) : nSize, pcbNeeded);
if (ReturnValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && pData) { OSVERSIONWRAP wrap = {0};
wrap.bOsVersionEx = TRUE; wrap.Unicode.pOsVersionEx = &osexw; wrap.Ansi.pOsVersionEx = (OSVERSIONINFOEXA *)pData;
ReturnValue = CopyOsVersionUnicodeToAnsi(wrap); }
// Set correct number of bytes required/returned
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXA); } } else { ReturnValue = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, (LPCWSTR)pUnicodeKeyName, (LPCWSTR)pUnicodeValueName, pType, pData, nSize, pcbNeeded);
// Special case string values
if ((ReturnValue == ERROR_MORE_DATA || ReturnValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (*pType == REG_MULTI_SZ || *pType == REG_SZ || *pType == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) { if (ReturnValue==ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// The buffer passed in by the caller was large enough. We only need to
// convert from UNICODE to ANSI. It can happen that a UNICODE char will
// be represented on 3 ansi chars, so we cannot assume that if a buffer
// is large enough for a unicode string, it can also accomodate the converted
// ansi string.
ReturnValue = UnicodeToAnsi(NULL, 0, pData, *pcbNeeded, pcbNeeded); } else { BYTE *pBuf = NULL;
if (pBuf = LocalAlloc(LPTR, *pcbNeeded)) { if ((ReturnValue = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, (LPCWSTR)pUnicodeKeyName, (LPCWSTR)pUnicodeValueName, pType, pBuf, *pcbNeeded, pcbNeeded)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReturnValue = UnicodeToAnsi(pBuf, *pcbNeeded / sizeof(WCHAR), pData, nSize, pcbNeeded); }
LocalFree(pBuf); } else { ReturnValue = GetLastError(); } } } }
FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeKeyName); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeValueName);
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD EnumPrinterDataA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD dwIndex, // index of value to query
LPSTR pValueName, // address of buffer for value string
DWORD cbValueName, // size of pValueName
LPDWORD pcbValueName, // address for size of value buffer
LPDWORD pType, // address of buffer for type code
LPBYTE pData, // address of buffer for value data
DWORD cbData, // size of pData
LPDWORD pcbData // address for size of data buffer
) { DWORD ReturnValue = 0; DWORD i;
ReturnValue = EnumPrinterDataW(hPrinter, dwIndex, (LPWSTR) pValueName, cbValueName, pcbValueName, pType, pData, cbData, pcbData);
if (ReturnValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && (cbValueName || cbData)) { if (pData && pType && (*pType==REG_SZ || *pType==REG_MULTI_SZ || *pType==REG_EXPAND_SZ)) { //
// For this API we will require a buffer size that can accomodate UNICODE strings
// We do not want UnicodeToAnsi to update the number of bytes needed to store
// the string converted to ansi.
UnicodeToAnsi(NULL, 0, pData, *pcbData, NULL); }
UnicodeToAnsiString((LPWSTR) pValueName, (LPSTR) pValueName, NULL_TERMINATED); }
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD EnumPrinterDataExA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPCSTR pKeyName, LPBYTE pEnumValues, DWORD cbEnumValues, LPDWORD pcbEnumValues, LPDWORD pnEnumValues ) { DWORD ReturnValue = 0; DWORD i; PPRINTER_ENUM_VALUES pEnumValue; LPWSTR pUnicodeKeyName = NULL;
pUnicodeKeyName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR) pKeyName); if (pKeyName && !pUnicodeKeyName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = EnumPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodeKeyName, pEnumValues, cbEnumValues, pcbEnumValues, pnEnumValues);
if (ReturnValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pEnumValue = (PPRINTER_ENUM_VALUES) pEnumValues;
for(i = 0 ; i < *pnEnumValues ; ++i, ++pEnumValue) {
if (pEnumValue->cbValueName) { UnicodeToAnsiString((LPWSTR) pEnumValue->pValueName, (LPSTR) pEnumValue->pValueName, NULL_TERMINATED); }
if (pEnumValue->pData && (pEnumValue->dwType == REG_SZ || pEnumValue->dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ || pEnumValue->dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ)) {
// For this API we will require a buffer size that can accomodate UNICODE strings
// We do not want UnicodeToAnsi to update the number of bytes needed to store
// the string converted to ansi.
UnicodeToAnsi(NULL, 0, pEnumValue->pData, pEnumValue->cbData, NULL); } } }
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD EnumPrinterKeyA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPCSTR pKeyName, LPSTR pSubkey, // address of buffer for value string
DWORD cbSubkey, // size of pValueName
LPDWORD pcbSubkey // address for size of value buffer
) { DWORD ReturnValue = 0; LPWSTR pUnicodeKeyName = NULL;
pUnicodeKeyName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR) pKeyName); if (pKeyName && !pUnicodeKeyName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = EnumPrinterKeyW( hPrinter, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodeKeyName, (LPWSTR) pSubkey, cbSubkey, pcbSubkey);
if (ReturnValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && cbSubkey) { ReturnValue = UnicodeToAnsi(NULL, 0, pSubkey, *pcbSubkey, pcbSubkey); } else if (ReturnValue == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { BYTE *pBuf = NULL;
if (pBuf = LocalAlloc(LPTR, *pcbSubkey)) { if ((ReturnValue = EnumPrinterKeyW(hPrinter, (LPCWSTR)pUnicodeKeyName, (LPWSTR)pBuf, *pcbSubkey, pcbSubkey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReturnValue = UnicodeToAnsi(pBuf, *pcbSubkey / sizeof(WCHAR), pSubkey, cbSubkey, pcbSubkey); }
LocalFree(pBuf); } else { ReturnValue = GetLastError(); } }
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeKeyName);
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD DeletePrinterDataA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPSTR pValueName ) { DWORD ReturnValue = 0; LPWSTR pUnicodeValueName = NULL;
pUnicodeValueName = AllocateUnicodeString(pValueName); if (pValueName && !pUnicodeValueName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = DeletePrinterDataW(hPrinter, (LPWSTR) pUnicodeValueName);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeValueName);
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD DeletePrinterDataExA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPCSTR pKeyName, LPCSTR pValueName ) { DWORD ReturnValue = 0; LPWSTR pUnicodeKeyName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeValueName = NULL;
pUnicodeKeyName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR) pKeyName); if (pKeyName && !pUnicodeKeyName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeValueName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR) pValueName); if (pValueName && !pUnicodeValueName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = DeletePrinterDataExW(hPrinter, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodeKeyName, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodeValueName);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeKeyName); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeValueName);
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD DeletePrinterKeyA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPCSTR pKeyName ) { DWORD ReturnValue = 0; LPWSTR pUnicodeKeyName = NULL;
pUnicodeKeyName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR) pKeyName); if (pKeyName && !pUnicodeKeyName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = DeletePrinterKeyW(hPrinter, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodeKeyName);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeKeyName);
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD SetPrinterDataA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPSTR pValueName, DWORD Type, LPBYTE pData, DWORD cbData ) { DWORD ReturnValue = 0; LPWSTR pUnicodeValueName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeData = NULL; DWORD cbDataString; DWORD i;
pUnicodeValueName = AllocateUnicodeString(pValueName);
if (pValueName && !pUnicodeValueName) goto Cleanup;
if (Type == REG_SZ || Type == REG_EXPAND_SZ || Type == REG_MULTI_SZ) { //
// No matter if reg_sz or multi_sz, we want to mimic the registry APIs
// in behavior. This means we will not check strings for null termination.
// We will set as many bytes as specified by cbData
pUnicodeData = AllocateUnicodeStringWithSize(pData, cbData);
if (pUnicodeData) { cbData *= sizeof(WCHAR); ReturnValue = SetPrinterDataW(hPrinter, pUnicodeValueName, Type, (LPBYTE) pUnicodeData, cbData); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeData); } else { ReturnValue = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { ReturnValue = SetPrinterDataW(hPrinter, pUnicodeValueName, Type, pData, cbData); }
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeValueName);
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD SetPrinterDataExA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPCSTR pKeyName, LPCSTR pValueName, DWORD Type, LPBYTE pData, DWORD cbData ) { DWORD ReturnValue = 0; LPWSTR pUnicodeKeyName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeValueName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeData = NULL; DWORD cbDataString; DWORD i;
pUnicodeKeyName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR) pKeyName); if (pKeyName && !pUnicodeKeyName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeValueName = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR) pValueName); if (pValueName && !pUnicodeValueName) goto Cleanup;
if (Type == REG_SZ || Type == REG_EXPAND_SZ || Type == REG_MULTI_SZ) { //
// No matter if reg_sz or multi_sz, we want to mimic the registry APIs
// in behavior. This means we will not check strings for null termination.
// We will set as many bytes as specified by cbData
pUnicodeData = AllocateUnicodeStringWithSize(pData, cbData);
if (pUnicodeData) { cbData *= sizeof(WCHAR); ReturnValue = SetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodeKeyName, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodeValueName, Type, (LPBYTE) pUnicodeData, cbData); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeData); } else { ReturnValue = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { ReturnValue = SetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodeKeyName, (LPCWSTR) pUnicodeValueName, Type, pData, cbData); }
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeValueName); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeKeyName);
return ReturnValue; }
/**************************** Function Header *******************************
* DocumentPropertiesA * The ANSI version of the DocumentProperties function. Basically * converts the input parameters to UNICODE versions and calls * the DocumentPropertiesW function. * * CAVEATS: PRESUMES THAT IF pDevModeOutput IS SUPPLIED, IT HAS THE SIZE * OF THE UNICODE VERSION. THIS WILL USUALLY HAPPEN IF THE CALLER * FIRST CALLS TO FIND THE SIZE REQUIRED> * * RETURNS: * Somesort of LONG. * ****************************************************************************/
LONG DocumentPropertiesA( HWND hWnd, HANDLE hPrinter, LPSTR pDeviceName, PDEVMODEA pDevModeOutput, PDEVMODEA pDevModeInput, DWORD fMode ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeDeviceName = NULL; LPDEVMODEW pUnicodeDevModeInput = NULL; LPDEVMODEW pUnicodeDevModeOutput = NULL; LONG ReturnValue = -1;
pUnicodeDeviceName = AllocateUnicodeString(pDeviceName); if (pDeviceName && !pUnicodeDeviceName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = DocumentPropertiesW(hWnd, hPrinter, pUnicodeDeviceName, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (ReturnValue > 0) {
if (fMode) {
if (pUnicodeDevModeOutput = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, ReturnValue)) {
// Only convert the input buffer if one is specified
// and fMode indicates it's valid. WinNT 3.51 used
// pDevModeInput regardless of DM_IN_BUFFER, but this
// broke Borland Delphi for win95 + Corel Flow for win95.
if( pDevModeInput && ( fMode & DM_IN_BUFFER )){
// If the devmode is invalid, then don't pass one in.
// This fixes MS Imager32 (which passes dmSize == 0) and
// Milestones etc. 4.5.
// Note: this assumes that pDevModeOutput is still the
// correct size!
if( !BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeA(pDevModeInput))){ fMode &= ~DM_IN_BUFFER;
} else {
pUnicodeDevModeInput = AllocateUnicodeDevMode( pDevModeInput );
if( !pUnicodeDevModeInput ){ ReturnValue = -1; goto Cleanup; } } }
ReturnValue = DocumentPropertiesW(hWnd, hPrinter, pUnicodeDeviceName, pUnicodeDevModeOutput, pUnicodeDevModeInput, fMode );
// The printer driver has filled in the DEVMODEW
// structure - if one was passed in. Now convert it
// back to a DEVMODEA structure.
if (pDevModeOutput && (ReturnValue == IDOK)) { CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode(pDevModeOutput, pUnicodeDevModeOutput); }
} else
ReturnValue = -1;
} else
ReturnValue-=sizeof(DEVMODEW)-sizeof(DEVMODEA); }
if (pUnicodeDevModeInput) LocalFree(pUnicodeDevModeInput);
if (pUnicodeDevModeOutput) LocalFree(pUnicodeDevModeOutput);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL WriteCurDevModeToRegistry( LPWSTR pPrinterName, LPDEVMODEW pDevMode ) { DWORD Status; HKEY hDevMode;
Status = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCurDevMode, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hDevMode, NULL);
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
Status = RegSetValueExW(hDevMode, pPrinterName, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)pDevMode, pDevMode->dmSize + pDevMode->dmDriverExtra);
RegCloseKey(hDevMode); }
return Status == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
BOOL DeleteCurDevModeFromRegistry( PWSTR pPrinterName ) { DWORD Status; HKEY hDevModeKey;
Status = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCurDevMode, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hDevModeKey, NULL);
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = RegDeleteValue(hDevModeKey, pPrinterName); RegCloseKey(hDevModeKey); }
return Status == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
LPDEVMODEW AllocateCurDevMode( HANDLE hPrinter, LPWSTR pDeviceName, LONG cbDevMode ) { LPDEVMODEW pRegDevMode = NULL; LPDEVMODEW pRealDevMode = NULL; LPDEVMODEW pRetDevMode = NULL; BOOL bUpdateReg = FALSE; HANDLE hKeyDevMode = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwStatus, dwType; LONG lDocStatus;
// This code now checks to see that the DEVMODE in the registry matches that of
// the driver. If it does not, then 1. The driver has been migrated. 2. The user has been
// using an incompatible driver. In this case, the per user DEVMODE settings are overwritten
// with those obtained from the driver.
dwStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCurDevMode, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ, NULL, &hKeyDevMode, NULL);
if( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto Cleanup;
pRegDevMode = (PDEVMODEW)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbDevMode); pRealDevMode = (PDEVMODEW)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbDevMode);
// This cbDevMode is obtained via a call to DocumentPropertiesW, thus it is
// correct (unless race condition).
if( pRegDevMode == NULL || pRealDevMode == NULL) goto Cleanup;
lDocStatus = DocumentPropertiesW( NULL, hPrinter, pDeviceName, pRealDevMode, NULL, DM_COPY );
dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW(hKeyDevMode, pDeviceName, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pRegDevMode, &cbDevMode);
bUpdateReg = (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_BINARY) && lDocStatus == IDOK;
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS && lDocStatus == IDOK && !bUpdateReg) {
if (BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeW(pRegDevMode))) { //
// Check to see that our DEVMODE structures are compatible
bUpdateReg = pRealDevMode->dmSize != pRegDevMode->dmSize || pRealDevMode->dmDriverExtra != pRegDevMode->dmDriverExtra || pRealDevMode->dmSpecVersion != pRegDevMode->dmSpecVersion || pRealDevMode->dmDriverVersion != pRegDevMode->dmDriverVersion;
if (!bUpdateReg) pRetDevMode = pRegDevMode; } }
if (bUpdateReg) { //
// The Registry is out of date, The read from the Document properties must have
// succeded
if (!WriteCurDevModeToRegistry(pDeviceName, pRealDevMode) ) goto Cleanup; else pRetDevMode = pRealDevMode; }
Cleanup: if (pRegDevMode != pRetDevMode && pRegDevMode != NULL) LocalFree(pRegDevMode);
if (pRealDevMode != pRetDevMode && pRealDevMode != NULL) LocalFree(pRealDevMode);
if (hKeyDevMode != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) RegCloseKey( hKeyDevMode );
return pRetDevMode; }
// Simply check each bit in the dmFields entry. If set, then copy
// the input data to the output data.
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION ) {
pDMOut->dmOrientation = pDMIn->dmOrientation; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_ORIENTATION; }
// Value user fields, so use them. And delete ALL ours!
if( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_PAPERSIZE ) { pDMOut->dmPaperSize = pDMIn->dmPaperSize; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_PAPERSIZE; }
if( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_PAPERLENGTH ) { pDMOut->dmPaperLength = pDMIn->dmPaperLength; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_PAPERLENGTH; }
if( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_PAPERWIDTH ) { pDMOut->dmPaperWidth = pDMIn->dmPaperWidth; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_PAPERWIDTH; }
if( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_FORMNAME ) { CopyMemory( pDMOut->dmFormName, pDMIn->dmFormName, sizeof( pDMOut->dmFormName ) ); pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_FORMNAME; }
if( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_SCALE ) {
pDMOut->dmScale = pDMIn->dmScale; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_SCALE; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_COPIES ) {
pDMOut->dmCopies = pDMIn->dmCopies; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_COPIES; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_DEFAULTSOURCE ) {
pDMOut->dmDefaultSource = pDMIn->dmDefaultSource; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_DEFAULTSOURCE; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_PRINTQUALITY ) {
pDMOut->dmPrintQuality = pDMIn->dmPrintQuality; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_PRINTQUALITY; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_COLOR ) {
pDMOut->dmColor = pDMIn->dmColor; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_COLOR; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_DUPLEX ) {
pDMOut->dmDuplex = pDMIn->dmDuplex; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_DUPLEX; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_YRESOLUTION ) {
// Note that DM_YRESOLUTION implies there is data in dmPrintQuality.
// This latter field is used to specify the desired X resolution,
// which is only required for dot matrix printers.
pDMOut->dmYResolution = pDMIn->dmYResolution; pDMOut->dmPrintQuality = pDMIn->dmPrintQuality; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_YRESOLUTION; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_TTOPTION ) {
pDMOut->dmTTOption = pDMIn->dmTTOption; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_TTOPTION; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_COLLATE ) {
pDMOut->dmCollate = pDMIn->dmCollate; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_COLLATE; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_ICMMETHOD ) {
pDMOut->dmICMMethod = pDMIn->dmICMMethod; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_ICMMETHOD; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_ICMINTENT ) {
pDMOut->dmICMIntent = pDMIn->dmICMIntent; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_ICMINTENT; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_MEDIATYPE ) {
pDMOut->dmMediaType = pDMIn->dmMediaType; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_MEDIATYPE; }
if ( pDMIn->dmFields & DM_DITHERTYPE ) {
pDMOut->dmDitherType = pDMIn->dmDitherType; pDMOut->dmFields |= DM_DITHERTYPE; }
LONG ExtDeviceMode( HWND hWnd, HANDLE hInst, LPDEVMODEA pDevModeOutput, LPSTR pDeviceName, LPSTR pPort, LPDEVMODEA pDevModeInput, LPSTR pProfile, DWORD fMode ) { HANDLE hPrinter = NULL; LONG cbDevMode; DWORD NewfMode; LPDEVMODEW pNewDevModeIn = NULL; LPDEVMODEW pNewDevModeOut = NULL, pTempDevMode = NULL; LONG ReturnValue = -1; PRINTER_DEFAULTSW PrinterDefaults={NULL, NULL, PRINTER_READ}; LPWSTR pUnicodeDeviceName; LPWSTR pUnicodePort;
pUnicodeDeviceName = AllocateUnicodeString(pDeviceName); if (pDeviceName && !pUnicodeDeviceName) return ReturnValue;
pUnicodePort = AllocateUnicodeString(pPort); if (pPort && !pUnicodePort) { FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeDeviceName); return ReturnValue; }
if (OpenPrinterW(pUnicodeDeviceName, &hPrinter, &PrinterDefaults)) {
cbDevMode = DocumentPropertiesW(hWnd, hPrinter, pUnicodeDeviceName, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (!fMode || cbDevMode <= 0) { ClosePrinter(hPrinter); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeDeviceName); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodePort); if (!fMode) cbDevMode -= sizeof(DEVMODEW) - sizeof(DEVMODEA); return cbDevMode; }
pNewDevModeOut = (PDEVMODEW)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cbDevMode );
if( !pNewDevModeOut ){
ClosePrinter(hPrinter); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeDeviceName); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodePort);
return -1; }
// If our flags specify an input DevMode, and we have
// an input devmode, use it.
if(( fMode & DM_IN_BUFFER ) && pDevModeInput ){
// App may specify one or two fields in dmFields and expect us
// to merge it with the global 16-bit devmode
pNewDevModeIn = AllocateCurDevMode(hPrinter, pUnicodeDeviceName, cbDevMode);
pTempDevMode = AllocateUnicodeDevMode(pDevModeInput);
// correct any bogus field settings for the papersize stuff
ValidatePaperFields(pUnicodeDeviceName, pUnicodePort, pTempDevMode);
if ( !pNewDevModeIn || !pTempDevMode ) {
if ( pNewDevModeIn ) LocalFree(pNewDevModeIn);
if ( pTempDevMode ) LocalFree(pTempDevMode);
ClosePrinter(hPrinter); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeDeviceName); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodePort); return -1; }
// Some apps will just set the public fields they want to be changed
// from global devmode, so we need to merge input devmode with global
// devmode
MergeDevMode(pNewDevModeIn, pTempDevMode);
// Copy input devmode's private section if present else send the
// the private section from global devmode
if ( pTempDevMode->dmDriverExtra && pTempDevMode->dmDriverExtra == pNewDevModeIn->dmDriverExtra ) {
CopyMemory((LPBYTE)pNewDevModeIn + pNewDevModeIn->dmSize, (LPBYTE)pTempDevMode + pTempDevMode->dmSize, pTempDevMode->dmDriverExtra); }
LocalFree(pTempDevMode); pTempDevMode = NULL; } else {
// Get the win16 global devmode.
pNewDevModeIn = AllocateCurDevMode( hPrinter, pUnicodeDeviceName, cbDevMode );
if (!pNewDevModeIn) { ClosePrinter(hPrinter); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeDeviceName); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodePort); return -1; } fMode |= DM_IN_BUFFER; }
NewfMode = fMode;
// If DM_UPDATE is set, turn on DM_COPY so that we can update
// the win16 devmode.
if (fMode & DM_UPDATE) NewfMode |= DM_COPY;
ReturnValue = DocumentPropertiesW(hWnd, hPrinter, pUnicodeDeviceName, pNewDevModeOut, pNewDevModeIn, NewfMode);
if ( ReturnValue == IDOK && (fMode & DM_UPDATE) ) {
if ( WriteCurDevModeToRegistry(pUnicodeDeviceName, pNewDevModeOut) ) {
SendNotifyMessageW(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_DEVMODECHANGE, 0, (LPARAM)pUnicodeDeviceName); } else {
ReturnValue = -1; } }
if (pNewDevModeIn) LocalFree(pNewDevModeIn);
if ((ReturnValue == IDOK) && (fMode & DM_COPY) && pDevModeOutput) CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode(pDevModeOutput, pNewDevModeOut);
if (pNewDevModeOut) LocalFree(pNewDevModeOut);
ClosePrinter(hPrinter); }
FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeDeviceName); FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodePort);
return ReturnValue; }
void DeviceMode( HWND hWnd, HANDLE hModule, LPSTR pDevice, LPSTR pPort ) { HANDLE hPrinter, hDevMode; DWORD cbDevMode; LPDEVMODEW pNewDevMode, pDevMode=NULL; PRINTER_DEFAULTSW PrinterDefaults={NULL, NULL, PRINTER_READ}; DWORD Status, Type, cb; LPWSTR pUnicodeDevice;
pUnicodeDevice = AllocateUnicodeString(pDevice); if (pDevice && !pUnicodeDevice) return;
if (OpenPrinterW(pUnicodeDevice, &hPrinter, &PrinterDefaults)) {
Status = RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCurDevMode, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, NULL, &hDevMode, NULL);
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
Status = RegQueryValueExW(hDevMode, pUnicodeDevice, 0, &Type, NULL, &cb);
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pDevMode = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cb);
if (pDevMode) {
Status = RegQueryValueExW(hDevMode, pUnicodeDevice, 0, &Type, (LPBYTE)pDevMode, &cb);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS || BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeW(pDevMode))) { LocalFree(pDevMode); pDevMode = NULL; }
} else { goto Cleanup; } }
cbDevMode = DocumentPropertiesW(hWnd, hPrinter, pUnicodeDevice, NULL, pDevMode, 0); if (cbDevMode > 0) {
if (pNewDevMode = (PDEVMODEW)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbDevMode)) {
if (DocumentPropertiesW(hWnd, hPrinter, pUnicodeDevice, pNewDevMode, pDevMode, DM_COPY | DM_PROMPT | DM_MODIFY) == IDOK) {
Status = RegSetValueExW(hDevMode, pUnicodeDevice, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)pNewDevMode, pNewDevMode->dmSize + pNewDevMode->dmDriverExtra);
// Everything succeeded if Status == ERROR_SUCCESS.
} LocalFree(pNewDevMode); } }
if (pDevMode) LocalFree(pDevMode);
RegCloseKey(hDevMode); }
ClosePrinter(hPrinter); }
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeDevice);
return; }
LONG AdvancedDocumentPropertiesA( HWND hWnd, HANDLE hPrinter, LPSTR pDeviceName, PDEVMODEA pDevModeOutput, PDEVMODEA pDevModeInput ) { LONG ReturnValue = FALSE; LPWSTR pUnicodeDeviceName = NULL; LPDEVMODEW pUnicodeDevModeInput = NULL; LPDEVMODEW pUnicodeDevModeOutput = NULL;
LONG cbOutput = 0;
pUnicodeDeviceName = AllocateUnicodeString(pDeviceName); if (pDeviceName && !pUnicodeDeviceName) goto Cleanup;
if( BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeA(pDevModeInput))){ pUnicodeDevModeInput = AllocateUnicodeDevMode(pDevModeInput); if( !pUnicodeDevModeInput ){ goto Cleanup; }
// The output DevMode must be at least as big as the input
// DevMode.
cbOutput = pDevModeInput->dmSize + pDevModeInput->dmDriverExtra + sizeof(DEVMODEW) - sizeof(DEVMODEA); }
if( pDevModeOutput ){
if( !cbOutput ){
// We don't know the output size of the devmode, so make
// call DocumentPropertiesW to find out.
cbOutput = DocumentPropertiesW( hWnd, hPrinter, pUnicodeDeviceName, NULL, NULL, 0 ); if( cbOutput <= 0 ){ goto Cleanup; } }
pUnicodeDevModeOutput = (PDEVMODEW)LocalAlloc( LPTR, cbOutput ); if( !pUnicodeDevModeOutput ){ goto Cleanup; } }
ReturnValue = AdvancedDocumentPropertiesW(hWnd, hPrinter, pUnicodeDeviceName, pUnicodeDevModeOutput, pUnicodeDevModeInput );
if( pDevModeOutput && (ReturnValue > 0) ){ CopyAnsiDevModeFromUnicodeDevMode(pDevModeOutput, pUnicodeDevModeOutput); }
if ( !pDevModeOutput && ReturnValue > 0 ) ReturnValue -= sizeof(DEVMODEW) - sizeof(DEVMODEA);
Cleanup: if (pUnicodeDevModeOutput) LocalFree(pUnicodeDevModeOutput);
if (pUnicodeDevModeInput) LocalFree(pUnicodeDevModeInput);
return ReturnValue; }
LONG AdvancedSetupDialog( HWND hWnd, HANDLE hInst, LPDEVMODEA pDevModeInput, LPDEVMODEA pDevModeOutput ) { HANDLE hPrinter; LONG ReturnValue = -1;
if (OpenPrinterA(pDevModeInput->dmDeviceName, &hPrinter, NULL)) { ReturnValue = AdvancedDocumentPropertiesA(hWnd, hPrinter, pDevModeInput->dmDeviceName, pDevModeOutput, pDevModeInput); ClosePrinter(hPrinter); }
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL AddFormA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pForm ) { BOOL ReturnValue; LPBYTE pUnicodeForm;
pUnicodeForm = AllocateUnicodeStructure(pForm, sizeof(FORM_INFO_1A), FormInfo1Strings); if (pForm && !pUnicodeForm) return FALSE;
ReturnValue = AddFormW(hPrinter, Level, pUnicodeForm);
FreeUnicodeStructure(pUnicodeForm, FormInfo1Offsets);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL DeleteFormA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPSTR pFormName ) { BOOL ReturnValue; LPWSTR pUnicodeFormName;
pUnicodeFormName = AllocateUnicodeString(pFormName); if (pFormName && !pUnicodeFormName) return FALSE;
ReturnValue = DeleteFormW(hPrinter, pUnicodeFormName);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL GetFormA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPSTR pFormName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pForm, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { BOOL ReturnValue; DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pUnicodeFormName;
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = FormInfo1Strings; break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeFormName = AllocateUnicodeString(pFormName); if (pFormName && !pUnicodeFormName) return FALSE;
ReturnValue = GetFormW(hPrinter, pUnicodeFormName, Level, pForm, cbBuf, pcbNeeded);
if (ReturnValue && pForm)
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pForm, pOffsets);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL SetFormA( HANDLE hPrinter, LPSTR pFormName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pForm ) { BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE; LPWSTR pUnicodeFormName = NULL; LPBYTE pUnicodeForm = NULL;
pUnicodeFormName = AllocateUnicodeString(pFormName); if (pFormName && !pUnicodeFormName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeForm = AllocateUnicodeStructure(pForm, sizeof(FORM_INFO_1A), FormInfo1Strings); if (pForm && !pUnicodeForm) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = SetFormW(hPrinter, pUnicodeFormName, Level, pUnicodeForm);
FreeUnicodeStructure(pUnicodeForm, FormInfo1Offsets);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL EnumFormsA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pForm, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { BOOL ReturnValue; DWORD cbStruct; DWORD *pOffsets;
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = FormInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(FORM_INFO_1); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
ReturnValue = EnumFormsW(hPrinter, Level, pForm, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned);
if (ReturnValue && pForm) {
DWORD i=*pcReturned;
while (i--) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pForm, pOffsets);
pForm+=cbStruct; }
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL EnumPortsA( LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPort, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE; DWORD cbStruct; DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL;
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = PortInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PORT_INFO_1); break;
case 2: pOffsets = PortInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PORT_INFO_2); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = EnumPortsW(pUnicodeName, Level, pPort, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned);
if (ReturnValue && pPort) {
DWORD i=*pcReturned;
while (i--) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pPort, pOffsets);
pPort+=cbStruct; } }
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL EnumMonitorsA( LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pMonitor, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE; DWORD cbStruct; DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL;
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = MonitorInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(MONITOR_INFO_1); break;
case 2: pOffsets = MonitorInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(MONITOR_INFO_2); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = EnumMonitorsW(pUnicodeName, Level, pMonitor, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned);
if (ReturnValue && pMonitor) {
DWORD i=*pcReturned;
while (i--) {
ConvertUnicodeToAnsiStrings(pMonitor, pOffsets);
pMonitor+=cbStruct; } }
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL AddPortA( LPSTR pName, HWND hWnd, LPSTR pMonitorName ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeMonitorName = NULL; DWORD ReturnValue = FALSE;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeMonitorName = AllocateUnicodeString(pMonitorName); if (pMonitorName && !pUnicodeMonitorName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = AddPortW( pUnicodeName, hWnd, pUnicodeMonitorName );
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL ConfigurePortA( LPSTR pName, HWND hWnd, LPSTR pPortName ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodePortName = NULL; DWORD ReturnValue = FALSE;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodePortName = AllocateUnicodeString(pPortName); if (pPortName && !pUnicodePortName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = ConfigurePortW( pUnicodeName, hWnd, pUnicodePortName );
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL DeletePortA( LPSTR pName, HWND hWnd, LPSTR pPortName ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodePortName = NULL; DWORD ReturnValue = FALSE;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodePortName = AllocateUnicodeString(pPortName); if (pPortName && !pUnicodePortName) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = DeletePortW( pUnicodeName, hWnd, pUnicodePortName );
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName);
return ReturnValue; }
DWORD PrinterMessageBoxA( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Error, HWND hWnd, LPSTR pText, LPSTR pCaption, DWORD dwType ) { DWORD ReturnValue=FALSE; LPWSTR pTextW = NULL; LPWSTR pCaptionW = NULL;
pTextW = AllocateUnicodeString(pText); if (pText && !pTextW) goto Cleanup;
pCaptionW = AllocateUnicodeString(pCaption); if (pCaption && !pCaptionW) goto Cleanup;
ReturnValue = PrinterMessageBoxW(hPrinter, Error, hWnd, pTextW, pCaptionW, dwType);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pTextW); FreeUnicodeString(pCaptionW);
return ReturnValue; }
int DeviceCapabilitiesA( LPCSTR pDevice, LPCSTR pPort, WORD fwCapability, LPSTR pOutput, CONST DEVMODEA *pDevMode ) { LPWSTR pDeviceW = NULL; LPWSTR pPortW = NULL; LPWSTR pOutputW = NULL; LPWSTR pKeepW = NULL; LPDEVMODEW pDevModeW = NULL; DWORD c, Size; int cb = 0; int rc = GDI_ERROR;
pDeviceW = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR)pDevice); if (pDevice && !pDeviceW) goto Cleanup;
pPortW = AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR)pPort); if (pPort && !pPortW) goto Cleanup;
if( BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeNoSizeA((LPDEVMODEA)pDevMode))){ pDevModeW = AllocateUnicodeDevMode((LPDEVMODEA)pDevMode); if( !pDevModeW ){ goto Cleanup; } }
switch (fwCapability) { //
// These will require Unicode to Ansi conversion
if (pOutput) {
cb = DeviceCapabilitiesW(pDeviceW, pPortW, fwCapability, NULL, pDevModeW); if (cb >= 0) {
switch (fwCapability) {
case DC_BINNAMES: cb *= 48; break;
case DC_PERSONALITY: cb *= 64; break;
pOutputW = pKeepW = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb);
if (pKeepW) {
c = rc = DeviceCapabilitiesW(pDeviceW, pPortW, fwCapability, pOutputW, pDevModeW);
switch (fwCapability) {
case DC_BINNAMES: Size = 24; break;
case DC_PERSONALITY: Size = 32; break;
for (; c; c--) {
UnicodeToAnsiString(pOutputW, pOutput, NULL_TERMINATED);
pOutputW += Size; pOutput += Size; }
LocalFree(pKeepW); } }
} else {
rc = DeviceCapabilitiesW(pDeviceW, pPortW, fwCapability, NULL, pDevModeW);
default: rc = DeviceCapabilitiesW(pDeviceW, pPortW, fwCapability, (LPWSTR)pOutput, pDevModeW);
// If the call to find size of public portion of devmode and
// it was succesful adjust the size for UNICODE->ANSI conversion
if ( fwCapability == DC_SIZE && rc > 0 ) {
rc -= sizeof(DEVMODEW) - sizeof(DEVMODEA); } }
FreeUnicodeString(pDeviceW); FreeUnicodeString(pPortW); if (pDevModeW) LocalFree(pDevModeW);
return rc; }
BOOL AddMonitorA( LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pMonitorInfo ) { BOOL ReturnValue=FALSE; DWORD cbStruct; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPBYTE pUnicodeStructure = NULL; LPDWORD pOffsets;
switch (Level) {
case 2: pOffsets = MonitorInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(MONITOR_INFO_2); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeStructure = AllocateUnicodeStructure(pMonitorInfo, cbStruct, pOffsets); if (pMonitorInfo && !pUnicodeStructure) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
if (pUnicodeStructure) {
ReturnValue = AddMonitorW(pUnicodeName, Level, pUnicodeStructure); }
FreeUnicodeStructure(pUnicodeStructure, pOffsets);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL DeleteMonitorA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, LPSTR pMonitorName ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeMonitorName = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeMonitorName = AllocateUnicodeString(pMonitorName); if (pMonitorName && !pUnicodeMonitorName) goto Cleanup;
rc = DeleteMonitorW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodeEnvironment, pUnicodeMonitorName);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName);
return rc; }
BOOL DeletePrintProcessorA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, LPSTR pPrintProcessorName ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodePrintProcessorName = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE;
if (!pPrintProcessorName || !*pPrintProcessorName) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodePrintProcessorName = AllocateUnicodeString(pPrintProcessorName); if (pPrintProcessorName && !pUnicodePrintProcessorName) goto Cleanup;
rc = DeletePrintProcessorW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodeEnvironment, pUnicodePrintProcessorName);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName);
return rc; }
BOOL AddPrintProvidorA( LPSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pProvidorInfo ) { BOOL ReturnValue=FALSE; DWORD cbStruct; LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPBYTE pUnicodeStructure = NULL; LPDWORD pOffsets;
if (!pProvidorInfo) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
switch (Level) {
case 1: pOffsets = ProvidorInfo1Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PROVIDOR_INFO_1); break;
case 2: pOffsets = ProvidorInfo2Strings; cbStruct = sizeof(PROVIDOR_INFO_2); break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return FALSE; }
pUnicodeStructure = AllocateUnicodeStructure(pProvidorInfo, cbStruct, pOffsets); if (!pProvidorInfo || !pUnicodeStructure) goto CleanUp;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto CleanUp;
if ((Level == 2) && !AnsiToUnicodeMultiSz((LPSTR) ((PPROVIDOR_INFO_2A) pProvidorInfo)->pOrder, &(((PPROVIDOR_INFO_2W) pUnicodeStructure)->pOrder))) {
goto CleanUp; }
if (pUnicodeStructure) {
ReturnValue = AddPrintProvidorW(pUnicodeName, Level, pUnicodeStructure); }
if ((Level == 2) && ((PPROVIDOR_INFO_2W) pUnicodeStructure)->pOrder) {
LocalFree(((PPROVIDOR_INFO_2W) pUnicodeStructure)->pOrder); ((PPROVIDOR_INFO_2W) pUnicodeStructure)->pOrder = NULL; }
FreeUnicodeStructure(pUnicodeStructure, pOffsets);
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL DeletePrintProvidorA( LPSTR pName, LPSTR pEnvironment, LPSTR pPrintProvidorName ) { LPWSTR pUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodeEnvironment = NULL; LPWSTR pUnicodePrintProvidorName = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE;
pUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pName); if (pName && !pUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeEnvironment = AllocateUnicodeString(pEnvironment); if (pEnvironment && !pUnicodeEnvironment) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodePrintProvidorName = AllocateUnicodeString(pPrintProvidorName); if (pPrintProvidorName && !pUnicodePrintProvidorName) goto Cleanup;
rc = DeletePrintProvidorW(pUnicodeName, pUnicodeEnvironment, pUnicodePrintProvidorName);
Cleanup: FreeUnicodeString(pUnicodeName);
return rc; }
BOOL AddPortExA( IN LPSTR pName, OPTIONAL IN DWORD Level, IN LPBYTE pBuffer, IN LPSTR pMonitorName ) { PPORT_INFO_1A pPortInfo1; PPORT_INFO_FFA pPortInfoFF;
LPWSTR pNameW = NULL; LPWSTR pMonitorNameW = NULL; LPWSTR pPortNameW = NULL;
// Initialize variables that will be freed in error cases.
pNameW = AllocateUnicodeString( pName); if (pName && !pNameW) { LastError = GetLastError(); goto Done; }
pPortNameW = NULL;
pMonitorNameW = AllocateUnicodeString( pMonitorName); if (pMonitorName && !pMonitorNameW) { LastError = GetLastError(); goto Done; }
if( !pBuffer || !pMonitorName ){ LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
// Catch out of memory conditions.
if( !pMonitorNameW || ( pName && !pNameW )){ LastError = GetLastError(); goto Done; }
switch( Level ){ case (DWORD)-1:
pPortInfoFF = (PPORT_INFO_FFA)pBuffer;
if( !pPortInfoFF->pName || !pPortInfoFF->pName[0] ){ LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
pPortNameW = PortInfoFF.pName = AllocateUnicodeString( pPortInfoFF->pName);
if( !pPortNameW ){ LastError = GetLastError(); goto Done; }
PortInfoFF.cbMonitorData = pPortInfoFF->cbMonitorData; PortInfoFF.pMonitorData = pPortInfoFF->pMonitorData;
bReturnValue = AddPortExW( pNameW, Level, (LPBYTE)&PortInfoFF, pMonitorNameW );
if( !bReturnValue ){ LastError = GetLastError(); } break;
case 1:
pPortInfo1 = (PPORT_INFO_1A)pBuffer;
if( !pPortInfo1->pName || !pPortInfo1->pName[0] ){ LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
pPortNameW = PortInfo1.pName = AllocateUnicodeString( pPortInfo1->pName);
if( !pPortNameW ){ LastError = GetLastError(); goto Done; }
bReturnValue = AddPortExW( pNameW, Level, (LPBYTE)&PortInfo1, pMonitorNameW );
if( !bReturnValue ){ LastError = GetLastError(); } break;
default: LastError = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; break; }
FreeUnicodeString( pNameW ); FreeUnicodeString( pPortNameW ); FreeUnicodeString( pMonitorNameW );
if( !bReturnValue ){
SetLastError( LastError ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
LPSTR StartDocDlgA( HANDLE hPrinter, DOCINFOA *pDocInfo ) { DOCINFOW DocInfoW; LPSTR lpszAnsiOutput = NULL; LPSTR lpszAnsiString = NULL; LPWSTR lpszUnicodeString = NULL; DWORD dwLen = 0;
if (!pDocInfo) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("StartDocDlgA: Null pDocInfo passed in\n")); return NULL; } memset(&DocInfoW, 0, sizeof(DOCINFOW)); if (pDocInfo->lpszDocName) { DocInfoW.lpszDocName = (LPCWSTR)AllocateUnicodeString ((LPSTR)pDocInfo->lpszDocName); if (pDocInfo->lpszDocName && !DocInfoW.lpszDocName) return NULL; } if (pDocInfo->lpszOutput) { DocInfoW.lpszOutput = (LPCWSTR)AllocateUnicodeString((LPSTR)pDocInfo->lpszOutput); if (pDocInfo->lpszOutput && !DocInfoW.lpszOutput) { FreeUnicodeString((LPWSTR) DocInfoW.lpszDocName); return NULL; } }
lpszUnicodeString = StartDocDlgW(hPrinter, &DocInfoW);
if (lpszUnicodeString == (LPWSTR)-1) { lpszAnsiString = (LPSTR)-1; } else if (lpszUnicodeString == (LPWSTR)-2) { lpszAnsiString = (LPSTR)-2; } else if (lpszUnicodeString){ dwLen = wcslen(lpszUnicodeString); if (lpszAnsiString = LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwLen+1)){ UnicodeToAnsiString(lpszUnicodeString, lpszAnsiString, dwLen); LocalFree(lpszUnicodeString); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("StartDocDlgA: LocalAlloc failed returning NULL\n")); } }
if (DocInfoW.lpszDocName ) { FreeUnicodeString((LPWSTR)DocInfoW.lpszDocName); }
if (DocInfoW.lpszOutput) {
// we might have changed the DocInfoW.lpszOutput as well
// for pooled printing; so reconstruct pDocInfo->lpszOutput
dwLen = wcslen(DocInfoW.lpszOutput); UnicodeToAnsiString((LPWSTR)DocInfoW.lpszOutput, (LPSTR)pDocInfo->lpszOutput, dwLen);
FreeUnicodeString((LPWSTR)DocInfoW.lpszOutput); }
return lpszAnsiString; }
BOOL SetPortA( LPSTR pszName, LPSTR pszPortName, DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE pPorts ) { LPBYTE pUnicodeStructure = NULL; DWORD cbStruct; PDWORD pOffsets = NULL; LPWSTR pszUnicodeName = NULL; LPWSTR pszUnicodePortName = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
switch (dwLevel) {
case 3: pOffsets = PortInfo3Offsets; cbStruct = sizeof(PORT_INFO_3); break;
default: SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL ); return FALSE; }
pszUnicodeName = AllocateUnicodeString(pszName); if (pszName && !pszUnicodeName) goto Cleanup;
pszUnicodePortName = AllocateUnicodeString(pszPortName); if (pszPortName && !pszUnicodePortName) goto Cleanup;
pUnicodeStructure = AllocateUnicodeStructure(pPorts, cbStruct, pOffsets); if (pPorts && !pUnicodeStructure) goto Cleanup;
bRet = SetPortW(pszUnicodeName, pszUnicodePortName, dwLevel, pUnicodeStructure);
FreeUnicodeStructure(pUnicodeStructure, pOffsets); FreeUnicodeString(pszUnicodePortName); FreeUnicodeString(pszUnicodeName);
return bRet; }
Routine Name:
Check to see whether the devmode passed is valid.
pDevmode - The devmode DevmodeSize - The size of the buffer.
Return Value:
TRUE if succeeded.
--*/ BOOL IsValidDevmodeA( IN PDEVMODEA pDevmode, IN size_t DevmodeSize ) { return BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeA(pDevmode, DevmodeSize)); }
Ansi version entry points for the default printer api set.
********************************************************************/ BOOL GetDefaultPrinterA( IN LPSTR pszBuffer, IN LPDWORD pcchBuffer ) { BOOL bRetval = TRUE; LPWSTR pszUnicodeBuffer = NULL; LPDWORD pcchUnicodeBuffer = pcchBuffer;
if( pszBuffer && pcchBuffer && *pcchBuffer ) { pszUnicodeBuffer = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, *pcchBuffer * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
bRetval = pszUnicodeBuffer ? TRUE : FALSE; }
if( bRetval ) { bRetval = GetDefaultPrinterW( pszUnicodeBuffer, pcchUnicodeBuffer );
if( bRetval && pszUnicodeBuffer ) { bRetval = UnicodeToAnsiString( pszUnicodeBuffer, pszBuffer, 0 ) > 0; } }
if( pszUnicodeBuffer ) { LocalFree( pszUnicodeBuffer ); }
return bRetval; }
BOOL SetDefaultPrinterA( IN LPCSTR pszPrinter ) { BOOL bRetval = TRUE; LPWSTR pszUnicode = NULL;
if( pszPrinter ) { pszUnicode = AllocateUnicodeString( (PSTR) pszPrinter );
bRetval = pszUnicode ? TRUE : FALSE; }
if( bRetval ) { bRetval = SetDefaultPrinterW( pszUnicode ); }
if( pszUnicode ) { FreeUnicodeString( pszUnicode ); }
return bRetval; }
BOOL PublishPrinterA( HWND hwnd, PCSTR pszUNCName, PCSTR pszDN, PCSTR pszCN, PSTR *ppszDN, DWORD dwAction ) { PWSTR pszUnicodeUNCName = NULL; PWSTR pszUnicodeDN = NULL; PWSTR pszUnicodeCN = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
pszUnicodeUNCName = AllocateUnicodeString((PSTR) pszUNCName); if (pszUNCName && !pszUnicodeUNCName) goto error;
pszUnicodeDN = AllocateUnicodeString((PSTR) pszDN); if (pszDN && !pszUnicodeDN) goto error;
pszUnicodeCN = AllocateUnicodeString((PSTR) pszCN); if (pszCN && !pszUnicodeCN) goto error;
bRet = PublishPrinterW( hwnd, pszUnicodeUNCName, pszUnicodeDN, pszUnicodeCN, (PWSTR *) ppszDN, dwAction);
if (ppszDN && *ppszDN) { if (!UnicodeToAnsiString((PWSTR) *ppszDN, *ppszDN, NULL_TERMINATED)) bRet = FALSE; }
FreeUnicodeString(pszUnicodeUNCName); FreeUnicodeString(pszUnicodeDN); FreeUnicodeString(pszUnicodeCN);
return bRet; }
VOID ValidatePaperFields( LPCWSTR pUnicodeDeviceName, LPCWSTR pUnicodePort, LPDEVMODEW pDevModeIn ) { POINTS ptMinSize, ptMaxSize;
if(!pUnicodeDeviceName || !pUnicodeDeviceName[0] || !pUnicodePort || !pUnicodePort[0] || !pDevModeIn) { return; }
// this logic was swiped from the MergeDevMode() code for the Win3.1 UNIDRV
// According to UNIDRV, dmPaperSize must be set to DMPAPER_USER if custom
// paper sizes are going to be taken seriously.
if((pDevModeIn->dmPaperSize == DMPAPER_USER) && (pDevModeIn->dmFields & DM_PAPERWIDTH) && (pDevModeIn->dmFields & DM_PAPERLENGTH)) {
// Get the minimum size this printer supports
if(DeviceCapabilitiesW(pUnicodeDeviceName, pUnicodePort, DC_MINEXTENT, (PWSTR) &ptMinSize, NULL) == -1) { //
// No changes.
return; }
if(DeviceCapabilitiesW(pUnicodeDeviceName, pUnicodePort, DC_MAXEXTENT, (PWSTR) &ptMaxSize, NULL) == -1) { //
// No changes.
return; }
// Force the custom paper size to fit the machine's capabilities
if(pDevModeIn->dmPaperWidth < ptMinSize.x) pDevModeIn->dmPaperWidth = ptMinSize.x; else if(pDevModeIn->dmPaperWidth > ptMaxSize.x) pDevModeIn->dmPaperWidth = ptMaxSize.x;
if(pDevModeIn->dmPaperLength < ptMinSize.y) pDevModeIn->dmPaperLength = ptMinSize.y; else if(pDevModeIn->dmPaperLength > ptMaxSize.y) pDevModeIn->dmPaperLength = ptMaxSize.y;
} //
// Else if they don't have it right, turn these guys off so they don't
// get merged into the default devmode later.
else { pDevModeIn->dmFields &= ~(DM_PAPERLENGTH | DM_PAPERWIDTH); pDevModeIn->dmPaperWidth = 0; pDevModeIn->dmPaperLength = 0; } }
DWORD UnicodeToAnsi( IN LPBYTE pUnicode, IN DWORD cchUnicode, IN OUT LPBYTE pData, IN DWORD cbData, IN OUT DWORD *pcbCopied OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Converts the content of a buffer from unicode to ansi. There is no assumption about NULL terminator. If pUnicode is not NULL, then it must be WCHAR aligned and cchUnicode indicates the number of WCHARs in the buffer that will be converted to ansi. If pUnicode is NULL, then the function converts in place the contents of pData from Unicode to Ansi.
pUnicode - buffer aligned to WCHAR that contains a unicode string cchUnicode - number of WCHARs in pUnicode buffer pData - buffer that will hold the converted string cbData - sizeo in bytes of the buffer pDa pcbCopied - number of bytes copied to pData or needed to accomodate the converted string
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD cReturn = cbData; DWORD cbCopied = 0; DWORD Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// If the size of both input buffer is 0, then we do not do anything and return success.
// Otherwise, the caller must give us either valid pData or a valid pUnicode that is
// WCHAR aligned
if (!cbData && !cchUnicode) { Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (pData || pUnicode && !((ULONG_PTR)pUnicode % sizeof(WCHAR))) { LPWSTR pAligned = (LPWSTR)pUnicode;
if (!pAligned) { //
// We convert contents of pData from unicode to ansi
if (pAligned = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbData)) { memcpy(pAligned, pData, cbData);
cchUnicode = cbData / sizeof(WCHAR); } else { Error = GetLastError(); } }
// Convert data to ansi or find out how many bytes are
// necessary to accomodate the string
if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbCopied = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, pAligned, cchUnicode, pData, cbData, NULL, NULL);
// WideCharToMultiByte tells us how many bytes we need
if (!cbCopied) { Error = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
cbCopied = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, pAligned, cchUnicode, pData, 0, NULL, NULL); } else if (!cbData) { Error = ERROR_MORE_DATA; }
if (pAligned != (LPWSTR)pUnicode) { LocalFree(pAligned); } } }
if (pcbCopied) { *pcbCopied = cbCopied; }
return Error; }