Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file provides access to the service control manager for starting, stopping, adding, and removing services.
WIN32 User Mode
Vlad Sadovsky (vlads) 17-Apr-1998
// Precompiled header
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Include
#include "sti_ci.h"
#include "device.h"
#include <regstr.h>
#include <sti.h>
#include <stiregi.h>
#include <stilib.h>
#include <stidebug.h>
#include <stiapi.h>
#include <stisvc.h>
#include <eventlog.h>
// Extern
extern HINSTANCE g_hDllInstance;
// Prototype
DWORD SetServiceSecurity( LPTSTR AccountName );
DLLEXPORT VOID CALLBACK InstallWiaService( HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, LPTSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow );
// Function
DWORD WINAPI StiServiceInstall( BOOL UseLocalSystem, BOOL DemandStart, LPTSTR lpszUserName, LPTSTR lpszUserPassword ) /*++
Routine Description:
Service installation function. Calls SCM to install STI service, which is running in user security context
Return Value:
--*/ {
SERVICE_DESCRIPTION ServiceDescroption; TCHAR szServiceDesc[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szServiceName[MAX_PATH];
__try {
if (!hSCM) { dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; }
// If service already exists change startup type, else CreateService.
// NOTE: The service should already be installed - if it isn't, we're
// patching it here because it MUST be installed in order to use WIA.
hService = OpenService( hSCM, STI_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS ); if (hService) {
// Change the service config parameters. Note: we're only changing StartType
if (!ChangeServiceConfig(hService, // handle to WIA service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // Don't change ServiceType
DemandStart ? SERVICE_DISABLED : SERVICE_AUTO_START, // Change StartType
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // Don't change ErrorControl
NULL, // Don't change BinaryPathName
NULL, // Don't change LoadOrderGroup
NULL, // Don't change TagId
NULL, // Don't change Dependencies
NULL, // Don't change ServiceStartName
NULL, // Don't change Password
NULL)) { // Don't change DisplayName
dwError = GetLastError(); DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StiServiceInstall: ChangeServiceConfig() failed. Err=0x%x.\r\n"), dwError)); __leave; } // if (!ChangeServiceConfig(...))
} else { //
// If use local system - set security
if (!UseLocalSystem) { #ifdef LATER
dwError = SetServiceSecurity( lpszUserName ); if (dwError) { dwError = ERROR_SERVICE_LOGON_FAILED ; __leave; } #endif
// Load service name.
if(0 == LoadString(g_hDllInstance, WiaServiceName, szServiceName, MAX_PATH)){ dwError = GetLastError(); __leave; } // if(0 != LoadString(g_hDllInstance, WiaServiceName, szServiceName, MAX_PATH))
UseLocalSystem ? NULL : lpszUserName, UseLocalSystem ? NULL : lpszUserPassword );
if (!hService) { dwError = GetLastError(); DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StiServiceInstall: CreateService() failed. Err=0x%x.\r\n"), dwError)); __leave; }
// Load service description.
if(0 != LoadString(g_hDllInstance, WiaServiceDescription, szServiceDesc, MAX_PATH)){
// Change service description.
ServiceDescroption.lpDescription = (LPTSTR)szServiceDesc; ChangeServiceConfig2(hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, (LPVOID)&ServiceDescroption); } // if(0 != LoadString(g_hDllInstance, WiaServiceDescription, szServiceDesc, MAX_PATH))
// Add registry settings for event logging
// Start service if AUTO_START.
if(FALSE == DemandStart){ if(!StartService(hService,0,(LPCTSTR *)NULL)){ dwError = GetLastError(); } // if(!StartService(hService,0,(LPCTSTR *)NULL))
} // if(FALSE == DemandStart)
} __finally { //
// Close service handle.
if (NULL != hService) { CloseServiceHandle(hService); } // if(NULL != hService)
if(NULL != hSCM){ CloseServiceHandle( hSCM ); } // if(NULL != hSCM)
return dwError;
} //StiServiceInstall
DWORD WINAPI StiServiceRemove( VOID )
Routine Description:
Service removal function. This function calls SCM to remove the STI service.
Return Value:
Return code. Return zero for success
{ DWORD dwError = NOERROR;
SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; UINT uiRetry = 10;
HKEY hkRun;
__try {
if (!hSCM) { dwError = GetLastError(); DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StiServiceRemove: OpenSCManager() failed. Err=0x%x.\r\n"), dwError)); __leave; }
hService = OpenService( hSCM, STI_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hService) { dwError = GetLastError(); DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StiServiceRemove: OpenService() failed. Err=0x%x.\r\n"), dwError)); __leave; }
// Stop service first
if (ControlService( hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus )) {
// Wait a little
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING;
while( QueryServiceStatus( hService, &ServiceStatus ) && (SERVICE_STOP_PENDING == ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState)) { Sleep( STI_STOP_FOR_REMOVE_TIMEOUT ); if (!uiRetry--) { break; } }
if (ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED) { dwError = GetLastError(); DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StiServiceRemove: Unable to stop service. Err=0x%x.\r\n"), dwError)); if(ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState != ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE) { __leave; } // if(ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState != ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE)
} // if (ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED)
} else { // if (ControlService( hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus ))
dwError = GetLastError(); DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StiServiceRemove: ControlService() failed. Err=0x%x.\r\n"), dwError));
// If service hasn't been started yet, just ignore.
if(ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE != dwError){ __leave; } }
if (!DeleteService( hService )) { dwError = GetLastError(); DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StiServiceRemove: DeleteService() failed. Err=0x%x.\r\n"), dwError)); __leave; } else { dwError = NOERROR; } } __finally { if(NULL != hService){ CloseServiceHandle( hService ); } if(NULL != hSCM){ CloseServiceHandle( hSCM ); } } // __finally
// Leftovers from Win9x - remove STI monitor from Run section
RegDeleteValue (hkRun, REGSTR_VAL_MONITOR); RegCloseKey(hkRun); }
return dwError;
} // StiServiceRemove
BOOL SetServiceDependency( LPTSTR ServiceName, LPTSTR DependentServiceName ) { BOOL rVal = FALSE; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL;
hSvcMgr = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hSvcMgr) { goto exit; }
hService = OpenService( hSvcMgr, ServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if (!hService) { goto exit; }
if (!ChangeServiceConfig( hService, // handle to service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // type of service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // when to start service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // severity if service fails to start
NULL, // pointer to service binary file name
NULL, // pointer to load ordering group name
NULL, // pointer to variable to get tag identifier
DependentServiceName, // pointer to array of dependency names
NULL, // pointer to account name of service
NULL, // pointer to password for service account
NULL // pointer to display name
)) { goto exit; }
rVal = TRUE;
exit: if(NULL != hService){ CloseServiceHandle( hService ); } if(NULL != hSvcMgr){ CloseServiceHandle( hSvcMgr ); }
return rVal; }
BOOL SetServiceStart( LPTSTR ServiceName, DWORD StartType ) { BOOL rVal = FALSE; BOOL bRetult = FALSE; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG pServiceConfig = NULL; DWORD dwSize;
hSvcMgr = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hSvcMgr) { goto exit; }
hService = OpenService( hSvcMgr, ServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if (!hService) { goto exit; }
// Query service config to get current state.
dwSize = 0; bRetult = QueryServiceConfig(hService, NULL, dwSize, &dwSize);
if(0 == dwSize){ goto exit; }
// Allocate required memory.
pServiceConfig = (LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG)new BYTE[dwSize]; if(NULL == pServiceConfig){ goto exit; } // if(NULL == pServiceConfig)
if(!QueryServiceConfig(hService, pServiceConfig, dwSize, &dwSize)){ goto exit; } // if(!QueryServiceConig(hService, pServiceConfig, dwSize, &dwSize))
if(SERVICE_DISABLED == pServiceConfig->dwStartType){ //
// Service is disabled, we can't change the state here.
goto exit; } else if(StartType == pServiceConfig->dwStartType){ //
// We're already in the specified state.
rVal = TRUE; goto exit; }
if (!ChangeServiceConfig( hService, // handle to service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // type of service
StartType, // when to start service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // severity if service fails to start
NULL, // pointer to service binary file name
NULL, // pointer to load ordering group name
NULL, // pointer to variable to get tag identifier
NULL, // pointer to array of dependency names
NULL, // pointer to account name of service
NULL, // pointer to password for service account
NULL // pointer to display name
)) { goto exit; }
rVal = TRUE;
exit: if(NULL != pServiceConfig){ delete[] pServiceConfig; pServiceConfig = NULL; } // if(NULL != pServiceConfig)
if(NULL != hService){ CloseServiceHandle( hService ); } if(NULL != hSvcMgr){ CloseServiceHandle( hSvcMgr ); }
return rVal; }
BOOL StartWiaService( VOID ) { BOOL rVal = FALSE; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; UINT uiRetry = 40; // start time is much larger than stop time.
// Setting 40 sec just to be safe.
DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_ENTER,(("StartWiaService: Enter... \r\n")));
// Open Service Control Manager.
hSvcMgr = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hSvcMgr) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StartWiaService: ERROR!! OpenSCManager failed. Err=0x%x\n"), GetLastError())); goto exit; }
// Open WIA service.
hService = OpenService( hSvcMgr, STI_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if (!hService) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StartWiaService: ERROR!! OpenService failed, re-creating Service Entry (Err=0x%x)\n"), GetLastError()));
// Attempt to re-install service
InstallWiaService(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); Sleep(3000);
// Try to open it again
hService = OpenService( hSvcMgr, STI_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if (!hService) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StartWiaService: ERROR!! OpenService failed for the second time. Err=0x%x\n"), GetLastError())); goto exit; } }
rVal = StartService(hService, 0, (LPCTSTR *)NULL); if(!rVal){ DebugTrace(TRACE_STATUS,(("StartWiaService: ERROR!! StartService failed. Err=0x%x\n"), GetLastError())); goto exit; }
// Wait for WIA service to really start.
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING;
while( QueryServiceStatus( hService, &ServiceStatus ) && (SERVICE_START_PENDING == ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState)) { Sleep( STI_STOP_FOR_REMOVE_TIMEOUT ); if (!uiRetry--) { break; } }
if (ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StartWiaService: ERROR!! Hit timeout to start service. Err=0x%x\n"), GetLastError())); }
exit: if(NULL != hService){ CloseServiceHandle( hService ); } if(NULL != hSvcMgr){ CloseServiceHandle( hSvcMgr ); }
DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_LEAVE,(("StartWiaService: Leaving... Ret=0x%x\n"), rVal)); return rVal; }
BOOL StopWiaService( VOID ) { BOOL rVal = FALSE; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; UINT uiRetry = 10;
DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_ENTER,(("StopWiaService: Enter... \r\n")));
// Open Service Control Manager.
hSvcMgr = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hSvcMgr) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StopWiaService: ERROR!! OpenSCManager failed. Err=0x%x\n"), GetLastError())); goto exit; }
// Open WIA service.
hService = OpenService( hSvcMgr, STI_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if (!hService) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StopWiaService: ERROR!! OpenService failed. Err=0x%x\n"), GetLastError())); goto exit; }
// Stop WIA service.
rVal = ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus); if(!rVal){ DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StopWiaService: ERROR!! ControlService failed. Err=0x%x\n"), GetLastError())); } else {
// Wait for WIA service really stops.
ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING;
while( QueryServiceStatus( hService, &ServiceStatus ) && (SERVICE_STOP_PENDING == ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState)) { Sleep( STI_STOP_FOR_REMOVE_TIMEOUT ); if (!uiRetry--) { break; } }
if (ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("StopWiaService: ERROR!! Hit timeout to stop service. Err=0x%x\n"), GetLastError())); } }
exit: if(NULL != hService){ CloseServiceHandle( hService ); } if(NULL != hSvcMgr){ CloseServiceHandle( hSvcMgr ); }
DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_LEAVE,(("StopWiaService: Leaving... Ret=0x%x\n"), rVal)); return rVal; }
BOOL SetServiceAccount( LPTSTR ServiceName, PSECURITY_INFO SecurityInfo ) { BOOL rVal = FALSE; SC_HANDLE hSvcMgr; SC_HANDLE hService;
hSvcMgr = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (!hSvcMgr) { goto exit; }
hService = OpenService( hSvcMgr, ServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if (!hService) { goto exit; }
if (!ChangeServiceConfig( hService, // handle to service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // type of service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // when to start service
SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // severity if service fails to start
NULL, // pointer to service binary file name
NULL, // pointer to load ordering group name
NULL, // pointer to variable to get tag identifier
NULL, // pointer to array of dependency names
SecurityInfo->AccountName, // pointer to account name of service
SecurityInfo->Password, // pointer to password for service account
NULL // pointer to display name
)) { goto exit; }
rVal = TRUE;
exit: CloseServiceHandle( hService ); CloseServiceHandle( hSvcMgr );
return rVal; }