#include <windows.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "wia.h"
#include <atlbase.h>
#include "classes.h"
#define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
CComPtr<IWiaDevMgr> g_pDevMgr; LARGE_INTEGER liTimerFreq;
struct TESTENTRY { LPCTSTR szName; TESTPROC pfnTest; bool bRunMe; } TESTLIST[] = { {TEXT("CreateDevice only"), CTest::TstCreateDevice, false}, {TEXT("Display Thumbnails"), CTest::TstShowThumbs, false}, {TEXT("Enum device commands"), CTest::TstEnumCmds, false}, {TEXT("idtGetData for all images"), CTest::TstDownload, false}, {TEXT("idtGetBandedData for all images"), CTest::TstBandedDownload, false},
CPerfTest::CPerfTest () : m_hwnd(NULL), m_hEdit(NULL) { ZeroMemory (&m_settings, sizeof(m_settings)); }
static TCHAR cszWndClass[] = TEXT("TestWindow"); static TCHAR cszWndName[] = TEXT("WIA Perf Measurement");
bool CPerfTest::Init (HINSTANCE hInst) { WNDCLASS wc; m_hInst = hInst;
// make sure WIA is around
if (FAILED(CoCreateInstance (CLSID_WiaDevMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWiaDevMgr, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&g_pDevMgr)))) { MessageBox (NULL, TEXT("Unable to create WIA!"), TEXT("WiaPerf Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return false; }
// verify high resolution timer available
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&liTimerFreq)) { MessageBox (NULL, TEXT("No performance counter available."), TEXT("WiaPerf Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return false; }
ZeroMemory (&wc, sizeof(wc)); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hInstance = m_hInst; wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon (m_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APPICON)); wc.lpszClassName = cszWndClass; wc.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDM_MAINMENU);
RegisterClass (&wc);
m_hwnd = CreateWindow (cszWndClass, cszWndName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE |WS_CLIPCHILDREN, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, m_hInst, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(this)); if (IsWindow (m_hwnd)) { ShowWindow (m_hwnd, SW_SHOW); UpdateWindow (m_hwnd); return true; } return false;
LRESULT CALLBACK CPerfTest::WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { CPerfTest *pThis;
if (WM_CREATE == msg) { // store our "this" pointer
SetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(reinterpret_cast<LPCREATESTRUCT>(lp)->lpCreateParams));
} pThis = reinterpret_cast<CPerfTest*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA)); return pThis->RealWndProc (hwnd, msg, wp, lp); }
LRESULT CPerfTest::RealWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) {
switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: m_hwnd = hwnd; return OnCreate ();
case WM_COMMAND: return OnCommand (wp, lp);
case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage (0); return 0;
case WM_SIZE: // size the edit control to match
MoveWindow (m_hEdit, 0,0,LOWORD(lp), HIWORD(lp), TRUE); break; default: break; } return CallWindowProc (DefWindowProc, hwnd, msg, wp, lp); }
LRESULT CPerfTest::OnCreate () { // Create our child edit control. Used to display logging output
m_hEdit = CreateWindow (TEXT("edit"), TEXT(""), WS_BORDER | ES_READONLY | WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|ES_MULTILINE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL, 0,0,0,0,m_hwnd, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(1), m_hInst,NULL);
GetSettings (); return 0; }
LRESULT CPerfTest::OnCommand (WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { switch (LOWORD(wp)) { case IDM_TESTS_OPTIONS: GetSettings (); return 0;
case IDM_TESTS_EXECUTE: RunTests (); return 0;
case IDM_EXIT: DestroyWindow (m_hwnd); return 0;
} return 1; }
VOID CPerfTest::RunTests () { UINT nRun; size_t nTest; UINT nDevice; CTest TheTest(&m_settings); for (nDevice=0; m_settings.pstrDevices[nDevice];nDevice++)
{ for (nRun = 0;nRun < m_settings.nIter; nRun++) { for (nTest=0;nTest<ARRAYSIZE(TESTLIST);nTest++) { if (TESTLIST[nTest].bRunMe) { (TESTLIST[nTest].pfnTest)(&TheTest, m_settings.pstrDevices[nDevice]); } } } TheTest.LogDevInfo (m_settings.pstrDevices[nDevice]); } }
VOID CPerfTest::GetSettings () { m_settings.hEdit = m_hEdit; if (m_settings.pstrDevices) { delete [] m_settings.pstrDevices; m_settings.pstrDevices = NULL; } DialogBoxParam (m_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_OPTIONS), m_hwnd, SettingsDlgProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&m_settings)); // hide or show "Execute!" depending on settings
HMENU hmenu = GetSubMenu (GetMenu(m_hwnd), 0); if (m_settings.nIter) { EnableMenuItem (hmenu, IDM_TESTS_EXECUTE, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_ENABLED); } else { EnableMenuItem (hmenu, IDM_TESTS_EXECUTE, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_DISABLED); }
INT_PTR CALLBACK SettingsDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { TESTSETTINGS *pSettings; pSettings = reinterpret_cast<TESTSETTINGS*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER));
switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, DWLP_USER, lp); pSettings = reinterpret_cast<TESTSETTINGS*>(lp); InitControls (hwnd, pSettings); return TRUE;
case WM_COMMAND: if (IDOK == LOWORD(wp)) { FillSettings (hwnd, pSettings);
} if (IDOK == LOWORD(wp) || IDCANCEL == LOWORD(wp)) { FreeDialogData (hwnd); EndDialog (hwnd, 1); return TRUE; } if (IDC_GETFILE == LOWORD(wp)) { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; OPENFILENAME ofn; ZeroMemory (&ofn, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.hInstance = GetModuleHandle (NULL); ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd; ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName; ofn.lpstrFilter = TEXT("LOG file\0*.log\0Text file\0*.txt\0"); ofn.lpstrDefExt = TEXT("log"); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { SetDlgItemText (hwnd, IDC_LOGFILENAME, szFileName); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
VOID InitControls (HWND hwnd, TESTSETTINGS *pSettings) { //
// First, enum the WIA devices available and put their names in the listbox
CComPtr<IEnumWIA_DEV_INFO> pEnum; CComPtr<IWiaPropertyStorage> pStg; PROPVARIANT pv[2]; PROPSPEC ps[2]; ULONG ul; BSTR strID; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; LRESULT lItem;
if (FAILED(g_pDevMgr->EnumDeviceInfo(0, &pEnum))) { MessageBox (hwnd, TEXT("Unable to enum WIA devices!"), TEXT("WiaPerf Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return; } ps[0].ulKind = ps[1].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; ps[0].propid = WIA_DIP_DEV_NAME; ps[1].propid = WIA_DIP_DEV_ID;
while (NOERROR == pEnum->Next (1, &pStg, &ul)) { if (NOERROR == pStg->ReadMultiple (2, ps, pv)) { strID = SysAllocString (pv[1].pwszVal); #ifdef UNICODE
wcscpy (szName, pv[0].pwszVal); #else
WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, pv[0].pwszVal, -1, szName, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL); #endif
lItem = SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_TESTLIST, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(szName)); if (lItem >= 0) { SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_TESTLIST, CB_SETITEMDATA, lItem, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(strID)); } } }
SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_TESTLIST, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0);
// Fill the test names listbox
for (INT i=0;i<ARRAYSIZE(TESTLIST);i++) { lItem = SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_TESTS, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(TESTLIST[i].szName)); SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_TESTS, LB_SETITEMDATA, lItem, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(TESTLIST[i].pfnTest));
} CheckDlgButton (hwnd, IDC_EXIT, pSettings->bExit);
// Set some defaults
CheckDlgButton (hwnd, IDC_LOGFILE, pSettings->fLogMask & LOG_FILE); SetDlgItemText (hwnd, IDC_LOGFILENAME, pSettings->szLogFile); CheckDlgButton (hwnd, IDC_LOGTIMES, pSettings->fLogMask & LOG_TIME); SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, ID_ITERATIONS,pSettings->nIter ? pSettings->nIter : 1, FALSE); }
VOID FillSettings (HWND hwnd, TESTSETTINGS *pSettings) { //
// Read the list of device id's selected
BOOL bAddAll = IsDlgButtonChecked (hwnd, IDC_TESTALL); if (bAddAll) { LRESULT lDevices = SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_TESTLIST, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); if (lDevices > 0) { pSettings->pstrDevices = new BSTR[lDevices+1];
for (LRESULT i=0;i<lDevices;i++) { pSettings->pstrDevices[i] = reinterpret_cast<BSTR>(SendDlgItemMessage ( hwnd, IDC_TESTLIST, CB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0)); } pSettings->pstrDevices[i] = NULL; } } else { LRESULT lItem = SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_TESTLIST, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (lItem >=0 ) { pSettings->pstrDevices = new BSTR[2]; pSettings->pstrDevices[0] = reinterpret_cast<BSTR>(SendDlgItemMessage ( hwnd, IDC_TESTLIST, CB_GETITEMDATA, lItem, 0)); pSettings->pstrDevices[1] = NULL; } }
// Get the log settings
pSettings->fLogMask = LOG_WINDOW_ONLY; if (IsDlgButtonChecked (hwnd, IDC_LOGALL)) { pSettings->fLogMask |= LOG_APIS; } if (IsDlgButtonChecked (hwnd, IDC_LOGTIMES)) { pSettings->fLogMask |= LOG_TIME; } if (IsDlgButtonChecked (hwnd, IDC_LOGFILE)) { pSettings->fLogMask |= LOG_FILE; } // get the file path
GetDlgItemText (hwnd, IDC_LOGFILENAME, pSettings->szLogFile, MAX_PATH); // how many times to run
pSettings->nIter = GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, ID_ITERATIONS, NULL, FALSE); // Whether to exit on test complete
pSettings->bExit = IsDlgButtonChecked (hwnd, IDC_EXIT);
// Cycle through the tests in the list and check which ones to run
for (size_t i=0;i<ARRAYSIZE(TESTLIST);i++) { if (SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_TESTS, LB_GETSEL, i, 0) > 0) { TESTLIST[i].bRunMe = true; } else { TESTLIST[i].bRunMe = false; } } }
VOID FreeDialogData (HWND hwnd) { LRESULT lDevices = SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_TESTLIST, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); BSTR str; if (lDevices > 0) {
for (LRESULT i=0;i<lDevices;i++) { str = reinterpret_cast<BSTR>(SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, IDC_TESTLIST, CB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0)); SysFreeString (str); } } }
CTest::CTest (TESTSETTINGS *pSettings) { m_pSettings = pSettings; OpenLogFile (); }
CTest::~CTest () { CloseLogFile (); }
void CTest::OpenLogFile () {
// write the UNICODE header
if (m_hLogFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WCHAR bom = 0xFEFF; DWORD dw; WriteFile (m_hLogFile, &bom, sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL); } #endif
LogString (TEXT("******* WIA Perf Test Starting. ********")); }
void CTest::CloseLogFile () { LogString (TEXT("******* WIA Perf Test Ending. *******")); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hLogFile) { CloseHandle (m_hLogFile); }
// LogTime assumes the number of seconds will fit in a long
void CTest::LogTime (LPTSTR szAction,LARGE_INTEGER &liTimeElapsed) { LARGE_INTEGER liSeconds; if (m_pSettings->fLogMask & LOG_TIME) { liSeconds.QuadPart = (1000*liTimeElapsed.QuadPart)/liTimerFreq.QuadPart; LogString (TEXT("Time for %s:%lu milliseconds"), szAction, liSeconds.LowPart); } }
void CTest::LogAPI (LPTSTR szAPI, HRESULT hr) { if (m_pSettings->fLogMask & LOG_APIS) { if (FAILED(hr)) { LogString (TEXT("API call: %s failed %x"), szAPI, hr); } else { LogString (TEXT("API call: %s succeeded %x"), szAPI, hr); } } }
void CTest::LogString (LPTSTR sz, ...) { TCHAR szOut[1024]; va_list args;
va_start (args, sz); wvsprintf (szOut, sz, args); va_end(args);
// Note that we can write past the end of this buffer.
lstrcat (szOut, TEXT("\r\n"));
SendMessage (m_pSettings->hEdit, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(szOut));
if (m_pSettings->fLogMask & LOG_FILE && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hLogFile) { DWORD dw; WriteFile (m_hLogFile, szOut, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(szOut)+1), &dw, NULL); } }
VOID CTest::TstCreateDevice (CTest *pThis, BSTR strDeviceId) {
LARGE_INTEGER liStart; LARGE_INTEGER liEnd; HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IWiaItem> pRoot; pThis->LogString (TEXT("--> Start test for CreateDevice"));
QueryPerformanceCounter (&liStart); hr = g_pDevMgr->CreateDevice (strDeviceId, &pRoot); QueryPerformanceCounter (&liEnd); pRoot = NULL; liEnd.QuadPart = liEnd.QuadPart-liStart.QuadPart; pThis->LogTime (TEXT("CreateDevice"), liEnd); pThis->LogAPI (TEXT("IWiaDevMgr::CreateDevice"), hr);
pThis->LogString (TEXT("<-- End test for CreateDevice")); }
VOID CTest::LogDevInfo(BSTR strDeviceId) { CComPtr<IWiaItem> pRoot; if (SUCCEEDED(g_pDevMgr->CreateDevice (strDeviceId, &pRoot))) { CComQIPtr<IWiaPropertyStorage, &IID_IWiaPropertyStorage> pstg(pRoot); PROPVARIANT pv[3]; PROPSPEC ps[3]; ps[0].ulKind = ps[1].ulKind = ps[2].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; ps[0].propid = WIA_DIP_DEV_NAME; ps[1].propid = WIA_DPC_PICTURES_TAKEN; ps[2].propid = WIA_DIP_PORT_NAME; if (NOERROR == pstg->ReadMultiple (3, ps, pv)) { LogString (TEXT("Device ID : %ls"), strDeviceId); LogString (TEXT("Device Name : %ls"), pv[0].pwszVal); LogString (TEXT("On Port : %ls"), pv[2].pwszVal); LogString (TEXT("Number of stored images : %d"), pv[1].ulVal); } } }
// Enumerate commands supported by the device
VOID CTest::TstEnumCmds (CTest *pThis, BSTR strDeviceId) { LARGE_INTEGER liStart; LARGE_INTEGER liEnd; HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IWiaItem> pRoot; pThis->LogString (TEXT("--> Start test for EnumWIA_DEV_CAPS(WIA_DEVICE_COMMANDS)")); hr = g_pDevMgr->CreateDevice (strDeviceId, &pRoot); pThis->LogAPI(TEXT("IWiaDevMgr::CreateDevice"), hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<IEnumWIA_DEV_CAPS> pCaps; WIA_DEV_CAP wdc; TCHAR sz[200]; DWORD dwCmds = 0; DWORD dw; QueryPerformanceCounter (&liStart); hr = pRoot->EnumDeviceCapabilities (WIA_DEVICE_COMMANDS, &pCaps); QueryPerformanceCounter (&liEnd); liEnd.QuadPart = liEnd.QuadPart - liStart.QuadPart; pThis->LogTime (TEXT("IWiaItem::EnumDeviceCapabilities (WIA_DEVICE_COMMANDS)"), liEnd); pThis->LogAPI (TEXT("IWiaItem::EnumDeviceCapabilities (WIA_DEVICE_COMMANDS)"), hr); QueryPerformanceCounter (&liStart); while (NOERROR == hr) { hr = pCaps->Next (1, &wdc, &dw); dwCmds+=dw; if (wdc.bstrCommandline) { SysFreeString (wdc.bstrCommandline); } if (wdc.bstrDescription) { SysFreeString (wdc.bstrDescription); } if (wdc.bstrIcon) { SysFreeString (wdc.bstrIcon); } } QueryPerformanceCounter (&liEnd); liEnd.QuadPart = liEnd.QuadPart - liStart.QuadPart; wsprintf (sz, TEXT("%d commands from IEnumWIA_DEV_CAPS::Next"), dwCmds); pThis->LogTime (sz, liEnd);
} pThis->LogString (TEXT("<-- End test for EnumWIA_DEV_CAPS(WIA_DEVICE_COMMANDS)"));