/*** ***/ /*** INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ***/ /*** ***/ /*** This software is supplied under the terms of a license ***/ /*** agreement or nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation ***/ /*** and may not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with ***/ /*** the terms of that agreement. ***/ /*** Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 Intel Corporation. ***/ /*** ***/
/* tree_builder.c */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "builder_info.h"
#include "tree_builder.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "deccpu_emdb.h"
#include "dec_ign_emdb.h"
#define FUNC
#define START_BIT 6 /* start bit of extension calculations, after qp */
#define MAX_NODES 10000 /* empirical desicion of tree size */
unsigned int next_free_node = 0; /* global variable, which points to the next
free node at all times. At the end of build_tree(), it holds the number of entries in the tree */ U64 ONE64 = IEL_CONST64(1, 0);
U64 emdb_ext_values[DEC_IGN_NUM_INST]; short cover_emdb_lines[DEC_IGN_NUM_INST]; Internal_node_t tree[MAX_NODES]; /* change this when number is known */
main - this function calculates the value of the extensions for each emdb line, builds the decision tree, and prints em_decision_tree in decision_tree.c. ***********************************************************************/
FUNC void __cdecl main(int argc, char** argv) { init_arrays();
/*** check emdb line coverage ***/ check_coverage(); print_tree(argv[1]); exit(0); }
init_arrays - this function calculates the value of the extensions for each emdb line, that is, it creates a bit pattern which represents the encoding of the extensions of an emdb line. ***********************************************************************/ FUNC void init_arrays() { U64 value, ext_val; int i, pos; Inst_id_t emdb_entry; Format_t format;
/*** calculate emdb lines extensions ***/ IEL_ZERO(emdb_ext_values[0]); /* illop */ for (emdb_entry = EM_INST_NONE+1; emdb_entry < EM_INST_NONE+DEC_IGN_NUM_INST; emdb_entry++) { format = dec_ign_EMDB_info[emdb_entry].format; IEL_ZERO(value); for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_OF_EXT; i++) { pos = format_extensions[format][i].pos; IEL_CONVERT2(ext_val, dec_ign_EMDB_info[emdb_entry].extensions[i], 0); IEL_SHL(ext_val, ext_val, pos); IEL_OR(value, value, ext_val); } IEL_ASSIGNU(emdb_ext_values[emdb_entry], value); }
/*** init cover_emdb_lines[] ***/ for (emdb_entry = EM_INST_NONE+1; emdb_entry < EM_INST_NONE+DEC_IGN_NUM_INST; emdb_entry++) { cover_emdb_lines[emdb_entry] = 0; } }
build_tree - builds the decision tree ***********************************************************************/ FUNC void build_tree() { Square_t square; unsigned int cur_node = 0; next_free_node = cur_node + EM_SQUARE_LAST; for (square = EM_SQUARE_FIRST; square < EM_SQUARE_LAST; square++) { build_node(format_extension_masks, square_emdb_lines[square], cur_node); cur_node++; } }
build_node - input: array extension bit masks of each format emdb lines list currrent node builds the current node, calls build_node recursively for each son. ***********************************************************************/ FUNC void build_node(U64 *format_masks, Inst_id_list_t emdb_lines, unsigned int cur_node) { U64 emdb_values[MAX_EMDB_LINES]; unsigned int i, j; U64 intersect, delete_bits; U64 intersect_mask = IEL_CONST64(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff); int pos, size, number_of_sons; unsigned int line_count; Format_t format; U64 new_format_masks[EM_FORMAT_LAST]; Inst_id_list_t new_emdb_lines;
/*** empty node - ILLOP ***/ if (emdb_lines.num_of_lines == 0) { tree[cur_node].pos = tree[cur_node].size = -1; tree[cur_node].next_node = EM_ILLOP; return; } /*** one line in node - a single emdb entry ***/ if (emdb_lines.num_of_lines == 1) { format = dec_ign_EMDB_info[emdb_lines.inst_ids[0]].format; if (IEL_ISZERO(format_masks[format])) { /* all extensions are cheked */ tree[cur_node].pos = tree[cur_node].size = -1; tree[cur_node].next_node = dec_ign_EMDB_info[emdb_lines.inst_ids[0]].inst_id; cover_emdb_lines[tree[cur_node].next_node]++; return; } intersect_mask = format_masks[format]; } else { /*** this line is reached when there are more than one emdb lines
which participate in this node ***/ /*** calculate intersecting extensions ***/ for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)emdb_lines.num_of_lines; i++) { format = dec_ign_EMDB_info[emdb_lines.inst_ids[i]].format; IEL_AND(intersect_mask, intersect_mask, format_masks[format]); } }
find_largest_intersection(intersect_mask, &pos, &size); if (pos == -1) /*** no intersection found ***/ { fprintf(stderr, "no intersection in node %d\n", cur_node); exit(1); }
/*** delete intersect mask bits from participating formats ***/ for (i = EM_FORMAT_NONE; i < EM_FORMAT_LAST; i++) { IEL_ASSIGNU(new_format_masks[i], format_masks[i]); }
/*** intersect = ((1 << size) -1) << pos; ***/ IEL_SHL(intersect, ONE64, size); IEL_DECU(intersect); IEL_SHL(intersect, intersect, pos); IEL_NOT(delete_bits, intersect); for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)emdb_lines.num_of_lines; i++) { format = dec_ign_EMDB_info[emdb_lines.inst_ids[i]].format; IEL_AND(new_format_masks[format], delete_bits, format_masks[format]); }
/*** calculate values of participating emdb lines in intersection bits ***/ build_emdb_values(emdb_values, emdb_lines, intersect, pos, size); /*** update current node ***/ tree[cur_node].next_node = next_free_node; tree[cur_node].pos = pos; tree[cur_node].size = size;
cur_node = next_free_node; if (next_free_node >= MAX_NODES) { fprintf (stderr, "tree is larger than %d\n", MAX_NODES); exit(1); } number_of_sons = (int)pow((double)2, (double)size); next_free_node += number_of_sons;
/*** loop on each of the node's sons, build the tree recursively ***/ for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)number_of_sons; i++) { line_count = 0; new_emdb_lines.num_of_lines = 0; for (j = 0; j < (unsigned int)emdb_lines.num_of_lines; j++) { if (IEL_GETDW0(emdb_values[j]) == i && (!IEL_GETDW1(emdb_values[j]))) /*** emdb line has the value i ***/ { new_emdb_lines.num_of_lines++; new_emdb_lines.inst_ids[line_count++] = emdb_lines.inst_ids[j]; } } build_node(new_format_masks, new_emdb_lines, cur_node); cur_node++; } }
build_emdb_values - input: - pointer to an array into which calculated values of extensions will be written. - emdb lines list - bit pattern in which to calculate values - pos - start bit of pattern calculates values of emdb lines in all bits which are set in pattern ***********************************************************************/ FUNC void build_emdb_values(U64 *emdb_values, Inst_id_list_t emdb_lines, U64 pattern, int pos, int size) { int i; U64 value; /* Format_t format;
int j; char match; int new_pos, new_size; */ for (i = 0; i < emdb_lines.num_of_lines; i++) { IEL_ASSIGNU(value, emdb_ext_values[emdb_lines.inst_ids[i]]); /*** emdb_values[i] = (value & pattern) >> pos; ***/ IEL_AND(emdb_values[i], value, pattern); IEL_SHR(emdb_values[i], emdb_values[i], pos);
/* format = dec_ign_EMDB_info[emdb_lines.inst_ids[i]].format;
new_pos = pos+START_BIT; new_size = size; match = 0; for (j = MAX_NUM_OF_EXT-1; j >= 0; j--) { if (format_extensions[format][j].pos == new_pos) { if (format_extensions[format][j].size == new_size) { match = 1; } else if (format_extensions[format][j].size > new_size) { fprintf(stderr, "the intersection of emdb line %d is not full\n", emdb_lines.inst_ids[i]); exit(1); } else { new_pos += format_extensions[format][j].size; new_size -= format_extensions[format][j].size; } } } if (!match) { fprintf(stderr, "the intersection of emdb line %d is not full\n", emdb_lines.inst_ids[i]); exit(1); } */ } }
find_largest_intersection - fast algorithm for finding largest group of consecutive set bits in pattern. (Yigal's algorithm) ***********************************************************************/ FUNC void find_largest_intersection(U64 pattern, int *pos, int *size) { U64 x; U64 y, z, u;
IEL_ASSIGNU(x, pattern); *size = 0; /* largest intersection counter */ IEL_SHR(y, x, 1); IEL_NOT(z, x); /* negation of the input pattern */ IEL_OR(y, y, z); /* y - mask */
while (!IEL_ISZERO(x)) { IEL_ASSIGNU(u, x); /* for saving the last bit pattern */ IEL_AND(x, x, y); IEL_SHR(y, y, 1); /* shift right mask */ (*size)++; }
/* inspect the high word for left most 1 */ if (IEL_GETDW1(u) & 0xffe00000) /* something in bits 21-31 */ { *pos = 21 + LOG2[IEL_GETDW1(u) >> 21] + 32; } else if (IEL_GETDW1(u) & 0x1ffc00) /* something in bits 10-20 */ { *pos = 10 + LOG2[IEL_GETDW1(u) >> 10] + 32; } else if (IEL_GETDW1(u)) { *pos = LOG2[IEL_GETDW1(u)] + 32; } /* inspect the low word for left most 1 */ else if (IEL_GETDW0(u) & 0xffe00000) /* something in bits 21-31 */ { *pos = 21 + LOG2[IEL_GETDW0(u) >> 21]; } else if (IEL_GETDW0(u) & 0x1ffc00) /* something in bits 10-20 */ { *pos = 10 + LOG2[IEL_GETDW0(u) >> 10]; } else { *pos = LOG2[IEL_GETDW0(u)]; } }
check_coverage - check coverage of emdb lines in the tree ***********************************************************************/ FUNC void check_coverage() { Inst_id_t emdb_entry;
for (emdb_entry = EM_INST_NONE+1; emdb_entry < DECCPU_NUM_INST; emdb_entry++) { if (cover_emdb_lines[emdb_entry] < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%d doesn't appear in the tree\n", emdb_entry); } } }
print_tree - prints the initialized em_decision_tree in decision_tree.c ***********************************************************************/ FUNC void print_tree(char* file) { FILE *fd; int i;
if ((fd = fopen(file, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open decision_tree.c\n"); exit(1); }
fprintf(fd, "/*** decision_tree.c ***/\n\n#include \"decision_tree.h\"\n\n");
fprintf(fd, "Node_t em_decision_tree[] = {\n");
/*** traverse the tree ***/ for (i = 0; i < (int)next_free_node; i++) { fprintf(fd, "/*%05d*/ {%d, %d, %d}", i, tree[i].next_node, tree[i].pos, tree[i].size); if (i != (int)next_free_node-1) { fprintf(fd, ","); } fprintf(fd, "\n"); } fprintf(fd, "};\n"); }